/** * Create instance of {@link SequenceVisualizer}. */ public SequenceVisualizer() { sequenceProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(); offsetProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); onScreenBasesProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); hoveredBaseIdProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty(-1); sequenceProperty.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (offsetProperty.get() == 0) { draw(); // force redraw if offset remains unchanged. } offsetProperty.set(0); }); offsetProperty.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> draw()); hoveredBaseIdProperty.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> draw()); visibleProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); }
/** * Creates a default configuration. Paths are set to <tt>[Path to ... Executable]</tt>. */ public GlobalConfig() { verificationTimeout = new SimpleIntegerProperty(3600); simulationTimeout = new SimpleIntegerProperty(60); windowMaximized = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true); windowHeight = new SimpleIntegerProperty(600); windowWidth = new SimpleIntegerProperty(800); editorFontSize = new SimpleIntegerProperty(12); maxLineRollout = new SimpleIntegerProperty(50); editorFontFamily = new SimpleStringProperty("DejaVu Sans Mono"); showLineNumbers = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true); uiLanguage = new SimpleStringProperty("EN"); nuxmvFilename = new SimpleStringProperty( ExecutableLocator.findExecutableFileAsString("nuXmv") .orElse("[Path to nuXmv Executable]")); z3Path = new SimpleStringProperty( ExecutableLocator.findExecutableFileAsString("z3") .orElse("[Path to Z3 Executable]")); getetaCommand = new SimpleStringProperty("java -jar /path/to/geteta.jar -c ${code} -t ${spec} -x"); }
/** * Add a yes/no choice to a wizard step. * * @param fieldName * @param defaultValue * of the choice. * @param prompt * the tooltip to show * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WizardStepBuilder addBoolean(final String fieldName, final boolean defaultValue, final String prompt) { final JFXCheckBox box = new JFXCheckBox(); box.setTooltip(new Tooltip(prompt)); box.setSelected(defaultValue); this.current.getData().put(fieldName, new SimpleBooleanProperty()); this.current.getData().get(fieldName).bind(box.selectedProperty()); final Label label = new Label(fieldName); GridPane.setHalignment(label, HPos.RIGHT); GridPane.setHalignment(box, HPos.LEFT); this.current.add(label, 0, this.current.getData().size() - 1); this.current.add(box, 1, this.current.getData().size() - 1); return this; }
public MyGraphView(MyGraph<MyVertex, MyEdge> graph) { this.graph = graph; this.myVertexViewGroup = new Group(); this.myEdgeViewGroup = new Group(); this.animationService = new SpringAnimationService(graph); this.pausedProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); drawNodes(); drawEdges(); getChildren().add(myEdgeViewGroup); getChildren().add(myVertexViewGroup); // Add all Vertex to the selection Model and add Listener selectionModel = new VertexSelectionModel(graph.getVertices().toArray()); addSelectionListener(); addPausedListener(); startLayout(); }
private void setupListeners() { correlationAndPValueInRange = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true); frequencyInRange = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true); //Add listeners for the two range properties - if both are false, set hidden to true correlationAndPValueInRange.addListener(observable -> { if (correlationAndPValueInRange.get() && frequencyInRange.get()) { showEdge(); } else { hideEdge(); } }); frequencyInRange.addListener(observable -> { if (correlationAndPValueInRange.get() && frequencyInRange.get()) { showEdge(); } else { hideEdge(); } }); }
/** * Creates instance of {@link Query}. * * @param graphStore the {@link GraphStore} used to retrieve the most up to date graph */ @Inject public Query(final GraphStore graphStore) { visibleProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); queryingProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); queriedNodeIds = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); graphStore.getGfaFileProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> setSearchQuery(new SearchQuery(newValue))); }
private void init(long id, long parentId, String title) { this.setId(id); this.setParentId(parentId); this.setTitle(title); markAsChangedProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(Boolean.FALSE); }
/** * <p> * Creates a validator with given observable models as context information. * </p> * * <p> * The validator observes changes in any of the given context models. It automatically updates the * validated specification (see {@link #validSpecificationProperty()}) and/or the problems with * the constraint specification (see {@link #problemsProperty()}). * </p> * * @param typeContext the extracted types (esp. enums) from the code area * @param codeIoVariables the extracted {@link CodeIoVariable}s from the code area * @param validFreeVariables the most latest validated free variables from the * {@link FreeVariableList}. * @param specification the specification to be validated */ public ConstraintSpecificationValidator(ObjectProperty<List<Type>> typeContext, ObjectProperty<List<CodeIoVariable>> codeIoVariables, ReadOnlyObjectProperty<List<ValidFreeVariable>> validFreeVariables, ConstraintSpecification specification) { this.typeContext = typeContext; this.codeIoVariables = codeIoVariables; this.validFreeVariables = validFreeVariables; this.specification = specification; this.problems = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(new ArrayList<>()); this.validSpecification = new NullableProperty<>(); this.valid = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); // All these ObservableLists invoke the InvalidationListeners on deep updates // So if only a cell in the Specification changes, the change listener on the ObservableList // two layers above gets notified. specification.getRows().addListener(listenToSpecUpdate); specification.getDurations().addListener(listenToSpecUpdate); specification.getColumnHeaders().addListener(listenToSpecUpdate); typeContext.addListener(listenToSpecUpdate); codeIoVariables.addListener(listenToSpecUpdate); validFreeVariables.addListener(listenToSpecUpdate); recalculateSpecProblems(); }
private Person(boolean invited, String fName, String lName, String email) { this.invited = new SimpleBooleanProperty(invited); this.firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(fName); this.lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(lName); this.email = new SimpleStringProperty(email); this.invited = new SimpleBooleanProperty(invited); this.invited.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> ov, Boolean t, Boolean t1) { System.out.println(firstNameProperty().get() + " invited: " + t1); } }); }
private void init (String name, String description, ImageGraphic graphic) { myName = new SimpleStringProperty(name); myDescription = new SimpleStringProperty(description); myImage = graphic; myImageWidth = graphic.getWidth(); myImageHeight = graphic.getHeight(); imageChange = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); }
public Check (IAttributeManager attributeManager, AttributeType type, double cost) { System.out.println("making"); myManager = attributeManager; myType = type; myCost = cost; myStatus = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); }
private void init(long id, long generationTime, String title) { this.setId(id); this.setGenerationTime(generationTime); this.setTitle(title); markAsChangedProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(Boolean.FALSE); }
public void initGame(Main mainApp, Core c) { setMainApp(mainApp); setCore(c); pieceChosenInInventory = -1; highlighted = new Highlighter(); traductor = new TraducteurBoard(); lastCoord = new CoordGene<Double>(0.0,0.0); animationPlaying = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); animationPlaying.setValue(false); nbMessage = 0; nbChatRow = 2; inventoryGroup = new ToggleGroup(); if (!core.hasPreviousState()) { undo.setDisable(true); } if (!core.hasNextState()) { redo.setDisable(true); } initButtonByInventory(); animation = new AnimationTile(panCanvas,traductor); refreshor = new RefreshJavaFX(core, gameCanvas, highlighted, traductor, this); initGameCanvas(); core.setGameScreen(this); if (core.getMode() == Consts.AIVP && core.getTurn() == 0){ core.playAI(); } if(core.getMode() != Consts.PVEX && core.getMode() != Consts.EXVP){ inputChat.setVisible(false); textChat.setVisible(false); scrollChat.setVisible(false); }else{ hideButtonsForNetwork(); } refreshor.start(); }
public BaseDrag(T t) { super(t); this.minX = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0); this.minY = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0); this.maxX = new SimpleDoubleProperty(Double.MAX_VALUE); this.maxY = new SimpleDoubleProperty(Double.MAX_VALUE); this.borderWidth = new SimpleDoubleProperty(3); this.enable = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true); }
public Tab(Button button, final Pane pane) { this.button = button; this.pane = pane; this.button.setOnAction(event -> EventExecutor.getInstance().execute(new ChangeTabEvent(Tab.this))); this.active = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); this.active.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { button.pseudoClassStateChanged(TAB_ACTIVE_CLASS, active.get()); pane.pseudoClassStateChanged(TAB_ACTIVE_CLASS, active.get()); }); }
public Ticket(String name, String region, String serial, String titleid){ this.name = new SimpleStringProperty(name); this.region = new SimpleStringProperty(region); this.type = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.serial = new SimpleStringProperty(serial); this.titleid = new SimpleStringProperty(titleid); this.consoleid = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.download = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); this.titlekey = ""; }
public MatchGeneral(String matchName, int tournamentLevel, Date scheduledTime, int fieldNumber) { this.matchName = new SimpleStringProperty(matchName); this.isDone = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); this.isUploaded = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); this.tournamentLevel = tournamentLevel; this.scheduledTime = scheduledTime; this.fieldNumber = fieldNumber; }
public DesignVariable(DesignVariable dv) { this.container = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.container.get()); this.group = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.group.get()); this.name = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.name.get()); this.id = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.id.get()); this.value = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.value.get()); this.xpath = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.xpath.get()); this.state = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.state.get()); this.vspValue = new SimpleStringProperty(dv.vspValue.get()); this.checked = new SimpleBooleanProperty(dv.checked.get()); this.fullName = dv.fullName; }
public DesignVariable(String container, String group, String name, String id, String value) { this.container = new SimpleStringProperty(container); this.group = new SimpleStringProperty(group); this.name = new SimpleStringProperty(name); this.id = new SimpleStringProperty(id); this.value = new SimpleStringProperty(value); this.xpath = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.state = new SimpleStringProperty("Input"); this.vspValue = new SimpleStringProperty(); this.checked = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); this.fullName = container + ":" + group + ":" + name; }
/** * A more general version of {@link Bindings#when(ObservableBooleanValue)} * that can accept general boolean properties as conditions. * * @param condition the condition to bind to * * @see Bindings#when(ObservableBooleanValue) */ public static When when(Property<Boolean> condition) { if (condition instanceof ObservableBooleanValue) { return Bindings.when((ObservableBooleanValue) condition); } SimpleBooleanProperty realCondition = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); realCondition.bind(condition); return Bindings.when(realCondition); }
/** * Creates an instances of this positive integer only field. */ public PositiveIntegerInputField() { this.textProperty().addListener(this::onInputChange); valid = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); valid.addListener(this::onValidStateChange); this.alignmentProperty().setValue(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); ViewUtils.setupClass(this); }
public Ticket(){ this.name = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.region = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.serial = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.type = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.titleid = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.consoleid = new SimpleStringProperty(""); this.data = null; this.commonKeyIndex = 0; this.download = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); this.titlekey = ""; }
/** * Instantiates a new Abstract file editor. */ protected AbstractFileEditor() { this.showedTime = LocalTime.now(); this.editorStates = ArrayFactory.newArray(Editor3DState.class); this.dirtyProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "dirty", false); this.fileChangedHandler = event -> processChangedFile((FileChangedEvent) event); createContent(); }
private void initializeName() { final Component component = controller.getComponent(); final BooleanProperty initialized = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); controller.name.focusedProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (newValue && !initialized.get()) { controller.root.requestFocus(); initialized.setValue(true); } }); // Set the text field to the name in the model, and bind the model to the text field controller.name.setText(component.getName()); controller.name.textProperty().addListener((obs, oldName, newName) -> { component.nameProperty().unbind(); component.setName(newName); }); final Runnable updateColor = () -> { final Color color = component.getColor(); final Color.Intensity colorIntensity = component.getColorIntensity(); // Set the text color for the label controller.name.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: " + color.getTextColorRgbaString(colorIntensity) + ";"); controller.name.setFocusColor(color.getTextColor(colorIntensity)); controller.name.setUnFocusColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.TRANSPARENT); }; controller.getComponent().colorProperty().addListener(observable -> updateColor.run()); updateColor.run(); // Center the text vertically and aff a left padding of CORNER_SIZE controller.name.setPadding(new Insets(2, 0, 0, CORNER_SIZE)); controller.name.setOnKeyPressed(CanvasController.getLeaveTextAreaKeyHandler()); }
/** * add a boolean Value property * * @param canValue * @param property */ private void addCanProperty(BooleanValue canValue, SimpleBooleanProperty property) { CANProperty<BooleanValue, Boolean> canProperty = new CANProperty<BooleanValue, Boolean>( canValue, property); getCanProperties().put(canValue.canInfo.getName(), canProperty); }
/** * Creates a new {@link ViewMenuController} instance. */ public ViewMenuController() { aggregationProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true); }
public final B symbolsVisible(final boolean VISIBLE) { properties.put("symbolsVisible", new SimpleBooleanProperty(VISIBLE)); return (B)this; }
public final B tickLabelsVisible(final boolean VISIBLE) { properties.put("tickLabelsVisible", new SimpleBooleanProperty(VISIBLE)); return (B)this; }
public final B useColorFromParent(final boolean USE) { properties.put("useColorFromParent", new SimpleBooleanProperty(USE)); return (B)this; }
public final B smoothedHull(final boolean SMOOTHED) { properties.put("smoothedHull", new SimpleBooleanProperty(SMOOTHED)); return (B)this; }
public final B onlyFirstAndLastTickLabelVisible(final boolean VISIBLE) { properties.put("onlyFirstAndLastTickLabelVisible", new SimpleBooleanProperty(VISIBLE)); return (B)this; }
public final B animated(final boolean ANIMATED) { properties.put("animated", new SimpleBooleanProperty(ANIMATED)); return (B)this; }
FXHost(String id, Boolean enable, String ipAddress, String domainName) { this.id = id; this.enable = new SimpleBooleanProperty(enable); this.ipAddress = new SimpleStringProperty(ipAddress); this.domainName = new SimpleStringProperty(domainName); }
public final B showFlowDirection(final boolean SHOW) { properties.put("showFlowDirection", new SimpleBooleanProperty(SHOW)); return (B)this; }
public final B mediumTickMarksVisible(final boolean VISIBLE) { properties.put("mediumTickMarksVisible", new SimpleBooleanProperty(VISIBLE)); return (B)this; }