private void changeFont() { try { double size = numberFormat.parse(sizeComboBox.getValue()).doubleValue(); FontWeight weight = styleChoiceBox.getSelectionModel().isSelected(0) || styleChoiceBox.getSelectionModel().isSelected(1) ? FontWeight.BOLD : FontWeight.NORMAL; FontPosture posture = styleChoiceBox.getSelectionModel().isSelected(1) || styleChoiceBox.getSelectionModel().isSelected(2) ? FontPosture.ITALIC : FontPosture.REGULAR; String family = familyComboBox.getValue(); font.setValue(Font.font(family, weight, posture, size)); sampleFontText.setFont(font.get()); } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FontPickerController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
@Override public Font read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { if (in.peek() == JsonToken.NULL) { in.nextNull(); return null; } String value = in.nextString(); String path = in.getPath(); String[] components = splitComponents(value, path); String family = components[0]; String style = components[1]; String sizeStr = components[2]; FontWeight weight = extractWeight(style); FontPosture posture = extractPosture(style); double size = extractSize(sizeStr, path); return Font.font(family, weight, posture, size); }
/** * Method to provide the control to set {@link BuildWallJobPolicy} for all {@link JenkinsJob}s at once. */ private void provideSetAllControl() { setAllBox = new SimplePropertyBox<>(); setAllBox.getItems().addAll( BuildWallJobPolicy.values() ); setAllBox.setMaxWidth( Double.MAX_VALUE ); setAllBox.getSelectionModel().select( BuildWallJobPolicy.NeverShow ); add( setAllBox, 0, 0 ); setAllButton = new Button( "Set All" ); Font setAllButtonFont = setAllButton.getFont(); setAllButton.setFont( Font.font( setAllButtonFont.getFamily(), FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, setAllButtonFont.getSize() ) ); setAllButton.setMaxWidth( Double.MAX_VALUE ); add( setAllButton, 1, 0 ); setAllButton.setOnAction( event -> setAllBoxesToSelectedPolicy() ); }
@Override public void printText(String toPrint) { if (overlayText != null) { clearText(); } overlayText = new Text(0, 0, toPrint); overlayText.setFont(Font.font("monospaced", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, 25)); overlayText.yProperty().bind( this.upperPane.heightProperty().multiply(TEXT_DISPLAY_RATIO)); overlayText.xProperty().bind(this.upperPane.widthProperty().multiply(0).add(TEXT_BUFFER)); overlayText.wrappingWidthProperty().bind(this.upperPane.widthProperty().subtract(TEXT_BUFFER * 2)); overlayText.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER); this.upperPane.getChildren().add(overlayText); }
@Override public void printHeadline(String toPrint) { if (overlayHeadline != null) { clearText(); } overlayHeadline = new Text(0, 0, toPrint); overlayHeadline.setFont(Font.font("monospaced", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, 25)); overlayHeadline.yProperty().bind( this.upperPane.heightProperty().multiply(HEADLINE_DISPLAY_RATIO)); overlayHeadline.xProperty().bind(this.upperPane.widthProperty().multiply(0).add(TEXT_BUFFER)); overlayHeadline.wrappingWidthProperty().bind(this.upperPane.widthProperty().subtract(TEXT_BUFFER * 2)); overlayHeadline.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER); this.upperPane.getChildren().add(overlayHeadline); }
/** * Return a list of all the mono-spaced fonts on the system. * * @author David D. Clark */ private static Collection<String> getMonospacedFonts() { // Compare the layout widths of two strings. One string is composed // of "thin" characters, the other of "wide" characters. In mono-spaced // fonts the widths should be the same. final Text thinTxt = new Text("1 l"); // note the space final Text thikTxt = new Text("MWX"); List<String> fontFamilyList = Font.getFamilies(); List<String> monospacedFonts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String fontFamilyName : fontFamilyList) { Font font = Font.font(fontFamilyName, FontWeight.NORMAL, FontPosture.REGULAR, 14.0d); thinTxt.setFont(font); thikTxt.setFont(font); if (thinTxt.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() == thikTxt.getLayoutBounds().getWidth()) monospacedFonts.add(fontFamilyName); } return monospacedFonts; }
/** Convert model font into JFX font * @param font {@link WidgetFont} * @return {@link Font} */ public static Font convert(final WidgetFont font) { final double calibrated = font.getSize() * font_calibration; switch (font.getStyle()) { case BOLD: return Font.font(font.getFamily(), FontWeight.BOLD, calibrated); case ITALIC: return Font.font(font.getFamily(), FontPosture.ITALIC, calibrated); case BOLD_ITALIC: return Font.font(font.getFamily(), FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.ITALIC, calibrated); default: return Font.font(font.getFamily(), calibrated); } }
public ExceptionsScript() { slide = new Slide(world); Paint commentColor = color(48, 201, 137); Font commentFont = Font.font("Chewed Pen BB", FontPosture.ITALIC, 50d); commentFormat = new Format(TypeFace.font(commentFont, 1d, 1d), TypeFace.color(commentColor, 1d), Frames.frame(commentColor, 3d, 1d)); knowsFormat = new Format(TypeFace.font(commentFont, 1d, 1d), TypeFace.color(Color.BLUEVIOLET, 1d), Frames.frame(Color.BLUEVIOLET, 2d, 1d, Dash.dash(4d))); Paint codeColor = Color.WHITE; largeCodeFormat = new Format(TypeFace.font(new Font("Consolas", 60d), 2d, 1d), TypeFace.color(codeColor, 1d)); this.stackGrid = new Grid(1, STACK_ROWS, new PointPair(900d, 230d, 1480d, 820d)); Font codeFont = new Font("Consolas", 25d); codeFormat = new Format(TypeFace.font(codeFont, 2d, 1d), TypeFace.color(codeColor, 1d), Frames.frame(codeColor, 2d, 1d)); stackFormat = new Format(Frames.frame(Color.YELLOW, 2d, 1d)); lightComment = new Format(TypeFace.font(commentFont, 1d, 1d), TypeFace.color(commentColor, 1d), Frames.frame(commentColor, 2d, 1d)); }
public Slide(ScriptWorld world) { super(world); this.lines = new ArrayList<>(); Paint majorColor = color(13, 165, 15); Font majorHand = Font.font("Times New Roman", FontPosture.ITALIC, 90d); majorFormat = new Format(TypeFace.font(majorHand, 2d, 1d), TypeFace.color(majorColor, 1d), Frames.frame(majorColor, 5d, 1d)); Paint subColor = color(163, 232, 78); Font subHand = Font.font("Times New Roman", FontPosture.ITALIC, 68d); subFormat = new Format(majorFormat, TypeFace.font(subHand, 2d, 1d), TypeFace.color(subColor, 1d), Frames.frame(subColor, 5d, 1d)); Paint minorColor = color(240, 255, 30); Font minorFont = Font.font("Times New Roman", FontPosture.ITALIC, 50d); minorFormat = new Format(TypeFace.font(minorFont, 1d, 1d), TypeFace.color(minorColor, 1d), Frames.frame(minorColor, 5d, 1d)); }
@Override protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (!isEmpty()) { if (!new File(item).exists()) { setText("<invalid path> " + item); setTooltip(new Tooltip(item)); setTextFill(Color.RED); setFont(Font.font("Arial", FontPosture.ITALIC, 11)); } else { setText(item); setTooltip(new Tooltip(item)); setTextFill(Color.BLACK); setFont(Font.font("Arial", FontPosture.REGULAR, 11)); } } }
@Override protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); Editor editor = (Editor) getTableRow().getItem(); if (editor != null) { if (EditorLoader.isSupported(editor)) { if (editor.getPath() == null || editor.getPath().isEmpty()) { setText(""); } else if (!EditorLoader.isValid((Editor) getTableRow().getItem())) { setText("<invalid path> " + item); setTooltip(new Tooltip(item)); setTextFill(Color.RED); setFont(Font.font("Arial", FontPosture.ITALIC, 11)); } else { setText(item); setTooltip(new Tooltip(item)); setTextFill(Color.BLACK); setFont(Font.font("Arial", FontPosture.REGULAR, 11)); } } else { setText("<unsupported for your os>"); setTextFill(Color.LIGHTCORAL); setFont(Font.font("Arial", FontPosture.ITALIC, 11)); } } }
public StatusBar() { setId("status-bar"); msgLabel = createLabel(""); extraLabel = createLabel(" "); extraLabel.setFont(Font.font("System", FontPosture.ITALIC, 12.0)); fixtureLabel = createLabel(" "); fixtureLabel.setFont(Font.font("System", FontWeight.BOLD, 12.0)); rowLabel = createLabel(" "); columnLabel = createLabel(" "); insertLabel = createLabel(" "); Region region = new Region(); getChildren().addAll(msgLabel, region, createSeparator(), extraLabel, createSeparator(), fixtureLabel, createSeparator(), rowLabel, createSeparator(), columnLabel, createSeparator(), insertLabel, createSeparator()); HBox.setHgrow(region, Priority.ALWAYS); getStylesheets().add(ModalDialog.class.getClassLoader().getResource("net/sourceforge/marathon/fx/api/css/marathon.css") .toExternalForm()); }
public static Font toFont(MapValue mapValue) { val map = mapValue.getMap(); val family = map.getOrDefault("family", new StringValue(Font.getDefault().getFamily())).asString(); val weight = map.getOrDefault("weight", NumberValue.of(FontWeight.NORMAL.getWeight())).asInt(); val isItalic = map.getOrDefault("italic", NumberValue.ZERO).asBoolean(); val posture = isItalic ? FontPosture.ITALIC : FontPosture.REGULAR; val size = map.getOrDefault("size", NumberValue.MINUS_ONE).asDouble(); return Font.font(family, FontWeight.findByWeight(weight), posture, size); }
/** * About content */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void showAboutContent() { try { Node content = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/com/shekkar/xpanderfx/top/popup/AboutFXMLDocument.fxml")); about_box = new VBox(); about_box.getChildren().addAll(content, HBoxBuilder.create().alignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT) .padding(new Insets(0,3,0,0)) .children( ButtonBuilder.create().text("OK") .minHeight(40) .minWidth(70) .style("-fx-base:black;" + "-fx-border-radius: 7;" + "-fx-background-radius: 7;") .onAction(e -> this.popupCloser(about, about_box)) .font(Font.font("System", FontWeight.MEDIUM, FontPosture.REGULAR, 20)) .build() ) .build() ); about_box.setStyle("-fx-background-color: linear-gradient(black, lightgrey);" + "-fx-background-radius: 7;" + "-fx-border-radius: 7;"); about.getContent().add(about_box); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MainFXMLDocumentController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }, this.getNodeMaxX() - 14, this.getNodeMaxY() + 12); this.popupOpener(about_box); }
/** * * @return center_box */ private HBox getCenterBox() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") HBox center = HBoxBuilder.create() .children(LabelBuilder.create().text("Game Over!!") .textFill(Color.BLACK) .font(Font.font("System", FontWeight.MEDIUM, FontPosture.REGULAR, 30)) .build()) .alignment(Pos.CENTER) .build(); return center; }
/** * * @param controller * @return restart-button */ public Button getRestartButton(MainFXMLDocumentController controller) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Button restart = ButtonBuilder.create().text("Restart") .minWidth(50).minHeight(24) .font(Font.font("System", FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, 20)) .style("-fx-base:darkslategrey;" + "-fx-background-radius:7;" + "-fx-border-radius:7;") .onAction(e -> { controller.restart(); pp.hide(); }) .build(); return restart; }
/** * * @param controller * @return exit-button */ public Button getQuitButton(MainFXMLDocumentController controller) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Button quit = ButtonBuilder.create().text("Exit") .minWidth(50).minHeight(24) .font(Font.font("System", FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, 20)) .style("-fx-base:darkslategrey;" + "-fx-background-radius:7;" + "-fx-border-radius:7;") .onAction(e -> Platform.exit()) .build(); return quit; }
/** * * @return root-node */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private BorderPane getBody() { return BorderPaneBuilder.create().minHeight(200).minWidth(440).center( VBoxBuilder.create().alignment(Pos.CENTER).children( LabelBuilder.create() .minHeight(10).build(), LabelBuilder.create().text("Congratulation !! You won the game.") .font(Font.font("", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.ITALIC, 20)) .textFill(Color.WHITE).build(), LabelBuilder.create() .minHeight(30).build(), HBoxBuilder.create().alignment(Pos.CENTER).spacing(20).children( ButtonBuilder.create().text("Continue").font(Font.font("", FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, 18)) .minWidth(140).textFill(Color.WHITE).style("-fx-base:darkslategrey") .onAction(e -> this.close()).build(), ButtonBuilder.create().text("Try Again").font(Font.font("", FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, 18)) .minWidth(140).textFill(Color.WHITE).style("-fx-base:darkslategrey") .onAction(e -> { controller.restart(); this.close(); }).build() ).build() ) .build() ).style("-fx-background-color: linear-gradient(#000000cc, darkslategrey); -fx-background-radius: 15; -fx-border-radius:15;" + "-fx-border-width:1; -fx-border-color:lightgrey").build(); }
/** * Adds Label Display to every Node containing the Taxon ID */ private void addLabel() { vertexLabel = new Label(myVertex.getTaxonName()); vertexLabel.translateXProperty().bind(vertexShape.translateXProperty()); vertexLabel.translateYProperty().bind(vertexShape.translateYProperty().add(getRadiusProperty())); vertexLabel.setFont(Font.font("Verdana", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.ITALIC, 12)); getChildren().add(vertexLabel); }
/** * Sets the font to be used for drawing text. * * @param font the font ({@code null} is permitted but ignored). * * @see #getFont() */ @Override public void setFont(Font font) { if (font == null) { return; } this.font = font; FontWeight weight = font.isBold() ? FontWeight.BOLD : FontWeight.NORMAL; FontPosture posture = font.isItalic() ? FontPosture.ITALIC : FontPosture.REGULAR; this.gc.setFont(javafx.scene.text.Font.font(font.getFamily(), weight, posture, font.getSize())); }
private static FontPosture extractPosture(String style) { for (String styleWord : style.split("\\s")) { FontPosture posture = FontPosture.findByName(styleWord); if (posture != null && posture != FontPosture.REGULAR) { return posture; } } return FontPosture.REGULAR; }
@DataPoints public static FontExpectation[] expectations() { // no exotic fonts as the test must pass on most machines return new FontExpectation[]{ new FontExpectation(Font.font("System", FontWeight.NORMAL, 12.0), "\"System,Regular,12.0\""), new FontExpectation(Font.font("SansSerif", FontWeight.BOLD, 10.0), "\"SansSerif,Bold,10.0\""), new FontExpectation(Font.font("System", FontPosture.ITALIC, 10.0), "\"System,Italic,10.0\""), new FontExpectation(Font.font("System", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.ITALIC, 10.0), "\"System,Bold Italic,10.0\""), new FontExpectation(Font.font("SansSerif", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.ITALIC, 20.0), "\"SansSerif,Bold Italic,20.0\""), new FontExpectation(null, "null"), }; }
private void onActionSetTextItalicAndStrikethrough(final Tab tab) { final Text text = new Text(); final Font font = text.getFont(); text.setFill(Color.DIMGRAY.darker()); text.setFont(Font.font(font.getFamily(), FontPosture.ITALIC, font.getSize())); text.setStrikethrough(Boolean.TRUE); text.setText(tab.getId()); tab.setGraphic(text); tab.setText(null); }
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { String projectDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); File file = new File(projectDir, "src/main/java/com/kyj/fx/voeditor/visual/example/"); SpecResource specResource = new SpecResource(new File(projectDir), file); SpecTabPane center = new SpecTabPane(specResource); Button btnCapture = new Button("SnapShot"); ImageView ivOrigin = new ImageView(); btnCapture.setOnAction(ev -> { FxUtil.snapShot(center, new File("example.png")); FxUtil.printJob(primaryStage, center); }); Text text1 = new Text("Big italic red text"); text1.setFill(Color.RED); text1.setFont(Font.font("Helvetica", FontPosture.ITALIC, 40)); Text text2 = new Text(" little bold blue text"); text2.setFill(Color.BLUE); text2.setFont(Font.font("Helvetica", FontWeight.BOLD, 10)); TextFlow textFlow = new TextFlow(text1, text2); BorderPane root = new BorderPane(center); root.setTop(new HBox(textFlow, btnCapture)); root.setBottom(ivOrigin); root.setPrefSize(800, 600); Scene value = new Scene(root, 800, 600); primaryStage.setScene(value);; }
/** * @작성자 : KYJ * @작성일 : 2016. 12. 2. */ private void loadFont() { FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.findByWeight((int) sliderFontWeight.getValue()); FontPosture fontStyle = FontPosture.findByName(cbFontStyles.getValue()); double fontSize = sliderFontSize.getValue(); String fontName = cbFontNames.getValue(); LOGGER.debug("{} {} {} {}", fontName, fontWeight, fontStyle, fontSize); Font font = Font.font(fontName, fontWeight, fontStyle, fontSize); if (font != null) lblPreviewText.setFont(font); }
public FontStyle(String styles) { this(); String[] fontStyles = (styles == null ? "" : styles.trim().toUpperCase()).split(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (String style : fontStyles) { FontWeight w = FontWeight.findByName(style); if (w != null) { weight = w; } else { FontPosture p = FontPosture.findByName(style); if (p != null) posture = p; } } }
public void decorate(BorderPane border, Button Neues_Projekt, Button Laden, Button Beenden, Blend blend){ GridPane root = new GridPane(); GridPane title = new GridPane(); GridPane empty_space = new GridPane(); GridPane empty_space2 = new GridPane(); GridPane empty_space3 = new GridPane(); border.setTop(title); border.setLeft(empty_space); border.setRight(empty_space2); border.setCenter(root); border.setBottom(empty_space3); border.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #E0E0E0"); root.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); root.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25)); root.add(Neues_Projekt, 0, 0); root.setVgap(10); root.add(Laden, 0, 1); root.add(Beenden, 0, 2); Text text = new Text("Willkommen!"); text.setFont(Font.font("Verdana", FontPosture.ITALIC, 35)); text.setStyle("-fx-font-weight: bold;"); text.setFill(Color.BLACK); text.setEffect(blend); text.setCache(true); title.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_CENTER); title.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25)); title.add(text, 0, 6); }
/** * Method to create a bold {@link Label}. * @param title the text in the {@link Label}. * @param fontSize the size of the {@link Font}. * @return the constructed {@link Label}. */ public Label createBoldLabel( String title, double fontSize ) { Label label = new Label( title ); Font existingFont = label.getFont(); label.setFont( Font.font( existingFont.getFamily(), FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, fontSize ) ); return label; }
private void resize() { width = getSkinnable().getWidth(); height = getSkinnable().getHeight(); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { if (aspectRatio * width > height) { width = 1 / (aspectRatio / height); } else if (1 / (aspectRatio / height) > width) { height = aspectRatio * width; } font = Font.font("Open Sans", FontWeight.EXTRA_BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, 0.4 * height); background.setPrefSize(width, height); selectedText.setFont(font); selectedText.setTextOrigin(VPos.CENTER); selectedText.relocate(height * 0.2, (height - selectedText.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()) * 0.5); deselectedText.setFont(font); deselectedText.setTextOrigin(VPos.CENTER); deselectedText.relocate(width - height * 0.2 - deselectedText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth(), (height - deselectedText.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()) * 0.5); thumb.setPrefSize((height * 0.75), (height * 0.75)); thumb.setTranslateX(getSkinnable().isSelected() ? height * 1.125 : height * 0.125); thumb.setTranslateY(height * 0.125); moveToDeselected.setFromX(height * 1.125); moveToDeselected.setToX(height * 0.125); moveToSelected.setFromX(height * 0.125); moveToSelected.setToX(height * 1.125); } }
private void resize() { width = getSkinnable().getWidth(); height = getSkinnable().getHeight(); size = width < height ? width : height; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { if (aspectRatio * width > height) { width = 1 / (aspectRatio / height); } else if (1 / (aspectRatio / height) > width) { height = aspectRatio * width; } font = Font.font("Open Sans", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.REGULAR, height * 0.5); background.setPrefSize(width, height); symbol.setPrefSize(height * 0.59375 * getSkinnable().getSymbolType().WIDTH_FACTOR, height * 0.59375 * getSkinnable().getSymbolType().HEIGHT_FACTOR); symbol.relocate(height * 0.15 + (height * 0.59375 - height * 0.59375 * getSkinnable().getSymbolType().WIDTH_FACTOR) * 0.5, height * 0.18 + (height * 0.59375 - height * 0.59375 * getSkinnable().getSymbolType().HEIGHT_FACTOR) * 0.5); text.setFont(font); text.setVisible(!getSkinnable().getText().isEmpty() && SymbolType.NONE == getSkinnable().getSymbolType()); text.setPrefSize(height * 0.59375, height * 0.59375); text.relocate(height * 0.125, height * 0.15); thumb.setPrefSize((height * 0.75), (height * 0.75)); thumb.setTranslateX(getSkinnable().isSelected() ? height * 1.625 : height * 0.875); thumb.setTranslateY(height * 0.125); moveToDeselected.setFromX(height * 1.625); moveToDeselected.setToX(height * 0.875); moveToSelected.setFromX(height * 0.875); moveToSelected.setToX(height * 1.625); } }
/** * Creates a new instance of {@link JavaFXFont}. * * @param pFontName the font name. * @param pStyle the style. * @param pSize the size. */ public JavaFXFont(String pFontName, int pStyle, int pSize) { super(Font.font(pFontName, (pStyle & IFont.BOLD) == IFont.BOLD ? FontWeight.BOLD : FontWeight.NORMAL, (pStyle & IFont.ITALIC) == IFont.ITALIC ? FontPosture.ITALIC : FontPosture.REGULAR, pSize)); }
@Test public void setFont() { style.setFont(Font.font("System", FontWeight.BOLD, FontPosture.ITALIC, 25.6)); Assert.assertEquals("-fx-font-size: 25.60px;\n-fx-font-style: italic;\n-fx-font-family: \"System\";\n-fx-font-weight: bold;\n", style.toString()); }
/** Convert font * @param font AWT font * @return JFX font */ public static Font convert(final java.awt.Font font) { final FontWeight weight = font.isBold() ? FontWeight.BOLD : FontWeight.NORMAL; final FontPosture posture = font.isItalic() ? FontPosture.ITALIC : FontPosture.REGULAR; return Font.font(font.getFamily(), weight, posture, font.getSize()); }
@Override public void addRelRow(RelationshipVersionBI<?> rel) { Rectangle rec = createAnnotRectangle(rel); Label relLabel = labelHelper.createLabel(rel, OTFUtility.getConPrefTerm(rel.getDestinationNid()), ComponentType.RELATIONSHIP, rel.getDestinationNid()); Label relTypeLabel = labelHelper.createLabel(rel, OTFUtility.getConPrefTerm(rel.getTypeNid()), ComponentType.RELATIONSHIP, rel.getTypeNid()); if (rel.isUncommitted()) { if (rel.getVersions().size() == 1) { Font f = relLabel.getFont(); relLabel.setFont(Font.font(f.getFamily(), FontPosture.ITALIC, f.getSize())); f = relTypeLabel.getFont(); relTypeLabel.setFont(Font.font(f.getFamily(), FontPosture.ITALIC, f.getSize())); } else { relLabel.setUnderline(true); relTypeLabel.setUnderline(true); } } //setConstraints(Node child, int columnIndex, int rowIndex, int columnspan, int rowspan, HPos halignment, // VPos valignment, Priority hgrow, Priority vgrow, Insets margin) GridPane.setConstraints(rec, 0, 0, 1, 1, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER, Priority.NEVER, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setConstraints(relLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1, HPos.LEFT, VPos.CENTER, Priority.SOMETIMES, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setConstraints(relTypeLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1, HPos.RIGHT, VPos.CENTER, Priority.SOMETIMES, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setMargin(relLabel, new Insets(0, 20, 0, 0)); GridPane.setMargin(relTypeLabel, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 20)); gp.addRow(counter++, rec, relLabel, relTypeLabel); }
@Override public void addTermRow(DescriptionVersionBI<?> desc, boolean isPrefTerm) { Rectangle rec = createAnnotRectangle(desc); Label descLabel = labelHelper.createLabel(desc, desc.getText(), ComponentType.DESCRIPTION, 0); Label descTypeLabel = null; if (isPrefTerm) { descTypeLabel = labelHelper.createLabel(desc, prefTermTypeStr, ComponentType.DESCRIPTION, prefTermTypeNid); } else { descTypeLabel = labelHelper.createLabel(desc, OTFUtility.getConPrefTerm(desc.getTypeNid()), ComponentType.DESCRIPTION, desc.getTypeNid()); } if (desc.isUncommitted()) { if (desc.getVersions().size() == 1) { Font f = descLabel.getFont(); descLabel.setFont(Font.font(f.getFamily(), FontPosture.ITALIC, f.getSize())); f = descTypeLabel.getFont(); descTypeLabel.setFont(Font.font(f.getFamily(), FontPosture.ITALIC, f.getSize())); } else { descLabel.setUnderline(true); descTypeLabel.setUnderline(true); } } //setConstraints(Node child, int columnIndex, int rowIndex, int columnspan, int rowspan, HPos halignment, // VPos valignment, Priority hgrow, Priority vgrow, Insets margin) GridPane.setConstraints(rec, 0, 0, 1, 1, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); GridPane.setConstraints(descLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1, HPos.LEFT, VPos.CENTER); GridPane.setConstraints(descTypeLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1, HPos.RIGHT, VPos.CENTER); GridPane.setMargin(descLabel, new Insets(0, 20, 0, 0)); GridPane.setMargin(descTypeLabel, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 20)); gp.addRow(counter++, rec, descLabel, descTypeLabel); }