Java 类java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException 实例源码

项目:paraflow    文件   
public List<Path> listFiles(Path dirPath)
    List<Path> files = new ArrayList<>();
    if (!getFS().isPresent()) {
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException("");
    FileStatus[] fileStatuses = new FileStatus[0];
    try {
        fileStatuses = getFS().get().listStatus(dirPath);
    catch (IOException e) {
    for (FileStatus f : fileStatuses) {
        if (f.isFile()) {
    return files;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
static SystemImage open() throws IOException {
    if (modulesImageExists) {
        // open a .jimage and build directory structure
        final ImageReader image =;
        return new SystemImage() {
            Node findNode(String path) throws IOException {
                return image.findNode(path);
            byte[] getResource(Node node) throws IOException {
                return image.getResource(node);
            void close() throws IOException {
    if (Files.notExists(explodedModulesDir))
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException(explodedModulesDir.toString());
    return new ExplodedImage(explodedModulesDir);
项目:manifold    文件   
public static Path create( URI uri )
    return Paths.get( uri );
  catch( FileSystemNotFoundException nfe )
      Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
      env.put( "create", "true" ); // creates zip/jar file if not already exists
      FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem( uri, env );
      return fs.provider().getPath( uri );
    catch( IOException e )
      throw new RuntimeException( e );
项目:openjdk9    文件   
static SystemImage open() throws IOException {
    if (modulesImageExists) {
        // open a .jimage and build directory structure
        final ImageReader image =;
        return new SystemImage() {
            Node findNode(String path) throws IOException {
                return image.findNode(path);
            byte[] getResource(Node node) throws IOException {
                return image.getResource(node);
            void close() throws IOException {
    if (Files.notExists(explodedModulesDir))
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException(explodedModulesDir.toString());
    return new ExplodedImage(explodedModulesDir);
项目:java-cloud-filesystem-provider    文件   
 * Retrieves a file system using the default {@link FileSystems#getFileSystem(URI)}. If this
 * throws a 
 * @param uri
 * @return
public static FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    try {
        return FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri);
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException | ProviderNotFoundException e) {
        LOG.debug("File system scheme " + uri.getScheme() +
                " not found in the default installed providers list, attempting to find this in the "
                + "list of additional providers");

    for (WeakReference<FileSystemProvider> providerRef : providers) {
        FileSystemProvider provider = providerRef.get();

        if (provider != null && uri.getScheme().equals(provider.getScheme())) {
            return provider.getFileSystem(uri);

    throw new ProviderNotFoundException("Could not find provider for scheme '" + uri.getScheme() + "'");
项目:huntbugs    文件   
static Repository createDetectorsRepo(Class<?> clazz, String pluginName, Set<Path> paths) {
    CodeSource codeSource = clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
    if (codeSource == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(format("Initializing plugin '%s' could not get code source for class %s", pluginName, clazz.getName()));

    URL url = codeSource.getLocation();
    try {
        Path path = Paths.get(url.toURI());
        if(paths.add(path)) {
            if(Files.isDirectory(path)) {
                return new DirRepository(path);
            } else {
                return new JarRepository(new JarFile(path.toFile()));
        } else {
            return createNullRepository();
    } catch (URISyntaxException | FileSystemNotFoundException | IllegalArgumentException
            | IOException | UnsupportedOperationException e) {
        String errorMessage = format("Error creating detector repository for plugin '%s'", pluginName);
        throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, e);
项目:mycore    文件   
public MCRIIIFImageInformation getInformation(String identifier)
    throws MCRIIIFImageNotFoundException, MCRIIIFImageProvidingException, MCRAccessException {
    try {
        Path tiledFile = tileFileProvider.getTiledFile(identifier);
        MCRTiledPictureProps tiledPictureProps = getTiledPictureProps(tiledFile);

        MCRIIIFImageInformation imageInformation = new MCRIIIFImageInformation(MCRIIIFBase.API_IMAGE_2,
            buildURL(identifier), DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, tiledPictureProps.getWidth(), tiledPictureProps.getHeight());

        MCRIIIFImageTileInformation tileInformation = new MCRIIIFImageTileInformation(256, 256);
        for (int i = 0; i < tiledPictureProps.getZoomlevel(); i++) {
            tileInformation.scaleFactors.add((int) Math.pow(2, i));


        return imageInformation;
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Could not find Iview ZIP for {}", identifier, e);
        throw new MCRIIIFImageNotFoundException(identifier);
项目:mycore    文件   
public static FileSystem getFileSystem(Path iviewFile) throws IOException {
    URI uri = URI.create("jar:" + iviewFile.toUri());
    try {
        return FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, Collections.emptyMap(),
    } catch (FileSystemAlreadyExistsException exc) {
        // block until file system is closed
        try {
            FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri);
            while (fileSystem.isOpen()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                    // get out of here
                    throw new IOException(ie);
        } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException fsnfe) {
            // seems closed now -> do nothing and try to return the file system again
            LOGGER.debug("Filesystem not found", fsnfe);
        return getFileSystem(iviewFile);
项目:mycore    文件   
 * Returns any subclass that implements and handles the given scheme.
 * @param scheme a valid {@link URI} scheme
 * @see FileSystemProvider#getScheme()
 * @throws FileSystemNotFoundException if no filesystem handles this scheme
public static MCRAbstractFileSystem getInstance(String scheme) {
    URI uri;
    try {
        uri = MCRPaths.getURI(scheme, "helper", SEPARATOR_STRING);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new MCRException(e);
    for (FileSystemProvider provider : Iterables.concat(MCRPaths.webAppProvider,
        FileSystemProvider.installedProviders())) {
        if (provider.getScheme().equals(scheme)) {
            return (MCRAbstractFileSystem) provider.getFileSystem(uri);
    throw new FileSystemNotFoundException("Provider \"" + scheme + "\" not found");
项目:mycore    文件   
public Path getPath(final URI uri) {
    if (!FS_URI.getScheme().equals(Objects.requireNonNull(uri).getScheme())) {
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException("Unkown filesystem: " + uri);
    String path = uri.getPath().substring(1);//URI path is absolute -> remove first slash
    String owner = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) {
        if (path.charAt(i) == MCRAbstractFileSystem.SEPARATOR) {
        if (path.charAt(i) == ':') {
            owner = path.substring(0, i);
            path = path.substring(i + 1);

    return MCRAbstractFileSystem.getPath(owner, path, getFileSystemFromPathURI(FS_URI));
项目:baratine    文件   
private JFileSystem getLocalSystem()
  synchronized (_localSystem) {
    JFileSystem localSystem = _localSystem.getLevel();

    if (localSystem == null) {
      BartenderFileSystem fileSystem = BartenderFileSystem.getCurrent();

      if (fileSystem == null) {
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException(L.l("cannot find local bfs file system"));

      ServiceRef root = fileSystem.getRootServiceRef();

      localSystem = new JFileSystem(this, root);


    return localSystem;
项目:downloadclient    文件   
private Path getPomPath() throws URISyntaxException {
    try {
        String className = getClass().getName();
        String classfileName = "/" + className.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
        URL classfileResource = getClass().getResource(classfileName);
        if (classfileResource != null) {
            Path absolutePackagePath = Paths.get(classfileResource.toURI())
            int packagePathSegments = className.length()
                    - className.replace(".", "").length();
            Path path = absolutePackagePath;
            for (int i = 0, segmentsToRemove = packagePathSegments + 2;
                 i < segmentsToRemove; i++) {
                path = path.getParent();
            return path.resolve("pom.xml");
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
                "Not in Filesystem-Mode: "
                        + e.getMessage(), e);
    return null;
项目:incubator-taverna-language    文件   
public BundleFileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    synchronized (openFilesystems) {
        URI baseURI = baseURIFor(uri);
        WeakReference<BundleFileSystem> ref = openFilesystems.get(baseURI);
        if (ref == null) {
            throw new FileSystemNotFoundException(uri.toString());
        BundleFileSystem fs = ref.get();
        if (fs == null) {
            throw new FileSystemNotFoundException(uri.toString());
        return fs;
项目:archive-fs    文件   
protected AbstractTarFileSystem(AbstractTarFileSystemProvider provider,
        Path tfpath, Map<String, ?> env) throws IOException {
    // configurable env setup
    createNew = "true".equals(env.get("create"));
    defaultDir = env.containsKey("default.dir") ? (String) env
            .get("default.dir") : "/";
    entriesToData = new HashMap<>();
    if (defaultDir.charAt(0) != '/') {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("default dir should be absolute");
    this.provider = provider;
    this.tfpath = tfpath;
    if (Files.notExists(tfpath)) {
        if (!createNew) {
            throw new FileSystemNotFoundException(tfpath.toString());
    // sm and existence check
    tfpath.getFileSystem().provider().checkAccess(tfpath, AccessMode.READ);
    if (!Files.isWritable(tfpath)) {
        readOnly = true;
    defaultdir = new TarPath(this, defaultDir.getBytes());
    outputStreams = new ArrayList<>();
项目:eightyfs    文件   
public FileSystem getFileSystem( URI uri ) {
    checkURI( uri );

    String id = uriMapper.getSchemeSpecificPart( uri );

    FileSystem ret = fileSystems.get( id );

    if( ret == null ) {
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException( uri.toString() );

    if( !ret.isOpen() ) {
        fileSystems.remove( id ); // for GC
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException( uri.toString() );

    return ret;
项目:Hadoop-BAM    文件   
 * Convert the given path {@link URI} to a {@link Path} object.
 * @param uri the path to convert
 * @return a {@link Path} object
public static Path asPath(URI uri) {
  try {
    return Paths.get(uri);
  } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
    ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    if (cl == null) {
      throw e;
    try {
      return FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, new HashMap<>(), cl).provider().getPath(uri);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create filesystem for " + uri, ex);
项目:omero-ms-queue    文件   
public void toPathThrowsIfHttpLocalJar() throws Exception {
    URL jar = new URL("jar:http://host/my/lib.jar!/");
    try {
        fail("expected FileSystemNotFoundException.");
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
                   containsString("Provider \"http\" not installed"));
项目:Voxel_Game    文件   
static FileSystem getFileSystem(final URI uri) throws IOException {

        try {
            return FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri);
        } catch (final FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
            return FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());
项目:kowalski    文件   
private FileSystem getOrNewFileSystem(URI uri) throws IOException {
    try {
        return FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri);
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException exception) {
        return FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, new HashMap<>());
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
public FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    FileSystem result = delegate;
    if (result == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();
    return result;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
public Path getPath(URI uri) {
    if (delegate == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();

    // only allow absolute path
    String path = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
    if (! path.startsWith("///")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return new PassThroughFileSystem.PassThroughPath(delegate, delegate.root.resolve(path.substring(3)));
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public static boolean isAvailable() {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (ProviderNotFoundException | FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
        return false;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    FileSystem result = delegate;
    if (result == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();
    return result;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public Path getPath(URI uri) {
    if (delegate == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();

    // only allow absolute path
    String path = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
    if (! path.startsWith("///")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return new PassThroughFileSystem.PassThroughPath(delegate, delegate.root.resolve(path.substring(3)));
项目:java-debug    文件   
 * Convert a file uri to a file path, or null if this uri does not represent a file in the local file system.
 * @param uri
 *              the uri string
 * @return the file path
public static String toPath(String uri) {
    try {
        return Paths.get(new URI(uri)).toString();
    } catch (URISyntaxException | IllegalArgumentException | FileSystemNotFoundException
            | SecurityException e) {
        return null;
项目:java-debug    文件   
 * Check a string variable is an uri or not.
public static boolean isUri(String uriString) {
    try {
        URI uri = new URI(uriString);
        return StringUtils.isNotBlank(uri.getScheme());
    } catch (URISyntaxException | IllegalArgumentException | FileSystemNotFoundException
        | SecurityException e) {
        return false;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
public static boolean isAvailable() {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (ProviderNotFoundException | FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
        return false;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
public FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    FileSystem result = delegate;
    if (result == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();
    return result;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
public Path getPath(URI uri) {
    if (delegate == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();

    // only allow absolute path
    String path = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
    if (! path.startsWith("///")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return new PassThroughFileSystem.PassThroughPath(delegate, delegate.root.resolve(path.substring(3)));
项目:java-cloud-filesystem-provider    文件   
public CloudFileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    CloudFileSystem cloudFileSystem = cloudHostProvider.getCloudFileSystem(uri);

    if (cloudFileSystem == null) {
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException("Could not find the cloud file system for uri '" + uri.toString() + "'");

    return cloudFileSystem;
项目:filesystem    文件   
public final FileSystem getFileSystem( URI uri )
    URI fsUri = FileSystemUtils.getFileSystemURI( uri );
    try {
        return newFileSystem( uri, new HashMap<>() );
    catch( IOException ex ) {
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException( fsUri.toString() );
项目:digitalcollections-core    文件   
/** Determine MIME type from URI. **/
public static MimeType fromURI(URI uri) {
  try {
    return fromFilename(Paths.get(uri).toString());
  } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
    // For non-file URIs, try to guess the MIME type from the URL path, if possible
    return fromExtension(FilenameUtils.getExtension(uri.toString()));
项目:rdfvalidator    文件   
 * Get path from directory or jar
 * @param dir
 * @return
 * @throws IOException 
private Path getPath(String ruleset) throws IOException {
    if (ruleset == null || ruleset.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IOException("Empty or null ruleset");

    if (!ruleset.startsWith(BUILTIN)) {"Using validation queries from directory {}", ruleset);
        return Paths.get(ruleset);

    String builtin = ruleset.replaceFirst(BUILTIN, "/");"Using built-in rulesets {}", builtin);

    URI uri;
    try {
        uri = Validator.class.getResource(builtin).toURI();
    } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        throw new IOException(ex);
    if (uri.getScheme().equals("jar")) {
        FileSystem fs;
        try {
            fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri);
        } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException f) {
            fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, Collections.emptyMap());
        return fs.getPath(builtin);
    return Paths.get(uri);
项目:WarpPI    文件   
private static boolean isPosixCompliant() {
    try {
        if (FileSystems.getDefault()
                .contains("posix")) {
            return true;
        return false;
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException
            | ProviderNotFoundException
            | SecurityException e) {
        return false;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
public FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    FileSystem result = delegate;
    if (result == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();
    return result;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
public Path getPath(URI uri) {
    if (delegate == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();

    // only allow absolute path
    String path = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
    if (! path.startsWith("///")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return new PassThroughFileSystem.PassThroughPath(delegate, delegate.root.resolve(path.substring(3)));
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
public FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {
    FileSystem result = delegate;
    if (result == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();
    return result;
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
public Path getPath(URI uri) {
    if (delegate == null)
        throw new FileSystemNotFoundException();

    // only allow absolute path
    String path = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
    if (! path.startsWith("///")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return new PassThroughFileSystem.PassThroughPath(delegate, delegate.root.resolve(path.substring(3)));
项目:LoliXL    文件   
public InternalBundleRepository() throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
    URI uriToLookup = InternalBundleRepository.class.getResource("/" + PATH_BOOTSTRAP_ARTIFACTS_LIST).toURI();
    try {
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException ex) {
        String[] splited = uriToLookup.toString().split("!", 2);
        jarRoot = FileSystems.newFileSystem(new URI(splited[0]), Collections.emptyMap()).getPath("/");

    repoRoot = jarRoot.resolve(PATH_BUNDLES_ROOT);
    artifacts = readArtifacts(jarRoot.resolve(PATH_ARTIFACTS_LIST));
    bootstrapBundles = readArtifacts(jarRoot.resolve(PATH_BOOTSTRAP_ARTIFACTS_LIST));
项目:FreeYourCode    文件   
public Path getPath(String name) {
    try {
        URI uri = getClass().getResource(ROOT + name).toURI();
        try {
            // first try getting a path via existing file systems
            return Paths.get(uri);// If file is available via existing file systems.
        } catch (final FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
            // not directly on file system, so then it's somewhere else (e.g.: JAR)
            final Map<String, ?> env = Collections.emptyMap();
            return FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env).provider().getPath(uri);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);