protected Map<MicroserviceVersionMeta, Map<String, MicroserviceInstance>> groupByVersion(Invocation invocation, Map<String, MicroserviceInstance> instances) { OperationMeta latestOperationMeta = invocation.getOperationMeta(); MicroserviceMeta latestMicroserviceMeta = latestOperationMeta.getSchemaMeta().getMicroserviceMeta(); AppManager appManager = RegistryUtils.getServiceRegistry().getAppManager(); MicroserviceVersions MicroserviceVersions = appManager.getOrCreateMicroserviceVersions(latestMicroserviceMeta.getAppId(), latestMicroserviceMeta.getName()); Map<MicroserviceVersionMeta, Map<String, MicroserviceInstance>> versionMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (MicroserviceInstance instance : instances.values()) { MicroserviceVersionMeta versionMeta = MicroserviceVersions.getVersion(instance.getServiceId()); Map<String, MicroserviceInstance> versionInstances = versionMap.computeIfAbsent(versionMeta, vm -> { return new HashMap<>(); }); versionInstances.put(instance.getInstanceId(), instance); } return versionMap; }
@Override public synchronized String register(String subject, Schema schema) throws IOException, RestClientException { Map<Schema, String> schemaIdMap; if (schemaCache.containsKey(subject)) { schemaIdMap = schemaCache.get(subject); } else { schemaIdMap = new IdentityHashMap<Schema, String>(); schemaCache.put(subject, schemaIdMap); } if (schemaIdMap.containsKey(schema)) { return schemaIdMap.get(schema); } else { String id = getIdFromRegistry(subject, schema); schemaIdMap.put(schema, id); idCache.get(null).put(id, schema); return id; } }
@Override public synchronized String register(String subject, Schema schema) throws IOException, RestClientException { Map<Schema, String> schemaIdMap; if (schemaCache.containsKey(subject)) { schemaIdMap = schemaCache.get(subject); } else { schemaIdMap = new IdentityHashMap<Schema, String>(); schemaCache.put(subject, schemaIdMap); } if (schemaIdMap.containsKey(schema)) { return schemaIdMap.get(schema); } else { if (schemaIdMap.size() >= identityMapCapacity) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too many schema objects created for " + subject + "!"); } String id = registerAndGetId(subject, schema); schemaIdMap.put(schema, id); idCache.get(null).put(id, schema); return id; } }
@Override public synchronized int getVersion(String subject, Schema schema) throws IOException, RestClientException{ Map<Schema, Integer> schemaVersionMap; if (versionCache.containsKey(subject)) { schemaVersionMap = versionCache.get(subject); } else { schemaVersionMap = new IdentityHashMap<Schema, Integer>(); versionCache.put(subject, schemaVersionMap); } if (schemaVersionMap.containsKey(schema)) { return schemaVersionMap.get(schema); } else { if (schemaVersionMap.size() >= identityMapCapacity) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too many schema objects created for " + subject + "!"); } int version = getVersionFromRegistry(subject, schema); schemaVersionMap.put(schema, version); return version; } }
static CloneableEditorSupport findRedirect(CloneableEditorSupport one, boolean check) { Map<Lookup,CloneableEditorSupport> all = CHECKED.get(); if (all == null) { all = new IdentityHashMap<Lookup, CloneableEditorSupport>(); CHECKED.set(all); } final Lookup lkp = one.getLookup(); try { if (check && all.containsKey(lkp)) { return null; } all.put(lkp, one); for (CloneableEditorSupportRedirector r : Lookup.getDefault().lookupAll(CloneableEditorSupportRedirector.class)) { CloneableEditorSupport ces = r.redirect(lkp); if (ces != null && ces != one) { return ces; } } return null; } finally { all.remove(lkp); } }
public static Map<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> sortFiles(Collection<? extends FileObject> from) { Map<CPCategorizer, Collection<FileObject>> m = new HashMap<CPCategorizer, Collection<FileObject>>(); for (FileObject f : from) { CPCategorizer cpCategorizer = new CPCategorizer(f); Collection<FileObject> files = m.get(cpCategorizer); if (files == null) { m.put(cpCategorizer, files = new LinkedList<FileObject>()); } files.add(f); } Map<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> result = new IdentityHashMap<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>>(); for (Entry<CPCategorizer, Collection<FileObject>> e : m.entrySet()) { result.put(ClasspathInfo.create(e.getKey().boot, e.getKey().compile, e.getKey().source), e.getValue()); } return result; }
private static Map<Onderzoek, Lo3Onderzoek> vulOnderzoeken(final Collection<Onderzoek> onderzoeken) { final Map<Onderzoek, Lo3Onderzoek> resultaat = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (final Onderzoek onderzoek : onderzoeken) { final OnderzoekStandaardRecord onderzoekActueel = bepaalLaatsteRecord(onderzoek.getStandaard()); Assert.notNull(onderzoekActueel, "Geen actueel record voor onderzoek gevonden."); if (onderzoekActueel != null) { final String lo3GegevensInOnderzoek = bepaalGegevensInOnderzoek(onderzoekActueel); final Lo3Datum datumIngangOnderzoek = new BrpDatum(onderzoekActueel.getDatumAanvang(), null).converteerNaarLo3Datum(); final boolean isOnderzoekBeindigd = StatusOnderzoek.AFGESLOTEN.getNaam().equals(onderzoekActueel.getStatus()); final Lo3Datum datumEindeOnderzoek = isOnderzoekBeindigd ? new BrpDatum(onderzoekActueel.getDatumEinde(), null).converteerNaarLo3Datum() : null; final Lo3Onderzoek lo3Onderzoek = new Lo3Onderzoek(new Lo3Integer(lo3GegevensInOnderzoek, null), datumIngangOnderzoek, datumEindeOnderzoek); resultaat.put(onderzoek, lo3Onderzoek); } } return resultaat; }
private void computeDataFlow() { Map<Tree, Collection<Tree>> res = new IdentityHashMap<Tree, Collection<Tree>>(7); for (Map.Entry<Tree, Iterable<? extends TreePath>> e : assignmentsForUse.entrySet()) { Tree k = e.getKey(); for (TreePath p : e.getValue()) { if (p == null) { continue; } Tree l = p.getLeaf(); Collection<Tree> users = res.get(l); if (users == null) { users = new ArrayList<Tree>(2); res.put(l, users); } users.add(k); } } dataFlow = res; }
@Test public void testIdentityHashMap() { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { Map<Integer,String> test = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++) { test.put(new Integer(k), ""); } Iterator<Integer> testIter = test.keySet().iterator(); while (testIter.hasNext()) { Integer elem =; if (elem.intValue() != 6) { testIter.remove(); } } assertEquals(1, test.keySet().size()); assertEquals(Collections.singleton(new Integer(6)), test.keySet()); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final IdentityHashMap<String, String> identityHashMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); identityHashMap.put("One", "Un"); identityHashMap.put("Two", "Deux"); identityHashMap.put("Three", "Trois"); Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySet = identityHashMap.entrySet(); HashSet<Map.Entry<String, String>> hashSet = new HashSet<>(entrySet); // NB: These comparisons are valid in this case because none of the // keys put into 'identityHashMap' above are equal to any other. if (false == hashSet.equals(entrySet)) { throw new RuntimeException("Test FAILED: Sets are not equal."); } if (hashSet.hashCode() != entrySet.hashCode()) { throw new RuntimeException("Test FAILED: Set's hashcodes are not equal."); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final IdentityHashMap<String, String> identityHashMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); identityHashMap.put("One", "Un"); identityHashMap.put("Two", "Deux"); identityHashMap.put("Three", "Trois"); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySetIterator = identityHashMap.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry<String, String> entry =; entrySetIterator.remove(); try { entry.getKey(); throw new RuntimeException("Test FAILED: Entry not invalidated by removal."); } catch (Exception e) { } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) { return method.invoke(map, args); } String methodName = method.getName(); Object value = null; if (methodName.length() > 3 && methodName.startsWith("get")) { value = map.get(methodName.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring(4)); } else if (methodName.length() > 2 && methodName.startsWith("is")) { value = map.get(methodName.substring(2, 3).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring(3)); } else { value = map.get(methodName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring(1)); } if (value instanceof Map<?,?> && ! Map.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { value = realize0((Map<String, Object>) value, method.getReturnType(), null, new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>()); } return value; }
@Test public void testReconcile() throws Exception { Map<Instruction, String> values = new IdentityHashMap<>(); values.put(CreateInstruction.builder().build(), "i1"); values.put(CancelInstruction.builder().build(), "i2"); values.put(null, "i3"); values.put(CancelInstruction.builder().build(), null); Request request = Request.builder().build(); doReturn(TRUE).when(target).checkCreated(same(context), any(), eq("i1"), any(), any()); doReturn(TRUE).when(target).checkCancelled(same(context), any(), eq("i2"), any(), any()); Map<Instruction, Boolean> results = target.reconcile(context, request, values); assertEquals(results.size(), 2); results.values().forEach(Assert::assertTrue); verify(target).checkCreated(same(context), any(), eq("i1"), any(), any()); verify(target).checkCancelled(same(context), any(), eq("i2"), any(), any()); // No input assertEquals(target.reconcile(context, request, null).size(), 0); }
private static <T> Collection<Object[]> makeMapsMoreTypes(String desc, T[] keys, T val) { Collection<Object[]> cases = new ArrayList<>(); cases.add(createCase("Hashtable with " + desc, new Hashtable<>(), keys, val)); cases.add(createCase("IdentityHashMap with " + desc, new IdentityHashMap<>(), keys, val)); cases.add(createCase("TreeMap with " + desc, new TreeMap<>(), keys, val)); cases.add(createCase("WeakHashMap with " + desc, new WeakHashMap<>(), keys, val)); cases.add(createCase("ConcurrentHashMap with " + desc, new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), keys, val)); cases.add(createCase("ConcurrentSkipListMap with " + desc, new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(), keys, val)); return cases; }
/** * 获取单例 * * @param redisPropertiesFilename * @param tClass * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T extends AbstractRedisService> T getRedisService(String redisPropertiesFilename, Class<T> tClass) { IdentityHashMap<Class, ? extends AbstractRedisService> redisServices = INSTANCES.get(redisPropertiesFilename); if (redisServices != null) { return (T) redisServices.get(tClass); } IdentityHashMap<Class, AbstractRedisService> newRedisServices = new IdentityHashMap<>(); RedisConfig redisConfig = getRedisConfig(redisPropertiesFilename); newRedisServices.put(AppInfoCacheServiceAbstract.class, new AppInfoCacheServiceAbstract(redisConfig)); newRedisServices.put(InterfaceInfoCacheServiceAbstract.class, new InterfaceInfoCacheServiceAbstract(redisConfig)); newRedisServices.put(TokenInfoCacheServiceAbstract.class, new TokenInfoCacheServiceAbstract(redisConfig)); newRedisServices.put(FrequencyCacheServiceAbstract.class, new FrequencyCacheServiceAbstract(redisConfig)); newRedisServices.put(StatisticsCacheServiceAbstract.class, new StatisticsCacheServiceAbstract(redisConfig)); newRedisServices.put(VerificationCodeServiceAbstract.class, new VerificationCodeServiceAbstract(redisConfig)); newRedisServices.put(AuthCodeCacheServiceAbstract.class, new AuthCodeCacheServiceAbstract(redisConfig)); redisServices = INSTANCES.putIfAbsent(redisPropertiesFilename, newRedisServices); if (redisServices == null) { redisServices = newRedisServices; } return (T) redisServices.get(tClass); }
/** * Currently unused * * @param resultSet The result set * * @return The entity load context */ @SuppressWarnings( {"UnusedDeclaration"}) public EntityLoadContext getEntityLoadContext(ResultSet resultSet) { EntityLoadContext context = null; if ( entityLoadContexts == null ) { entityLoadContexts = new IdentityHashMap<ResultSet, EntityLoadContext>( 8 ); } else { context = entityLoadContexts.get( resultSet ); } if ( context == null ) { context = new EntityLoadContext( this, resultSet ); entityLoadContexts.put( resultSet, context ); } return context; }
private boolean checkChildren(LogicalExpression e, IdentityHashMap<LogicalExpression, Object> value, boolean transmitsConstant){ List<LogicalExpression> constants = Lists.newLinkedList(); boolean constant = true; for(LogicalExpression child : e){ if(child.accept(this, value)){ constants.add(child); }else{ constant = false; } } // if one or more clauses isn't constant, this isn't constant. this also isn't a constant if it operates on a set. if(!constant || !transmitsConstant){ for(LogicalExpression c: constants){ value.put(c, true); } } return constant && transmitsConstant; }
/** * Get a list of expressions that mark boundaries into a constant space. * @param e * @return */ public static Set<LogicalExpression> getConstantExpressionSet(LogicalExpression e){ IdentityHashMap<LogicalExpression, Object> map = new IdentityHashMap<>(); ConstantExpressionIdentifier visitor = new ConstantExpressionIdentifier(); if(e.accept(visitor, map) && map.isEmpty()){ // if we receive a constant value here but the map is empty, this means the entire tree is a constant. // note, we can't use a singleton collection here because we need an identity set. map.put(e, true); return map.keySet(); }else if(map.isEmpty()){ // so we don't continue to carry around a map, we let it go here and simply return an empty set. return Collections.emptySet(); }else{ return map.keySet(); } }
private Object processMap(Object parent, Property property, Map<?, ?> mapObj, IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> map, Map<Object, Object> evictees, InitialiserCallback callback, List<PropertySet> propsToSet) { Map<Object, Object> newMap = getSupportedMap(mapObj); for( Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : mapObj.entrySet() ) { Object newKey = processObject(parent, property, entry.getKey(), null, map, evictees, callback, propsToSet); Object newVal = processObject(parent, property, entry.getValue(), null, map, evictees, callback, propsToSet); newMap.put(newKey, newVal); } map.put(mapObj, newMap); return newMap; }
public void testIdentityEntrySetIteratorRemove() { BiMap<Integer, String> bimap = new AbstractBiMap<Integer, String>( new IdentityHashMap<Integer, String>(), new IdentityHashMap<String, Integer>()) {}; bimap.put(1, "one"); bimap.put(2, "two"); bimap.put(3, "three"); Iterator<Entry<Integer, String>> iterator = bimap.entrySet().iterator();;; iterator.remove();; iterator.remove(); assertEquals(1, bimap.size()); assertEquals(1, bimap.inverse().size()); }
public static JavaBeanDescriptor serialize(Object obj, JavaBeanAccessor accessor) { if (obj == null) { return null; } if (obj instanceof JavaBeanDescriptor) { return (JavaBeanDescriptor)obj; } IdentityHashMap<Object, JavaBeanDescriptor> cache = new IdentityHashMap<Object, JavaBeanDescriptor>(); JavaBeanDescriptor result = createDescriptorIfAbsent(obj, accessor, cache); return result; }
public void setContext(SerialContext parent, Object object, Object fieldName, int features, int fieldFeatures) { if (out.disableCircularReferenceDetect) { return; } this.context = new SerialContext(parent, object, fieldName, features, fieldFeatures); if (references == null) { references = new IdentityHashMap<Object, SerialContext>(); } this.references.put(object, context); }
public synchronized void clear() { mCleared = true; mFolderMap = new EnumMap<ResourceFolderType, List<ResourceFolder>>( ResourceFolderType.class); mResourceMap = new EnumMap<ResourceType, Map<String, ResourceItem>>( ResourceType.class); mReadOnlyListMap = new IdentityHashMap<Map<String, ResourceItem>, Collection<ResourceItem>>(); }
private static <T> void sanitizeMatches(Map<T, T> matches) { Set<T> matched = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>(matches.size())); Set<T> conflictingMatches = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); for (T cls : matches.values()) { if (!matched.add(cls)) { conflictingMatches.add(cls); } } if (!conflictingMatches.isEmpty()) { matches.values().removeAll(conflictingMatches); } }
private void generateVersion(String subject, Schema schema) { ArrayList<Integer> versions = getAllVersions(subject); Map<Schema, Integer> schemaVersionMap; int currentVersion; if (versions.isEmpty()) { schemaVersionMap = new IdentityHashMap<Schema, Integer>(); currentVersion = 1; } else { schemaVersionMap = versionCache.get(subject); currentVersion = versions.get(versions.size() - 1) + 1; } schemaVersionMap.put(schema, currentVersion); versionCache.put(subject, schemaVersionMap); }
@Test public void testMerge() { CreateInstruction new1 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(valueOf(11)).size(valueOf(21)).build(); CreateInstruction new2 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(valueOf(12)).size(valueOf(22)).build(); CreateInstruction new3 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(valueOf(13)).size(valueOf(23)).build(); CreateInstruction new4 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(valueOf(14)).size(valueOf(24)).build(); CreateInstruction new5 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(valueOf(15)).size(valueOf(25)).build(); CreateInstruction new6 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(null).size(valueOf(26)).build(); CreateInstruction new7 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(valueOf(17)).size(null).build(); CreateInstruction new8 = CreateInstruction.builder().price(valueOf(18)).size(valueOf(0)).build(); List<CreateInstruction> creates = asList(new4, new8, new2, new7, new3, new6, new5, new1); // Shuffled CancelInstruction cancel1 = CancelInstruction.builder().build(); CancelInstruction cancel2 = CancelInstruction.builder().build(); CancelInstruction cancel3 = CancelInstruction.builder().build(); CancelInstruction cancel4 = CancelInstruction.builder().build(); Map<CancelInstruction, Order> cancels = new IdentityHashMap<>(); cancels.put(cancel1, mock(Order.class)); // Net cancels.put(cancel2, mock(Order.class)); // Cancel - no price cancels.put(cancel3, mock(Order.class)); // Cancel - no size cancels.put(cancel4, mock(Order.class)); // Net when(cancels.get(cancel1).getOrderPrice()).thenReturn(new1.getPrice()); when(cancels.get(cancel1).getRemainingQuantity()).thenReturn(new1.getSize()); when(cancels.get(cancel2).getOrderPrice()).thenReturn(null); when(cancels.get(cancel2).getRemainingQuantity()).thenReturn(new2.getSize()); when(cancels.get(cancel3).getOrderPrice()).thenReturn(new3.getPrice()); when(cancels.get(cancel3).getRemainingQuantity()).thenReturn(null); when(cancels.get(cancel4).getOrderPrice()).thenReturn(new4.getPrice()); when(cancels.get(cancel4).getRemainingQuantity()).thenReturn(new4.getSize()); List<Instruction> results = target.merge(creates, cancels); assertEquals(results.size(), 5); // cancel(o2, o3) + create(c2, c4, c5) assertTrue(results.contains(cancel2)); assertTrue(results.contains(cancel3)); assertTrue(results.contains(new2)); assertTrue(results.contains(new3)); assertTrue(results.contains(new5)); }
@Override public RuntimeException interceptException(DebugContext debug, Throwable e) { if (e instanceof BailoutException && !DebugOptions.InterceptBailout.getValue(options)) { return null; } OptionValues interceptOptions = new OptionValues(options, DebugOptions.Count, null, DebugOptions.Time, null, DebugOptions.TrackMemUse, null, DebugOptions.Verify, null, DebugOptions.Dump, ":" + BASIC_LEVEL, DebugOptions.Log, ":" + BASIC_LEVEL); DebugConfigImpl config = new DebugConfigImpl(interceptOptions, output, dumpHandlers, verifyHandlers); ScopeImpl scope = debug.currentScope; scope.updateFlags(config); try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos)); debug.log("Exception raised in scope %s: %s", debug.getCurrentScopeName(), baos); Map<Object, Object> firstSeen = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (Object o : debug.context()) { // Only dump a context object once. if (!firstSeen.containsKey(o)) { firstSeen.put(o, o); if (DebugOptions.DumpOnError.getValue(options) || DebugOptions.Dump.getValue(options) != null) { debug.dump(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL, o, "Exception: %s", e); } else { debug.log("Context obj %s", o); } } } } finally { scope.updateFlags(this); } return null; }
private static String findRefsFromRoot(final Object target, final Set<?> rootsHint) throws Exception { int count = Integer.getInteger("assertgc.paths", 1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final Map<Object,Void> skip = new IdentityHashMap<Object,Void>(); org.netbeans.insane.scanner.Filter knownPath = new org.netbeans.insane.scanner.Filter() { public @Override boolean accept(Object obj, Object referredFrom, Field reference) { return !skip.containsKey(obj); } }; while (count-- > 0) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Object,Path> m = LiveReferences.fromRoots(Collections.singleton(target), (Set<Object>)rootsHint, null, knownPath); Path p = m.get(target); if (p == null) { break; } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append("\n\n"); } sb.append(p); for (; p != null; p=p.nextNode()) { Object o = p.getObject(); if (o != target) { skip.put(o, null); } } } return sb.length() > 0 ? sb.toString() : "Not found!!!"; }
private void lockTXRegions(IdentityHashMap<LocalRegion, TXRegionState> regions) { Iterator<Map.Entry<LocalRegion, TXRegionState>> it = regions.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<LocalRegion, TXRegionState> me =; LocalRegion r = me.getKey(); r.getRegionMap().lockRegionForAtomicTX(r); } }
@Override public void classPathsChange(AbstractClassPathProvider.ClassPathsChangeEvent event) { final Map<String,Set<ClassPath>> snapshot = new HashMap<>(); for (String cpType : event.getChangedClassPathTypes()) { if (classPathTypes.contains(cpType)) { final ClassPath[] cps = cpProvider.getProjectClassPaths(cpType); final Set<ClassPath> newCps = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); Collections.addAll(newCps, cps); snapshot.put(cpType, newCps); } } if (!snapshot.isEmpty()) { updateClassPathCache(snapshot); } }
private static Set<Class<?>> createPrimitiveWrapperTypes() { final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> classes = new IdentityHashMap<>(); addClassHierarchy(classes, Boolean.class); addClassHierarchy(classes, Byte.class); addClassHierarchy(classes, Character.class); addClassHierarchy(classes, Short.class); addClassHierarchy(classes, Integer.class); addClassHierarchy(classes, Long.class); addClassHierarchy(classes, Float.class); addClassHierarchy(classes, Double.class); return classes.keySet(); }
/** * Reset the cache of child components used in getContainerClientId */ private void _resetContainerClientIdCache() { if(_containerClientIdCache == null) _containerClientIdCache = new IdentityHashMap<UIComponent, Boolean>(); else _containerClientIdCache.clear(); TableUtils.cacheHeaderFooterFacets(this, _containerClientIdCache); TableUtils.cacheColumnHeaderFooterFacets(this, _containerClientIdCache); }
/** * Checks that inserting (threshold+1) item causes resizing * of the internal storage */ @Test(dataProvider = "sizes") public void passingThresholdCausesResize(int size) throws Throwable { final int threshold = threshold(size); IdentityHashMap<Object,Object> m = new IdentityHashMap<>(threshold); int initialCapacity = capacity(m); growUsingPut(m, threshold); assertCapacity(m, initialCapacity); growUsingPut(m, 1); assertCapacity(m, 2 * initialCapacity); }
@Override public void initialiseClones(Object object) { IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> map = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>(); Map<Object, Object> evictees = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>(); initialiseClones(object, map, evictees, null, null); evictFromSession(evictees.keySet()); }
private static <K, V> Map<V, K> invertMap(final Map<K, V> map) { final Map<V, K> inverted = new IdentityHashMap<>(map.size()); for(final Map.Entry<K, V> entry: map.entrySet()) { inverted.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(inverted); }
private void globalPathRegistry_register(String id, ClassPath... classpaths) { Map<ClassPath,Void> map = registeredClasspaths.get(id); if (map == null) { map = new IdentityHashMap<ClassPath, Void>(); registeredClasspaths.put(id, map); } for (ClassPath cp : classpaths) { map.put(cp,null); } GlobalPathRegistry.getDefault().register(id, classpaths); }
private Set<Lookup> identityHashSet(Collection<Lookup> current) { Map<Lookup,Void> map = new IdentityHashMap<Lookup, Void>(); for (Lookup lookup : current) { map.put(lookup, null); } return map.keySet(); }
public static Object deserialize(JavaBeanDescriptor beanDescriptor, ClassLoader loader) { if (beanDescriptor == null) { return null; } IdentityHashMap<JavaBeanDescriptor, Object> cache = new IdentityHashMap<JavaBeanDescriptor, Object>(); Object result = instantiateForDeserialize(beanDescriptor, loader, cache); deserializeInternal(result, beanDescriptor, loader, cache); return result; }
private void globalPathRegistry_register(String id, ClassPath [] classpaths) { Set<ClassPath> set = registeredClasspaths.get(id); if (set == null) { set = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<ClassPath, Boolean>()); registeredClasspaths.put(id, set); } for (ClassPath cp : classpaths) { set.add(cp); } GlobalPathRegistry.getDefault().register(id, classpaths); }
private void globalPathRegistry_register(String id, ClassPath [] classpaths) { Map<ClassPath,Void> map = registeredClasspaths.get(id); if (map == null) { map = new IdentityHashMap<ClassPath, Void>(); registeredClasspaths.put(id, map); } for (ClassPath cp : classpaths) { map.put(cp,null); } GlobalPathRegistry.getDefault().register(id, classpaths); }