protected static RangeInfo subListBorders(int size, Range range) { if (range instanceof IntRange) { return ((IntRange)range).subListBorders(size); } int from = normaliseIndex(DefaultTypeTransformation.intUnbox(range.getFrom()), size); int to = normaliseIndex(DefaultTypeTransformation.intUnbox(range.getTo()), size); boolean reverse = range.isReverse(); if (from > to) { // support list[1..-1] int tmp = to; to = from; from = tmp; reverse = !reverse; } return new RangeInfo(from, to + 1, reverse); }
public static List createRange(Object from, Object to, boolean inclusive) throws Throwable { if (from instanceof Integer && to instanceof Integer) { int ifrom = (Integer) from; int ito = (Integer) to; if (inclusive || ifrom != ito) { return new IntRange(inclusive, ifrom, ito); } // else fall through for EmptyRange } if (!inclusive && compareEqual(from, to)) { return new EmptyRange((Comparable) from); } if (from instanceof Number && to instanceof Number) { return new NumberRange(comparableNumber((Number) from), comparableNumber((Number) to), inclusive); } if (!inclusive) { if (compareGreaterThan(from, to)) { to = invokeMethod0(ScriptBytecodeAdapter.class, to, "next"); } else { to = invokeMethod0(ScriptBytecodeAdapter.class, to, "previous"); } } return new ObjectRange((Comparable) from, (Comparable) to); }
/** * Support retrieving a subset of a BitSet using a Range * * @param self a BitSet * @param range a Range defining the desired subset * @return a new BitSet that represents the requested subset * @see java.util.BitSet * @see groovy.lang.IntRange * @since 1.5.0 */ public static BitSet getAt(BitSet self, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(self.length(), range); BitSet result = new BitSet(); int numberOfBits = - info.from; int adjuster = 1; int offset = info.from; if (info.reverse) { adjuster = -1; offset = - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBits; i++) { result.set(i, self.get(offset + (adjuster * i))); } return result; }
private static NodeList nodesGetAt(Object o, IntRange r) { if (o instanceof Element) { NodeList n = xgetAt((Element)o, r); if (n != null) return n; } if (o instanceof NodeList) { return xgetAt((NodeList)o, r); } return null; }
private static NodeList xgetAt(Element element, IntRange r) { if (hasChildElements(element, "*")) { NodeList nodeList = getChildElements(element, "*"); return xgetAt(nodeList, r); } return null; }
private static NodeList xgetAt(NodeList nodeList, IntRange r) { int from = r.getFromInt(); int to = r.getToInt(); // If the range is of size 1, then we can use the existing // xgetAt() that takes an integer index. if (from == to) return new NodesHolder(Collections.singletonList(xgetAt(nodeList, from))); // Normalise negative indices. if (from < 0) from = from + nodeList.getLength(); if (to < 0) to = to + nodeList.getLength(); // After normalisation, 'from' may be greater than 'to'. In that // case, we need to reverse them and make sure the range's 'reverse' // property is correct. // TODO We should probably use DefaultGroovyMethodsSupport.subListBorders(), // but that's protected and unavailable to us. if (from > to) { r = r.isReverse() ? new IntRange(to, from) : new IntRange(from, to); from = r.getFromInt(); to = r.getToInt(); } // Copy the required nodes into a new list. List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(to - from + 1); if (r.isReverse()) { for (int i = to; i >= from; i--) nodes.add(nodeList.item(i)); } else { for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) nodes.add(nodeList.item(i)); } return new NodesHolder(nodes); }
@Override public void visitRangeExpression(final RangeExpression expression) { super.visitRangeExpression(expression); ClassNode fromType = getWrapper(getType(expression.getFrom())); ClassNode toType = getWrapper(getType(expression.getTo())); if (Integer_TYPE.equals(fromType) && Integer_TYPE.equals(toType)) { storeType(expression, ClassHelper.make(IntRange.class)); } else { ClassNode rangeType = ClassHelper.make(Range.class).getPlainNodeReference(); rangeType.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[] { new GenericsType(WideningCategories.lowestUpperBound(fromType, toType))}); storeType(expression, rangeType); } }
public void testListGetWithRange() throws Throwable { List list = Arrays.asList(new Object[]{"a", "b", "c"}); Object range = new IntRange(true, 0, 2); Object value = invoke(list, "getAt", range); assertTrue("Returned List: " + value, value instanceof List); List retList = (List) value; assertEquals("List size", 3, retList.size()); }
@Test public void testSupports() { Assert.assertTrue(generator.supports(JsonCCollection.create(createMockPage(0, 20, 42)))); Assert.assertTrue(generator.supports(JsonCCollection.create(createMockPage(20, 20, 42)))); Assert.assertFalse(generator.supports(JsonCCollection.create(createMockPage(40, 20, 42)))); Assert.assertFalse(generator.supports(new IntRange(1, 10))); }
@Test public void testSupports() { Assert.assertFalse(generator.supports(JsonCCollection.create(createMockPage(0, 20, 42)))); Assert.assertTrue(generator.supports(JsonCCollection.create(createMockPage(20, 20, 42)))); Assert.assertTrue(generator.supports(JsonCCollection.create(createMockPage(40, 20, 42)))); Assert.assertFalse(generator.supports(new IntRange(1, 10))); }
public static NodeList getAt(Node o, IntRange r) { return nodesGetAt(o, r); }
public static NodeList getAt(NodeListsHolder o, IntRange r) { return nodesGetAt(o, r); }
public static NodeList getAt(NodesHolder o, IntRange r) { return nodesGetAt(o, r); }
@Deprecated public static CharSequence getAt(CharSequence text, IntRange range) { return StringGroovyMethods.getAt(text, range); }
@Deprecated public static String getAt(String text, IntRange range) { return StringGroovyMethods.getAt(text, range); }
@Deprecated public static void putAt(StringBuffer self, IntRange range, Object value) { StringGroovyMethods.putAt(self, range, value); }
private Page createMockPage(int startIndex, int itemsPerPage, int total) { return new PageImpl(new IntRange(startIndex, (startIndex + Math.min(itemsPerPage - 1, total - startIndex))), new PageRequest((int) (startIndex / itemsPerPage), itemsPerPage), total); }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a byte array * * @param array a byte array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved bytes * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Byte> getAt(byte[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Byte> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a char array * * @param array a char array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved chars * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Character> getAt(char[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Character> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a short array * * @param array a short array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved shorts * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Short> getAt(short[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Short> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for an int array * * @param array an int array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved ints * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Integer> getAt(int[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Integer> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a long array * * @param array a long array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved longs * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Long> getAt(long[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Long> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a float array * * @param array a float array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved floats * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Float> getAt(float[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Float> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a double array * * @param array a double array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved doubles * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Double> getAt(double[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Double> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a boolean array * * @param array a boolean array * @param range an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieve * @return list of the retrieved booleans * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Boolean> getAt(boolean[] array, IntRange range) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(array.length, range); List<Boolean> answer = primitiveArrayGet(array, new IntRange(true, info.from, - 1)); return info.reverse ? reverse(answer) : answer; }
/** * Supports the range subscript operator for a GPathResult. * <pre class="groovyTestCase"> * import groovy.util.slurpersupport.* * def text = """ * <characterList> * <character>Wallace</character> * <character>Gromit</character> * <character>Shaun</character> * </characterList>""" * * GPathResult characterList = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text) * * assert characterList.character[1..2].join(',') == 'Gromit,Shaun' * </pre> * @param range a Range indicating the items to get * @return a new list based on range borders */ public Object getAt(final IntRange range) { return DefaultGroovyMethods.getAt(list(), range); }
/** * Returns indices of the collection. * <p> * Example: * <pre class="groovyTestCase"> * assert 0..2 == [5, 6, 7].indices * </pre> * * @param self a collection * @return an index range * @since 2.4.0 */ public static IntRange getIndices(Collection self) { return new IntRange(false, 0, self.size()); }
/** * Returns indices of the array. * <p> * Example: * <pre class="groovyTestCase"> * String[] letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] * assert 0..<4 == letters.indices * </pre> * * @param self an array * @return an index range * @since 2.4.0 */ public static <T> IntRange getIndices(T[] self) { return new IntRange(false, 0, self.length); }
/** * * @param array an Array of Objects * @param range an IntRange * @return a range of a list from the range's from index up to but not * including the range's to value * @since 1.0 */ public static <T> List<T> getAt(T[] array, IntRange range) { List<T> list = Arrays.asList(array); return getAt(list, range); }
/** * List subscript assignment operator when given a range as the index and * the assignment operand is a collection. * Example: <pre class="groovyTestCase">def myList = [4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 8, 10] * myList[3..5] = ["a", true] * assert myList == [4, 3, 5, "a", true, 10]</pre> * * Items in the given * range are replaced with items from the collection. * * @param self a List * @param range the subset of the list to set * @param col the collection of values to put at the given sublist * @since 1.5.0 */ public static void putAt(List self, IntRange range, Collection col) { List sublist = resizeListWithRangeAndGetSublist(self, range); if (col.isEmpty()) return; sublist.addAll(col); }
/** * List subscript assignment operator when given a range as the index. * Example: <pre class="groovyTestCase">def myList = [4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 8, 10] * myList[3..5] = "b" * assert myList == [4, 3, 5, "b", 10]</pre> * * Items in the given * range are replaced with the operand. The <code>value</code> operand is * always treated as a single value. * * @param self a List * @param range the subset of the list to set * @param value the value to put at the given sublist * @since 1.0 */ public static void putAt(List self, IntRange range, Object value) { List sublist = resizeListWithRangeAndGetSublist(self, range); sublist.add(value); }
/** * Support assigning a range of values with a single assignment statement. * * @param self a BitSet * @param range the range of values to set * @param value value * @see java.util.BitSet * @see groovy.lang.Range * @since 1.5.0 */ public static void putAt(BitSet self, IntRange range, boolean value) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(self.length(), range); self.set(info.from,, value); }
/** * Support the range subscript operator for CharSequence with IntRange * * @param text a CharSequence * @param range an IntRange * @return the subsequence CharSequence * @since 1.0 */ public static CharSequence getAt(CharSequence text, IntRange range) { return getAt(text, (Range) range); }
/** * Support the range subscript operator for GString with IntRange * * @param text a GString * @param range an IntRange * @return the String of characters corresponding to the provided range * @since 2.3.7 */ public static String getAt(GString text, IntRange range) { return getAt(text, (Range) range); }
/** * Support the range subscript operator for String with IntRange * * @param text a String * @param range an IntRange * @return the resulting String * @since 1.0 */ public static String getAt(String text, IntRange range) { return getAt(text, (Range) range); }
/** * Support the range subscript operator for StringBuffer. Index values are * treated as characters within the buffer. * * @param self a StringBuffer * @param range a Range * @param value the object that's toString() will be inserted * @since 1.0 */ public static void putAt(StringBuffer self, IntRange range, Object value) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(self.length(), range); self.replace(info.from,, value.toString()); }
/** * Support the range subscript operator for StringBuilder. * Index values are treated as characters within the builder. * * @param self a StringBuilder * @param range a Range * @param value the object that's toString() will be inserted */ public static void putAt(StringBuilder self, IntRange range, Object value) { RangeInfo info = subListBorders(self.length(), range); self.replace(info.from,, value.toString()); }