/** * Test for simple navigation. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void testNavigateSimple() { initWebEngineOnFXThread(); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertNotNull(entries); Assert.assertTrue("Entries list is not empty before navigating", entries.isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals(0, currentIndex); Assert.assertNull(title); loadSite(HistoryResources.getHelloHTML()); currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(1, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("0", title); loadSite(HistoryResources.getHelloHTML2()); currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(2, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("1", title); }
/** * Test for loading the same page multiple times. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void testLoadSamePage() { initWELoadHelloFXThread(); doWaitPageLoading(); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(1, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("0", title); loadSite(HistoryResources.getHelloHTML()); currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(1, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("0", title); }
/** * Test for WebHistory.go() method called with a negative argument when it is impossible to load an entry. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void testGoBackImpossible() { initWebEngineOnFXThread(); createHistory(); e = null; Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { history.go(-5); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { e = ex; } } }); doWait(exceptionHere); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(3, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("2", title); }
/** * Test for WebHistory.go() method called with a positive argument when it is impossible to load an entry. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void testGoForwardImpossible() { initWebEngineOnFXThread(); createHistory(); e = null; Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { history.go(5); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { e = ex; } } }); doWait(exceptionHere); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(3, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("2", title); }
private void getEntry(final int n) { doWait(engineReady); entry = null; Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { List <Entry>l = history.getEntries(); entry = l.get(n); } }); doWait(new Tester() { public boolean isPassed() { return entry != null; } }); }
/** * Test for WebHistory.go() method called with a negative argument. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void testGoBack() { initWebEngineOnFXThread(); createHistory(); go(-1); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(3, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("1", title); }
/** * Test for WebHistory.go() method called with a positive argument. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void testGoForward() { initWebEngineOnFXThread(); createHistory(); go(-1); go(1); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(3, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("2", title); }
/** * Test for WebHistory.go() method called with 0. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void testGo0() { initWebEngineOnFXThread(); createHistory(); go(0); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(3, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, currentIndex); Assert.assertEquals("2", title); }
/** * Test for loading a resource which cannot be loaded. */ @Test(timeout=10000) public void test404() { initWebEngineOnFXThread(); loadSite("file://nothing-here"); List<Entry> entries = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String title = engine.getTitle(); Assert.assertEquals(0, entries.size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, currentIndex); Assert.assertNull(title); }
@SuppressWarnings("restriction") public String getCurrentURL() { //history = engine.getHistory(); ObservableList<WebHistory.Entry> entryList = history.getEntries(); int currentIndex = history.getCurrentIndex(); String txt = null; if (currentIndex >=0 ) { txt = entryList.get(currentIndex).getUrl(); //System.out.println("currentIndex is " + currentIndex + " url is " + txt); //Platform.runLater(() -> { history.go(0);} ); } return txt; }