Java 类java.util.Collection 实例源码

项目:dubbocloud    文件   
public void testGenericServiceConfig() throws Exception {
    ServiceConfig<GenericService> service = new ServiceConfig<GenericService>();
    service.setApplication(new ApplicationConfig("test"));
    service.setRegistry(new RegistryConfig("mock://localhost"));
    service.setRef(new GenericService(){

        public Object $invoke(String method, String[] parameterTypes, Object[] args) throws GenericException {
            return null;
    try {
        Collection<Registry> collection = MockRegistryFactory.getCachedRegistry();
        MockRegistry registry = (MockRegistry)collection.iterator().next();
        URL url = registry.getRegistered().get(0);
        Assert.assertEquals(Constants.GENERIC_SERIALIZATION_BEAN, url.getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY));
    } finally {
项目:smart-testing    文件   
public void should_run_renamed_test_as_changed_and_ignore_deleted_one() throws Exception {
    // given
    final Project project = testBed.getProject();

    final Collection<TestResult> expectedTestResults =
        project.applyAsCommits("Deletes one test", "Renames unit test");

    // when
    final TestResults actualTestResults ="junit/core").options().withSystemProperties("scm.range.head", "HEAD", "scm.range.tail", "HEAD~~").configure().run();

    // then
项目:hdfs-shell    文件   
 * Opens the given script for reading
 * @param script the script to read (required)
 * @return a non-<code>null</code> input stream
private InputStream openScript(final File script) {
    try {
        return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(script));
    } catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
        // Try to find the script via the classloader
        final Collection<URL> urls = findResources(script.getName());

        // Handle search failure
        Assert.notNull(urls, "Unexpected error looking for '" + script.getName() + "'");

        // Handle the search being OK but the file simply not being present
        Assert.notEmpty(urls, "Script '" + script + "' not found on disk or in classpath");
        Assert.isTrue(urls.size() == 1, "More than one '" + script + "' was found in the classpath; unable to continue");
        try {
            return urls.iterator().next().openStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
项目:JavaTools    文件   
public <T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks, 
        long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit) {
    if (null == tasks) {
        //todo throw exception
        return null;
    if (timeout < 0) {
        //todo throw exception
        return null;

    try {
        return executorService.invokeAll(tasks, timeout, timeoutUnit);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {"invoke task list occurs error",e);
    return null;
项目:apache-tomcat-7.0.73-with-comment    文件   
public synchronized void update(Collection<Snake> snakes) {
    Location nextLocation = head.getAdjacentLocation(direction);
    if (nextLocation.x >= SnakeWebSocketServlet.PLAYFIELD_WIDTH) {
        nextLocation.x = 0;
    if (nextLocation.y >= SnakeWebSocketServlet.PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT) {
        nextLocation.y = 0;
    if (nextLocation.x < 0) {
        nextLocation.x = SnakeWebSocketServlet.PLAYFIELD_WIDTH;
    if (nextLocation.y < 0) {
        nextLocation.y = SnakeWebSocketServlet.PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT;
    if (direction != Direction.NONE) {
        if (tail.size() > length) {
        head = nextLocation;

项目:garlicts    文件   
 * 检查指定的集合/数组/枚举为空
 * <p>
 * 此方法可以处理如下对象:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Collection
 * <li>Map
 * <li>Array
 * <li>Enumeration
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * @param object
 * @return true
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 * @since 1.0
public static boolean isEmpty(final Object object) {
    if (object == null) {
        return true;
    } else if (object instanceof Collection<?>) {
        return ((Collection<?>) object).isEmpty();
    } else if (object instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
        return ((Map<?, ?>) object).isEmpty();
    } else if (object instanceof Object[]) {
        return ((Object[]) object).length == 0;
    } else if (object instanceof Iterator<?>) {
        return ((Iterator<?>) object).hasNext() == false;
    } else if (object instanceof Enumeration<?>) {
        return ((Enumeration<?>) object).hasMoreElements() == false;
    } else {
        try {
            return Array.getLength(object) == 0;
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported object type: " + object.getClass().getName());
项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <p>The returned collection is immutable.
public Collection<V> removeAll(@Nullable Object key) {
  Collection<V> collection = map.remove(key);

  if (collection == null) {
    return createUnmodifiableEmptyCollection();

  Collection<V> output = createCollection();
  totalSize -= collection.size();

  return unmodifiableCollectionSubclass(output);
项目:scanning    文件   
 * Get the scannables, ordered by level, lowest first
 * @param position
 * @return
 * @throws ScanningException
protected Map<Integer, List<L>> getLevelOrderedDevices() throws ScanningException {
    if (sortedObjects!=null && sortedObjects.get()!=null) return sortedObjects.get();

    final Collection<L> devices = getDevices();

    if (devices == null) return Collections.emptyMap();

    final Map<Integer, List<L>> devicesByLevel = new TreeMap<>();
    for (L object : devices) {
        final int level = object.getLevel();

        if (!devicesByLevel.containsKey(level)) devicesByLevel.put(level, new ArrayList<L>(7));
    if (isLevelCachingAllowed()) sortedObjects = new SoftReference<Map>(devicesByLevel);

    return devicesByLevel;
项目:alevin-svn2    文件   
 * Test whether a graph is connected.
 * @param graph to test.
 * @return true if graph is connected, false otherwise.
public static boolean connected(Graph<IVertex, IEdge> graph) {
    DijkstraShortestPath<IVertex, IEdge> sp = new DijkstraShortestPath<>(graph);
    Collection<IVertex> verts = graph.getVertices();

    // forall vertA, vertB in graph exists connecting path <=> graph is connected
    for (IVertex vertA : verts) {
        for (IVertex vertB : verts) {
            if (sp.getDistance(vertA, vertB) == null) {
                return false;

    return true;
项目:hashsdn-controller    文件   
public void testRemoveMemberReplicaForShard() {
    configuration.removeMemberReplicaForShard("default", MEMBER_2);
    String shardName = configuration.getShardNameForModule("default");
    assertEquals("ModuleShardName", "default", shardName);
    ShardStrategy shardStrategy = configuration.getStrategyForModule("default");
    assertNull("ModuleStrategy", shardStrategy);
    Collection<MemberName> members = configuration.getMembersFromShardName("default");
    assertEquals("Members", ImmutableSortedSet.of(MEMBER_1, MEMBER_3),

    configuration.removeMemberReplicaForShard("non-existent", MEMBER_2);
    Set<String> shardNames = configuration.getAllShardNames();
    assertEquals("ShardNames", ImmutableSortedSet.of("people-1", "cars-1", "test-1", "default"),
项目:Equella    文件   
private Object processCollection(Object parent, Property property, Collection<?> col,
    IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> map, Map<Object, Object> evictees, InitialiserCallback callback,
    List<PropertySet> propsToSet)
    Collection<Object> newList = getSupportedCollection(col);

    for( Object colObj : col )
        if( colObj != null )
            Object newObj = processObject(parent, property, colObj, null, map, evictees, callback, propsToSet);

    map.put(col, newList);
    return newList;
项目:letv    文件   
public LinkedBlockingDeque(Collection<? extends E> c) {
    ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
    try {
        for (E e : c) {
            if (e == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException();
            } else if (!linkLast(new Node(e))) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Deque full");
    } finally {
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void panelActivated(Lookup context) {
    // lookup context and listen to result to get notified about context changes
    currentContext = context.lookup(MY_DATA);
    // get actual data and recompute content
    Collection data = currentContext.allInstances();
    currentDataObject = getDataObject(data);
    if (currentDataObject == null) {
    if (fileChangeListener == null) {
        fileChangeListener = new ImageFileChangeAdapter();
项目:traccar-service    文件   
public Collection<Event> getEvents(
        @QueryParam("deviceId") final List<Long> deviceIds, @QueryParam("groupId") final List<Long> groupIds,
        @QueryParam("type") final List<String> types,
        @QueryParam("from") String from, @QueryParam("to") String to) throws SQLException {
    return Events.getObjects(getUserId(), deviceIds, groupIds, types,
            DateUtil.parseDate(from), DateUtil.parseDate(to));
项目:HTAPBench    文件   
 * Construct a JSONArray from a collection of beans.
 * The collection should have Java Beans.

public JSONArray(Collection<?> collection, boolean includeSuperClass) {
    this.myArrayList = new ArrayList<Object>();
    if(collection != null) {
        for (Iterator<?> iter = collection.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            this.myArrayList.add(new JSONObject(,includeSuperClass));    
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void setHighlights(final Document doc, final Collection<int[]> highlights) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            OffsetsBag bag = new OffsetsBag(doc);
            Coloring unused = ColoringAttributes.add(ColoringAttributes.empty(), ColoringAttributes.UNUSED);
            for (int[] highlight : highlights) {
                bag.addHighlight(highlight[0], highlight[1], ColoringManager.getColoringImpl(unused));
项目:scanning    文件   
public void refresh() throws Exception {
    final Collection<DeviceInformation<?>> scannables = cservice.getDeviceInformation();
    ScannableContentProvider prov = (ScannableContentProvider)viewer.getContentProvider();
       for (DeviceInformation<?> info : scannables) {
        if (info.isActivated()) prov.add(info.getName());
项目:rapidminer    文件   
public Collection<String> resolveXAxis(int axisIndex) {
    if (axis[INDEX] != -1) {
        return Collections.singletonList(dataTable.getColumnName(axis[INDEX]));
    } else {
        return Collections.singletonList(SERIESINDEX_LABEL);
项目:n4js    文件   
 * Converts an {@link N4Modifier} from the AST to a {@link TypeAccessModifier} in the types model.
public static final TypeAccessModifier convertToTypeAccessModifier(Collection<? extends N4Modifier> modifiers,
        List<Annotation> annotations) {
    if (modifiers.contains(N4Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
        return TypeAccessModifier.PRIVATE;
    } else if (modifiers.contains(N4Modifier.PROJECT)) {
        return TypeAccessModifier.PROJECT;
    } else if (modifiers.contains(N4Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
        return -> ANN_INTERNAL.equals(a.getName()))
                ? TypeAccessModifier.PUBLIC_INTERNAL
                : TypeAccessModifier.PUBLIC;
    } else {
        return TypeAccessModifier.UNDEFINED;
项目:lams    文件   
public boolean addAll(Collection c) {
    Iterator it = c.iterator();
    boolean changed = false;
    while ( it.hasNext() ) {
        if ( this.add( ) ) {
            changed = true;
    return changed;
项目:ditb    文件   
 * Remove some table-cfs from config of the specified peer
 * @param id a short name that identifies the cluster
 * @param tableCfs A map from tableName to column family names
 * @throws ReplicationException
public void removePeerTableCFs(String id, Map<TableName, ? extends Collection<String>> tableCfs)
    throws ReplicationException {
  if (tableCfs == null) {
    throw new ReplicationException("tableCfs is null");

  Map<TableName, List<String>> preTableCfs = parseTableCFsFromConfig(getPeerTableCFs(id));
  if (preTableCfs == null) {
    throw new ReplicationException("Table-Cfs for peer" + id + " is null");
  for (Map.Entry<TableName, ? extends Collection<String>> entry: tableCfs.entrySet()) {
    TableName table = entry.getKey();
    Collection<String> removeCfs = entry.getValue();
    if (preTableCfs.containsKey(table)) {
      List<String> cfs = preTableCfs.get(table);
      if (cfs == null && removeCfs == null) {
      } else if (cfs != null && removeCfs != null) {
        Set<String> cfSet = new HashSet<String>(cfs);
        if (cfSet.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
          preTableCfs.put(table, Lists.newArrayList(cfSet));
      } else if (cfs == null && removeCfs != null) {
        throw new ReplicationException("Cannot remove cf of table: " + table
            + " which doesn't specify cfs from table-cfs config in peer: " + id);
      } else if (cfs != null && removeCfs == null) {
        throw new ReplicationException("Cannot remove table: " + table
            + " which has specified cfs from table-cfs config in peer: " + id);
    } else {
      throw new ReplicationException("No table: " + table + " in table-cfs config of peer: " + id);
  setPeerTableCFs(id, preTableCfs);
项目:kafka-    文件   
public RecordHeaders(Iterable<Header> headers) {
    //Use efficient copy constructor if possible, fallback to iteration otherwise
    if (headers == null) {
        this.headers = new ArrayList<>();
    } else if (headers instanceof RecordHeaders) {
        this.headers = new ArrayList<>(((RecordHeaders) headers).headers);
    } else if (headers instanceof Collection) {
        this.headers = new ArrayList<>((Collection<Header>) headers);
    } else {
        this.headers = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Header header : headers)
项目:gate-core    文件   
 * Creates a new object from the data contained. This new object is supposed
 * to be a copy for the original object used as source for data extraction.
public Object createObject()throws PersistenceException,
  Controller controller = (Controller)super.createObject();
    prList = PersistenceManager.getTransientRepresentation(
  return controller;
项目:ralasafe    文件   
protected void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp )
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        String strUserId=req.getParameter( "userId" );
        Object userId=WebUtil.convertUserId( req, strUserId );

        UserManager userManager=WebUtil.getUserManager( req );
        User user=new User();
        user.setId( userId );
        user=userManager.selectById( user );

        UserRoleManager userRoleManager=WebUtil.getUserRoleManager( req );
        Collection assignedRoles=userRoleManager.getRoles( userId );

        Set assignedRoleIds=new HashSet();
        for( Iterator iter=assignedRoles.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            Role role=(Role);
            assignedRoleIds.add( new Integer(role.getId()) );

        // search key
        String searchName=req.getParameter( "name" );
/*      if(searchName!=null){
            searchName=new String(searchName.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),"UTF-8");               

        RoleManager roleMng=WebUtil.getRoleManager( req );
        Collection roles=null;
        if( StringUtil.isEmpty( searchName ) ) {
        } else {
            roles=roleMng.getLikelyRoles( searchName );

        req.setAttribute( "roles", roles );
        req.setAttribute( "assignedRoleIds", assignedRoleIds );
        req.setAttribute( "user", user );

        WebUtil.forward( req, resp, "/ralasafe/user/userRoles.jsp" );
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
private synchronized Collection<M2Configuration> getConfigurations(boolean skipProfiles) {
    if (profiles == null && !skipProfiles) {
        profiles = createProfilesList();
    if (shared == null) {
        //read from auxconf
        shared = readConfigurations(aux, project.getProjectDirectory(), true);
    if (nonshared == null) {
        //read from auxconf
        nonshared = readConfigurations(aux, project.getProjectDirectory(), false);
    Collection<M2Configuration> toRet = new TreeSet<M2Configuration>();
    if (!skipProfiles) {
        //prevent duplicates in the list
        Iterator<M2Configuration> it = profiles.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            M2Configuration c =;
            if (!toRet.contains(c)) {
            } else {
    return toRet;

项目:fresco_floodlight    文件   
 * Convert an Iterable to a Collection (ArrayList under the hood). All items in the
 * Iterable will be retained.
 * @param i
 * @return
public static <T> Collection<T> toCollection(Iterable<T> i) {
    if (i == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Iterable 'i' cannot be null");
    Collection<T> c = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (T t : i) {
    return c;
项目:atbash-octopus    文件   
 * Adds (assigns) multiple permissions to those associated directly with the account.  If the account doesn't yet
 * have any string-based permissions, a  new permissions collection (a Set&lt;String&gt;) will be created automatically.
 * @param permissions the permissions to add to those associated directly with the account.
public void addStringPermissions(Collection<String> permissions) {
    if (stringPermissions == null) {
        stringPermissions = new HashSet<>();
项目:alevin-svn2    文件   
public static <T extends NetworkEntity<?>> boolean equals(Collection<T> ts,
        Collection<T> us) {
    if (ts.size() != us.size()) {
        return false;
    for (T t : ts) {
        if (!contains(t, us)) {
            return false;
    return true;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public OptionSpecBuilder acceptsAll( Collection<String> options, String description ) {
    if ( options.isEmpty() )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "need at least one option" );

    ensureLegalOptions( options );

    return new OptionSpecBuilder( this, options, description );
项目:Spigot-Attribute-Remover    文件   
 * Sorts the items in the collection and writes it to the data output stream
 * @param itemCollection
 *            collection of items
 * @param dos
 *            a <code>DataOutputStream</code> value
 * @param dotted
 *            a <code>boolean</code> value
 * @exception IOException
 *                if an error occurs
private static void writeItems(final Collection<Item> itemCollection,
        final DataOutput dos, final boolean dotted) throws IOException {
    int size = itemCollection.size();
    Item[] items = itemCollection.toArray(new Item[size]);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        dos.writeUTF(dotted ? items[i].desc.replace('/', '.')
                : items[i].desc);
项目:alfresco-data-model    文件   
public Collection<PropertyDefinitionWrapper> getProperties(boolean update)
    if (update)
        return getProperties();
        return propertiesById.values();
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Remove any members of the bag that are not in the given bag, respecting
 * cardinality.
 * @param coll the collection to retain
 * @return true if this call changed the collection
public boolean retainAll(final Collection<?> coll) {
    if (coll instanceof Bag) {
        return retainAll((Bag<?>) coll);
    return retainAll(new HashBag<Object>(coll));
项目:s-store    文件   
 * Creates the list of Statement catalog keys that we want to let
 * through our filter
 * @param tables
 * @throws Exception
protected void addProcedures(Collection<Procedure> procedures) throws Exception {
    // Iterate through all of the procedures/queries and figure out
    // which
    // ones we'll actually want to look at
    for (Procedure catalog_proc : procedures) {
        for (Statement catalog_stmt : catalog_proc.getStatements()) {
        } // FOR
    } // FOR
项目:smarti    文件   
private Map<String,Collection<String>> parseStopwords(String location, Locale lang) {
    if(location == null) return null;
    Resource resource = rLoader.getResource(location);
    if(resource == null){
        log.warn("unable to load resource from location '{}' as configured for language '{}'", location, lang);
        return null;
    Locale locale = lang == null ? Locale.ROOT : lang;
    Map<String,Collection<String>> stopwords = new HashMap<>();
    try (InputStream in = resource.getInputStream()){
        IOUtils.lineIterator(in, UTF8).forEachRemaining(line -> {
                line = line.trim();
                if(line.charAt(0) != '#') {
                    String key = line.toLowerCase(locale);
                    Collection<String> values = stopwords.computeIfAbsent(key, (k) -> new LinkedHashSet<String>());
                } //else comment
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.warn("Unable to parsed stopwords for language '{}' from resource '{}' ({} - {})",
                lang, location, e.getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage());
        log.debug("STACKTRACE", e);
    return stopwords;
项目:ttc2017smartGrids    文件   
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void eSet(int featureID, Object newValue) {
    switch (featureID) {
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__KIND:
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__SEQUENCE_NUMBER:
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__LIMITS:
            getLimits().addAll((Collection<? extends Limit>)newValue);
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__COMPATIBLE_UNITS:
            getCompatibleUnits().addAll((Collection<? extends CompatibleUnit>)newValue);
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__PROCEDURE_DATA_SETS:
            getProcedureDataSets().addAll((Collection<? extends ProcedureDataSet>)newValue);
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__PROCEDURE_VALUES:
            getProcedureValues().addAll((Collection<? extends UserAttribute>)newValue);
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__CORPORATE_CODE:
        case InfAssetsPackage.PROCEDURE__INSTRUCTION:
    super.eSet(featureID, newValue);
项目:s-store    文件   
public static Collection<String> createKeys(Iterable<? extends CatalogType> map) {
    Collection<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (CatalogType catalog_item : map) {
    } // FOR
    return (keys);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
private static AnnotationMirror getFirstAnnotationFromGivenSet(TypeElement subject,
        Collection<String> annotationClasses) {

    for (String annClass : annotationClasses) {
        AnnotationMirror foundAnn = Utilities.findAnnotation(subject, annClass);

        if (foundAnn != null) {
            return foundAnn;

    return null;
项目:amanda    文件   
public Predicate toPredicate(Criterion c, Root<?> r, CriteriaBuilder b) {
    Object o = c.getCompareTo();
    if(o == null)
        return r.get(c.getPropertyName()).in();
    if(o instanceof Collection)
        return r.get(c.getPropertyName()).in((Collection) o);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(c.getPropertyName());
项目:alfresco-remote-api    文件   
public void testLocateRelationResource()
    Collection<String> relKeys = Arrays.asList("blacksheep","baaahh");
    Map<String,ResourceWithMetadata> embeds = locator.locateRelationResource(api,"sheep", relKeys, HttpMethod.GET);

    relKeys = Arrays.asList("nonsense");
    embeds = locator.locateRelationResource(api,"sheep", relKeys, HttpMethod.GET);

项目:ttc2017smartGrids    文件   
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void eSet(int featureID, Object newValue) {
    switch (featureID) {
        case InfERPSupportPackage.ERP_PERSONNEL__STATUS:
        case InfERPSupportPackage.ERP_PERSONNEL__ERP_PERSONS:
            getErpPersons().addAll((Collection<? extends ErpPerson>)newValue);
    super.eSet(featureID, newValue);