public void testUnknownLevels() throws IOException { TestLevel level = new TestLevel("WARN", 233); LogRecord r = new LogRecord(level, "Custom level test"); Formatter formatter = new LogFormatter(); String s = formatter.format(r); cleanKnownLevels(); final LogRecord[] rPtr = new LogRecord[] { null }; Handler h = new Handler() { @Override public void publish(LogRecord record) { rPtr[0] = record; } @Override public void flush() {} @Override public void close() throws SecurityException {} }; LogRecords.scan(new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader(s)), h); assertEquals("level", r.getLevel(), rPtr[0].getLevel()); }
@RunAsClient @Test(groups = TEST_GROUP_CDI, description = "Verify that the injected aud claim is as expected") public void verifyInjectedAudience() throws Exception { Reporter.log("Begin verifyInjectedAudience\n"); String uri = baseURL.toExternalForm() + "/endp/verifyInjectedAudience"; WebTarget echoEndpointTarget = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target(uri) .queryParam(, "s6BhdRkqt3") .queryParam(, authTimeClaim); Response response = echoEndpointTarget.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + token).get(); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK); String replyString = response.readEntity(String.class); JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(replyString)); JsonObject reply = jsonReader.readObject(); System.out.println(reply); Reporter.log(reply.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(reply.getBoolean("pass"), reply.getString("msg")); }
public void testSimple2() throws ParseException { VarTerm v = new VarTerm("X"); assertFalse(v.isAtom()); assertTrue(v.isVar()); Term t; as2jTokenManager tokens = new as2jTokenManager(new SimpleCharStream(new StringReader("Event"))); Token tk = tokens.getNextToken(); assertEquals(tk.kind, jason.asSyntax.parser.as2jConstants.VAR); t = ASSyntax.parseVar("Ea"); assertFalse(t.isAtom()); assertTrue(t.isVar()); t = ASSyntax.parseTerm("Event"); assertFalse(t.isAtom()); assertTrue(t.isVar()); }
/** * Check GML Footprint validity */ public static boolean checkGMLFootprint (String footprint) { try { Configuration configuration = new GMLConfiguration (); Parser parser = new Parser (configuration); Geometry geom = (Geometry) parser.parse (new InputSource ( new StringReader (footprint))); if (!geom.isEmpty() && !geom.isValid()) { LOGGER.error("Wrong footprint"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error in extracted footprint: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; }
/** * Creates a principal in the KDC with the specified user and password. * * @param principal principal name, do not include the domain. * @param password password. * @throws Exception thrown if the principal could not be created. */ public synchronized void createPrincipal(String principal, String password) throws Exception { String orgName= conf.getProperty(ORG_NAME); String orgDomain = conf.getProperty(ORG_DOMAIN); String baseDn = "ou=users,dc=" + orgName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ",dc=" + orgDomain.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String content = "dn: uid=" + principal + "," + baseDn + "\n" + "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n" + "objectClass: krb5principal\n" + "objectClass: krb5kdcentry\n" + "cn: " + principal + "\n" + "sn: " + principal + "\n" + "uid: " + principal + "\n" + "userPassword: " + password + "\n" + "krb5PrincipalName: " + principal + "@" + getRealm() + "\n" + "krb5KeyVersionNumber: 0"; for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(new StringReader(content))) { ds.getAdminSession().add(new DefaultEntry(ds.getSchemaManager(), ldifEntry.getEntry())); } }
@Test public void testCharacterReferences() { try { URL fileName = EntityTest.class.getResource("testCharRef.xml"); URL outputFileName = EntityTest.class.getResource("testCharRef.xml.output"); XMLStreamReader xmlr = factory.createXMLStreamReader(new InputStreamReader(fileName.openStream())); int eventType = 0; while (xmlr.hasNext()) { eventType =; handleEvent(xmlr, eventType); } System.out.println("Output:"); System.out.println(output); Assert.assertTrue(compareOutput(new InputStreamReader(outputFileName.openStream()), new StringReader(output))); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();; } }
/** * @bug 8152530 * Verifies that StAXSource handles empty namespace properly. NPE was thrown * before the fix. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public final void testStAXSourceWEmptyNS() throws Exception { String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<EntityList>\n" + " <Entity xmlns=\"\">\n" + " </Entity>\n" + " <Entity xmlns=\"\">\n" + " </Entity>\n" + "</EntityList> "; XMLInputFactory xif = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamReader xsr = xif.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(xml)); xsr.nextTag(); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(); while (xsr.nextTag() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT && xsr.getLocalName().equals("Entity")) { StringWriter stringResult = new StringWriter(); t.transform(new StAXSource(xsr), new StreamResult(stringResult)); System.out.println("result: \n" + stringResult.toString()); } }
/** * Retrieve a JPanel whith the provided SVG drawn on it. * * @return The JPanel with the SVG drawing * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException If the SVGSalamander library * could not be found, or if any other error occurred. */ public JPanel getPanel() throws ClassNotFoundException { /* * Use reflection API to create the representation in SVG format */ if (output == null || output.equals("")) throw new NullPointerException("SVG output is empty; probably SVG terminal is not used or plot() not executed yet."); try { SVGUniverse universe = new SVGUniverse(); universe.loadSVG(new StringReader(output), "plot"); SVGDiagram diagram = universe.getDiagram(universe.getStreamBuiltURI("plot")); SVGDisplayPanel svgDisplayPanel = new SVGDisplayPanel(); svgDisplayPanel.setDiagram(diagram); return svgDisplayPanel; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(e.getMessage()); } }
@Override public T parse(String xml) { try { JAXBBindings bindings = clazz.getAnnotation(JAXBBindings.class); ArrayList<Class<?>> binds = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); binds.add(bindings.value()); for (Class<?> c : bindings.objects()) { binds.add(c); } final JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(binds.toArray(new Class<?>[0])); // NOPMD return (T) context.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new StringReader(xml)); } catch (JAXBException e) {; return null; } }
@Override public void verzendVrijBericht(final VrijBerichtGegevens berichtGegevens) { LOGGER.debug("Verzenden Vrij Bericht"); final String endpointUrl = berichtGegevens.getBrpEndpointURI(); Assert.notNull(endpointUrl, "Endpoint URL leeg"); final String leveringBericht = berichtGegevens.getArchiveringOpdracht().getData(); if (leveringBericht != null) {, endpointUrl); // Versturen van request final Source request = new StreamSource(new StringReader(leveringBericht));"Vrij bericht wordt verstuurd naar endpoint '{}'", endpointUrl); MDC.voerUit(zetMDCMDCVeld(berichtGegevens), () -> { try { verzendingVerwerkVrijBerichtWebServiceClient.verstuurRequest(request, endpointUrl); } catch (final WebServiceException e) { throw new VerzendExceptie(String.format("Het is niet gelukt om het vrij bericht te verzenden voor partij %1$d : %2$s", berichtGegevens.getArchiveringOpdracht().getOntvangendePartijId(), leveringBericht), e); } finally { verwijderMDCVelden(); } }); } else { throw new VerzendExceptie(BERICHT_IS_NIET_GEVONDEN_OP_DE_CONTEXT_EN_NIET_VERSTUURD_ENDPOINT + endpointUrl); } }
/** * Retrieves the description from an IMS manifest. */ public static String getDescriptionFromManifest(Reader xml) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { StringWriter sr = new StringWriter(); CharStreams.copy(xml, sr); String bufXml = sr.getBuffer().toString(); String v = getValueForPath("manifest/metadata/lom/general/description/string|langstring", new StringReader( bufXml)); if( v == null ) { v = getValueForPath( "manifest/organizations/organization/item/metadata/lom/general/description/string|langstring", new StringReader(bufXml)); } return v; }
private void assertParseFailure(String jsonString) { try { JsonParser.readFrom(new StringReader(jsonString)); } catch (JsonParserException e) { System.out.println("Error detected successfully:"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return; } System.err.println("Json compiled successfully when it shouldn't have");; }
public static byte[] parse(String s) { try { int n = s.length(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(n >> 1); StringReader r = new StringReader(s); while (true) { int b1 = nextNibble(r); if (b1 < 0) { break; } int b2 = nextNibble(r); if (b2 < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid string " + s); } int b = (b1 << 4) | b2; out.write(b); } return out.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
void parse() throws SAXException { String xml = "<data>\n<broken/>\u0000</data>"; try { InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)); is.setSystemId("file:///path/to/some.xml"); // notice that exception thrown here doesn't include the line number // information when reported by JVM -- CR6889654 SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser().parse(is, new DefaultHandler()); } catch (SAXException e) { // notice that this message isn't getting displayed -- CR6889649 throw new SAXException(MSG, e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { } catch (IOException ioe) { } }
public void runImport(InputStream in) throws IOException, DatastoreException { KairosDatastore ds = m_injector.getInstance(KairosDatastore.class); KairosDataPointFactory dpFactory = m_injector.getInstance(KairosDataPointFactory.class); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, UTF_8)); Gson gson = new Gson(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { DataPointsParser dataPointsParser = new DataPointsParser(ds, new StringReader(line), gson, dpFactory); ValidationErrors validationErrors = dataPointsParser.parse(); for (String error : validationErrors.getErrors()) { logger.error(error); System.err.println(error); } } }
private static int nextNibble(StringReader r) throws IOException { while (true) { int ch =; if (ch == -1) { return -1; } else if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) { return ch - '0'; } else if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) { return ch - 'a' + 10; } else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F')) { return ch - 'A' + 10; } else if (ch == 'X') { return -2; } } }
public Plugin getEnforcerPlugin(MavenProject project) throws MavenExecutionException { StringBuilder configString = new StringBuilder() .append("<configuration><rules>") .append("<requireReleaseDeps><message>No Snapshots Allowed!</message><excludes><exclude>"+project.getGroupId()+":*</exclude></excludes></requireReleaseDeps>") .append("</rules></configuration>"); Xpp3Dom config = null; try { config = StringReader(configString.toString())); } catch (XmlPullParserException | IOException ex) { throw new MavenExecutionException("Issue creating cofig for enforcer plugin", ex); } PluginExecution execution = new PluginExecution(); execution.setId("no-snapshot-deps"); execution.addGoal("enforce"); execution.setConfiguration(config); Plugin result = new Plugin(); result.setArtifactId("maven-enforcer-plugin"); result.setVersion("1.4.1"); result.addExecution(execution); return result; }
/** * Returns a new document for the given XML string. * * @param xml * String that represents the XML data. * @return Returns a new XML document. */ public static Document parseXml(String xml) { try { DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory .newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); return docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public void test_read() throws Exception { JSONReader reader = new JSONReader(new StringReader(text)); reader.startObject(); int count = 0; while (reader.hasNext()) { String key = (String) reader.readObject(); Object value = reader.readObject(); Assert.assertNotNull(key); Assert.assertNotNull(value); count++; } Assert.assertEquals(10, count); reader.endObject(); reader.close(); }
/** * createTokenizer - build up StreamTokenizer for the command script * @param script command script to parsed * @return StreamTokenizer for command script */ private static StreamTokenizer createTokenizer(final String script) { final StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(script)); tokenizer.resetSyntax(); // Default all characters to word. tokenizer.wordChars(0, 255); // Spaces and special characters are white spaces. tokenizer.whitespaceChars(0, ' '); // Ignore # comments. tokenizer.commentChar('#'); // Handle double and single quote strings. tokenizer.quoteChar('"'); tokenizer.quoteChar('\''); // Need to recognize the end of a command. tokenizer.eolIsSignificant(true); // Command separator. tokenizer.ordinaryChar(';'); // Pipe separator. tokenizer.ordinaryChar('|'); return tokenizer; }
/** * 加载属性文件内容 * * @param filename * @param value * @return */ protected Properties loadProperties(String filename, String value) { Properties props = new Properties(); if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return props; } try { if (filename.endsWith(XML_SUFFIX)) { this.propertiesPersister.loadFromXml(props, new ByteArrayInputStream(value.getBytes())); } else { this.propertiesPersister.load(props, new StringReader(value)); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse properties file [" + filename + "]" + e.getMessage()); } return props; }
private void validateAnnotations(ArrayList annotationInfo) { if (fAnnotationValidator == null) { createAnnotationValidator(); } final int size = annotationInfo.size(); final XMLInputSource src = new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, false); fGrammarBucketAdapter.refreshGrammars(fGrammarBucket); for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 2) { src.setSystemId((String) annotationInfo.get(i)); XSAnnotationInfo annotation = (XSAnnotationInfo) annotationInfo.get(i+1); while (annotation != null) { src.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(annotation.fAnnotation)); try { fAnnotationValidator.parse(src); } catch (IOException exc) {} annotation =; } } }
public void insertHTML(String html, int location) { //assumes editor is already set to "text/html" type try { HTMLEditorKit kit = (HTMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); Document doc = editor.getDocument(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(html);, doc, location); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) { //8150187: NPE expected if the system identifier is null for CatalogResolver CatalogMessages.reportNPEOnNull("systemId", systemId); //Normalize publicId and systemId systemId = Normalizer.normalizeURI(Util.getNotNullOrEmpty(systemId)); publicId = Normalizer.normalizePublicId(Normalizer.decodeURN(Util.getNotNullOrEmpty(publicId))); //check whether systemId is a urn if (systemId != null && systemId.startsWith(Util.URN)) { systemId = Normalizer.decodeURN(systemId); if (publicId != null && !publicId.equals(systemId)) { systemId = null; } else { publicId = systemId; systemId = null; } } CatalogImpl c = (CatalogImpl)catalog; String resolvedSystemId = Util.resolve(c, publicId, systemId); if (resolvedSystemId != null) { return new InputSource(resolvedSystemId); } GroupEntry.ResolveType resolveType = ((CatalogImpl) catalog).getResolve(); switch (resolveType) { case IGNORE: return new InputSource(new StringReader("")); case STRICT: CatalogMessages.reportError(CatalogMessages.ERR_NO_MATCH, new Object[]{publicId, systemId}); } //no action, allow the parser to continue return null; }
public void generateDetailedReport(String detailedReport, OutputStream os) throws Exception { Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, foUserAgent, os); Result res = new SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler()); Transformer transformer = templateDetailedReport.newTransformer(); transformer.setErrorListener(new DSSXmlErrorListener()); transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(detailedReport)), res); }
public void testIterationMarkCharFilter() throws IOException { TestAnalysis analysis = createTestAnalysis(); // test only kanji CharFilterFactory charFilterFactory = analysis.charFilter.get("kuromoji_im_only_kanji"); assertNotNull(charFilterFactory); assertThat(charFilterFactory, instanceOf(KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilterFactory.class)); String source = "ところゞゝゝ、ジヾが、時々、馬鹿々々しい"; String expected = "ところゞゝゝ、ジヾが、時時、馬鹿馬鹿しい"; assertCharFilterEquals(charFilterFactory.create(new StringReader(source)), expected); // test only kana charFilterFactory = analysis.charFilter.get("kuromoji_im_only_kana"); assertNotNull(charFilterFactory); assertThat(charFilterFactory, instanceOf(KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilterFactory.class)); expected = "ところどころ、ジジが、時々、馬鹿々々しい"; assertCharFilterEquals(charFilterFactory.create(new StringReader(source)), expected); // test default charFilterFactory = analysis.charFilter.get("kuromoji_im_default"); assertNotNull(charFilterFactory); assertThat(charFilterFactory, instanceOf(KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilterFactory.class)); expected = "ところどころ、ジジが、時時、馬鹿馬鹿しい"; assertCharFilterEquals(charFilterFactory.create(new StringReader(source)), expected); }
@Test public void testBug54060b() throws Exception { String header = "Digest username=\"mthornton\", " + "realm=\"\", " + "nonce=\"1351427480964:a01c16fed5168d72a2b5267395a2022e\", " + "uri=\"/files\", " + "algorithm=MD5, " + "response=\"f310c44b87efc0bc0a7aab7096fd36b6\", " + "opaque=\"DB85C1A73933A7EB586D10E4BF2924EF\", " + "cnonce=\"MHg3ZjA3ZGMwMTUwMTA6NzI2OToxMzUxNDI3NDgw\", " + "nc=00000001, " + "qop=auth"; StringReader input = new StringReader(header); Map<String,String> result = HttpParser.parseAuthorizationDigest(input); Assert.assertEquals("mthornton", result.get("username")); Assert.assertEquals("", result.get("realm")); Assert.assertEquals("1351427480964:a01c16fed5168d72a2b5267395a2022e", result.get("nonce")); Assert.assertEquals("/files", result.get("uri")); Assert.assertEquals("MD5", result.get("algorithm")); Assert.assertEquals("f310c44b87efc0bc0a7aab7096fd36b6", result.get("response")); Assert.assertEquals("DB85C1A73933A7EB586D10E4BF2924EF", result.get("opaque")); Assert.assertEquals("MHg3ZjA3ZGMwMTUwMTA6NzI2OToxMzUxNDI3NDgw", result.get("cnonce")); Assert.assertEquals("00000001", result.get("nc")); Assert.assertEquals("auth", result.get("qop")); }
public SearchQuery extractFromJson(String json) throws IOException { Content content = mock(Content.class); when(content.getReader()).thenReturn(new StringReader(json)); WebScriptRequest request = mock(WebScriptRequest.class); when(request.getContent()).thenReturn(content); return extractJsonContent(request, jsonHelper, SearchQuery.class); }
@Test public void testBug54060c() throws Exception { String header = "Digest username=\"mthornton\", qop=auth"; StringReader input = new StringReader(header); Map<String,String> result = HttpParser.parseAuthorizationDigest(input); Assert.assertEquals("mthornton", result.get("username")); Assert.assertEquals("auth", result.get("qop")); }
@Test public void testTaskAttemptIdXMLCounters() throws JSONException, Exception { WebResource r = resource(); Map<JobId, Job> jobsMap = appContext.getAllJobs(); for (JobId id : jobsMap.keySet()) { String jobId = MRApps.toString(id); for (Task task : jobsMap.get(id).getTasks().values()) { String tid = MRApps.toString(task.getID()); for (TaskAttempt att : task.getAttempts().values()) { TaskAttemptId attemptid = att.getID(); String attid = MRApps.toString(attemptid); ClientResponse response = r.path("ws").path("v1").path("history") .path("mapreduce").path("jobs").path(jobId).path("tasks") .path(tid).path("attempts").path(attid).path("counters") .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).get(ClientResponse.class); assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE, response.getType()); String xml = response.getEntity(String.class); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(); is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(xml)); Document dom = db.parse(is); NodeList nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("jobTaskAttemptCounters"); verifyHsTaskCountersXML(nodes, att); } } } }
@DataProvider(name = "jaxpFactories") public Object[][] jaxpFactories() throws Exception { return new Object[][] { { DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((DocumentBuilderFactory)factory).newDocumentBuilder() }, { SAXParserFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((SAXParserFactory)factory).newSAXParser() }, { SchemaFactory.newInstance(W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI), (Produce)factory -> ((SchemaFactory)factory).newSchema() }, { TransformerFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((TransformerFactory)factory).newTransformer() }, { XMLEventFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((XMLEventFactory)factory).createStartDocument() }, { XMLInputFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((XMLInputFactory)factory).createXMLEventReader(new StringReader("")) }, { XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((XMLOutputFactory)factory).createXMLEventWriter(new StringWriter()) }, { XPathFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((XPathFactory)factory).newXPath() }, { DatatypeFactory.newInstance(), (Produce)factory -> ((DatatypeFactory)factory).newXMLGregorianCalendar() } }; }
@Override public ExampleXML call(String input) throws Exception { JAXBContext jaxb = JAXBContext.newInstance(ExampleXML.class); Unmarshaller um = jaxb.createUnmarshaller(); Object xml = um.unmarshal(new StringReader(input)); return (ExampleXML) xml; }
@Override protected void parseAPDSStatusMessage(Tracon tracon, String messageText) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); AirportDataServiceStatus apdsMessage = null; try { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(AirportDataServiceStatus.class); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(messageText); apdsMessage = (AirportDataServiceStatus) unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Service service = tracon.getService(Constants.APDS); if ((service == null) && (DYNAMIC_MODE)) { service = new Service(); service.setName(Constants.APDS); tracon.addService(service); } if (service != null) { service.setTimeStamp(timestamp); RVRExternalLinks rvrLinks = apdsMessage.getRvrLinks(); if (rvrLinks != null) { for (ExternalLink exLink : rvrLinks.getRvrLink()) { handleLink(timestamp, service, tracon.getName(), exLink); } } // Don't set the service status if not configured for override boolean changed = false; if (!OVERRIDE_STATUS) { changed = service.setStatus(getMessageStatus(apdsMessage.getServiceStatus())); } else { changed = service.refreshStatus(); } if (changed) { Notification(timestamp, service.getStatus(), service.getName(), tracon.getName(), NotificationType.SERVICE)); } } }
public static Node parse(String ref) throws ELException { try { return (new ELParser(new StringReader(ref))).CompositeExpression(); } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new ELException(pe.getMessage()); } }
private static String[] splitLines(String text) { if (text == null) return new String[0]; List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); lines.add(""); // dummy line 0 try { BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text)); String line; while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) lines.add(line); } catch (IOException ignore) { } return lines.toArray(new String[lines.size()]); }
/** * Converts XML from one format to another, without the use of a cache to * store or save results. Returns null if there are no known conversions * available for the requested conversion, or if a processing error occurs. * Characters returned in the StringBuffer are encoded in UTF-8. * * @param fromFormat The XML format to convert from. Example: 'dlese_ims.' * @param toFormat The format to convert to. Example: 'adn.' * @param originalXML The original XML as a String, in the 'from' format. * Should not be null. * @return Content converted to the 'to' format, or null if unable * to process. */ public String convertXml(String fromFormat, String toFormat, String originalXML) { // Check to see if the input and output formats are the same. if (fromFormat.equals(toFormat)) { if (originalXML != null) { try { if (filter) return stripXmlDeclaration(new BufferedReader( new StringReader(originalXML))).toString(); else return originalXML; } catch (Exception e) { prtlnErr("Unable to process originalXML file: " + e); return null; } } } // Grab the converter, checking to see if we can convert. XmlConverter xmlConverter = (XmlConverter) getConverter(fromFormat, toFormat); if (xmlConverter == null) return null; return xmlConverter.convertXml(originalXML); }
public static User getUser(String jsonStr){ User node = new User(); try{ Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonReader jreader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(jsonStr)); jreader.setLenient(true); node = gson.fromJson(jreader,User.class); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return node; }
private synchronized void writeToDOM(Node target, short type) { Document futureOwner = (type == XSAnnotation.W3C_DOM_ELEMENT) ? target.getOwnerDocument() : (Document)target; DOMParser parser = fGrammar.getDOMParser(); StringReader aReader = new StringReader(fData); InputSource aSource = new InputSource(aReader); try { parser.parse(aSource); } catch (SAXException e) { // this should never happen! // REVISIT: what to do with this?; should really not // eat it... } catch (IOException i) { // ditto with above } Document aDocument = parser.getDocument(); parser.dropDocumentReferences(); Element annotation = aDocument.getDocumentElement(); Node newElem = null; if (futureOwner instanceof CoreDocumentImpl) { newElem = futureOwner.adoptNode(annotation); // adoptNode will return null when the DOM implementations are not compatible. if (newElem == null) { newElem = futureOwner.importNode(annotation, true); } } else { newElem = futureOwner.importNode(annotation, true); } target.insertBefore(newElem, target.getFirstChild()); }
public void testCopyFromReader() throws IOException { String content = "content"; StringReader in = new StringReader(content); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); int count = copy(in, out); assertThat(content.length(), equalTo(count)); assertThat(out.toString(), equalTo(content)); }
@Test public void testResetDefaultNamespaceSAAJ() throws Exception { // Create SOAP message from XML string and process it with SAAJ reader XMLStreamReader envelope = XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamReader( new StringReader(INPUT_SOAP_MESSAGE)); StreamMessage streamMessage = new StreamMessage(SOAPVersion.SOAP_11, envelope, null); SAAJFactory saajFact = new SAAJFactory(); SOAPMessage soapMessage = saajFact.readAsSOAPMessage(SOAPVersion.SOAP_11, streamMessage); // Check if constructed object model meets local names and namespace expectations SOAPElement request = (SOAPElement) soapMessage.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild(); // Check top body element name Assert.assertEquals(request.getLocalName(), "SampleServiceRequest"); // Check top body element namespace Assert.assertEquals(request.getNamespaceURI(), TEST_NS); SOAPElement params = (SOAPElement) request.getFirstChild(); // Check first child name Assert.assertEquals(params.getLocalName(), "RequestParams"); // Check if first child namespace is null Assert.assertNull(params.getNamespaceURI()); // Check inner elements of the first child SOAPElement param1 = (SOAPElement) params.getFirstChild(); Assert.assertEquals(param1.getLocalName(), "Param1"); Assert.assertNull(param1.getNamespaceURI()); SOAPElement param2 = (SOAPElement) params.getChildNodes().item(1); Assert.assertEquals(param2.getLocalName(), "Param2"); Assert.assertNull(param2.getNamespaceURI()); // Check full content of SOAP body Assert.assertEquals(nodeToText(request), EXPECTED_RESULT); }