/** Creates a new instance of ScriptJsfBean */ public ScriptJsfBean() { String name = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("scriptname"); if (name != null) { this.name = name; try { ScriptLocal s = Ejb.lookupScriptBean().findByPrimaryKey(name); description = s.getDescription(); text = new String(s.getScript()); } catch (FinderException ex) { //Logger.getLogger(ScriptJsfBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
public String load() { try { DeviceProfileLocal d = Ejb.lookupDeviceProfileBean().findByPrimaryKey(name); setPeriodicInformInterval(d.getInforminterval()); setDaysToKeepStats(d.getDayskeepstats()); setSaveParamValuesInterval(d.getSaveParamValuesInterval()); saveParamValuesOnBoot = d.getSaveParamValuesOnBoot(); saveParamValuesOnChange = d.getSaveParamValuesOnChange(); saveLog = d.getSaveLog(); saveParamValues = d.getSaveParamValues(); scriptName = d.getScriptname(); props = new ProfilePropertySet(name); props.Load(); return "loaded"; } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return null; }
public Collection getFwVersions() { // javax.faces.context.FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(). //System.out.println("DeviceProfileBean.getFwVersions hwid=" + hwid); ArrayList<SelectItem> a = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); a.add(new SelectItem(DeviceProfile2SoftwareLocal.NOUPDATE, "No update")); a.add(new SelectItem(DeviceProfile2SoftwareLocal.AUTOUPDATE, "Automatic")); try { // Iterator cfgs = Ejb.lookupConfigurationBean().findAll().iterator(); Iterator<SoftwareLocal> fws = Ejb.lookupSoftwareBean().findByHardware(hwid).iterator(); while (fws.hasNext()) { SoftwareLocal fw = fws.next(); a.add(new SelectItem(fw.getVersion(), fw.getVersion())); } } catch (FinderException ex) { } return a; }
public String load() { try { ServiceLocal svc = Ejb.lookupServiceBean().findByPrimaryKey(id); name = svc.getName(); description = svc.getDescription(); type = svc.getType(); props = new ServicePropertySet(id); props.Load(); if (type == null || type.equals("") || type.equals(TYPE_GENERIC)) { System.out.println("ServiceBean::load return \"loaded_service\""); return "loaded_service"; } System.out.println("ServiceBean::load return \"loaded_" + type + "\""); return "loaded_" + type; } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return null; }
@Override public void Load() { //System.out.println ("ProfilePropertySet::Load name="+profilename); ProfilePropertyLocalHome pplh = Ejb.lookupProfilePropertyBean(); Collection<ProfilePropertyLocal> props; try { props = pplh.findByProfile(profilename); for (ProfilePropertyLocal p : props) { //System.out.println ("ProfilePropertySet::Load "+p.getName()+"->"+p.getValue()); original.put(p.getName(), new Property(p.getName(), p.getValue())); } super.Load(); } catch (FinderException ex) { //System.out.println ("ProfilePropertySet::Load ex="+ex.getMessage()); } }
public static Object call(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { if (args.length < 1) { ((Script) thisObj).log(Level.WARNING, "call function with zero args"); return null; } ScriptLocal script; try { script = Ejb.lookupScriptBean((String) args[0]); /* Object [] newargs = null; if (args.length > 1) { newargs = new Object[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, newargs, 0, args.length - 1); Scriptable a = cx.newArray(thisObj, newargs); thisObj.put("arguments", thisObj, newargs); } */ return cx.evaluateString(thisObj, new String(script.getScript()), (String) args[0], 1, null); } catch (FinderException ex) { ((Script) thisObj).log(Level.SEVERE, "CALL: function " + args[0] + " not found."); } return null; }
private void createDefaultProfile() { DeviceProfileLocal def; try { def = Ejb.lookupDeviceProfileBean().findByPrimaryKey("Default"); if (def.getSaveParamValuesOnBoot() == null) { def.setSavestats(true); def.setSaveParamValuesOnChange(true); def.setSaveParamValuesOnBoot(true); def.setSaveParamValuesInterval(7); } } catch (FinderException ex) { try { def = Ejb.lookupDeviceProfileBean().create("Default"); def.setDayskeepstats(7); def.setInforminterval(1800); def.setSavestats(true); def.setSaveParamValuesOnChange(true); def.setSaveParamValuesOnBoot(true); def.setSaveParamValuesInterval(7); } catch (CreateException ex1) { Logger.getLogger(Application.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } } }
public String Save() { // System.out.println ("Config.Save: hwid="+hwid+" name="+name); try { ConfigurationLocal s = Ejb.lookupConfigurationBean().findByPrimaryKey(new ConfigurationPK(hwid, name)); HardwareModelLocal hw = s.getHardware(); Vendor v = Vendor.getVendor(hw.getOui(), hw.getHclass(), hw.getVersion()); String[] r = v.CheckConfig(filename, name, version, config); if (r != null && r.length > 0) { setErrorMessage(r); } s.setFilename(filename); s.setVersion(version); s.setConfig(config.getBytes()); setSaved(); } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return "cfgsaved"; }
public String connectionRequest() { if (crw == null || crw.getState() == State.TERMINATED) { try { System.out.println("Connection request START"); HostsLocal h = Ejb.lookupHostsBean().findByHwidAndSn(hwid, sn); // crw = new ConnectionRequestWorker(url, conreqUser, conreqPass); crw = new ConnectionRequestWorker(h); setLastcrres("In progress"); crw.start(); } catch (FinderException ex) { System.out.println("FinderException: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); setLastcrres(ex.getLocalizedMessage()); Logger.getLogger(HostsBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { System.out.println("Connection request no......"); } return null; }
public Collection getConfigs() { try { // Iterator cfgs = Ejb.lookupConfigurationBean().findAll().iterator(); Iterator cfgs = Ejb.lookupConfigurationBean().findByHwid(hwid).iterator(); ArrayList<SelectItem> a = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); a.add(new SelectItem(CONFIG_NONE)); while (cfgs.hasNext()) { ConfigurationLocal cfg = (ConfigurationLocal) cfgs.next(); a.add(new SelectItem(cfg.getName())); } return a; } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public Collection getHardwareList() { try { Iterator cfgs = Ejb.lookupHardwareModelBean().findAll().iterator(); ArrayList<SelectItem> a = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); while (cfgs.hasNext()) { HardwareModelLocal model = (HardwareModelLocal) cfgs.next(); a.add(new SelectItem(((Integer) model.getId()).toString(), model.getDisplayName())); if (hwid == null) { hwid = (Integer) model.getId(); } } return a; } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
protected String getServiceForm() { ServiceLocal service; try { service = Ejb.lookupServiceBean().findByPrimaryKey(svcidin); } catch (FinderException ex) { Logger.getLogger(HostsBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } String formname = service.getType() + "_assign.xhtml"; try { InputStream rs = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getResourceAsStream(formname); if (rs != null) { return service.getType(); } } catch (Exception e) { } return null; }
public Collection autocompleteSerialNo(Object v) { //System.out.println ("CPE autocompleteSerialNo"); ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(COUNT_SUGGESTIONS); Iterator it; try { //System.out.println ("AUTOCOMPLETE hwid="+hwid+" v="+v); it = Ejb.lookupHostsBean().findByPartialSN(hwid, (String) v).iterator(); } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_SUGGESTIONS && it.hasNext(); i++) { a.add(i, ((HostsLocal) it.next()).getSerialno()); } return a; }
private DataModelNode getCfg() { if (thecfg == null) { parameterNames = null; parameterValues = null; currentPath = ""; thecfg = new DataModelNode(null); InputStream in; try { //in = new FileInputStream("c:/temp/tr.txt"); BackupLocalHome blh = Ejb.lookupBackupBean(); Timestamp t = blh.getTimeOfLastBackup(id); BackupLocal bl = blh.findByPrimaryKey(new BackupPK(id, t, BackupLocal.TYPE_VENDOR_INDEPENDANT)); in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bl.getCfg()); thecfg.load(in); setPath(currentPath = thecfg.getName()); } /*catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(HostsBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }*/ catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage("No saved values found. \nCheck settings in profile or wait for device contacting ACS."); // Logger.getLogger(HostsBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return thecfg; }
private Hashtable<String, String> getAtmErrorStats(Hashtable<String, String> m, int type) { if (m == null) { HostsLocal h; try { h = Ejb.lookupHostsBean().findByHwidAndSn(hwid, sn); ATMErrorsStatsLocal s = Ejb.lookupATMErrorsStatsBean().findByPrimaryKey(new ATMErrorsStatsPK((Integer) h.getId(), h.getLastcontact(), type)); m = ejb2map(s); m.remove("hostid"); m.remove("time"); m.remove("type"); } catch (FinderException ex) { m = new Hashtable<String, String>(); } } return m; }
public String Save() { // System.out.println("ScriptJsfBean.Save () id=" + id); try { HardwareModelLocal s = Ejb.lookupHardwareModelBean().findByPrimaryKey(id); s.setDisplayName(displayName); s.setHclass(hclass); s.setManufacturer(manufacturer); s.setOui(oui); s.setVersion(version); } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); return null; } setSaved(); return "hwsaved"; }
private boolean getProfileProps(Properties p, String root, String profile, Hashtable<String, Boolean> profiles) throws FinderException { if (profiles.containsKey(profile)) { return false; } profiles.put(profile, true); DeviceProfileLocal prf = Ejb.lookupDeviceProfileBean().findByPrimaryKey(profile); String baseprofile = prf.getBaseprofile(); if (baseprofile != null && !baseprofile.equals("")) { boolean r = getProfileProps(p, root, baseprofile, profiles); if (!r) { return false; } } String profilename = prf.getName(); Iterator<ProfilePropertyLocal> profileprops = Ejb.lookupProfilePropertyBean().findByProfile(profile).iterator();// prf.getProperties().iterator(); while (profileprops.hasNext()) { ProfilePropertyLocal profileprop = profileprops.next(); String name = profileprop.getName(); String value = profileprop.getValue(); log(Level.INFO, "Set property: source is profile '" + profilename + "' " + name + " -> " + value); putNormalizedProperty(p, root, name, value); //p.setProperty(name, value); } return true; }
public Object[] getAll() throws FinderException { // System.out.println ("ScriptJsfBean.getAll"); if (arrayScriptNames != null) { return arrayScriptNames; } else { return arrayScriptNames = Ejb.lookupScriptBean().findAll().toArray(); } }
public Object[] getAll() throws FinderException { if (arraySw != null) { return arraySw; } else { return arraySw = Ejb.lookupSoftwareBean().findAll().toArray(); } }
public String save() { try { save(Ejb.lookupDeviceProfileBean().findByPrimaryKey(name)); setSaved(); return "saved"; } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return null; }
public Collection getList() { try { Iterator lst = Ejb.lookupDeviceProfileBean().findAll().iterator(); ArrayList<SelectItem> a = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); while (lst.hasNext()) { DeviceProfileLocal it = (DeviceProfileLocal) lst.next(); a.add(new SelectItem(it.getName(), it.getName())); } return a; } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return null; }
public Collection getDevices() { //System.out.println("DeviceProfileBean.getDevices"); try { // Iterator cfgs = Ejb.lookupConfigurationBean().findAll().iterator(); Iterator<HardwareModelLocal> hwms = Ejb.lookupHardwareModelBean().findAll().iterator(); ArrayList<SelectItem> a = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); while (hwms.hasNext()) { HardwareModelLocal hwm = hwms.next(); a.add(new SelectItem(hwm.getId(), hwm.getDisplayName())); } return a; } catch (FinderException ex) { } return null; }
public Collection getScriptNames() { ArrayList<SelectItem> a = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); try { Iterator<ScriptLocal> fws = Ejb.lookupScriptBean().findAll().iterator(); while (fws.hasNext()) { ScriptLocal script = fws.next(); a.add(new SelectItem(script.getName(), script.getName())); } } catch (FinderException ex) { } return a; }
public Collection getFwMap() { ArrayList<FirmwareMapEntry> a = new ArrayList<FirmwareMapEntry>(); Map<Integer, HardwareModelLocal> hwmap = Ejb.getHardwareModelMap(); try { Iterator<DeviceProfile2SoftwareLocal> i = Ejb.lookupDeviceProfile2SoftwareBean().findByProfile(name).iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { DeviceProfile2SoftwareLocal o = i.next(); HardwareModelLocal hwm = hwmap.get(o.getHwid()); a.add(new FirmwareMapEntry(hwm.getDisplayName(), (Integer) hwm.getId(), o.getVersion())); } } catch (FinderException ex) { } return a; }
public Object[] getAll() throws FinderException { if (models != null) { return models; } else { return models = Ejb.lookupHardwareModelBean().findAll().toArray(); } }
public Object[] getAll() throws FinderException { if (arrayCfgs != null) { //System.out.println("CONFIGS: getAll (cached)"); return arrayCfgs; } else { //System.out.println("CONFIGS: getAll"); return arrayCfgs = Ejb.lookupConfigurationBean().findAll().toArray(); } }
public Collection getAll() { try { return Ejb.lookupServiceBean().findAll(); } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); return null; } }
private void setProperty(String name, String value) throws CreateException { PropertyLocalHome plh = Ejb.lookupPropertyBean(); PropertyLocal pl = null; try { pl = plh.findByPrimaryKey(new PropertyPK(0, PropertyLocal.TYPE_APPLICATION, name)); pl.setValue(value); } catch (FinderException ex) { plh.create(0, PropertyLocal.TYPE_APPLICATION, name, value); } }
private Collection getServices(String type) { try { Iterator<ServiceLocal> svcs = Ejb.lookupServiceBean().findByType(type).iterator(); ArrayList<SelectItem> a = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); while (svcs.hasNext()) { ServiceLocal svc = svcs.next(); a.add(new SelectItem(svc.getId(), svc.getName())); } return a; } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
@Override public void Load() { Collection<ServicePropertyLocal> props; try { props = Ejb.lookupServicePropertyBean().findByServiceId(Serviceid); for (ServicePropertyLocal p : props) { original.put(p.getName(), new ServiceProperty(p.getName(), p.getValue(), p.getIsparam())); } super.Load(); } catch (FinderException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServicePropertySet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
public Object[] getAll() throws FinderException { if (arrayScriptNames != null) { return arrayScriptNames; } else { return arrayScriptNames = Ejb.lookupScriptBean().findAll().toArray(); } }
private void runScript(String scriptName, TransferComplete tc) { try { ScriptLocal sb; sb = Ejb.lookupScriptBean(scriptName); Script script = new Script(lastInform, new String(sb.getScript()), host, tc, this, sessionid); script.run(); } catch (FinderException ex) { log(Level.WARNING, "Configuration script '" + scriptName + "' not found in db."); } }
public String requestReboot() { try { HostsLocal h = Ejb.lookupHostsBean().findByHwidAndSn(hwid, sn); h.setReboot(true); connectionRequest(); } catch (FinderException ex) { } return null; }
protected void LoadProperties() { try { HostsLocal h = Ejb.lookupHostsBean().findByPrimaryKey(id); LoadProperties(h); } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } }
public String getItem() { //System.out.println ("getItem"); HostsLocal h; try { h = Ejb.lookupHostsBean().findByPrimaryKey(id); findResult = new ArrayList<HostsLocal>(); findResult.add(h); loadItem(h); } catch (FinderException ex) { Logger.getLogger(HostsBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return "cpegetitem"; }
public String findStats() { Timestamp tf = new Timestamp(timeFrom.getTime()); Timestamp tt = new Timestamp(timeTo.getTime()); try { // System.out.println ("DSLstats: hwid="+hwid+" sn="+sn+" tf="+tf+" tt="+tt); HostsLocal h = Ejb.lookupHostsBean().findByHwidAndSn(hwid, sn); DSLStatsLocalHome s = Ejb.lookupDSLStatsBean(); dslstatslist = s.findByCpeAndTime2((Integer) h.getId(), tf, tt); } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return null; }
public String load() { // System.out.println("Software.load hwid=" + hwid); try { SoftwareLocal s = Ejb.lookupSoftwareBean().findByPrimaryKey(new SoftwarePK(this.hwid, version)); this.filename = s.getFilename(); HardwareModelLocal hw = Ejb.lookupHardwareModelBean().findByPrimaryKey(this.hwid); hwmodel = hw.getDisplayName(); } catch (FinderException ex) { setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return "swloaded"; }
public Collection getAll() { // System.out.println("SoftwareJsfBean.getAll hwid=" + hwid); // if (hwid == null || hwid == 0) hwid = 10; try { if (hwid == null || hwid == 0) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // return Ejb.lookupSoftwareBean().findAll(); } return Ejb.lookupSoftwareBean().findByHardware(hwid); } catch (FinderException ex) { //setErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; }
private DataModelNode getCfg() { // System.out.println("SoftwareJsfBean.getCfg currentPath=" + currentPath + " thecfg=" + thecfg); if (thecfg == null) { parameterNames = null; parameterValues = null; // currentPath = ""; if (hwid == null || hwid == 0) { return null; } thecfg = new DataModelNode(null); InputStream in; try { //in = new FileInputStream("c:/temp/tr.txt"); SoftwareDetailLocalHome sdlh = Ejb.lookupSoftwareDetailBean(); SoftwareDetailLocal sdl = sdlh.findByPrimaryKey(new SoftwareDetailPK(hwid, version)); in = new ByteArrayInputStream(sdl.getParamNames()); thecfg.load(in, true); if (currentPath == null || currentPath.equals("")) { currentPath = thecfg.getName(); } setPath2(currentPath); } /*catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(HostsBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }*/ catch (FinderException ex) { thecfg = null; //setErrorMessage("No saved values found. \nCheck settings in profile or wait for device contacting ACS."); // Logger.getLogger(HostsBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return thecfg; }
public Object[] getAll() throws FinderException { // System.out.println("HwModelJsfBean.getAll"); if (arrayAll != null) { return arrayAll; } else { return arrayAll = Ejb.lookupHardwareModelBean().findAll().toArray(); } }