Java 类javafx.scene.shape.RectangleBuilder 实例源码

项目:SmartCity-ParkingManagement    文件   
public Curbstone(final double size, final Color color, final double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
            RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
                    .width(2 * size).height(size).fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, 1 - 0.5 * shade, 1.0))
                    .translateX(-0.5 * size).translateY(-0.5 * size).translateZ(0.5 * size).build(),
            RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
                    .width(2 * size).height(size).fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, 1 - 0.4 * shade, 1.0))
                    .translateX(-0.5 * size).translateY(0).rotationAxis(Rotate.X_AXIS).rotate(90).build(),
            RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
                    .width(size).height(size).fill(Color.GRAY.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, 1 - 0.3 * shade, 1.0))
                    .translateX(-1 * size).translateY(-0.5 * size).rotationAxis(Rotate.Y_AXIS).rotate(90)
            RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
                    .width(size).height(size).fill(Color.GRAY.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, 1 - 0.2 * shade, 1.0))
                    .translateX(size).translateY(-0.5 * size).rotationAxis(Rotate.Y_AXIS).rotate(90).build(),
            RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
                    .width(2 * size).height(size).fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, 1 - 0.1 * shade, 1.0))
                    .translateX(-0.5 * size).translateY(-1 * size).rotationAxis(Rotate.X_AXIS).rotate(90)
            RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
                    .width(2 * size).height(size).fill(color).translateX(-0.5 * size).translateY(-0.5 * size)
                    .translateZ(-0.5 * size).build());
项目:javafx-demos    文件   
public Banner(String message) {
    Rectangle rectangle = RectangleBuilder
    Text text = TextBuilder.create().x(25).y(H / 16).text(message).fill(Color.YELLOW).font(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 36))
    getChildren().addAll(rectangle, text);
项目:javafx-demos    文件   
private Rectangle getBox(String effectStr){
    /*Text sp3 = TextBuilder.create()
            .text("Inner Shadow")
            .font(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 40))
    Rectangle sp3 = RectangleBuilder.create()
    return sp3;

项目:fx-jumpman    文件   
public Help() {
    Rectangle background = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .fill(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.5))
    Text text = TextBuilder.create()
            .text("Welcome to Jumpman !\n" + 
                    "Avoid the fireballs and make it to the goal as fast as possible.\n" +
                    "You can afford getting hit once, but not twice !\n\n" +
                    "Jumpman has the following skills:\n\n" +
                    " * Walk: by pressing the left or right arrow keys.\n" +
                    " * Run: by holding the F key while walking.\n" +
                    " * Brake: by pressing the opposite arrow key while moving.\n" +
                    " * Duck: by pressing the down arrow key.\n" +
                    " * Jump: by pressing the space key.\n\n" +
                    "Holding space longer will make Jumpman jump higher.\n" +
                    "Pressing more than one arrow key at the same time will not work.\n\n" +
                    "Press the escape key to close this window and start playing.")
            .font(Font.font("Arial", FontWeight.NORMAL, 14))

    getChildren().addAll(background, text);

    AnchorPane root = View.getInstance().getRoot();
项目:javafx-demos    文件   
public ClippedNode(Node content, double width, double height) {
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.content = content;
    this.clip = RectangleBuilder.create().width(width).height(height).build();

项目:javafx-demos    文件   
private void configureBox(VBox root) {
    StackPane container = new StackPane();
    container.setPrefSize(boxBounds.getWidth(), boxBounds.getHeight());

    /* BOTTOM PANE */
    Stop[] stops = new Stop[] { new Stop(0, Color.web("#F89C8C")), new Stop(1, Color.web("#BE250A"))};
    LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, true, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE, stops);
    bottomPane = new StackPane();
             TextBuilder.create().text("Click the above \"Slide Down\" button to see the top pane content...").wrappingWidth(200).font(Font.font("Arial", 22)).build());

    /* TOP PANE */
    Stop[] stops2 = new Stop[] { new Stop(0, Color.web("#FFFFFF")), new Stop(1, Color.web("#50AABC"))};
    LinearGradient lg2 = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, true, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE, stops2);
    StackPane sp1 = new StackPane();
    sp1.getChildren().add(TextBuilder.create().text("Click the below \"Slide Up\" button to see the bottom pane content...").wrappingWidth(200).font(Font.font("Arial", 22)).build());

    topPane = new StackPane();
    topPane.getChildren().addAll(RectangleBuilder.create().width(boxBounds.getWidth()).height(boxBounds.getHeight()).fill(lg2).build(), sp1);


    Group gp = new Group();
项目:JavaFXTutorials    文件   
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    // Create a vbox to position all nodes in a vertical stack
    VBox root = new VBox();

    // Create a toolbar
    ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar();
    toolbar.getItems().add(new Button("Do something!"));

    // position a rectangle absolutely
    Rectangle r = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .x(-100) // absolute position in container
            .y(100) // absolute position in container

    Group canvas = new Group(r);

    // put the toolbar and the canvas group in the vbox.
    // Add the toolbar first so it is on top
    root.getChildren().addAll(toolbar, canvas);

    Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
    stage.setTitle("Group Bounds Example");;;

    /* Notice how the entire rectangle is on screen?
     * This is because the bounds of the Group expand to fit the entire
     * rectangle effectively pushing the origin of the Group over.
项目:JavaFXTutorials    文件   
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    // Create a vbox to position all nodes in a vertical stack
    VBox root = new VBox();

    // Create a toolbar
    ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar();
    toolbar.getItems().add(new Button("Do something!"));

    // position a rectangle absolutely
    Rectangle r = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .x(-100) // absolute position in container
            .y(100) // absolute position in container

    Pane canvas = new Pane();

    // put the toolbar and the canvas group in the vbox.
    // Add the toolbar first so it is on top
    root.getChildren().addAll(toolbar, canvas);

    Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
    stage.setTitle("Pane As Canvas Example");;;

    /* Now the Rectangle will be completely off screen as we might expect
     * A Pane does not expand to include all its children, so if there is an
     * object with a negative position, the it will not be shown.
项目:JavaFXTutorials    文件   
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    // Create a pane as the scene root
    Pane root = new Pane();

    // position a rectangle absolutely
    // NOTE: A rectangle is drawn from the upper left hand corner
    Rectangle r = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .x(100) // absolute position in container
            .y(100) // absolute position in container

    // NOTE: A circle is drawn from the center
    Circle c = CircleBuilder.create()


    Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
    stage.setTitle("Position Nodes Aboslutely");;;
     * If you inspect the rectangle and circle with SceniceView, you'll
     * that they don't have a layoutX/Y. When you position nodes absolutely
     * layoutX/Y is never set. This isn't a problem, just be aware that it 
     * happens. It can effect the way you do custom layouts.
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx, s);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx, s);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx, s);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:javafx-demos    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
       RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:javafx-demos    文件   
@Override public void start(Stage stage) {
  final Group root;
  Scene scene = SceneBuilder.create()
    .root(root = GroupBuilder.create()
        .onMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
          // Eventhandler for mouse click event
          @Override public void handle(MouseEvent e) {
            if (clickcount > 2) { initialize(); }
            for (int j = clickcount; j < 3; j++) {
      // line for x-axis through the Origin
      // Line for y-axis through the Origin
      // grid horizontal lines which interval is of 1cm
      a_x_l[0], a_x_l[1], a_x_l[2], a_x_l[3],
      a_x_l[4], a_x_l[5], a_x_l[6], a_x_l[7],
      a_x_l[8], a_x_l[9], a_x_l[10], a_x_l[11],
      // grid vertical lines which interval is of 1cm
      a_y_l[0], a_y_l[1], a_y_l[2], a_y_l[3],
      a_y_l[4], a_y_l[5], a_y_l[6], a_y_l[7],
      a_y_l[8], a_y_l[9], a_y_l[10], a_y_l[11],
      // Sides
      l[0], l[1], l[2],
      // Vertices
      c[0], c[1], c[2],
      // the printing space of the coordinates and
      // the area of triangle
        .padding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)).spacing(3)
          LabelBuilder.create().text(") ⇒ ").build(),

  stage.setTitle("Triangle Area");
项目:kotlinfx-ensemble    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:kotlinfx-ensemble    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx, s);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:kotlinfx-ensemble    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:kotlinfx-ensemble    文件   
public Cube(double size, Color color, double shade) {
    getTransforms().addAll(rz, ry, rx);
        RectangleBuilder.create() // back face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.5*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // bottom face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.4*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // right face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.3*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // left face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.2*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
            .fill(color.deriveColor(0.0, 1.0, (1 - 0.1*shade), 1.0))
        RectangleBuilder.create() // top face
项目:RadialFx    文件   
public void addGraphicControl(final String title,
    final ObjectProperty<Node> graphicProperty) {

final Node circle  = CircleBuilder.create().radius(4).fill(Color.ORANGE).build();
final Node square  = RectangleBuilder.create().width(8).height(8).build();
final Node text  = TextBuilder.create().text("test").build();

final ComboBox<Node> choices = new ComboBox<Node>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(circle, square, text));
choices.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Node>, ListCell<Node>>() {
    public ListCell<Node> call(final ListView<Node> param) {
    final ListCell<Node> cell = new ListCell<Node>() {
        public void updateItem(final Node item, final boolean empty) {
        super.updateItem(item, empty);
        if (item != null) {
        } else {
    return cell;

final VBox box = new VBox();
final Text titleText = new Text(title);

titleText.textProperty().bind(new StringBinding() {

    protected String computeValue() {
    return title + " : "
        + String.valueOf(choices.selectionModelProperty().get().getSelectedItem().getClass().getSimpleName());

box.getChildren().addAll(titleText, choices);

项目:JavaFXTutorials    文件   
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    // Create a pane as the scene root
    Pane root = new Pane();

    // position a rectangle absolutely
    // NOTE: A rectangle is drawn from the upper left hand corner
    Rectangle r = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .x(0) // absolute position in container
            .y(0) // absolute position in container
    r.relocate(100, 100);

    // NOTE: A circle is drawn from the center
    Circle c = CircleBuilder.create()
    c.relocate(200, 200);


    Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
    stage.setTitle("Position Nodes With Relocate");;;
     * This approach treats the shape as its own coordinate system and uses
     * layoutX/Y to position the nodes.
     * Check layoutX/Y for the circle. Notice anything strange? It's position
     * says it is 250, 250. What?! Remember that when you use relocate(x, y)
     * it does the calculation finalX - getLayoutBounds().getMinX().
     * Because a circle is drawn from the center it's layout bounds are
     * [-50, -50, 100, 100]. 200 - -50 is 250. If you want to know the
     * position of the circle in the parent container, use 
     * boundsInParent.getMinX/Y(). This also works for rectangles.
项目:JavaFXTutorials    文件   
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    // Create a pane as the scene root
    Pane root = new Pane();

    // position a rectangle absolutely
    // NOTE: A rectangle is drawn from the upper left hand corner
    Rectangle r = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .x(0) // absolute position in container
            .y(0) // absolute position in container
    r.relocate(100, 100);

    // NOTE: A circle is drawn from the center
    Circle c = CircleBuilder.create()
    c.relocate(200, 200);

    Group g = new Group(r, c);
    g.relocate(0, 0); // add/remove this line to see the effect of relocate 

    Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
    stage.setTitle("Position Nodes With Relocate");;;

     *By default the bounds of the Group will be the sum of it's children's
     *bounds. If we don't set it's position with relocate, we'll need to use
     *BoundsInParent.getMinX/Y() to get it's position. 
     *Notice also that if we don't call g.relocate() the circles and rectangles
     *positions appear to be with respect to the Pane's coordinate system. That is 
     *the Group is just wrapping the rectangle and circle. The only way we
     *can treat a Group like a coordinate system is use relocate to position
     *it. Then it behaves as we might expect.

项目:ewidgetfx    文件   
public VerticalTab(String name, int selectIndex, VerticalTabPane parent) { = name;
    this.parent = parent;
    this.selectIndex = selectIndex;


    // build tab
    Shape tabRect = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .y(selectIndex * TAB_HEIGHT + (3 * (selectIndex + 1)))
            .width(TAB_WIDTH + 3) // allow overlap for union of tab and content rectangle
            //.fill(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, .50))

    Rectangle contentRect = RectangleBuilder.create()
            .width(parent.getPrefWidth() - TAB_WIDTH)
    Shape tabShape = Shape.union(tabRect, contentRect);
    tabContentShape = tabShape;
    tabShape.setFill(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, .70));


    // IMPORTANT now you add the tab region with white stroke after union operation
    // when using shape operations don't mess with colors until after.
    tabRect = Shape.subtract(tabRect, contentRect);

    tabRect.setFill(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, .70));
    tabRectangle = tabRect;

    // build content region
    group.setOnMousePressed((me) -> {"Tab pressed " + selectIndex);

    // add the text of the tab last
    double topTabY = selectIndex * TAB_HEIGHT + (3 * (selectIndex + 1));
    double bottomTextY = topTabY + TAB_HEIGHT - (3 * (selectIndex + 1));
    Text text = new Text(TAB_WIDTH - 6,bottomTextY,  name);
    text.setFont(Font.font("SanSerif", 13));

    text.getTransforms().add(Transform.rotate(-90, TAB_WIDTH - 6, bottomTextY));