public IWURLField(WebView webView, boolean secured, Tab tab) { this.webView = webView; = tab; this.securedHTTP = secured; setText(IWPropertyHelper.getProperty("default_homepage")); webView.getEngine().getLoadWorker().stateProperty().addListener( new ChangeListener<State>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends State> observable, State oldValue, State newValue) { if (newValue == State.SUCCEEDED) { tab.setText(webView.getEngine().getTitle()); } if (newValue == State.FAILED) { if(getText().toString().equals("")) { webView.getEngine().loadContent("<html><title>Empty Tab</title><body></body></html>"); } else { webView.getEngine().loadContent("<html><title>Oops!</title><body><b>Page not found!</b></body></html>"); } } } }); }
@Override public DashboardTabPane deserialize(JsonElement json, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonArray jsonTabs = json.getAsJsonArray(); List<Tab> tabs = new ArrayList<>(jsonTabs.size()); for (JsonElement i : jsonTabs) { JsonObject obj = i.getAsJsonObject(); String title = obj.get("title").getAsString(); DashboardTab tab = new DashboardTab(title); tab.setWidgetPane(context.deserialize(obj.get("widgetPane"), WidgetPane.class)); tab.setSourcePrefix(obj.get("autoPopulatePrefix").getAsString()); tab.setAutoPopulate(obj.get("autoPopulate").getAsBoolean()); tabs.add(tab); } return new DashboardTabPane(tabs.toArray(new Tab[]{})); }
/** * Constructor * * @param tab * @param firstWebSite */ public WebBrowserTabController(WebBrowserController webBrowserController, Tab tab, String firstWebSite) { this.webBrowserController = webBrowserController; = tab; this.firstWebSite = firstWebSite;; // ------------------------------------FXMLLOADER ---------------------------------------- FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(InfoTool.FXMLS + "WebBrowserTabController.fxml")); loader.setController(this); loader.setRoot(this); try { loader.load(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "", ex); } }
@FXML public void showPlayers() throws Exception { log.debug("attempting to show players."); spController = App.getShowPlayersController(); if (!spController.isShowing() && WorldConfig.getShowPlayersPopup()){ spController.showController(); } App.spdc.setUpdated(true); Tab curSelected = tabPane.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); for(Saveable s: tabControllers){ if(s.getTab().equals(curSelected)){ App.spdc.addOne(s.getThing()); s.getThing().setShown(true); Backend.SaveSimpleSearchable(s.getThing()); if (WorldConfig.getShowPlayersPopup()) { spController.changeShown(App.spdc.getDefault(), true); } } } }
/** * @param tab * @param btn_clear_directions * @param btn_show_directions * @param btn_find_path * @param btn_clear_path * @param path_choice_pane * @param btn_get_coords_find_path * @param txt_from * @param txt_to */ public void createSimpleMap(final Tab tab, final FlowPane flowPane, final Button btn_clear_directions, final Button btn_show_directions, final Button btn_find_path, final Button btn_clear_path, final Pane path_choice_pane, final Button btn_get_coords_find_path, final TextField txt_from, final TextField txt_to) { //generates google map with some defaults and put it into top pane mapComponent = new GoogleMapView("/html/maps.html"); mapComponent.addMapInializedListener(this); mapComponent.addMapReadyListener(MOUSE_CLCK_FOR_GET_COORD_LISTENER); initControls(btn_clear_directions, btn_show_directions, btn_find_path, btn_clear_path, path_choice_pane, btn_get_coords_find_path, txt_from, txt_to); mapComponent.getChildren().addAll(flowPane, path_choice_pane); tab.setContent(mapComponent); }
public static GodTabController startGodTab(God god) throws Exception { log.debug("static startGodTab called."); God ourG = god; if(god != null){ log.debug("ourG got filled from backend"); ourG = Backend.getGodDao().getFullGod(god.getID()); }else { ourG = new God(); } FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(GodTabController.class.getResource("godTab.fxml")); Tab rootLayout = (Tab)loader.load(); GodTabController cr = (GodTabController)loader.getController(); cr.start(rootLayout, ourG); started = true; return cr; }
public static EventTabController startEventTab(Event event) throws Exception { log.debug("static startRegionTab called."); Event ourE = event; if(event != null){ log.debug("ourR got filled from backend"); ourE = Backend.getEventDao().getFullEvent(event.getID()); }else { ourE = new Event(); } FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(EventTabController.class.getResource("eventTab.fxml")); Tab rootLayout = (Tab)loader.load(); EventTabController cr = (EventTabController)loader.getController(); cr.start(rootLayout, ourE); started = true; return cr; }
public static TemplateTabController startTemplateTab(Template template, Openable open) throws Exception { log.debug("static startNpcTab called."); Template ourT = template; if(template != null){ log.debug("ourN got filled from backend"); template = Backend.getTemplateDao().getFullTemplate(template.getID()); }else { ourT = new Template(); } FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(TemplateTabController.class.getResource("templateTab.fxml")); Tab rootLayout = (Tab)loader.load(); TemplateTabController cr = (TemplateTabController)loader.getController(); cr.start(rootLayout, ourT, open); return cr; }
public void startAutoUpdateTabs(){ tabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Tab>() { public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Tab> observable, Tab oldTab, Tab newTab) { if(AppConfig.getAutoUpdateTabs()){ if(!newTab.equals(oldTab)){ boolean tabAlreadyIndexed = false; for(Saveable s: tabControllers){ if(s.getTab().equals(newTab)){ tabAlreadyIndexed = true; break; } } if(tabAlreadyIndexed){ findTab(newTab).autoUpdateTab(); } else{ //don't update it's a new tab. } } } } }); }
@FXThread private void handleRequestToCloseEditor(@NotNull final FileEditor editor, @NotNull final Tab tab, @NotNull final Event event) { if (!editor.isDirty()) { return; } final String question = Messages.EDITOR_AREA_SAVE_FILE_QUESTION.replace("%file_name%", editor.getFileName()); final ConfirmDialog dialog = new ConfirmDialog(result -> { if (result == null) return; if (result) { -> getTabs().remove(tab)); } else { getTabs().remove(tab); } }, question);; event.consume(); }
@Override public void getClickAction(final Stage stage, final TabFactory tabFactory) { List<Tab> tabs = FXCollections.observableArrayList(tabFactory.getTabPane().getTabs()); Collections.reverse(tabs); AtomicBoolean close = new AtomicBoolean(true); tabs.forEach(t -> { if(close.get()){ EditorTab eTab = ((EditorTab) t); if(!eTab.getEditorPane().exit()){ close.set(false); return; }else{ logger.debug("Closing tab {}", eTab.getEditorPane().getFile().getPath()); tabFactory.getTabPane().getTabs().remove(eTab); } } }); if(close.get()) stage.close(); }
private ObservableList<Node> getChildren(Node node) { if (node instanceof ButtonBar) { return ((ButtonBar) node).getButtons(); } if (node instanceof ToolBar) { return ((ToolBar) node).getItems(); } if (node instanceof Pane) { return ((Pane) node).getChildren(); } if (node instanceof TabPane) { ObservableList<Node> contents = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); ObservableList<Tab> tabs = ((TabPane) node).getTabs(); for (Tab tab : tabs) { contents.add(tab.getContent()); } return contents; } return FXCollections.observableArrayList(); }
void generateTab() { // dasy chane tab to icon and back to edit? tab = new Tab(homeDir); tabView = new TabView(); tabView.setDirLoc(homeDir); tabView.startIconGeneration(); tab.setContent(tabView.getContent()); if (selectedTabView == 1) { tabPane1.getTabs().add(tab); tabPane1.getSelectionModel().select(tab); } else if (selectedTabView == 2) { tabPane2.getTabs().add(tab); tabPane2.getSelectionModel().select(tab); } else if (selectedTabView == 3) { tabPane3.getTabs().add(tab); tabPane3.getSelectionModel().select(tab); } else if (selectedTabView == 4) { tabPane4.getTabs().add(tab); tabPane4.getSelectionModel().select(tab); } }
/** * update the given tab with the given region * * @param view * @param tabId * @param region */ private void updateTab(String tabId, Region region) { Tab tab = super.getTab(tabId); if (tab != null && region != null) { tab.setContent(region); } else { String problem = ""; String delim = ""; if (tab == null) { problem += "tab is null"; delim = ", "; } if (region == null) { problem += delim + "region is null"; } LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("updateTab %s: %s", tabId, problem)); } }
@Override public void getDockables(List<DockableState> dockables) { ObservableList<Tab> tabs = getTabs(); for (Tab tab : tabs) { if (tab.getContent() instanceof IDockingContainer) { ((IDockingContainer) tab.getContent()).getDockables(dockables); } else { for (Dockable dockable : this.dockables) { Node component = dockable.getComponent(); Node content = tab.getContent(); if (component == content) { dockables.add(dockable.getDockableState()); } } } } }
public void loopTabs(JFXTripletDisplay jfxDisplay) { XYTabPane xyTabPane = jfxDisplay.getXyTabPane(); ObservableList<Tab> vtabs = xyTabPane.getvTabPane().getTabs(); for (Tab vtab : vtabs) { xyTabPane.getvTabPane().getSelectionModel().select(vtab); TabPane hTabPane = xyTabPane.getSelectedTabPane(); ObservableList<Tab> htabs = hTabPane.getTabs(); if (vtab.getTooltip() != null) { String vTitle = vtab.getTooltip().getText(); for (Tab htab : htabs) { hTabPane.getSelectionModel().select(htab); String title = htab.getTooltip().getText(); System.out.println(vTitle + "_" + title); snapShot(jfxDisplay.getStage(),vTitle+"_"+title); } } } done=true; }
@Override public boolean marathon_select(String tab) { Matcher matcher = CLOSE_PATTERN.matcher(tab); boolean isCloseTab = matcher.matches(); tab = isCloseTab ? : tab; TabPane tp = (TabPane) node; ObservableList<Tab> tabs = tp.getTabs(); for (int index = 0; index < tabs.size(); index++) { String current = getTextForTab(tp, tabs.get(index)); if (tab.equals(current)) { if (isCloseTab) { ((TabPaneSkin) tp.getSkin()).getBehavior().closeTab(tabs.get(index)); return true; } tp.getSelectionModel().select(index); return true; } } return false; }
public TabSample() { BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane(); final TabPane tabPane = new TabPane(); tabPane.setPrefSize(400, 400); tabPane.setSide(Side.TOP); tabPane.setTabClosingPolicy(TabPane.TabClosingPolicy.UNAVAILABLE); final Tab tab1 = new Tab(); tab1.setText("Tab 1"); final Tab tab2 = new Tab(); tab2.setText("Tab 2"); final Tab tab3 = new Tab(); tab3.setText("Tab 3"); final Tab tab4 = new Tab(); tab4.setText("Tab 4"); tabPane.getTabs().addAll(tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4); borderPane.setCenter(tabPane); getChildren().add(borderPane); }
@Override public Tab open(Viewer viewer, URL url) throws Exception { Tab tab = new Tab(UrlUtils.getFileName(url)); tab.setGraphic(new ImageView(icon)); byte[] bytes = UrlUtils.readData(url); ClassFile classFile = new ClassFileParser().parse(bytes); ParsedViewerPane pane = new ParsedViewerPane(classFile, new HexText(bytes)); RecentFiles.Instance.add(Instance, url); tab.setContent(pane); tab.setStyle(FontUtils.setUIFont(tab.getStyle())); tab.setUserData(url); return tab; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void openFile(URL url) { try {"Open file: " + url); if (url != null) { OpenFileTask task = new OpenFileTask(this, url); task.setOnSucceeded(event -> { List<Tab> tabs = (List<Tab>) event.getSource().getValue(); addTabs(tabs); menuBar.updateRecentFiles(); }); task.runInNewThread(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); ViewerAlert.exceptionAlert(e); } }
@Override public JsonElement serialize(DashboardTabPane src, JsonSerializationContext context) { JsonArray tabs = new JsonArray(); for (Tab t : src.getTabs()) { if (t instanceof DashboardTab) { DashboardTab tab = (DashboardTab) t; JsonObject object = new JsonObject(); object.addProperty("title", tab.getTitle()); object.addProperty("autoPopulate", tab.isAutoPopulate()); object.addProperty("autoPopulatePrefix", tab.getSourcePrefix()); object.add("widgetPane", context.serialize(tab.getWidgetPane())); tabs.add(object); } } return tabs; }
public MonitoringPane() { super(); super.setPrefHeight(AppTabPane.CONTENT_HEIGHT); super.setPrefWidth(AppTabPane.CONTENT_WIDTH); super.setSide(Side.BOTTOM); Tab[] tabs = new Tab[3]; tabs[0] = new Tab("Core Usage"); tabs[0].setContent(new CoreUsageMonitorPane()); tabs[1] = new Tab("Memory Usage"); tabs[1].setContent(new MemoryUsageMonitorPane()); tabs[2] = new Tab("Temperature"); tabs[2].setContent(new TempMonitorPane()); for(int i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) tabs[i].setClosable(false); super.getTabs().addAll(tabs); }
private TabEntity openFile(File file) { if (file != null) { int index = getFileIndex(file); if (index != -1) { tabPane.getSelectionModel().select(index); return tabList.get(index); } } TabEntity tabEntity = new TabEntity(); tabEntity.file.set(file); tabEntity.loadFile(); Tab tab =; tab.setOnCloseRequest(e -> andFinal(() -> close(), () -> e.consume())); tab.setContent(tabEntity.codeArea); tab.textProperty().bind(; tabList.add(tabEntity); tabPane.getSelectionModel().select(tab); return tabEntity; }
private void onTabActivation(ObservableValue<? extends Tab> value, Tab old, Tab current) { ASMFile previousASM = openFileTabs.getKey(current); if (previousASM != null) previousASM.contentProperty().removeListener(this::updateOutline); ASMFile asmFile = openFileTabs.getKey(current); if (asmFile != null) { String content = asmFile.getContent(); List<PLPLabel> labels = PLPLabel.scrape(content); outlineView.setModel(FXCollections.observableArrayList(labels)); asmFile.contentProperty().addListener(this::updateOutline); } }
public void setTabs(String []fileNames, String dir) throws IOException{ //get file contents to set web view //test.setText(jsonArray[jsonArray.length-1].replace("\"", "")); //set test type by getting last element in array for (int i =0 ; i <fileNames.length; i++) { Tab tab = new Tab(); String s = fileNames[i].substring(1,fileNames[i].indexOf(".")) ; tab.setText(s); WebView w = new WebView(); String file = dir + "/" + s + ".html"; w.getEngine().load( file ); problem_tabs.getTabs().add(tab); problem_tabs.getTabs().get(i).setContent(w); } problem_tabs.setVisible(true); //test.setVisible(true); //date.setVisible(true); //time.setVisible(true); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void reload() { tabs.getTabs().clear(); for (Path path: PathController.getItems()) { // create one tab per path VBox container = new VBox(8); container.setPadding(new Insets(20)); Text header = new Text("" + path.getMailman()); TableView<Path.PathStep> pathTable = new TableView<Path.PathStep>(); pathTable.setItems(FXCollections.observableList(path.getSteps())); TableColumn<Path.PathStep, String> shipmentCol = new TableColumn<Path.PathStep, String>("Envois"); shipmentCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Path.PathStep, String>("shipment")); TableColumn<Path.PathStep, String> distanceToNextCol = new TableColumn<Path.PathStep, String>("Distances au suivant (km)"); distanceToNextCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Path.PathStep, String>("distanceToNext")); TableColumn<Path.PathStep, String> sumDistanceCol = new TableColumn<Path.PathStep, String>("Distances cumulées (km)"); sumDistanceCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Path.PathStep, String>("sumDistance")); pathTable.getColumns().setAll(shipmentCol, distanceToNextCol, sumDistanceCol); container.getChildren().addAll(header, pathTable); String tabName = path.getMailman().getName().charAt(0) + ". " + path.getMailman().getLastName() + " (" + path.size() + ")"; tabs.getTabs().add(new Tab(tabName, container)); } }
public static NpcTabController startNpcTab(Npc npc) throws Exception { log.debug("static startNpcTab called."); Npc ourN = npc; if(npc != null){ if(npc.getID() == -1){ log.debug("Did not fill from backend, created by template."); ourN = npc; } else { log.debug("ourN got filled from backend"); ourN = Backend.getNpcDao().getFullNpc(npc.getID()); } }else { ourN = new Npc(); } FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(NpcTabController.class.getResource("npcTab.fxml")); Tab rootLayout = (Tab)loader.load(); NpcTabController cr = (NpcTabController)loader.getController(); cr.start(rootLayout, ourN); started = true; return cr; }
public static Tab createTabWithContextMenu(final String title, final String id, final String iconPath) { final Tab tab = new DraggableTab(title, iconPath); // new Tab(title);// tab.setId(id); addContextMenu(tab); return tab; }
public void start(Tab rootLayout, Statblock s, Saveable beSaved) throws Exception { log.debug("statBlockTab.start called"); stat = s; this.beSaved = beSaved ; log.debug("Stat ID:" + s.getID()); setAllTexts(stat); thingsThatCanChange = new TextInputControl[] {nameText, statBlockText}; nameText.textProperty().addListener(nameListener); for(TextInputControl c: thingsThatCanChange){ c.setOnKeyReleased(saveEvent); } }
/** * Constructor */ public ChartTabPane(TatMain app) { application = app; getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener( new ChangeListener<Tab>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Tab> ov, Tab t, Tab t1) { if (t1 != null){ if (t1.getContent() instanceof ChartCanvasPane){ ChartCanvasPane pane = (ChartCanvasPane)t1.getContent(); categoryProperty.setValue(pane.category); marketCodeProperty.setValue(pane.marketCode); codeProperty.setValue(pane.code); currentCalendar.bind(pane.currentCalendar); openProperty.bind(pane.openProperty); highProperty.bind(pane.highProperty); lowProperty.bind(pane.lowProperty); closeProperty.bind(pane.closeProperty); volumeProperty.bind(pane.volumeProperty); //Everytime when current chart is changed //We need to reload indicator settings for this chart if it contains any application.onSelectChartTab(categoryProperty.getValue(), marketCodeProperty.getValue(), codeProperty.getValue()); } }else { application.hideCross(); //Remove all of its indicators and also indicator tab is also removed //Means this chart is closed application.closeIndicatorSettingPane(categoryProperty.getValue(), marketCodeProperty.getValue(), codeProperty.getValue()); } } } ); }
private Scene loadScene(){ BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setPrefSize(300, 200); root.setCenter(textArea); BorderPane.setAlignment(root, Pos.CENTER); tabs = new TabPane(); for (RemoteLog remoteLog : logs) { Tab tab = new Tab(remoteLog.getName()); tab.setClosable(false); tabs.getTabs().add(tab); } if(tabs.getTabs().size() > 0){ tabs.getSelectionModel().select(0); selectLog(0); } tabs.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>(){ @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) { selectLog(newValue.intValue()); } }); root.setTop(tabs); return new Scene(root, 450, 300); }
public MainWindow(Stage primaryStage) { this.primaryStage = primaryStage; TabPane tabPane = new TabPane(); Tab aboutTab = new Tab("About", new AboutPane(primaryStage)); aboutTab.setClosable(false); Tab receiveTab = new Tab("Receive", new ReceiveNetPane(primaryStage)); receiveTab.setClosable(false); Tab sendTab = new Tab("Send", new SendNetPane(primaryStage)); sendTab.setClosable(false); tabPane.getTabs().addAll(aboutTab, sendTab, receiveTab); setCenter(tabPane); }
private void onSwitchActiveTab(Tab tab) { SpecificationController controller = controllers.get(tab); if (controller == null) { scenario.setActiveSpec(null); } else { scenario.setActiveSpec(controller.getSpec()); } }
private void instantiateTabs() { developerTabs = new TabPane(); Tab spriteCreation = new Tab("Sprite creation",new SpriteCreationScreen(myModelData)); Tab GeneralDataTab = new Tab(myResources.getString(GENERAL_DATA), myGeneralDataCreator); //Tab ScreenSettingView = new Tab(myResources.getString(SCREEN_SETTING), new ScreenModelCreator(myModelData.getScreenSprites(),myGeneralDataCreator, new ScreenModelData())); ObservableList<Tab> myTabs = developerTabs.getTabs(); //myTabs.addAll(spriteCreation,GeneralDataTab, ScreenSettingView); }
public static PreviouslyEditedTabController startPreviouslyEditedTab() throws Exception { log.debug("static startPreviouslyEditedTab called."); FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(PreviouslyEditedTabController.class.getResource("PreviouslyEditedTab.fxml")); Tab rootLayout = (Tab)loader.load(); PreviouslyEditedTabController cr = (PreviouslyEditedTabController)loader.getController(); cr.start(rootLayout); started = true; return cr; }
private Tab createTagsTab() { final Tab tagsTab = new Tab("Tags"); tagsTab.setClosable(false); tagsTab.setContent(new VBox(createPredefinedTagsGrid(), CONTENT_TAGS_TABLE)); // CONTENT_TAGS_TABLE.getColumns().add(TAGS_COLUMN_NAME); CONTENT_TAGS_TABLE.getColumns().add(TAGS_COLUMN_VALUE); TAGS_COLUMN_VALUE.prefWidthProperty().bind(CONTENT_TAGS_TABLE.widthProperty().subtract(TAGS_COLUMN_NAME.widthProperty())); TAGS_COLUMN_NAME.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().nameProperty()); TAGS_COLUMN_VALUE.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().valueProperty()); VBox.setVgrow(CONTENT_TAGS_TABLE, Priority.SOMETIMES); // return tagsTab; }
/** * Get the current showed editor. * * @return the current editor. */ @FXThread public @Nullable FileEditor getCurrentEditor() { final Tab selectedTab = getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedTab == null) return null; final ObservableMap<Object, Object> properties = selectedTab.getProperties(); return (FileEditor) properties.get(KEY_EDITOR); }
private CodeEditor getActiveCodeEditor() { Tab activeTab = openProjectsPanel.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (activeTab == null) return null; Node tabContents = activeTab.getContent(); if (tabContents != null) return (CodeEditor) tabContents; else return null; }
@Override public Tab createTab (String text, boolean closable, Node content) { Tab newTab = new Tab(); newTab.setText(text); newTab.setClosable(closable); newTab.setContent(content); return newTab; }
@Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { List<SampleEntry> samples = Arrays.asList( new SampleEntry("Lena(ImageView)", LenaSample::new), new SampleEntry("FXML(ImageView)", FXMLSample::new), new SampleEntry("ViewportRect(ImageView)", ViewportRectSample::new), new SampleEntry("Arbitrary Node(SubScene)", ArbitraryNodeSample::new), new SampleEntry("WebView(Transformable)", WebViewSample::new), new SampleEntry("Swing(ImageView)", SwingSample::new) ); samples.forEach(s -> tabs.getTabs().add(new Tab(, s.sampleFactory.get().mkRoot()))); link.setOnAction(e -> { // for cases where java was started in something like i3wm if (hostServices == null) { TextInputDialog dialog = new TextInputDialog(URI); dialog.setTitle("HostService missing"); dialog.setHeaderText("Unable to open URL due to missing HostService"); dialog.setContentText("URL"); dialog.showAndWait(); } else hostServices.showDocument(URI); }); }