public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException { checkClosedOrFailed(); ensureConnectionInfoSent(); ConsumerId consumerId = createConsumerId(); ConsumerInfo consumerInfo = new ConsumerInfo(consumerId); consumerInfo.setDestination(ActiveMQMessageTransformation.transformDestination(destination)); consumerInfo.setSelector(messageSelector); consumerInfo.setPrefetchSize(maxMessages); consumerInfo.setNoLocal(noLocal); consumerInfo.setDispatchAsync(isDispatchAsync()); // Allows the options on the destination to configure the consumerInfo if (consumerInfo.getDestination().getOptions() != null) { Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>(consumerInfo.getDestination().getOptions()); IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(consumerInfo, options, "consumer."); } return new ActiveMQConnectionConsumer(this, sessionPool, consumerInfo); }
/** * Create a connection consumer -- throws IllegalStateException * * @param queue The queue * @param messageSelector The message selector * @param sessionPool The session pool * @param maxMessages The number of max messages * @return The connection consumer * @throws JMSException Thrown if an error occurs */ @Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(final Queue queue, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { if (ActiveMQRASessionFactoryImpl.trace) { ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("createConnectionConsumer(" + queue + ", " + messageSelector + ", " + sessionPool + ", " + maxMessages + ")"); } throw new IllegalStateException(ISE); }
/** * Create a connection consumer -- throws IllegalStateException * * @param topic The topic * @param messageSelector The message selector * @param sessionPool The session pool * @param maxMessages The number of max messages * @return The connection consumer * @throws JMSException Thrown if an error occurs */ @Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(final Topic topic, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { if (ActiveMQRASessionFactoryImpl.trace) { ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("createConnectionConsumer(" + topic + ", " + messageSelector + ", " + sessionPool + ", " + maxMessages + ")"); } throw new IllegalStateException(ISE); }
/** * Create a durable connection consumer -- throws IllegalStateException * * @param topic The topic * @param subscriptionName The subscription name * @param messageSelector The message selector * @param sessionPool The session pool * @param maxMessages The number of max messages * @return The connection consumer * @throws JMSException Thrown if an error occurs */ @Override public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { if (ActiveMQRASessionFactoryImpl.trace) { ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("createConnectionConsumer(" + topic + ", " + subscriptionName + ", " + messageSelector + ", " + sessionPool + ", " + maxMessages + ")"); } throw new IllegalStateException(ISE); }
/** * Create a connection consumer -- throws IllegalStateException * * @param destination The destination * @param name The name * @param pool The session pool * @param maxMessages The number of max messages * @return The connection consumer * @throws JMSException Thrown if an error occurs */ @Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(final Destination destination, final String name, final ServerSessionPool pool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { if (ActiveMQRASessionFactoryImpl.trace) { ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("createConnectionConsumer(" + destination + ", " + name + ", " + pool + ", " + maxMessages + ")"); } throw new IllegalStateException(ISE); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); // As spec. section 4.11 if (connectionType == ActiveMQConnection.TYPE_QUEUE_CONNECTION) { String msg = "Cannot create a durable connection consumer on a QueueConnection"; throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(msg); } checkTempQueues(topic); // We offer RA, so no need for this return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( final Destination destination, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( Topic topic, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return addConnectionConsumer(topicConnection.createConnectionConsumer(topic, messageSelector, sessionPool, maxMessages)); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( Destination destination, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return connection.createConnectionConsumer(destination, messageSelector, sessionPool, maxMessages); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer( Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return connection.createDurableConnectionConsumer(topic, subscriptionName, messageSelector, sessionPool, maxMessages); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( Queue queue, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return addConnectionConsumer(queueConnection.createConnectionConsumer(queue, messageSelector, sessionPool, maxMessages)); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( Queue queue, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return addConnectionConsumer( ((QueueConnection) connection).createConnectionConsumer(queue, messageSelector, sessionPool, maxMessages)); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( Topic topic, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages ) throws JMSException { return addConnectionConsumer( ((TopicConnection) connection).createConnectionConsumer(topic, messageSelector, sessionPool, maxMessages)); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedConnectionConsumer(Topic arg0, String arg1, String arg2, ServerSessionPool arg3, int arg4) throws JMSException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic arg0, String arg1, String arg2, ServerSessionPool arg3, int arg4) throws JMSException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; }
public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws JMSException { this.checkStatus(); return null; }
public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws JMSException { this.checkStatus(); return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( final Destination destination, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool serverSessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool serverSessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool serverSessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool serverSessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer( final Topic topic, final String subscriptionName, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; }
/** * Create a ConnectionConsumer * * @param theConnection * @param theSessionPool * @param theConsumerInfo * @throws JMSException */ protected ActiveMQConnectionConsumer(ActiveMQConnection theConnection, ServerSessionPool theSessionPool, ConsumerInfo theConsumerInfo) throws JMSException { this.connection = theConnection; this.sessionPool = theSessionPool; this.consumerInfo = theConsumerInfo; this.connection.addConnectionConsumer(this); this.connection.addDispatcher(consumerInfo.getConsumerId(), this); this.connection.syncSendPacket(this.consumerInfo); }
/** * Create a connection consumer -- throws IllegalStateException * * @param destination The destination * @param pool The session pool * @param maxMessages The number of max messages * @return The connection consumer * @throws JMSException Thrown if an error occurs */ public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(final Destination destination, final ServerSessionPool pool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { if (ActiveMQRASessionFactoryImpl.trace) { ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("createConnectionConsumer(" + destination + ", " + pool + ", " + maxMessages + ")"); } throw new IllegalStateException(ISE); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws JMSException { if (ActiveMQRASessionFactoryImpl.trace) { ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("createSharedConnectionConsumer(" + topic + ", " + subscriptionName + ", " + messageSelector + ", " + sessionPool + ", " + maxMessages + ")"); } throw new IllegalStateException(ISE); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws JMSException { if (ActiveMQRASessionFactoryImpl.trace) { ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer(" + topic + ", " + subscriptionName + ", " + messageSelector + ", " + sessionPool + ", " + maxMessages + ")"); } throw new IllegalStateException(ISE); }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(final Destination destination, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); checkTempQueues(destination); // We offer a RA, so no need to implement this for MDBs return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(final Queue queue, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); checkTempQueues(queue); return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(final Topic topic, final String messageSelector, final ServerSessionPool sessionPool, final int maxMessages) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); checkTempQueues(topic); return null; }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; // we offer RA }
@Override public ConnectionConsumer createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws JMSException { return null; // we offer RA }
public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer( Destination destination, String string, ServerSessionPool serverSessionPool, int i) throws JMSException { throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented"); }
public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer( Topic topic, String string, String string1, ServerSessionPool serverSessionPool, int i) throws JMSException { throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented"); }
public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); return null; }