Java 类java.util.LinkedList 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
private void processQueueMessages() {
  LinkedList<BPServiceActorAction> duplicateQueue;
  synchronized (bpThreadQueue) {
    duplicateQueue = new LinkedList<BPServiceActorAction>(bpThreadQueue);
  while (!duplicateQueue.isEmpty()) {
    BPServiceActorAction actionItem = duplicateQueue.remove();
    try {
      actionItem.reportTo(bpNamenode, bpRegistration);
    } catch (BPServiceActorActionException baae) {
      LOG.warn(baae.getMessage() + nnAddr , baae);
      // Adding it back to the queue if not present
项目:ctsms    文件   
 * Compute the Levenshtein distance; the number of inserted, deleted or
 * substituted characters.
 * @param diffs LinkedList of Diff objects.
 * @return Number of changes.
public int diff_levenshtein(LinkedList<Diff> diffs) {
    int levenshtein = 0;
    int insertions = 0;
    int deletions = 0;
    for (Diff aDiff : diffs) {
        switch (aDiff.operation) {
            case INSERT:
                insertions += aDiff.text.length();
            case DELETE:
                deletions += aDiff.text.length();
            case EQUAL:
                // A deletion and an insertion is one substitution.
                levenshtein += Math.max(insertions, deletions);
                insertions = 0;
                deletions = 0;
    levenshtein += Math.max(insertions, deletions);
    return levenshtein;
项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
public List<WorkflowInstance> getWorkflows(WorkflowInstanceQuery workflowInstanceQuery, int maxItems, int skipCount)
    LinkedList<WorkflowInstance> results = new LinkedList<WorkflowInstance>();
    if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(workflowInstanceQuery.getActive()) == false)
        //Add active. 
        results.addAll(getWorkflowsInternal(workflowInstanceQuery, true, maxItems, skipCount));
    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(workflowInstanceQuery.getActive()) == false)
        //Add complete
        results.addAll(getWorkflowsInternal(workflowInstanceQuery, false, maxItems, skipCount));

    return results;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
@DataProvider(name="listProvider", parallel=true)
public static Object[][] listCases() {
    final List<Object[]> cases = new LinkedList<>();
    cases.add(new Object[] { Collections.emptyList() });
    cases.add(new Object[] { new ArrayList<>() });
    cases.add(new Object[] { new LinkedList<>() });
    cases.add(new Object[] { new Vector<>() });
    cases.add(new Object[] { new Stack<>() });
    cases.add(new Object[] { new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>() });
    cases.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList() });

    List<Integer> l = Arrays.asList(42);
    cases.add(new Object[] { new ArrayList<>(l) });
    cases.add(new Object[] { new LinkedList<>(l) });
    cases.add(new Object[] { new Vector<>(l) });
    Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<>(); s.addAll(l);
    cases.add(new Object[]{s});
    cases.add(new Object[] { new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(l) });
    cases.add(new Object[] { l });
    return cases.toArray(new Object[0][cases.size()]);
项目:etomica    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) {
    LinkedList dimensionlist = Lister.listdimensions();
    LinkedList unitlist = Lister.listUnits();
    for (Iterator e = dimensionlist.iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
        try {
            String enext =;
            Dimension d = stringToDim(enext);
            enext = enext.substring(14, enext.length());
            System.out.println("\n" + enext + ":");
            filter(d, unitlist);
        } catch (Throwable er) {

项目:alfresco-remote-api    文件   
 * Tests the capability to sort and paginate the list of people orderBy =
 * lastName ASC skip = 2, count = 3
 * @throws Exception
public void testPagingAndSortingByLastName() throws Exception
    publicApiClient.setRequestContext(new RequestContext(account4.getId(), account4Admin, "admin"));

    // paging
    int skipCount = 2;
    int maxItems = 3;
    int totalResults = 5;
    PublicApiClient.Paging paging = getPaging(skipCount, maxItems, totalResults, totalResults);

    // orderBy=lastName ASC
    PublicApiClient.ListResponse<Person> resp = listPeople(paging, "lastName", true, 200);

    List<Person> expectedList = new LinkedList<>();
    expectedList.add((Person) personBen);
    expectedList.add((Person) personAliceD);
    expectedList.add((Person) personAlice);

    checkList(expectedList, paging.getExpectedPaging(), resp);
项目:acmeair    文件   
public String cntByTimeString() {
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(DECIMAL_PATTERN);
    List<String> millisStr = new LinkedList<String>();

    Iterator <Entry<Integer,Integer>>iter = millisMap.entrySet().iterator();
    while(iter.hasNext()) {
        Entry<Integer,Integer> millisEntry =;
        Integer bucket = (Integer)millisEntry.getKey();
        Integer bucketCount = (Integer)millisEntry.getValue();

        int minMillis = bucket.intValue() * millisPerBucket;
        int maxMillis = (bucket.intValue() + 1) * millisPerBucket;

          df.format(minMillis/MILLIS_PER_SECOND)+" s "+
          "- "+
          df.format(maxMillis/MILLIS_PER_SECOND)+" s "+
          "= " + bucketCount);
    return millisStr.toString();
项目:athena    文件   
 * Reads the channel buffer and returns object.
 * @param cb channelBuffer
 * @return object of flow spec packet length
 * @throws BgpParseException while parsing BgpFsPacketLength
public static BgpFsPacketLength read(ChannelBuffer cb) throws BgpParseException {
    List<BgpFsOperatorValue> operatorValue = new LinkedList<>();
    byte option;
    short packetLen;

    do {
        option = (byte) cb.readByte();
        int len = (option & Constants.BGP_FLOW_SPEC_LEN_MASK) >> 4;
        if ((1 << len) == 1) {
            packetLen = cb.readByte();
            operatorValue.add(new BgpFsOperatorValue(option, new byte[] {(byte) packetLen}));
        } else {
            packetLen = cb.readShort();
            operatorValue.add(new BgpFsOperatorValue(option,
                              new byte[] {(byte) (packetLen >> 8), (byte) packetLen}));
    } while ((option & Constants.BGP_FLOW_SPEC_END_OF_LIST_MASK) == 0);

    return new BgpFsPacketLength(operatorValue);
项目:SmartRefreshLayout    文件   
protected void resetConfigParams() {
    status = FunGameView.STATUS_GAME_PREPAR;
    controllerPosition = DIVIDING_LINE_SIZE;

    enemySpeed = DensityUtil.dp2px(1);
    bulletSpeed = DensityUtil.dp2px(4);

    wipeOutNum = 0;

    once = true;

    enemyTankSpace = controllerSize + barrelSize + DEFAULT_ENEMY_TANK_NUM_SPACING;

    eTankSparseArray = new SparseArray<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < TANK_ROW_NUM; i++) {
        Queue<RectF> rectFQueue = new LinkedList<>();
        eTankSparseArray.put(i, rectFQueue);

    mBulletList = new LinkedList<>();
项目:Pogamut3    文件   
private void prepareRays() {

        /*Délky postranních paprsků jsou 8 a 12. Délky šikmých se vynásobí 2 a předního se vynásobí odmocninou(3).*/
        int shortLength = 8;
        int longLength = 12;

        shortSideRayLength = (int) (UnrealUtils.CHARACTER_COLLISION_RADIUS * shortLength * DISTANCE_FROM_THE_WALL / 166f);        //8
        longSideRayLength = (int) (UnrealUtils.CHARACTER_COLLISION_RADIUS * longLength * DISTANCE_FROM_THE_WALL / 166f);        //12
        shortSideFrontRayLength = (int) (UnrealUtils.CHARACTER_COLLISION_RADIUS * shortLength * 2 * DISTANCE_FROM_THE_WALL / 166f);  //20
        longSideFrontRayLength = (int) (UnrealUtils.CHARACTER_COLLISION_RADIUS * longLength * 2 * DISTANCE_FROM_THE_WALL / 166f);   //30
        shortFrontRayLength = (int) (UnrealUtils.CHARACTER_COLLISION_RADIUS * shortLength * Math.sqrt(3) * DISTANCE_FROM_THE_WALL / 166f);      //18
        longFrontRayLength = (int) (UnrealUtils.CHARACTER_COLLISION_RADIUS * longLength * Math.sqrt(3) * DISTANCE_FROM_THE_WALL / 166f);       //27

        //Five rays are created.
        LinkedList<SteeringRay> rayList = new LinkedList<SteeringRay>();
        rayList.add(new SteeringRay(NLEFT, new Vector3d(0, -1, 0), longSideRayLength));
        rayList.add(new SteeringRay(NLEFTFRONT, new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3), -1, 0), longSideFrontRayLength));
        rayList.add(new SteeringRay(NRIGHTFRONT, new Vector3d(Math.sqrt(3), 1, 0), longSideFrontRayLength));
        rayList.add(new SteeringRay(NRIGHT, new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), longSideRayLength));
        rayList.add(new SteeringRay(NFRONT, new Vector3d(1, 0, 0), longFrontRayLength));
        rayManager.addRays(SteeringType.WALL_FOLLOWING, rayList, this);
        raysReady = false;
        //System.out.println("Rays wall preparation end.");
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
/** Replacing items with different objects.
public void testReplacingObjectsDoesNotGenerateException () throws Exception {
    LinkedList arr = new LinkedList ();

    class R extends Exception implements Cloneable {
    arr.add (new R ());
    arr.add (new R ());

    ic.set (arr, null);


    arr.add (new R ());
    arr.add (new R ());

    ic.set (arr, null);
项目:CoreMathImgProc    文件   
public static void rectifyMisRecogCapUnderNotesChar(CharLearningMgr clm, StructExprRecog ser)   {
    if (ser.mnExprRecogType == EXPRRECOGTYPE_ENUMTYPE
            && !ser.isLetterChar() && !ser.isNumberChar() && ser.mType != UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_ADD
            && ser.mType != UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_SUBTRACT && ser.mType != UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_WAVE
            && ser.mType != UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_STAR && ser.mType != UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_DOT)    {  // because it is cap under note, it cannot be dot multiply
        // this letter might be miss recognized, look for another candidate.
        LinkedList<CharCandidate> listCands = clm.findCharCandidates(ser.mType, ser.mstrFont);
        for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < listCands.size(); idx1 ++)    {
            if (isLetterChar(listCands.get(idx1).mType) || isNumberChar(listCands.get(idx1).mType)
                    || ser.mType == UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_ADD || ser.mType == UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_SUBTRACT
                    || ser.mType == UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_WAVE || ser.mType == UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_STAR
                    || ser.mType == UnitProtoType.Type.TYPE_DOT) {
                // ok, change it to the new char
                        (listCands.get(idx1).mstrFont.length() == 0)?ser.mstrFont:listCands.get(idx1).mstrFont);
项目:AceptaElReto    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
        n = Integer.parseInt(line);
        list = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 2; i < n; i += 2) {
        c = 3;
        while (list.size() > c) {
            for(int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                if (i % c == 0) {

项目:PeSanKita-android    文件   
public static @NonNull RefreshResult refreshDirectory(@NonNull Context context,
                                                      @NonNull SignalServiceAccountManager accountManager,
                                                      @NonNull String localNumber)
    throws IOException
  TextSecureDirectory       directory              = TextSecureDirectory.getInstance(context);
  Set<String>               eligibleContactNumbers = directory.getPushEligibleContactNumbers(localNumber);
  List<ContactTokenDetails> activeTokens           = accountManager.getContacts(eligibleContactNumbers);

  if (activeTokens != null) {
    for (ContactTokenDetails activeToken : activeTokens) {

    directory.setNumbers(activeTokens, eligibleContactNumbers);
    return updateContactsDatabase(context, localNumber, activeTokens, true);

  return new RefreshResult(new LinkedList<String>(), false);
项目:WebPLP    文件   
public ConsolePane()
    WebView view = new WebView();
    webEngine = view.getEngine();

    messageQueue = new LinkedList<>();

    ObservableValue<State> property = webEngine.getLoadWorker().stateProperty();
    OnLoadListener.register(this::onLoad, property);

    String content = "<html><head></head><body></body></html>";

    ConsolePaneEventHandler eventHandler = new ConsolePaneEventHandler();

项目:AndroidKillerService    文件   
public static String[] toArray(String oriString, String separator) {
    if (oriString == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The parameter [string] cannot be null.");
    } else if (separator == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The parameter [separator] cannot be null.");
    } else if (separator.length() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter [separator] cannot be empty.");
    } else {
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(oriString, separator);
        List list = new LinkedList();
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
项目:Android-Scrapper    文件   
    public List<Game> pullGamesFromNetwork(Context context) throws IOException, ExpectedElementNotFound {
        this.context = context;
        if (context != null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Started " + getAcronym() + " " + getScoreType());
        List<Game> updatedGameList = new LinkedList<>();
        Document parsedDocument = Jsoup.connect(getBaseUrl()).timeout(60 * 1000).get();
        updatedGameList = scrapeUpdateGamesFromParsedDocument(updatedGameList, parsedDocument);
        if (context != null) {
            // Only add dates that are scheduled for that date.
            List<Game> tempList = new LinkedList<>(updatedGameList);
            for (Game game : tempList) {
                if (game.getGameAddDate() != new DateTime(Constants.DATE.VEGAS_TIME_ZONE).withTimeAtStartOfDay().getMillis()
//                        || new DateTime(game.getGameDateTime(), Constants.DATE.VEGAS_TIME_ZONE).toDateTime(DateTimeZone.getDefault()).isBeforeNow()
                        ) {
            // Initiate teams for this league if not initiated
        updateLibraryInDatabase(updatedGameList, context);
        return updatedGameList;
项目:oscm    文件   
public void retrieveParametersForTimeSlice_PeriodValuesWithinTimeSliceAndOnTimeSliceEnd() {
    // given
            DateTimeHandling.calculateMillis("2013-05-01 00:00:00"),
            DateTimeHandling.calculateMillis("2013-05-01 00:00:01"),

            DateTimeHandling.calculateMillis("2013-04-30 23:59:59"),
            DateTimeHandling.calculateMillis("2013-05-01 00:00:00"),

    // when
    LinkedList<XParameterPeriodValue> result = calculator
            .retrieveParametersForTimeSlice(periodValues, timeSlice);
    // then
    assertEquals(2, result.size());
    assertEquals(VALUE_2, result.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals(VALUE_1, result.get(1).getValue());
项目:DroidTelescope    文件   
public void onMethodEnter(final String cls, final String method, final String argTypes) {
    final long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
    Deque<MethodInfo> methodStack = threadMethodStack.get(threadId);
    if (methodStack == null) {
        methodStack = new LinkedList<>();
        threadMethodStack.put(threadId, methodStack);
    //TODO 考虑使用对象池!!!!
    MethodInfo info = new MethodInfo();
    info.setSignature(createSignature(cls, method, argTypes));
项目:rapidminer    文件   
public ColorScheme getDefaultColorScheme() {
    List<ColorRGB> listOfColors = new LinkedList<ColorRGB>();
    Color minColor = getColorFromProperty(MainFrame.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_GUI_PLOTTER_LEGEND_MINCOLOR, Color.BLUE);
    ColorRGB minColorRGB = ColorRGB.convertColorToColorRGB(minColor);
    Color maxColor = getColorFromProperty(MainFrame.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_GUI_PLOTTER_LEGEND_MAXCOLOR, Color.RED);
    ColorRGB maxColorRGB = ColorRGB.convertColorToColorRGB(maxColor);

    Color third = ContinuousColorProvider.getColorForValue(3, 255, false, 0, 4, minColor, maxColor);

    Color second = ContinuousColorProvider.getColorForValue(2, 255, false, 0, 5, minColor, maxColor);

    Color first = ContinuousColorProvider.getColorForValue(1, 255, false, 0, 5, minColor, maxColor);

    return new ColorScheme(I18N.getGUILabel("plotter.default_color_scheme_name.label"), listOfColors, minColorRGB,
项目:elements-of-programming-interviews-solutions    文件   
public static void setJumpOrderIterative(PostingListNode<Integer> node) {
    LinkedList<PostingListNode<Integer>> queue = new LinkedList<>();
    PostingListNode<Integer> current = node;
    int order = 0;
    while (current != null || !queue.isEmpty()) {
        if (current == null || != -1) {
            current = queue.poll();
        if ( == -1)
   = order++;
        if ( != null && == -1)
        current = current.jump;
项目:BlackList    文件   
public int deleteJournalRecords(IdentifiersContainer contactIds, @Nullable String filter) {
    if (contactIds.isEmpty()) return 0;

    boolean all = contactIds.isAll();
    List<String> ids = contactIds.getIdentifiers(new LinkedList<String>());

    // build 'WHERE' clause
    String clause = Common.concatClauses(new String[]{
            Common.getLikeClause(JournalTable.Column.CALLER, filter),
            Common.getInClause(JournalTable.Column.ID, all, ids)

    // delete records
    SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase();
    return db.delete(JournalTable.NAME, clause, null);
项目:L2J-Global    文件   
public Collection<ItemHolder> calculateDrops(DropListScope dropListScope, L2Character victim, L2Character killer)
    final List<IDropItem> dropList = getDropList(dropListScope);
    if (dropList == null)
        return null;

    Collection<ItemHolder> calculatedDrops = null;
    for (IDropItem dropItem : dropList)
        final Collection<ItemHolder> drops = dropItem.calculateDrops(victim, killer);
        if ((drops == null) || drops.isEmpty())

        if (calculatedDrops == null)
            calculatedDrops = new LinkedList<>();


    return calculatedDrops;
项目:AndroidRTC    文件   
public WebSocketChannelClient(Handler handler, WebSocketChannelEvents events) {
    this.handler = handler; = events;
    roomID = null;
    clientID = null;
    wsSendQueue = new LinkedList<String>();
    state = WebSocketConnectionState.NEW;
项目:BEAST    文件   
 * Test of getSymbolicVariables method, of class SymbolicVariableList.
public void testGetSymbolicVariables() {
    String id = "test";
    InternalTypeContainer internalTypeContainer = new InternalTypeContainer(InternalTypeRep.INTEGER);
    SymbolicVariableList instance = new SymbolicVariableList();
    instance.addSymbolicVariable(id, internalTypeContainer);
    assert (((LinkedList<SymbolicVariable>)instance.getSymbolicVariables()).getFirst().getInternalTypeContainer().getInternalType()
            == InternalTypeRep.INTEGER);
    assert (((LinkedList<SymbolicVariable>)instance.getSymbolicVariables()).getFirst().getId().equals("test"));
项目:athena    文件   
 * Reads channel buffer and parses link identifier.
 * @param cb ChannelBuffer
 * @param protocolId in linkstate nlri
 * @return object of BGPLinkLSIdentifier
 * @throws BgpParseException while parsing link identifier
public static BgpLinkLSIdentifier parseLinkIdendifier(ChannelBuffer cb, byte protocolId) throws BgpParseException {
    //Parse local node descriptor
    NodeDescriptors localNodeDescriptors = new NodeDescriptors();
    localNodeDescriptors = parseNodeDescriptors(cb, NodeDescriptors.LOCAL_NODE_DES_TYPE, protocolId);

    //Parse remote node descriptor
    NodeDescriptors remoteNodeDescriptors = new NodeDescriptors();
    remoteNodeDescriptors = parseNodeDescriptors(cb, NodeDescriptors.REMOTE_NODE_DES_TYPE, protocolId);

    //Parse link descriptor
    LinkedList<BgpValueType> linkDescriptor = new LinkedList<>();
    linkDescriptor = parseLinkDescriptors(cb);
    return new BgpLinkLSIdentifier(localNodeDescriptors, remoteNodeDescriptors, linkDescriptor);
项目:MeziLang    文件   
public CompilerLoader(String source_base, String target_base, String[] class_pathes, String[] dflt_import_pkgs)
    throws CompileException {
  this.source_base = source_base;
  this.target_base = target_base;
  this.class_pathes = class_pathes;
  this.dflt_import_pkgs = dflt_import_pkgs;
  this.classnode_hash = new HashMap<String, ClassNode>();
  this.fspkg_hash = new HashMap<String, TFilesystemPkg>();
  this.resolvedclass_hash = new HashMap<String, TResolvedClass>();
  this.opfuncmap_hash = new HashMap<String, String>();

  this.jarcache_hash = new HashMap<String, JarFileCache>();
  for (String cl_path : class_pathes) {
    if (cl_path.endsWith(JAR_FILENAME_EXTENSION)) {
      try {
        jarcache_hash.put(cl_path, new JarFileCache(cl_path));
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CompileException("IOException Occurred(" + e.getMessage() + ")");

  this.root_pkg = new TContextPkg("root", this);

  this.context_stack = new LinkedList<TContext>();
  this.reduction_stack = new LinkedList<Reduction>();
  this.branch_tree = new BranchTree();
项目:hadoop    文件   
 *  Expands a list of arguments into {@link PathData} objects.  The default
 *  behavior is to call {@link #expandArgument(String)} on each element
 *  which by default globs the argument.  The loop catches IOExceptions,
 *  increments the error count, and displays the exception.
 * @param args strings to expand into {@link PathData} objects
 * @return list of all {@link PathData} objects the arguments
 * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...
protected LinkedList<PathData> expandArguments(LinkedList<String> args)
throws IOException {
  LinkedList<PathData> expandedArgs = new LinkedList<PathData>();
  for (String arg : args) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) { // other exceptions are probably nasty
  return expandedArgs;
项目:m6ASNP    文件   
public GOTermAnnotationReader(String annotationFile)
        annotationMap = new HashMap<>();
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(annotationFile));
        String strLine;
        String[] strArr;
        LinkedList<String> goIDList;
            strLine = br.readLine();
            strArr = strLine.split("\t");
                goIDList = annotationMap.get(strArr[2]);
                goIDList = new LinkedList<>();
                annotationMap.put(strArr[2], goIDList);
    catch (IOException e)
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
private static Collection<String> listTests(Class<?> clazz) {
    File dirOrArchive = FileUtil.archiveOrDirForURL(clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation());


    if (dirOrArchive.isFile()) {
        return listTestsFromJar(dirOrArchive);
    } else {
        Collection<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();

        listTestsFromFilesystem(dirOrArchive, "", result);

        return result;
项目:EatDubbo    文件   
public ClassGenerator addConstructor(String code)
    if( mConstructors == null )
        mConstructors = new LinkedList<String>();
    return this;
项目:Chambers    文件   
 * Constructs a new Koth instance
 * @param name - the name of the Koth
 * @param time - the initial capture time of the Koth
public Koth(String name, int time) { = name;
    this.time = time;
    this.maxCapTime = time;
    this.capper = null;
    this.capQueue = new LinkedList<>();
项目:MeziLang    文件   
public AbsFuncType[] getLocalConstructors() throws CompileException {
  TContext context = null;
  TContextFunc func_context = null;
  LinkedList<TContextFunc> const_list = new LinkedList<>();

  int length = childcontext_list.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    context = childcontext_list.get(i);

    if (context.isForm(AbsType.FORM_FUNC) && context.isName(AbsClassType.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)) {
      func_context = (TContextFunc) context;


  if (const_list.size() == 0) {
    return null;

  AbsFuncType[] arr = new AbsFuncType[const_list.size()];

  for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    arr[i] = (AbsFuncType) const_list.get(i);

  return arr;
项目:crnk-framework    文件   
public Iterable<Task> findAll(Iterable<Long> ids, QuerySpec queryParams) {
    List<Task> values = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Task value : map.values()) {
        if (contains(value, ids)) {
    return values;
项目:athena    文件   
public Iterable<Tunnel> getTunnels(DeviceId deviceId) {
    List<Tunnel> tunnelList = new LinkedList<>();

    for (Tunnel t : tunnelIdAsKeyStore.values()) {
        for (Link l : t.path().links()) {
            if (l.src().deviceId().equals(deviceId) || l.dst().deviceId().equals(deviceId)) {
    return tunnelList;
项目:hadoop-oss    文件   
public void processOptionsHuman() throws IOException {
  LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
  Ls ls = new Ls();
项目:Cable-Android    文件   
public List<Recipient> getUnverifiedRecipients(Context context) {
  List<Recipient> unverified = new LinkedList<>();

  for (IdentityRecord identityRecord : identityRecords) {
    if (identityRecord.getVerifiedStatus() == VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED) {
      unverified.add(RecipientFactory.getRecipientForId(context, identityRecord.getRecipientId(), false));

  return unverified;
项目:Blockly    文件   
private boolean equivalentLists(List<String> newDefinitions, List<String> oldDefinitions) {
    LinkedList<String> checkList = new LinkedList<>(oldDefinitions);
    for (String filename : newDefinitions) {
        if (!checkList.remove(filename)) {
            return false;
    return checkList.isEmpty(); // If it is empty, all filenames were found / matched.
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Given an array of types, return a subset of their class loaders that are maximal according to the
 * "can see other loaders' classes" relation, which is presumed to be a partial ordering.
 * @param types types
 * @return a collection of maximum visibility class loaders. It is guaranteed to have at least one element.
private static Collection<ClassAndLoader> getMaximumVisibilityLoaders(final Class<?>[] types) {
    final List<ClassAndLoader> maximumVisibilityLoaders = new LinkedList<>();
    outer:  for(final ClassAndLoader maxCandidate: getClassLoadersForTypes(types)) {
        final Iterator<ClassAndLoader> it = maximumVisibilityLoaders.iterator();
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            final ClassAndLoader existingMax =;
            final boolean candidateSeesExisting = maxCandidate.canSee(existingMax);
            final boolean exitingSeesCandidate = existingMax.canSee(maxCandidate);
            if(candidateSeesExisting) {
                if(!exitingSeesCandidate) {
                    // The candidate sees the the existing maximum, so drop the existing one as it's no longer maximal.
                // NOTE: there's also the anomalous case where both loaders see each other. Not sure what to do
                // about that one, as two distinct class loaders both seeing each other's classes is weird and
                // violates the assumption that the relation "sees others' classes" is a partial ordering. We'll
                // just not do anything, and treat them as incomparable; hopefully some later class loader that
                // comes along can eliminate both of them, if it can not, we'll end up with ambiguity anyway and
                // throw an error at the end.
            } else if(exitingSeesCandidate) {
                // Existing sees the candidate, so drop the candidate.
                continue outer;
        // If we get here, no existing maximum visibility loader could see the candidate, so the candidate is a new
        // maximum.
    return maximumVisibilityLoaders;
项目:ditb    文件   
public void testTimestampsFilter() throws Exception {
  // Empty timestamp list
  TimestampsFilter timestampsFilter = new TimestampsFilter(new LinkedList<Long>());

  // Non-empty timestamp list
  LinkedList<Long> list = new LinkedList<Long>();
  list.add(new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));
  list.add(new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));
  timestampsFilter = new TimestampsFilter(list);