private TokenMgrError newNameConventionMismatchException(Token tok) { return new TokenMgrError( "Naming convention mismatch. " + "Identifiers that are part of the template language (not the user specified ones) " + (initialNamingConvention == Configuration.AUTO_DETECT_NAMING_CONVENTION ? "must consistently use the same naming convention within the same template. This template uses " : "must use the configured naming convention, which is the ") + (namingConvention == Configuration.CAMEL_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION ? "camel case naming convention (like: exampleName) " : (namingConvention == Configuration.LEGACY_NAMING_CONVENTION ? "legacy naming convention (directive (tag) names are like examplename, " + "everything else is like example_name) " : "??? (internal error)" )) + (namingConventionEstabilisher != null ? "estabilished by auto-detection at " + MessageUtil.formatPosition( namingConventionEstabilisher.beginLine, namingConventionEstabilisher.beginColumn) + " by token " + StringUtil.jQuote(namingConventionEstabilisher.image.trim()) : "") + ", but the problematic token, " + StringUtil.jQuote(tok.image.trim()) + ", uses a different convention.", TokenMgrError.LEXICAL_ERROR, tok.beginLine, tok.beginColumn, tok.endLine, tok.endColumn); }
public void addSetting(String name, String value) throws TemplateException { // Process all other init-params: if (name.equals(INITPARAM_NOCACHE)) { nocache = StringUtil.getYesNo(value); } else if (name.equals(INITPARAM_DEBUG)) { debug = StringUtil.getYesNo(value); } else if (name.equals(INITPARAM_CONTENT_TYPE)) { contentType = value; } else { config.setSetting(name, value); } if (contentType != null && !contentTypeEvaluated) { int i = contentType.toLowerCase().indexOf("charset="); contentTypeEvaluated = true; if (i != -1) { char c = ' '; i--; while (i >= 0) { c = contentType.charAt(i); if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) break; i--; } if (i == -1 || c == ';') { noCharsetInContentType = false; } } } }
final public StringLiteral StringLiteral(boolean interpolate) throws ParseException { Token t; boolean raw = false; switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STRING_LITERAL: t = jj_consume_token(STRING_LITERAL); break; case RAW_STRING: t = jj_consume_token(RAW_STRING); raw = true; break; default: jj_la1[17] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } String s = t.image; // Get rid of the quotes. s = s.substring(1, s.length() -1); if (raw) { s = s.substring(1); } else try { s = StringUtil.FTLStringLiteralDec(s); } catch (ParseException pe) { pe.lineNumber = t.beginLine; pe.columnNumber = t.beginColumn; pe.endLineNumber = t.endLine; pe.endColumnNumber = t.endColumn; {if (true) throw pe;} } StringLiteral result = new StringLiteral(s); result.setLocation(template, t, t); if (interpolate && !raw) { // TODO: This logic is broken. It can't handle literals that contains both ${...} and $\{...}. if (t.image.indexOf("${") >= 0 || t.image.indexOf("#{") >= 0) result.parseValue(token_source); } {if (true) return result;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
private String getCustomTokenErrorDescription() { final Token nextToken =; final int kind = nextToken.kind; if (kind == EOF) { Set/*<String>*/ endNames = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < expectedTokenSequences.length; i++) { int[] sequence = expectedTokenSequences[i]; for (int j = 0; j < sequence.length; j++) { switch (sequence[j]) { case END_FOREACH: endNames.add( "#foreach"); break; case END_LIST: endNames.add( "#list"); break; case END_SWITCH: endNames.add( "#switch"); break; case END_IF: endNames.add( "#if"); break; case END_COMPRESS: endNames.add( "#compress"); break; case END_MACRO: endNames.add( "#macro"); case END_FUNCTION: endNames.add( "#function"); break; case END_TRANSFORM: endNames.add( "#transform"); break; case END_ESCAPE: endNames.add( "#escape"); break; case END_NOESCAPE: endNames.add( "#noescape"); break; case END_ASSIGN: endNames.add( "#assign"); break; case END_LOCAL: endNames.add( "#local"); break; case END_GLOBAL: endNames.add( "#global"); break; case END_ATTEMPT: endNames.add( "#attempt"); break; case CLOSING_CURLY_BRACKET: endNames.add( "\"{\""); break; case CLOSE_BRACKET: endNames.add( "\"[\""); break; case CLOSE_PAREN: endNames.add( "\"(\""); break; case UNIFIED_CALL_END: endNames.add( "@..."); break; } } } return "Unexpected end of file reached." + (endNames.size() == 0 ? "" : " You have an unclosed " + concatWithOrs(endNames) + "."); } else if (kind == END_IF || kind == ELSE_IF || kind == ELSE) { return "Unexpected directive, " + StringUtil.jQuote(nextToken) + ". Check whether you have a valid #if-#elseif-#else structure."; } return null; }
public static String decToHex(int dec, int len){ return StringUtil.leftPad(Integer.toHexString(dec).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), len, "0"); }
public void process(final String name, final TemplateModel model, final Locale locale, final Writer writer) throws IOException { debug("Requested template : [{}]", StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(name)); final Template template = getTemplate(name, locale); process(template, model, writer); }
public void process(final String name, final TemplateModel model, final Writer writer) throws IOException { debug("Requested template : [{}]", StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(name)); final Template template = getTemplate(name); process(template, model, writer); }