public DrivetrainSubsystem(){ leftMotor = RobotMap.leftDriveMotor.getController(); rightMotor = RobotMap.rightDriveMotor.getController(); drive = new RobotDrive(leftMotor, rightMotor); accelerometer = new IntegratedBuiltinAccelerometer(Range.k2G); leftEncoder = new Encoder(RobotMap.leftEncoder[0], RobotMap.leftEncoder[1]); rightEncoder = new Encoder(RobotMap.rightEncoder[0], RobotMap.rightEncoder[1]); leftEncoder.setReverseDirection(true); rightEncoder.setReverseDirection(true); driveGyro = new AnalogGyro(RobotMap.driveGyroPort); driveGyro.reset(); driveGyro.setSensitivity(0.007); }
public Robot() { super("Sailors", 0x612); this.sdTable = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard"); Talon winchMotor = new Talon(Channels.WINCH_MOTOR); Console.debug("Creating and Initializing Controls/Motor Scheme/Senses..."); this.control = new DualJoystickControl(JOYSTICK_LEFT, JOYSTICK_RIGHT); this.control.setMagnitudeThreshold(MAG_STICK_DEADBAND); this.control.setTwistThreshold(TWIST_STICK_DEADBAND); this.motors = MotorScheme.Builder.newFourMotorDrive(FL_DMOTOR, RL_DMOTOR, FR_DMOTOR, RR_DMOTOR).setInverted(false, true).setDriveManager(DriveManager.MECANUM_POLAR).addMotor(winchMotor).build(); this.motors.getRobotDrive().setMaxOutput(DRIVE_SCALE_FACTOR); this.senses = BasicSense.makeBuiltInSense(Range.k4G); this.pneumatics = new PneumaticControl(); this.winch = new WinchControl(winchMotor, this.upWinchValue, this.downWinchValue); Console.debug("Initializing Button Actions..."); this.control.putButtonAction(ID_SWAP_JOYSTICKS, "Swap Joysticks", this.control::swapJoysticks, Hand.BOTH); this.control.putButtonAction(ID_DISABLE_TWIST, "Toggle Left Twist", () -> this.control.toggleDisableTwistAxis(Hand.LEFT), Hand.LEFT); this.control.putButtonAction(ID_DISABLE_TWIST, "Toggle Right Twist", () -> this.control.toggleDisableTwistAxis(Hand.RIGHT), Hand.RIGHT); Console.debug("Starting Camera Capture..."); = new USBCamera();; CameraStream.INSTANCE.startAutomaticCapture(; Console.debug(String.format("Resolution: %dx%d | Quality: %s | FPS: %s",,,,; }
/** * Create a new {@link ThreeAxisAccelerometer} for the ADXL345 with the desired range using the specified I2C port. * * @param port the I2C port used by the accelerometer * @param range the desired range of the accelerometer * @return the accelerometer; never null */ public static ThreeAxisAccelerometer accelerometer(I2C.Port port, Range range) { if (port == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The I2C port must be specified"); if (range == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The accelerometer range must be specified"); ADXL345_I2C accel = new ADXL345_I2C(port, range); return ThreeAxisAccelerometer.create(accel::getX, accel::getY, accel::getZ); }
/** * Create a new {@link ThreeAxisAccelerometer} for the ADXL345 with the desired range using the specified SPI port. * * @param port the SPI port used by the accelerometer * @param range the desired range of the accelerometer * @return the accelerometer; never null */ public static ThreeAxisAccelerometer accelerometer(SPI.Port port, Range range) { if (port == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The I2C port must be specified"); if (range == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The accelerometer range must be specified"); ADXL345_SPI accel = new ADXL345_SPI(port, range); return ThreeAxisAccelerometer.create(accel::getX, accel::getY, accel::getZ); }
/** * Sets the measuring range of an accelerometer. * * @param range the maximum acceleration, positive or negative, that the * accelerometer will measure */ public static void setRange(Range range) { accelerometer.setRange(range); }