private void deleteWorkspaceRecursive(AbstractProject project) throws IOException { final AbstractBuild build = project.getLastBuild(); if (build != null) { final FilePath workspace = build.getWorkspace(); if (workspace != null) { try { workspace.deleteRecursive(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } } if (project instanceof ItemGroup) { deleteWorkspacesRecursive((ItemGroup) project); } }
/** Fetch the branch of the project. */ public Branch getBranch() { if (isDelegate()) { final ItemGroup parent = getParent(); // If we are a delegate, defer to our project context for our Branch // since it provides the complete version. // NOTE: A delegate SCM is only an option for projects contained // within an AbstractBranchAwareProject, so validate this invariant. checkState(parent instanceof AbstractBranchAwareProject); final AbstractBranchAwareProject parentProject = (AbstractBranchAwareProject) parent; return parentProject.getBranch(); } else { // If we are not a delegate, than the branch we store is accurate. return checkNotNull(branch); } }
/** * Walk the ancestors of the current project to identify from which * project we inherit our {@link SCM}. * * @param project The project that is consuming this {@link DelegateSCM} * @return The project from which to inherit our actual {@link SCM} */ private T getParentProject(AbstractProject project) { // We expect this SCM to be shared by 1 or more layers beneath a project // matching our clazz, from which we inherit our source context. // NOTE: multiple layers are possible with a matrix job, for example. checkArgument(this == project.getScm()); // Some configuration, e.g. MatrixProject/MatrixConfiguration // have several layers of project that we need to walk through // get to the real container. Walk through all of the projects // that share this SCM to find the AbstractBranchAwareProject // that contains this and assigned this sub-project the DelegateSCM. AbstractProject cursor = project; do { ItemGroup parent = cursor.getParent(); // We are searching for a project, so at any point in time our // container must remain a project. Validate the cast. checkState(parent instanceof AbstractProject); cursor = (AbstractProject) parent; } while (this == cursor.getScm()); // Validate that the container we ultimately find matches our // expected container type before casting and returning it. checkState(clazz.isInstance(cursor)); return clazz.cast(cursor); }
@Test public void testGetItems() throws Exception { List<TopLevelItem> list = ImmutableList.of(mockItem, mockItem); when(mockItemGroup.getItems()).thenReturn(list); JobHistoryView underTest = new JobHistoryView() { @Override public ItemGroup getOwnerItemGroup() { return mockItemGroup; } }; assertEquals(list, underTest.getItems()); verify(mockItemGroup, times(1)).getItems(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockItemGroup); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockItem); }
@Test public void testGetItems() throws Exception { List<TopLevelItem> list = ImmutableList.of(mockItem, mockItem); when(mockItemGroup.getItems()).thenReturn(list); LastProjectView underTest = new LastProjectView() { @Override public ItemGroup getOwnerItemGroup() { return mockItemGroup; } }; assertEquals(0, underTest.getItems().size()); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockItemGroup); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockItem); }
private Item resolveProject(final String projectName, final Iterator<String> restOfPathParts) { return ACLUtil.impersonate(ACL.SYSTEM, new ACLUtil.Function<Item>() { public Item invoke() { final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance(); if (jenkins != null) { Item item = jenkins.getItemByFullName(projectName); while (item instanceof ItemGroup<?> && !(item instanceof Job<?, ?> || item instanceof SCMSourceOwner) && restOfPathParts.hasNext()) { item = jenkins.getItem(, (ItemGroup<?>) item); } if (item instanceof Job<?, ?> || item instanceof SCMSourceOwner) { return item; } } LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "No project found: {0}, {1}", toArray(projectName, Joiner.on('/').join(restOfPathParts))); return null; } }); }
public static ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { AccessControlled ac = (context instanceof AccessControlled ? (AccessControlled) context : Jenkins.getInstance()); if (!ac.hasPermission(Jenkins.ADMINISTER)) { return new ListBoxModel(); } return new SSHUserListBoxModel().withMatching( SSHAuthenticator.matcher(Connection.class), CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials( StandardUsernameCredentials.class, context, ACL.SYSTEM, SSHLauncher.SSH_SCHEME) ); }
@Override public void onLoad(final ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, final String name) throws IOException { try { final Field parentField = AbstractItem.class.getDeclaredField("parent"); parentField.setAccessible(true); ReflectionUtils.setField(parentField, this, parent); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } doSetName(name); if (this.transientActions == null) { this.transientActions = new Vector<>(); } updateTransientActions(); getBuildersList().setOwner(this); getPublishersList().setOwner(this); getBuildWrappersList().setOwner(this); initRepos(); }
@Override public Item doCreateItem(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { //First, we just create this item Item item = null; ItemGroup<? extends TopLevelItem> ig = getOwnerItemGroup(); if (ig instanceof ModifiableItemGroup) item = ((ModifiableItemGroup<? extends TopLevelItem>)ig).doCreateItem(req, rsp); //Checking if we deal with an inheritable job if (item == null || !(item instanceof InheritanceProject)) { return item; } //If we deal with an inheritable project, we assign it to the currently //viewed creation class, if any InheritanceProject ip = (InheritanceProject) item; //Checking if we define a CC if (!this.creationClassFilter.isEmpty()) { ip.setCreationClass(this.creationClassFilter); } return item; }
/** * This method restores transient fields that could not be deserialized. * Do note that there is no guaranteed order of deserialization, so * don't expect other objects to be present, when this method is called. */ @Override public void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name) throws IOException { //Creating & clearing buffers, if necessary createBuffers(); clearBuffers(null); /* We need to create a dummy version store first, as we can't get the * project root directory before super() is executed (as no name is * set yet); but that one needs a version store available to load * certain values reliably without a null pointer access. */ this.versionStore = new VersionedObjectStore(); //Then loading the elements defined in the parent //TODO: What to do if a transient job is attempted to be loaded? super.onLoad(parent, name); //Loading the correct version store this.versionStore = this.loadVersionedObjectStore(); //And clearing the buffers again, as a new job with new props is available clearBuffers(null); }
public static List<AbstractProject> getProjectList(String projects, ItemGroup context, EnvVars env) { List<AbstractProject> projectList = new ArrayList<>(); // expand variables if applicable StringBuilder projectNames = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(projects, ","); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { if (projectNames.length() > 0) { projectNames.append(','); } projectNames.append(env != null ? env.expand(tokens.nextToken().trim()) : tokens.nextToken().trim()); } projectList.addAll(Items.fromNameList(context, projectNames.toString(), AbstractProject.class)); return projectList; }
@Override public void triggerManual(AbstractProject<?, ?> project, AbstractProject<?, ?> upstream, String buildId, ItemGroup<? extends TopLevelItem> itemGroup) throws TriggerException { StandardBuildCard buildCard = new StandardBuildCard(); if (upstream != null && upstream.getBuild(buildId) != null) { try { buildCard.triggerManualBuild(itemGroup, Integer.parseInt(buildId), project.getRelativeNameFrom(itemGroup), upstream.getRelativeNameFrom(itemGroup)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TriggerException("Could not trigger", e); } } else { throw new TriggerException("Could not find build: " + buildId + " for project: " + upstream); } }
@Override public List<Pipeline> createPipelineLatest(int noOfPipelines, ItemGroup context, boolean pagingEnabled, boolean showChanges, Component component) throws PipelineException { List<AbstractProject> firstProjects = ProjectUtil.getStartUpstreams(getFirstProject()); List<AbstractBuild> builds = resolveBuilds(firstProjects); //TODO check if in queue int totalNoOfPipelines = builds.size(); component.setTotalNoOfPipelines(totalNoOfPipelines); int startIndex = getStartIndex(component, pagingEnabled, noOfPipelines); int retrieveSize = calculateRetreiveSize(component, pagingEnabled, noOfPipelines, totalNoOfPipelines); return getPipelines(builds.listIterator(startIndex), context, startIndex, retrieveSize, showChanges); }
void setAggregatedChanges(ItemGroup context, List<Stage> pipelineStages) { // We use size() - 1 because last stage's changelog can't be calculated against next stage (no such) for (int i = 0; i < pipelineStages.size() - 1; i++) { Stage stage = pipelineStages.get(i); Stage nextStage = pipelineStages.get(i + 1); final AbstractBuild nextBuild = nextStage.getHighestBuild(firstProject, context, Result.SUCCESS); Set<Change> changes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); AbstractBuild build = stage.getHighestBuild(firstProject, context, Result.SUCCESS); for (; build != null && build != nextBuild; build = build.getPreviousBuild()) { changes.addAll(Change.getChanges(build)); } stage.setChanges(changes); } }
public Task getLatestTask(ItemGroup context, AbstractBuild firstBuild) { AbstractProject<?, ?> project = getProject(this, context); AbstractBuild<?, ?> build = null; if (!ProjectUtil.isQueued(project, firstBuild)) { build = BuildUtil.match(project.getBuilds(), firstBuild); } final Status taskStatus = SimpleStatus.resolveStatus(project, build, firstBuild); final ManualStep manualStep = ManualStep.getManualStepLatest(project, build, firstBuild); return new Task(this, resolveTaskName(project, getExpandedName(build)), resolveBuildId(taskStatus, build), taskStatus, resolveTaskLink(taskStatus, build), manualStep, TestResult.getResults(build), StaticAnalysisResult.getResults(build), getBuildDescription(build)); }
public Task getAggregatedTask(AbstractBuild versionBuild, ItemGroup context) { AbstractProject<?, ?> taskProject = getProject(this, context); AbstractBuild<?, ?> build = BuildUtil.match(taskProject.getBuilds(), versionBuild); final Status taskStatus = SimpleStatus.resolveStatus(taskProject, build, null); final ManualStep manualStep = this.getManualStep(); return new Task(this, resolveTaskName(project, getExpandedName(build)), resolveBuildId(taskStatus, build), taskStatus, resolveTaskLink(taskStatus, build), manualStep, TestResult.getResults(build), StaticAnalysisResult.getResults(build), getBuildDescription(build)); }
@CheckForNull public AbstractBuild getHighestBuild(AbstractProject firstProject, ItemGroup context, Result minResult) { int highest = -1; for (Task task : getTasks()) { AbstractProject project = ProjectUtil.getProject(task.getId(), context); AbstractBuild firstBuild = getFirstUpstreamBuild(project, firstProject, minResult); if (firstBuild != null && firstBuild.getNumber() > highest) { highest = firstBuild.getNumber(); } } if (highest > 0) { return firstProject.getBuildByNumber(highest); } else { return null; } }
public void upsertItem(Item item) { if (item instanceof WorkflowJob) { upsertWorkflowJob((WorkflowJob) item); } else if (item instanceof ItemGroup) { upsertItemGroup((ItemGroup) item); } }
private void upsertItemGroup(ItemGroup itemGroup) { Collection items = itemGroup.getItems(); if (items != null) { for (Object child : items) { if (child instanceof WorkflowJob) { upsertWorkflowJob((WorkflowJob) child); } else if (child instanceof ItemGroup) { upsertItemGroup((ItemGroup) child); } } } }
@Restricted(NoExternalUse.class) // Only for UI calls public ListBoxModel doFillMavenSettingsConfigItems(@AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { ListBoxModel r = new ListBoxModel(); r.add("--- Use system default settings or file path ---",null); for (Config config : ConfigFiles.getConfigsInContext(context, MavenSettingsConfigProvider.class)) { r.add(,; } return r; }
@Restricted(NoExternalUse.class) // Only for UI calls public ListBoxModel doFillGlobalMavenSettingsConfigItems(@AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { ListBoxModel r = new ListBoxModel(); r.add("--- Use system default settings or file path ---",null); for (Config config : ConfigFiles.getConfigsInContext(context, GlobalMavenSettingsConfigProvider.class)) { r.add(,; } return r; }
public void onRenamed(WorkflowJob pipeline, String oldName, String newName) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "onRenamed({0}, {1}, {2})", new Object[]{pipeline, oldName, newName}); String oldFullName; ItemGroup parent = pipeline.getParent(); if (parent.equals(Jenkins.getInstance())) { oldFullName = oldName; } else { oldFullName = parent.getFullName() + "/" + oldName; } String newFullName = pipeline.getFullName(); GlobalPipelineMavenConfig.getDao().renameJob(oldFullName, newFullName); }
/** * Autocompletion method * * Copied from hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger.doAutoCompleteChildProjects(String value) * * @param value * @return */ public AutoCompletionCandidates doAutoCompleteProjects(@QueryParameter String value, @AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { AutoCompletionCandidates candidates = new AutoCompletionCandidates(); List<Job> jobs = Jenkins.getInstance().getAllItems(Job.class); for (Job job: jobs) { String relativeName = job.getRelativeNameFrom(context); if (relativeName.startsWith(value)) { if (job.hasPermission(Item.READ)) { candidates.add(relativeName); } } } return candidates; }
public ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { List<DockerRegistryAuthCredentials> credentials = CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(DockerRegistryAuthCredentials.class, context, ACL.SYSTEM, Collections.emptyList()); return new CredentialsListBoxModel() .includeEmptyValue() .withMatching(CredentialsMatchers.always(), credentials); }
public ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { List<DockerRegistryAuthCredentials> credentials = CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(DockerRegistryAuthCredentials.class, context, ACL.SYSTEM, Collections.<DomainRequirement>emptyList()); return new StandardListBoxModel().withEmptySelection() .withMatching(CredentialsMatchers.instanceOf(DockerRegistryAuthCredentials.class), credentials); }
public static ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { return new SSHUserListBoxModel().withMatching( SSHAuthenticator.matcher(Connection.class), CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials( StandardUsernameCredentials.class, context, ACL.SYSTEM, SSHLauncher.SSH_SCHEME) ); }
public ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath ItemGroup context) { List<StandardCredentials> credentials = CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(StandardCredentials.class, context, ACL.SYSTEM, Collections.emptyList()); return new CredentialsListBoxModel() .withEmptySelection() .withMatching(CredentialsMatchers.always(), credentials); }
@CheckForNull public static AmazonWebServicesCredentials getCredentials(@Nullable String credentialsId, ItemGroup context) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(credentialsId)) { return null; } return (AmazonWebServicesCredentials) CredentialsMatchers.firstOrNull( CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(AmazonWebServicesCredentials.class, context, ACL.SYSTEM, Collections.EMPTY_LIST), CredentialsMatchers.withId(credentialsId)); }
public static ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(ItemGroup context) { return new StandardListBoxModel() .withEmptySelection() .withMatching( CredentialsMatchers.always(), CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(AmazonWebServicesCredentials.class, context, ACL.SYSTEM, Collections.EMPTY_LIST)); }
/** * Form validation method. Similar to * {@link hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl#doCheck(AbstractProject, String)}. * * @param folder the folder being configured * @param value the user-entered value * @return validation result */ public FormValidation doCheck(@AncestorInPath AbstractFolder folder, @QueryParameter String value) { // Require CONFIGURE permission on this project if (!folder.hasPermission(Item.CONFIGURE)) { return FormValidation.ok(); } boolean hasJobs = false; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(Util.fixNull(value), ","); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String jobName = tokens.nextToken().trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobName)) { Item item = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getItem(jobName, (ItemGroup) folder, Item.class); if (item == null) { Job nearest = Items.findNearest(Job.class, jobName, folder); String alternative = nearest != null ? nearest.getRelativeNameFrom((ItemGroup) folder) : "?"; return FormValidation.error( hudson.tasks.Messages.BuildTrigger_NoSuchProject(jobName, alternative)); } if (!(item instanceof Job)) { return FormValidation.error(hudson.tasks.Messages.BuildTrigger_NotBuildable(jobName)); } hasJobs = true; } } if (!hasJobs) { return FormValidation.error(hudson.tasks.Messages.BuildTrigger_NoProjectSpecified()); } return FormValidation.ok(); }
/** * @return the {@link ClassLoader} on top of which to layer our restrictions. */ protected final ClassLoader getBaseClassLoader(RestrictedProject project) { // Search the project's parent hierarchy for additional // restricted projects on which to base our restrictions. ItemGroup parent = project.asProject().getParent(); while (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof RestrictedProject) { final RestrictedProject parentProject = (RestrictedProject) parent; return parentProject.getRestriction().getClassLoader(parentProject); } if (!(parent instanceof AbstractItem)) { break; } parent = ((AbstractItem) parent).getParent(); } // If no parents of this are restricted, then base things on the // unrestricted uber class loader. // NOTE: we wrap this class loader anyways to surface diagnostics // when there are actual class loading failures, so we can surface // them to the user. final ClassLoader base = checkNotNull(Jenkins.getInstance()).getPluginManager().uberClassLoader; return new ClassLoader() { @Override public Class loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { return base.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new BadTypeException( Messages.AbstractRestriction_ClassNotFound(name)); } } }; }
/** * Build up our Yaml project shell, which gets populated in * {@link #submit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse)}. */ public YamlProject(ItemGroup parent, String name, @Nullable YamlModule module) throws IOException { super(parent, name); this.module = (module != null) ? module : new YamlModule(); this.yamlPath = DEFAULT_YAML; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public YamlProject newInstance(ItemGroup parent, String name) { try { return new YamlProject(parent, name, null /* module */); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
private void deleteWorkspacesRecursive(ItemGroup<? extends Item> itemGroup) throws IOException { for (Item item : itemGroup.getItems()) { if (item instanceof AbstractProject) { deleteWorkspaceRecursive((AbstractProject) item); } else if (item instanceof ItemGroup) { deleteWorkspacesRecursive((ItemGroup) item); } } }
/** * Build up our Yaml multibranch project shell, which gets populated in * {@link #submit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse)}. */ public YamlMultiBranchProject(ItemGroup parent, String name) { super(parent, name); // By default, clean up branches that have been deleted. DefaultDeadBranchStrategy deadBranchStrategy = new DefaultDeadBranchStrategy( true /* prune dead branches */, "0" /* days to keep */, "0" /* num to keep */); // Monkey patch the better default. // TODO(mattmoor): upstream making the "deadBranchStrategy" // field protected instead of patching the object to set it here. { Class<?> clazz = YamlMultiBranchProject.class.getSuperclass(); Field field = null; for (Field iter : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { if ("deadBranchStrategy".equals(iter.getName())) { field = iter; break; } } if (field == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "deadBranchStrategy field missing from MultiBranchProject"); } try { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(this, deadBranchStrategy); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // Impossible, we have given ourselves access. } } deadBranchStrategy.setOwner(this); }
/** * Build up our Yaml project shell, which gets populated in * {@link #submit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse)}. */ public AbstractRunnableItemGroup(ItemGroup parent, String name) throws IOException { super(parent, name); this.projects = Maps.newHashMap(); init(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name) throws IOException { super.onLoad(parent, name); getPublishersList().setOwner(this); getBuildWrappersList().setOwner(this); this.projects = loadChildren(this, getJobsDir(), KEYED_BY_NAME); init(); }
/** * Find the nearest {@link AbstractBranchAwareProject} containing the * project to which the candidate project is descended, or null. */ @Nullable private AbstractBranchAwareProject getContainer( AbstractProject project) { // Determine whether we are a child of an AbstractBranchAwareProject AbstractProject cursor = project; do { ItemGroup parent = cursor.getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof AbstractProject)) { return null; } cursor = (AbstractProject) parent; } while (!(cursor instanceof AbstractBranchAwareProject)); return (AbstractBranchAwareProject) cursor; }
public TestImpl(ItemGroup parent, String name, ViewsTabBar tabBar, List<View> views, ViewGroupMixIn mixIn) throws IOException { super(parent, name); this.viewsTabBar = tabBar; this.views = views; views.add(new AllView("foo", this)); this.primaryViewName = PRIMARY_VIEW_NAME; super.init(); this.viewGroupMixIn = mixIn; }