Java 类 实例源码

项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
Session getOpSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    Session session = opSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    // create a new session rather than re-using an obj session
    // that avoids potential expensive cancels() for Signatures & RSACipher
    if (maxSessions == Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
            activeSessions.get() < maxSessions) {
        session = openSession();
        return ensureValid(session);
    session = objSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    throw new ProviderException("Could not obtain session");
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
private Session openSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    if ((maxSessions != Integer.MAX_VALUE) &&
            (activeSessions.get() >= maxSessions)) {
        throw new ProviderException("No more sessions available");

    long id = token.p11.C_OpenSession
                (token.provider.slotID, openSessionFlags, null, null);
    Session session = new Session(token, id);
    if (debug != null) {
        synchronized(this) {
            if (activeSessions.get() > maxActiveSessions) {
                maxActiveSessions = activeSessions.get();
                if (maxActiveSessions % 10 == 0) {
                    System.out.println("Open sessions: " + maxActiveSessions);
    return session;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
Session getOpSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    Session session = opSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    // create a new session rather than re-using an obj session
    // that avoids potential expensive cancels() for Signatures & RSACipher
    if (maxSessions == Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
            activeSessions.get() < maxSessions) {
        session = openSession();
        return ensureValid(session);
    session = objSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    throw new ProviderException("Could not obtain session");
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
private Session openSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    if ((maxSessions != Integer.MAX_VALUE) &&
            (activeSessions.get() >= maxSessions)) {
        throw new ProviderException("No more sessions available");

    long id = token.p11.C_OpenSession
                (token.provider.slotID, openSessionFlags, null, null);
    Session session = new Session(token, id);
    if (debug != null) {
        synchronized(maxActiveSessionsLock) {
            if (activeSessions.get() > maxActiveSessions) {
                maxActiveSessions = activeSessions.get();
                if (maxActiveSessions % 10 == 0) {
                    System.out.println("Open sessions: " + maxActiveSessions);
    return session;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset) {

    if ((plainLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = plainLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            cipher[i + cipherOffset] =
                (byte)(k[i] ^ plain[i + plainOffset]);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        System.arraycopy(k, 0, register, nShift, numBytes);
    return plainLen;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset)
    if ((plainLen % blockSize) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int i;
    int endIndex = plainOffset + plainLen;

    for (; plainOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset += blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] ^= plain[i + plainOffset];
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(k, 0, cipher, cipherOffset);
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ cipher[i + cipherOffset]);
    return plainLen;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Performs decryption operation.
 * <p>The input cipher text <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(cipherOffset + cipherLen - 1)</code>, is decrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code>.
 * @param cipher the buffer with the input data to be decrypted
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipherOffset</code>
 * @param cipherLen the length of the input data
 * @param plain the buffer for the result
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>cipherLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the decrypted data
int decrypt(byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset, int cipherLen,
            byte[] plain, int plainOffset)
    if ((cipherLen % blockSize) != 0) {
         throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int i;
    int endIndex = cipherOffset + cipherLen;

    for (; cipherOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset += blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        embeddedCipher.decryptBlock(cipher, cipherOffset,
                               plain, plainOffset);
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            plain[i + plainOffset] ^= k[i];
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ cipher[i + cipherOffset]);
    return cipherLen;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset) {
    if ((plainLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");

    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = plainLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0 ;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            register[nShift + i] = cipher[i + cipherOffset] =
                    (byte)(k[i] ^ plain[i + plainOffset]);
    return plainLen;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Performs decryption operation.
 * <p>The input cipher text <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(cipherOffset + cipherLen - 1)</code>, is decrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code>.
 * @param cipher the buffer with the input data to be decrypted
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipherOffset</code>
 * @param cipherLen the length of the input data
 * @param plain the buffer for the result
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>cipherLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the decrypted data
int decrypt(byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset, int cipherLen,
            byte[] plain, int plainOffset) {
    if ((cipherLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");

    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = cipherLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            register[i + nShift] = cipher[i + cipherOffset];
            plain[i + plainOffset]
                = (byte)(cipher[i + cipherOffset] ^ k[i]);
    return cipherLen;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>len</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset)
    if ((plainLen % blockSize) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int endIndex = plainOffset + plainLen;

    for (; plainOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset+=blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ r[i]);
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(k, 0, cipher, cipherOffset);
        System.arraycopy(cipher, cipherOffset, r, 0, blockSize);
    return plainLen;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
static void test(String algo, Provider provider, boolean priv,
        Consumer<Key> method) throws Exception {
    KeyPairGenerator generator;
    try {
        generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algo, provider);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {

    System.out.println("Checking " + provider.getName() + ", " + algo);

    KeyPair pair = generator.generateKeyPair();
    Key key = priv ? pair.getPrivate() : pair.getPublic();

    pair = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {

    try {
    } catch (ProviderException pe) {
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
Session getOpSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    Session session = opSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    // create a new session rather than re-using an obj session
    // that avoids potential expensive cancels() for Signatures & RSACipher
    if (maxSessions == Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
            activeSessions.get() < maxSessions) {
        session = openSession();
        return ensureValid(session);
    session = objSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    throw new ProviderException("Could not obtain session");
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
private Session openSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    if ((maxSessions != Integer.MAX_VALUE) &&
            (activeSessions.get() >= maxSessions)) {
        throw new ProviderException("No more sessions available");

    long id = token.p11.C_OpenSession
                (token.provider.slotID, openSessionFlags, null, null);
    Session session = new Session(token, id);
    if (debug != null) {
        synchronized(maxActiveSessionsLock) {
            if (activeSessions.get() > maxActiveSessions) {
                maxActiveSessions = activeSessions.get();
                if (maxActiveSessions % 10 == 0) {
                    System.out.println("Open sessions: " + maxActiveSessions);
    return session;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset) {

    if ((plainLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = plainLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            cipher[i + cipherOffset] =
                (byte)(k[i] ^ plain[i + plainOffset]);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        System.arraycopy(k, 0, register, nShift, numBytes);
    return plainLen;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset)
    if ((plainLen % blockSize) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int i;
    int endIndex = plainOffset + plainLen;

    for (; plainOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset += blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] ^= plain[i + plainOffset];
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(k, 0, cipher, cipherOffset);
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ cipher[i + cipherOffset]);
    return plainLen;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Performs decryption operation.
 * <p>The input cipher text <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(cipherOffset + cipherLen - 1)</code>, is decrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code>.
 * @param cipher the buffer with the input data to be decrypted
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipherOffset</code>
 * @param cipherLen the length of the input data
 * @param plain the buffer for the result
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>cipherLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the decrypted data
int decrypt(byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset, int cipherLen,
            byte[] plain, int plainOffset)
    if ((cipherLen % blockSize) != 0) {
         throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int i;
    int endIndex = cipherOffset + cipherLen;

    for (; cipherOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset += blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        embeddedCipher.decryptBlock(cipher, cipherOffset,
                               plain, plainOffset);
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            plain[i + plainOffset] ^= k[i];
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ cipher[i + cipherOffset]);
    return cipherLen;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset) {
    if ((plainLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");

    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = plainLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0 ;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            register[nShift + i] = cipher[i + cipherOffset] =
                    (byte)(k[i] ^ plain[i + plainOffset]);
    return plainLen;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Performs decryption operation.
 * <p>The input cipher text <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(cipherOffset + cipherLen - 1)</code>, is decrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code>.
 * @param cipher the buffer with the input data to be decrypted
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipherOffset</code>
 * @param cipherLen the length of the input data
 * @param plain the buffer for the result
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>cipherLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the decrypted data
int decrypt(byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset, int cipherLen,
            byte[] plain, int plainOffset) {
    if ((cipherLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");

    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = cipherLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            register[i + nShift] = cipher[i + cipherOffset];
            plain[i + plainOffset]
                = (byte)(cipher[i + cipherOffset] ^ k[i]);
    return cipherLen;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public Object newInstance(Object ctrParamObj)
    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    String type = getType();
    if (ctrParamObj != null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterException
            ("constructorParameter not used with " + type +
             " engines");
    String algo = getAlgorithm();
    try {
        if (type.equals("GssApiMechanism")) {
            if (algo.equals("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2")) {
                return new Krb5MechFactory();
            } else if (algo.equals("")) {
                return new SpNegoMechFactory();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException
            ("Error constructing " + type + " for " +
            algo + " using SunJGSS", ex);
    throw new ProviderException("No impl for " + algo +
        " " + type);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public Object newInstance(Object ctrParamObj)
    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    String type = getType();
    if (ctrParamObj != null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterException
            ("constructorParameter not used with " + type + " engines");
    String algo = getAlgorithm();
    // GSSAPI uses same impl class for client and server
    try {
        if (algo.equals("GSSAPI")) {
            return new;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Error constructing " +
             type + " for " + algo + " using JdkSASL", ex);
    throw new ProviderException("No impl for " + algo +
        " " + type);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
static void test(String algo, Provider provider, boolean priv,
        Consumer<Key> method) throws Exception {
    KeyPairGenerator generator;
    try {
        generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algo, provider);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {

    System.out.println("Checking " + provider.getName() + ", " + algo);

    KeyPair pair = generator.generateKeyPair();
    Key key = priv ? pair.getPrivate() : pair.getPublic();

    pair = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {

    try {
    } catch (ProviderException pe) {
项目:mi-firma-android    文件   
/** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Key engineGetKey(final String alias, final char[] password) {
    if (!engineContainsAlias(alias)) {
        return null;

    // No permitimos PIN nulo, si llega nulo pedimos por dialogo grafico
    if (password != null) {
        new CachePasswordCallback(password)
      final PrivateKeyReference pkRef = this.cryptoCard.getPrivateKey(alias);
if (!(pkRef instanceof CeresPrivateKeyReference)) {
    throw new ProviderException("La clave obtenida de la tarjeta no es del tipo esperado, se ha obtenido: " + pkRef.getClass().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return new CeresPrivateKey(
    (CeresPrivateKeyReference) pkRef,
项目:mi-firma-android    文件   
/** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Key engineGetKey(final String alias, final char[] password) {
    if (!engineContainsAlias(alias)) {
        return null;
    if (password != null) {
        // Establecemos el PasswordCallback
        final PasswordCallback pwc = new CachePasswordCallback(password);
      final PrivateKeyReference pkRef = this.cryptoCard.getPrivateKey(alias);
if (!(pkRef instanceof DniePrivateKeyReference)) {
    throw new ProviderException(
        "La clave obtenida de la tarjeta no es del tipo esperado, se ha obtenido: " + pkRef.getClass().getName() //$NON-NLS-1$
return new DniePrivateKey((DniePrivateKeyReference) pkRef);
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset) {

    if ((plainLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = plainLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            cipher[i + cipherOffset] =
                (byte)(k[i] ^ plain[i + plainOffset]);
            if (nShift != 0) {
                System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
            System.arraycopy(k, 0, register, nShift, numBytes);
    return plainLen;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset)
    if ((plainLen % blockSize) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int i;
    int endIndex = plainOffset + plainLen;

    for (; plainOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset += blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] ^= plain[i + plainOffset];
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(k, 0, cipher, cipherOffset);
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ cipher[i + cipherOffset]);
    return plainLen;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Performs decryption operation.
 * <p>The input cipher text <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(cipherOffset + cipherLen - 1)</code>, is decrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code>.
 * @param cipher the buffer with the input data to be decrypted
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipherOffset</code>
 * @param cipherLen the length of the input data
 * @param plain the buffer for the result
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>cipherLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the decrypted data
int decrypt(byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset, int cipherLen,
            byte[] plain, int plainOffset)
    if ((cipherLen % blockSize) != 0) {
         throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int i;
    int endIndex = cipherOffset + cipherLen;

    for (; cipherOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset += blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        embeddedCipher.decryptBlock(cipher, cipherOffset,
                               plain, plainOffset);
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            plain[i + plainOffset] ^= k[i];
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ cipher[i + cipherOffset]);
    return cipherLen;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset) {
    if ((plainLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");

    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = plainLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0 ;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            register[nShift + i] = cipher[i + cipherOffset] =
                    (byte)(k[i] ^ plain[i + plainOffset]);
    return plainLen;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Performs decryption operation.
 * <p>The input cipher text <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(cipherOffset + cipherLen - 1)</code>, is decrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code>.
 * @param cipher the buffer with the input data to be decrypted
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipherOffset</code>
 * @param cipherLen the length of the input data
 * @param plain the buffer for the result
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>cipherLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the decrypted data
int decrypt(byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset, int cipherLen,
            byte[] plain, int plainOffset) {
    if ((cipherLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");

    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = cipherLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            register[i + nShift] = cipher[i + cipherOffset];
            plain[i + plainOffset]
                = (byte)(cipher[i + cipherOffset] ^ k[i]);
    return cipherLen;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
public Object newInstance(Object ctrParamObj)
    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    String type = getType();
    if (ctrParamObj != null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterException
            ("constructorParameter not used with " + type +
             " engines");
    String algo = getAlgorithm();
    try {
        if (type.equals("GssApiMechanism")) {
            if (algo.equals("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2")) {
                return new Krb5MechFactory();
            } else if (algo.equals("")) {
                return new SpNegoMechFactory();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException
            ("Error constructing " + type + " for " +
            algo + " using SunJGSS", ex);
    throw new ProviderException("No impl for " + algo +
        " " + type);
项目:openjdk9    文件   
public Object newInstance(Object ctrParamObj)
    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    String type = getType();
    if (ctrParamObj != null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterException
            ("constructorParameter not used with " + type + " engines");
    String algo = getAlgorithm();
    // GSSAPI uses same impl class for client and server
    try {
        if (algo.equals("GSSAPI")) {
            return new;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Error constructing " +
             type + " for " + algo + " using JdkSASL", ex);
    throw new ProviderException("No impl for " + algo +
        " " + type);
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Returns the public exponent.
public BigInteger getPublicExponent() {

    if (exponent == null) {

        try {
            publicKeyBlob = getPublicKeyBlob(hCryptKey);
            exponent = new BigInteger(1, getExponent(publicKeyBlob));

        } catch (KeyException e) {
            throw new ProviderException(e);

    return exponent;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Returns the modulus.
public BigInteger getModulus() {

    if (modulus == null) {

        try {
            publicKeyBlob = getPublicKeyBlob(hCryptKey);
            modulus = new BigInteger(1, getModulus(publicKeyBlob));

        } catch (KeyException e) {
            throw new ProviderException(e);

    return modulus;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
Session getOpSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    Session session = opSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    // create a new session rather than re-using an obj session
    // that avoids potential expensive cancels() for Signatures & RSACipher
    if (maxSessions == Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
            activeSessions.get() < maxSessions) {
        session = openSession();
        return ensureValid(session);
    session = objSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    throw new ProviderException("Could not obtain session");
项目:openjdk9    文件   
private Session openSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    if ((maxSessions != Integer.MAX_VALUE) &&
            (activeSessions.get() >= maxSessions)) {
        throw new ProviderException("No more sessions available");

    long id = token.p11.C_OpenSession
                (token.provider.slotID, openSessionFlags, null, null);
    Session session = new Session(token, id);
    if (debug != null) {
        synchronized(maxActiveSessionsLock) {
            if (activeSessions.get() > maxActiveSessions) {
                maxActiveSessions = activeSessions.get();
                if (maxActiveSessions % 10 == 0) {
                    System.out.println("Open sessions: " + maxActiveSessions);
    return session;
项目:arz-ngs    文件   
protected static LdapClient getTestInstance(String applicationQualifier,
                                            LdapInstance ldapInstance,
                                            DirContextPool contextPool,
                                            Properties properties) {
    try {
        if (!applicationQualifier.matches(LdapClient.PATTERN_APPLICATION_QUALIFIER)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("applicationQualifier (" + applicationQualifier
                                                + ") does not match pattern "
                                                + LdapClient.PATTERN_APPLICATION_QUALIFIER);
        EnumDeclaredProperties baseProps = new EnumDeclaredProperties(properties);
        List<DirContextPool> contextPools = new ArrayList<DirContextPool>();

        return new LdapClient(baseProps, contextPools, LDAP_DESCRIPTORS.get(ldapInstance));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ProviderException(e);
项目:WarpPI    文件   
 * ctor given the prefactor and the basis of the root.
 * This creates an object of value a*sqrt(b).
 * @param a
 *            the prefactor.
 * @param b
 *            the discriminant.
 * @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd(Rational a, Rational b) {
    pref = a;
     * reject attempts to use a negative b
    if (b.signum() < 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Not implemented: imaginary surds");
    disc = b;
    try {
    } catch (final Error e) {
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
Session getOpSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    Session session = opSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    // create a new session rather than re-using an obj session
    // that avoids potential expensive cancels() for Signatures & RSACipher
    if (maxSessions == Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
            activeSessions.get() < maxSessions) {
        session = openSession();
        return ensureValid(session);
    session = objSessions.poll();
    if (session != null) {
        return ensureValid(session);
    throw new ProviderException("Could not obtain session");
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
private Session openSession() throws PKCS11Exception {
    if ((maxSessions != Integer.MAX_VALUE) &&
            (activeSessions.get() >= maxSessions)) {
        throw new ProviderException("No more sessions available");

    long id = token.p11.C_OpenSession
                (token.provider.slotID, openSessionFlags, null, null);
    Session session = new Session(token, id);
    if (debug != null) {
        synchronized(maxActiveSessionsLock) {
            if (activeSessions.get() > maxActiveSessions) {
                maxActiveSessions = activeSessions.get();
                if (maxActiveSessions % 10 == 0) {
                    System.out.println("Open sessions: " + maxActiveSessions);
    return session;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the <code>numBytes</code>
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset) {

    if ((plainLen % numBytes) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int nShift = blockSize - numBytes;
    int loopCount = plainLen / numBytes;

    for (; loopCount > 0;
         plainOffset += numBytes, cipherOffset += numBytes,
         loopCount--) {
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(register, 0, k, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
            cipher[i + cipherOffset] =
                (byte)(k[i] ^ plain[i + plainOffset]);
        if (nShift != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(register, numBytes, register, 0, nShift);
        System.arraycopy(k, 0, register, nShift, numBytes);
    return plainLen;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Performs encryption operation.
 * <p>The input plain text <code>plain</code>, starting at
 * <code>plainOffset</code> and ending at
 * <code>(plainOffset + plainLen - 1)</code>, is encrypted.
 * The result is stored in <code>cipher</code>, starting at
 * <code>cipherOffset</code>.
 * @param plain the buffer with the input data to be encrypted
 * @param plainOffset the offset in <code>plain</code>
 * @param plainLen the length of the input data
 * @param cipher the buffer for the result
 * @param cipherOffset the offset in <code>cipher</code>
 * @exception ProviderException if <code>plainLen</code> is not
 * a multiple of the block size
 * @return the length of the encrypted data
int encrypt(byte[] plain, int plainOffset, int plainLen,
            byte[] cipher, int cipherOffset)
    if ((plainLen % blockSize) != 0) {
        throw new ProviderException("Internal error in input buffering");
    int i;
    int endIndex = plainOffset + plainLen;

    for (; plainOffset < endIndex;
         plainOffset += blockSize, cipherOffset += blockSize) {
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] ^= plain[i + plainOffset];
        embeddedCipher.encryptBlock(k, 0, cipher, cipherOffset);
        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
            k[i] = (byte)(plain[i + plainOffset] ^ cipher[i + cipherOffset]);
    return plainLen;