private void populateProblemGrid(ClinicalProblemVoCollection tempColl) { form.grdProblem().getRows().clear(); if( tempColl == null || tempColl.size() == 0) { engine.showMessage("No records found "); return; } for(int i = 0; i < tempColl.size();i++) { ClinicalProblemVo tempVo = tempColl.get(i); if( tempVo != null) { grdProblemRow row = form.grdProblem().getRows().newRow(); row.setColumnProblem(tempVo.getPCName()); row.setValue(tempVo); } } }
private void listPresentingProblemSearch(String value) { ClinicalProblemVoCollection coll = null; coll = domain.listProblems(value); form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().setValue(null); form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().clear(); if (coll != null) { for (int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++) { ClinicalProblemVo vo = coll.get(i); form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().newRow(vo, vo.getPCName()); } } if (coll.size() == 1) { form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().setValue(coll.get(0)); } if (coll.size() > 1) { form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().showOpened(); } }
private void listProblemSearch(String value) { ClinicalProblemVoCollection coll = null; coll = domain.listProblems(value); form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().setValue(null); form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().clear(); if (coll != null) { for (int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++) { ClinicalProblemVo vo = coll.get(i); form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().newRow(vo, vo.getPCName()); } } if (coll.size() == 1) { form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().setValue(coll.get(0)); } if (coll.size() > 1) { form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().showOpened(); } }
private void listProblemSearch(String value) { ClinicalProblemVoCollection coll = null; coll = domain.listProblems(value); form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().setValue(null); form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().clear(); if (coll != null) { for (int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++) { ClinicalProblemVo vo = coll.get(i); form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().newRow(vo, vo.getPCName()); } if (coll.size() == 1) { form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().setValue(coll.get(0)); } if (coll.size() > 1) { form.qmbSearchPresentingProblem().showOpened(); } } }
private void listPresentingProblemSearch(String value) { ClinicalProblemVoCollection coll = null; coll = domain.listProblems(value); form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().setValue(null); //wdev-15998 form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().clear(); //wdev-15998 if (coll != null) { for (int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++) { ClinicalProblemVo vo = coll.get(i); form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().newRow(vo, vo.getPCName()); } if (coll.size() == 1) { form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().setValue(coll.get(0)); } if (coll.size() > 1) { form.ctnDetails().qmbPresentingProblem().showOpened(); } } }
public TriageNoteDefaultTextConfigVoCollection listTriageNotes(ClinicalProblemVo presentingProblem, LookupInstVo status) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = " select tn from TriageNoteDefaultTextConfig as tn "; StringBuffer condStr = new StringBuffer(); String andStr = " "; ArrayList<String> markers = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (presentingProblem != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " where = :tName"); markers.add("tName"); values.add(presentingProblem.getID_ClinicalProblem()); andStr = " and "; } else andStr = " where "; if (status != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " = :tStatus"); markers.add("tStatus"); values.add(status.getID()); } condStr.append(" order by UPPER(tn.problem.pCName) asc"); hql += condStr.toString(); return TriageNoteDefaultTextConfigVoAssembler.createTriageNoteDefaultTextConfigVoCollectionFromTriageNoteDefaultTextConfig(factory.find(hql, markers, values)); }
public ClinicianNoteDefaultTextConfigVoCollection listClinicianNotes(ClinicalProblemVo presentingProblem, LookupInstVo status) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = " select cn from ClinicianNoteDefaultTextConfig as cn "; StringBuffer condStr = new StringBuffer(); String andStr = " "; ArrayList<String> markers = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (presentingProblem != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " where = :cName"); markers.add("cName"); values.add(presentingProblem.getID_ClinicalProblem()); andStr = " and "; } else andStr = " where "; if (status != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " = :cStatus"); markers.add("cStatus"); values.add(status.getID()); } condStr.append(" order by UPPER(cn.problem.pCName) asc"); hql += condStr.toString(); return ClinicianNoteDefaultTextConfigVoAssembler.createClinicianNoteDefaultTextConfigVoCollectionFromClinicianNoteDefaultTextConfig(factory.find(hql, markers, values)); }