public void changePassHandler(ActionEvent event) { boolean correct = false; String passphrase = new PassphrasePrompt(false).show(Global.dashboardStage); String passDecrypt = Utils.decode(Settings.PATH_TO_SAVED_PW, passphrase); correct = !passDecrypt.equals("-1"); if (!correct) { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(Global.dashboardStage, "The passphrase is incorrect", "Error", "Wrong Passphrase"); } else { System.out.println("Ok, proceeding"); //TODO remove //Password correct PassphraseDialog passDialog = new PassphraseDialog(Global.dashboardStage,,true,Global.passphrase);; } }
public void addRulePressed() { NewStoprulePaneController currentRuleController = (NewStoprulePaneController) stopRuleController.getController(); String ruleValidationMessage = currentRuleController.isRuleValid(); if (ruleValidationMessage.equals(currentRuleController.RULE_OK)) { //Rule is valid, add it currentRuleController.addRule(); } else { //Rule is not valid, popup a message Dialogs.showInformationDialog(new Stage(), ruleValidationMessage, "Check the correctness of the values", "Invalid rule"); } }
public void onOffButtonPressed(ActionEvent event) { if (getOnOffBtn().isSelected()) { getOnOffBtn().setSelected(false); Dialogs.DialogResponse response = Dialogs.showConfirmDialog(Global.dashboardStage, "Are you sure you want to activate the bot?", "Botcoin will try to execute the Active rules.", "This operation needs confirmation",Dialogs.DialogOptions.YES_NO); //check confirm dialog if(response.equals(Dialogs.DialogResponse.YES) || response.equals(Dialogs.DialogResponse.OK) ) { Global.toggleBot(true); getOnOffBtn().setSelected(true); } else { getOnOffBtn().setSelected(false); } } else Global.toggleBot(false); }
@FXML public void compartilhar(ActionEvent e) throws IOException { //permite peguar um arquivo FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); File source = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); fileChooser.setInitialDirectory(source); fileChooser.setTitle("Compartilhar Arquivos"); File original = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(new Stage()); if (original != null) { //fazer depois de peguar o arquivo enviar para pasta publica File copia = new File(socius + System.getProperty("file.separator") + original.getName()); MoverArquivoCompartilhar moverthread = new MoverArquivoCompartilhar(original.toPath(), copia.toPath()); Thread t = new Thread(moverthread);; //os dialogs tambem podem receber um novo stage Dialogs.showInformationDialog(new Stage(), "O arquivo " + original.getName() + " foi publicado" + " com sucesso!"); atualizaListaMeusArquivos(); } }
public void setRequiredData(Stage stg, Download dw, PrincipalController pctl) { this.stage = stg; = dw; this.pcl = pctl; // Confirmação para fechar tela stage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WindowEvent t) { Dialogs.DialogResponse res = Dialogs.showConfirmDialog( stage, "Tem certeza de que deseja cancelar o download?", "Download", "Download"); if (res.equals(Dialogs.DialogResponse.YES)) { download.interromper(); pcl.atualizaListaMeusArquivos(); stage.close(); } else { // Cancela fechamento da janela t.consume(); } } }); }
@FXML void okGoToSpecificTaskScreen(ActionEvent event) { if (taskSelected != null) { taskSelected = TypeOfTaskComboBox.valueProperty().get(); switch (taskSelected) { case singlecopy: myController.setScreen(ScreenResources.COPY_SCREEN.screenName()); break; case scheduledcopy: Dialogs.showWarningDialog(stage, "This function is not yet implemented. You will be redirected back to the main menu.", "Warning", "Function not yet implemented"); myController.setScreen(ScreenResources.MAIN_SCREEN.screenName()); break; case alarm: Dialogs.showWarningDialog(stage, "This function is not yet implemented. You will be redirected back to the main menu.", "Warning", "Function not yet implemented"); myController.setScreen(ScreenResources.MAIN_SCREEN.screenName()); break; default: LOG.warn("You have to select a type of Task"); break; } } else { Dialogs.showWarningDialog(stage, "You haven\'t selected any Task Type", "Warning", "Task Type not selected!"); } }
public void clearRules(){ Dialogs.DialogResponse response = Dialogs.showConfirmDialog(Global.dashboardStage, "Are you sure you want to clear "+Global.strategy.getRulesList().size()+" rules?", "Potential dangerous operation", "Confirm operation",Dialogs.DialogOptions.YES_NO); //check confirm dialog if(response.equals(Dialogs.DialogResponse.YES) || response.equals(Dialogs.DialogResponse.OK) ) { Global.strategy.deleteAllRules(); Global.strategy.writeStrategyToFile(Settings.STRATEGY_PATH); } }
public void addRule() { String operation= (String) operationChoice.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); double amount= Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText()); String coin = getSelectedCoin(); String direction= (String) directionChoice.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); double target= Double.parseDouble(thresholdField.getText()); String currency= getSelectedCurrency(); String comment= ""; String executedOrderResponse= ""; boolean active= true ; boolean executed= false ; String market = (String) marketChoice.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); Dialogs.DialogResponse response = Dialogs.showConfirmDialog(Global.dashboardStage, "Are you sure you want to : \n"+ operation+" "+amount+" "+coin+" on "+market+" if price goes "+direction+" "+target+" "+currency, "Please read it twice!", "Confirm rule",Dialogs.DialogOptions.YES_NO); //check confirm dialog if(response.equals(Dialogs.DialogResponse.YES) || response.equals(Dialogs.DialogResponse.OK) ) { Global.strategy.addRule(operation, amount,coin, direction, target, currency, comment, executedOrderResponse, active, executed,market); ((DashboardStrategyController) Global.getController(Constant.STRATEGY)).newRuleDialogStage.close(); } }
private void askForPassword(Stage primaryStage) { System.out.println("Asking the user to prompt the password"); String passphrase=""; boolean correct = false; do { passphrase = new PassphrasePrompt(true).show(primaryStage); String passDecrypt = Utils.decode(Settings.PATH_TO_SAVED_PW, passphrase); correct = !passDecrypt.equals("-1"); if (!correct) { System.out.println("Startup : Password incorrect"); Dialogs.showErrorDialog(primaryStage, "The passphrase is incorrect", "Error", "Wrong Passphrase"); } } while(!correct); //Password correct System.out.println("Startup : Password is correct!"); Global.passphrase=passphrase; }
@FXML private void handleDeletePerson() { int selectedIndex = personTable.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex == -1) { Dialogs.showWarningDialog(mainApp.getPrimaryStage(), "Please select a person in the table.", "No Person Selected", "No Selection"); } else { personTable.getItems().remove(selectedIndex); } }
@FXML private void handleEditPerson() { Person selectedPerson = personTable.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedPerson != null) { boolean okClicked = mainApp.showPersonEditDialog(selectedPerson); if (okClicked) { refreshPersonTable(); showPersonDetails(selectedPerson); } } else { Dialogs.showWarningDialog(mainApp.getPrimaryStage(), "Please select a person in the table.", "No Person Selected", "No Selection"); } }
@Override public void conectar() { if (Dialogs.showConfirmDialog(new Stage(), "Você já está conectado!,\n deseja desconectar?").equals("YES")) { try { desconectar(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(EstadoOnline.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
@Override public void desconectar() { if (Dialogs.showConfirmDialog(new Stage(), "Você não está conectado!.\n deseja Conectar?").equals("YES")) { ClientBoot redirecionar = new ClientBoot(); redirecionar.telaLogin(); } }
public void salvar() { try { Usuario user = new Usuario(); user.setNome(nome.getText() + " " + sobrenome.getText()); user.setLogin(usuario.getText()); if (senha.getText().equals(confirma.getText())) { user.setSenha(senha.getText()); boolean cadastroRealizado = new CadastroHandler().enviarServidor(user); if (cadastroRealizado) { Dialogs.showInformationDialog(new Stage(), "Salvo com sucesso. Você já pode realizar login utilizando as credenciais informadas." + "", "Sucesso", "Cadastro"); ClientBoot redirect = new ClientBoot(); redirect.telaLogin(); redirect.start(new Stage()); Stage st = (Stage) senha.getScene().getWindow(); st.close(); } else { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), "Login informado já em uso. Altere e tente novamente.", "Login já em uso", "Erro"); usuario.requestFocus(); } } else { //travar tela de baixo Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), "Senha" + " e confirmação estão diferentes.", "Erro", "Erro"); clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(CadastroController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
@FXML public void okAction(ActionEvent e) { if (!(nome.getText().isEmpty() || sobrenome.getText().isEmpty() && senha.getText().isEmpty() && confirma.getText().isEmpty())) { salvar(); } else { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), "É necessario preencher todos" + " os campos. Verifique e tente novamente.", "Erro", "Erro"); } }
@FXML public void download(ActionEvent e) throws RemoteException, IOException { if (lista_arquivos.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() != null) { Arquivo arq = lista_arquivos.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getArquivo(); Download down = new Download(DadosGlobais.getInstance().getComputador().getServidorConectado(), lista_computadores.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getComputador(), arq, this); //abrir pegando o controller FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/socius/telas/statusdownload/statusdownload.fxml")); Parent root = (Parent) loader.load(); Stage stage = new Stage(); // Repassa download para a própria tela se atualizar StatusDownloadController sdc = loader.getController(); sdc.setRequiredData(stage, down, this); Scene scene = new Scene(root); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setResizable(false); // Mostra a tela; //inicia download down.iniciar(); } else { Dialogs.showInformationDialog(new Stage(), "Selecione um arquivo primeiro", "Download", "Download"); } }
@FXML public void tornarPrivado(ActionEvent e) throws IOException { //peguar remover arquivo da pasta compartilhada //falta bloquear arquivo quando alguem estiver efetuando download if (meus_arquivos.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() != null) { Files.deleteIfExists(new File(socius + System.getProperty("file.separator") + meus_arquivos.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getArquivo().getFile().getName()).toPath()); Dialogs.showInformationDialog(new Stage(), "O arquivo de nome:" + "" + meus_arquivos.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getArquivo().getFile().getName() + "não está mais público"); //atualizar listas atualizaListaMeusArquivos(); } else { Dialogs.showInformationDialog(new Stage(), "Selecione um arquivo, nenhum arquivo foi selecionado!"); } }
public void newRule() { if (Global.MtgoxMarket.isKeysValid() || Global.BtceMarket.isKeysValid() || Global.BitstampMarket.isKeysValid()) { URL location = NewRuleDialogController.class.getResource("NewRuleDialog.fxml"); newRuleDialogController = new FXMLLoader(); newRuleDialogController.setLocation(location); newRuleDialogController.setBuilderFactory(new JavaFXBuilderFactory()); Parent root = null; try { root = (Parent) newRuleDialogController.load(location.openStream()); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(NewRuleDialogController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } newRuleDialogStage = new Stage(); newRuleDialogStage.setTitle("Strategy configuration | Add rule"); newRuleDialogStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 745, 300)); newRuleDialogStage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WindowEvent t) { Utils.log("New rule dialog closed",Utils.LOG_LOW); } });; } else { Dialogs.showInformationDialog(Global.dashboardStage, "Before adding a rule you should setup some api keys.", "The bot does not work without API access", "Add API keys before"); } }
public void checkUpdates() { Dialogs.showInformationDialog(Global.dashboardStage, "Your version is TODO. Check latest version at" );//TODO }
public String show(Stage stage) { GridPane grid = new GridPane(); myStage = stage; //myStage.getScene().getStylesheets().add(Settings.CSS_FILE_PATH); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(0, 10, 0, 10)); passphraseEnterField_ = new PasswordField(); passphraseEnterField_.setPromptText("Insert your encription passphrase"); //TODO add an Icon here double minWidth = 700; passphraseEnterField_.setMinWidth(minWidth); String label = ""; if (isFirstTime) label= "Passphrase"; else label = "Current passphrase"; grid.add(new Label(label), 0, 0); grid.add(passphraseEnterField_, 0, 1); Callback<Void, Void> myCallback = new Callback<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void call(Void param) { //maybe TODO return null; } }; String message = ""; if (isFirstTime) message= "Please insert the passphrase to decrypt your data\n"; else message = "Please insert the old passphrase"; Dialogs.DialogResponse resp = Dialogs.showCustomDialog(myStage, grid, message, "The bot needs a passphrase", Dialogs.DialogOptions.OK_CANCEL, myCallback); if (resp == resp.CLOSED || resp == resp.CANCEL) { if(isFirstTime) { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(myStage, "To run the bot you need to enter the passphrase", "Missimg passphrase", "Error"); Utils.log("To run the bot you need to enter the passphrase ",Utils.LOG_ERR); System.exit(0); } else { } } //You must check the resp, since input fields' texts are returned regardless of what button was pressed. //(ie. If user clicked 'Cancel' disregard the input) return passphraseEnterField_.getText(); }
private boolean isInputValid() { String errorMessage = ""; if (firstNameField.getText() == null || firstNameField.getText().length() == 0) { errorMessage += "No valid first name!\n"; } if (lastNameField.getText() == null || lastNameField.getText().length() == 0) { errorMessage += "No valid last name!\n"; } if (streetField.getText() == null || streetField.getText().length() == 0) { errorMessage += "No valid street!\n"; } if (postalCodeField.getText() == null || postalCodeField.getText().length() == 0) { errorMessage += "No valid postal code!\n"; } else { // try to parse the postal code into an int try { Integer.parseInt(postalCodeField.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errorMessage += "No valid postal code (must be an integer)!\n"; } } if (cityField.getText() == null || cityField.getText().length() == 0) { errorMessage += "No valid city!\n"; } if (birthdayField.getText() == null || birthdayField.getText().length() == 0) { errorMessage += "No valid birthday!\n"; } else { if (!CalendarUtil.validString(birthdayField.getText())) { errorMessage += "No valid birthday. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd!\n"; } } if (errorMessage.length() == 0) { return true; } else { // Show the error message Dialogs.showErrorDialog(dialogStage, errorMessage, "Please correct invalid fields", "Invalid Fields"); return false; } }
@Override public void exibeMensagem() { // Dialogs.showErrorDialog(ManterStage.getInstance().getStage(), SistemaOperacionalNaoSuportadoException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",SistemaOperacionalNaoSuportadoException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), SistemaOperacionalNaoSuportadoException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",SistemaOperacionalNaoSuportadoException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); }
@Override public void exibeMensagem() { // Dialogs.showErrorDialog(ManterStage.getInstance().getStage(), UsuarioInvalidoException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",UsuarioInvalidoException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), UsuarioInvalidoException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",UsuarioInvalidoException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); }
@Override public void exibeMensagem() { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(),FalhaNaTransferenciaException.super.getMessage(), FalhaNaTransferenciaException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); }
@Override public void exibeMensagem() { // Dialogs.showErrorDialog(ManterStage.getInstance().getStage(), FalhaNaConexaoComServidorException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",FalhaNaConexaoComServidorException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), FalhaNaConexaoComServidorException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",FalhaNaConexaoComServidorException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); }
@Override public void exibeMensagem() { // Dialogs.showErrorDialog(ManterStage.getInstance().getStage(), ComputadorNaoConectadoException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",ComputadorNaoConectadoException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), ComputadorNaoConectadoException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",ComputadorNaoConectadoException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); }
@Override public void exibeMensagem() { // Dialogs.showErrorDialog(ManterStage.getInstance().getStage(), FalhaNaConexaoComServidorException.super.getMessage(),"Erro",FalhaNaConexaoComServidorException.super.getLocalizedMessage()); Dialogs.showErrorDialog(new Stage(), UsuarioJaLogadoException.super.getMessage(),"Erro","Erro"); }
public void exportStrategy() { Dialogs.showInformationDialog(Global.dashboardStage, "The strategy is saved on your local disk : "+ Settings.STRATEGY_PATH ); }