/** * shows game-over pop-up. * @param controller */ private void showGameOverPopup(MainFXMLDocumentController controller) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") BorderPane content =BorderPaneBuilder.create() .minWidth(230).minHeight(130) .bottom(getBottomBox(controller)) .center(getCenterBox()) .style( "-fx-background-color:linear-gradient(darkslategrey, wheat, white);" + "-fx-background-radius:7;" + "-fx-border-radius:7") .build(); pp = new Popup(); pp.setAutoHide(true); pp.getContent().add(content); pp.show(controller.DOWN.getScene().getWindow()); }
public void onMouseClickedShowItemMenuPopup(MouseEvent event) { LoggerFacade.INSTANCE.debug(this.getClass(), "On mouse clicked show ItemMenu popup"); // NOI18N if (!event.getButton().equals(MouseButton.SECONDARY)) { return; } final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoFix(true); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.setHideOnEscape(true); final ItemMenuPopupView view = new ItemMenuPopupView(); final ItemMenuPopupPresenter presenter = view.getRealPresenter(); presenter.configure(popup, model); popup.getContent().add(view.getView()); popup.show(parent, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY()); }
private Timeline createHideTimeline(final Popup popup, NotificationBar bar, final Pos p, Duration startDelay) { KeyValue fadeOutBegin = new KeyValue(bar.opacityProperty(), 1.0); KeyValue fadeOutEnd = new KeyValue(bar.opacityProperty(), 0.0); KeyFrame kfBegin = new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, fadeOutBegin); KeyFrame kfEnd = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(500), fadeOutEnd); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(kfBegin, kfEnd); timeline.setDelay(startDelay); timeline.setOnFinished(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) { hide(popup, p); } }); return timeline; }
protected PopupWindow createPopup() { ListView<BODTO<T>> listView = new ListView<>(); listView.getStyleClass().addAll("combo-box-popup"); listView.setItems(completionItems); listView.cellFactoryProperty().bind(control.cellFactoryProperty()); listView.setOnKeyReleased(e -> { if (e.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER ) { select(listView); e.consume(); } if (e.getCode() == KeyCode.ESCAPE ) { hidePopup(); e.consume(); } }); listView.setOnMouseClicked(e -> { if (e.getClickCount() == 1) select(listView); e.consume();}); Popup popup = new Popup(); control.showPopup.bind(popup.showingProperty()); popup.getContent().add(listView); textInput.updateValue(""); return popup; }
private Timeline createHideTimeline(final Popup popup, NotificationBar bar, final Pos p, Duration startDelay, Notifications notification) { KeyValue fadeOutBegin = new KeyValue(bar.opacityProperty(), 1.0); KeyValue fadeOutEnd = new KeyValue(bar.opacityProperty(), 0.0); KeyFrame kfBegin = new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, fadeOutBegin); KeyFrame kfEnd = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(500), fadeOutEnd); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(kfBegin, kfEnd); timeline.setDelay(startDelay); timeline.setOnFinished(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) { hide(popup, p); notification.onHideAction.handle(e); } }); return timeline; }
@FXML private void handleContextHelpButtonAction(ActionEvent event) { final Popup popup = new Popup(); Tab activeTab = TabSelectionChangeListener.getActiveTab(); if (activeTab == null || activeTab.getUserData() == null) { return; } // The help text is currently stored in userData. // TODO(gaborfeher): Find a better place. String helpText = (String) activeTab.getUserData(); Label popupLabel = new Label(helpText); popupLabel.setStyle("-fx-border-color: black;"); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.setAutoFix(true); // Calculate popup placement coordinates. Node eventSource = (Node) event.getSource(); Bounds sourceNodeBounds = eventSource.localToScreen(eventSource.getBoundsInLocal()); popup.setX(sourceNodeBounds.getMinX() - 5.0); popup.setY(sourceNodeBounds.getMaxY() + 5.0); popup.getContent().addAll(popupLabel); popup.show(stage); }
@FXML public void showEmployeesHelper(ActionEvent evt) { Button btn = (Button)evt.getSource(); Point2D point = btn.localToScreen(0.0d + btn.getWidth(), 0.0d - btn.getHeight()); try { Popup employeesHelper = new ListViewHelperEmployeesPopup(tfEmployee, point); employeesHelper.show(btn.getScene().getWindow()); } catch(Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.ERROR, "Error creating employees popup; exiting"); alert.showAndWait(); btn.getScene().getWindow().hide(); // close and implicit exit } }
public CardPlayedToken(GameBoardView boardView, Card card) { Window parent = boardView.getScene().getWindow(); this.cardToken = new CardTooltip(); popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().setAll(cardToken); popup.setX(parent.getX() + 40); popup.show(parent); popup.setY(parent.getY() + parent.getHeight() * 0.5 - cardToken.getHeight() * 0.5); cardToken.setCard(card); NotificationProxy.sendNotification(GameNotification.ANIMATION_STARTED); FadeTransition animation = new FadeTransition(Duration.seconds(1.2), cardToken); animation.setDelay(Duration.seconds(0.6f)); animation.setOnFinished(this::onComplete); animation.setFromValue(1); animation.setToValue(0); animation.play(); }
public CardRevealedToken(GameBoardView boardView, Card card, double delay) { Window parent = boardView.getScene().getWindow(); this.cardToken = new CardTooltip(); popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().setAll(cardToken); popup.setX(parent.getX() + 40); popup.show(parent); popup.setY(parent.getY() + parent.getHeight() * 0.5 - cardToken.getHeight() * 0.5); cardToken.setCard(card); NotificationProxy.sendNotification(GameNotification.ANIMATION_STARTED); FadeTransition animation = new FadeTransition(Duration.seconds(delay), cardToken); animation.setOnFinished(this::secondTransition); animation.setFromValue(0); animation.setToValue(0); animation.play(); }
/** * Method to load the viewplayer popup * @param inputPlayer player to be displayed in the popup * @throws IOException is thrown if the FXML file cannot be parsed. */ public static void start(Player inputPlayer) throws IOException { player = inputPlayer; if(player != null){ FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(Class.class .getResource("/data/gui/pages-game/ViewPlayer.fxml")); page = (AnchorPane) loader.load(); FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(900), page); ft.setFromValue(0.0); ft.setToValue(0.97); ft.play(); popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.getContent().add(page); popup.show(Main.stage); } }
/** * THe start method to load the Save game dialog * @throws IOException is thrown if the FXML file cannot be parsed. */ public static void start() throws IOException { FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(Class.class .getResource("/data/gui/pages-game/SaveGameDialog.fxml")); page = (AnchorPane) loader.load(); FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(900), page); ft.setFromValue(0.0); ft.setToValue(0.97); ft.play(); page.setOpacity(0.85); popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.getContent().add(page); popup.show(Main.stage); }
/** * Creates the popup screen and displays it */ public static void start(){ FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(Class.class .getResource("/data/gui/pages-game/Popup.fxml")); try { page = (AnchorPane) loader.load(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(900), page); ft.setFromValue(0.0); ft.setToValue(0.97); ft.play(); popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.getContent().add(page); popup.show(Main.stage); }
/** * THe start method to load the are you sure to overwrite dialog * * @param slot * in where is game is saved * * @throws IOException * is thrown if the FXML file cannot be parsed. */ public static void start(int slot) throws IOException { saveslot = slot; FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(Class.class .getResource("/data/gui/pages-game/OverwriteDialog.fxml")); page = (AnchorPane) loader.load(); FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(900), page); ft.setFromValue(0.0); ft.setToValue(0.97); ft.play(); page.setOpacity(0.85); popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.getContent().add(page); popup.show(Main.stage); }
/** * Loads the result of a round dialog * @throws IOException is thrown if the FXML file cannot be parsed. */ public static void start() throws IOException{ FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(Class.class .getResource("/data/gui/pages-game/ResultRoundDialog.fxml")); page = (AnchorPane) loader.load(); FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(900), page); ft.setFromValue(0.0); ft.setToValue(0.97); ft.play(); popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); page.setOpacity(0.85); popup.getContent().add(page); popup.show(Main.stage); TeamBuilderController.start(); }
/** * THe start method to load the loadgame dialog * @throws IOException is thrown if the FXML file cannot be parsed. */ public static void start() throws IOException { FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setLocation(Class.class .getResource("/data/gui/pages-menu/LoadGameDialog.fxml")); page = (AnchorPane) loader.load(); FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(900), page); ft.setFromValue(0.0); ft.setToValue(0.97); ft.play(); page.setOpacity(0.85); popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.getContent().add(page); popup.show(Main.stage); }
public void showPopupWithinBounds(final Node node, final Popup popup) { final Window window = node.getScene().getWindow(); double x = window.getX() + node.localToScene(0, 0).getX() + node.getScene().getX(); double y = window.getY() + node.localToScene(0, 0).getY() + node.getScene().getY() + node.getBoundsInParent().getHeight(); popup.show(window, x, y); if (!popup.getContent().isEmpty()) { final Node content = popup.getContent().get(0); x -= content.localToScene(0, 0).getX(); y -= content.localToScene(0, 0).getY(); } Point2D pd= new Point2D(x, y); double Z = window.getX(); double gX = sp.getLayoutX(); double c = sp.getWidth()-popup.getWidth(); popup.show(window, (Z+gX+c+8), y); }
public Point2D showPopUp(final Node node, final Popup popup){ final Parent parent = node.getParent(); final Bounds childBounds = node.getBoundsInParent(); double x = 0; double y = 0; if (null != parent) { final Bounds parentBounds = parent.localToScene(parent.getBoundsInLocal()); x = childBounds.getMinX() + parentBounds.getMinX() + parent.getScene().getX() + parent.getScene().getWindow().getX(); y = childBounds.getMaxY() + parentBounds.getMinY() + parent.getScene().getY() + parent.getScene().getWindow().getY(); } Point2D pd= new Point2D(x, y); popup.show(node, x, y); return pd; }
@Override public void sendToComponent(Object kb, final char ch, final boolean ctrl) { logger.trace("fire: {}", ch); final Window keyboardWindow = ((KeyboardPane) kb).getScene().getWindow(); if (keyboardWindow != null) { final Scene scene; if (keyboardWindow instanceof Popup) { scene = ((Popup) keyboardWindow).getOwnerWindow().getScene(); } else { scene = keyboardWindow.getScene(); } Platform.runLater(() -> send(scene, ch, ctrl)); } }
@Override public void sendToComponent(Object kb, final char ch, final boolean ctrl) { logger.trace("fire: {}", ch); final Window keyboardWindow = ((KeyboardPane) kb).getScene().getWindow(); if (keyboardWindow != null) { final Scene scene; if (keyboardWindow instanceof Popup) { scene = ((Popup) keyboardWindow).getOwnerWindow().getScene(); } else { scene = keyboardWindow.getScene(); } Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { send(scene, ch, ctrl); } }); } }
/** * initialize the top side of the app */ private void topSideInit() { this.ICON.setGraphic(this.getImage("/resources/image/icon.png", 57)); this.EXITER.setGraphic(this.getImage("/resources/image/exit.png", 57)); this.MINIMISER.setGraphic(this.getImage("/resources/image/mini.png", 57)); about = new Popup(); help = new Popup(); }
/** * * @param pp */ private void popupCloser(Popup pp, Node node) { ScaleTransition st = new ScaleTransition(Duration.seconds(.3), node); st.setToX(0); st.setToY(0); st.play(); FadeTransition fd = new FadeTransition(Duration.seconds(.3), node); fd.setToValue(.2); fd.play(); st.setOnFinished(e -> pp.hide()); }
public void oakyButtonHandler(MouseEvent event, Popup pp) { ScaleTransition st = new ScaleTransition(Duration.seconds(.3), (Node) pp.getContent()); st.setToX(0); st.play(); FadeTransition fd = new FadeTransition(Duration.seconds(.3), (Node) pp.getContent()); fd.setToValue(.2); st.setOnFinished(e -> pp.hide()); }
protected void showPopup() { init(); isShowing = true; VBox popupLayout = new VBox(); popupLayout.setSpacing(10); popupLayout.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)); StackPane popupContent = new StackPane(); popupContent.setPrefSize(width, height); popupContent.getStyleClass().add("notification"); popupContent.getChildren().addAll(popupLayout); popup = new Popup(); popup.setX(getX()); popup.setY(getY()); popup.getContent().add(popupContent); popup.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, new WeakEventHandler<>(event -> { fireNotificationEvent(new NotificationEvent(this, popup, NotificationEvent.NOTIFICATION_PRESSED)); hidePopUp(); })); popups.add(popup); // Add a timeline for popup fade out KeyValue fadeOutBegin = new KeyValue(popup.opacityProperty(), 1.0); KeyValue fadeOutEnd = new KeyValue(popup.opacityProperty(), 0.0); KeyFrame kfBegin = new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, fadeOutBegin); KeyFrame kfEnd = new KeyFrame(popupAnimationTime, fadeOutEnd); timeline = new Timeline(kfBegin, kfEnd); timeline.setDelay(popupLifetime); timeline.setOnFinished(actionEvent -> Platform.runLater(() -> { hidePopUp(); })); if (stage.isShowing()) { stage.toFront(); } else { stage.show(); } popup.show(stage); fireNotificationEvent(new NotificationEvent(this, popup, NotificationEvent.SHOW_NOTIFICATION)); timeline.play(); }
private void addPopupToMap(Pos p, Popup popup) { List<Popup> popups; if (!popupsMap.containsKey(p)) { popups = new LinkedList<>(); popupsMap.put(p, popups); } else { popups = popupsMap.get(p); } doAnimation(p, popup); // add the popup to the list so it is kept in memory and can be // accessed later on popups.add(popup); }
@Override protected void interpolate(double frac) { Popup popup = popupWeakReference.get(); if (popup != null) { double newAnchorY = oldAnchorY + distance * frac; popup.setAnchorY(newAnchorY); } }
/** * handle all popUp windows * * @param text */ public void handlePopup(String text) { Platform.runLater(() -> { try { Popup popup = new Popup(); Parent parent; parent = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/Fxml/popup.fxml")); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) parent.lookup("#imgMessage"); imageView.setImage(new Image(getClass().getResource("/Css/dialog-info.png").toString())); imageView.setOnMouseClicked(event -> popup.hide()); Label lblMessage = (Label) parent.lookup("#lblMessage"); lblMessage.setText(text); popup.setX(primaryStage.getX()); popup.setY(primaryStage.getY()); popup.getContent().add(parent); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.show(primaryStage); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }); }
/** * popUp windows * * @param text */ public void handlePopup(String text) { Platform.runLater(() -> { try { Popup popup = new Popup(); Parent parent; parent = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/Fxml/popup.fxml")); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) parent.lookup("#imgMessage"); imageView.setImage(new Image(getClass().getResource("/Css/dialog-info.png").toString())); imageView.setOnMouseClicked(event -> popup.hide()); Label lblMessage = (Label) parent.lookup("#lblMessage"); lblMessage.setText(text); // set the popup window position popup.setX(primaryStage.getX()); popup.setY(primaryStage.getY()); popup.getContent().add(parent); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.show(primaryStage); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }); }
/** * popUp windows * * @param text */ public void handlePopup(String text) { Platform.runLater(() -> { try { Popup popup = new Popup(); Parent parent; parent = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/Fxml/popup.fxml")); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) parent.lookup("#imgMessage"); imageView.setImage(new Image(getClass().getResource("/Css/dialog-info.png").toString())); imageView.setOnMouseClicked(event -> popup.hide()); Label lblMessage = (Label) parent.lookup("#lblMessage"); lblMessage.setText(text); popup.setX(primaryStage.getX()); popup.setY(primaryStage.getY()); popup.getContent().add(parent); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.show(primaryStage); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }); }
public Popup setupDialog(double width, double height, Node content) { Popup popup = new Popup(); if (height != -1) { popup.setHeight(height); } if (width != -1) { popup.setWidth(width); } popup.getContent().add(content); return popup; }
public RadialDebug(Popup popup, Params params) { this.popup = popup; this.params = params; Circle centerPoint = new Circle(); setupCircle(centerPoint, params.getAnchorPoint().xProperty(), params.getAnchorPoint().yProperty(), 1.0d); decorateShape(centerPoint, null, Color.RED, 1); popup.getContent().add(centerPoint); }
public JoustToken(GameBoardView boardView, Card card, boolean up, boolean won) { Window parent = boardView.getScene().getWindow(); this.cardToken = new CardTooltip(); popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().setAll(cardToken); popup.setX(parent.getX() + 600); popup.show(parent); int offsetY = up ? -200 : 100; popup.setY(parent.getY() + parent.getHeight() * 0.5 - cardToken.getHeight() * 0.5 + offsetY); cardToken.setCard(card); NotificationProxy.sendNotification(GameNotification.ANIMATION_STARTED); FadeTransition animation = new FadeTransition(Duration.seconds(1.0), cardToken); animation.setDelay(Duration.seconds(1f)); animation.setOnFinished(this::onComplete); animation.setFromValue(1); animation.setToValue(0); animation.play(); if (won) { ScaleTransition scaleAnimation = new ScaleTransition(Duration.seconds(0.5f), cardToken); scaleAnimation.setByX(0.1); scaleAnimation.setByY(0.1); scaleAnimation.setCycleCount(2); scaleAnimation.setAutoReverse(true); scaleAnimation.play(); } }
public CodeAreaBuilder setupAutocomplete(AutocompletionEngine service, String collectionName) { this.suggestContext = new SuggestContext(collectionName, codeArea); Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); popup.setHideOnEscape(true); ListView<Suggest> listView = createAutocompleteListView(popup); popup.getContent().add(listView); codeArea.setPopupWindow(popup); codeArea.setPopupAlignment(PopupAlignment.CARET_BOTTOM); codeArea.setPopupAnchorOffset(new Point2D(1, 1)); Builder<KeyEvent> onKey = EventHandlerHelper.on(keyPressed(KeyCode.SPACE, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN)).act(ae -> { if (popup.isShowing()) { popup.hide(); } else { showPopup(service, popup, listView); } }) // .on(EventPattern.keyReleased(KeyCode.PERIOD)).act(ae -> showPopup(service, popup, listView)); codeArea.textProperty().addListener(text -> { if (popup.isShowing()) { updateSuggestion(service, popup, listView); } }); EventHandler<KeyEvent> onKeyHandler = onKey.create(); EventHandlerHelper.install(codeArea.onKeyPressedProperty(), onKeyHandler); EventHandlerHelper.install(codeArea.onKeyReleasedProperty(), onKeyHandler); return this; }
private boolean updateSuggestion(AutocompletionEngine service, Popup popup, ListView<Suggest> listView) { List<Suggest> autocompleteList = buildAutocompleteFromPosition(service); if (!autocompleteList.isEmpty()) { listView.getItems().setAll(autocompleteList); listView.getSelectionModel().select(0); return true; } popup.hide(); return false; }
private ListView<Suggest> createAutocompleteListView(Popup popup) { ListView<Suggest> listView = new SuggestListView(); Builder<KeyEvent> popupKeyEvents = EventHandlerHelper.on(keyPressed(KeyCode.ESCAPE)).act(e -> popup.hide())// .on(keyPressed(KeyCode.ENTER)).act(e -> applySelected(popup, listView)); EventHandlerHelper.install(listView.onKeyPressedProperty(), popupKeyEvents.create()); listView.setOnMouseClicked(e -> { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) applySelected(popup, listView); }); return listView; }
private void applySelected(Popup popup, ListView<Suggest> listView) { Suggest selectedItem = listView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedItem != null) { selectedItem.apply(suggestContext); } popup.hide(); }
private void showPopUp(StackPane sp3){ Popup p = getPopUp(); //p.show(sp3,0,0); showPopupWithinBounds(sp3, p); //Point2D pd = showPopUp(sp3, p); //System.out.println(p.getWidth()); //p.show(window, x, y); }
public void showPopupBelowNode(final Node node, final Popup popup) { final Window window = node.getScene().getWindow(); double x = window.getX() + node.localToScene(0, 0).getX() + node.getScene().getX(); double y = window.getY() + node.localToScene(0, 0).getY() + node.getScene().getY() + node.getBoundsInParent().getHeight(); popup.show(window, x, y); if (!popup.getContent().isEmpty()) { final Node content = popup.getContent().get(0); x -= content.localToScene(0, 0).getX(); y -= content.localToScene(0, 0).getY(); } Point2D pd= new Point2D(x, y); popup.show(window, x, y); }