Java 类java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException 实例源码

项目:Espresso    文件   
private synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {
    if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {
        AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();
        try {
            // Unnecessary, our app's min sdk is higher than 11.
            // if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
            //  newTask.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR);
            // } else {
            // }
            outstandingTask = newTask;
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);
项目:mango    文件   
private void processRpcRequest(final ChannelHandlerContext context, final DefaultRequest request) {
    final long processStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
        this.pool.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                try {
                    processRpcRequest(context, request, processStartTime);
                } finally {

    } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
        DefaultResponse response = new DefaultResponse();
        response.setException(new RpcFrameworkException("process thread pool is full, reject"));
        response.setProcessTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - processStartTime);;

项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Submit a task to be executed in the future.
 * @param runnable The task to be executed.
public void execute(Runnable runnable) {
  if (runnable == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("runnable parameter is null");

  if (!mWorkQueue.offer(runnable)) {
    throw new RejectedExecutionException(
        mName + " queue is full, size=" + mWorkQueue.size());

  final int queueSize = mWorkQueue.size();
  final int maxSize = mMaxQueueSize.get();
  if ((queueSize > maxSize) && mMaxQueueSize.compareAndSet(maxSize, queueSize)) {
    FLog.v(TAG, "%s: max pending work in queue = %d", mName, queueSize);
  } // else, there was a race and another thread updated and logged the max queue size

项目:L2jBrasil    文件   
public void execute(ReceivablePacket<L2GameClient> rp)
        if (rp.getClient().getState() == GameClientState.IN_GAME)
    catch (RejectedExecutionException e)
        // if the server is shutdown we ignore
        if (!ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().isShutdown())
            _log.severe("Failed executing: "+rp.getClass().getSimpleName()+" for Client: "+rp.getClient().toString());
项目:monarch    文件   
public void endpointNowInUse(Endpoint endpoint) {
  int count = endpointCount.incrementAndGet();
  final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
  if (isDebugEnabled) {
    logger.debug("InstantiatorRecoveryTask - EndpointNowInUse. Now have {} endpoints", count);
  if (count == 1) {
    synchronized (recoveryScheduledLock) {
      if (!recoveryScheduled) {
        try {
          recoveryScheduled = true;
          background.execute(new RecoveryTask());
          if (isDebugEnabled) {
            logger.debug("InstantiatorRecoveryTask - Scheduled Recovery Task");
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
          // ignore, the timer has been cancelled, which means we're shutting down.
项目:monarch    文件   
/** Return true if a reply should be sent */
protected void basicProcess(final DistributionManager dm, final LocalRegion lclRgn) {
  Assert.assertTrue(this.serialNum != DistributionAdvisor.ILLEGAL_SERIAL);
  try {
    this.lockRoot = null;
    // may set lockRoot to the root region where destroyLock is acquired

    final boolean sendReply = true;

    // Part of fix for bug 34450 which was caused by a PR destroy region op
    // dead-locked with
    // a PR create region op. The create region op required an entry update
    // to release a
    // DLock needed by the PR destroy.. by moving the destroy to the waiting
    // pool, the entry
    // update is allowed to complete.
    dm.getWaitingThreadPool().execute(destroyOp(dm, lclRgn, sendReply));
  } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
    // rejected while trying to execute destroy thread
    // must be shutting down, just quit
项目:JRediClients    文件   
public RExecutorBatchFuture submit(Callable<?> ...tasks) {
    if (tasks.length == 0) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Tasks are not defined");

    List<RExecutorFuture<?>> result = new ArrayList<RExecutorFuture<?>>();
    TasksBatchService executorRemoteService = createBatchService();
    RemoteExecutorServiceAsync asyncService = executorRemoteService.get(RemoteExecutorServiceAsync.class, RemoteInvocationOptions.defaults().noAck().expectResultWithin(1, TimeUnit.DAYS));
    for (Callable<?> task : tasks) {
        byte[] classBody = getClassBody(task);
        byte[] state = encode(task);
        RemotePromise<?> promise = (RemotePromise<?>)asyncService.executeCallable(task.getClass().getName(), classBody, state);
        RedissonExecutorFuture<?> executorFuture = new RedissonExecutorFuture(promise, promise.getRequestId());

    List<Boolean> addResult = (List<Boolean>) executorRemoteService.executeAdd();
    if (!addResult.get(0)) {
        throw new RejectedExecutionException("Tasks have been rejected. ExecutorService is in shutdown state");

    return new RedissonExecutorBatchFuture(result);
项目:anyRTC-RTCP-Android    文件   
synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {
    if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {
        AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();
        try {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
            } else {
            outstandingTask = newTask;
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Initializes or doubles the capacity of array. Call either
 * by owner or with lock held -- it is OK for base, but not
 * top, to move while resizings are in progress.
final ForkJoinTask<?>[] growArray() {
    ForkJoinTask<?>[] oldA = array;
    int size = oldA != null ? oldA.length << 1 : INITIAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY;
        throw new RejectedExecutionException("Queue capacity exceeded");
    int oldMask, t, b;
    ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = array = new ForkJoinTask<?>[size];
    if (oldA != null && (oldMask = oldA.length - 1) >= 0 &&
        (t = top) - (b = base) > 0) {
        int mask = size - 1;
        do { // emulate poll from old array, push to new array
            ForkJoinTask<?> x;
            int oldj = ((b & oldMask) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
            int j    = ((b &    mask) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
            x = (ForkJoinTask<?>)U.getObjectVolatile(oldA, oldj);
            if (x != null &&
                U.compareAndSwapObject(oldA, oldj, x, null))
                U.putObjectVolatile(a, j, x);
        } while (++b != t);
    return a;
项目:monix-forkjoin    文件   
 * Initializes or doubles the capacity of array. Call either
 * by owner or with lock held -- it is OK for base, but not
 * top, to move while resizings are in progress.
final ForkJoinTask<?>[] growArray() {
    ForkJoinTask<?>[] oldA = array;
    int size = oldA != null ? oldA.length << 1 : INITIAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY;
        throw new RejectedExecutionException("Queue capacity exceeded");
    int oldMask, t, b;
    ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = array = new ForkJoinTask<?>[size];
    if (oldA != null && (oldMask = oldA.length - 1) >= 0 &&
        (t = top) - (b = base) > 0) {
        int mask = size - 1;
        do {
            ForkJoinTask<?> x;
            int oldj = ((b & oldMask) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
            int j    = ((b &    mask) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
            x = (ForkJoinTask<?>)U.getObjectVolatile(oldA, oldj);
            if (x != null &&
                U.compareAndSwapObject(oldA, oldj, x, null))
                U.putObjectVolatile(a, j, x);
        } while (++b != t);
    return a;
项目:monarch    文件   
public void addFailure() {
  if (blacklist.contains(location)) {
    // A second failure must have happened before we added
    // this server to the blacklist. Don't count that failure.
  long failures = consecutiveFailures.incrementAndGet();
  if (failures >= THRESHOLD) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Blacklisting server {} for {}ms because it had {} consecutive failures",
          location, pingInterval, failures);
    try {
      background.schedule(new ExpireBlackListTask(location), pingInterval,
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
      // ignore, the timer has been cancelled, which means we're shutting down.

项目:boohee_v5.6    文件   
public Subscription schedule(Action0 action) {
    if (isUnsubscribed()) {
        return Subscriptions.unsubscribed();
    Subscription ea = new ScheduledAction(action, this.tasks);
    if (this.wip.getAndIncrement() != 0) {
        return ea;
    try {
        return ea;
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException t) {
        throw t;
项目:apache-tomcat-7.0.73-with-comment    文件   
public boolean processSocket(NioChannel socket, SocketStatus status, boolean dispatch) {
    try {
        KeyAttachment attachment = (KeyAttachment)socket.getAttachment();
        if (attachment == null) {
            return false;
        attachment.setCometNotify(false); //will get reset upon next reg
        SocketProcessor sc = processorCache.poll();
        if ( sc == null ) sc = new SocketProcessor(socket,status);
        else sc.reset(socket,status);
        if ( dispatch && getExecutor()!=null ) getExecutor().execute(sc);
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException rx) {
        log.warn("Socket processing request was rejected for:"+socket,rx);
        return false;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // This means we got an OOM or similar creating a thread, or that
        // the pool and its queue are full
        log.error(sm.getString(""), t);
        return false;
    return true;
项目:TPlayer    文件   
private synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {
    if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {
        AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();
        try {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
            } else {
            outstandingTask = newTask;
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);
项目:monarch    文件   
public void recorderHandlesRejectedExecution() throws Exception {
  Message msg = mock(Message.class);
  when(msg.getHeader(any(Short.class))).thenReturn(Header.createDataHeader(1L, (short) 1, true));

  // GEODE-1178, the TP protocol may throw a RejectedExecutionException & StatRecorder should
  // retry
  when(mockDownProtocol.down(any(Event.class))).thenThrow(new RejectedExecutionException());

  // after the first down() throws an exception we want StatRecorder to retry, so
  // we set the Manager to say no shutdown is in progress the first time and then say
  // one IS in progress so we can break out of the StatRecorder exception handling loop
  when(services.getCancelCriterion()).thenReturn(new Services().getCancelCriterion());
  Manager manager = mock(Manager.class);
  when(manager.shutdownInProgress()).thenReturn(Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE);

  verify(mockDownProtocol, never()).down(isA(Event.class));

  Event evt = new Event(Event.MSG, msg);

  verify(mockDownProtocol, times(2)).down(isA(Event.class));
项目:SmartButler    文件   
private synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {
    if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {
        AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();
        try {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
            } else {
            outstandingTask = newTask;
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);
项目:chromium-net-for-android    文件   
OutputStreamDataSink(final Executor userExecutor, Executor executor,
        HttpURLConnection urlConnection, UploadDataProvider provider) {
    this.mUserExecutor = new Executor() {
        public void execute(Runnable runnable) {
            try {
            } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
    this.mExecutor = executor;
    this.mUrlConnection = urlConnection;
    this.mUploadProvider = provider;
项目:hadoop    文件   
private void recover() throws IOException {
  if (stateStore.canRecover()) {
    RecoveredLogDeleterState state = stateStore.loadLogDeleterState();
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (Map.Entry<ApplicationId, LogDeleterProto> entry :
      state.getLogDeleterMap().entrySet()) {
      ApplicationId appId = entry.getKey();
      LogDeleterProto proto = entry.getValue();
      long deleteDelayMsec = proto.getDeletionTime() - now;
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Scheduling deletion of " + appId + " logs in "
            + deleteDelayMsec + " msec");
      LogDeleterRunnable logDeleter =
          new LogDeleterRunnable(proto.getUser(), appId);
      try {
        sched.schedule(logDeleter, deleteDelayMsec, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
      } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
        // Handling this event in local thread before starting threads
        // or after calling sched.shutdownNow().;
项目:lazycat    文件   
 * Process given socket. Called in non-comet mode, typically keep alive or
 * upgraded protocol.
public boolean processSocket(long socket, SocketStatus status) {
    try {
        Executor executor = getExecutor();
        if (executor == null) {
            log.warn(sm.getString("endpoint.warn.noExector", Long.valueOf(socket), null));
        } else {
            SocketWrapper<Long> wrapper = connections.get(Long.valueOf(socket));
            // Make sure connection hasn't been closed
            if (wrapper != null) {
                executor.execute(new SocketProcessor(wrapper, status));
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException x) {
        log.warn("Socket processing request was rejected for:" + socket, x);
        return false;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // This means we got an OOM or similar creating a thread, or that
        // the pool and its queue are full
        log.error(sm.getString(""), t);
        return false;
    return true;
项目:OSchina_resources_android    文件   
private synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {
    if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {
        AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();
        try {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
            } else {
            outstandingTask = newTask;
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);
项目:dhus-core    文件   
public ListenableFuture<?> submitListenable (Runnable task)
   ExecutorService executor = getThreadPoolExecutor ();
      ListenableFutureTask<Object> future =
         new ListenableFutureTask<Object> (task, null);
      executor.execute (future);
      return future;
   catch (RejectedExecutionException ex)
      throw new TaskRejectedException ("Executor [" + executor +
         "] did not accept task: " + task, ex);
项目:dhus-core    文件   
public <T> ListenableFuture<T> submitListenable (Callable<T> task)
   ExecutorService executor = getThreadPoolExecutor ();
      ListenableFutureTask<T> future = new ListenableFutureTask<T> (task);
      executor.execute (future);
      return future;
   catch (RejectedExecutionException ex)
      throw new TaskRejectedException ("Executor [" + executor +
         "] did not accept task: " + task, ex);
项目:monarch    文件   
 * Update an unprocessed event in the unprocessed events map. This method is called by a primary
 * <code>Gateway</code> (through
 * {@link org.apache.geode.internal.cache.wan.serial.SerialSecondaryGatewayListener#afterCreate} )
 * to notify the secondary <code>Gateway</code> that an event has been added to the queue. Once an
 * event has been added to the queue, the secondary no longer needs to keep track of it in the
 * unprocessed events map. The complexity of this method is the fact that the event could be
 * processed first by either the primary or secondary <code>Gateway</code>.
 * If the primary processes the event first, the map will not contain an entry for the event. It
 * will be added to the map in this case so that when the secondary processes it, it will know
 * that the primary has already processed it, and it can be safely removed.
 * If the secondary processes the event first, the map will already contain an entry for the
 * event. In this case, the event can be removed from the map.
 * @param gatewayEvent The event being processed
protected void handlePrimaryEvent(final GatewaySenderEventImpl gatewayEvent) {
  Executor my_executor = this.executor;
  synchronized (listenerObjectLock) {
    if (my_executor == null) {
      // should mean we are now primary
    try {
      my_executor.execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException ex) {
      throw ex;
项目:lazycat    文件   
 * Process a new connection from a new client. Wraps the socket so
 * keep-alive and other attributes can be tracked and then passes the socket
 * to the executor for processing.
 * @param socket
 *            The socket associated with the client.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the socket is passed to the executor,
 *         <code>false</code> if something went wrong or if the endpoint is
 *         shutting down. Returning <code>false</code> is an indication to
 *         close the socket immediately.
protected boolean processSocket(Socket socket) {
    // Process the request from this socket
    try {
        SocketWrapper<Socket> wrapper = new SocketWrapper<Socket>(socket);
        // During shutdown, executor may be null - avoid NPE
        if (!running) {
            return false;
        getExecutor().execute(new SocketProcessor(wrapper));
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException x) {
        log.warn("Socket processing request was rejected for:" + socket, x);
        return false;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // This means we got an OOM or similar creating a thread, or that
        // the pool and its queue are full
        log.error(sm.getString(""), t);
        return false;
    return true;
项目:monarch    文件   
public boolean executeDiskStoreTask(DiskStoreTask r) {
  synchronized (this.diskStoreTaskSync) {
    if (!this.diskStoreTaskSync.get()) {
      if (this.diskStoreTaskPool == null) {
      try {
        return true;
      } catch (RejectedExecutionException ex) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          logger.debug("Ignored compact schedule during shutdown", ex);
  return false;
项目:guava-mock    文件   
public void testCatchingAsync_rejectionPropagatesToOutput() throws Exception {
  SettableFuture<String> input = SettableFuture.create();
  ListenableFuture<String> transformed =
  input.setException(new Exception());
  try {
  } catch (ExecutionException expected) {
项目:hekate    文件   
private void doScheduleTimeout(long timeout, MessageContext<T> ctx, Object callback) {
    if (!ctx.isCompleted()) {
        try {
            Future<?> future = ctx.worker().executeDeferred(timeout, () -> {
                if (ctx.completeOnTimeout()) {
                    T msg = ctx.originalMessage();

                    doNotifyOnError(callback, new MessageTimeoutException("Messaging operation timed out [message=" + msg + ']'));

        } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
            // Ignore since this error means that channel is closed.
            // In such case we can ignore timeout notification because messaging context will be notified by another error.
项目:ditb    文件   
public synchronized void requestSplit(final Region r, byte[] midKey, User user) {
  if (midKey == null) {
    LOG.debug("Region " + r.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString() +
      " not splittable because midkey=null");
    if (((HRegion)r).shouldForceSplit()) {
  try {
    this.splits.execute(new SplitRequest(r, midKey, this.server, user));
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Split requested for " + r + ".  " + this);
  } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {"Could not execute split for " + r, ree);
项目:oscm    文件   
<T> Future<T> submitAdapterCall(Callable<T> callable)
        throws BillingApplicationException {
    ExecutorService executor = getSingleThreadExecutor();

    Future<T> future = null;
    try {
        future = executor.submit(callable);
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
        logger.logError(Log4jLogger.SYSTEM_LOG, e,
        throw new BillingApplicationException(
                "Call to Billing Adapter failed",
                new BillingAdapterConnectionException(
                        "The execution of the billing application task was rejected"));

    return future;
项目:androidscan    文件   
private synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {
    if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {
        AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();
        try {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
            } else {
            outstandingTask = newTask;
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);
项目:L2jBrasil    文件   
protected void onDisconnection()
    // no long running tasks here, do it async
        ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().executeTask(new DisconnectTask());
    catch (RejectedExecutionException e)
        // server is closing
项目:L2jBrasil    文件   
public ScheduledFuture scheduleEffect(Runnable r, long delay)
        if (delay < 0)
            delay = 0;
        return _effectsScheduledThreadPool.schedule(r, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { return null; /* shutdown, ignore */ }
项目:easyhbase    文件   
public <T> T invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>> callables) throws
        ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    Collection<? extends Callable<T>> instrumented = instrument(callables);
    try {
        return delegate.invokeAny(instrumented);
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
        throw ree;
项目:L2jBrasil    文件   
public ScheduledFuture scheduleGeneral(Runnable r, long delay)
        if (delay < 0) delay = 0;
        return _generalScheduledThreadPool.schedule(r, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { return null; /* shutdown, ignore */ }
项目:L2jBrasil    文件   
public ScheduledFuture scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(Runnable r, long initial, long delay)
        if (delay < 0) delay = 0;
        if (initial < 0) initial = 0;
        return _generalScheduledThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(r, initial, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { return null; /* shutdown, ignore */ }
项目:sponge    文件   
public void rejectedExecution(Runnable runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {
    if (!executor.isShutdown()) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RejectedExecutionException("Interrupted", e);
    } else {
        throw new RejectedExecutionException("Executor has been shut down");
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <p/>
 * <b>Note:</b> If the passed {@link java.util.concurrent.Callable} implements
 * {@link org.openide.util.Cancellable}, then that object's {@link org.openide.util.Cancellable#cancel()}
 * method will be called if {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#cancel(boolean)} is invoked.
 * If <code>Cancellable.cancel()</code> returns false, then <i>the job will <u>not</u> be
 * cancelled</i>.
 * @since org.openide.util 8.2
public <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task) {
    Parameters.notNull("task", task); //NOI18N
    if (stopped) {
        throw new RejectedExecutionException("Request Processor already " + //NOI18N
                "stopped"); //NOI18N
    RPFutureTask<T> result = new RPFutureTask<T>(task);
    Task t = create(result);
    return result;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <b>Note:</b> If the passed {@link java.lang.Runnable} implements
 * {@link org.openide.util.Cancellable}, then that object's {@link org.openide.util.Cancellable#cancel()}
 * method will be called if {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#cancel(boolean)} is invoked.
 * If <code>Cancellable.cancel()</code> returns false, then <i>the job will <u>not</u> be
 * cancelled</i>.
 * @since org.openide.util 8.2
public <T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task, T predefinedResult) {
    Parameters.notNull("task", task); //NOI18N
    if (stopped) {
        throw new RejectedExecutionException("Request Processor already " + //NOI18N
                "stopped"); //NOI18N
    RPFutureTask<T> result = new RPFutureTask<T>(task, predefinedResult);
    Task t = create(result);
    return result;
项目:lazycat    文件   
public boolean force(Runnable o, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
    if (parent.isShutdown())
        throw new RejectedExecutionException("Executor not running, can't force a command into the queue");
    return super.offer(o, timeout, unit); // forces the item onto the queue,
                                            // to be used if the task is
                                            // rejected
项目:tvConnect_android    文件   
private synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {
  if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {
    AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();
    try {
      outstandingTask = newTask;
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
      Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);