private static Map<String, Property> parseResponseHeaders(ReaderContext context, ResponseHeader[] headers) { Map<String, Property> responseHeaders = null; for (ResponseHeader header : headers) { final String name =; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name)) { if (responseHeaders == null) { responseHeaders = new HashMap<String, Property>(); } final Class<?> cls = header.response(); if (!ReflectionUtils.isVoid(cls)) { final Property property = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAsProperty(cls); if (property != null) { final Property responseProperty = ContainerWrapper.wrapContainer( header.responseContainer(), property, ContainerWrapper.ARRAY, ContainerWrapper.LIST, ContainerWrapper.SET); responseProperty.setDescription(header.description()); responseHeaders.put(name, responseProperty); appendModels(context.getSwagger(), cls); } } } } return responseHeaders; }
@ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @PostMapping(path = "/responseEntity") @Override public ResponseEntity<Date> responseEntity(InvocationContext c1, @RequestAttribute("date") Date date) { return super.responseEntity(c1, date); }
@ApiResponse(code = 200, response = User.class, message = "") @ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @GetMapping(path = "/cseResponse") @Override public Response cseResponse(InvocationContext c1) { return super.cseResponse(c1); }
@ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @RequestMapping(path = "/responseEntity", method = RequestMethod.POST) @Override public ResponseEntity<Date> responseEntity(InvocationContext c1, @RequestAttribute("date") Date date) { return super.responseEntity(c1, date); }
@ApiResponse(code = 200, response = User.class, message = "") @ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @RequestMapping(path = "/cseResponse", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Override public Response cseResponse(InvocationContext c1) { return super.cseResponse(c1); }
@ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @RequestMapping(path = "/responseEntity", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<Date> responseEntity(InvocationContext c1, @RequestAttribute("date") Date date) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.add("h1", "h1v " + c1.getContext().get(Const.SRC_MICROSERVICE).toString()); InvocationContext c2 = ContextUtils.getInvocationContext(); headers.add("h2", "h2v " + c2.getContext().get(Const.SRC_MICROSERVICE).toString()); return new ResponseEntity<Date>(date, headers, HttpStatus.ACCEPTED); }
@ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @RequestMapping(path = "/responseEntity", method = RequestMethod.PATCH) public ResponseEntity<Date> responseEntityPATCH(InvocationContext c1, @RequestAttribute("date") Date date) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.add("h1", "h1v " + c1.getContext().get(Const.SRC_MICROSERVICE).toString()); InvocationContext c2 = ContextUtils.getInvocationContext(); headers.add("h2", "h2v " + c2.getContext().get(Const.SRC_MICROSERVICE).toString()); return new ResponseEntity<Date>(date, headers, HttpStatus.ACCEPTED); }
@Override public void process(Object annotation, OperationGenerator operationGenerator) { ResponseHeaders responseHeaders = (ResponseHeaders) annotation; MethodAnnotationProcessor processor = operationGenerator.getContext().findMethodAnnotationProcessor(ResponseHeader.class); for (ResponseHeader responseHeader : responseHeaders.value()) { processor.process(responseHeader, operationGenerator); } }
public static ResponseHeaderConfig convert(ResponseHeader responseHeader) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty( { return null; } ResponseHeaderConfig config = new ResponseHeaderConfig(); config.setName(; config.setDescription(responseHeader.description()); config.setResponseClass(responseHeader.response()); config.setResponseContainer(responseHeader.responseContainer()); return config; }
public void setResponseHeaders(ResponseHeader[] responseHeaders) { this.responseHeaders = new ArrayList<>(); for (ResponseHeader header : responseHeaders) { ResponseHeaderConfig config = AnnotationUtils.convert(header); if (config != null) { this.responseHeaders.add(config); } } if (this.responseHeaders.isEmpty()) { this.responseHeaders = null; } }
@Override public void process(Object annotation, OperationGenerator operationGenerator) { ResponseHeader responseHeader = (ResponseHeader) annotation; ResponseHeaderConfig config = AnnotationUtils.convert(responseHeader); if (config != null) { Property property = AnnotationUtils.generateResponseHeaderProperty(operationGenerator.getSwagger(), config); operationGenerator.addResponseHeader(config.getName(), property); } }
protected void initMethodAnnotationMgr() { methodAnnotationMgr.register(ApiOperation.class, new ApiOperationProcessor()); methodAnnotationMgr.register(ApiImplicitParams.class, new ApiImplicitParamsMethodProcessor()); methodAnnotationMgr.register(ApiImplicitParam.class, new ApiImplicitParamMethodProcessor()); methodAnnotationMgr.register(ApiResponses.class, new ApiResponsesMethodProcessor()); methodAnnotationMgr.register(ApiResponse.class, new ApiResponseMethodProcessor()); methodAnnotationMgr.register(ResponseHeaders.class, new ResponseHeadersProcessor()); methodAnnotationMgr.register(ResponseHeader.class, new ResponseHeaderProcessor()); }
@ApiOperation( value = "summary", notes = "notes", tags = {"tag1", "tag2"}, httpMethod = "GET", nickname = "test", produces = "application/json", consumes = "application/json", protocols = "http,https", code = 202, responseHeaders = {@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = int.class)}, extensions = {@Extension( name = "x-tagA", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "x-tagAExt", value = "value of tagAExt")})}) void testBase();
@ApiResponses({@ApiResponse(code = 400, response = String.class, message = ""), @ApiResponse( code = 401, response = long.class, message = "", responseHeaders = {@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = int.class)}) }) public int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
@ApiResponse( code = 300, response = String.class, message = "", responseHeaders = {@ResponseHeader(name = "h3", response = int.class)}) @ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = int.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class, responseContainer = "List")}) public int test(int x) { return 100; }
@POST @ApiOperation( value = "Add new Task", notes = "Create a new Task within a Router") @ApiResponses( @ApiResponse( code = 201, message = "Created successfully", response = CreatedTaskDto.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = HttpHeaders.LOCATION, response = URL.class, description = "The path to the newly created resource"), @ResponseHeader( name = TaskService.X_QUEUE_SIZE, response = Long.class, description = "The number of tasks in the queue before that one")})) public Response create(CreateTaskArg taskArg) throws CommsRouterException { LOGGER.debug("Creating Task: {}", taskArg); CreatedTaskDto task = taskService.create(taskArg, routerRef); return createResponse(task); }
@POST @ApiOperation( value = "Create a Router", notes = "A Router is a container for your Tasks, Agents, Tasks, Plans and Rules.", response = ApiObjectRef.class, code = 201, tags = "routers") @ApiResponses( @ApiResponse(code = 201, message = "Created", responseHeaders = @ResponseHeader( name = HttpHeaders.LOCATION, response = URL.class, description = "The path to the newly created resource"))) public Response create( @ApiParam(value = "Router object that needs to be added to the list of routers", required = true) CreateRouterArg routerArg) throws CommsRouterException { LOGGER.debug("Creating router: {}", routerArg); ApiObjectRef router = routerService.create(routerArg); URI createLocation = UriBuilder.fromResource(this.getClass()).path("{id}").build(router.getRef()); return Response.status(Status.CREATED) .header(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, createLocation.toString()) .entity(new ApiObjectRef(router)) .build(); }
@POST @Path("files") @Produces ( "application/json" ) @ApiOperation( code = 201, value = "Save new content while creating its discussion board", notes = "Both operations (new content and forum) must succeed within a given time interval, otherwise both will be canceled or rolled back. " + "The newly created resource(s) can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in the entity of the response, with the URI for the " + "distributed transaction given by the Location header field", response = String.class, responseContainer = "List", responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = "Location", description = "The distributed transaction URI", response = String.class) } ) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code=500, message="Error processing request", response = ErrorDetails.class) }) public Response save(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @ApiParam(value = "Data to pass to server", required = true) CompositeData data ) throws CompositeTransactionException { Entry<String, List<String>> txEntities = service.saveAllEntities(data); URI location = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().path("{id}") .resolveTemplate("id", txEntities.getKey()).build(); return Response.created(location).entity(txEntities.getValue()).build(); }
@POST @Path("{botId}") @ApiResponse(code = 200, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = "location", response = URI.class) }, message = "returns location of the exported ZIP file to be downloaded") Response exportBot(@PathParam("botId") String botId, @ApiParam(name = "botVersion", required = true, format = "integer", example = "1") @QueryParam("botVersion") @DefaultValue("1") Integer botVersion);
@GET @Path("/filterFunctions") @ApiOperation(value = "Gets available filter functions.", response = String.class, responseContainer = "list", produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)}) Response getFilterFunction();
@POST @UnitOfWork @ApiOperation(value = "Add an Event", response = Response.class) @ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.CREATED_201, message = ApiResponseConstants.Created.MESSAGE, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.NAME, description = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.DESCRIPTION, response = String.class ) } ), @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY_422, response = ValidationErrorMessage.class, message = "Failed validation" ) }) public Response addEvent( @Valid @ApiParam(value = "Event", required = true) AddEventRequest request ) throws AddEntityException { EventAddPayload addPayload = eventMapper.toDomainAddPayload(request); Event domainEntity = eventEntityService.add(addPayload); EventApiEntity eventApiEntity = eventMapper.toApiEntity(domainEntity); return Response.created(UriBuilder.fromPath("/events/{eventId}") .build(eventApiEntity.getId())) .build(); }
@GET @Path("{id}") @ApiOperation(value = "Get the details of a job", response = JobDetail.class, produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = JOB_ID_HEADER, description = JOB_ID_HEADER_DESCRIPTION), @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = JOB_NOT_FOUND), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), @ApiResponse(code = 503, message = JOB_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)}) Response details(@ApiParam(value = "a job id") @PathParam("id") final String id) throws OperationException;
@GET @ApiOperation(value = "Get the details of all jobs", response = JobDetail.class, responseContainer = "List", produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = JOB_ID_HEADER, description = JOB_ID_HEADER_DESCRIPTION), @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), @ApiResponse(code = 503, message = JOB_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)}) Response details() throws OperationException;
@GET @Path("/serialisedFields/{className}") @ApiOperation(value = "Gets all serialised fields for a given java class.", response = String.class, responseContainer = "list", produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = CLASS_NOT_FOUND), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)}) Response getSerialisedFields(@ApiParam(value = "a java class name") @PathParam("className") final String className);
@POST @UnitOfWork @ApiOperation(value = "Add a Handicap Group") @ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.CREATED_201, message = ApiResponseConstants.Created.MESSAGE, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.NAME, description = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.DESCRIPTION, response = String.class ) } ), @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY_422, message = "Failed validation", response = ValidationErrorMessage.class ) }) public Response addHandicapGroup( @Valid @ApiParam(value = "Handicap Group") AddHandicapGroupRequest request ) throws AddEntityException { HandicapGroupAddPayload addPayload = handicapGroupMapper.toDomainAddPayload(request); HandicapGroup domainEntity = handicapGroupEntityService.add(addPayload); HandicapGroupApiEntity entity = handicapGroupMapper.toApiEntity(domainEntity); return Response.created(UriBuilder.fromPath("/handicapGroups/{handicapGroupId}") .build(entity.getId())) .build(); }
@GET @ApiOperation(value = "Gets all operations supported by the store.", response = String.class, responseContainer = "list", produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK)}) Response getOperations();
@POST @UnitOfWork @ApiOperation(value = "Add a Competition Group") @ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.CREATED_201, message = ApiResponseConstants.Created.MESSAGE, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.NAME, description = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.DESCRIPTION, response = String.class ) } ), @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY_422, message = "Failed validation", response = ValidationErrorMessage.class ) }) public Response addCompetitionGroup( @Valid @ApiParam(value = "Competition Group") AddCompetitionGroupRequest request ) throws AddEntityException { CompetitionGroupAddPayload addPayload = competitionGroupMapper.toDomainAddPayload(request); CompetitionGroup domainEntity = competitionGroupEntityService.add(addPayload); CompetitionGroupApiEntity entity = competitionGroupMapper.toApiEntity(domainEntity); return Response.created(UriBuilder.fromPath("/competitionGroups/{competitionGroupId}") .build(entity.getId())) .build(); }
@POST @UnitOfWork @ApiOperation(value = "Add a new registration") @ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.CREATED_201, message = ApiResponseConstants.Created.MESSAGE, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.NAME, description = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.DESCRIPTION, response = String.class ) } ), @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404, response = ErrorMessage.class, message = "No event with given ID" ), @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY_422, response = ValidationErrorMessage.class, message = "Failed validation" ) }) public Response addRegistration( @PathParam("eventId") @ApiParam(value = "Event ID", required = true) String eventId, @Valid @ApiParam(value = "Registration", required = true) AddRegistrationRequest request ) throws AddEntityException, EntityNotFoundException { RegistrationAddPayload addPayload = registrationMapper.toDomainAddPayload(request, eventId); Registration domainEntity = eventRegistrationService.add(addPayload); RegistrationApiEntity registration = registrationMapper.toApiEntity(domainEntity); return Response.created(UriBuilder.fromPath("/events/{eventId}/registrations/{registrationId}") .build(eventId, registration.getId())) .build(); }
@POST @ApiOperation(value = "Submits the given operation job to the graph", response = JobDetail.class, code = 201, produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = JOB_ID_HEADER, description = JOB_ID_HEADER_DESCRIPTION), @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 201, message = JOB_CREATED), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = BAD_REQUEST), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = FORBIDDEN), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), @ApiResponse(code = 501, message = OPERATION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED), @ApiResponse(code = 503, message = JOB_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)}) Response executeJob(final Operation operation) throws OperationException;
@GET @Path("/{propertyName}") @Produces({TEXT_PLAIN, APPLICATION_JSON}) @ApiOperation(value = "Gets the property value for the specified property name.", response = String.class, produces = TEXT_PLAIN, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)}) Response getProperty(@ApiParam(value = "the property name") @PathParam("propertyName") final String propertyName);
@POST @Path("/execute") @ApiOperation(value = "Performs the given operation on the graph", response = Object.class, produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = JOB_ID_HEADER, description = JOB_ID_HEADER_DESCRIPTION), @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = BAD_REQUEST), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = FORBIDDEN), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), @ApiResponse(code = 501, message = OPERATION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)}) Response execute(final Operation operation);
@GET @Path("/{className}/example") @ApiOperation(value = "Gets example JSON for the specified operation class.", produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = FORBIDDEN), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = OPERATION_NOT_FOUND), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)}) Response operationExample(@ApiParam(value = "the fully qualified class name") @PathParam("className") final String className) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException;
@GET @Path("/") @ApiOperation(value = "Gets all available properties", response = Map.class, produces = APPLICATION_JSON, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER, description = GAFFER_MEDIA_TYPE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION) }) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = OK), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)}) Response getProperties();
@POST @UnitOfWork @ApiOperation(value = "Add a new run") @ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.CREATED_201, message = ApiResponseConstants.Created.MESSAGE, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.NAME, description = ApiResponseConstants.Created.Headers.DESCRIPTION, response = String.class ) } ), @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404, response = ErrorMessage.class, message = "No event with given ID" ), @ApiResponse( code = HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY_422, response = ValidationErrorMessage.class, message = "Failed validation" ) }) public Response addRun( @PathParam("eventId") @ApiParam(value = "Event ID", required = true) String eventId, @Valid @ApiParam(value = "Run", required = true) AddRunRequest request ) throws AddEntityException, EntityNotFoundException { RunAddPayload addPayload = runMapper.toDomainAddPayload(request, eventId); Run domainEntity = runEntityService.add(addPayload); RunApiEntity run = runMapper.toApiEntity(domainEntity); return Response.created(UriBuilder.fromPath("/events/{eventId}/runs/{runId}") .build(eventId, run.getId())) .build(); }
@GET @Path("/checkUser") @ApiOperation( produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, httpMethod = "GET", value = "Getting the User existence status", notes = "Check if the user exists in the user store.", tags = "User Management", extensions = { @Extension(properties = { @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:users:is-exist") }) } ) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse( code = 200, message = "OK. \n Successfully fetched user exist status.", response = BasicUserInfoList.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = "Content-Type", description = "The content type of the body") }), @ApiResponse( code = 406, message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported", response = ErrorResponse.class), @ApiResponse( code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error. \n Server error occurred while fetching the " + "total user exist status.", response = ErrorResponse.class) }) Response isUserExists(@ApiParam( name = "username", value = "The username of the user.", required = true) @QueryParam("username") String userName);
@ApiResponse( responseHeaders = {@ResponseHeader(name = "k1", response = int.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "k2", response = String.class)}, code = 200, message = "") void testApiResponseHeader();
@ResponseHeader(name = "k1", response = int.class) void testResponseHeader();
@GET @ApiOperation( value = "List all resources", notes = "Default paging will be applied", responseContainer = "List") @ApiResponses( @ApiResponse( code = 200, message = "Successful operation", responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = RouterObjectService.TOTAL_COUNT_HEADER, description = "The total items from this listing", response = Integer.class)})) public Response list( @ApiParam( value = "The current page of the listing", defaultValue = "1", allowableValues = "range[1, infinity]") @Valid @Min(value = 1L, message = "{}") @DefaultValue("01") @QueryParam(RouterObjectService.PAGE_NUMBER_PARAM) int pageNum, @ApiParam( value = "Number of items per page (Maximum 50)", defaultValue = "10", allowableValues = "range[1, 50]") @Valid @Min(value = 1L, message = "{}") @Max(value = 50, message = "{}") @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam(RouterObjectService.ITEMS_PER_PAGE_PARAM) int perPage) throws CommsRouterException { PaginatedList<T> pagedList = getService().list(routerRef, pageNum, perPage); LOGGER.debug("Listing page {}/{} for router {}: {}", pageNum, perPage, routerRef, pagedList); PaginationHelper paginationHelper = new PaginationHelper( () -> entryPoint.clone(), (builder) ->; Link[] links = paginationHelper.getLinks(pagedList); GenericEntity<List<T>> genericEntity = new GenericEntity<>(pagedList.getList(), List.class); return Response.ok() .header(RouterObjectService.TOTAL_COUNT_HEADER, pagedList.getTotalCount()) .links(links) .entity(genericEntity) .type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .build(); }
@GET @ApiOperation(value = "Get All Routers", notes = "Returns a list of Router. A single Router object represents " + "a container for Agents, Tasks, Queues and Plans.", response = RouterDto.class, responseContainer = "List", tags = "routers") @ApiResponses( @ApiResponse( code = 200, message = "Successful operation", responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader( name = PaginatedService.TOTAL_COUNT_HEADER, description = "The total items from this listing", response = Integer.class)})) public Response list( @ApiParam( value = "The current page of the listing", defaultValue = "1", allowableValues = "range[1, infinity]") @Valid @Min(value = 1L, message = "{}") @DefaultValue("01") @QueryParam(PaginatedService.PAGE_NUMBER_PARAM) int pageNum, @ApiParam( value = "Number of items per page (Maximum 50)", defaultValue = "10", allowableValues = "range[1, 50]") @Valid @Min(value = 1L, message = "{}") @Max(value = 50, message = "{}") @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam(PaginatedService.ITEMS_PER_PAGE_PARAM) int perPage) throws CommsRouterException { PaginatedList<RouterDto> pagedList = routerService.list(new PagingRequest(pageNum, perPage)); LOGGER.debug("Listing all routers: {}", pagedList); PaginationHelper paginationHelper = new PaginationHelper( () -> UriBuilder.fromResource(this.getClass()).path(this.getClass()).clone(), (builder) ->; Link[] links = paginationHelper.getLinks(pagedList); GenericEntity<List<RouterDto>> genericEntity = new GenericEntity<>(pagedList.getList(), List.class); return Response.ok() .header(PaginatedService.TOTAL_COUNT_HEADER, pagedList.getTotalCount()) .links(links) .entity(genericEntity) .type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .build(); }
@PUT @RolesAllowed("system") @Path("{virtualAccountNumber}") @Produces({"application/hal+json"}) @Consumes("application/json") @LogDuration(limit = 50) @ApiOperation(value = "Create new or update existing virtualaccount", response = VirtualAccountRepresentation.class, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "oauth2", scopes = {}), @Authorization(value = "oauth2-cc", scopes = {}), @Authorization(value = "oauth2-ac", scopes = {}), @Authorization(value = "oauth2-rop", scopes = {}), @Authorization(value = "Bearer") }, extensions = {@Extension(name = "roles", properties = { @ExtensionProperty(name = "customer", value = "customer allows getting own customer"), @ExtensionProperty(name = "system", value = "system allows getting every customer") })}, notes = "PUT is used to create a new virtualaccount or used to alter the values attached to the virtual account", consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/hal+json, application/hal+json;concept=virtualaccount;v=1, application/hal+json;concept=virtualaccount;v=2", nickname = "updateVirtualAccount") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Could not update or create the virtualaccount", response = ErrorRepresentation.class), @ApiResponse(code = 415, message = "The content-Type was not supported"), @ApiResponse(code = 201, message = "New VirtualAccount Created", response = VirtualAccountRepresentation.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = "VirtualAccount", description = "a link to the created resource"), @ResponseHeader(name = "Content-Type", description = "a link to the created resource"), @ResponseHeader(name = "X-Log-Token", description = "an ide for reference purposes in logs etc") }) }) public Response createOrUpdate(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context Request request, @PathParam("virtualAccountNumber") String virtualAccountNumber, @ApiParam(value = "account") VirtualAccountUpdateRepresentation account) { if (!virtualAccountNumber.equals(account.getVaNumber())) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Long no; try { no = Long.parseLong(virtualAccountNumber); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Optional<VirtualAccount> virtualaccount = archivist.findAccountByAccountNumber(no); VirtualAccount ac; if (virtualaccount.isPresent()) { ac = virtualaccount.get(); ac.addUnCommitted(new BigDecimal(account.getUnCommittedBalance())); } else { ac = new VirtualAccount(no, new BigDecimal(account.getTotalBalance()), new BigDecimal(account.getCommittedBalance()), new BigDecimal(account.getUnCommittedBalance())); }; CacheControl cc = new CacheControl(); int maxAge = 30; cc.setMaxAge(maxAge); return Response.created(URI.create(uriInfo.getPath())) .entity(new VirtualAccountRepresentation(ac, uriInfo)) .cacheControl(cc).expires(Date.from( .status(201) .type("application/hal+json;concept=virtualaccount;v=2") .build(); }