@Override public void addMenuItem(LayoutContext.LayoutMenuItem layoutMenuItem) { Image image = new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + layoutMenuItem.icon() + ".png")); Button item = new Button("", new ImageView(image)); item.setTooltip(new Tooltip(layoutMenuItem.text())); item.setCursor(Cursor.HAND); item.setBackground(Background.EMPTY); item.setMinWidth(menu.getMinWidth()); item.setOnAction(event -> layoutMenuItem.selectHandler().onSelect()); menu.getChildren().add(item); }
@FXML public void initialize() { lblUserFullName.setText(userFullName()+" "); showAllMonths(); showAllFilter(); datePicker.setConverter(formatManager); datePicker.setValue(date); webEngine = webview.getEngine(); showHisoty(); btnSignOut.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Sign Out from application")); btnGo.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Seach history by the selected date")); Tooltip.install(lblUserFullName, new Tooltip("User's Full Name")); Tooltip.install(cmboHistoryMonth, new Tooltip("Your all transactional month name")); Tooltip.install(cmboFilterList, new Tooltip("Select a filter to get specilazid search")); Tooltip.install(datePicker, new Tooltip("Select a date to get history on that day")); Tooltip.install(webview, new Tooltip("Your History")); }
@FXML public void initialize() { loadSQuestion(); btnCancel.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Cancel the registration process and take you to Sign In Window")); btnRegistration.setTooltip(new Tooltip("If all data typed correctly, \n" + "then you will register as a new user")); Tooltip.install(txtName, new Tooltip("Write your full name")); Tooltip.install(txtUsername, new Tooltip("Give a username, this will use at the time of login\n" + "This should not contain space")); Tooltip.install(passPassword, new Tooltip("Give a password, this should not contain space")); Tooltip.install(passReTypePassword, new Tooltip("Retype the password")); Tooltip.install(cmboSecurityQuestion, new Tooltip("Choose a security question")); Tooltip.install(txtAnswer, new Tooltip("Answer your question. Remember this answer.\n" + "If you forget your password, this will \n" + "help you to recover your account.")); }
@FXML public void initialize() { lblUserFullName.setText(userFullName()+" "); //show user full name on Menu lblWalletBalance.setText(addThousandSeparator(getWalletBalance())); //show current wallet balance CashCalculate(); //set all field initialize value to 0 // add tooltip on mouse hover btnDashboard.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Will Take you to Dashboard")); btnMakeATransaction.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Will Take you to Expense")); btnSignOut.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Sign Out from Application")); Tooltip.install(lblWalletBalance, new Tooltip("Your wallet balance now")); Tooltip.install(lblUserFullName, new Tooltip("User's Full Name")); Tooltip.install(txt1000, new Tooltip("Number of 1000 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt500, new Tooltip("Number of 500 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt100, new Tooltip("Number of 100 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt50, new Tooltip("Number of 50 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt20, new Tooltip("Number of 20 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt10, new Tooltip("Number of 10 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt5, new Tooltip("Number of 5 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt2, new Tooltip("Number of 2 Tk. Notes in your hand")); Tooltip.install(txt1, new Tooltip("Number of 1 Tk. Notes in your hand")); }
public SquidRatioButton(int row, int col, String ratioName, boolean selected) { super(selected ? ratioName : ""); Tooltip ratioToolTip = new Tooltip(ratioName); setTooltip(ratioToolTip); setOnAction(new SquidRatioButtonEventHandler(row, col, ratioName, selected)); setPrefWidth(BUTTON_WIDTH - 2); setPrefHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT - 2); setStyle("-fx-padding: 0 0 0 0; \n" + " -fx-border-width: 1;\n" + " -fx-border-color: black;\n" + " -fx-background-radius: 0;\n" + " -fx-background-color: #00BFFF;\n" + " -fx-font-family: \"Courier New\", \"Lucida Sans\", \"Segoe UI\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\n" + " -fx-font-weight: bold;\n" + " -fx-font-size: 8pt;\n" + " -fx-text-fill: White;/* #d8d8d8;*/\n" ); setWrapText(true); }
public SquidRowColButton(int row, int col, String ratioName) { super(ratioName); ratioToolTip = new Tooltip("Click to select entire " + (String) (row == -1 ? "column" : "row")); setTooltip(ratioToolTip); setOnAction(new SquidRowColButtonEventHandler(row, col)); setPrefWidth(BUTTON_WIDTH - 2); setPrefHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT - 2); setStyle("-fx-padding: 0 0 0 0; \n" + " -fx-border-width: 1;\n" + " -fx-border-color: black;\n" + " -fx-background-radius: 0;\n" + " -fx-background-color: #ffa06d;\n" + " -fx-font-family: \"Courier New\", \"Lucida Sans\", \"Segoe UI\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\n" + " -fx-font-weight: bold;\n" + " -fx-font-size: 9pt;\n" + " -fx-text-fill: Black;/* #d8d8d8;*/\n" ); setWrapText(true); }
private void initGraphics() { if (Double.compare(getPrefWidth(), 0.0) <= 0 || Double.compare(getPrefHeight(), 0.0) <= 0 || Double.compare(getWidth(), 0.0) <= 0 || Double.compare(getHeight(), 0.0) <= 0) { if (getPrefWidth() > 0 && getPrefHeight() > 0) { setPrefSize(getPrefWidth(), getPrefHeight()); } else { setPrefSize(PREFERRED_WIDTH, PREFERRED_HEIGHT); } } canvas = new Canvas(PREFERRED_WIDTH, PREFERRED_HEIGHT); ctx = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); getChildren().setAll(canvas); }
private void addRefreshRateBox(int col, int row) { HBox viewRefreshRateBox = new HBox(); viewRefreshRateBox.setAlignment(CENTER); this.viewRefreshRateLabel.setTextFill(this.textColor); this.viewRefreshRateLabel.setAlignment(CENTER); this.viewRefreshRateField.setPrefSize(25, 15); viewRefreshRateBox.getChildren().addAll( this.viewRefreshRateLabel, this.viewRefreshRateField ); this.viewRefreshRateField.setOnAction(e -> Settings.setViewRefreshRate(Integer.parseInt(this.viewRefreshRateField.getText())) ); this.viewRefreshRateField.setTooltip(new Tooltip(dict.SETTINGS_VIEW_REFRESH_RATE_FIELD_TOOLTIP)); this.viewRefreshRateLabel.setTooltip(new Tooltip(dict.SETTINGS_VIEW_REFRESH_RATE_LABEL_TOOLTIP)); this.grid.add(viewRefreshRateBox, col,row); }
public EditorExtAbbreviationItem(Dictionary dictionary, MarkdownParser markdownParser, TabFactory tabFactory, boolean defaultValue) { super(dictionary.TOOLBAR_EDITOR_EXTENSIONS_ABBREVIATION_ITEM); abbreviationExtension = AbbreviationExtension.create(); setSelected(defaultValue); if(defaultValue) markdownParser.addExtension(abbreviationExtension); setToolTip(new Tooltip(dictionary.TOOLBAR_EDITOR_EXTENSIONS_ABBREVIATION_TOOLTIP)); setOnAction(event -> getClickAction(markdownParser, tabFactory)); }
public void showTooltip(boolean beginning) { generateTooltip(); Tooltip tt = requireNonNull(fTooltip); /* * Show the tooltip first, then move it to the correct location. It * needs to be shown for its getWidth() etc. to be populated. */ tt.show(this, 0, 0); Point2D position; if (beginning) { /* Align to the bottom-left of the rectangle, left-aligned. */ /* Yes, it needs to be getX() here (0), not getLayoutX(). */ position = this.localToScreen(getX(), getY() + getHeight()); } else { /* Align to the bottom-right of the rectangle, right-aligned */ position = this.localToScreen(getX() + getWidth() - tt.getWidth(), getY() + getHeight()); } tt.setAnchorX(position.getX()); tt.setAnchorY(position.getY()); }
public void addLocation(final Location LOCATION) { double x = (LOCATION.getLongitude() + 180) * (PREFERRED_WIDTH / 360) + MAP_OFFSET_X; double y = (PREFERRED_HEIGHT / 2) - (PREFERRED_WIDTH * (Math.log(Math.tan((Math.PI / 4) + (Math.toRadians(LOCATION.getLatitude()) / 2)))) / (2 * Math.PI)) + MAP_OFFSET_Y; Circle locationIcon = new Circle(x, y, size * 0.01); locationIcon.setFill(null == LOCATION.getColor() ? getLocationColor() : LOCATION.getColor()); StringBuilder tooltipBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (!LOCATION.getName().isEmpty()) tooltipBuilder.append(LOCATION.getName()); if (!LOCATION.getInfo().isEmpty()) tooltipBuilder.append("\n").append(LOCATION.getInfo()); String tooltipText = tooltipBuilder.toString(); if (!tooltipText.isEmpty()) { Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipText); tooltip.setFont(Font.font(10)); Tooltip.install(locationIcon, tooltip); } if (null != LOCATION.getMouseEnterHandler()) locationIcon.setOnMouseEntered(new WeakEventHandler<>(LOCATION.getMouseEnterHandler())); if (null != LOCATION.getMousePressHandler()) locationIcon.setOnMousePressed(new WeakEventHandler<>(LOCATION.getMousePressHandler())); if (null != LOCATION.getMouseReleaseHandler()) locationIcon.setOnMouseReleased(new WeakEventHandler<>(LOCATION.getMouseReleaseHandler())); if (null != LOCATION.getMouseExitHandler()) locationIcon.setOnMouseExited(new WeakEventHandler<>(LOCATION.getMouseExitHandler())); locations.put(LOCATION, locationIcon); }
public static ButtonBase _initButtonBase(String name, String toolTip, boolean enabled, String buttonText, ButtonBase button) { button.setId(name + "Button"); button.setTooltip(new Tooltip(toolTip)); Node enabledIcon = getImageFrom(name, "icons/", FromOptions.NULL_IF_NOT_EXISTS); if (enabledIcon != null) { button.setText(null); button.setGraphic(enabledIcon); } if (buttonText != null) { button.setText(buttonText); } else if (enabledIcon == null) { button.setText(name); } button.setDisable(!enabled); button.setMinWidth(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE); return button; }
@Override public void updateItem(Resource item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (empty) { setText(null); setGraphic(null); } else { if (isEditing()) { if (textField != null) { textField.setText(getString()); } setText(null); setGraphic(textField); } else { setText(getString()); setGraphic(getTreeItem().getGraphic()); String d = getTreeItem().getValue().getDescription(); if (d != null) { setTooltip(new Tooltip(d)); } } } }
private void addState(State<?,?> state, HBox line, Color color, int stateIndex, String stateDescription) { final Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(WIDTH, WIDTH, color); rectangle.setArcHeight(WIDTH); rectangle.setArcWidth(WIDTH); rectangle.setUserData(state); Label text = new Label(computeStateLabel(stateIndex)); text.setTextOverrun(OverrunStyle.ELLIPSIS); text.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); text.setMouseTransparent(true); text.setTextFill(Color.WHITE); text.setFont(STATE_FONT); text.setMaxWidth(WIDTH); final Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(stateDescription); Tooltip.install(rectangle, tooltip); StackPane layout = new StackPane(); StackPane.setMargin(rectangle, MARGIN_INSETS); layout.getChildren().addAll(rectangle, text); line.getChildren().add(layout); }
public HelpTooltip(String tooltipText) { // Set text as question mark and general style this.setText("?"); this.setPrefSize(35, 35); this.setMinSize(35, 35); this.setFont(Font.font("System", FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); this.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); this.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #9098ff; -fx-background-radius: 30px"); // Create and add tooltip (need to set its font because otherwise it's inherited from the Label) Tooltip descriptionTooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipText); descriptionTooltip.setPrefWidth(250); descriptionTooltip.setWrapText(true); descriptionTooltip.setFont(new Font("System", 12)); this.setTooltip(descriptionTooltip); }
/** * Add a yes/no choice to a wizard step. * * @param fieldName * @param defaultValue * of the choice. * @param prompt * the tooltip to show * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WizardStepBuilder addBoolean(final String fieldName, final boolean defaultValue, final String prompt) { final JFXCheckBox box = new JFXCheckBox(); box.setTooltip(new Tooltip(prompt)); box.setSelected(defaultValue); this.current.getData().put(fieldName, new SimpleBooleanProperty()); this.current.getData().get(fieldName).bind(box.selectedProperty()); final Label label = new Label(fieldName); GridPane.setHalignment(label, HPos.RIGHT); GridPane.setHalignment(box, HPos.LEFT); this.current.add(label, 0, this.current.getData().size() - 1); this.current.add(box, 1, this.current.getData().size() - 1); return this; }
public void init() { button.setTooltip(new Tooltip(toolBox.getI18nBundle().getString("buttons.delete"))); MaterialIconFactory iconFactory = MaterialIconFactory.get(); Text deleteIcon = iconFactory.createIcon(MaterialIcon.DELETE, "30px"); button.setText(null); button.setGraphic(deleteIcon); button.setDisable(true); toolBox.getEventBus() .toObserverable() .ofType(AnnotationsSelectedEvent.class) .subscribe(e -> { User user = toolBox.getData().getUser(); boolean enabled = (user != null) && e.get().size() > 0; button.setDisable(!enabled); }); toolBox.getEventBus() .toObserverable() .ofType(DeleteAnnotationsMsg.class) .subscribe(m -> apply()); button.setOnAction(e -> apply()); }
/** * <b>copied from super and modified</b> * * <p>Called when a data item has been added to a series. This is where implementations of XYChart * can create/add new nodes to getPlotChildren to represent this data item. * * <p>The following nodes are created here: * <ul> * <li>Horizontal lines for values</li> * <li>Vertical lines to connect values</li> * <li>Rectangles to perform selections and highlighting</li> * <li>Tooltips to show the value of a specific item</li> * </ul> * * @param series The series the data item was added to * @param itemIndex The index of the new item within the series * @param item The new data item that was added */ @Override protected void dataItemAdded(Series<Number, A> series, int itemIndex, Data<Number, A> item) { Line horizontalLine = new Line(); horizontalLine.getStyleClass().add("valueLine"); dataPane.getChildren().add(horizontalLine); dataPane.setMouseTransparent(true); durationLinesPane.setMouseTransparent(true); horizontalLines.add(horizontalLine); Rectangle cycleSelectionRectangle = new Rectangle(); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(item.getYValue().toString()); Tooltip.install(cycleSelectionRectangle, tooltip); cycleSelectionRectangle.getStyleClass().add("cycleSelectionRectangle"); cycleSelectionRectangle.setOpacity(0); cycleSelectionRectangles.add(cycleSelectionRectangle); cycleSelectionPane.getChildren().add(cycleSelectionRectangle); if (itemIndex > 0) { Line verticalLine = new Line(); verticalLine.getStyleClass().add("valueLine"); dataPane.getChildren().add(verticalLine); verticalLines.add(verticalLine); // updateYRange(); } }
public FxMapItem(FxMapModel model, MapData data) { mapModel = model; itemData = data; rect = new Rect(); rectangle = new Rectangle(); label = new Label(itemData.getName()); tooltip = new Tooltip(itemData.getName()); tooltip.setFont(new Font(DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE)); mainNode = new Group(rectangle, label); Tooltip.install(label, tooltip); applyStyle(model.getStyle()); if (data.hasChildrenData()) { rectangle.setEffect(new Glow()); } propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(FxMapItem.this); propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(model); initInteractivity(); }
private SearchOutput createRemovableSearchOutput() { SearchOutput output = new SearchOutput(); output.setId("second-output"); Button removeButton = new Button(); removeButton.setGraphic(new TangoIconWrapper("actions:list-remove")); removeButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("unsplit output")); removeButton.setId("unsplit-output-button"); removeButton.setOnAction(event -> { Node removedOutput = centerBox.getChildren().remove(centerBox.getChildren().size()-1); outputs.remove(removedOutput); queryGrid.removeAllListenersButFirst(); outputs.get(0).enableTitleGraphics(); }); output.addTitleGraphics(removeButton); return output; }
public void setToolTip(ImageView imageView, Image image) { String msg = ""; msg += "image: " + image.getImageName() + "\n"; if(image.getPosition() != -1) msg += "position: " + image.getPosition() + "\n"; if(image.getScore() != -1) msg += "score: " + image.getScore() + "\n"; Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(msg); tooltip.setFont(new Font("Arial", 16)); tooltip.setStyle("-fx-background-color: aquamarine; -fx-text-fill: black"); Tooltip.install(imageView, tooltip); }
/** * Initializes the controller class. */ @Override public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) { vbGamePane.getChildren().remove(pbDownload); pbDownload.getStyleClass().add("success"); pbDownload.applyCss(); btDownload.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Download game")); btUpload.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Upload game")); btNoteEditor.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Open notes editor")); btGamePage.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Go to the GMR page of this game")); //GlyphFont fontAwesome = GlyphFontRegistry.font("FontAwesome"); // FontAwesome.Glyph. //btDownload.setGraphic(fontAwesome.create(FontAwesome.Glyph.DOWNLOAD)); //btDownload.setText(.getText()); //Text fontAwesomeIcon = FontAwesomeIconFactory.get(); }
public Button build(String name, Association association) { EventBus eventBus = toolBox.getEventBus(); Button button = new JFXButton(name); button.setUserData(association); button.getStyleClass().add("abpanel-button"); button.setOnAction(event -> { ArrayList<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<>(toolBox.getData().getSelectedAnnotations()); eventBus.send(new CreateAssociationsCmd(association, annotations)); }); button.setTooltip(new Tooltip(association.toString())); ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem deleteButton = new MenuItem(toolBox.getI18nBundle().getString("cbpanel.conceptbutton.delete")); deleteButton.setOnAction(event -> ((Pane) button.getParent()).getChildren().remove(button)); contextMenu.getItems().addAll(deleteButton); button.setContextMenu(contextMenu); return button; }
public ClickableBitcoinAddress() { try { FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("bitcoin_address.fxml")); loader.setRoot(this); loader.setController(this); // The following line is supposed to help Scene Builder, although it doesn't seem to be needed for me. loader.setClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); loader.load(); AwesomeDude.setIcon(copyWidget, AwesomeIcon.COPY); Tooltip.install(copyWidget, new Tooltip("Copy address to clipboard")); AwesomeDude.setIcon(qrCode, AwesomeIcon.QRCODE); Tooltip.install(qrCode, new Tooltip("Show a barcode scannable with a mobile phone for this address")); addressStr = convert(address); addressLabel.textProperty().bind(addressStr); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { nomType.setText(type.getType().getName()); File image = new File("./img/property.png"); Image icon = new Image(image.toURI().toString()); this.propertyIcon.setImage(icon); File imageRename = new File("./img/rename.png"); Node iconRename = new ImageView(new Image(imageRename.toURI().toString())); this.rename.setGraphic(iconRename); File delete = new File("./img/delete.gif"); Node iconDelete = new ImageView(new Image(delete.toURI().toString())); this.deleteProperty.setGraphic(iconDelete); Tooltip deletePropertyTip = new Tooltip("Suppression de la propriet�"); deleteProperty.setTooltip(deletePropertyTip); Tooltip renameTip = new Tooltip("Renommer la propriet�"); rename.setTooltip(renameTip); initNumber(); }
/** * Validates the checkout date to ensure that it is at least one day after the checkin date. * * If it isn't, disables the room search button until it is. */ @FXML private void onCheckOutDateSelected() { LocalDate checkOutDate = checkOutDatePicker.getValue(); LocalDate checkInDate = checkInDatePicker.getValue(); if(checkOutDate.isBefore(checkInDate) || checkOutDate.isEqual(checkInDate)) { checkOutDatePicker.getStyleClass().add("invalidField"); checkOutDatePicker.setTooltip( new Tooltip("Checkout date cannot be on or before checkin date!") ); findAvailableRoomsButton.setDisable(true); } else { checkOutDatePicker.getStyleClass().remove("invalidField"); checkOutDatePicker.setTooltip(null); findAvailableRoomsButton.setDisable(false); } roomSearchResults.clear(); }
/** * Sets the tooltip text, with the (x, y) location being used for the * anchor. If the text is {@code null}, no tooltip will be displayed. * This method is intended for calling by the {@link TooltipHandlerFX} * class, you won't normally call it directly. * * @param text the text ({@code null} permitted). * @param x the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer. * @param y the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer. */ public void setTooltip(String text, double x, double y) { if (text != null) { if (this.tooltip == null) { this.tooltip = new Tooltip(text); Tooltip.install(this, this.tooltip); } else { this.tooltip.setText(text); this.tooltip.setAnchorX(x); this.tooltip.setAnchorY(y); } } else { Tooltip.uninstall(this, this.tooltip); this.tooltip = null; } }
private void setToolTips() { newButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Create a new Cayenne Model project.")); openButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Open an existing Cayenne Model project.")); saveButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Save this Cayenne Model project.")); removeButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Remove this item.")); // FIXME: Should be dynamic. cutButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Cut this item to the clipboard.")); // FIXME: Should be dynamic. copyButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Copy this item to the clipboard.")); // FIXME: Should be dynamic. pasteButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Paste this item from the clipboard.")); // FIXME: Should be dynamic. undoButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Undo.")); // FIXME: Should be dynamic. redoButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Redo.")); // FIXME: Should be dynamic. dataMapButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Create a new Data Map to hold Java and Database definitions.")); dataNodeButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Create a new Data Node to hold database connection settings.")); }
/** * <p> * Creates the view for the given {@link SpecIoVariable} as model. * </p> * * @param specIoVariable the model for this view. */ public ColumnHeader(SpecIoVariable specIoVariable) { this.categoryLabel = new Label(specIoVariable.getCategory().toString()); this.columnNameLabel = new Label(specIoVariable.getName()); this.columnTypeLabel = new Label(specIoVariable.getType()); this.typeOfLabel = new Label(" : "); this.problemTooltip = new Tooltip(""); ViewUtils.setupClass(this); categoryLabel.textProperty().bind(Bindings.convert(specIoVariable.categoryProperty())); columnNameLabel.textProperty().bind(specIoVariable.nameProperty()); columnTypeLabel.textProperty().bind(specIoVariable.typeProperty()); String inout = specIoVariable.getCategory().toString().toLowerCase(); categoryLabel.getStyleClass().addAll("spec-column-header", "category-label", inout); columnNameLabel.getStyleClass().addAll("spec-column-header", "name-label"); columnTypeLabel.getStyleClass().addAll("spec-column-header", "type-label"); typeOfLabel.getStyleClass().addAll("spec-column-header", "type-of-label"); problemTooltip.getStyleClass().addAll("spec-column-header", "problem-tooltip"); specIoVariable.categoryProperty().addListener(this::updateInOutClass); this.getStyleClass().addAll("spec-column-header", inout); this.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); this.varDescriptionHbox = new HBox(columnNameLabel, typeOfLabel, columnTypeLabel); this.varDescriptionHbox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); this.getChildren().addAll(categoryLabel, varDescriptionHbox); }
@FXML public void initialize() { lblUserFullName.setText(getOwnerName()); try { if(!checkUserPresence()) { txtUsername.setDisable(true); passPassword.setDisable(true); btnSignIn.setDisable(true); lblForgetPassword.setDisable(true); } else if(!openingDateUpdate()) { lblOutdateMsg.setText("Your computer date is outdated, please update it and restart the program"); txtUsername.setDisable(true); passPassword.setDisable(true); btnSignIn.setDisable(true); lblForgetPassword.setDisable(true); lblNewUser.setDisable(true); } } catch (Exception e) {} if (!isDBConnected()) { lblWrongAuthentication.setText("Database not found"); } btnSignIn.setTooltip(new Tooltip("If Username and Password will \n" + "correct you will be signed in")); btnCancel.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Cancel the action")); btnOk.setTooltip(new Tooltip("If your answer is matches, you will take to reset password window")); Tooltip.install(txtUsername, new Tooltip("Type your Username")); Tooltip.install(passPassword, new Tooltip("Enter password")); Tooltip.install(lblForgetPassword, new Tooltip("Press if you forget password")); Tooltip.install(lblNewUser, new Tooltip("Press if you are a new user or\n" + "want to remove existing user and create new one")); Tooltip.install(cmboSecurityQuetion, new Tooltip("Choose your security question")); Tooltip.install(txtSQAnswer, new Tooltip("Answer what was your security question answer")); }
@FXML public void initialize() { lodingStatus = new TabAccess().getreRegistrationLodingStatus(); if (lodingStatus.equals("deleteUser")) { lblHeading.setText("Provide Existing User Information"); lblReTypePassword.setVisible(false); passReTypePassword.setVisible(false); loadSQuestion(); btnSave.setManaged(false); } else if(lodingStatus.equals("forgotPassword")) { lblHeading.setText("Change Password and S.Q."); txtUsername.setText(getUsername()); txtUsername.setDisable(true); loadSQuestion(); btnDelete.setManaged(false); } btnCancel.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Cancel the process and take you to Sign In window")); btnSave.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Save your new password and security question")); btnDelete.setTooltip(new Tooltip("If all information is given correctly \n" + "then this user will be deleted")); Tooltip.install(txtUsername, new Tooltip("Your Username")); Tooltip.install(passPassword, new Tooltip("Give a password, this should not contain space")); Tooltip.install(passReTypePassword, new Tooltip("Retype the password")); Tooltip.install(cmboSecurityQuestion, new Tooltip("Choose a security question")); Tooltip.install(txtAnswer, new Tooltip("Answer your question. Remember this answer.\n" + "If you forget your password, this will \n" + "help you to recover your account.")); }
public ProgressSet(int pos) { super(); this.setVisible(true); prefix = new Label(null == stepLabels.get(pos) ? "Step " + (pos + 1) : stepLabels.get(pos)); super.getChildren().add(bar); super.getChildren().add(text); super.getChildren().add(prefix); this.bar.setVisible(true); this.text.setVisible(true); this.prefix.setVisible(true); this.bar.setLayoutX(160); this.text.setLayoutX(275); this.text.setText("Not started yet"); this.bar.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Not started yet")); }
public HorizonChart(final int BANDS, final Series<T> SERIES, final boolean SMOOTHED) { series = SERIES; scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; smoothed = SMOOTHED; referenceZero = true; noOfBands = clamp(1, MAX_NO_OF_BANDS, BANDS); noOfItems = SERIES.getNoOfItems(); minY = SERIES.getItems().stream().mapToDouble(Data::getY).min().getAsDouble(); maxY = SERIES.getItems().stream().mapToDouble(Data::getY).max().getAsDouble(); bandWidth = (maxY - minY) / noOfBands; tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.setAnchorLocation(AnchorLocation.CONTENT_BOTTOM_LEFT); adjustColors(); // Create list of points points = new ArrayList<>(noOfItems); prepareData(); mouseListener = mouseEvent -> { final EventType<? extends MouseEvent> TYPE = mouseEvent.getEventType(); if (MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED == TYPE) { Data<T> data = selectDataAt(mouseEvent.getX()); tooltip.setText(createTooltipText(data)); tooltip.setX(mouseEvent.getScreenX()); tooltip.setY(mouseEvent.getScreenY()); tooltip.show(getScene().getWindow()); getSeries().fireSeriesEvent(new SeriesEvent(getSeries(), data, SeriesEventType.SELECT_DATA)); } else if (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED == TYPE) { tooltip.hide(); } else if (MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED == TYPE) { tooltip.hide(); } }; seriesListener = seriesEvent -> redraw(); initGraphics(); registerListeners(); }
private Path createSegment(final double START_ANGLE, final double END_ANGLE, final double INNER_RADIUS, final double OUTER_RADIUS, final Color FILL, final Color STROKE, final TreeNode NODE) { double startAngleRad = Math.toRadians(START_ANGLE + 90); double endAngleRad = Math.toRadians(END_ANGLE + 90); boolean largeAngle = Math.abs(END_ANGLE - START_ANGLE) > 180.0; double x1 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad); double y1 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad); double x2 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(startAngleRad); double y2 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(startAngleRad); double x3 = centerX + OUTER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad); double y3 = centerY - OUTER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad); double x4 = centerX + INNER_RADIUS * Math.sin(endAngleRad); double y4 = centerY - INNER_RADIUS * Math.cos(endAngleRad); MoveTo moveTo1 = new MoveTo(x1, y1); LineTo lineTo2 = new LineTo(x2, y2); ArcTo arcTo3 = new ArcTo(OUTER_RADIUS, OUTER_RADIUS, 0, x3, y3, largeAngle, true); LineTo lineTo4 = new LineTo(x4, y4); ArcTo arcTo1 = new ArcTo(INNER_RADIUS, INNER_RADIUS, 0, x1, y1, largeAngle, false); Path path = new Path(moveTo1, lineTo2, arcTo3, lineTo4, arcTo1); path.setFill(FILL); path.setStroke(STROKE); String tooltipText = new StringBuilder(NODE.getData().getName()).append("\n").append(String.format(Locale.US, formatString, NODE.getData().getValue())).toString(); Tooltip.install(path, new Tooltip(tooltipText)); path.setOnMousePressed(new WeakEventHandler<>(e -> NODE.getTreeRoot().fireTreeNodeEvent(new TreeNodeEvent(NODE, EventType.NODE_SELECTED)))); return path; }
private void addPrettifyCodeCheckBox(int col, int row) { this.alwaysPrettifyCode.setTooltip(new Tooltip(dict.SETTINGS_VIEW_PRETTIFY_CODE_LABEL_TOOLTIP)); this.alwaysPrettifyCode.setTextFill(this.textColor); this.alwaysPrettifyCode.setOnAction(e -> Settings.setAlwaysPrettifyCodeView(this.alwaysPrettifyCode.isSelected()) ); this.grid.add(this.alwaysPrettifyCode, col,row); }
public IconNode generateIconNode() { final IconNode iconNode = new IconNode(); final Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(message); Tooltip.install(iconNode, tooltip); // Set the style of the icon iconNode.setFill(Color.GRAY); iconNode.iconCodeProperty().set(getIcon()); // The icon should only be visible when it is present iconNode.visibleProperty().bind(presentProperty); return iconNode; }
Hint(String text){ setText(" ❔ "); setBorder(new Border(new BorderStroke(Color.BLACK, BorderStrokeStyle.SOLID, CornerRadii.EMPTY, BorderWidths.DEFAULT))); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(text); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); setTooltip(tooltip); setOnMouseClicked(event -> { Point2D p = localToScene(0.0, 0.0); getTooltip().show(this, p.getX() + getScene().getX() + getScene().getWindow().getX(), p.getY() + getScene().getY() + getScene().getWindow().getY()); }); }
/** * Adds ToolTip from ToolTop library on Mouse Hover */ private void addToolTip() { tooltip = new Tooltip(myVertex.getTaxonNode().getName() + "\nID: " + myVertex.getTaxonNode().getTaxonId() + "\nRelative Frequency: " + String.format("%.3f", AnalysisData.getMaximumRelativeFrequencies().get(myVertex.getTaxonNode()))); tooltip.setFont(Font.font(14)); Tooltip.install(this,tooltip); }
public EditorExtTaskListItem(Dictionary dictionary, MarkdownParser markdownParser, TabFactory tabFactory, boolean defaultValue) { super(dictionary.TOOLBAR_EDITOR_EXTENSIONS_TASK_LIST_ITEM); taskLinkExtension = TaskListExtension.create(); setSelected(defaultValue); if(defaultValue) markdownParser.addExtension(taskLinkExtension); setToolTip(new Tooltip(dictionary.TOOLBAR_EDITOR_EXTENSIONS_TASK_LIST_TOOLTIP)); setOnAction(event -> getClickAction(markdownParser, tabFactory)); }