Java 类java.sql.SQLData 实例源码

项目:NICON    文件   
 * Essa funcoa serve para invocar uma funcao da base de dados que retorna um 
 *      Tipo costumisada e que esta mapeado com java
 * @param functionName
 * @param SQLType
 * @param javaClass
 * @param parans
 * @return 
public static SQLData callMapFunction (String functionName, String SQLType, Class javaClass, Object ... parans)
    if(!EstadoConnexao.isValid) return null;
        Connection  con = new Conexao().getCon();
        Object result;

        // Criar as interoganocoes necessaria para a invocacao da funcao ex (?, ?, ?, ...) || nada
        String interogations = (parans != null && parans.length>0)? createInterogation(parans.length): "";

        //Associa ao call e o nome da funcao 
        String sql = "{? = call "+functionName+interogations+"}";

        con.getTypeMap().put(SQLType, javaClass);
        try (CallableStatement call = mapParamsType(con, sql, 2, parans)) 
            call.registerOutParameter(1, Types.STRUCT, SQLType);
            result = Call.treatReturn(call.getObject(1), VARCHAR);
        return  (SQLData) result;

        }catch(Exception ex)
    return null;

项目:pljava    文件   
 * Defines the mapping between an SQL type and a Java class.
 * @param sqlTypeName The name of the SQL type. The name can be
 *            qualified with a schema (namespace). If the schema is omitted,
 *            it will be resolved according to the current setting of the
 *            {@code search_path}.
 * @param javaClassName The name of the class. The class must be found in
 *            the classpath in effect for the current schema
 * @throws SQLException if the type or class cannot be found, or if the
 *            invoking user does not own the type.
@Function(schema="sqlj", name="add_type_mapping", security=DEFINER)
public static void addTypeMapping(String sqlTypeName, String javaClassName)
throws SQLException
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ClassLoader loader = Loader.getCurrentLoader();
        Class cls = loader.loadClass(javaClassName);
            throw new SQLException("Class " + javaClassName
                + " does not implement java.sql.SQLData");

        sqlTypeName = getFullSqlNameOwned(sqlTypeName);
        stmt = SQLUtils
                "INSERT INTO sqlj.typemap_entry(javaName, sqlName) VALUES(?,?)");
        stmt.setString(1, javaClassName);
        stmt.setString(2, sqlTypeName);
    catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
        throw new SQLException(
            "No such class: " + javaClassName, "46103", e);
项目:NICON    文件   
 * Essa funcoa serve para invocar uma funcao da base de dados que retorna um 
 *      Tipo costumisada e que esta mapeado com java
 * @param functionName
 * @param SQLType
 * @param javaClass
 * @param parans
 * @return 
public static SQLData callMapFunction (String functionName, String SQLType, Class javaClass, Object ... parans)
    if(!EstadoConnexao.isValid) return null;
        Connection  con = new Conexao().getCon();
        Object result;

        // Criar as interoganocoes necessaria para a invocacao da funcao ex (?, ?, ?, ...) || nada
        String interogations = (parans != null && parans.length>0)? createInterogation(parans.length): "";

        //Associa ao call e o nome da funcao 
        String sql = "{? = call "+functionName+interogations+"}";

        con.getTypeMap().put(SQLType, javaClass);
        try (CallableStatement call = mapParamsType(con, sql, 2, parans)) 
            call.registerOutParameter(1, Types.STRUCT, SQLType);
            result = Call.treatReturn(call.getObject(1), VARCHAR);
        return  (SQLData) result;

        }catch(Exception ex)
    return null;

项目:In-the-Box-Fork    文件   
 * Test method for {@link java.sql.SQLOutput#writeObject(java.sql.SQLData)}.
  level = TestLevel.NOT_FEASIBLE,
  notes = "",
  method = "writeObject",
  args = {SQLData.class}
public void testWriteObject() {
    fail("Not yet implemented");
项目:SimpleFlatMapper    文件   
protected  <T> IndexedSetter<PreparedStatement, T> getIndexedSetter(Type propertyType, PropertyMapping<?, ?, JdbcColumnKey, ? extends ColumnDefinition<JdbcColumnKey, ?>> arg) {
    IndexedSetter<PreparedStatement, T> setter = null;

    if (TypeHelper.isEnum(propertyType)) {
        switch (arg.getColumnKey().getSqlType()) {
            case Types.NUMERIC:
            case Types.BIGINT:
            case Types.INTEGER:
            case Types.DECIMAL:
            case Types.DOUBLE:
            case Types.FLOAT:
            case Types.SMALLINT:
            case Types.REAL:
            case Types.TINYINT:
               setter = (IndexedSetter<PreparedStatement, T>) new OrdinalEnumPreparedStatementIndexSetter();
                setter = (IndexedSetter<PreparedStatement, T>) new StringEnumPreparedStatementIndexSetter();

    if (setter == null) {
        Factory setterFactory = this.factoryPerClass.get(TypeHelper.toClass(propertyType));
        if (setterFactory != null) {
            setter = setterFactory.<T>getIndexedSetter(arg.getColumnKey());

    if (setter == null && TypeHelper.isAssignable(SQLData.class, propertyType)) {
        setter = (IndexedSetter<PreparedStatement, T>) new ObjectPreparedStatementIndexSetter();

    return setter;
项目:cn1    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * @see java.sql.SQLOutput#writeObject(SQLData)
public void writeObject(SQLData theObject) throws SQLException {
    if (theObject == null) {
    } else {
                .addElement(new SerialStruct(theObject, new HashMap(map)));
项目:freeVM    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * @see java.sql.SQLOutput#writeObject(SQLData)
public void writeObject(SQLData theObject) throws SQLException {
    if (theObject == null) {
    } else {
                .addElement(new SerialStruct(theObject, new HashMap(map)));
项目:pljava    文件   
DDRProcessorImpl( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv)
    elmu = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
    filr = processingEnv.getFiler();
    loca = processingEnv.getLocale();
    msgr = processingEnv.getMessager();
    opts = processingEnv.getOptions();
    srcv = processingEnv.getSourceVersion();
    typu = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();

    tmpr = new TypeMapper();

    String optv;

    optv = opts.get( "");
    if ( null != optv )
        nameTrusted = optv;
        nameTrusted = "java";

    optv = opts.get( "");
    if ( null != optv )
        nameUntrusted = optv;
        nameUntrusted = "javaU";

    optv = opts.get( "ddr.implementor");
    if ( null != optv )
        defaultImplementor = "-".equals( optv) ? null : optv;
        defaultImplementor = "PostgreSQL";

    optv = opts.get( "ddr.output");
    if ( null != optv )
        output = optv;
        output = "pljava.ddr";

    TY_ITERATOR = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( java.util.Iterator.class.getName()));
    TY_OBJECT = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( Object.class.getName()));
    TY_RESULTSET = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( java.sql.ResultSet.class.getName()));
    TY_RESULTSETPROVIDER = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( ResultSetProvider.class.getName()));
    TY_RESULTSETHANDLE = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( ResultSetHandle.class.getName()));
    TY_SQLDATA = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( SQLData.class.getName()));
    TY_SQLINPUT = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( SQLInput.class.getName()));
    TY_SQLOUTPUT = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( SQLOutput.class.getName()));
    TY_STRING = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( String.class.getName()));
    TY_TRIGGERDATA = typu.getDeclaredType(
        elmu.getTypeElement( TriggerData.class.getName()));
    TY_VOID = typu.getNoType( TypeKind.VOID);

    AN_FUNCTION    = elmu.getTypeElement( Function.class.getName());
    AN_SQLACTION   = elmu.getTypeElement( SQLAction.class.getName());
    AN_SQLACTIONS  = elmu.getTypeElement( SQLActions.class.getName());
    AN_SQLTYPE     = elmu.getTypeElement( SQLType.class.getName());
    AN_TRIGGER     = elmu.getTypeElement( Trigger.class.getName());
    AN_BASEUDT     = elmu.getTypeElement( BaseUDT.class.getName());
    AN_MAPPEDUDT   = elmu.getTypeElement( MappedUDT.class.getName());
项目:pljava    文件   
public void writeObject(SQLData value) throws SQLException
项目:pljava    文件   
public void writeObject(SQLData value) throws SQLException
    throw unsupportedOperationException("writeObject");
项目:freeVM    文件   
public SerialStruct(SQLData in, Map<String, Class<?>> map)
        throws SerialException, NotImplementedException {
    throw new NotImplementedException();
项目:freeVM    文件   
public void writeObject(SQLData theObject) throws SQLException,
        NotImplementedException {
    throw new NotImplementedException();
