public static void realWriteAndFlush(Channel channel, String text, String contentType, boolean keepalive, DefaultCookie nettyCookie) { FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse( HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK, Unpooled.copiedBuffer(text + "\r\n", CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); HttpUtil.setContentLength(response, text.length()); response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType); setDateAndCacheHeaders(response, null); if (keepalive) { response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE); } if (nettyCookie != null) { response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(nettyCookie)); } // Write the initial line and the header. channel.write(response); channel.writeAndFlush(LastHttpContent.EMPTY_LAST_CONTENT); }
private CommonResponse createSession(String username, Set<String> roles, boolean ldap) throws Exception { String sessionId = new BigInteger(130, secureRandom).toString(32); ImmutableSession session = ImmutableSession.builder() .caseAmbiguousUsername(username) .ldap(ldap) .roles(roles) .lastRequest(clock.currentTimeMillis()) .build(); sessionMap.put(sessionId, session); String layoutJson = layoutService .getLayoutJson(session.createAuthentication(central, configRepository)); CommonResponse response = new CommonResponse(OK, MediaType.JSON_UTF_8, layoutJson); Cookie cookie = new DefaultCookie(configRepository.getWebConfig().sessionCookieName(), sessionId); cookie.setHttpOnly(true); cookie.setPath("/"); response.setHeader(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); purgeExpiredSessions(); auditSuccessfulLogin(username); return response; }
private void addCookies(HttpResponse resp) { if (transport.resetCookies) { String cookieString = nettyRequest.headers().get(HttpHeaders.Names.COOKIE); if (cookieString != null) { Set<io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie> cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(cookieString); if (!cookies.isEmpty()) { // Reset the cookies if necessary. resp.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookies)); } } } }
@Override public void onRequestSuccessed(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) { HttpSession s = HttpSessionThreadLocal.get(); if (s != null && !this.sessionRequestedByCookie) { HttpHeaders.addHeader(response, SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(HttpSessionImpl.SESSION_ID_KEY, s.getId())); } }
/** * Get a Netty {@link io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse}, committing the {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse}. */ public HttpResponse getNettyResponse() { if (committed) { return response; } committed = true; HttpHeaders headers = response.headers(); if (null != contentType) { String value = null == characterEncoding ? contentType : contentType + "; charset=" + characterEncoding; headers.set(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE, value); }else { headers.set(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE, DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE); } headers.set(HttpHeaders.Names.DATE, new Date()); headers.set(HttpHeaders.Names.SERVER, servletContext.getServerInfoAscii()); for(Cookie ck : cookies) { io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie nettyCookie = new DefaultCookie(ck.getName(),ck.getValue()); nettyCookie.setDomain(ck.getDomain()); nettyCookie.setPath(ck.getPath()); if( ck.getMaxAge() > 0) { nettyCookie.setMaxAge(ck.getMaxAge()); } // response.headers().add("Set-Cookie", nettyCookie); response.headers().add("Set-Cookie", ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(nettyCookie)); } return response; }
@Test public void addCookie_adds_to_cookie_header() { // given Cookie cookie = new Cookie(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // when wrapper.addCookie(cookie); // then assertThat(headers.get(HttpHeaders.Names.SET_COOKIE)) .isEqualTo(ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue())); }
@Override public HttpServerResponse addCookie(Cookie cookie) { if (!hasSentHeaders()) { this.responseHeaders.add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Status and headers already sent"); } return this; }
public void handle(Message msg, Session sess) throws IOException { if("GET".equals(msg.getMethod())){ ReplyKit.replyTemplate(msg, sess, "login.htm"); return; } Map<String, String> data = StrKit.kvp(msg.getBodyString(), "&"); String tokenstr = null; if(data.containsKey(Protocol.TOKEN)) { tokenstr = data.get(Protocol.TOKEN); } Token token = authProvider.getToken(tokenstr); Message res = new Message(); if(token == null){ res.setHeader("location", "/?cmd=login"); res.setStatus(302); sess.write(res); return; } if(token != null){ Cookie cookie = new DefaultCookie(Protocol.TOKEN, tokenstr); res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); } res.setHeader("location", "/"); res.setStatus(302); //redirect to home page sess.write(res); }
public void handle(Message msg, Session sess) throws IOException { Message res = new Message(); res.setId(msg.getId()); res.setHeader("location", "/?cmd=login"); Cookie cookie = new DefaultCookie(Protocol.TOKEN, ""); cookie.setMaxAge(0); res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); res.setStatus(302); sess.write(res); }
private boolean writeResponse(HttpObject currentObj, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { // Decide whether to close the connection or not. boolean keepAlive = HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(request); // Build the response object. FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse( HTTP_1_1, currentObj.decoderResult().isSuccess()? OK : BAD_REQUEST, Unpooled.copiedBuffer(buf.toString(), CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); if (keepAlive) { // Add 'Content-Length' header only for a keep-alive connection. response.headers().setInt(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes()); // Add keep alive header as per: // - response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE); } // Encode the cookie. String cookieString = request.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE); if (cookieString != null) { Set<Cookie> cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(cookieString); if (!cookies.isEmpty()) { // Reset the cookies if necessary. for (Cookie cookie: cookies) { response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); } } } else { // Browser sent no cookie. Add some. response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode("key1", "value1")); response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode("key2", "value2")); } // Write the response. ctx.write(response); return keepAlive; }
public static FullHttpResponse makeEppHttpResponse( String content, HttpResponseStatus status, Cookie... cookies) { FullHttpResponse response = makeHttpResponse(content, status); response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, EPP_CONTENT_TYPE); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); } return response; }
private void writeCookies(DefaultHttpResponse response) { if (resp.getCookies() != null && !resp.getCookies().isEmpty()) { // Reset the cookies if necessary. resp.getCookies().forEach((name, cookie) -> { response.headers() .add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie.getInternalCookie())); }); } }
@POST @Consumes(value = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) @Path("/login") public Response login(@FormParam("email") String email, @FormParam("password") String password) { if (email == null || password == null) { return redirect(rootPath); } User user = userDao.getByName(email, AppNameUtil.BLYNK); if (user == null || !user.isSuperAdmin) { return redirect(rootPath); } if (!password.equals(user.pass)) { return redirect(rootPath); } Response response = redirect(rootPath); log.debug("Admin login is successful. Redirecting to {}", rootPath); Cookie cookie = makeDefaultSessionCookie(sessionDao.generateNewSession(user), COOKIE_EXPIRE_TIME); response.headers().add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); return response; }
@POST @Path("/logout") public Response logout() { Response response = redirect(rootPath); Cookie cookie = makeDefaultSessionCookie("", 0); response.headers().add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); return response; }
void deleteSessionCookie(CommonResponse response) throws Exception { Cookie cookie = new DefaultCookie(configRepository.getWebConfig().sessionCookieName(), ""); cookie.setHttpOnly(true); cookie.setMaxAge(0); cookie.setPath("/"); response.setHeader(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); }
static MultiMap removeCookieHeaders(MultiMap headers) { // We don't want to remove the JSESSION cookie. String cookieHeader = headers.get(COOKIE); if (cookieHeader != null) { headers.remove(COOKIE); Set<Cookie> nettyCookies = ServerCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(cookieHeader); for (Cookie cookie: nettyCookies) { if ("JSESSIONID")) { headers.add(COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); break; } } } return headers; }
protected void setCookies(FullHttpResponse res, Set<ResponseCookie> cookies) { if (null == cookies || cookies.isEmpty()) { return; } for (ResponseCookie cookie : cookies) { try { res.headers().set(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }
public void writeStart(Channel ch, int contentLength) { // Build the response object. HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, this.status); response.headers().set(Names.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); if (this.keepAlive) { // Add 'Content-Length' header only for a keep-alive connection. if (contentLength > 0) response.headers().set(Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, contentLength); // Add keep alive header as per: // - response.headers().set(Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE); } if (contentLength == 0) response.headers().set(Names.TRANSFER_ENCODING, HttpHeaders.Values.CHUNKED); // Encode the cookies for (Cookie c : this.cookies.values()) response.headers().add(Names.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(c)); for (Entry<CharSequence, String> h : this.headers.entrySet()) response.headers().set(h.getKey(), h.getValue()); Hub.instance.getSecurityPolicy().hardenHttpResponse(response); if (Logger.isDebug()) { Logger.debug("Web server responding to " + ch.remoteAddress()); for (Entry<String, String> ent : response.headers().entries()) { Logger.debug("Response header: " + ent.getKey() + ": " + ent.getValue()); } } // Write the response. ch.write(response); }
public void writeChunked(Channel ch) { // Build the response object. HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, this.status); response.headers().set(Names.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); if (this.keepAlive) { // Add keep alive header as per: // - response.headers().set(Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE); } // TODO add a customer header telling how many messages are in the session adaptor's queue - if > 0 // Encode the cookies for (Cookie c : this.cookies.values()) response.headers().add(Names.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(c)); for (Entry<CharSequence, String> h : this.headers.entrySet()) response.headers().set(h.getKey(), h.getValue()); response.headers().set(Names.TRANSFER_ENCODING, Values.CHUNKED); // Write the response. ChannelFuture future = ch.writeAndFlush(response); // Close the non-keep-alive connection after the write operation is done. if (!this.keepAlive) future.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); /* we do not need to sync - HTTP is one request, one response. we would not pile messages on this channel try { future.sync(); } catch (InterruptedException x) { // TODO should we close channel? } */ }
private void setCookies(HttpResponse response, DefaultFullHttpResponse fullHttpResponse) { if (response.getCookieList() != null) { List<Cookie> cookieValues = new ArrayList<Cookie>(); for (org.mockserver.model.Cookie cookie : response.getCookieList()) { if (!cookieHeaderAlreadyExists(response, cookie)) { cookieValues.add(new DefaultCookie(cookie.getName().getValue(), cookie.getValue().getValue())); } } for (Cookie cookieValue : cookieValues) { fullHttpResponse.headers().add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookieValue)); } } }
private void setCookies(HttpResponse httpResponse, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) { if (httpResponse.getCookieList() != null) { for (Cookie cookie : httpResponse.getCookieList()) { if (!cookieHeaderAlreadyExists(httpResponse, cookie)) { httpServletResponse.addHeader(SET_COOKIE.toString(), ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(new DefaultCookie(cookie.getName().getValue(), cookie.getValue().getValue()))); } } } }
@Override public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) { responseInfo.getHeaders().add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue())); }
private void writeResponse(Channel channel) { // Convert the response content to a ChannelBuffer. ByteBuf buf = copiedBuffer(responseContent.toString(), CharsetUtil.UTF_8); responseContent.setLength(0); // Decide whether to close the connection or not. boolean close = request.headers().contains(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE, true) || request.protocolVersion().equals(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0) && !request.headers().contains(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE, true); // Build the response object. FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse( HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK, buf); response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); if (!close) { // There's no need to add 'Content-Length' header // if this is the last response. response.headers().setInt(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, buf.readableBytes()); } Set<Cookie> cookies; String value = request.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE); if (value == null) { cookies = Collections.emptySet(); } else { cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(value); } if (!cookies.isEmpty()) { // Reset the cookies if necessary. for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); } } // Write the response. ChannelFuture future = channel.writeAndFlush(response); // Close the connection after the write operation is done if necessary. if (close) { future.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } }
/** * Applies <i>cached</i> header values */ protected void applyHeader() { setHeader(Names.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookies)); }
@Override public String encode() { return ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(nettyCookie); }
public void write(Channel ch) { if ((this.status != HttpResponseStatus.OK) && (this.body.getLength() == 0)) this.body.write(this.status.toString()); // Build the response object. FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, this.status); int clen = 0; this.body.setPosition(0); try { clen = response.content().writeBytes(new InputWrapper(this.body), this.body.getLength()); } catch (IOException e) { } response.headers().set(Names.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); if (this.keepAlive) { // Add 'Content-Length' header only for a keep-alive connection. response.headers().set(Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, clen); // Add keep alive header as per: // - response.headers().set(Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE); } // Encode the cookies for (Cookie c : this.cookies.values()) response.headers().add(Names.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(c)); for (Entry<CharSequence, String> h : this.headers.entrySet()) response.headers().set(h.getKey(), h.getValue()); Hub.instance.getSecurityPolicy().hardenHttpResponse(response); if (Logger.isDebug()) { Logger.debug("Web server responding to " + ch.remoteAddress()); for (Entry<String, String> ent : response.headers().entries()) { Logger.debug("Response header: " + ent.getKey() + ": " + ent.getValue()); } } // Write the response. ChannelFuture future = ch.writeAndFlush(response); // Close the non-keep-alive connection after the write operation is done. if (!this.keepAlive) future.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); /* we do not need to sync - HTTP is one request, one response. we would not pile messages on this channel * * furthermore, when doing an upload stream we can actually get locked up here because the "write" from our stream * is locked on the write process of the data bus and the response to the session is locked on the write of the response * here - but all the HTTP threads are busy with their respective uploads. If they all use the same data bus session * then all HTTP threads can get blocked trying to stream upload if even one of those has called an "OK" to upload and * is stuck here. so be sure not to use sync with HTTP responses. this won't be a problem under normal use. * try { future.sync(); } catch (InterruptedException x) { // TODO should we close channel? } */ }
public void writeDownloadHeaders(Channel ch, String name, String mime) { // Build the response object. HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, this.status); response.headers().set(Names.CONTENT_TYPE, StringUtil.isNotEmpty(mime) ? mime : MimeUtil.getMimeTypeForFile(name)); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) name = FileUtil.randomFilename("bin"); response.headers().set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + NetUtil.urlEncodeUTF8(name) + "\""); Cookie dl = new DefaultCookie("fileDownload", "true"); dl.setPath("/"); response.headers().add(Names.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(dl)); // Encode the cookies for (Cookie c : this.cookies.values()) response.headers().add(Names.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(c)); for (Entry<CharSequence, String> h : this.headers.entrySet()) response.headers().set(h.getKey(), h.getValue()); response.headers().set(Names.TRANSFER_ENCODING, Values.CHUNKED); // Write the response. ch.writeAndFlush(response); }
/** * 设置Cookie * @param response * @param cookie */ public static void setCookie(HttpResponse response,Cookie cookie){ response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie)); }