public void repaintBuildMode(Graphics g, MouseLocationProvider mouseLocationProvider, int offsetX, int offsetY, WorldObject playerCharacter, World world) { if (buildMode) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; Point mouseLocation = mouseLocationProvider.getMouseLocation(); Double rectangleToDraw = getRectangleToDraw(mouseLocation); final Color color; WorldObject buildLocation = getBuildLocation(mouseLocation, offsetX, offsetY); if (isbuildActionPossible(playerCharacter, world, buildLocation)) { color = Color.GREEN; g.drawImage(okImage, (int)rectangleToDraw.x, (int)rectangleToDraw.getY(), null); } else { color = Color.RED; g.drawImage(notOkImage, (int)rectangleToDraw.x, (int)rectangleToDraw.getY(), null); } g2.setColor(color); g2.draw(rectangleToDraw); } }
/** * */ public static Image roundImage(Image source, int radius, float alpha) { if (source == null) return null; int width = source.getWidth(null); int height = source.getHeight(null); BufferedImage src = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) src.getGraphics(); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 0.0f)); Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height); g.fill(rect); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha)); g.clip(new RoundRectangle2D.Float(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, radius, radius)); g.drawImage(source, 0, 0, null); return src; }
@Override protected void renderOutline( IPrimitiveRenderer renderer, LineAttributes lineAttribs, Double rect ) { if ( lineAttribs != null && lineAttribs.isVisible( ) && lineAttribs.getColor( ) != null ) { SVGGraphics2D g2d = (SVGGraphics2D) ( (IDeviceRenderer) renderer ).getGraphicsContext( ); Stroke sPrevious = null; final ColorDefinition cd = lineAttribs.getColor( ); final Stroke sCurrent = ( (SVGRendererImpl) renderer ).getCachedStroke( lineAttribs ); if ( sCurrent != null ) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = g2d.getStroke( ); g2d.setStroke( sCurrent ); } g2d.setColor( (Color) _sxs.getColor( cd ) ); g2d.draw( rect ); g2d.setNoFillColor( g2d.getCurrentElement( ) ); if ( sPrevious != null ) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { g2d.setStroke( sPrevious ); } } }
public void split(SplitRule splitRule){ children = new QuadBlock[4]; double hw = bounds.width * 0.5; double hh = bounds.height * 0.5; int indx=0; for(int ix = 0 ; ix<=1 ; ix++){ for(int iy = 0 ; iy<=1 ; iy++){ children[indx++] = new QuadBlock(new Rectangle2D.Double(bounds.x + ix*hw, bounds.y + iy*hh, hw, hh)); } } // add to children for(PendingWrite pw:leaves){ findChild(pw).addWrite(pw, splitRule); } leaves = null; leafBytesCount=0; }
public Box clickedOnTree(Point clickPoint) { Box textInBoxExt = null; boolean clickedOnNode = false; Set<Entry<Box, Double>> nodes = view.getNodeBounds().entrySet(); Iterator<Entry<Box,Double>> iterator = nodes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && !clickedOnNode){ Entry<Box,Double> entry =; Double rec = entry.getValue(); if (rec.contains(clickPoint)) { textInBoxExt = (Box)entry.getKey(); clickedOnNode = true; } } return textInBoxExt; }
public Rectangle getBounds(DwFeatureWrapped feature) { Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds = getNodeBounds(feature); try{ Rectangle result = DEGeometryUtil.rectangle2DToDraw2DRectangle(nodeBounds); return result; }catch(NullPointerException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
private Rectangle2D.Double getNodeBounds(HyVersion version) { Map<HyVersion, Double> elements = treeLayout.getNodeBounds(); Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds = elements.get(version); if(nodeBounds == null){ return new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 50, 50); } return adjustNodeBounds(nodeBounds, version); }
private Rectangle2D.Double getRectangleToDraw(Point mouseLocation) { int x = ((mouseLocation.x) / 48) * 48; int y = ((mouseLocation.y) / 48) * 48; int width = buildAction.getWidth() * 48; int height = buildAction.getHeight() * 48; return new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, width, height); }
private static void appendDescription(StringBuilder sb, StringTreeNode node, Map<StringTreeNode, Rectangle2D.Double> nodeBounds) { Rectangle2D rect = nodeBounds.get(node); sb.append(String.format("%s @ %d,%d (%dx%d)\n", node.getText(), (int) rect.getX(), (int) rect.getY(), (int) rect.getWidth(), (int) rect.getHeight())); for (StringTreeNode child : node.getChildren()) { appendDescription(sb, child, nodeBounds); } }
public static void dump(StringTreeNode node, Map<StringTreeNode, Rectangle2D.Double> nodeBounds, String prefix) { Rectangle2D rect = nodeBounds.get(node); System.out.println(String.format("%s%s @ %d,%d (%dx%d)", prefix, node.getText(), (int) rect.getX(), (int) rect.getY(), (int) rect.getWidth(), (int) rect.getHeight())); for (StringTreeNode child : node.getChildren()) { dump(child, nodeBounds, prefix + " "); } }
@Test public void testGetNodeBoundsIsCached() { StringTreeNode root = new StringTreeNode("root"); StringTreeAsTreeForTreeLayout tree = new StringTreeAsTreeForTreeLayout( root); FixedNodeExtentProvider<StringTreeNode> nodeExtentProvider = new FixedNodeExtentProvider<StringTreeNode>(); DefaultConfiguration<StringTreeNode> config = new DefaultConfiguration<StringTreeNode>( 10, 20); TreeLayout<StringTreeNode> layout = new TreeLayout<StringTreeNode>( tree, nodeExtentProvider, config); Map<StringTreeNode, Double> nodeBounds = layout.getNodeBounds(); assertEquals(nodeBounds, layout.getNodeBounds()); }
/** * Clears an image (makes it totally transparent) */ public static Image createTransparentImage(int width, int height) { BufferedImage im = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2D = im.createGraphics(); g2D .setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 0.0f)); Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height); g2D.fill(rect); return im; }
public static void drawPie (Graphics2D g, Rectangle2D.Double tmpRect, Slice[] slices, double holeRadius) { double total = 0.0D; for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) { total += slices[i].value; } double curValue = 0.0D; double startAngle = 0; Area hole = null; if (holeRadius > 0) { // compute hole tmpellipse.setFrame(tmpRect.getCenterX() - holeRadius, tmpRect.getCenterY() - holeRadius, holeRadius*2, holeRadius*2); hole = new Area(tmpellipse); } for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) { Shape pieShape; startAngle = curValue * 360.0 / total; double arcAngle = slices[i].value * 360.0 / total; g.setColor(slices[i].color); tmparc.setArc(tmpRect.x, tmpRect.y, tmpRect.width, tmpRect.height, startAngle, arcAngle, Arc2D.PIE); if (hole != null) { Area area = new Area(tmparc); area.subtract(hole); pieShape = area; } else { pieShape = tmparc; } g.fill(pieShape); curValue += slices[i].value; } }
private Map<Room, Rectangle2D.Double> getRooms(final double totalEdgeLengthInMeters) { final Map<Room, Rectangle2D.Double> roomOutlines = new HashMap<>(); final Queue<Room> roomsBySize = new PriorityQueue<>((r1, r2) ->, r1.getAllocatedSpace())); roomsBySize.addAll(theater.getRooms()); Point2D.Double rowBounds = new Point2D.Double(0.0, totalEdgeLengthInMeters); int row = 0; while (!roomsBySize.isEmpty()) { rowBounds = createRoomsForRow(totalEdgeLengthInMeters, roomsBySize, roomOutlines, rowBounds.x, rowBounds.y, row % 2 == 0); row++; } assert roomsBySize.isEmpty() : "all rooms must have their space!"; return roomOutlines; }
@Override public void set(Rectangle2D.Double rect) throws PDFLibException { try { m_Rect = new Rect(rect); set(m_Rect); } catch (PDFNetException ex) { throw PDFNetUtil.newPDFLibException(ex); } }
@Override public Double getRectangle() throws PDFLibException { try { return m_Rect.getRectangle(); } catch (PDFNetException ex) { throw PDFNetUtil.newPDFLibException(ex); } }
/** * This paints the pie slices */ protected void paint(PPaintContext paintContext) { Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D)paintContext.getGraphics(); graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); double degIncrement = Math.min(360.0 / (PieMenu.buttonList.size()), PieMenu.DEFAULT_DEGREE_INCREMENT); int max = (int)(360.0 / degIncrement); Rectangle2D buttonBounds = this.getBounds(); Rectangle circleBounds = new Rectangle((int)buttonBounds.getX(), (int)buttonBounds.getY(), (int)buttonBounds.getWidth(), (int)buttonBounds.getHeight()); double innerRadius = circleBounds.getWidth()/6; Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(circleBounds.getX() + circleBounds.getWidth()/2 - innerRadius, circleBounds.getY() + circleBounds.getHeight()/2 - innerRadius, innerRadius * 2, innerRadius * 2); RadialGradientPaint rgp = new RadialGradientPaint((float)circleBounds.getCenterX(), (float)circleBounds.getCenterY(), (float)circleBounds.width/2, new float[] { 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.95f, 1.0f }, new Color[] {Color.white, new Color(205, 201, 201), new Color(205, 201, 201), Color.gray}); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { graphics.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.9f)); graphics.setPaint(rgp); Arc2D.Double arc = new Arc2D.Double(circleBounds, PieMenu.START_ANGLE + degIncrement*i, degIncrement, Arc2D.PIE); Area arcArea = new Area(arc); arcArea.subtract(new Area(circle)); graphics.fill(arcArea); graphics.setPaint(Color.gray); graphics.draw(arcArea); } graphics.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f)); }
/** * @return A point representing the upper left point of the rectangle representing the bounds. */ public Point getCoordinates(DwFeatureWrapped feature) { Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds = getNodeBounds(feature); return new Point((int) nodeBounds.getX(), (int) nodeBounds.getY()); }
private Rectangle2D.Double adjustNodeBounds(Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds, DwFeatureWrapped feature) { try{ Rectangle2D.Double adjustedNodeBounds = (Rectangle2D.Double) nodeBounds.clone(); adjustedNodeBounds.x += offsetX; adjustedNodeBounds.y += offsetY; return adjustedNodeBounds; }catch(NullPointerException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
private Rectangle2D.Double getNodeBounds(DwFeatureWrapped feature) { Map<DwFeatureWrapped, Double> elements = treeLayout.getNodeBounds(); Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds = elements.get(feature); return adjustNodeBounds(nodeBounds, feature); }
/** * @return A point representing the upper left point of the rectangle representing the bounds. */ public Point getCoordinates(HyVersion version) { Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds = getNodeBounds(version); return new Point((int) nodeBounds.getX(), (int) nodeBounds.getY()); }
public Rectangle getBounds(HyVersion version) { Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds = getNodeBounds(version); return DEGeometryUtil.rectangle2DToDraw2DRectangle(nodeBounds); }
public SitePosition(Rectangle2D.Double rec, int site) { /* 29 */ this.rec = rec; /* 30 */ this.sitePos = site; /* */ }
public Rectangle2D.Double getRec() /* */ { /* 41 */ return this.rec; /* */ }
public void setRec(Rectangle2D.Double rec) { /* 45 */ this.rec = rec; /* */ }
public DrawVisitorPrintable(Drawing drawing, Double world) { this.drawing = drawing; = world; }
public static Rectangle2D growRectangle(Rectangle2D rec, double amount_x, double amount_y) { return new Rectangle2D.Double(rec.getX() - amount_x/2, rec.getY() - amount_y/2, rec.getWidth() + amount_x, rec.getHeight() + amount_y); }
public static Rectangle2D growAndTranslateRectangle(Rectangle2D rec, double dx, double dy, double amount_x, double amount_y) { return new Rectangle2D.Double(rec.getX() - amount_x/2 + dx, rec.getY() - amount_y/2 + dy, rec.getWidth() + amount_x, rec.getHeight() + amount_y); }
private void drawRectangle() { rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(this.xCoordinate , this.yCoordinate, INITIAL_WIDTH_BAR, INITIAL_HEIGHT_BAR); }
/** @return remaining space between minY and maxY which was not used **/ private Point2D.Double createRoomsForRow(final double totalWidthInMeters, final Queue<Room> roomsBySize, final Map<Room, Rectangle2D.Double> roomOutlines, final double minY, final double maxY, final boolean publicTopLeft) { double leftXInMeters = 0; double rightXInMeters = totalWidthInMeters; double rowMinY = totalWidthInMeters; double rowMaxY = 0; while (!roomsBySize.isEmpty()) { final Room room = roomsBySize.remove(); if (RoomType.Foyer == room.getType()) { // foyer uses the free space between the other rooms continue; } final double squareEdgeLength = Math.sqrt(room.getAllocatedSpace()); final double width = Randomness.getGaussianAround(squareEdgeLength); final double height = room.getAllocatedSpace() / width; final double x = (room.getType().isPublicAccessible() ^ publicTopLeft) ? rightXInMeters - width : leftXInMeters; if (x < leftXInMeters || x + width > rightXInMeters + 0.01) { // allow some double incorrectness roomsBySize.add(room); break; } final double y; if (publicTopLeft) { y = minY; } else { y = maxY - height; } final Rectangle2D.Double square = new Double(x, y, width, height); roomOutlines.put(room, square); rowMinY = Math.min(square.y, rowMinY); rowMaxY = Math.max(square.y + square.height, rowMaxY); if (room.getType().isPublicAccessible() ^ publicTopLeft) { rightXInMeters -= width; } else { leftXInMeters += width; } } if (publicTopLeft) { // used some space on top (decreasing upper bound) return new Point2D.Double(rowMaxY, maxY); } else { // used some space on bottom (raising lower bound) return new Point2D.Double(minY, rowMinY); } }
public QuadBlock build(Iterable<PendingWrite> writes, TileFactoryInfo info, final int zoom){ // calculate all centroids WKBReader reader = new WKBReader(); for(PendingWrite pw:writes){ try { Geometry g =; pw.centroid= g.getCentroid(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // get bounds Rectangle2D.Double mapBounds=null; if(zoom<0){ // WGS84 mapBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(-180, -90, 360, 180); }else{ // Map tile Dimension dim = GeoUtil.getMapSize(zoom, info); double h = (double)dim.height * info.getTileSize(zoom); double w = (double)dim.width * info.getTileSize(zoom); Point2D centre = info.getMapCenterInPixelsAtZoom(zoom); mapBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(centre.getX() - w/2, centre.getY() - h/2, w, h); } QuadBlock root = new QuadBlock(mapBounds); SplitRule splitRule = new SplitRule() { @Override public boolean isSplit(QuadBlock block, PendingWrite newPending) { if(zoom>=0){ // don't split beyond the minimum on-screen size as we will typically want to load this all at once if(block.bounds.getWidth() / 2 < MIN_SIZE_PIXELS || block.bounds.getHeight() < MIN_SIZE_PIXELS){ return false; } } // never split an empty leaf if(block.getNbLeaves()==0){ return false; } // don't split if block will still be under the minimum size in uncompressed bytes long newNbBytes = block.leafBytesCount + newPending.geomBytes.length; if(newNbBytes < MIN_SIZE_BYTES){ return false; } // split if new size is over max limit if(newNbBytes > MAX_SIZE_BYTES){ return true; } return false; } }; // add all for(PendingWrite write:writes){ root.addWrite(write, splitRule); } // System.out.println("Built zoom " + zoom + " quadtree: " + root.getSummary()); return root; }
public QuadBlock(Double bounds) { this.bounds = bounds; }
public Rectangle2D getCellRect(int px, int py){ return new Double(getX()+px*cellWidth, getY()+py*cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight); }
public Map<Box, Double> getNodeBounds() { return getTreeLayout().getNodeBounds(); }
private Rectangle2D.Double adjustNodeBounds(Rectangle2D.Double nodeBounds, HyVersion version) { Rectangle2D.Double adjustedNodeBounds = (Rectangle2D.Double) nodeBounds.clone(); adjustedNodeBounds.x += calculateOffsetX(); adjustedNodeBounds.y += calculateOffsetY(); return adjustedNodeBounds; }
public static Rectangle2D getComputedBounds() { double radius = PieMenu.getMinimumRadius(PieMenu.DEFAULT_MENU_RADIUS, PieMenu.buttonList.size()); // double edge = Math.max(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); Point center = PieMenu.lastOpenedPosition; double newX = center.x - radius; double newY = center.y - radius; Rectangle2D rectWithPadding = new Rectangle2D.Double(newX - circleBuffer, newY - circleBuffer, radius * 2 + circleBuffer*2, radius * 2 + circleBuffer*2); return rectWithPadding; }
/** * Calculates the bounding box of the node. * * @return The bounding box of the node. */ @Override public Double getBoundingBox() { return m_realizer.getBoundingBox(); }
/** * Returns the bounding box of the node. * * @return The bounding box of the node. */ Double getBoundingBox();
Double getBoundingBox();
Map<Box, Double> getNodeBounds();