Java 类java.util.TreeSet 实例源码

项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
public Set<String> getDownloadEntries(final NodeRef downloadNode)
    return transactionHelper.doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionCallback<Set<String>>()
        public Set<String> execute() throws Throwable
            Set<String> entryNames = new TreeSet<String>();
            ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(downloadNode, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
            try (ZipArchiveInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipArchiveInputStream(reader.getContentInputStream()))
                ZipArchiveEntry zipEntry = null;
                while ((zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextZipEntry()) != null)
                    String name = zipEntry.getName();
            return entryNames;
项目:Musicoco    文件   
 * 按最后播放时间降序排序
public static List<DBSongInfo> descSortByLastPlayTime(List<DBSongInfo> list) {

    TreeSet<DBSongInfo> set = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<DBSongInfo>() {
        public int compare(DBSongInfo o1, DBSongInfo o2) {
            int rs;
            if (o1.lastPlayTime > o2.lastPlayTime) {
                rs = -1;
            } else if (o1.lastPlayTime < o2.lastPlayTime) {
                rs = 1;
            } else {
                rs = -1; // equals set 不能重复,会丢失数据
            return rs;

    for (DBSongInfo s : list) {

    return new ArrayList<>(set);
项目:sstore-soft    文件   
protected String getTransactionTraceSignature(Procedure catalog_proc, TransactionTrace txn_trace, Integer interval) {
    SortedSet<String> queries = new TreeSet<String>();
    for (QueryTrace query_trace : txn_trace.getQueries()) {
        Statement catalog_stmt = query_trace.getCatalogItem(catalog_db);
        queries.add(this.getQueryTraceSignature(catalog_stmt, query_trace));
    } // FOR

    String signature = catalog_proc.getName() + "->";
    if (interval != null) signature += "INT[" + interval + "]";
    signature += this.getParamSignature(txn_trace, this.target_proc_params.get(catalog_proc));

    for (String q : queries) {
        signature += "\n" + q;
    } // FOR

    if (trace.val) LOG.trace(txn_trace + " ==> " + signature);

    return (signature);
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Mark a path to be deleted on JVM shutdown.
 * @param f the existing path to delete.
 * @return  true if deleteOnExit is successful, otherwise false.
 * @throws AccessControlException If access is denied
 * @throws UnsupportedFileSystemException If file system for <code>f</code> is
 *           not supported
 * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred
 * Exceptions applicable to file systems accessed over RPC:
 * @throws RpcClientException If an exception occurred in the RPC client
 * @throws RpcServerException If an exception occurred in the RPC server
 * @throws UnexpectedServerException If server implementation throws 
 *           undeclared exception to RPC server
public boolean deleteOnExit(Path f) throws AccessControlException,
    IOException {
  if (!this.util().exists(f)) {
    return false;
  synchronized (DELETE_ON_EXIT) {
    if (DELETE_ON_EXIT.isEmpty()) {
      ShutdownHookManager.get().addShutdownHook(FINALIZER, SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PRIORITY);

    Set<Path> set = DELETE_ON_EXIT.get(this);
    if (set == null) {
      set = new TreeSet<Path>();
      DELETE_ON_EXIT.put(this, set);
  return true;
项目:springbootWeb    文件   
public void addInterfaceElements(Interface interfaze) {
    Set<FullyQualifiedJavaType> importedTypes = new TreeSet<FullyQualifiedJavaType>();
    FullyQualifiedJavaType parameterType = new FullyQualifiedJavaType(

    Method method = new Method();
    method.addParameter(new Parameter(parameterType, "record")); //$NON-NLS-1$


    addMapperAnnotations(interfaze, method);

    if (context.getPlugins()
                    interfaze, introspectedTable)) {
项目:cf-mta-deploy-service    文件   
    public static Iterable<Object[]> getParameters() {
        return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
// @formatter:off
            // (0) There aren't any unused ports:
                new StepInput("apps-to-deploy-02.json", new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(10002, 10003)), true), new StepOutput(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(10002, 10003))),
            // (1) There are unused ports:
                new StepInput("apps-to-deploy-02.json", new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(10001, 10002, 10003)), true), new StepOutput(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(10002, 10003))),
            // (2) Host based routing:
                new StepInput("apps-to-deploy-02.json", Collections.emptySet(), false), new StepOutput(Collections.emptySet()),
// @formatter:on
项目:monarch    文件   
 * Tests data serializing an {@link TreeSet}
public void testTreeSet() throws Exception {
  Random random = getRandom();
  TreeSet set = new TreeSet();
  int size = random.nextInt(50);
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    set.add(new Long(random.nextLong()));

  DataOutputStream out = getDataOutput();
  DataSerializer.writeTreeSet(null, out);
  DataSerializer.writeTreeSet(new TreeSet(), out);
  DataSerializer.writeTreeSet(set, out);

  DataInput in = getDataInput();
  assertEquals(null, DataSerializer.readTreeSet(in));
  assertEquals(new TreeSet(), DataSerializer.readTreeSet(in));
  TreeSet set2 = DataSerializer.readTreeSet(in);
  assertEquals(set, set2);
项目:syndesis    文件   
private void addExtensions(TarArchiveOutputStream tos, Integration integration) throws IOException {
    final Set<String> extensions = collectDependencies(integration).stream()

    if (!extensions.isEmpty()) {
        addTarEntry(tos, "src/main/resources/", generateExtensionLoader(extensions));

        for (String extensionId : extensions) {
                "extensions/" + Names.sanitize(extensionId) + ".jar",
项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
 * Called to identify a transformer that cannot be used during working out
 * available transformers.
public void unavailableTransformer(ContentTransformer transformer, String sourceMimetype, String targetMimetype, long maxSourceSizeKBytes)
    if (isEnabled())
        Deque<Frame> ourStack = ThreadInfo.getStack();
        Frame frame = ourStack.peek();

        if (frame != null)
            Deque<String> isTransformableStack = ThreadInfo.getIsTransformableStack();
            String name = (!isTransformableStack.isEmpty())
                ? isTransformableStack.getFirst()
                : getName(transformer);
            boolean debug = (maxSourceSizeKBytes != 0);
            if (frame.unavailableTransformers == null)
                frame.unavailableTransformers = new TreeSet<UnavailableTransformer>();
            String priority = gePriority(transformer, sourceMimetype, targetMimetype);
            frame.unavailableTransformers.add(new UnavailableTransformer(name, priority, maxSourceSizeKBytes, debug));
项目:unitimes    文件   
public static void setupDepartments(HttpServletRequest request, SessionContext context, boolean includeExternal) throws Exception {
    TreeSet<Department> departments = Department.getUserDepartments(context.getUser());
    if (includeExternal)

List<LabelValueBean> deptList = new ArrayList<LabelValueBean>();
for (Department d: departments) {
    String code = d.getDeptCode().trim();
    String abbv = d.getName().trim();
    if (d.isExternalManager())
        deptList.add(new LabelValueBean(code + " - " + abbv + " (" + d.getExternalMgrLabel() + ")", code));
        deptList.add(new LabelValueBean(code + " - " + abbv, code)); 
request.setAttribute(Department.DEPT_ATTR_NAME, deptList);
项目:Java-APIs    文件   
protected boolean addCategory(String id, String category, String value, String score) {
    if (noData(category)) return false;
    if (noData(value)) return false;
    if (noData(score)) return false;

    Collection<ClassificationScore> categoryCollection = categories.get(category);
    if (categoryCollection == null) {
        categoryCollection = new TreeSet<ClassificationScore>();
        categories.put(category, categoryCollection);
    try {
        ClassificationScore classificationScore = new ClassificationScore(category, value, score);
        if (!noData(id)) classificationScore.setId(id);
        return true;
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        logger.warn("Bad format for score: " + score);
        return false;
项目:swblocks-decisiontree    文件   
private static List<DateRange> getSegmentDateRanges(final List<DecisionTreeRule> rules,
                                                    final Set<ValueGroup> changeGroup) {
    final Set<Instant> times = new TreeSet<>();
    rules.forEach(rule -> {
    changeGroup.forEach(group -> {

    final List<Instant> ordered = new ArrayList<>(times);
    final List<DateRange> slices = new ArrayList<>(1);
    for (int i = 0; i < times.size() - 1; ++i) {
        final DateRange dateTimeSlice = new DateRange(ordered.get(i), ordered.get(i + 1));
    return slices;
项目:PlusGram    文件   
private void getEventTimes(TreeSet<Long> out, boolean descendsPNode) {
  boolean isPNode = TAG_P.equals(tag);
  if (descendsPNode || isPNode) {
    if (startTimeUs != UNDEFINED_TIME) {
    if (endTimeUs != UNDEFINED_TIME) {
  if (children == null) {
  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
    children.get(i).getEventTimes(out, descendsPNode || isPNode);
项目:unitimes    文件   
public static String dayCodes2str(Collection dayCodes, String delim) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (Iterator i=(new TreeSet(dayCodes)).iterator();i.hasNext();) {
        int dayCode = ((TimePatternDays);
        int nrDays = 0;
        for (int j=0;j<Constants.NR_DAYS;j++)
            if ((dayCode&Constants.DAY_CODES[j])!=0) nrDays++;
        for (int j=0;j<Constants.NR_DAYS;j++) {
            if ((Constants.DAY_CODES[j]&dayCode)==0) continue;
        if (i.hasNext())
    return sb.toString();
项目:mybatis-migrations-spring-boot-autoconfigure    文件   
public List<Change> getMigrations() {

    Collection<String> filenames = new TreeSet<>();

    for (Resource res : getResources("/*.sql")) {


项目:neo-java    文件   
public boolean add(final E e) {
    if (innerSet.contains(e)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        for (final Function<E, Object> fn : indexMap.keySet()) {
            final Map<Object, Set<E>> map = indexMap.get(fn);
            final Object value = fn.apply(e);
            if (map.containsKey(value)) {
            } else {
                final Set<E> set = new TreeSet<>(comparator);
                map.put(value, set);
        return true;
项目:unitimes    文件   
protected String getMeetingRooms(boolean html, Class_ clazz) {
    String meetingRooms = "";
    Assignment assignment = clazz.getCommittedAssignment();
    TreeSet<Meeting> meetings = (clazz.getEvent()==null?null:new TreeSet(clazz.getEvent().getMeetings()));
    TreeSet<Location> locations = new TreeSet<Location>();
    if (meetings!=null && !meetings.isEmpty()) {
        for (Meeting meeting : meetings)
            if (meeting.getLocation()!=null) locations.add(meeting.getLocation());
    } else if (assignment!=null && assignment.getDatePattern()!=null) {
        for (Iterator i=assignment.getRooms().iterator();i.hasNext();) {
    for (Location location: locations) {
        if (meetingRooms.length()>0) meetingRooms+=", ";
        meetingRooms+=(html ? location.getLabelWithHint() : location.getLabel());
    return meetingRooms;
项目:OpenYOLO-Android    文件   
 * Removes the specified list of authentication domains from the never save list.
 * @throws IOException if the credential storage metadata cannot be modified.
public void removeFromNeverSaveList(List<AuthenticationDomain> authDomains) throws IOException {
    CredentialMeta meta = readCredentialMeta();

    TreeSet<String> neverSaveDomains = new TreeSet<>();
    for (String neverSaveDomain : meta.getNeverSaveList()) {

    for (AuthenticationDomain authDomain : authDomains) {

项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
static @CheckForNull Set<String> existingModes(NewTCIterator.DataModel data) throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = data.getProject().getLookup().lookup(NbModuleProvider.class).getEffectiveSystemFilesystem();
    FileObject foRoot = fs.getRoot().getFileObject("Windows2/Modes"); //NOI18N
    if (foRoot != null) {
        FileObject[] fos = foRoot.getChildren();
        Set<String> col = new TreeSet<String>();
        for (FileObject fo : fos) {
            if (fo.isData() && "wsmode".equals(fo.getExt())) { //NOI18N
        return col;
    } else {
        return null;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void testRecursiveScanOptimization() throws Exception {
    FileObject src = nbRoot().getFileObject("apisupport.project/test/unit/src");
    assertNotNull("apisupport.project/test/unit/src", src);
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.Evaluator");
    MyHandler h = new MyHandler();
    Level origL = logger.getLevel();
    try {
        ClassPath cp = ClassPath.getClassPath(src, ClassPath.EXECUTE);
        assertNotNull("have an EXECUTE classpath", cp);
        Set<String> expectedRoots = new TreeSet<String>();
        // 247 entries & 5848 processed module entries before optimization
        // 142 processed entries with duplicate entries pruned
        assertTrue("Each module entry processed at most once", h.c <= 2 * cp.getRoots().length);
    } finally {
项目:GDH    文件   
 * @param msg
 *            the group details in json format to be parsed
 * @return the group id of the group contained in the message
 *         -2 if this message has already been received
private int extractGroupInfo(String msg) {
    TreeSet<Node> set = new TreeSet<>();
    Group group = null;
    JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(msg);
    String prime = obj.getString(Constants.PRIME);
    String generator = obj.getString(Constants.GENERATOR);
    JsonArray members = obj.getJsonArray(Constants.MEMBERS);
    Iterator<?> iter = members.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        JsonObject member = (JsonObject);
        String ip = member.getString(Constants.IP);
        String port = member.getString(Constants.PORT);
        Node n = new Node(ip, port);
    group = new Group(generator, prime, set);
    if (stateMappings.containsKey(group.getGroupId()) && !stateMappings.get(group.getGroupId()).isDone())
        return -2; // message received twice
    group.setGenerator(new BigInteger(generator));
    group.setPrime(new BigInteger(prime));
    groupMappings.put(group.getGroupId(), group);
    stateMappings.put(group.getGroupId(), new ExchangeState(group.getGroupId(), group.getGenerator()));
    return group.getGroupId();
项目:server-utility    文件   
public void addImplementationElements(TopLevelClass topLevelClass) {
    Set<FullyQualifiedJavaType> importedTypes = new TreeSet<FullyQualifiedJavaType>();
    Method method = getMethodShell(importedTypes);

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("int rows = "); //$NON-NLS-1$
            .getIbatis2SqlMapNamespace(), introspectedTable
            .getDeleteByExampleStatementId(), "example")); //$NON-NLS-1$
    method.addBodyLine("return rows;"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    if (context.getPlugins().clientDeleteByExampleMethodGenerated(
            method, topLevelClass, introspectedTable)) {
项目:AOSP-Kayboard-7.1.2    文件   
public SubtypeLocaleAdapter(final Context context) {
    super(context, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);

    final TreeSet<SubtypeLocaleItem> items = new TreeSet<>();
    final InputMethodInfo imi = RichInputMethodManager.getInstance()
    final int count = imi.getSubtypeCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        final InputMethodSubtype subtype = imi.getSubtypeAt(i);
        if (DEBUG_SUBTYPE_ID) {
            Log.d(TAG_SUBTYPE, String.format("%-6s 0x%08x %11d %s",
                    subtype.getLocale(), subtype.hashCode(), subtype.hashCode(),
        if (InputMethodSubtypeCompatUtils.isAsciiCapable(subtype)) {
            items.add(new SubtypeLocaleItem(subtype));
    // TODO: Should filter out already existing combinations of locale and layout.
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * Returns sorted arrays of CNBs of available friends for this module.
String[] getAvailableFriends() {
    SortedSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
    if (isSuiteComponent()) {
        for (Iterator it = SuiteUtils.getSubProjects(getSuite()).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Project prj = (Project);
            String cnb = ProjectUtils.getInformation(prj).getName();
            if (!getCodeNameBase().equals(cnb)) {
    } else if (isNetBeansOrg()) {
        Set<ModuleDependency> deps = getUniverseDependencies(false);
        for (Iterator it = deps.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            ModuleDependency dep = (ModuleDependency);
    } // else standalone module - leave empty (see the UI spec)
    return set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
private void dumpSystemInfo() {
    // output all the possible target system information -- this may help to
    // devise the configuration differences in case of errors        
    LogManager.logEntry("dumping target system information"); // NOI18N

    LogManager.logIndent("system properties:"); // NOI18N

    for (Object key: new TreeSet<Object>(System.getProperties().keySet())) {
        LogManager.log(key.toString() + " => " +  // NOI18N


    LogManager.logExit("... end of target system information"); // NOI18N
项目:sstore-soft    文件   
public SynthesizedPlanFragment[] generateRestorePlan(Table catalogTable) {
    SystemProcedureExecutionContext context = this.getSystemProcedureExecutionContext();
    assert (context != null);
    Host catalog_host = context.getHost();
    Collection<Site> catalog_sites = CatalogUtil.getSitesForHost(catalog_host);"Replicated :: Table: " + getTableName());

    Set<Integer> execution_site_ids = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    for (Site catalog_site : catalog_sites) {

    for (int hostId : m_hostsWithThisTable) {

    SynthesizedPlanFragment[] restore_plan = null;
    if (catalogTable.getIsreplicated()) {
        restore_plan = generateReplicatedToReplicatedPlan();
    } else {
        // XXX Not implemented until we're going to support catalog changes
    return restore_plan;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public List<JCTree> translateTopLevelClass(Env<AttrContext> env, JCTree cdef, TreeMaker make) {
    List<JCTree> result = super.translateTopLevelClass(env, cdef, make);
    Map<Symbol, JCMethodDecl> declarations = new HashMap<>();
    Set<Symbol> toDump = new TreeSet<>(symbolComparator);

    new TreeScanner() {
        public void visitMethodDef(JCMethodDecl tree) {
            if ("dump")) {
            declarations.put(tree.sym, tree);

    for (Symbol d : toDump) {
        dump(d, declarations, new HashSet<>());

    return result;
项目:unitimes    文件   
public static TreeSet<StudentSectioningQueue> getItems(org.hibernate.Session hibSession, Long sessionId, Date lastTimeStamp) {
    if (sessionId != null) {
        if (lastTimeStamp == null) {
            return new TreeSet<StudentSectioningQueue>(
                    hibSession.createQuery("select q from StudentSectioningQueue q where q.sessionId = :sessionId")
                    .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).list());
        } else {
            return new TreeSet<StudentSectioningQueue>(
                    hibSession.createQuery("select q from StudentSectioningQueue q where q.sessionId = :sessionId and q.timeStamp > :timeStamp")
                    .setLong("sessionId", sessionId).setTimestamp("timeStamp", lastTimeStamp).list());
    } else {
        if (lastTimeStamp == null) {
            return new TreeSet<StudentSectioningQueue>(
                    hibSession.createQuery("select q from StudentSectioningQueue q").list());
        } else {
            return new TreeSet<StudentSectioningQueue>(
                    hibSession.createQuery("select q from StudentSectioningQueue q where q.timeStamp > :timeStamp")
                    .setTimestamp("timeStamp", lastTimeStamp).list());
项目:RefDiff    文件   
private TreeSet<LSDFact> expandPackageLevelCluster2TypeElements(PrintStream p, List<LSDFact> packageLevelCluster) { 
    TreeSet<LSDFact> ontheflyDeltaKB = new TreeSet<LSDFact>(); 
    TreeSet<String> packageConstants = null;
    // collect a list of package name constants
    if (packageLevelCluster !=null) { 
        packageConstants = new TreeSet<String>(); 
        for (LSDFact packageF: packageLevelCluster) { 

    for (String kind: typeLevel.keySet()) { 
        for (LSDFact typeF: typeLevel.get(kind)) { 
            String containerPackage= typeF.getBindings().get(2).getGroundConst(); 
            if (packageConstants==null || packageConstants.contains(containerPackage)) {  
                if (p!=null) p.println("\t" + typeF);
    return ontheflyDeltaKB; 
项目:open-kilda    文件   
 * @return A json representation of the topology. Intended for printing only.
public static final String toJson(ITopology topo, boolean pretty) throws IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    if (pretty)

    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    JsonFactory f = mapper.getFactory();

    JsonGenerator g = f.createGenerator(sw);

    // use TreeSet to sort the list
    g.writeObjectField("switches", new TreeSet<String>(topo.getSwitches().keySet()));
    g.writeObjectField("links", new TreeSet<String>(topo.getLinks().keySet()));

    return sw.toString();
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testAllVersionsTested() throws Exception {
    SortedSet<String> expectedVersions = new TreeSet<>();
    for (Version v : VersionUtils.allReleasedVersions()) {
        if (VersionUtils.isSnapshot(v)) continue;  // snapshots are unreleased, so there is no backcompat yet
        if (v.isRelease() == false) continue; // no guarantees for prereleases
        if (v.before(Version.CURRENT.minimumIndexCompatibilityVersion())) continue; // we can only support one major version backward
        if (v.equals(Version.CURRENT)) continue; // the current version is always compatible with itself
        expectedVersions.add("index-" + v.toString() + ".zip");

    for (String index : indexes) {
        if (expectedVersions.remove(index) == false) {
            logger.warn("Old indexes tests contain extra index: {}", index);
    if (expectedVersions.isEmpty() == false) {
        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Old index tests are missing indexes:");
        for (String expected : expectedVersions) {
            msg.append("\n" + expected);
项目:unitimes    文件   
public void populate(TreeSet<CurriculumClassificationInterface> classifications) {
    int col = 0;
    for (AcademicClassificationInterface clasf: iClassifications) {
        CurriculumClassificationInterface ci = null;
        if (classifications != null && !classifications.isEmpty())
            for (CurriculumClassificationInterface x: classifications) {
                if (x.getAcademicClassification().getId().equals(clasf.getId())) { ci = x; break; }
        if (ci == null) {
            setName(col, clasf.getCode());
            setExpected(col, null);
            setEnrollment(col, null);
            setLastLike(col, null);
            setProjection(col, null);
            setRequested(col, null);
            setSnapshotExpected(col, null);
            setSnapshotProjection(col, null);
        } else {
            setName(col, ci.getName());
            setExpected(col, ci.getExpected());
            setEnrollment(col, ci.getEnrollment());
            setLastLike(col, ci.getLastLike());
            setProjection(col, ci.getProjection());
            setRequested(col, ci.getRequested());
            setSnapshotExpected(col, (!ci.isSessionHasSnapshotData() ? null : ci.getSnapshotExpected()));
            setSnapshotProjection(col, (!ci.isSessionHasSnapshotData() ? null : ci.getSnapshotProjection()));
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void testUserHasPreferenceOverFSs() throws Exception {
    FileObject global = FileUtil.createData(FileUtil.getConfigRoot(), "dir/file.txt");
    global.setAttribute("global", 3);
    write(global, "global");

    FileObject fo1 = FileUtil.createData(fs1.getRoot(), "dir/file.txt");
    fo1.setAttribute("one", 1);
    write(fo1, "fileone");

    FileObject fo2 = FileUtil.createData(fs2.getRoot(), "dir/file.txt");
    fo2.setAttribute("two", 2);
    write(fo2, "two");


    MainLookup.register(fs1, this);
    MainLookup.register(fs2, this);

    Enumeration<String> en = global.getAttributes();
    TreeSet<String> t = new TreeSet<String>();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {

    assertEquals("three elements: " + t, 3, t.size());

    assertEquals(1, global.getAttribute("one"));
    assertEquals(2, global.getAttribute("two"));
    assertEquals(3, global.getAttribute("global"));

    assertEquals("contains global", 6, global.getSize());
    assertEquals("global", read(global));

    assertTrue("no events: " + events, events.isEmpty());
项目:unitimes    文件   
public String htmlLabel() {
    Set<TeachingClassRequest> requests = new TreeSet<TeachingClassRequest>(getClassRequests());
    String classes = null;
    for (TeachingClassRequest r: requests) {
        if (classes == null)
            classes = r.getTeachingClass().htmlLabel();
            classes += ", " + r.getTeachingClass().htmlLabel();
    return getOffering().getCourseName() + (classes == null ? "" : " " + classes);
项目:waggle-dance    文件   
private static String normaliseMetaStoreUris(String metaStoreUris) {
  try {
    String[] rawUris = metaStoreUris.split(",");
    Set<String> uris = new TreeSet<>();
    for (String rawUri : rawUris) {
      URI uri = new URI(rawUri);
    return Joiner.on(",").join(uris);
  } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
项目:RefDiff    文件   
private void printReturnInMethod(PrintStream p, TreeSet<LSDFact> ontheflyDeltaKB, LSDFact methodF) { 
    for (LSDFact fact:originalDeltaKB) {
        if (fact.getPredicate().getName().indexOf("_return")>0 && fact.getBindings().get(0).getGroundConst().equals(methodF.getBindings().get(0).getGroundConst())){ 
            if (filter.methodLevel) ontheflyDeltaKB.add(fact);
            if (filter.methodLevel&& p!=null) p.println("\t\t\t"+ fact); 
项目:unitimes    文件   
/** Ordered set of distribution objects */
public Set<DistributionObject> getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects() {
    try {
        return new TreeSet<DistributionObject>(getDistributionObjects());
    } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
        (new DistributionPrefDAO()).getSession().refresh(this);
        return new TreeSet<DistributionObject>(getDistributionObjects());
项目:MybatisGeneatorUtil    文件   
public void addInterfaceElements(Interface interfaze) {
    Set<FullyQualifiedJavaType> importedTypes = new TreeSet<FullyQualifiedJavaType>();
    Method method = getMethodShell(importedTypes);

    if (context.getPlugins().clientSelectByPrimaryKeyMethodGenerated(
            method, interfaze, introspectedTable)) {
项目:mycat-src-1.6.1-RELEASE    文件   
private static Set<String> getTableSet(ServerConnection c, Map<String, String> parm)
    TreeSet<String> tableSet = new TreeSet<String>();
    MycatConfig conf = MycatServer.getInstance().getConfig();

    Map<String, UserConfig> users = conf.getUsers();
    UserConfig user = users == null ? null : users.get(c.getUser());
    if (user != null) {

        Map<String, SchemaConfig> schemas = conf.getSchemas();
        for (String name:schemas.keySet()){
            if (null !=parm.get(SCHEMA_KEY) && parm.get(SCHEMA_KEY).toUpperCase().equals(name.toUpperCase())  ){

                    String p = "^" + parm.get("LIKE_KEY").replaceAll("%", ".*");
                    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(p,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
                    Matcher ma ;

                    for (String tname : schemas.get(name).getTables().keySet()){



    return tableSet;
项目:ultrasonic    文件   
 * Similar to {@link File#listFiles()}, but returns a sorted set.
 * Never returns {@code null}, instead a warning is logged, and an empty set is returned.
public static SortedSet<File> listFiles(File dir)
    File[] files = dir.listFiles();

    if (files == null)
        Log.w(TAG, String.format("Failed to list children for %s", dir.getPath()));
        return new TreeSet<File>();

    return new TreeSet<File>(Arrays.asList(files));