Java 类java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage 实例源码

项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler sets the xlink:href tag and returns a transform
public AffineTransform handleImage(RenderableImage image,
                                   Element imageElement,
                                   double x, double y,
                                   double width, double height,
                                   SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {

    double imageWidth   = image.getWidth();
    double imageHeight  = image.getHeight();

    if(imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0 ||
       width == 0 || height == 0) {

        // Forget about it

    } else {
        imageHandler.handleImage(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
        setImageAttributes(imageElement, x, y, width, height, generatorContext);
    return null;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * Draws a <code>Filter</code> (<code>RenderableImage</code>) into a
 * Graphics 2D.<p>
 * This method also attempts to unwind the rendering chain a bit.
 * So it knows about certain operations (like affine, pad,
 * composite), rather than applying each of these operations in
 * turn it accounts for their affects through modifications to the
 * Graphics2D.  This avoids generating lots of intermediate images.
 * @param g2d    The Graphics to draw into.
 * @param filter The filter to draw
public static void drawImage(Graphics2D g2d,
                             RenderableImage filter) {
    if (filter instanceof PaintRable) {
        PaintRable pr = (PaintRable)filter;
        if (pr.paintRable(g2d))
            // paintRable succeeded so we are done...

    // Get our sources image...
    // System.out.println("UnOpt: " + filter);
    AffineTransform at = g2d.getTransform();
    RenderedImage ri = filter.createRendering
        (new RenderContext(at, g2d.getClip(), g2d.getRenderingHints()));

    if (ri == null)

    drawImage(g2d, GraphicsUtil.wrap(ri));
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler sets the xlink:href tag and returns a transform
public AffineTransform handleImage(RenderableImage image,
                                   Element imageElement,
                                   double x, double y,
                                   double width, double height,
                                   SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {

    double imageWidth   = image.getWidth();
    double imageHeight  = image.getHeight();

    if(imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0 ||
       width == 0 || height == 0) {

        // Forget about it

    } else {
        imageHandler.handleImage(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
        setImageAttributes(imageElement, x, y, width, height, generatorContext);
    return null;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * Draws a <code>Filter</code> (<code>RenderableImage</code>) into a
 * Graphics 2D.<p>
 * This method also attempts to unwind the rendering chain a bit.
 * So it knows about certain operations (like affine, pad,
 * composite), rather than applying each of these operations in
 * turn it accounts for their affects through modifications to the
 * Graphics2D.  This avoids generating lots of intermediate images.
 * @param g2d    The Graphics to draw into.
 * @param filter The filter to draw
public static void drawImage(Graphics2D g2d,
                             RenderableImage filter) {
    if (filter instanceof PaintRable) {
        PaintRable pr = (PaintRable)filter;
        if (pr.paintRable(g2d))
            // paintRable succeeded so we are done...

    // Get our sources image...
    // System.out.println("UnOpt: " + filter);
    AffineTransform at = g2d.getTransform();
    RenderedImage ri = filter.createRendering
        (new RenderContext(at, g2d.getClip(), g2d.getRenderingHints()));

    if (ri == null)

    drawImage(g2d, GraphicsUtil.wrap(ri));
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * This method will delegate to the <tt>handleHREF</tt> which
 * uses a <tt>RenderedImage</tt>
protected void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    // Create an buffered image where the image will be drawn
    Dimension size = new Dimension((int)Math.ceil(image.getWidth()),
    BufferedImage buf = buildBufferedImage(size);

    Graphics2D g = createGraphics(buf);

    g.drawRenderableImage(image, IDENTITY);

    handleHREF((RenderedImage)buf, imageElement, generatorContext);
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * The handler sets the xlink:href tag and returns a transform
public AffineTransform handleImage(RenderableImage image,
                                   Element imageElement,
                                   double x, double y,
                                   double width, double height,
                                   SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {

    double imageWidth   = image.getWidth();
    double imageHeight  = image.getHeight();

    if(imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0 ||
       width == 0 || height == 0) {

        // Forget about it

    } else {
        imageHandler.handleImage(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
        setImageAttributes(imageElement, x, y, width, height, generatorContext);
    return null;
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * Draws a <tt>Filter</tt> (<tt>RenderableImage</tt>) into a
 * Graphics 2D.<p>
 * This method also attempts to unwind the rendering chain a bit.
 * So it knows about certain operations (like affine, pad,
 * composite), rather than applying each of these operations in
 * turn it accounts for their affects through modifications to the
 * Graphics2D.  This avoids generating lots of intermediate images.
 * @param g2d    The Graphics to draw into.
 * @param filter The filter to draw
public static void drawImage(Graphics2D g2d,
                             RenderableImage filter) {
    if (filter instanceof PaintRable) {
        PaintRable pr = (PaintRable)filter;
        if (pr.paintRable(g2d))
            // paintRable succeeded so we are done...

    // Get our sources image...
    // System.out.println("UnOpt: " + filter);
    AffineTransform at = g2d.getTransform();
    RenderedImage ri = filter.createRendering
        (new RenderContext(at, g2d.getClip(), g2d.getRenderingHints()));

    if (ri == null)

    drawImage(g2d, GraphicsUtil.wrap(ri));
项目:rastertheque    文件   
    * Gets the bounding box for the output of <code>ScaleOpImage</code>.
    * This method satisfies the implementation of CRIF.
   public Rectangle2D getBounds2D(ParameterBlock paramBlock) {        

       RenderableImage source = paramBlock.getRenderableSource(0);

       double scaleX = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(0);
       double scaleY = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(1);

// Get the source dimensions
float x0 = (float)source.getMinX();
float y0 = (float)source.getMinY() ;
float w = (float)source.getWidth();
float h = (float)source.getHeight();

// Forward map the source using x0, y0, w and h
float d_x0 = (float)(x0 * scaleX);
float d_y0 = (float)(y0 * scaleY);
float d_w = (float)(w * scaleX);
float d_h = (float)(h * scaleY);

return new Rectangle2D.Float(d_x0, d_y0, d_w, d_h);
项目:rastertheque    文件   
    * Gets the bounding box for the output of <code>ScaleOpImage</code>.
    * This method satisfies the implementation of CRIF.
   public Rectangle2D getBounds2D(ParameterBlock paramBlock) {        

       RenderableImage source = paramBlock.getRenderableSource(0);

       float scale_x = paramBlock.getFloatParameter(0);
       float scale_y = paramBlock.getFloatParameter(1);
       float trans_x = paramBlock.getFloatParameter(2);
       float trans_y = paramBlock.getFloatParameter(3);
       Interpolation interp = (Interpolation)paramBlock.getObjectParameter(4);

// Get the source dimensions
float x0 = (float)source.getMinX();
float y0 = (float)source.getMinY() ;
float w = (float)source.getWidth();
float h = (float)source.getHeight();

// Forward map the source using x0, y0, w and h
float d_x0 = x0 * scale_x + trans_x;
float d_y0 = y0 * scale_y + trans_y;
float d_w = w * scale_x;
float d_h = h * scale_y;

return new Rectangle2D.Float(d_x0, d_y0, d_w, d_h);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * This template method should set the xlink:href attribute on the input
 * Element parameter
protected void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    // Create an buffered image where the image will be drawn
    Dimension size = new Dimension((int)Math.ceil(image.getWidth()),
    BufferedImage buf = buildBufferedImage(size);

    Graphics2D g = createGraphics(buf);

    g.drawRenderableImage(image, IDENTITY);

    // Save image into file
    saveBufferedImageToFile(imageElement, buf, generatorContext);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler should set the xlink:href tag and the width and
 * height attributes.
public void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    if (image == null){
        throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(ERR_IMAGE_NULL);

    RenderedImage r = image.createDefaultRendering();
    if (r == null) {
    } else {
        handleHREF(r, imageElement, generatorContext);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler sets the xlink:href tag and returns a transform
public AffineTransform handleImage(RenderableImage image,
                                   Element imageElement,
                                   double x, double y,
                                   double width, double height,
                                   SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {

    double imageWidth   = image.getWidth();
    double imageHeight  = image.getHeight();
    AffineTransform af  = null;

    if(imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0 ||
       width == 0 || height == 0) {

        // Forget about it

    } else {
        // First set the href
        try {
            handleHREF(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
        } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException e) {
            try {
            } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException io) {
                // we need a runtime exception because
                // java.awt.Graphics2D method doesn't throw exceptions..
                throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(io);

        // Then create the transformation:
        // Because we cache image data, the stored image may
        // need to be scaled.
        af = handleTransform(imageElement, x,y,
                             imageWidth, imageHeight,
                             width, height, generatorContext);
    return af;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * This method will delegate to the <code>handleHREF</code> which
 * uses a <code>RenderedImage</code>
protected void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    // Create an buffered image where the image will be drawn
    Dimension size = new Dimension((int)Math.ceil(image.getWidth()),
    BufferedImage buf = buildBufferedImage(size);

    Graphics2D g = createGraphics(buf);

    g.drawRenderableImage(image, IDENTITY);

    handleHREF((RenderedImage)buf, imageElement, generatorContext);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler should set the xlink:href tag and the width and
 * height attributes.
public void handleImage(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                        SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {
    // First, set the image width and height
    imageElement.setAttributeNS(null, SVG_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE,  String.valueOf( image.getWidth() ) );
    imageElement.setAttributeNS(null, SVG_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE, String.valueOf( image.getHeight() ) );

    // Now, set the href
    try {
        handleHREF(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
    } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException e) {
        try {
        } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException io) {
            // we need a runtime exception because
            // java.awt.Graphics2D method doesn't throw exceptions..
            throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(io);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * This returns true if <code>ri</code> and all of <code>ri</code>'s
 * sources implement the PaintRable interface.  This is used to
 * indicate that the chain has a good potential for bypassing the
 * filterRes operation entirely.
 * Ideally there would be a checkPaintRable method in PaintRable
 * that could be used to get a definate answer about a filters
 * ability to draw directly to a Graphics2D (this can sometimes
 * 'fail' because of the way the Graphics2D is currently
 * configured).
public boolean allPaintRable(RenderableImage ri) {
    if (!(ri instanceof PaintRable))
        return false;

    List v = ri.getSources();
    // No sources and we are PaintRable so the chain is PaintRable.
    if (v == null) return true;

    Iterator i = v.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        RenderableImage nri = (RenderableImage);
        // A source is not paintRable so we are not 100% paintRable.
        if (!allPaintRable(nri)) return false;

    return true;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
public String [] getPropertyNames() {
    Set keys = props.keySet();
    Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
    String[] ret  = new String[keys.size()];
    int i=0;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        ret[i++] = (String);

    iter = srcs.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        RenderableImage ri = (RenderableImage);
        String [] srcProps = ri.getPropertyNames();
        if (srcProps.length != 0) {
            String [] tmp = new String[ret.length+srcProps.length];
            ret = tmp;

    return ret;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * Draws a <code>Filter</code> (<code>RenderableImage</code>) into a
 * Graphics 2D after taking into account a particular
 * <code>RenderContext</code>.<p>
 * This method also attempts to unwind the rendering chain a bit.
 * So it knows about certain operations (like affine, pad,
 * composite), rather than applying each of these operations in
 * turn it accounts for their affects through modifications to the
 * Graphics2D. This avoids generating lots of intermediate images.
 * @param g2d    The Graphics to draw into.
 * @param filter The filter to draw
 * @param rc The render context that controls the drawing operation.
public static void drawImage(Graphics2D      g2d,
                             RenderableImage filter,
                             RenderContext   rc) {

    AffineTransform origDev  = g2d.getTransform();
    Shape           origClip = g2d.getClip();
    RenderingHints  origRH   = g2d.getRenderingHints();

    Shape clip = rc.getAreaOfInterest();
    if (clip != null)

    drawImage(g2d, filter);

项目:javify    文件   
 * Renders a renderable image. This produces a RenderedImage, which is
 * then passed to {@link #drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform)}
 * to perform the final rendering.
 * @param image the renderable image to be rendered
 * @param xform the transform from image space to user space
public void drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage image, AffineTransform xform)
  Rectangle areaOfInterest = new Rectangle((int) image.getMinX(),
                                           (int) image.getHeight(),
                                           (int) image.getWidth(),
                                           (int) image.getHeight());
  drawRenderableImageImpl(image, xform, areaOfInterest);

项目:jvm-stm    文件   
 * Renders a renderable image. This produces a RenderedImage, which is
 * then passed to {@link #drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform)}
 * to perform the final rendering.
 * @param image the renderable image to be rendered
 * @param xform the transform from image space to user space
public void drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage image, AffineTransform xform)
  Rectangle areaOfInterest = new Rectangle((int) image.getMinX(),
                                           (int) image.getHeight(),
                                           (int) image.getWidth(),
                                           (int) image.getHeight());
  drawRenderableImageImpl(image, xform, areaOfInterest);

项目:elki    文件   
 * Inline a referenced thumbnail.
 * @param doc Document (element factory)
 * @param urldata URL
 * @param eold Existing node
 * @return Replacement node, or {@code null}
protected Node inlineThumbnail(Document doc, ParsedURL urldata, Node eold) {
  RenderableImage img = ThumbnailRegistryEntry.handleURL(urldata);
  if(img == null) {
    LoggingUtil.warning("Image not found in registry: " + urldata.toString());
    return null;
  ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  try {
    Base64EncoderStream encoder = new Base64EncoderStream(os);
    ImageIO.write(img.createDefaultRendering(), "png", encoder);
  catch(IOException e) {
    LoggingUtil.exception("Exception serializing image to png", e);
    return null;
  Element i = (Element) super.cloneNode(doc, eold);
  i.setAttributeNS(SVGConstants.XLINK_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.XLINK_HREF_ATTRIBUTE, os.toString().replaceAll("\\s*[\\r\\n]+\\s*", ""));
  return i;
项目:populus    文件   
 * Draws the renderable image.
 * @param img  the renderable image.
 * @param xform  the transform.
public void drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage img, 
        AffineTransform xform) {
    RenderedImage ri = img.createDefaultRendering();
    drawRenderedImage(ri, xform);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * This template method should set the xlink:href attribute on the input
 * Element parameter
protected void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    // Create an buffered image where the image will be drawn
    Dimension size = new Dimension((int)Math.ceil(image.getWidth()),
    BufferedImage buf = buildBufferedImage(size);

    Graphics2D g = createGraphics(buf);

    g.drawRenderableImage(image, IDENTITY);

    // Save image into file
    saveBufferedImageToFile(imageElement, buf, generatorContext);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler should set the xlink:href tag and the width and
 * height attributes.
public void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    if (image == null){
        throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(ERR_IMAGE_NULL);

    RenderedImage r = image.createDefaultRendering();
    if (r == null) {
    } else {
        handleHREF(r, imageElement, generatorContext);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler sets the xlink:href tag and returns a transform
public AffineTransform handleImage(RenderableImage image,
                                   Element imageElement,
                                   double x, double y,
                                   double width, double height,
                                   SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {

    double imageWidth   = image.getWidth();
    double imageHeight  = image.getHeight();
    AffineTransform af  = null;

    if(imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0 ||
       width == 0 || height == 0) {

        // Forget about it

    } else {
        // First set the href
        try {
            handleHREF(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
        } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException e) {
            try {
            } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException io) {
                // we need a runtime exception because
                // java.awt.Graphics2D method doesn't throw exceptions..
                throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(io);

        // Then create the transformation:
        // Because we cache image data, the stored image may
        // need to be scaled.
        af = handleTransform(imageElement, x,y,
                             imageWidth, imageHeight,
                             width, height, generatorContext);
    return af;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * This method will delegate to the <code>handleHREF</code> which
 * uses a <code>RenderedImage</code>
protected void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    // Create an buffered image where the image will be drawn
    Dimension size = new Dimension((int)Math.ceil(image.getWidth()),
    BufferedImage buf = buildBufferedImage(size);

    Graphics2D g = createGraphics(buf);

    g.drawRenderableImage(image, IDENTITY);

    handleHREF((RenderedImage)buf, imageElement, generatorContext);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * The handler should set the xlink:href tag and the width and
 * height attributes.
public void handleImage(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                        SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {
    // First, set the image width and height
    imageElement.setAttributeNS(null, SVG_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE,  String.valueOf( image.getWidth() ) );
    imageElement.setAttributeNS(null, SVG_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE, String.valueOf( image.getHeight() ) );

    // Now, set the href
    try {
        handleHREF(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
    } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException e) {
        try {
        } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException io) {
            // we need a runtime exception because
            // java.awt.Graphics2D method doesn't throw exceptions..
            throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(io);
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * This returns true if <code>ri</code> and all of <code>ri</code>'s
 * sources implement the PaintRable interface.  This is used to
 * indicate that the chain has a good potential for bypassing the
 * filterRes operation entirely.
 * Ideally there would be a checkPaintRable method in PaintRable
 * that could be used to get a definate answer about a filters
 * ability to draw directly to a Graphics2D (this can sometimes
 * 'fail' because of the way the Graphics2D is currently
 * configured).
public boolean allPaintRable(RenderableImage ri) {
    if (!(ri instanceof PaintRable))
        return false;

    List v = ri.getSources();
    // No sources and we are PaintRable so the chain is PaintRable.
    if (v == null) return true;

    Iterator i = v.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        RenderableImage nri = (RenderableImage);
        // A source is not paintRable so we are not 100% paintRable.
        if (!allPaintRable(nri)) return false;

    return true;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
public String [] getPropertyNames() {
    Set keys = props.keySet();
    Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
    String[] ret  = new String[keys.size()];
    int i=0;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        ret[i++] = (String);

    iter = srcs.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        RenderableImage ri = (RenderableImage);
        String [] srcProps = ri.getPropertyNames();
        if (srcProps.length != 0) {
            String [] tmp = new String[ret.length+srcProps.length];
            ret = tmp;

    return ret;
项目:Push2Display    文件   
 * Draws a <code>Filter</code> (<code>RenderableImage</code>) into a
 * Graphics 2D after taking into account a particular
 * <code>RenderContext</code>.<p>
 * This method also attempts to unwind the rendering chain a bit.
 * So it knows about certain operations (like affine, pad,
 * composite), rather than applying each of these operations in
 * turn it accounts for their affects through modifications to the
 * Graphics2D. This avoids generating lots of intermediate images.
 * @param g2d    The Graphics to draw into.
 * @param filter The filter to draw
 * @param rc The render context that controls the drawing operation.
public static void drawImage(Graphics2D      g2d,
                             RenderableImage filter,
                             RenderContext   rc) {

    AffineTransform origDev  = g2d.getTransform();
    Shape           origClip = g2d.getClip();
    RenderingHints  origRH   = g2d.getRenderingHints();

    Shape clip = rc.getAreaOfInterest();
    if (clip != null)

    drawImage(g2d, filter);

项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * This template method should set the xlink:href attribute on the input
 * Element parameter
protected void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    // Create an buffered image where the image will be drawn
    Dimension size = new Dimension((int)Math.ceil(image.getWidth()),
    BufferedImage buf = buildBufferedImage(size);

    Graphics2D g = createGraphics(buf);

    g.drawRenderableImage(image, IDENTITY);

    // Save image into file
    saveBufferedImageToFile(imageElement, buf, generatorContext);
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * The handler should set the xlink:href tag and the width and
 * height attributes.
public void handleHREF(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                          SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext)
    throws SVGGraphics2DIOException {
    if (image == null){
        throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(ERR_IMAGE_NULL);

    RenderedImage r = image.createDefaultRendering();
    if (r == null) {
    } else {
        handleHREF(r, imageElement, generatorContext);
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * The handler sets the xlink:href tag and returns a transform
public AffineTransform handleImage(RenderableImage image,
                                   Element imageElement,
                                   double x, double y,
                                   double width, double height,
                                   SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {

    double imageWidth   = image.getWidth();
    double imageHeight  = image.getHeight();
    AffineTransform af  = null;

    if(imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0 ||
       width == 0 || height == 0) {

        // Forget about it

    } else {
        // First set the href
        try {
            handleHREF(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
        } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException e) {
            try {
            } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException io) {
                // we need a runtime exception because
                // java.awt.Graphics2D method doesn't throw exceptions..
                throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(io);

        // Then create the transformation:
        // Because we cache image data, the stored image may
        // need to be scaled.
        af = handleTransform(imageElement, x,y,
                             imageWidth, imageHeight,
                             width, height, generatorContext);
    return af;
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * The handler should set the xlink:href tag and the width and
 * height attributes.
public void handleImage(RenderableImage image, Element imageElement,
                        SVGGeneratorContext generatorContext) {
    // First, set the image width and height
    imageElement.setAttributeNS(null, SVG_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE,  String.valueOf( image.getWidth() ) );
    imageElement.setAttributeNS(null, SVG_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE, String.valueOf( image.getHeight() ) );

    // Now, set the href
    try {
        handleHREF(image, imageElement, generatorContext);
    } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException e) {
        try {
        } catch (SVGGraphics2DIOException io) {
            // we need a runtime exception because
            // java.awt.Graphics2D method doesn't throw exceptions..
            throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException(io);
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * This returns true if <tt>ri</tt> and all of <tt>ri</tt>'s
 * sources implement the PaintRable interface.  This is used to
 * indicate that the chain has a good potential for bypassing the
 * filterRes operation entirely.
 * Ideally there would be a checkPaintRable method in PaintRable
 * that could be used to get a definate answer about a filters
 * ability to draw directly to a Graphics2D (this can sometimes
 * 'fail' because of the way the Graphics2D is currently
 * configured).
public boolean allPaintRable(RenderableImage ri) {
    if (!(ri instanceof PaintRable))
        return false;

    List v = ri.getSources();
    // No sources and we are PaintRable so the chain is PaintRable.
    if (v == null) return true;

    Iterator i = v.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        RenderableImage nri = (RenderableImage);
        // A source is not paintRable so we are not 100% paintRable.
        if (!allPaintRable(nri)) return false;

    return true;
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
public String [] getPropertyNames() {
    Set keys = props.keySet();
    Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
    String[] ret  = new String[keys.size()];
    int i=0;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        ret[i++] = (String);

    iter = srcs.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        RenderableImage ri = (RenderableImage);
        String [] srcProps = ri.getPropertyNames();
        if (srcProps.length != 0) {
            String [] tmp = new String[ret.length+srcProps.length];
            ret = tmp;

    return ret;
项目:feathers-sdk    文件   
 * Draws a <tt>Filter</tt> (<tt>RenderableImage</tt>) into a
 * Graphics 2D after taking into account a particular
 * <tt>RenderContext</tt>.<p>
 * This method also attempts to unwind the rendering chain a bit.
 * So it knows about certain operations (like affine, pad,
 * composite), rather than applying each of these operations in
 * turn it accounts for their affects through modifications to the
 * Graphics2D. This avoids generating lots of intermediate images.
 * @param g2d    The Graphics to draw into.
 * @param filter The filter to draw
 * @param rc The render context that controls the drawing operation.
public static void drawImage(Graphics2D      g2d,
                             RenderableImage filter,
                             RenderContext   rc) {

    AffineTransform origDev  = g2d.getTransform();
    Shape           origClip = g2d.getClip();
    RenderingHints  origRH   = g2d.getRenderingHints();

    Shape clip = rc.getAreaOfInterest();
    if (clip != null)

    drawImage(g2d, filter);

项目:rastertheque    文件   
    * Maps the output RenderContext into the RenderContext for the ith
    * source.
    * This method satisfies the implementation of CRIF.
    * @param i               The index of the source image.
    * @param renderContext   The renderContext being applied to the operation.
    * @param paramBlock      The ParameterBlock containing the sources
    *                        and the translation factors.
    * @param image           The RenderableImageOp from which this method
    *                        was called.
   public RenderContext mapRenderContext(int i,
                                         RenderContext renderContext,
                  ParameterBlock paramBlock,
                  RenderableImage image) {
       float x_center = paramBlock.getFloatParameter(0);
       float y_center = paramBlock.getFloatParameter(1);
       float angle = paramBlock.getFloatParameter(2);

       AffineTransform rotate =
           AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle, x_center, y_center);

       RenderContext RC = (RenderContext)renderContext.clone();
       AffineTransform usr2dev = RC.getTransform();
return RC;
项目:rastertheque    文件   
    * Maps the output RenderContext into the RenderContext for the ith
    * source.
    * This method satisfies the implementation of CRIF.
    * @param i               The index of the source image.
    * @param renderContext   The renderContext being applied to the operation.
    * @param paramBlock      The ParameterBlock containing the sources
    *                        and the translation factors.
    * @param image           The RenderableImageOp from which this method
    *                        was called.
   public RenderContext mapRenderContext(int i,
                                         RenderContext renderContext,
                  ParameterBlock paramBlock,
                  RenderableImage image) {

       double scaleX = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(0);
       double scaleY = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(1);

       AffineTransform scale =
           new AffineTransform(scaleX, 0.0, 0.0, scaleY, 0.0, 0.0);

       RenderContext RC = (RenderContext)renderContext.clone();
       AffineTransform usr2dev = RC.getTransform();
return RC;
项目:rastertheque    文件   
    * Gets the output bounding box in rendering-independent space.
    * This method satisfies the implementation of CRIF.
   public Rectangle2D getBounds2D(ParameterBlock paramBlock) {        
       RenderableImage mres = createRenderable(paramBlock);

return new Rectangle2D.Float(mres.getMinX(), mres.getMinY(),
                                    mres.getWidth(), mres.getHeight());
项目:rastertheque    文件   
    * Creates a <Code>RenderedImage</Code> from the renderable layer.
    * @param renderContext The rendering information associated with
    *        this rendering.
    * @param paramBlock The parameters used to create the image.
    * @return A <code>RenderedImage</code>.
   public RenderedImage create(RenderContext renderContext,
                               ParameterBlock paramBlock) {

// Get the two renderable alpha images from the parameter block
RenderableImage alphaImage1 =
RenderableImage alphaImage2 = 

// Cause the two renderable alpha images to be rendered
RenderedImage rAlphaImage1 = 
RenderedImage rAlphaImage2 = 

ParameterBlock newPB = (ParameterBlock)paramBlock.clone();

// Replace the renderable alpha images in the ParameterBlock with
// their renderings
newPB.set(rAlphaImage1, 0);
newPB.set(rAlphaImage2, 1);

// Return JAI.create("composite") 
       return JAI.create("composite", newPB, 