private void assertGrid(@CollectionState.CollectionTransition int collectionTransition, CharSequence gridName, boolean rowChanged, boolean colChanged, int itemRow, int itemCol, CharSequence rowName, CharSequence colName, @CollectionState.TableHeadingType int headingType) { assertEquals(Role.ROLE_GRID, mCollectionState.getCollectionRole()); assertEquals(collectionTransition, mCollectionState.getCollectionTransition()); assertCharSequenceEquals(gridName, mCollectionState.getCollectionName()); assertEquals(rowChanged, (mCollectionState.getRowColumnTransition() & CollectionState.TYPE_ROW) != 0); assertEquals(colChanged, (mCollectionState.getRowColumnTransition() & CollectionState.TYPE_COLUMN) != 0); CollectionState.TableItemState itemState = mCollectionState.getTableItemState(); assertEquals(itemRow, itemState.getRowIndex()); assertEquals(itemCol, itemState.getColumnIndex()); assertCharSequenceEquals(rowName, itemState.getRowName()); assertCharSequenceEquals(colName, itemState.getColumnName()); assertEquals(headingType, itemState.getHeadingType()); }
private long readLong (CharSequence csq, ParsePosition pos) { final int length = csq.length(); int result = 0; boolean isNegative = false; while (pos.getIndex() < length) { char c = csq.charAt(pos.getIndex()); if (c == '-') { isNegative = true; } else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { result = result * 10 + (c - '0'); } else { break; } pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex()+1); } return isNegative ? -result : result; }
private void append(Appendable appendable, CharSequence symbol, int pow, int root) throws IOException { appendable.append(symbol); if ((pow != 1) || (root != 1)) { // Write exponent. if ((pow == 2) && (root == 1)) { appendable.append('²'); // Square } else if ((pow == 3) && (root == 1)) { appendable.append('³'); // Cubic } else { // Use general exponent form. appendable.append('^'); appendable.append(String.valueOf(pow)); if (root != 1) { appendable.append(':'); appendable.append(String.valueOf(root)); } } } }
AutoValue_TestClassBundled(Bundle bundle, byte someByte, boolean someBoolean, short someShort, int someInt, long someLong, char someChar, float someFloat, double someDouble, String someString, CharSequence someCharSequence, Parcelable someParcelable, ArrayList<Parcelable> someParcelableArrayList, SparseArray<Parcelable> someParcelableSparseArray, Serializable someSerializable, ArrayList<Integer> someIntegerArrayList, ArrayList<String> someStringArrayList, ArrayList<CharSequence> someCharSequenceArrayList, byte[] someByteArray, short[] someShortArray, char[] someCharArray, float[] someFloatArray, UnknownObject someUnknownObject, ArrayList<UnknownObject> someUnknownObjectList, TestEnum testEnum) { super(bundle, someByte, someBoolean, someShort, someInt, someLong, someChar, someFloat, someDouble, someString, someCharSequence, someParcelable, someParcelableArrayList, someParcelableSparseArray, someSerializable, someIntegerArrayList, someStringArrayList, someCharSequenceArrayList, someByteArray, someShortArray, someCharArray, someFloatArray, someUnknownObject, someUnknownObjectList, testEnum); }
AutoValue_TestClassBundledGCM(Bundle bundle, byte someByte, boolean someBoolean, short someShort, int someInt, long someLong, char someChar, float someFloat, double someDouble, String someString, CharSequence someCharSequence, Parcelable someParcelable, ArrayList<Parcelable> someParcelableArrayList, SparseArray<Parcelable> someParcelableSparseArray, Serializable someSerializable, ArrayList<Integer> someIntegerArrayList, ArrayList<String> someStringArrayList, ArrayList<CharSequence> someCharSequenceArrayList, byte[] someByteArray, short[] someShortArray, char[] someCharArray, float[] someFloatArray, UnknownObject someUnknownObject, ArrayList<UnknownObject> someUnknownObjectList, TestEnum testEnum) { super(bundle, someByte, someBoolean, someShort, someInt, someLong, someChar, someFloat, someDouble, someString, someCharSequence, someParcelable, someParcelableArrayList, someParcelableSparseArray, someSerializable, someIntegerArrayList, someStringArrayList, someCharSequenceArrayList, someByteArray, someShortArray, someCharArray, someFloatArray, someUnknownObject, someUnknownObjectList, testEnum); }
public static TestClassBundledGCM unbundle(Bundle bundle, Gson gson) { return new AutoValue_TestClassBundledGCM( bundle, Byte.parseByte(bundle.getString("some_byte")), Boolean.parseBoolean(bundle.getString("some_boolean")), Short.parseShort(bundle.getString("some_short")), Integer.parseInt(bundle.getString("some_int")), Long.parseLong(bundle.getString("some_long")), bundle.getString("some_char").charAt(0), Float.parseFloat(bundle.getString("some_float")), Double.parseDouble(bundle.getString("some_double")), bundle.getString("some_string"), bundle.getString("some_char_sequence"), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_parcelable"), Parcelable.class), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_parcelable_array_list"), new<java.util.ArrayList<Parcelable>>(){}.getType()), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_parcelable_sparse_array"), new<android.util.SparseArray<Parcelable>>(){}.getType()), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_serializable"), Serializable.class), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_integer_array_list"), new<java.util.ArrayList<Integer>>(){}.getType()), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_string_array_list"), new<java.util.ArrayList<String>>(){}.getType()), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_char_sequence_array_list"), new<java.util.ArrayList<CharSequence>>(){}.getType()), toPrimitive(gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_byte_array"), Byte[].class)), toPrimitive(gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_short_array"), Short[].class)), toPrimitive(gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_char_array"), Character[].class)), toPrimitive(gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_float_array"), Float[].class)), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_unknown_object"), new<UnknownObject>(){}.getType()), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("some_unknown_object_list"), new<ArrayList<UnknownObject>>(){}.getType()), gson.fromJson(bundle.getString("test_enum"), new<TestEnum>(){}.getType())); }
public static int indentationLevel(CharSequence c) { int i = 0; while(i < c.length() && c.charAt(i) == ' ') { i++; } return i; }
/** * Constructor with required params */ public Detail3ActivityNavigator(String arg1, int arg2, long arg3, short arg4, float arg5, double arg6, boolean arg7, Parcelable arg8, Bundle arg9, CharSequence arg10, char arg11, byte arg12, int[] arg13, long[] arg14, short[] arg15, float[] arg16, double[] arg17, boolean[] arg18, char[] arg19, byte[] arg20, String[] arg21, Parcelable[] arg22, CharSequence[] arg23, Serializable arg24, ArrayList<String> arg25, ArrayList<CharSequence> arg26, ArrayList<Integer> arg27, ArrayList<Parcelable> arg28) { this.arg1 = arg1; this.arg2 = arg2; this.arg3 = arg3; this.arg4 = arg4; this.arg5 = arg5; this.arg6 = arg6; this.arg7 = arg7; this.arg8 = arg8; this.arg9 = arg9; this.arg10 = arg10; this.arg11 = arg11; this.arg12 = arg12; this.arg13 = arg13; this.arg14 = arg14; this.arg15 = arg15; this.arg16 = arg16; this.arg17 = arg17; this.arg18 = arg18; this.arg19 = arg19; this.arg20 = arg20; this.arg21 = arg21; this.arg22 = arg22; this.arg23 = arg23; this.arg24 = arg24; this.arg25 = arg25; this.arg26 = arg26; this.arg27 = arg27; this.arg28 = arg28; }
@Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.d ( TAG, "onReceive()..." + new Date() ) ; String voiceReplyContent = "No reply"; Bundle remoteInputBundle = RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(intent); Log.d ( TAG, "onReceive() remoteInputBundle=" + remoteInputBundle ) ; if (remoteInputBundle != null) { CharSequence charSequence = remoteInputBundle.getCharSequence(EXTRA_VOICE_REPLY) ; voiceReplyContent = charSequence.toString() ; } Log.d ( TAG, "onReceive()... voiceReplyContent=" + voiceReplyContent ) ; // originate notification that will end up showing on the handheld Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(context) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.alarm36) .setContentTitle("From Head unit") .setContentText( voiceReplyContent ) .setColor( context.getResources().getColor(R.color.colorPrimary)).build() ; NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notificationManager.notify( 7200, notification ); }
@Override public <T extends CharSequence> Stack<T> methodWithVectorParamAndStackReturn(Vector<Parcelable> objectList) throws RemoteException { Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); try { data.writeInterfaceToken(ConcreteListMethodTypeParam$$AidlServerImpl.DESCRIPTOR); if (objectList == null) { data.writeInt(-1); } else { data.writeInt(objectList.size()); for (Parcelable objectListElement : objectList) { data.writeParcelable(objectListElement, 0); } } delegate.transact(ConcreteListMethodTypeParam$$AidlServerImpl.TRANSACT_methodWithVectorParamAndStackReturn, data, reply, 0); reply.readException(); final Stack<CharSequence> returnValueCollection; final int returnValueSize = reply.readInt(); if (returnValueSize < 0) { returnValueCollection = null; } else { returnValueCollection = new Stack<>(); for (int j = 0; j < returnValueSize; j++) { returnValueCollection.add(TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(reply)); } } return (Stack) returnValueCollection; } finally { data.recycle(); reply.recycle(); } }
@Override protected boolean onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags) throws RemoteException { switch(code) { case TRANSACT_methodWithVectorParamAndStackReturn: { data.enforceInterface(this.getInterfaceDescriptor()); final Vector<Parcelable> objectListCollection; final int objectListSize = data.readInt(); if (objectListSize < 0) { objectListCollection = null; } else { objectListCollection = new Vector<>(objectListSize); for (int j = 0; j < objectListSize; j++) { objectListCollection.add(data.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader())); } } final Collection<? extends CharSequence> returnValue = delegate.methodWithVectorParamAndStackReturn(objectListCollection); reply.writeNoException(); if (returnValue == null) { reply.writeInt(-1); } else { reply.writeInt(returnValue.size()); for (CharSequence returnValueElement : returnValue) { TextUtils.writeToParcel(returnValueElement, reply, Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE); } } return true; } } return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); }
public void setCharSequence (CharSequence input) { this.input = input; this.matchText = null; this.matchTextFresh = false; if (input != null) this.matcher = regex.matcher(input); }
public ListsActivityScreen(ArrayList<String> list1, ArrayList<Integer> list2, ArrayList<CharSequence> list3, ArrayList<Parcelable> list4, ArrayList<ParcelableClass> list5, SparseArray<Parcelable> list6, SparseArray<ParcelableClass> list7) { this.list1 = list1; this.list2 = list2; this.list3 = list3; this.list4 = list4; this.list5 = list5; this.list6 = list6; this.list7 = list7; }
public ClassesActivityScreen(String field1, CharSequence field2, CharSequence[] field3, Bundle field4, Parcelable field5, Parcelable[] field6, ParcelableClass field7, String[] field8, ParcelableClass[] field9, Serializable field91, SerializableClass field92) { this.field1 = field1; this.field2 = field2; this.field3 = field3; this.field4 = field4; this.field5 = field5; this.field6 = field6; this.field7 = field7; this.field8 = field8; this.field9 = field9; this.field91 = field91; this.field92 = field92; }
private void internalTestChangedTextFormatter_deleteCharacter(String text) throws Exception { if (text.length() < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This test case can only handle non-empty strings"); } // Set up the test. setContentView(R.layout.text_activity); getViewForId(; mInstrumentation.waitForIdleSync(); mInstrumentation.sendStringSync(text); waitForAccessibilityIdleSync(); // Delete the last character. startRecordingUtterances(); mInstrumentation.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); waitForAccessibilityIdleSync(); final CharSequence lastChar = text.substring(text.length() - 1); final CharSequence expectedSpeech = SpeechCleanupUtils.cleanUp(mAppCtx, lastChar) + " " + mAppCtx.getString(R.string.value_text_removed); final CharSequenceFilter textFilter = new CharSequenceFilter().addContainsIgnoreCase( expectedSpeech); final UtteranceFilter utteranceFilter = new UtteranceFilter().addTextFilter(textFilter); final Utterance utterance = stopRecordingUtterancesAfterMatch(utteranceFilter); assertNotNull("Saw matching utterance", utterance); }
private void assertList(@CollectionState.CollectionTransition int collectionTransition, CharSequence listName, boolean rowChanged) { assertEquals(Role.ROLE_LIST, mCollectionState.getCollectionRole()); assertEquals(collectionTransition, mCollectionState.getCollectionTransition()); assertCharSequenceEquals(listName, mCollectionState.getCollectionName()); assertEquals(rowChanged, (mCollectionState.getRowColumnTransition() & CollectionState.TYPE_ROW) != 0); }
private void assertList(@CollectionState.CollectionTransition int collectionTransition, CharSequence listName, boolean rowChanged, int itemIndex, int totalItems, boolean isItemHeader) { assertList(collectionTransition, listName, rowChanged); CollectionState.ListItemState itemState = mCollectionState.getListItemState(); assertEquals(itemIndex, itemState.getIndex()); assertEquals(totalItems, mCollectionState.getCollectionRowCount()); assertEquals(isItemHeader, itemState.isHeading()); }
private void assertCharSequenceEquals(CharSequence a, CharSequence b) { if (a == null) { assertNull(b); } else if (b == null) { assertNull(a); } else { assertTrue(a.toString().equals(b.toString())); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Unit<? extends Quantity> parseSingleUnit(CharSequence csq, ParsePosition pos) throws ParseException { int startIndex = pos.getIndex(); String name = readIdentifier(csq, pos); Unit unit = unitFor(name); check(unit != null, name + " not recognized", csq, startIndex); return unit; }
private int nextToken(CharSequence csq, ParsePosition pos) { final int length = csq.length(); while (pos.getIndex() < length) { char c = csq.charAt(pos.getIndex()); if (isUnitIdentifierPart(c)) { return IDENTIFIER; } else if (c == '(') { return OPEN_PAREN; } else if (c == ')') { return CLOSE_PAREN; } else if ((c == '^') || (c == '¹') || (c == '²') || (c == '³')) { return EXPONENT; } else if (c == '*') { char c2 = csq.charAt(pos.getIndex() + 1); if (c2 == '*') { return EXPONENT; } else { return MULTIPLY; } } else if (c == '·') { return MULTIPLY; } else if (c == '/') { return DIVIDE; } else if (c == '+') { return PLUS; } else if ((c == '-') || Character.isDigit(c)) { int index = pos.getIndex()+1; while ((index < length) && (Character.isDigit(c) || (c == '-') || (c == '.') || (c == 'E'))) { c = csq.charAt(index++); if (c == '.') { return FLOAT; } } return INTEGER; } pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 1); } return EOF; }
private void check(boolean expr, String message, CharSequence csq, int index) throws ParseException { if (!expr) { throw new ParseException(message + " (in " + csq + " at index " + index + ")", index); } }
private double readDouble (CharSequence csq, ParsePosition pos) { final int length = csq.length(); int start = pos.getIndex(); int end = start+1; while (end < length) { if ("012356789+-.E".indexOf(csq.charAt(end)) < 0) { break; } end += 1; } pos.setIndex(end+1); return Double.parseDouble(csq.subSequence(start,end).toString()); }
private String readIdentifier(CharSequence csq, ParsePosition pos) { final int length = csq.length(); int start = pos.getIndex(); int i = start; while ((++i < length) && isUnitIdentifierPart(csq.charAt(i))) { } pos.setIndex(i); return csq.subSequence(start, i).toString(); }
@Override public void draw(Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, Paint paint) { RectF rect = new RectF(x, top, x + (int) measureText(paint, text, start, end), bottom); paint.setColor(backgroundColor); canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, 5, 5, paint); paint.setColor(foregroundColor); canvas.drawText(text, start, end, x, y, paint); }
/** * Returns the qualified name corresponding to the specified namespace URI * and local name. * * @param namespaceURI the URI reference or <code>null</code> if none. * @param localName the local name. * @see #toString() */ public static QName valueOf(CharSequence namespaceURI, CharSequence localName) { if (namespaceURI == null) return QName.valueOf(localName); TextBuilder tmp = new TextBuilder(); tmp.append('{'); tmp.append(namespaceURI); tmp.append('}'); tmp.append(localName); return QName.valueOf(tmp); }
public CharSequenceLexer (CharSequence input, Pattern regex) { this (regex); setCharSequence (input); }
public CharSequenceLexer (CharSequence input, String regex) { this (input, Pattern.compile (regex)); }
public CharSequence getCharSequence() { return input; }
public static Iterable<String> split(String on, CharSequence target) { return Splitter.on("-").split(target); }
@MediumTest public void testSelectedTextFormatter_volumeButtonFeedbackNotDuplicated() { setContentView(R.layout.text_activity); getViewForId(; mInstrumentation.waitForIdleSync(); mInstrumentation.sendStringSync("abc"); waitForAccessibilityIdleSync(); mTalkBack.getCursorController().setCursor(getNodeForId(; waitForAccessibilityIdleSync(); // Wait after the ["Edit text", "abc"] feedback. startRecordingUtterances(); sendVolumeKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN); mInstrumentation.waitForIdleSync(); waitForAccessibilityIdleSync(); sendVolumeKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN); mInstrumentation.waitForIdleSync(); waitForAccessibilityIdleSync(); sendVolumeKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN); mInstrumentation.waitForIdleSync(); waitForAccessibilityIdleSync(); CharSequenceFilter textFilter = new CharSequenceFilter().addContainsIgnoreCase("a"); UtteranceFilter utteranceFilter = new UtteranceFilter().addTextFilter(textFilter); stopRecordingUtterancesAfterMatch(utteranceFilter); List<Utterance> utteranceHistory = getUtteranceHistory(); int countB = 0; int countC = 0; for (Utterance utterance : utteranceHistory) { for (CharSequence spoken : utterance.getSpoken()) { if (spoken.toString().contains("b")) { countB++; } if (spoken.toString().contains("c")) { countC++; } } } assertEquals(1, countB); assertEquals(1, countC); }
private Exponent readExponent (CharSequence csq, ParsePosition pos) { char c = csq.charAt(pos.getIndex()); if (c == '^') { pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex()+1); } else if (c == '*') { pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex()+2); } final int length = csq.length(); int pow = 0; boolean isPowNegative = false; int root = 0; boolean isRootNegative = false; boolean isRoot = false; while (pos.getIndex() < length) { c = csq.charAt(pos.getIndex()); if (c == '¹') { if (isRoot) { root = root * 10 + 1; } else { pow = pow * 10 + 1; } } else if (c == '²') { if (isRoot) { root = root * 10 + 2; } else { pow = pow * 10 + 2; } } else if (c == '³') { if (isRoot) { root = root * 10 + 3; } else { pow = pow * 10 + 3; } } else if (c == '-') { if (isRoot) { isRootNegative = true; } else { isPowNegative = true; } } else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { if (isRoot) { root = root * 10 + (c - '0'); } else { pow = pow * 10 + (c - '0'); } } else if (c == ':') { isRoot = true; } else { break; } pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex()+1); } if (pow == 0) pow = 1; if (root == 0) root = 1; return new Exponent(isPowNegative ? -pow : pow, isRootNegative ? -root : root); }