private static void connect(String server) throws Exception { try { HttpClient.create() .version(HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2) .build() .request(new URI(server)) .timeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, TIMEOUT) .body(HttpRequest.fromString("body")) .GET() .response() .body(HttpResponse.asString()); throw new RuntimeException("unexpected successful connection"); } catch (HttpTimeoutException e) { System.out.println("expected exception: " + e); } }
static void requestBodyTypes(final String target, final String requestType, final String responseType, final boolean isAsync) throws Exception { System.out.println("Running test_request_body_type " + requestType + " and response type " + responseType + " and sync=" + isAsync); URI uri = new URI(target); byte buf[]; String filename = smallFile.toFile().getAbsolutePath(); String fileContents = HttpUtils.getFileContent(filename); buf = fileContents.getBytes(); HttpRequest.Builder builder = HttpUtils.getHttpRequestBuilder(client, requestType, uri); HttpResponse response; if (!isAsync) { response = builder.GET().response(); } else { response = builder.GET().responseAsync().join(); } HttpUtils.checkResponse(response, requestType, responseType); System.out.println("OK"); }
private static void connect(String uriString, SSLParameters sslParameters) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, InterruptedException { String body = HttpClient.create() .sslParameters(sslParameters) .version(HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2) .build() .request(new URI(uriString)) .body(HttpRequest.fromString("body")) .GET() .response() .body(HttpResponse.asString()); System.out.println("Response: " + body); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { server = new Server(0); URI uri = new URI(server.getURL()); server.start(); HttpRequest request; HttpResponse r; CompletableFuture<HttpResponse> cf1; for (int i=0; i<responses.length; i++) { cf1 = HttpRequest.create(uri) .GET() .responseAsync(); String body = responses[i]; Server.Connection c = server.activity(); sendSplitResponse(response(body), c); r = cf1.get(); if (r.statusCode()!= 200) throw new RuntimeException("Failed"); String rxbody = r.body(HttpResponse.asString()); System.out.println("received " + rxbody); if (!rxbody.equals(body)) throw new RuntimeException("Failed"); c.close(); } HttpClient.getDefault().executorService().shutdownNow(); System.out.println("OK"); }
@Override public String now() { try { return HttpClient.getDefault() .request(URI.create("")) .header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36") .GET() .response() .body(HttpResponse.asString()); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Network error"); } }
public static void checkResponse(final HttpResponse response, String requestType, final String responseType) throws IOException { String filename = smallFile.toFile().getAbsolutePath(); String fileContents = HttpUtils.getFileContent(filename); if (requestType.equals("byteArray_offset")) { fileContents = fileContents.substring(DEFAULT_OFFSET, DEFAULT_OFFSET + DEFAULT_LENGTH); } byte buf[] = fileContents.getBytes(); String responseBody; switch (responseType) { case "string": responseBody = response.body(asString()); if (!responseBody.equals(fileContents)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } break; case "byteArray": byte arr[] = response.body(asByteArray()); if (!Arrays.equals(arr, buf)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } break; case "file": response.body(asFile(Paths.get("barf.txt"))); Path downloaded = Paths.get("barf.txt"); if (Files.size(downloaded) != fileContents.length()) { throw new RuntimeException("Size mismatch"); } break; case "InputStream": InputStream is = response.body(asInputStream()); byte arr1[] = new byte[1024]; int byteRead; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((byteRead = != -1) { sb.append(new String(arr1, 0, byteRead)); } if (!sb.toString().equals(fileContents)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } break; } }