private TableColumn processChoiceBoxColumnName(String name, JsonArray items){ TableColumn column = new TableColumn(name); column.setCellValueFactory( p -> ((TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Item, Object>)p).getValue().getStringProperty(name)); ObservableList list = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); if(items!=null) list.addAll(items.getList()); column.setCellFactory(ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(list)); column.setOnEditCommit( t -> { int index = ((TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Item, Object>) t).getTablePosition().getRow(); Item item = ((TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Item, Object>) t).getTableView().getItems().get(index); item.setProperty(name,((TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Item, Object>) t).getNewValue()); }); columnMap.put(name, column); return column; }
private static JsonArray reformatJsonArray(JsonArray result, CaseConversion conversion, boolean capitalAtStart) { if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return new JsonArray(); } List<Object> reformatedList = new LinkedList<>(); for (Object obj : result.getList()) { if (obj instanceof JsonObject || obj instanceof Map) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") JsonObject jsonObject = (obj instanceof JsonObject) ? (JsonObject) obj : new JsonObject((Map<String, Object>) obj); reformatedList.add(reformatJsonObject(jsonObject, conversion, capitalAtStart)); } else { reformatedList.add(obj); } } return new JsonArray(reformatedList); }
private ConcurrentMap<Integer, ServidorOptions> visit(final JsonArray serverData) throws ZeroException {, KEY, ServerType.IPC, serverData.encode()); Ruler.verify(KEY, serverData); final ConcurrentMap<Integer, ServidorOptions> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Fn.itJArray(serverData, JsonObject.class, (item, index) -> { if (isServer(item)) { // 1. Extract port final int port = extractPort(item.getJsonObject(YKEY_CONFIG)); // 2. Convert JsonObject to HttpServerOptions final ServidorOptions options = this.transformer.transform(item); Fn.safeNull(() -> { // 3. Add to map; map.put(port, options); }, port, options); } });, KEY, ServerType.IPC, map.keySet()); return map; }
@Override public void handle(RoutingContext rc) { Long genreId = PathUtil.parseLongParam(rc.pathParam("genreId")); if (genreId == null) {; return; } dbClient.rxGetConnection().flatMap(sqlConnection -> { Single<JsonObject> gs = findGenre(sqlConnection, genreId); Single<JsonArray> als = findAlbums(sqlConnection, genreId); Single<JsonArray> ars = findArtists(sqlConnection, genreId); return, als, ars, (genre, albums, artists) -> { Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("genre", genre); data.put("albums", albums); data.put("artists", artists); return data; }).doAfterTerminate(sqlConnection::close); }).flatMap(data -> { data.forEach(rc::put); return templateEngine.rxRender(rc, "templates/genre"); }).subscribe(rc.response()::end, rc::fail); }
private JsonArray getSubscriptionBody() { final JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); final JsonObject subscribe = new JsonObject(); final JsonObject ext = new JsonObject(); final JsonObject replay = new JsonObject(); // TODO: Handling of Replay options need to be fixed here! replay.put(this.getListenerConfig().getListenSubject(), -2); ext.put("replay", replay); subscribe.put("ext", ext); subscribe.put("clientId", this.clientId); subscribe.put("channel", "/meta/subscribe"); subscribe.put("subscription", this.getListenerConfig().getListenSubject()); subscribe.put("id", "3"); result.add(subscribe); return result; }
@Override public WikiDatabaseService fetchPage(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> resultHandler) { dbClient.queryWithParams(sqlQueries.get(SqlQuery.GET_PAGE), new JsonArray().add(name), fetch -> { if (fetch.succeeded()) { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); ResultSet resultSet = fetch.result(); if (resultSet.getNumRows() == 0) { response.put("found", false); } else { response.put("found", true); JsonArray row = resultSet.getResults().get(0); response.put("id", row.getInteger(0)); response.put("rawContent", row.getString(1)); } resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(response)); } else { LOGGER.error("Database query error", fetch.cause()); resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(fetch.cause())); } }); return this; }
@Override public void handle(RoutingContext rc) { Long artistId = PathUtil.parseLongParam(rc.pathParam("artistId")); if (artistId == null) {; return; } dbClient.rxGetConnection().flatMap(sqlConnection -> { Single<JsonObject> ars = findArtist(sqlConnection, artistId); Single<JsonArray> als = findAlbums(sqlConnection, artistId); return, als, (artist, albums) -> { Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(2); data.put("artist", artist); data.put("albums", albums); return data; }).doAfterTerminate(sqlConnection::close); }).flatMap(data -> { data.forEach(rc::put); return templateEngine.rxRender(rc, "templates/artist"); }).subscribe(rc.response()::end, rc::fail); }
/** * Handler for the /api endpoint, listing out routes and loaded verticles * * @param ctx */ private void rootHandler(final RoutingContext ctx) { ctx.response().putHeader(Constants.CONTENT_HEADER, Constants.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); final JsonObject result = new JsonObject().put("RunningSince", Utils.getDateString(this.startDate)); final JsonObject routeObject = new JsonObject(); for (final Route r : this.router.getRoutes()) { final String p = r.getPath(); if (p != null) { routeObject.put(p, String.valueOf(r)); } } result.put("Routes", routeObject); final JsonArray verticleArray = new JsonArray(this.loadedVerticles); result.put("Verticles", verticleArray); ctx.response().end(result.encodePrettily()); }
void enrichData(final Message<JsonArray> msg) { //array of /* [ {target: "name", datapoints: [ [value,ts],[value,ts]] } ] */ msg.reply(msg.body() .stream() .parallel() .map(o -> (JsonObject) o) .map(target -> new JsonObject().put("target", target.getString("target") + "_btc") .put("datapoints", adjustByBitcoingPrice(target.getJsonArray("datapoints"))) ) .collect(toJsonArray())); }
@Override public BookDatabaseService getBookById(int id, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> resultHandler) { pgConnectionPool.rxPreparedQuery(SQL_FIND_BOOK_BY_ID, Tuple.of(id)) .map(PgResult::getDelegate) .subscribe(pgResult -> { JsonArray jsonArray = transformPgResultToJson(pgResult); if (jsonArray.size() == 0) { resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(new JsonObject())); } else { JsonObject dbResponse = jsonArray.getJsonObject(0); resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(dbResponse)); } }, throwable -> { LOGGER.error("Failed to get the book by id " + id, throwable); resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(throwable)); }); return this; }
private Handler<AsyncResult<Set<Character>>> createSetCharHandler(Message msg) { return res -> { if (res.failed()) { if (res.cause() instanceof ServiceException) { msg.reply(res.cause()); } else { msg.reply(new ServiceException(-1, res.cause().getMessage())); } } else { JsonArray arr = new JsonArray(); for (Character chr: res.result()) { arr.add((int) chr); } msg.reply(arr); } }; }
@Override public WikiDatabaseService fetchAllPages(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> resultHandler) { dbClient.query(sqlQueries.get(SqlQuery.ALL_PAGES), res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { JsonArray pages = new JsonArray(res.result() .getResults() .stream() .map(json -> json.getString(0)) .sorted() .collect(Collectors.toList())); resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(pages)); } else { LOGGER.error("Database query error", res.cause()); resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(res.cause())); } }); return this; }
protected void parseMenu (Stage stage, MenuBar menuBar, JsonArray jsonArray) { Platform.runLater(() -> { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { //get menu entry JsonObject entry = jsonArray.getJsonObject(i); //get event and title //String event = entry.getString("event"); String title = entry.getString("title"); //create new menu Menu menu = new Menu(title); //add sub menus this.parseSubMenus(menu, entry.getJsonArray("submenus")); //add menu to menu bar menuBar.getMenus().add(menu); } menuBar.prefWidthProperty().bind(stage.widthProperty()); }); }
@Override public Single<Void> deployToResteasy(VertxResteasyDeployment deployment) { JsonArray packages = AppGlobals.get().getConfig().getJsonArray("scan"); if(packages == null) { System.err.println("Not scanning any packages, please specify the 'scan' array of packages in configuration"); }else { String[] packagesToScan = (String[]) packages.getList().toArray(new String[packages.size()+1]); packagesToScan[packagesToScan.length-1] = "net.redpipe.engine"; new FastClasspathScanner(packagesToScan) .matchClassesWithAnnotation(Path.class, klass -> { if(!Modifier.isAbstract(klass.getModifiers())) deployment.getActualResourceClasses().add(klass); }) .matchClassesWithAnnotation(Provider.class, klass -> { if(!Modifier.isAbstract(klass.getModifiers())) deployment.getActualProviderClasses().add(klass); }) .scan(); } return Single.just(null); }
private void step4ActionSubscribe() { if (this.shuttingDown || this.shutdownCompleted) { this.shutdownCompleted = true; return; } final JsonArray body = this.getSubscriptionBody(); final HttpRequest<Buffer> request = this.initWebPostRequest(Constants.URL_SUBSCRIBE); request.sendJson(body, postReturn -> { if (postReturn.succeeded()) { this.step4ResultSubscribe(postReturn.result()); } else { this.logger.error(postReturn.cause()); } }); }
/** * 查询所有账号 * 返回JSON包括id,name,email字段 * 需要管理员权限 */ private void getAccountList(RoutingContext rc) { if (forbidAccess(rc, "id", false)) { return; } log.debug("即将发送EventBus消息查询所有账号"); vertx.eventBus().<JsonArray>send(ADDR_ACCOUNT_DB.get(), makeMessage(COMMAND_GET_ALL_ACCOUNT), ar -> { HttpServerResponse response = rc.response(); if(ar.succeeded()){ JsonArray rows = ar.result().body(); response.putHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8").end(rows.toString()); } else { log.error("EventBus消息响应错误", ar.cause()); response.setStatusCode(500).end("EventBus error!"); } }); }
@Test public void testAddingView() throws Exception { goAndWaitForPageToLoad(); searchForMovie(); openDetailView(); WebElement addToViewsButton = driver.findElementByCssSelector("#add-watch > div.card-content"); sleep(driver, 5, visibilityOf(addToViewsButton));; WebElement watchStartNowButton = driver.findElementById("watchStartNow"); sleep(driver, 5, visibilityOf(watchStartNowButton));; driver.findElement(id("watchEndCalculate")).click(); driver.findElement(id("add-btn")).click(); await().atMost(5, SECONDS).until(() -> localDatabase .queryBlocking("SELECT * FROM Views WHERE MovieId = ?", new JsonArray().add(315837)) .size() > 0); }
public static Map<String, Object> mappifyJsonObject(final JsonObject sourceJson) { final Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map<String, Object> sourceMap = sourceJson.getMap(); sourceMap.forEach((key, value) -> { // Check for nested JSONObjects and JSONArrays if ((key != null) && (value != null)) { if (value instanceof JsonArray) { final JsonArray workArray = (JsonArray) value; result.put(key, Utils.mappifyJsonArray(workArray)); } else if (value instanceof JsonObject) { final JsonObject workJson = (JsonObject) value; result.put(key, Utils.mappifyJsonObject(workJson)); } else { result.put(key, value); } } }); return result; }
/** * 支付完成后,更新订单信息 * 包括支付平台的订单ID,以及支付时间 */ public void updateAfterPaid(JsonObject order, Handler<Integer> callback) { String platOrderId = order.getString(PLATORDERID); if (platOrderId == null || platOrderId.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OrderId of pay platform cannot be null!!!"); } String orderId = order.getString(ORDERID); if (orderId == null || orderId.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("OrderId in Order object cannot be null!!!"); Integer type = order.getInteger(TYPE); if (type == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type in Order object cannot be null!!!"); String sql = "UPDATE awp_order SET platOrderId = ?, payTime = NOW() where orderId=? and type=?"; JsonArray params = new JsonArray().add(platOrderId).add(orderId).add(type); update(sql, params, callback); }
private void storeInDatabase(JsonObject operation) { // 1. need to retrieve a connection // 2. execute the insertion statement // 3. close the connection // Step 1 get the connection Single<SQLConnection> connectionRetrieved = jdbc.rxGetConnection(); // Step 2, when the connection is retrieved (this may have failed), do the insertion (upon success) Single<UpdateResult> update = connectionRetrieved .flatMap(connection -> connection.rxUpdateWithParams(INSERT_STATEMENT, new JsonArray().add(operation.encode())) // Step 3, when the insertion is done, close the connection. .doAfterTerminate(connection::close)); update.subscribe(result -> { // Ok }, err -> { System.err.println("Failed to insert operation in database: " + err); }); }
/** * Inserts a Facebook, Google or IdCard user into database. */ @Override public Future<JsonObject> insertUser(String username, String password, String firstname, String lastname) { if (!nonNull(username, password, firstname, lastname) || contains("", username, firstname, lastname)) { return failedFuture("Email, firstname and lastname must exist!"); } return future(fut -> ifPresent(genString(), salt -> updateOrInsert(SQL_INSERT_USER, new JsonArray() .add(username) .add(firstname) .add(lastname) .add(hash(password, salt)) .add(salt)).rxSetHandler() .doOnError(fut::fail) .subscribe(res -> insert(Table.SETTINGS, createDataMap(username)).rxSetHandler() .subscribe(result -> fut.complete(res), fut::fail)))); }
private void processEntries(Message<JsonArray> message) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); vertx.executeBlocking(future -> { JsonArray entries = message.body(); for (Object obj : entries.getList()) { JsonObject jobj = (JsonObject) obj; HEElementModel model = gson.fromJson(jobj.toString(), HEElementModel.class); this.getCache(cacheName).put(model.getGuid(), model); } future.complete(); }, res -> { long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();, stop - start)); }); }
@Override public Future<JsonObject> getViewsMeta(String username, String jsonParam) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(jsonParam); System.out.println(json.encodePrettily()); json.put("start", formToDBDate(json.getString("start"), false)); json.put("end", formToDBDate(json.getString("end"), true)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SQL_QUERY_VIEWS_META); ifTrue(json.getBoolean("is-first"), () -> sb.append(" AND WasFirst")); ifTrue(json.getBoolean("is-cinema"), () -> sb.append(" AND WasCinema")); System.out.println("QUERY"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); return query(sb.toString(), new JsonArray() .add(username) .add(json.getString("start")) .add(json.getString("end"))); }
@Override public Future<JsonObject> insertSeasonViews(String username, JsonObject seasonData, String seriesId) { // TODO: 18/05/2017 test StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(SQL_INSERT_SEASON); JsonArray episodes = seasonData.getJsonArray("episodes"); JsonArray values = new JsonArray(); ifFalse(episodes.isEmpty(), () -> { .map(obj -> (JsonObject) obj) .peek(json -> query.append(" (?, ?, ?, ?, ?),")) .forEach(json -> values .add(username) .add(seriesId) .add(json.getInteger("id")) .add(seasonData.getString("_id")) .add(currentTimeMillis())); query.deleteCharAt(query.length() - 1); }); return updateOrInsert(query.toString(), values); }
public <T> JsonObject write(final String path, final T data, final int ttl) { return Fn.getJvm(null, () -> { final EtcdKeyPutRequest request = this.client.put(path, Fn.getSemi(data instanceof JsonObject || data instanceof JsonArray, LOGGER, () -> Instance.invoke(data, "encode"), data::toString)); if (Values.ZERO != ttl) { request.ttl(ttl); } /** Timeout **/ if (-1 != this.timeout) { request.timeout(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } final EtcdResponsePromise<EtcdKeysResponse> promise = request.send(); final EtcdKeysResponse response = promise.get(); return Jackson.serializeJson(response.getNode()); }, path, data); }
static <T> JsonArray toArray( final List<T> list, final String pojo ) { final JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); Observable.fromIterable(list) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(item -> toJson(item, pojo)) .subscribe(array::add); return array; }
public ConfigRxRetriever withDirectory(String dirPath) { options.addStore(new ConfigStoreOptions() .setType("directory") .setConfig(new JsonObject() .put("path", dirPath) .put("filesets", new JsonArray() .add(new JsonObject().put("pattern", "*.json")) .add(new JsonObject().put("pattern", "*.properties").put("format", "properties"))))); return this; }
static <T> Future<Envelop> toUnique( final String pojo, final CompletableFuture<List<T>> completableFuture ) { final Future<Envelop> future = Future.future(); final Future<JsonArray> arrayFuture = Async.toArrayFuture(pojo, completableFuture); // future.complete(To.toEnvelop(To.toUnique(arrayFuture.result(), pojo))); arrayFuture.setHandler(item -> future.complete(To.toEnvelop(To.toUnique(item.result(), pojo)))); return future; }
@Override public WikiDatabaseService deletePage(int id, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler) { JsonArray data = new JsonArray().add(id); dbClient.rxUpdateWithParams(sqlQueries.get(SqlQuery.DELETE_PAGE), data) .map(res -> (Void) null) .subscribe(RxHelper.toSubscriber(resultHandler)); return this; }
@Override public WikiDatabaseService createPage(String title, String markdown, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler) { JsonArray data = new JsonArray().add(title).add(markdown); dbClient.updateWithParams(sqlQueries.get(SqlQuery.CREATE_PAGE), data, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } else { LOGGER.error("Database query error", res.cause()); resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(res.cause())); } }); return this; }
/** * Convert JsonArray into list with appropriate type checking * * @param jsonArray JsonArray to be converted to List * @param cls Class to be used for type checking and casting * @param <T> Type of class used for checking and casting * @return Converted List */ public static <T> List<T> jsonArrayToList(JsonArray jsonArray, Class<T> cls) { List<T> outList = new ArrayList<T>(); Iterator<Object> extCpIter = jsonArray.iterator(); Object obj; while (extCpIter.hasNext()) { obj =; outList.add(cls.isInstance(obj) ? cls.cast(obj) : null); } return outList; }
@Override public WikiDatabaseService fetchAllPages(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> resultHandler) { dbClient.rxQuery(sqlQueries.get(SqlQuery.ALL_PAGES)) .flatMapObservable(res -> { List<JsonArray> results = res.getResults(); return Observable.from(results); }) .map(json -> json.getString(0)) .sorted() .collect(JsonArray::new, JsonArray::add) .subscribe(RxHelper.toSubscriber(resultHandler)); return this; }
@RequiresPermissions("delete") @DELETE @Path("pages/{id}") public Single<Response> apiDeletePage(@PathParam("id") String id){ return SQLUtil.doInConnection(connection -> connection.rxUpdateWithParams(SQL.SQL_DELETE_PAGE, new JsonArray().add(id))) .map(res -> Response.ok(new JsonObject().put("success", true)).build()); }
private void deletePage(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonArray data = new JsonArray().add(message.body().getString("id")); dbClient.updateWithParams(sqlQueries.get(SqlQuery.DELETE_PAGE), data, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { message.reply("ok"); } else { reportQueryError(message, res.cause()); } }); }
public void findAll(RoutingContext rc) { log.debug("REST request to get all Versions"); eventBus.send("version.query", new JsonObject(), ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { respondJson(rc, (JsonArray) ar.result().body()); } else { error(rc, ar.cause()); } }); }
public JsonArray getValue() throws InterruptedException,ExecutionException{ if (Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) { return getValueBase(); }else{ final FutureTask<JsonArray> task = new FutureTask<>(this::getValueBase); Platform.runLater(task); return task.get(); } }
@Override public Future<JsonObject> getWeekdaysDistribution(String username, String jsonParam) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(jsonParam); json.put("start", formToDBDate(json.getString("start"), false)); json.put("end", formToDBDate(json.getString("end"), true)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SQL_GET_WEEKDAYS_DIST); ifTrue(json.getBoolean("is-first"), () -> sb.append(" AND WasFirst")); ifTrue(json.getBoolean("is-cinema"), () -> sb.append(" AND WasCinema")); return query(sb.append(" GROUP BY Day ORDER BY Day").toString(), new JsonArray() .add(username) .add(json.getString("start")) .add(json.getString("end"))); }
private static JsonObject findByKey(final JsonArray source, final String key, final Object value) { return Fn.getJvm(() -> Observable.fromIterable(source) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(item -> (JsonObject) item) .filter(item -> null != item.getValue(key)) .filter(item -> value == item.getValue(key) || item.getValue(key).equals(value)) .first(new JsonObject()).blockingGet(), source, key); }
@Override public Future<JsonObject> getMonthYearDistribution(String username, String jsonParam) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(jsonParam); json.put("start", formToDBDate(json.getString("start"), false)); json.put("end", formToDBDate(json.getString("end"), true)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SQL_GET_MONTH_YEAR_DIST); ifTrue(json.getBoolean("is-first"), () -> sb.append(" AND WasFirst")); ifTrue(json.getBoolean("is-cinema"), () -> sb.append(" AND WasCinema")); return query(sb.append(" GROUP BY Month, Year ORDER BY Year, Month").toString(), new JsonArray() .add(username) .add(json.getString("start")) .add(json.getString("end"))); }
private SockJSHandler configureSockJsHandler(VertxContext vertxContext, BridgeOptions bridgeOptions, JsonObject config) { SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertxContext.vertx()); sockJSHandler.bridge(bridgeOptions, event -> event.complete(true)); JsonArray jsonArray=config.getJsonArray(ALLOWED_ORIGINS, new JsonArray().add("*")); sockJSHandler.socketHandler(event -> jsonArray.forEach(o -> event.headers().set(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, (String)o))); return sockJSHandler; }