@Override protected void processEvent(InboxChangeEvent event) throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (SystemTray.isSupported()) { if(event.getUnreadItemCount() > 0) { trayIcon.setImage(this.imageNewMail); } else { trayIcon.setImage(this.imageNoMail); } if(OwaNotifier.getInstance().getProps().getProperty("notification.type").contentEquals("system")) { trayIcon.displayMessage(event.getEventTitle(), event.getEventText(), MessageType.INFO); } } else { logger.error("System tray not supported!"); } if(event.getUnreadItemCount() > 0) { this.setToolTip(event.getUnreadItemCount() + " message(s) non lu"); } else { this.setToolTip("Pas de message non lu"); } }
private void showError(final String description, final Throwable e) { if(trayIcon != null && iliasProperties.isShowNotifications()){ trayIcon.displayMessage(APP_NAME, "Fehler: "+ description, MessageType.ERROR); trayIcon.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { if(trayIcon != null){ trayIcon.removeActionListener(this); } showError(mainFrame, description, e); } }); }else{ showError(mainFrame, description, e); } }
@Override public void syncFinished() { mainFrame.getProgressBar().setVisible(false); mainFrame.getButtonSync().setText(MainFrame.SYNCHRONISIERE); if(iliasProperties.isShowNotifications() && trayIcon != null){ int updatedFileCount = 0; int errorFileCount = 0; for(val f : fileObjectTableModel.getRowObjects()){ switch(f.getSyncState()){ case UPDATED: updatedFileCount++; break; case ERROR: errorFileCount++; break; case CORRUPT: errorFileCount++; break; default: break; } } if(updatedFileCount > 0 || errorFileCount > 0){ trayIcon.displayMessage(APP_NAME, "Aktualisiert: " + updatedFileCount + (errorFileCount > 0 ? " Fehler: " + errorFileCount : ""), MessageType.INFO); } } }
/** * Creates the audio input stream. * * @param file * the file * @param updateComponents * the update components */ public void createAudioInputStream(File file, boolean updateComponents) { if (file != null && file.isFile()) { try { this.file = file; errStr = null; audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file); playB.setEnabled(true); // fileName = file.getName(); long milliseconds = (long) ((audioInputStream.getFrameLength() * 1000) / audioInputStream.getFormat().getFrameRate()); duration = milliseconds / 1000.0; saveB.setEnabled(true); if (updateComponents) { formatControls.setFormat(audioInputStream.getFormat()); if (isDrawingRequired) samplingGraph.createWaveForm(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { reportStatus(ex.toString(), MessageType.ERROR); } } else { reportStatus("Audio file required.", MessageType.INFO); } }
private List<EclipseMessage> parseMessages(StringWriter errorOut) { List<EclipseMessage> messages = new LinkedList<EclipseMessage>(); for (String item : errorOut.toString().split("----------")) { item = item.trim(); if (item.isEmpty()) continue; String[] parts = item.split(Strings.lineSeparator); if (parts.length < 4) continue; String place = parts[1].trim(); String msg = parts[3].trim(); String first = parts[0].trim(); parts = first.split(" in "); String[] subParts = parts[0].split(". "); int id = Integer.parseInt(subParts[0]); MessageType mtype = MessageType.valueOf(subParts[1]); subParts = parts[1].split(" \\(at line "); if (subParts.length != 2) continue; File file = new File(subParts[0].trim()); int line = Integer.parseInt(subParts[1].replace(')', ' ').trim()); messages.add(new EclipseMessage(file, id, mtype, line, place, msg)); } return messages; }
public PanboxShare reloadShare(PanboxShare share) { showTrayMessage(bundle.getString("client.warn"), MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("client.shareReloadNotification"), share.getName()), MessageType.WARNING); try { PanboxShare nshare = shareManager.reloadShareMetadata(share); PanboxShare tmp; if ((tmp = checkShareIntegrity(share)) != null) { nshare = tmp; } int index = shareList.indexOf(share); if (index != -1) { shareList.setElementAt(nshare, index); } else { logger.error("Could not find share instance " + share + " in shareList"); } getMainWindow().refreshShare(); return nshare; } catch (ShareManagerException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, bundle.getString("client.error.shareReloadFailed"), bundle.getString("error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return null; }
public void addShare(PanboxShare newShare) { char[] password = null; try { password = PasswordEnterDialog.invoke(PermissionType.SHARE); client.showTrayMessage(bundle.getString("PleaseWait"), bundle.getString("tray.addShare.message"), MessageType.INFO); client.addShare(newShare, password); enableDisableAddDeviceContactForShare(); // Also update share list for selected device if (device != null) { deviceShareList.setModel(client.getDeviceShares(device)); } } finally { if (password != null) { Utils.eraseChars(password); } } }
@Override public void action(final SocketTesterVO entry) { log.debug("Action on SocketTesterAction: " + entry); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Environment Problems"); if (entry.getName() != null) { sb.append(" - ").append(entry.getName()); } if (entry.getHost() != null) { sb.append(" - ").append(entry.getHost()).append(":").append(entry.getPort()); } if (entry.getService() != null) { sb.append(" - Service: ").append(entry.getService()); } TaskerboxTrayUtils.displayMessage("Taskerbox - Socket Tester", sb.toString(), MessageType.ERROR, this.actionListener); }
/** * Displays a message at the system tray * * @param caption * @param text * @param messageType * @param listener */ public static void displayMessage(String caption, String text, MessageType messageType, ActionListener listener) { log.info(messageType + ": " + text); if (SystemTray.isSupported()) { removeAllListeners(); if (listener != null) { getTrayIcon().addActionListener(listener); } getTrayIcon().displayMessage(caption, text, messageType); } }
public pastebinUpload(String content) { this.content = content; try{ if(!uploadTxt().contains("http://")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error! use FTP server for text uploads", "Error!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { System.out.println(uploadTxt()); String link = uploadTxt(); String linkSplit[] = link.split("com/"); String name = linkSplit[1]; mainWindow.tray.displayMessage("Successfully uploaded!", "Image Uploaded, URL has been copied to clipboard.", MessageType.INFO); mainWindow.model.insertRow(0, new Object[] { name, "0" + "KB","<html><a href='" + link + "'>" + link + "</a></html>" }); StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(link); Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clipboard.setContents(stringSelection, null); } }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();} }
private void showMessage(String title, String message, MessageType type) { if (!appConfig.isTrayNotificationEnabled()) { return; } if (title == null) { title = ""; } if (message == null) { message = ""; } logger.info("{} Message: \n{}\n{}", type.toString(), title, message); if (trayIcon != null) { trayIcon.displayMessage(title, message, type); } }
/** * @inheritDoc */ @Override public void update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) { ModelNotification notificationType = (ModelNotification) arg1; switch(notificationType) { case LIST_OF_PARTICIPANTS_CHANGED: break; case LANGUAGE_CHANGED: refreshLabels(); break; case MESSAGE_RECEIVED: if(chatGuiMinimizedToTray) { trayIcon.displayMessage(constsAndProps.getLanguage().getLabel("notification_newmessage"), chatHistory.getLatestMessage().toString(), MessageType.INFO); } break; } }
@Override protected void append(ILoggingEvent eventObject) { final MessageType type; Level level = eventObject.getLevel(); if (level.isGreaterOrEqual(Level.ERROR)) { type = MessageType.ERROR; } else if (level.isGreaterOrEqual(Level.WARN)) { type = MessageType.WARNING; } else { type = MessageType.INFO; } final String caption = level.toString(); final String text = eventObject.getFormattedMessage(); final TrayIcon i = icon; if (i != null) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { i.displayMessage(caption, text, type); } }); } }
private static void addIconActionListener(final MainWindow mainWindow, final ZayfTrayIcon icon) { icon.addIconActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { boolean show = !mainWindow.isVisible(); if (!show) { icon.displayMessage("Zayf is minimized", "Double-click to restore. Right-click and select 'exit' to close", MessageType.INFO); } mainWindow.setVisible(show); } }); }
public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) { String tmpMessage = message; if(!isBlockedUser(sender)){ tmpMessage = readEmote ? urlReplace(tmpMessage) : urlReplace(emoteReplace(tmpMessage)); tmpMessage = readName ? tmpMessage+", "+sender : tmpMessage; if(useEnglish && isEnglish(message)) sapi.speakAsyMsg(wordReplaceEN(tmpMessage)); else talker.talk(wordReplaceJP(tmpMessage)); if(usePopup){ icon.displayMessage(sender, message, MessageType.NONE); } } }
public void displayTray(String title, String tooltip, String message) throws AWTException, java.net.MalformedURLException { SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray(); Image image = (Image)IconFontSwing.buildIcon(GoogleMaterialDesignIcons.DELETE, 24, ColorMap.ICON); TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon(image, title); trayIcon.setImageAutoSize(true); trayIcon.setToolTip(tooltip); tray.add(trayIcon); trayIcon.displayMessage(title, message, MessageType.INFO); }
/** * * @param username * @throws java.rmi.RemoteException * @throws java.lang.SecurityException */ @Override public void userLoggedIn(String username) throws RemoteException, SecurityException { userManager.userLoggedIn(username); displayTrayIconPopUpMessage("User logged in", "User " + username + " logged in.", MessageType.INFO); }
/** * * @param username * @throws java.rmi.RemoteException * @throws java.lang.SecurityException */ @Override public void userLoggedOut(String username) throws RemoteException, SecurityException { userManager.userLoggedOut(username); displayTrayIconPopUpMessage("User logged out", "User " + username + " logged out.", MessageType.INFO); }
private static void sendWindowsNotification(Notification notification) { TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon(notification.getImage()); trayIcon.setImageAutoSize(true); if (SystemTray.isSupported()) { if (!windowsTrayIconExists(trayIcon)) { // make sure we don't duplicate it / cause an error try { SystemTray.getSystemTray().add(trayIcon); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } trayIcon.displayMessage(String.valueOf(notification.getTitle()), String.valueOf(notification.getSubtitle()), MessageType.NONE); } }
/** * Report status. * * @param msg * the msg */ private void reportStatus(String msg, MessageType type) { if ((errStr = msg) != null) { System.out.println(errStr); if (isDrawingRequired) samplingGraph.repaint(); } }
public EclipseMessage(File source, int id, MessageType type, int line, String place, String message) { this.source = source; this.id = id; this.type = type; this.line = line; this.place = place; this.message = message; }
@Override public void showTrayMessage(String title, String message, MessageType type) { if (!FALLBACK_TRAY_JAVA_OPTION) { try { PanboxTrayIcon.getInstance(FALLBACK_TRAY_GTK_OPTION) .showNotification(message); } catch (TrayIconException e) { logger.error("Error sending notification via tray icon!", e); } } else if (fallbackTrayApp != null) { fallbackTrayApp.displayMessage(title, message, type); } }
@Override public void informAddShare(PanboxShare share) throws Exception { if (trayApp != null) { MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat("", Settings .getInstance().getLocale()); formatter.applyPattern(bundle.getString("tray.addedShareMessage")); trayApp.displayMessage(bundle.getString("tray.addedShare"), formatter.format(new Object[] { share.getName() }), MessageType.INFO); } }
@Override public void informRemoveShare(PanboxShare share) throws Exception { if (trayApp != null) { MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat("", Settings .getInstance().getLocale()); formatter .applyPattern(bundle.getString("tray.removedShareMessage")); trayApp.displayMessage(bundle.getString("tray.removedShare"), formatter.format(new Object[] { share.getName() }), MessageType.INFO); } }
@Override public void action(Object text) { logInfo(log, "Sending SMS: " + text.toString()); RestAPI restAPI = new RestAPI(this.authId, this.authToken, "v1"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> params = new LinkedHashMap<>(); params.put("src", this.from); params.put("dst", this.to); if (text instanceof ITaskerboxMessageable) { ITaskerboxMessageable messageble = (ITaskerboxMessageable) text; params.put( "text", messageble.getMessageTitle(getChannel()) + " - " + messageble.getMessageBody(getChannel())); } else if (text instanceof ITaskerboxEmailable) { ITaskerboxEmailable emailable = (ITaskerboxEmailable) text; params.put("text", emailable.getEmailTitle(getChannel()) + " - " + emailable.getEmailBody(getChannel())); } else { params.put("text", text.toString()); } MessageResponse response; try { response = restAPI.sendMessage(params); logInfo(log, "Response: " + response.apiId); } catch (PlivoException e) { logError(log, "Error while sending SMS", e); } TaskerboxTrayUtils.displayMessage(TaskerboxConstants.TITLE, "Sending SMS " + text, MessageType.INFO, null); }
@Override public void action(final CorreiosTrackingWrapper entry) { log.debug("Action on CorreiosToasterAction: " + entry); TaskerboxTrayUtils.displayMessage(this.title, CorreiosChannel.formatTracking(entry.getValue(), getChannel().getProperty("tracking"), getChannel().getProperty("descricao")), MessageType.INFO, this.actionListener); }
private static MessageType toMessageType(Notification.Level level) { switch (level) { case INFO: return MessageType.INFO; case WARNING: return MessageType.WARNING; case ERROR: return MessageType.ERROR; default: return MessageType.NONE; } }
public imgurUpload(String randName) { try { String response = imageToString(mainWindow.checkOSName() + randName); //System.out.println(response); String fileSize[] = response.split("size\":"); //System.out.println(fileSize[1]); String fileSize1[] = fileSize[1].split(",\"views"); int imageSize = Integer.parseInt(fileSize1[0]); int imgSize = imageSize / 1024; String link = response.substring( response.lastIndexOf("\"http") + 1, response.lastIndexOf(".png")) + ".png"; newLink = link.replaceAll("\\\\", ""); mainWindow.imgurLink = newLink; String[] parts = newLink.split("m/"); String name = parts[1]; mainWindow.tray.displayMessage("Successfully uploaded!", "Image Uploaded, URL has been copied to clipboard.", MessageType.INFO); /* JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "File uploaded! Address has been copied to clipboard.", "Success!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);*/ mainWindow.model.insertRow(0, new Object[] { name, imgSize + "KB", "<html><a href='" + newLink + "'>" + newLink + "</a></html>" }); StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(newLink); Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getSystemClipboard(); clipboard.setContents(stringSelection, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * NOTIFICATIONS - implementation of the ITrayNotifications interface */ @Override @Handler public void showInformation(InformationNotification in) { ActionListener listener = new ShowActivityActionListener(); setNewMessageActionListener(listener); showMessage(in.getTitle(), in.getMessage(), MessageType.INFO); }
@Override @Handler public void showFileEvents(AggregatedFileEventStatus event) { String msg = generateAggregatedFileEventStatusMessage(event); ActionListener listener = new ShowSettingsActionListener(); setNewMessageActionListener(listener); showMessage("File Synchronization", msg, MessageType.INFO); }
/** * Shows a notification on system tray. * @param aCaption {@link String} of caption / title of message. * @param aText {@link String} of text message. * @param aMessageType {@link MessageType} of notification. * @return {@code true} if tray icon is available, {@code false} othwerise. */ public static boolean showNotification(String aCaption, String aText, MessageType aMessageType){ if( mTrayIcon != null ){ mTrayIcon.displayMessage(aCaption, aText, aMessageType); return true; } return false; }
public Message(MessageType category, long id, long lastUpdate, M message, boolean read, boolean rewardCollected, long timestamp, Object[] values) { this.category = category; this.id = id; this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate; this.message = message; this.read = read; this.rewardCollected = rewardCollected; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.values = values; }
private void displayTrayIconPopUpMessage(String caption, String text, MessageType messageType) { if (trayIcon != null) { trayIcon.displayMessage(caption, text, messageType); } }
public static void setColorInClipboard(Color color) { String s = color.getRed() + ", " + color.getGreen() + ", " + color.getBlue(); ClipboardHelper.setString(s); TrayIconHelper.showMessage(s + " copied to clipboard", MessageType.INFO); }
public static void showMessage(String title, MessageType type) { if (icon != null) { icon.displayMessage("gscrot", title, type); } }
private void showTrayMessage(String string) { showTrayMessage("", string, MessageType.INFO); }
public void showTrayMessage(String title, String message, MessageType type) { trayApp.displayMessage(title, message, type); }
@Override public void action(final String entry) { log.debug("Action on StringToasterAction: " + this.title + " / " + entry); TaskerboxTrayUtils.displayMessage(this.title, entry, MessageType.INFO, this.actionListener); }
@Override public void action(T object) { TaskerboxTrayUtils.displayMessage(TaskerboxConstants.TITLE, object.toString(), MessageType.INFO, null); }