NIOConnection(final short p_ownNodeId, final short p_destination, final int p_bufferSize, final int p_flowControlWindowSize, final float p_flowControlWindowThreshold, final IncomingBufferQueue p_incomingBufferQueue, final MessageHeaderPool p_messageHeaderPool, final MessageDirectory p_messageDirectory, final RequestMap p_requestMap, final MessageHandlers p_messageHandlers, final BufferPool p_bufferPool, final AbstractExporterPool p_exporterPool, final NIOSelector p_nioSelector, final NodeMap p_nodeMap, final ReentrantLock p_lock, final Condition p_cond) { super(p_ownNodeId); NIOFlowControl flowControl = new NIOFlowControl(p_destination, p_flowControlWindowSize, p_flowControlWindowThreshold, p_nioSelector, this); NIOOutgoingRingBuffer outgoingBuffer = new NIOOutgoingRingBuffer(p_bufferSize, p_exporterPool); NIOPipeIn pipeIn = new NIOPipeIn(p_ownNodeId, p_destination, p_messageHeaderPool, flowControl, p_messageDirectory, p_requestMap, p_messageHandlers, p_bufferPool, p_incomingBufferQueue, this); NIOPipeOut pipeOut = new NIOPipeOut(p_ownNodeId, p_destination, p_bufferSize, flowControl, outgoingBuffer, p_nioSelector, p_nodeMap, this); setPipes(pipeIn, pipeOut); m_nioSelector = p_nioSelector; m_connectionCondLock = p_lock; m_connectionCond = p_cond; }
public void testSignalAll(boolean fair, final AwaitMethod awaitMethod) { final PublicReentrantLock lock = new PublicReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); final CountDownLatch pleaseSignal = new CountDownLatch(2); class Awaiter extends CheckedRunnable { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { lock.lock(); pleaseSignal.countDown(); await(c, awaitMethod); lock.unlock(); } } Thread t1 = newStartedThread(new Awaiter()); Thread t2 = newStartedThread(new Awaiter()); await(pleaseSignal); lock.lock(); assertHasWaiters(lock, c, t1, t2); c.signalAll(); assertHasNoWaiters(lock, c); lock.unlock(); awaitTermination(t1); awaitTermination(t2); }
@Test public void exceptionIsThrownAndEventIsCleanedUpIfAwaitTimesOut() throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException { SynchronizationEvent synchronizationEvent = mock(SynchronizationEvent.class); when(synchronizationEvent.isSatisfied()).thenReturn(false); Condition condition = mock(Condition.class); // condition#await returns false if time was exceeded when(condition.await(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).thenReturn(false); Lock lock = mock(Lock.class); when(lock.newCondition()).thenReturn(condition); SignalizationBasedEventSynchronizer signalizationBasedEventSynchronizer = new SignalizationBasedEventSynchronizer(timeout, lock); expectedException.expect(TimeoutException.class); signalizationBasedEventSynchronizer.awaitUntil(synchronizationEvent); }
@Test public void ifIllegalStateExceptionIsThrownIsIsLocked() throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException { SynchronizationEvent synchronizationEvent = mock(SynchronizationEvent.class); when(synchronizationEvent.isSatisfied()).thenReturn(false); Condition condition = mock(Condition.class); doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> { Thread.sleep(2000); return false; }).when(condition).await(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Lock lock = mock(Lock.class); when(lock.newCondition()).thenReturn(condition); doNothing().doThrow(new IllegalMonitorStateException()).when(lock).lock(); SignalizationBasedEventSynchronizer signalizationBasedEventSynchronizer = new SignalizationBasedEventSynchronizer(timeout, lock); Thread signalizingThread = new Thread(new SignalizingRunnable(signalizationBasedEventSynchronizer, synchronizationEvent)); expectedException.expect(TimeoutException.class); signalizingThread.start(); signalizationBasedEventSynchronizer.awaitUntil(synchronizationEvent); signalizingThread.join(); }
public UnlockAll lockAll() { iLock.lock(); try { iLog.debug("Locking all ..."); while (iAllLocked != null) iAllLocked.awaitUninterruptibly(); iAllLocked = iLock.newCondition(); while (!iIndividualLocks.isEmpty()) { Condition otherCondition = iIndividualLocks.values().iterator().next(); otherCondition.awaitUninterruptibly(); } iLog.debug("Locked: all"); return new UnlockAll(); } finally { iLock.unlock(); } }
public Unlock lock(Collection<Long> ids) { iLock.lock(); try { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) return new Unlock(ids); iLog.debug("Locking " + ids + " ..."); Condition otherCondition = null; while ((otherCondition = hasLock(ids)) != null) otherCondition.awaitUninterruptibly(); Condition myCondition = iLock.newCondition(); for (Long id: ids) iIndividualLocks.put(id, myCondition); iLog.debug("Locked: " + ids); return new Unlock(ids); } finally { iLock.unlock(); } }
public EventQueue() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { queues[i] = new Queue(); } /* * NOTE: if you ever have to start the associated event dispatch * thread at this point, be aware of the following problem: * If this EventQueue instance is created in * SunToolkit.createNewAppContext() the started dispatch thread * may call AppContext.getAppContext() before createNewAppContext() * completes thus causing mess in thread group to appcontext mapping. */ appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); pushPopLock = (Lock)appContext.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_LOCK_KEY); pushPopCond = (Condition)appContext.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_COND_KEY); }
/** * Constructor for AppContext. This method is <i>not</i> public, * nor should it ever be used as such. The proper way to construct * an AppContext is through the use of SunToolkit.createNewAppContext. * A ThreadGroup is created for the new AppContext, a Thread is * created within that ThreadGroup, and that Thread calls * SunToolkit.createNewAppContext before calling anything else. * That creates both the new AppContext and its EventQueue. * * @param threadGroup The ThreadGroup for the new AppContext * @see sun.awt.SunToolkit * @since 1.2 */ AppContext(ThreadGroup threadGroup) { numAppContexts.incrementAndGet(); this.threadGroup = threadGroup; threadGroup2appContext.put(threadGroup, this); this.contextClassLoader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() { public ClassLoader run() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } }); // Initialize push/pop lock and its condition to be used by all the // EventQueues within this AppContext Lock eventQueuePushPopLock = new ReentrantLock(); put(EVENT_QUEUE_LOCK_KEY, eventQueuePushPopLock); Condition eventQueuePushPopCond = eventQueuePushPopLock.newCondition(); put(EVENT_QUEUE_COND_KEY, eventQueuePushPopCond); }
void test(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor p) throws Throwable { Runnable dummy = new Runnable() { public void run() { throw new AssertionError("shouldn't get here"); }}; BlockingQueue q = p.getQueue(); ReentrantLock lock = getField(q, "lock"); Condition available = getField(q, "available"); equal(0, p.getPoolSize()); equal(0, p.getLargestPoolSize()); equal(0L, p.getTaskCount()); equal(0L, p.getCompletedTaskCount()); p.schedule(dummy, 1L, HOURS); // Ensure one pool thread actually waits in timed queue poll awaitHasWaiters(lock, available, LONG_DELAY_MS); equal(1, p.getPoolSize()); equal(1, p.getLargestPoolSize()); equal(1L, p.getTaskCount()); equal(0L, p.getCompletedTaskCount()); }
public void testAwait(boolean fair) { final PublicReentrantLock lock = new PublicReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); final CountDownLatch locked = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread t = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { lock.lock(); locked.countDown(); c.await(); lock.unlock(); }}); await(locked); lock.lock(); assertHasWaiters(lock, c, t); c.signal(); assertHasNoWaiters(lock, c); assertTrue(t.isAlive()); lock.unlock(); awaitTermination(t); }
/** * Awaits condition "indefinitely" using the specified AwaitMethod. */ void await(Condition c, AwaitMethod awaitMethod) throws InterruptedException { long timeoutMillis = 2 * LONG_DELAY_MS; switch (awaitMethod) { case await: c.await(); break; case awaitTimed: assertTrue(c.await(timeoutMillis, MILLISECONDS)); break; case awaitNanos: long timeoutNanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMillis); long nanosRemaining = c.awaitNanos(timeoutNanos); assertTrue(nanosRemaining > timeoutNanos / 2); assertTrue(nanosRemaining <= timeoutNanos); break; case awaitUntil: assertTrue(c.awaitUntil(delayedDate(timeoutMillis))); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } }
public void testGetWaitQueueLength(boolean fair) { final PublicReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new PublicReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.writeLock().newCondition(); final CountDownLatch locked = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread t = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { lock.writeLock().lock(); assertEquals(0, lock.getWaitQueueLength(c)); locked.countDown(); c.await(); lock.writeLock().unlock(); }}); await(locked); lock.writeLock().lock(); assertHasWaiters(lock, c, t); assertEquals(1, lock.getWaitQueueLength(c)); c.signal(); assertHasNoWaiters(lock, c); assertEquals(0, lock.getWaitQueueLength(c)); lock.writeLock().unlock(); awaitTermination(t); }
public void testAwait(boolean fair) { final PublicReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new PublicReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.writeLock().newCondition(); final CountDownLatch locked = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread t = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { lock.writeLock().lock(); locked.countDown(); c.await(); lock.writeLock().unlock(); }}); await(locked); lock.writeLock().lock(); assertHasWaiters(lock, c, t); c.signal(); assertHasNoWaiters(lock, c); assertTrue(t.isAlive()); lock.writeLock().unlock(); awaitTermination(t); }
private static void signal(Lock lock, Condition condition, Runnable runnable) { boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted(); lock.lock(); try {; condition.signal(); } finally { lock.unlock(); if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }
private static void signal(Lock lock, Condition condition) { signal(lock, condition, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { } }); }
/** * Creates a new instance, which will begin at the specified epoch and efficiently accommodate waiting for epochs up * to (current epoch) + (horizon). * * @param horizon how far in the future an epoch can be waited for without sacrificing efficiency. * @param epoch the initial epoch; must be at least -1 */ public ImminentEpochEvent(int horizon, long epoch) { if (epoch < -1) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Initial epoch cannot be less than -1"); } _locks = new ReentrantLock[horizon]; _conditions = new Condition[horizon]; _epoch = new AtomicLong(epoch); for (int i = 0; i < _locks.length; i++) { _locks[i] = new ReentrantLock(); _conditions[i] = _locks[i].newCondition(); } }
public void testHasWaitersIAE(boolean fair) { final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); final ReentrantLock lock2 = new ReentrantLock(fair); try { lock2.hasWaiters(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {} }
public void testAwaitNanos_Timeout(boolean fair) { final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); final long timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis(); final long timeoutNanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMillis); lock.lock(); final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { long nanosRemaining = c.awaitNanos(timeoutNanos); assertTrue(nanosRemaining <= 0); } catch (InterruptedException fail) { threadUnexpectedException(fail); } assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) >= timeoutMillis); lock.unlock(); }
public void testAwaitUntil_Timeout(boolean fair) { final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); lock.lock(); // We shouldn't assume that nanoTime and currentTimeMillis // use the same time source, so don't use nanoTime here. final java.util.Date delayedDate = delayedDate(timeoutMillis()); try { assertFalse(c.awaitUntil(delayedDate)); } catch (InterruptedException fail) { threadUnexpectedException(fail); } assertTrue(new java.util.Date().getTime() >= delayedDate.getTime()); lock.unlock(); }
private void startThrift() throws Exception { final Lock startLock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition startCondition = startLock.newCondition(); final AtomicBoolean startedServing = new AtomicBoolean(); try (ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0)) { thriftPort = socket.getLocalPort(); } conf.setVar(ConfVars.METASTOREURIS, getThriftConnectionUri()); final HiveConf hiveConf = new HiveConf(conf, HiveMetaStoreClient.class); thriftServer.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { HadoopThriftAuthBridge bridge = new HadoopThriftAuthBridge23(); HiveMetaStore.startMetaStore(thriftPort, bridge, hiveConf, startLock, startCondition, startedServing); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Unable to start a Thrift server for Hive Metastore", e); } } }); int i = 0; while (i++ < 3) { startLock.lock(); try { if (startCondition.await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) { break; } } finally { startLock.unlock(); } if (i == 3) { throw new RuntimeException("Maximum number of tries reached whilst waiting for Thrift server to be ready"); } } }
static boolean hasWaiters(ReentrantLock lock, Condition condition) { lock.lock(); try { return lock.hasWaiters(condition); } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
public SuccessCallback(Lock lck, AtomicInteger callbacksReceived, Condition condition) { lock = lck; this.callbacksReceived = callbacksReceived; this.condition = condition; isTimeoutTesting = isTimeoutTest; }
public FailureCallback(Lock lck, AtomicInteger callbacksReceived, AtomicBoolean txnFail, Condition condition) { this.lock = lck; this.callbacksReceived = callbacksReceived; this.txnFail = txnFail; this.condition = condition; isTimeoutTesting = isTimeoutTest; }
/** * Creates a new entry for a waiting thread. * * @param cond the condition for which to wait * @param pool the pool on which the thread will be waiting, * or <code>null</code> */ public WaitingThread(Condition cond, RouteSpecificPool pool) { if (cond == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Condition must not be null."); } this.cond = cond; this.pool = pool; }
public void testHasWaitersIMSE(boolean fair) { final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.writeLock().newCondition(); try { lock.hasWaiters(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException success) {} }
public void testGetWaitingThreadsIAE(boolean fair) { final PublicReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new PublicReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.writeLock().newCondition(); final PublicReentrantReadWriteLock lock2 = new PublicReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); try { lock2.getWaitingThreads(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {} }
/** * Creates a new entry for a waiting thread. * * @param cond the condition for which to wait * @param pool the pool on which the thread will be waiting, * or <code>null</code> */ public WaitingThread(final Condition cond, final RouteSpecificPool pool) { Args.notNull(cond, "Condition"); this.cond = cond; this.pool = pool; }
public void testGetWaitQueueLengthIAE(boolean fair) { final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); final ReentrantLock lock2 = new ReentrantLock(fair); try { lock2.getWaitQueueLength(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {} }
private Condition hasLock(Collection<Long> ids) { if (iAllLocked != null) return iAllLocked; for (Long id: ids) { Condition c = iIndividualLocks.get(id); if (c != null) return c; } return null; }
public void unlockAll() { iLock.lock(); try { iLog.debug("Unlocking all ..."); Condition allLocked = iAllLocked; iAllLocked = null; allLocked.signalAll(); iLog.debug("Unlocked: all"); } finally { iLock.unlock(); } }
public void testGetWaitQueueLengthIAE(boolean fair) { final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.writeLock().newCondition(); final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock2 = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); try { lock2.getWaitQueueLength(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {} }
public void testGetWaitingThreadsIMSE(boolean fair) { final PublicReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new PublicReentrantReadWriteLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.writeLock().newCondition(); try { lock.getWaitingThreads(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException success) {} }
public void testGetWaitingThreadsIAE(boolean fair) { final PublicReentrantLock lock = new PublicReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); final PublicReentrantLock lock2 = new PublicReentrantLock(fair); try { lock2.getWaitingThreads(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {} }
private void handleSubQueryForExplain(final ReentrantLock lock, final Condition finishSubQuery, final AtomicBoolean finished, final AtomicInteger subNodes, final PlanNode planNode, final SubQueryHandler tempHandler) { tempHandler.setForExplain(); BaseHandlerBuilder builder = hBuilder.getBuilder(session, planNode, true); DMLResponseHandler endHandler = builder.getEndHandler(); endHandler.setNextHandler(tempHandler); this.getSubQueryBuilderList().add(builder); subQueryFinished(subNodes, lock, finished, finishSubQuery); return; }
public void testGetWaitQueueLengthIMSE(boolean fair) { final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(fair); final Condition c = lock.newCondition(); try { lock.getWaitQueueLength(c); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException success) {} }
/** * Test if the waiter that is waiting on availability of more memory is cleaned up when an interruption occurs */ @Test public void testCleanupMemoryAvailabilityWaiterOnInterruption() throws Exception { BufferPool pool = new BufferPool(2, 1, metrics, time, metricGroup); long blockTime = 5000; pool.allocate(1, maxBlockTimeMs); Thread t1 = new Thread(new BufferPoolAllocator(pool, blockTime)); Thread t2 = new Thread(new BufferPoolAllocator(pool, blockTime)); // start thread t1 which will try to allocate more memory on to the Buffer pool t1.start(); // sleep for 500ms. Condition variable c1 associated with pool.allocate() by thread t1 will be inserted in the waiters queue. Thread.sleep(500); Deque<Condition> waiters = pool.waiters(); // get the condition object associated with pool.allocate() by thread t1 Condition c1 = waiters.getFirst(); // start thread t2 which will try to allocate more memory on to the Buffer pool t2.start(); // sleep for 500ms. Condition variable c2 associated with pool.allocate() by thread t2 will be inserted in the waiters queue. The waiters queue will have 2 entries c1 and c2. Thread.sleep(500); t1.interrupt(); // sleep for 500ms. Thread.sleep(500); // get the condition object associated with allocate() by thread t2 Condition c2 = waiters.getLast(); t2.interrupt(); assertNotEquals(c1, c2); t1.join(); t2.join(); // both the allocate() called by threads t1 and t2 should have been interrupted and the waiters queue should be empty assertEquals(pool.queued(), 0); }
protected void setExpectedResult(Lock waitingLock, int numOwnedMonitors, Map<String, Lock[]> ownedMonitors, Condition waitingSync, int numOwnedSyncs, Map<String, ReentrantLock[]> ownedSyncs) { this.waitingLock = waitingLock; this.numOwnedMonitors = numOwnedMonitors; this.ownedMonitors = ownedMonitors; this.waitingSync = waitingSync; this.numOwnedSyncs = numOwnedSyncs; this.ownedSyncs = ownedSyncs; }