/** * @param path The patch to scan * @return All direct and indirect sub files */ public static List<Path> subFiles(Path path) { List<Path> files = new ArrayList<>(); try (DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path)) { for (Path subPath : directoryStream) { if (Files.isDirectory(subPath)) { files.addAll(subFiles(subPath)); } else { files.add(subPath); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return files; }
/** * Outputs the class index table to the INDEX.LIST file of the * root jar file. */ void dumpIndex(String rootjar, JarIndex index) throws IOException { File jarFile = new File(rootjar); Path jarPath = jarFile.toPath(); Path tmpPath = createTempFileInSameDirectoryAs(jarFile).toPath(); try { if (update(Files.newInputStream(jarPath), Files.newOutputStream(tmpPath), null, index)) { try { Files.move(tmpPath, jarPath, REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException(getMsg("error.write.file"), e); } } } finally { Files.deleteIfExists(tmpPath); } }
void retrieveCustomProviderInformation(File projectDir, String failsafePluginVersion) { final boolean isFailsafePlugin = failsafePluginVersion != null; final String prefix = isFailsafePlugin ? LoaderVersionExtractor.ARTIFACT_ID_MAVEN_FAILSAFE_PLUGIN : LoaderVersionExtractor.ARTIFACT_ID_MAVEN_SUREFIRE_PLUGIN; File dir = TemporaryInternalFiles.createCustomProvidersDirAction(projectDir, prefix).getFile(); if (dir.exists() && dir.listFiles().length > 0) { File customProviderInfoFile = dir.listFiles()[0]; gav = customProviderInfoFile.getName(); try { providerClassName = new String(Files.readAllBytes(customProviderInfoFile.toPath())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } }
/** * Test method for {@link com.github.ansell.rdf4j.schemagenerator.RDF4JSchemaGeneratorCore#generate(java.nio.file.Path)}. */ @Test public final void testUpperUnderscoreCaseString() throws Exception { Path outputPath = testDir.resolve("output"); Files.createDirectories(outputPath); RDF4JSchemaGeneratorCore testBuilder = new RDF4JSchemaGeneratorCore(inputPath.toAbsolutePath().toString(), format); testBuilder.setStringConstantCase(CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE); Path javaFilePath = outputPath.resolve("Test.java"); testBuilder.generate(javaFilePath); assertTrue("Java file was not found", Files.exists(javaFilePath)); assertTrue("Java file was empty", Files.size(javaFilePath) > 0); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Files.copy(javaFilePath, out); String result = new String(out.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); assertTrue("Did not find expected key case", result.contains("PROPERTY_LOCALISED4 = ")); assertTrue("Did not find original URI", result.contains("\"http://example.com/ns/ontology#propertyLocalised4\"")); }
/** * Test two modules with the same name in different directories. */ public void testShadowed() throws Exception { Path tmpdir = Files.createTempDirectory("tmp"); Path classes = Files.createDirectory(tmpdir.resolve("classes")); touch(classes, "org/foo/Bar.class"); Path lib1 = Files.createDirectory(tmpdir.resolve("lib1")); JarUtils.createJarFile(lib1.resolve("foo-1.0.jar"), classes); Path lib2 = Files.createDirectory(tmpdir.resolve("lib2")); JarUtils.createJarFile(lib2.resolve("foo-2.0.jar"), classes); run("-p", lib1 + File.pathSeparator + lib2, "--validate-modules") .shouldContain("shadowed by") .shouldHaveExitValue(0); }
private String getMainClass(Path p) throws IOException { try(final InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(p)) { final ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(in); final ConstantPool cp = cf.getConstantPool(); for (Attribute attr : cf.getAttributes()) { int nameIndex = attr.getNameIndex(); ConstantPool.CPInfo entry = cp.get(nameIndex); if ("ModuleMainClass".equals(entry.getValue())) { //NOI18N byte[] value = attr.getValue(); nameIndex = (value[0] & 0xff) << 8 | (value[1] & 0xff); entry = cp.get(nameIndex); return ((String)entry.getValue()).replace('/', '.'); //NOI18N } } } return null; }
public File getOutputFile(Class testClass) { if(testClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("testClass cannot be null"); } try { File outputFolder = new File(Constants.RESULTS_FOLDER); Files.createDirectories(outputFolder.toPath()); // if directory already exists will do nothing //testClass.getName() is the unique identifier of the class String fileName = String.format("%s_%s", testClass.getName(), Constants.RESULTS_FILE_NAME_POSTFIX); File outputFile = new File(outputFolder, fileName); outputFile.createNewFile(); // if file already exists will do nothing return outputFile; } catch (IOException e) { throw new CucumberException(Constants.errorPrefix + "Failed to create cucumber results output directory", e); } }
@Override public void handleInput(Document data, PacketSender packetSender) { try { URLConnection url = new java.net.URL(data.getString("url")).openConnection(); url.connect(); if(System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows")) { Files.copy(url.getInputStream(), Paths.get("CloudNet-Wrapper-" + NetworkUtils.RANDOM.nextLong() + ".jar")); } else { Files.copy(url.getInputStream(), Paths.get("CloudNet-Wrapper.jar")); } }catch (Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Test ModuleReader to JMOD */ public void testJMod() throws IOException { Path dir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, "mlib"); // jmod create --class-path mods/${TESTMODULE} mlib/${TESTMODULE}.jmod String cp = MODS_DIR.resolve(TEST_MODULE).toString(); String jmod = dir.resolve("m.jmod").toString(); String[] args = { "create", "--class-path", cp, jmod }; ToolProvider jmodTool = ToolProvider.findFirst("jmod") .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("jmod tool not found") ); assertEquals(jmodTool.run(System.out, System.out, args), 0); test(dir); }
public File createFile(Submission submission) throws IOException { File workDirFile = new File(Constants._WORK_DIR()); if (!workDirFile.exists() && !workDirFile.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("failed to create directory: " + Constants._WORK_DIR()); Language language = submission.getLanguage(); String codeFilePath = String.format("%s/%s.%s", Constants._WORK_DIR(), submission.getSubmitTime(), getCodeFileSuffix(language.getCompileCmd())); String[] codeLinesArray = replaceClassName(language, submission.getDecodedCode()) .replace("\r", "") .split("\n"); Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(codeFilePath).getParent()); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(codeFilePath)); for (String thisLineCode : codeLinesArray) { writer.write(thisLineCode); writer.newLine(); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(writer); return new File(codeFilePath); }
/** * Pre-load some fake images * * @return Spring Boot {@link CommandLineRunner} automatically run after app context is loaded. */ @Bean CommandLineRunner setUp() throws IOException { return (args) -> { FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(new File(UPLOAD_ROOT)); Files.createDirectory(Paths.get(UPLOAD_ROOT)); FileCopyUtils.copy("Test file", new FileWriter(UPLOAD_ROOT + "/learning-spring-boot-cover.jpg")); FileCopyUtils.copy("Test file2", new FileWriter(UPLOAD_ROOT + "/learning-spring-boot-2nd-edition-cover.jpg")); FileCopyUtils.copy("Test file3", new FileWriter(UPLOAD_ROOT + "/bazinga.png")); }; }
private Set<Path> getTranslogDirs(String indexName) throws IOException { ClusterState state = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().get().getState(); GroupShardsIterator shardIterators = state.getRoutingTable().activePrimaryShardsGrouped(new String[]{indexName}, false); final Index idx = state.metaData().index(indexName).getIndex(); List<ShardIterator> iterators = iterableAsArrayList(shardIterators); ShardIterator shardIterator = RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), iterators); ShardRouting shardRouting = shardIterator.nextOrNull(); assertNotNull(shardRouting); assertTrue(shardRouting.primary()); assertTrue(shardRouting.assignedToNode()); String nodeId = shardRouting.currentNodeId(); NodesStatsResponse nodeStatses = client().admin().cluster().prepareNodesStats(nodeId).setFs(true).get(); Set<Path> translogDirs = new TreeSet<>(); // treeset makes sure iteration order is deterministic for (FsInfo.Path fsPath : nodeStatses.getNodes().get(0).getFs()) { String path = fsPath.getPath(); final String relativeDataLocationPath = "indices/"+ idx.getUUID() +"/" + Integer.toString(shardRouting.getId()) + "/translog"; Path translogPath = PathUtils.get(path).resolve(relativeDataLocationPath); if (Files.isDirectory(translogPath)) { translogDirs.add(translogPath); } } return translogDirs; }
@Test public void createJsonFileFromSwaggerEndpoint() throws Exception { String outputDir = Optional.ofNullable(System.getProperty("io.springfox.staticdocs.outputDir")) .orElse("build/swagger"); System.err.println(outputDir); MvcResult mvcResult = this.mockMvc.perform(get("/v2/api-docs") .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andReturn(); MockHttpServletResponse response = mvcResult.getResponse(); String swaggerJson = response.getContentAsString(); Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(outputDir)); try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(outputDir, "swagger.json"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { writer.write(swaggerJson); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { String filename; String file; String text; List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("C:\\Jenn Personal\\Packt Data Science\\Chapter 12\\Sentiment-Analysis-Dataset\\SentimentAnalysisDataset.csv"),StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); for(String s : lines){ String[] oneLine = s.split(","); if(Integer.parseInt(oneLine[1])==1){ filename = "pos"; }else{ filename = "neg"; } file = oneLine[0]+".txt"; text = oneLine[3]; Files.write(Paths.get("C:\\Jenn Personal\\Packt Data Science\\Chapter 12\\review_polarity\\txt_sentoken\\"+filename+"\\"+file), text.getBytes()); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public static List<String> findFilesByExtension(final List<String> fileNames, final Path dir, final String extension) { try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) { for (final Path path : stream) { if (path.toFile().isDirectory()) { if (isBlackListedDirectory(path)) { continue; } findFilesByExtension(fileNames, path, extension); } else if (path.toAbsolutePath().toString().endsWith(extension)) { fileNames.add(path.toAbsolutePath().toString()); } } } catch (final IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } return fileNames; }
private void setImages(Path path, ImageCompletionExercise exercise, Boolean dryRun) throws BuenOjoDataSetException{ try { Set<SatelliteImage> images = new HashSet<>(maxImages); List<Path> imageList = Files.walk(path, 1, FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS).filter(p-> { return BuenOjoFileUtils.contentType(p).isPresent() && !BuenOjoFileUtils.contentType(p).get().equals("text/csv") && !isPlaceholderImage(p); }).collect(Collectors.toList()); for (Path imagePath : imageList) { String fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(imagePath.getFileName().toString()); Path csvPath = path.resolve(fileName + FilenameUtils.EXTENSION_SEPARATOR+ BuenOjoFileUtils.CSV_EXTENSION); SatelliteImage image = satelliteImageFactory.imageFromFile(BuenOjoFileUtils.multipartFile(imagePath), BuenOjoFileUtils.multipartFile(csvPath), dryRun); images.add(image); } exercise.setSatelliteImages(new HashSet<>(satelliteImageRepository.save(images))); } catch (BuenOjoCSVParserException | InvalidSatelliteImageType | BuenOjoFileException | IOException | BuenOjoInconsistencyException e) { throw new BuenOjoDataSetException(e.getMessage()); } }
public void testBinPermissions() throws Exception { assumeTrue("posix filesystem", isPosix); Tuple<Path, Environment> env = createEnv(fs, temp); Path pluginDir = createPluginDir(temp); Path binDir = pluginDir.resolve("bin"); Files.createDirectory(binDir); Files.createFile(binDir.resolve("somescript")); String pluginZip = createPlugin("fake", pluginDir); try (PosixPermissionsResetter binAttrs = new PosixPermissionsResetter(env.v2().binFile())) { Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = binAttrs.getCopyPermissions(); // make sure at least one execute perm is missing, so we know we forced it during installation perms.remove(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE); binAttrs.setPermissions(perms); installPlugin(pluginZip, env.v1()); assertPlugin("fake", pluginDir, env.v2()); } }
/** * Export the report. */ private void export() { final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION == fc.showOpenDialog(this)) { final File file = new File(fc.getSelectedFile(), "report.csv"); try { Files.write( Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath()), new CsvReport(this.marking.submissions()) .report(true) .getBytes() ); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, e1.getMessage(), "Export error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
/** * Reads the first non-empty line for the given path. * * @param __p The path to read. * @param __def Default value if it could not be read. * @return The first non-empty line or {@code __def} if the file could not * be read or has only empty lines. * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments. * @since 2017/12/17 */ private static String __readFirstLine(Path __p, String __def) throws NullPointerException { if (__p == null) throw new NullPointerException(); try { for (String l : Files.readAllLines(__p)) { l = l.trim(); if (!l.isEmpty()) return l; } return __def; } catch (IOException e) { return __def; } }
private void defaultInitDoc(ConsoleReader consoleReader) throws Exception { if (Files.exists(servicePath)) return; String hostName = NetworkUtils.getHostName(); if (hostName.equals("") || hostName.equalsIgnoreCase("") || hostName.split("\\.").length != 4) { String input; System.out.println("Please write the first Wrapper IP address:"); while ((input = consoleReader.readLine()) != null) { if ((input.equals("") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("") || input.split("\\.").length != 4)) { System.out.println("Please write the real ip address :)"); continue; } hostName = input; break; } } new Document("wrapper", Arrays.asList(new WrapperMeta("Wrapper-1", hostName, "admin"))) .append("serverGroups", Arrays.asList(new LobbyGroup())) .append("proxyGroups", Arrays.asList(new BungeeGroup())) .saveAsConfig(servicePath); }
@Override public boolean updateUserAuth(UserId id, String authName, String authField) { try { final List<UserCredentials> allCredentials = readUserCredentials().collect(Collectors.toList()); final boolean userExists = allCredentials.stream().anyMatch(c -> c.getId().equals(id)); if (userExists) { // TODO: Clean up final UserCredentials newUserCredentials = new UserCredentials(id, authName, authField); final Stream<UserCredentials> otherCredentials = allCredentials.stream().filter(c -> !c.getId().equals(id)); final Stream<UserCredentials> upd = Stream.concat(otherCredentials, Stream.of(newUserCredentials)); final String fileContent = String.join("", upd.map(c -> c + System.lineSeparator()).collect(Collectors.toList())); Files.write(usersFile.toPath(), fileContent.getBytes()); return true; } else return false; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } }
public File createVersionFile ( File versionFile, String version, String userid, String description ) { String foundTime = LocalDateTime.now().format( DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "HH:mm:ss MMM d" ) ); if ( version == null ) { version = LocalDateTime.now().format( DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "MMM.d-HH.mm" ) ); } List<String> lines = Arrays.asList( "Deployment Notes", "<version>" + version + "</version>", description + " by: " + userid + " at " + foundTime ); try { Files.write( versionFile.toPath(), lines, Charset.forName( "UTF-8" ) ); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error( "Failed creating version file", ex ); } return versionFile; }
private void writeNetwork(String fileName, boolean writeExt) throws IOException { try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(fileSystem.getPath(fileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); writer.write("<iidm:network xmlns:iidm=\"http://www.itesla_project.eu/schema/iidm/1_0\" id=\"test\" caseDate=\"2013-01-15T18:45:00.000+01:00\" forecastDistance=\"0\" sourceFormat=\"test\">"); writer.newLine(); writer.write(" <iidm:substation id=\"P1\" country=\"FR\"/>"); writer.newLine(); if (writeExt) { writer.write(" <iidm:extension id=\"P1\">"); writer.write(" <foo/>"); writer.write(" </iidm:extension>"); } writer.write("</iidm:network>"); writer.newLine(); } }
/** * Reads the path to the project from the Eclipse' .location meta data file. * This file can be found in * 'workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\ * PROJECTNAME\.lo c a t i o n ' .<br /> * The .location files is written with a special Outpustream and read with * an special InputStream implementation. You can find them in the eclipse * project org.eclipse.core.resource. The class names are<br /> * org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeChunkyInputStream and <br /> * org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeChunkyOutputStream. * <p> * The eclipse implementation which reads the .location file can be found in * the same project, the class name is * org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.LocalMetaArea, refer to method * readPrivateDescription. * <p> * Basically the first 16 bytes of the .location file are for consistency * reason there, the next bytes are the path to the project source. Those * bytes must be read via DataInputStream.readUTF. */ private String readFromLocationFile(File project) throws IOException { String result = ""; Path location = Paths.get(project.getAbsolutePath()) .resolve(".location"); InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(location); try (DataInputStream dataStream = new DataInputStream(inputStream);) { byte[] begin_chunk = new byte[16]; dataStream.read(begin_chunk, 0, 16); result = dataStream.readUTF(); String uriPrefix = "URI//file:"; if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) { uriPrefix = uriPrefix.concat("/"); } if (result.startsWith(uriPrefix)) { result = result.substring(uriPrefix.length()); } } return result; }
/** * Doesn't appear to work in docker, will never work in windows. * @throws IOException if any of the setup fails */ @Test public void testBrokenEnvironment() throws IOException { File root = testFolder.newFolder(); File workingDir = new File(root, FileStore.STANDARD.getPath() + File.separator); DefinitionModel model = new DefinitionModel(SIMPLE_MODEL); Files.createDirectories(workingDir.toPath(), PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(PosixFilePermissions.fromString(NO_PERMS))); if (PosixFilePermissions.fromString(NO_PERMS).equals(Files.getPosixFilePermissions(workingDir.toPath()))) { TestFileStore fileStore = new TestFileStore(root); assertThatThrownBy(() -> fileStore.store(model)).isInstanceOf(IOException.class) .hasMessage("could not write directories for model storage"); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(workingDir.toPath(), PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rwxrwxrwx")); } cleanUp(root); }
@Override public void installApplication(Path ipaOrAppPath) throws IosDeviceException { try { if (Files.isDirectory(ipaOrAppPath)) { await(simctl.install(ipaOrAppPath.toString())); } else { Path tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("app"); try { unzipFile(ipaOrAppPath, tmpDir); Path appPath = tmpDir .resolve("Payload") .resolve(MoreFiles.getNameWithoutExtension(ipaOrAppPath) + ".app"); await(simctl.install(appPath.toString())); } finally { MoreFiles.deleteRecursively(tmpDir, RecursiveDeleteOption.ALLOW_INSECURE); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IosDeviceException(this, e); } }
private static boolean isNetBeansPatch (File patchFile) { try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(patchFile.toPath(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) { boolean netbeansPatch = false; boolean cont = true; for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null && cont; line = reader.readLine()) { if (line.trim().isEmpty()) { // skip } else if (line.startsWith("#")) { line = line.substring(1).trim(); if (line.startsWith(ExportDiffChangesAction.PATCH_FILE_HEADER)) { // line was generated by NB HG diff action netbeansPatch = true; cont = false; } } else { // start of the patch file itself, NB header not found cont = false; } } return netbeansPatch; } catch (IOException ex) { return false; } }
public Optional<Stream<Credentials>> loadFile(Path filePath){ if(filePath == null){ return Optional.empty(); } try{ bufferedReader = Files.newBufferedReader(filePath); return Optional.of(bufferedReader.lines() .map(line -> extractCredentials(line, true)) .flatMap(o -> o.isPresent() ? Stream.of(o.get()) : Stream.empty()) ); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("failed to load credentials from file.",e); return Optional.empty(); } }
private static void collectFiles(final Path dir, final String fileSuffix, final Map<String, Set<Path>> files) throws IOException { Files.walkFileTree(dir, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (file.toString().endsWith(fileSuffix)) { String groupName = dir.relativize(file.getParent()).toString(); Set<Path> filesSet = files.get(groupName); if (filesSet == null) { filesSet = new HashSet<>(); files.put(groupName, filesSet); } filesSet.add(file); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); }
public void runDatabaseMigration() throws IOException { final ScriptOperations scriptOps = mongoTemplate.scriptOps(); if (migrationProperties.getScriptHome() != null) { try { Files.list(migrationProperties.getScriptHome()) .filter(s -> migrationProperties.getPattern().matcher(s.getFileName().toString()).find()) .sorted(this::compareCaseInsensitive) .forEachOrdered(s -> runDatabaseMigration(s, scriptOps)); } catch (UncheckedIOException ex) { throw ex.getCause(); } } else { log.error("smarti.migration.mongo.script-home not set - not running database migration!"); } }
long findMaxStateId(final String prefix, Path... locations) throws IOException { long maxId = -1; for (Path dataLocation : locations) { final Path resolve = dataLocation.resolve(STATE_DIR_NAME); if (Files.exists(resolve)) { try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(resolve, prefix + "*")) { for (Path stateFile : stream) { final Matcher matcher = stateFilePattern.matcher(stateFile.getFileName().toString()); if (matcher.matches()) { final long id = Long.parseLong(matcher.group(1)); maxId = Math.max(maxId, id); } } } } } return maxId; }
@Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void doNothingWhenPathCannotBeParsed() throws Exception { mockStatic(Files.class); when(validator.isValid(path)).thenReturn(true); DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = mock(DirectoryStream.class); when(Files.newDirectoryStream(path, "*.xml")).thenReturn(directoryStream); Iterator<Path> iterator = mock(Iterator.class); when(directoryStream.iterator()).thenReturn(iterator); when(iterator.hasNext()).thenReturn(true, false); Path file = mock(Path.class); when(iterator.next()).thenReturn(file); when(xmlParser.parseXml(file)).thenReturn(Optional.empty()); scheduledFileReader.parseXmlFiles(); verifyZeroInteractions(service); verifyStatic(Files.class); Files.newDirectoryStream(path, "*.xml"); }
/** * chmod ugo-w file */ private void setReadOnly(Path file) { try { Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(file); perms.remove(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE); perms.remove(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_WRITE); perms.remove(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_WRITE); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(file, perms); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe); } }
/** * * @param filename the file name * @return the file user id * @throws FileSystemOperationException */ private long getUserId( String filename ) { try { Integer uid = ( Integer ) Files.getAttribute( new File( filename ).toPath(), "unix:uid", LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS ); return uid.longValue(); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new FileSystemOperationException( "Could not get UID for '" + filename + "'", e ); } }
void doTestEquivalence(String code7, String code8, String testClass) throws Exception { Path classes = prepareVersionedCTSym(code7, code8); Path classfile = classes.resolve("78").resolve(testClass.replace('.', '/') + ".class"); if (!Files.isReadable(classfile)) { throw new AssertionError("Cannot find expected class."); } }
private static void diff(String fname1, String fname2) throws Exception { if (!Arrays.equals(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(fname1)), Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(fname2)))) { throw new Exception( "files " + fname1 + " and " + fname2 + " differ"); } }
/** * Copy source file to target location. * * @return */ static boolean copyFile(Path source, Path target) { CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[] { COPY_ATTRIBUTES, REPLACE_EXISTING }; target = getUnique(target); try { Files.copy(source, target, options); return true; } catch (Exception x) { System.err.format("Unable to copy: %s: %s%n", source, x); return false; } }
@Test public void builderWithSqlAgentFactory() throws Exception { SqlConfig config = UroboroSQL.builder("jdbc:h2:mem:SqlAgentTest", "", "") .setSqlAgentFactory(new SqlAgentFactoryImpl().setDefaultMapKeyCaseFormat(CaseFormat.CAMEL_CASE)) .build(); try (SqlAgent agent = config.agent()) { String[] sqls = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("src/test/resources/sql/ddl/create_tables.sql")), StandardCharsets.UTF_8).split(";"); for (String sql : sqls) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sql)) { agent.updateWith(sql.trim()).count(); } } insert(agent, Paths.get("src/test/resources/data/setup", "testExecuteQuery.ltsv")); agent.query("example/select_product").paramList("product_id", 0, 1) .stream().forEach((m) -> { assertTrue(m.containsKey("productId")); assertTrue(m.containsKey("productName")); assertTrue(m.containsKey("productKanaName")); assertTrue(m.containsKey("janCode")); assertTrue(m.containsKey("productDescription")); assertTrue(m.containsKey("insDatetime")); assertTrue(m.containsKey("updDatetime")); assertTrue(m.containsKey("versionNo")); }); agent.rollback(); } assertEquals(new H2Dialect().getName(), config.getDialect().getName()); }
/** * Gets the Output object from the filepath * * @param filePath The path to the file containing json output from the add command * @return The output object */ private static Output getJson(String filePath) { Output output = null; try { Path path = Paths.get(filePath); String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); Gson gson = new Gson(); output = gson.fromJson(content, Output.class); } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHelper.errorMessage(LOGGER, "Could not read json file" + e.getMessage(), ExceptionHelper.IO_ERROR); } return output; }
public Class<?> load(Path path) { try { if (path.getFileName().toString().lastIndexOf(".class") == -1) return null; byte[] b = Files.readAllBytes(path); return defineClass(null, b, 0, b.length); //here main magic } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }