Java 类io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Exception 实例源码

项目:xrpc    文件   
public FullHttpRequest getHttpRequest() {
  if (h1Request != null) {
    return h1Request;

  if (h2Headers != null) {
    try {
      // Fake out a full HTTP request.
      FullHttpRequest synthesizedRequest =
          HttpConversionUtil.toFullHttpRequest(0, h2Headers, alloc, true);
      if (data != null) {

      return synthesizedRequest;
    } catch (Http2Exception e) {
      // TODO(JR): Do something more meaningful with this exception

  throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get the http request for an empty XrpcRequest");
项目:chromium-net-for-android    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers,
        int padding, boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {
    String path = headers.path().toString();
    RequestResponder responder;
    if (path.startsWith(ECHO_STREAM_PATH)) {
        responder = new EchoStreamResponder();
    } else if (path.startsWith(ECHO_TRAILERS_PATH)) {
        responder = new EchoTrailersResponder();
    } else if (path.startsWith(ECHO_ALL_HEADERS_PATH)) {
        responder = new EchoAllHeadersResponder();
    } else if (path.startsWith(ECHO_HEADER_PATH)) {
        responder = new EchoHeaderResponder();
    } else if (path.startsWith(ECHO_METHOD_PATH)) {
        responder = new EchoMethodResponder();
    } else {
        responder = new RequestResponder();

    responder.onHeadersRead(ctx, streamId, endOfStream, headers);

    if (!endOfStream) {
        mResponderMap.put(streamId, responder);
项目:armeria    文件   
public void onRstStreamRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, long errorCode) throws Http2Exception {
    final HttpResponseWrapper res = removeResponse(streamIdToId(streamId));
    if (res == null) {
        if (conn.streamMayHaveExisted(streamId)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("{} Received a late RST_STREAM frame for a closed stream: {}",
                   , streamId);
        } else {
            throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR,
                                  "received a RST_STREAM frame for an unknown stream: %d", streamId);

项目:armeria    文件   
private static String goAwayDebugData(Http2Exception http2Ex, Throwable cause) {
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);
    final String type;
    final String message;

    if (http2Ex != null) {
        type = http2Ex.getClass().getName();
        message = http2Ex.getMessage();
    } else {
        type = null;
        message = null;

    buf.append("type: ");
    buf.append(MoreObjects.firstNonNull(type, "n/a"));
    buf.append(", message: ");
    buf.append(MoreObjects.firstNonNull(message, "n/a"));
    buf.append(", cause: ");
    buf.append(cause != null ? Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(cause) : "n/a");

    return buf.toString();
项目:armeria    文件   
public void outboundCookiesMustBeMergedForHttp1() throws Http2Exception {
    final HttpHeaders in = new DefaultHttpHeaders();

    in.add(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "a=b; c=d");
    in.add(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "e=f;g=h");
    in.addObject(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8);
    in.add(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "i=j");
    in.add(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "k=l;");

    final io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders out =
            new io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpHeaders();

    toNettyHttp1(0, in, out, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, false, true);
            .containsExactly("a=b; c=d; e=f; g=h; i=j; k=l");
项目:carbon-transports    文件   
    public int onDataRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, ByteBuf data, int padding, boolean endOfStream)
            throws Http2Exception {

        HTTPCarbonMessage cMsg = streamIdRequestMap.get(streamId);
        if (cMsg != null) {
            cMsg.addHttpContent(new DefaultLastHttpContent(data.retain()));
            if (endOfStream) {
//                if (HTTPTransportContextHolder.getInstance().getHandlerExecutor() != null) {
//                    HTTPTransportContextHolder.getInstance().getHandlerExecutor().executeAtSourceRequestSending(cMsg);
//                }
        return data.readableBytes() + padding;
项目:xio    文件   
public int onDataRead(
    ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, ByteBuf data, int padding, boolean endOfStream)
    throws Http2Exception {
  if (isServer) {
            new DefaultHttp2DataFrame(data.retain(), endOfStream, padding),
  } else {
            new DefaultHttp2DataFrame(data.retain(), endOfStream, padding),
  return data.readableBytes() + padding;
项目:xio    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(
    ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
    int streamId,
    Http2Headers headers,
    int streamDependency,
    short weight,
    boolean exclusive,
    int padding,
    boolean endStream)
    throws Http2Exception {
  if (isServer) {
    ctx.fireChannelRead(, headers, endStream));
  } else {
    ctx.fireChannelRead(, headers, endStream));
项目:grpc-java    文件   
private void forcefulClose(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ForcefulCloseCommand msg,
    ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception {
  close(ctx, promise);
  connection().forEachActiveStream(new Http2StreamVisitor() {
    public boolean visit(Http2Stream stream) throws Http2Exception {
      NettyServerStream.TransportState serverStream = serverStream(stream);
      if (serverStream != null) {
        resetStream(ctx,, Http2Error.CANCEL.code(), ctx.newPromise());
      return true;
项目:grpc-java    文件   
public void onPingRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf data) throws Http2Exception {
  if (keepAliveManager != null) {
  if (!keepAliveEnforcer.pingAcceptable()) {
    ByteBuf debugData = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(ctx.alloc(), "too_many_pings");
    goAway(ctx, connection().remote().lastStreamCreated(), Http2Error.ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM.code(),
        debugData, ctx.newPromise());
    Status status = Status.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.withDescription("Too many pings from client");
    try {
      forcefulClose(ctx, new ForcefulCloseCommand(status), ctx.newPromise());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      onError(ctx, ex);
项目:grpc-java    文件   
private void forcefulClose(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ForcefulCloseCommand msg,
    ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception {
  // close() already called by NettyClientTransport, so just need to clean up streams
  connection().forEachActiveStream(new Http2StreamVisitor() {
    public boolean visit(Http2Stream stream) throws Http2Exception {
      NettyClientStream.TransportState clientStream = clientStream(stream);
      if (clientStream != null) {
        clientStream.transportReportStatus(msg.getStatus(), true, new Metadata());
        resetStream(ctx,, Http2Error.CANCEL.code(), ctx.newPromise());
      return true;
项目:grpc-java    文件   
 * Handler for a GOAWAY being either sent or received. Fails any streams created after the
 * last known stream.
private void goingAway(Status status) {
  final Status goAwayStatus = lifecycleManager.getShutdownStatus();
  final int lastKnownStream = connection().local().lastStreamKnownByPeer();
  try {
    connection().forEachActiveStream(new Http2StreamVisitor() {
      public boolean visit(Http2Stream stream) throws Http2Exception {
        if ( > lastKnownStream) {
          NettyClientStream.TransportState clientStream = clientStream(stream);
          if (clientStream != null) {
            clientStream.transportReportStatus(goAwayStatus, false, new Metadata());
        return true;
  } catch (Http2Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
项目:grpc-java    文件   
public void onPingAckRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf data) throws Http2Exception {
  Http2Ping p = ping;
  if (data.getLong(data.readerIndex()) == flowControlPing().payload()) {
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      logger.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Window: %d",
  } else if (p != null) {
    long ackPayload = data.readLong();
    if (p.payload() == ackPayload) {
      ping = null;
    } else {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, String.format(
          "Received unexpected ping ack. Expecting %d, got %d", p.payload(), ackPayload));
  } else {
    logger.warning("Received unexpected ping ack. No ping outstanding");
  if (keepAliveManager != null) {
项目:grpc-java    文件   
public void updateWindow() throws Http2Exception {
  if (!autoTuneFlowControlOn) {
  long elapsedTime = (System.nanoTime() - lastPingTime);
  if (elapsedTime == 0) {
    elapsedTime = 1;
  long bandwidth = (getDataSincePing() * TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1)) / elapsedTime;
  Http2LocalFlowController fc = decoder().flowController();
  // Calculate new window size by doubling the observed BDP, but cap at max window
  int targetWindow = Math.min(getDataSincePing() * 2, MAX_WINDOW_SIZE);
  int currentWindow = fc.initialWindowSize(connection().connectionStream());
  if (targetWindow > currentWindow && bandwidth > lastBandwidth) {
    lastBandwidth = bandwidth;
    int increase = targetWindow - currentWindow;
    fc.incrementWindowSize(connection().connectionStream(), increase);
    Http2Settings settings = new Http2Settings();
    frameWriter().writeSettings(ctx(), settings, ctx().newPromise());

项目:grpc-java    文件   
public static Status statusFromThrowable(Throwable t) {
  Status s = Status.fromThrowable(t);
  if (s.getCode() != Status.Code.UNKNOWN) {
    return s;
  if (t instanceof ClosedChannelException) {
    // ClosedChannelException is used any time the Netty channel is closed. Proper error
    // processing requires remembering the error that occurred before this one and using it
    // instead.
    // Netty uses an exception that has no stack trace, while we would never hope to show this to
    // users, if it happens having the extra information may provide a small hint of where to
    // look.
    ClosedChannelException extraT = new ClosedChannelException();
    return Status.UNKNOWN.withDescription("channel closed").withCause(extraT);
  if (t instanceof IOException) {
    return Status.UNAVAILABLE.withDescription("io exception").withCause(t);
  if (t instanceof Http2Exception) {
    return Status.INTERNAL.withDescription("http2 exception").withCause(t);
  return s;
项目:grpc-java    文件   
public void decode_responseHeaders() throws Http2Exception {
  Http2HeadersDecoder decoder = new GrpcHttp2ClientHeadersDecoder(DEFAULT_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE);
  Http2HeadersEncoder encoder =
      new DefaultHttp2HeadersEncoder(NEVER_SENSITIVE);

  Http2Headers headers = new DefaultHttp2Headers(false);
  headers.add(of(":status"), of("200")).add(of("custom"), of("header"));
  encodedHeaders = Unpooled.buffer();
  encoder.encodeHeaders(1 /* randomly chosen */, headers, encodedHeaders);

  Http2Headers decodedHeaders = decoder.decodeHeaders(3 /* randomly chosen */, encodedHeaders);
  assertEquals(headers.get(of(":status")), decodedHeaders.get(of(":status")));
  assertEquals(headers.get(of("custom")), decodedHeaders.get(of("custom")));
  assertEquals(headers.size(), decodedHeaders.size());

  String toString = decodedHeaders.toString();
  assertContainsKeyAndValue(toString, ":status", decodedHeaders.get(of(":status")));
  assertContainsKeyAndValue(toString, "custom", decodedHeaders.get(of("custom")));
项目:chromium-net-for-android    文件   
public int onDataRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, ByteBuf data, int padding,
        boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {
    RequestResponder responder = mResponderMap.get(streamId);
    if (endOfStream) {
    return responder.onDataRead(ctx, streamId, data, padding, endOfStream);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId,
    Http2Headers headers, int streamDependency, short weight,
    boolean exclusive, int padding, boolean endStream) throws Http2Exception {
  encoder.writeHeaders(ctx, streamId,
    new DefaultHttp2Headers().status(HttpResponseStatus.OK.codeAsText()), 0,
    false, ctx.newPromise());
        .writeBytes("HTTP/2 DTP".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), 0, true,
项目:netty-cookbook    文件   
 * If receive a frame with end-of-stream set, send a pre-canned response.
public int onDataRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, ByteBuf data, int padding,
        boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {
    int processed = data.readableBytes() + padding;
    if (endOfStream) {
        sendResponse(ctx, streamId, data.retain());
    return processed;
项目:netty-cookbook    文件   
 * If receive a frame with end-of-stream set, send a pre-canned response.
public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId,
        Http2Headers headers, int streamDependency, short weight,
        boolean exclusive, int padding, boolean endStream) throws Http2Exception {
    if (endStream) {
        sendResponse(ctx, streamId, RESPONSE_BYTES.duplicate());
项目:armeria    文件   
 * Converts the {@link Throwable} to a {@link Status}, taking into account exceptions specific to Armeria as
 * well.
public static Status fromThrowable(Throwable t) {
    requireNonNull(t, "t");
    Status s = Status.fromThrowable(t);
    if (s.getCode() != Code.UNKNOWN) {
        return s;
    if (t instanceof StreamException) {
        StreamException streamException = (StreamException) t;
        if (streamException.getMessage() != null && streamException.getMessage().contains("RST_STREAM")) {
            return Status.CANCELLED;
    if (t instanceof ClosedChannelException) {
        // ClosedChannelException is used any time the Netty channel is closed. Proper error
        // processing requires remembering the error that occurred before this one and using it
        // instead.
        return Status.UNKNOWN.withCause(t);
    if (t instanceof IOException) {
        return Status.UNAVAILABLE.withCause(t);
    if (t instanceof Http2Exception) {
        return Status.INTERNAL.withCause(t);
    if (t instanceof ResponseTimeoutException) {
        return Status.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED.withCause(t);
    return s;
项目:armeria    文件   
private static void incrementLocalWindowSize(ChannelPipeline pipeline, int delta) {
    try {
        final Http2Connection connection = pipeline.get(Http2ClientConnectionHandler.class).connection();
        connection.local().flowController().incrementWindowSize(connection.connectionStream(), delta);
    } catch (Http2Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Failed to increment local flowController window size: {}", delta, e);
项目:armeria    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int padding,
                          boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {
    HttpResponseWrapper res = getResponse(streamIdToId(streamId), endOfStream);
    if (res == null) {
        if (conn.streamMayHaveExisted(streamId)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("{} Received a late HEADERS frame for a closed stream: {}",
                   , streamId);

        throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "received a HEADERS frame for an unknown stream: %d",

    final HttpHeaders converted = ArmeriaHttpUtil.toArmeria(headers);
    try {
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw connectionError(INTERNAL_ERROR, t, "failed to consume a HEADERS frame");

    if (endOfStream) {
项目:armeria    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(
        ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int streamDependency,
        short weight, boolean exclusive, int padding, boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {

    onHeadersRead(ctx, streamId, headers, padding, endOfStream);
项目:armeria    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(
        ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers,
        int streamDependency, short weight, boolean exclusive, int padding,
        boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {

    onHeadersRead(ctx, streamId, headers, padding, endOfStream);
项目:armeria    文件   
public void onRstStreamRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, long errorCode) throws Http2Exception {
    final HttpRequestWriter req = requests.get(streamId);
    if (req == null) {
        throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR,
                              "received a RST_STREAM frame for an unknown stream: %d", streamId);

            streamId, Http2Error.valueOf(errorCode), "received a RST_STREAM frame"));
项目:armeria    文件   
private ChannelFuture writeClientHeaders(
        ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int id, int streamId,
        HttpHeaders headers, boolean endStream) throws Http2Exception {

    return writeNonInformationalHeaders(
            ctx, id, convertClientHeaders(streamId, headers, endStream), endStream);
项目:armeria    文件   
private HttpObject convertClientHeaders(int streamId, HttpHeaders headers, boolean endStream)
        throws Http2Exception {

    // Leading headers will always have :method, trailers will never have it.
    final HttpMethod method = headers.method();
    if (method == null) {
        return convertTrailingHeaders(streamId, headers);

    // Convert leading headers.
    final HttpRequest req = new DefaultHttpRequest(
            headers.path(), false);

    convert(streamId, headers, req.headers(), false);

    if (endStream) {
    } else if (HttpUtil.getContentLength(req, -1L) >= 0) {
        // Avoid the case where both 'content-length' and 'transfer-encoding' are set.
    } else {
        req.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.CHUNKED);

    return req;
项目:armeria    文件   
private void convert(
        int streamId, HttpHeaders inHeaders,
        io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders outHeaders, boolean trailer) throws Http2Exception {

            streamId, inHeaders, outHeaders, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, trailer, false);

    if (server) {
    } else {
项目:armeria    文件   
 * Returns {@code true} if the specified exception is expected to occur in well-known circumstances.
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link ClosedChannelException}</li>
 *   <li>{@link ClosedSessionException}</li>
 *   <li>{@link IOException} - 'Connection reset/closed/aborted by peer'</li>
 *   <li>'Broken pipe'</li>
 *   <li>{@link Http2Exception} - 'Stream closed'</li>
 * </ul>
public static boolean isExpected(Throwable cause) {
    if (Flags.verboseExceptions()) {
        return true;

    // We do not need to log every exception because some exceptions are expected to occur.

    if (cause instanceof ClosedChannelException || cause instanceof ClosedSessionException) {
        // Can happen when attempting to write to a channel closed by the other end.
        return true;

    final String msg = cause.getMessage();
    if (msg != null) {
        if ((cause instanceof IOException || cause instanceof ChannelException) &&
            IGNORABLE_SOCKET_ERROR_MESSAGE.matcher(msg).find()) {
            // Can happen when socket error occurs.
            return true;

        if (cause instanceof Http2Exception && IGNORABLE_HTTP2_ERROR_MESSAGE.matcher(msg).find()) {
            // Can happen when disconnected prematurely.
            return true;

    return false;
项目:carbon-transports    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId,
                              Http2Headers headers, int padding, boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {

        HTTPCarbonMessage cMsg = publishToMessageProcessor(streamId, headers);
        if (endOfStream) {
//            if (HTTPTransportContextHolder.getInstance().getHandlerExecutor() != null) {
//                HTTPTransportContextHolder.getInstance().getHandlerExecutor().executeAtSourceRequestSending(cMsg);
//            }
项目:xio    文件   
public void onHeadersRead(
    ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int padding, boolean endStream)
    throws Http2Exception {
  if (isServer) {
    ctx.fireChannelRead(, headers, endStream));
  } else {
    ctx.fireChannelRead(, headers, endStream));
项目:xio    文件   
public void onPriorityRead(
    ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
    int streamId,
    int streamDependency,
    short weight,
    boolean exclusive)
    throws Http2Exception {
  // TODO(CK): We don't currently have a use case for these frames
项目:xio    文件   
public void onSettingsRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Http2Settings settings)
    throws Http2Exception {
  // h2 clients need to know that server settings have been received before they can write
  if (!isServer) {
项目:xio    文件   
public void onPushPromiseRead(
    ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
    int streamId,
    int promisedStreamId,
    Http2Headers headers,
    int padding)
    throws Http2Exception {
  // TODO(CK): We don't currently have a use case for these frames
项目:xio    文件   
public HttpResponseStatus status() {
  try {
    return HttpConversionUtil.parseStatus(delegate.status());
  } catch (Http2Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
项目:xio    文件   
 * Throws a RuntimeException if the underlying status cannot be converted to an HttpResponseStatus
public HttpResponseStatus status() {
  try {
    return HttpConversionUtil.parseStatus(delegate.status());
  } catch (Http2Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
项目:xio    文件   
/** Return an Http1 Headers object based on the values in the underlying Http2Headers object. */
public HttpHeaders http1Headers(boolean isTrailer, boolean isRequest) {
  try {
    HttpHeaders headers = new DefaultHttpHeaders();
        -1, delegate, headers, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, isTrailer, isRequest);
    return headers;
  } catch (Http2Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
项目:grpc-java    文件   
private void onDataRead(int streamId, ByteBuf data, int padding, boolean endOfStream)
    throws Http2Exception {
  flowControlPing().onDataRead(data.readableBytes(), padding);
  try {
    NettyServerStream.TransportState stream = serverStream(requireHttp2Stream(streamId));
    stream.inboundDataReceived(data, endOfStream);
  } catch (Throwable e) {
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception in onDataRead()", e);
    // Throw an exception that will get handled by onStreamError.
    throw newStreamException(streamId, e);
项目:grpc-java    文件   
private void onRstStreamRead(int streamId, long errorCode) throws Http2Exception {
  try {
    NettyServerStream.TransportState stream = serverStream(connection().stream(streamId));
    if (stream != null) {
          Status.CANCELLED.withDescription("RST_STREAM received for code " + errorCode));
  } catch (Throwable e) {
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception in onRstStreamRead()", e);
    // Throw an exception that will get handled by onStreamError.
    throw newStreamException(streamId, e);