Java 类 实例源码

项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimetype) {
    switch (mimetype) {
        case "audio/aiff":      return new aiff();
        case "audio/basic":     return new basic();
        case "audio/wav":       return new wav();
        case "audio/x-aiff":    return new x_aiff();
        case "audio/x-wav":     return new x_wav();
        case "image/gif":       return new gif();
        case "image/jpeg":      return new jpeg();
        case "image/png":       return new png();
        case "image/x-xbitmap": return new x_xbitmap();
        case "image/x-xpixmap": return new x_xpixmap();
        default:                return null;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimetype) {
    switch (mimetype) {
        case "audio/aiff":      return new aiff();
        case "audio/basic":     return new basic();
        case "audio/wav":       return new wav();
        case "audio/x-aiff":    return new x_aiff();
        case "audio/x-wav":     return new x_wav();
        case "image/gif":       return new gif();
        case "image/jpeg":      return new jpeg();
        case "image/png":       return new png();
        case "image/x-xbitmap": return new x_xbitmap();
        case "image/x-xpixmap": return new x_xpixmap();
        default:                return null;
项目:In-the-Box-Fork    文件   
 * @tests,
 *        java.lang.Class[])
public void test_getContent() throws IOException {
    URLConnection conn = new URL("").openConnection();
    Class[] classes = { Foo.class, String.class, };
    ContentHandler handler = new ContentHandlerImpl();
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    Object content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("Foo", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new FooSub());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("FooSub", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    Class[] classes2 = { FooSub.class, String.class, };
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes2);
项目:cn1    文件   
 * @tests,
 *        java.lang.Class[])
public void test_getContent() throws IOException {
    URLConnection conn = new URL("").openConnection();
    Class[] classes = { Foo.class, String.class, };
    ContentHandler handler = new ContentHandlerImpl();
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    Object content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("Foo", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new FooSub());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("FooSub", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    Class[] classes2 = { FooSub.class, String.class, };
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes2);
项目:freeVM    文件   
 * @tests,
 *        java.lang.Class[])
public void test_getContent() throws IOException {
    URLConnection conn = new URL("").openConnection();
    Class[] classes = { Foo.class, String.class, };
    ContentHandler handler = new ContentHandlerImpl();
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    Object content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("Foo", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new FooSub());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("FooSub", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    Class[] classes2 = { FooSub.class, String.class, };
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes2);
项目:freeVM    文件   
 * @tests,
 *        java.lang.Class[])
public void test_getContent() throws IOException {
    URLConnection conn = new URL("").openConnection();
    Class[] classes = { Foo.class, String.class, };
    ContentHandler handler = new ContentHandlerImpl();
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    Object content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("Foo", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new FooSub());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes);
    assertEquals("FooSub", ((Foo) content).getFoo());

    Class[] classes2 = { FooSub.class, String.class, };
    ((ContentHandlerImpl) handler).setContent(new Foo());
    content = handler.getContent(conn, classes2);
项目:android-vlc-remote    文件   
protected final <T> T read(ContentHandler handler) throws IOException {
    String spec = mUri.toString();
    URL url = new URL(spec);
    HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    try {
        String password = PasswordManager.get(mContext).getPassword(mUri.getAuthority());
        if (password != null) {
            Credentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("", password);
            Header authorization = BasicScheme.authenticate(credentials, HTTP.UTF_8, false);
            http.setRequestProperty(authorization.getName(), authorization.getValue());
        int responseCode = http.getResponseCode();
        String responseMessage = http.getResponseMessage();
        if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            throw new HttpResponseException(responseCode, responseMessage);
        return (T) handler.getContent(http);
    } finally {
项目:javify    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimeType)
  if (imageTypes.contains(mimeType))
    return ImageHandler.instance;
  // Currently, only image types are handled.
  return null;
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimeType)
  if (imageTypes.contains(mimeType))
    return ImageHandler.instance;
  // Currently, only image types are handled.
  return null;
项目:JamVM-PH    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimeType)
  if (imageTypes.contains(mimeType))
    return ImageHandler.instance;
  // Currently, only image types are handled.
  return null;
项目:classpath    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimeType)
  if (imageTypes.contains(mimeType))
    return ImageHandler.instance;
  // Currently, only image types are handled.
  return null;
项目:android-vlc-remote    文件   
protected final void parse(URLConnection connection, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler)
        throws IOException {
    InputStream input = connection.getInputStream();
    try {
        // The server sends UTF-8 instead of the HTTP default (ISO-8859-1).
        Xml.Encoding encoding = Xml.Encoding.UTF_8;
        Xml.parse(input, encoding, handler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        IOException ioe = new IOException("Invalid XML");
        throw ioe;
    } finally {
项目:android-vlc-remote    文件   
protected final <T> Remote<T> load(ContentHandler handler) {
    String spec = mUri.toString();
    try {
        T data = read(handler);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to load: " + spec, t);
        return Remote.error(t);
项目:samplegit    文件   
public void onCreate() {
    Log.d(TAG, "[onCreate]");

    sInstance = this;

    JRFileResponseCache jrfrc = new JRFileResponseCache(this);
    ResponseCache.setDefault(jrfrc); bmch = JRFileResponseCache.capture(new JRBitmapContentHandler(), null); pfch = JRFileResponseCache.capture(JRFileResponseCache.sink(), null);
    mImageLoader = new ImageLoader(ImageLoader.DEFAULT_TASK_LIMIT, null, bmch, pfch,
            ImageLoader.DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, null);

    /* If the Story class changes, then the Archiver can't load the new stories, which is fine,
        They'll just get re-downloaded/added, but we also have to clear the links hash, so that
        the new stories get added. */
    try {
        ArrayList<Story> loadedStories = Archiver.load(ARCHIVE_STORIES_ARRAY, this);
        mStoryLinks = Archiver.load(ARCHIVE_STORY_LINKS_HASH, this);
        logd(TAG, "[ctor] loaded " + mStories.size() + " stories from disk");
    } catch (Archiver.LoadException e) {
        mStoryLinks = new HashSet<String>();
        logd(TAG, "[ctor] stories reset");
项目:In-the-Box-Fork    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimetype) {
    isCreateContentHandlerCalled = true;
    return new TestContentHandler();
项目    文件   
public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String mimetype) {

    return null;