private static String readAdapterNotes(JsonObject root) { if (root.containsKey("adapterNotes")) { JsonValue notes = root.get("adapterNotes"); if (notes.getValueType() == ValueType.STRING) { // Return unquoted string return ((JsonString)notes).getString(); } else { return notes.toString(); } } return ""; }
private Map<String, String> jsonToMap(JsonObject jsonOutput) { Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<>(); for(String key:jsonOutput.keySet()) { JsonValue value = jsonOutput.get(key); if(value.getValueType() == ValueType.STRING) { resultMap.put(key, jsonOutput.getString(key)); } else if (!value.getValueType().equals(ValueType.OBJECT)&&!value.getValueType().equals(ValueType.ARRAY)) { resultMap.put(key, jsonOutput.getString(key).toString()); } } return resultMap; }
@Test public void testInt () { JsonNumber v = new CookJsonInt (1234); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.NUMBER, v.getValueType ()); Assert.assertEquals (true, v.isIntegral ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.intValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.intValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.longValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.longValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigInteger ("1234"), v.bigIntegerValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigInteger ("1234"), v.bigIntegerValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigDecimal (1234), v.bigDecimalValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.doubleValue (), 0); Assert.assertEquals (new BigDecimal (1234).hashCode (), v.hashCode ()); Assert.assertEquals ("1234", v.toString ()); }
@Test public void testLong () { long d = 1234; JsonNumber v = new CookJsonLong (d); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.NUMBER, v.getValueType ()); Assert.assertEquals (true, v.isIntegral ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.intValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.intValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (d, v.longValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d, v.longValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigInteger ("1234"), v.bigIntegerValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigInteger ("1234"), v.bigIntegerValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigDecimal (d), v.bigDecimalValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d, v.doubleValue (), 0); Assert.assertEquals (new BigDecimal (d).hashCode (), v.hashCode ()); Assert.assertEquals ("1234", v.toString ()); }
@Test public void testDouble () { double d = 1234; JsonNumber v = new CookJsonDouble (d); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.NUMBER, v.getValueType ()); Assert.assertEquals (false, v.isIntegral ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.intValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.intValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.longValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (1234, v.longValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigInteger ("1234"), v.bigIntegerValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigInteger ("1234"), v.bigIntegerValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (BigDecimal.valueOf (d), v.bigDecimalValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d, v.doubleValue (), 0); Assert.assertEquals (BigDecimal.valueOf (d).hashCode (), v.hashCode ()); Assert.assertEquals (DoubleUtils.toString (d), v.toString ()); }
@Test public void testBigInteger () { BigInteger d = new BigInteger ("1234"); JsonNumber v = new CookJsonBigDecimal (d); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.NUMBER, v.getValueType ()); Assert.assertEquals (true, v.isIntegral ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.intValue (), v.intValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.intValue (), v.intValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.longValue (), v.longValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.longValue (), v.longValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (d, v.bigIntegerValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d, v.bigIntegerValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (new BigDecimal (d), v.bigDecimalValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.doubleValue (), v.doubleValue (), 0); Assert.assertEquals (new BigDecimal (d).hashCode (), v.hashCode ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.toString (), v.toString ()); }
@Test public void testBigDecimal () { BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal ("1234.1234"); JsonNumber v = new CookJsonBigDecimal (d); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.NUMBER, v.getValueType ()); Assert.assertEquals (false, v.isIntegral ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.intValue (), v.intValue ()); // Assert.assertEquals (d.intValue (), v.intValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.longValue (), v.longValue ()); // Assert.assertEquals (d.longValue (), v.longValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.toBigInteger (), v.bigIntegerValue ()); // Assert.assertEquals (d.toBigInteger (), v.bigIntegerValueExact ()); Assert.assertEquals (d, v.bigDecimalValue ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.doubleValue (), v.doubleValue (), 0); Assert.assertEquals (d.hashCode (), v.hashCode ()); Assert.assertEquals (d.toString (), v.toString ()); }
@Test public void test () { byte[] bytes = "test".getBytes (BOM.utf8); CookJsonBinary v = new CookJsonBinary (bytes.clone ()); Assert.assertEquals (Arrays.hashCode (bytes), v.hashCode ()); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.STRING, v.getValueType ()); Assert.assertArrayEquals (bytes, v.getBytes ()); String base64 = Base64.encodeBase64String (bytes); Assert.assertEquals (base64, v.getString ()); Assert.assertEquals (base64, v.getChars ()); Assert.assertEquals ('"' + base64 + '"', v.toString ()); Assert.assertEquals (BinaryFormat.BINARY_FORMAT_BASE64, v.getBinaryFormat ()); v.setBinaryFormat (BinaryFormat.BINARY_FORMAT_HEX); String hex = Hex.encodeHexString (bytes); Assert.assertEquals (hex, v.getString ()); Assert.assertEquals (hex, v.getChars ()); Assert.assertEquals ('"' + hex + '"', v.toString ()); Assert.assertEquals (BinaryFormat.BINARY_FORMAT_HEX, v.getBinaryFormat ()); }
public static JsonValue getJsonValue(String json_path, JsonObject response) { StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(json_path, "/"); JsonValue rValue = response; JsonObject value = response; while (tk.hasMoreTokens()) { String key = tk.nextToken(); rValue = value.get(key); if (rValue == null || (rValue.getValueType() != ValueType.OBJECT)) { break; } else { value = (JsonObject) rValue; } } return rValue; }
/** * Return a map from id to JsonObject representing an Asset * <p> * This method will re-read the json file if it has not yet been read, or if it has changed since we last read it. */ private synchronized Map<String, JsonObject> getAssetMap() throws IOException { if (!file.canRead()) { throw new IOException("Cannot read repository file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (assets == null || file.lastModified() != fileLastModified || file.length() != fileLastSize) { // Re-read the file if either we've never read it or it's changed length since we last read it assets = null; fileLastModified = file.lastModified(); fileLastSize = file.length(); idCounter = new AtomicInteger(1); assets = new HashMap<String, JsonObject>(); JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(new FileInputStream(file)); JsonArray assetList = reader.readArray(); for (JsonValue val : assetList) { String id = Integer.toString(idCounter.getAndIncrement()); if (val.getValueType() == ValueType.OBJECT) { assets.put(id, (JsonObject) val); } } } return assets; }
/** * Get optional long value out of the message json payload * * @param key * Key to find value for * @return value in object or null */ public String getString(String key) { String result = null; JsonObject obj = getParsedBody(); JsonValue value = obj.get(key); if ( value != null ) { try { if ( value.getValueType() == ValueType.STRING) { result = obj.getString(key); } else { result = value.toString(); } } catch (Exception e) { // class cast, etc Log.log(Level.FINER, this, "Exception parsing String: " + value, e); // fall through to return default value } } return result; }
/** * @param key * @return JsonArray value or null */ public List<Long> getLongArray(String key, List<Long> defaultValue) { JsonObject obj = getParsedBody(); JsonValue arrayValue = obj.get(key); if ( arrayValue != null && arrayValue.getValueType() == ValueType.ARRAY ) { try { List<Long> result = new ArrayList<>(); ((JsonArray) arrayValue).forEach(value -> result.add(((JsonNumber) value).longValue())); return result; } catch (Exception e) { // class cast, etc Log.log(Level.FINER, this, "Exception parsing JsonArray: " + arrayValue, e); // fall through to return default value } } return defaultValue; }
@Override public TagList parseTagList(Reader theReader) { JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(theReader); JsonObject object = reader.readObject(); JsonValue resourceTypeObj = object.get("resourceType"); assertObjectOfType(resourceTypeObj, JsonValue.ValueType.STRING, "resourceType"); String resourceType = ((JsonString) resourceTypeObj).getString(); ParserState<TagList> state = ParserState.getPreTagListInstance(myContext, true); state.enteringNewElement(null, resourceType); parseChildren(object, state); state.endingElement(); return state.getObject(); }
private static Event getEvent(final ValueType value) { switch (value) { case NUMBER: return Event.VALUE_NUMBER; case STRING: return Event.VALUE_STRING; case FALSE: return Event.VALUE_FALSE; case NULL: return Event.VALUE_NULL; case TRUE: return Event.VALUE_TRUE; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(value + " not supported"); } }
public BtcAddedNode jsonAddedNode(JsonValue value) throws BtcException { JsonObject object = jsonObject(value); if (object == null) { return null; } BtcAddedNode addedNode = new BtcAddedNode(); addedNode.setAddedNode(object.getString(BTCOBJ_NODE_ADDED_NODE, "")); addedNode.setConnected(object.getBoolean(BTCOBJ_NODE_CONNECTED, false)); List<BtcNode> nodes = new ArrayList<BtcNode>(); JsonValue addresses = object.get(BTCOBJ_NODE_ADDRESSES); if ((addresses != null) && (addresses.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.ARRAY) && (addresses instanceof JsonArray)) { JsonArray addressesArray = (JsonArray) addresses; for (JsonValue address : addressesArray .getValuesAs(JsonValue.class)) { nodes.add(jsonNode(address)); } } addedNode.setAddresses(nodes); return addedNode; }
public BtcCoinbase jsonCoinbase(JsonValue value) throws BtcException { JsonObject object = jsonObject(value); if (object == null) { return null; } BtcCoinbase coin = new BtcCoinbase(); Map<String, String> auxiliary = new HashMap<String, String>(); JsonValue aux = object.get(BTCOBJ_COIN_AUX); if ((aux != null) && (aux.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) && (aux instanceof JsonObject)) { JsonObject auxObject = (JsonObject) aux; for (String key : auxObject.keySet()) { auxiliary.put(key, auxObject.getString(key, "")); } } coin.setAux(auxiliary); coin.setValue(jsonDouble(object, BTCOBJ_COIN_VALUE)); return coin; }
public BtcLastBlock jsonLastBlock(JsonValue value) throws BtcException { JsonObject object = jsonObject(value); if (object == null) { return null; } BtcLastBlock lastBlock = new BtcLastBlock(); lastBlock.setLastBlock(object.getString( BTCOBJ_LAST_BLOCK_LAST_BLOCK, "")); List<BtcTransaction> transactions = new ArrayList<BtcTransaction>(); JsonValue txs = object.get(BTCOBJ_LAST_BLOCK_TRANSACTIONS); if ((txs != null) && (txs.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.ARRAY) && (txs instanceof JsonArray)) { JsonArray txsArray = (JsonArray) txs; for (JsonValue tx : txsArray.getValuesAs(JsonValue.class)) { transactions.add(jsonTransaction(tx)); } } lastBlock.setTransactions(transactions); return lastBlock; }
public BtcScript jsonScript(JsonValue value) throws BtcException { JsonObject object = jsonObject(value); if (object == null) { return null; } BtcScript script = new BtcScript(); script.setAsm(object.getString(BTCOBJ_SCRIPT_ASM, "")); script.setPublicKey(object.getString(BTCOBJ_SCRIPT_PUBLIC_KEY, "")); script.setRequiredSignatures(jsonLong(object, BTCOBJ_SCRIPT_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES)); script.setType(BtcScript.Type.getValue(object.getString( BTCOBJ_SCRIPT_TYPE, ""))); List<String> addresses = new ArrayList<String>(); JsonValue addrs = object.get(BTCOBJ_SCRIPT_ADDRESSES); if ((addrs) != null && (addrs.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.ARRAY) && (addrs instanceof JsonArray)) { JsonArray addrsArray = (JsonArray) addrs; for (JsonValue addr : addrsArray.getValuesAs(JsonValue.class)) { addresses.add(jsonString(addr)); } } script.setAddresses(addresses); return script; }
public BtcInput jsonInput(JsonValue value) throws BtcException { JsonObject object = jsonObject(value); if (object == null) { return null; } BtcInput input = new BtcInput(); input.setTransaction(object.getString(BTCOBJ_TX_INPUT_TRANSACTION, "")); input.setOutput(jsonLong(object, BTCOBJ_TX_INPUT_OUTPUT)); JsonValue script = object .get(BTCOBJ_TX_INPUT_SCRIPT_SIGNATURE); if ((script != null) && (script.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) && (script instanceof JsonObject)) { input.setScript(jsonScript(script)); } input.setSequence(jsonLong(object, BTCOBJ_TX_INPUT_SEQUENCE)); return input; }
public List<NameValuePair> parse(byte[] data){ List<NameValuePair> formElements = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(new String(data))); JsonObject object = reader.readObject(); for (String key: object.keySet()){ //JsonValue value = object.get(key); if (object.get(key).getValueType() == ValueType.ARRAY){ JsonArray values = object.getJsonArray(key); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++){ formElements.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, values.getString(i))); } // value } else { formElements.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, object.getString(key))); } } return formElements; // return URLEncodedUtils.parse(new String(data), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); }
@Test public void testWithPrimitives() { JsonValue json1 = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(true); assertEquals(ValueType.TRUE, json1.getValueType()); JsonValue json2 = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(false); assertEquals(ValueType.FALSE, json2.getValueType()); JsonValue json3 = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue("test"); assertEquals(ValueType.STRING, json3.getValueType()); JsonString string = (JsonString)json3; assertEquals("test", string.getString()); JsonValue json4 = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(12345); assertEquals(ValueType.NUMBER, json4.getValueType()); JsonNumber number = (JsonNumber)json4; assertEquals(12345, number.intValue()); }
@Test public void testWithSimpleObject() { SimpleObject simple = ObjectGenerator.createSimpleObject(); simple.setTitle(null); JsonValue json = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(simple); assertNotNull(json); assertEquals(ValueType.OBJECT, json.getValueType()); JsonDBObject jsonDBObject = (JsonDBObject)json; assertEquals("test", jsonDBObject.getString("name")); assertEquals(1, jsonDBObject.getInt("id")); assertEquals(123, jsonDBObject.getInt("number")); assertEquals("{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"test\",\"number\":123,\"title\":null,\"value\":true}", jsonDBObject.toString()); }
@Test public void testWithComplexObject() { ComplexObject complex = ObjectGenerator.createComplexObject(); JsonValue json = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(complex); assertNotNull(json); assertEquals(ValueType.OBJECT, json.getValueType()); JsonDBObject jsonDBObject = (JsonDBObject)json; assertEquals("{\"id\":2," + "\"name\":\"complex\"," + "\"simple\":{\"id\":1," + "\"number\":123," + "\"name\":\"test\"," + "\"title\":\"TestTitle\"," + "\"value\":true}}", jsonDBObject.toString()); }
@Test public void testWithListObject() { ListObject object = ObjectGenerator.createListObject(); JsonValue json = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(object); assertEquals(ValueType.OBJECT, json.getValueType()); JsonDBObject jsonDBObject = (JsonDBObject)json; assertEquals("{\"id\":100," + "\"list\":[{\"id\":1," + "\"number\":123," + "\"name\":\"test\"," + "\"title\":\"TestTitle\"," + "\"value\":true}," + "{\"id\":2," + "\"number\":123," + "\"name\":\"second test\"," + "\"title\":\"TestTitle\"," + "\"value\":true}]," + "\"name\":\"testListObject\"}", jsonDBObject.toString()); }
@Test public void testWithMapObject() { MapObject map = ObjectGenerator.createMapObject(); JsonValue json = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(map); assertEquals(ValueType.OBJECT, json.getValueType()); JsonDBObject jsonDBObject = (JsonDBObject)json; assertEquals("{\"id\":100," + "\"map\":{\"key2\":{\"id\":2," + "\"number\":123," + "\"name\":\"second test\"," + "\"title\":\"TestTitle\"," + "\"value\":true}," + "\"key1\":{\"id\":1," + "\"number\":123," + "\"name\":\"test\"," + "\"title\":\"TestTitle\"," + "\"value\":true}}," + "\"name\":\"testMapObject\"}", jsonDBObject.toString()); }
private ImmutableList<CallArgument> processScriptArguments(JsonArray args) { ImmutableList.Builder<CallArgument> argsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (JsonValue arg : args) { if (ValueType.OBJECT.equals(arg.getValueType())) { JsonObject jsonArg = (JsonObject) arg; if (jsonArg.containsKey("ELEMENT")) { NodeId n = new NodeId(Integer.parseInt(jsonArg.getString("ELEMENT").split("_")[1])); RemoteWebElement rwep = new RemoteWebElement(n, this); argsBuilder.add(callArgument().withObjectId(rwep.getRemoteObject().getId())); } else {"JsonObject without ELEMENT tag" + jsonArg); } } else if (ValueType.ARRAY.equals(arg.getValueType())) { JsonObject array = getScriptResponse("return " + arg + ";"); argsBuilder.add(callArgument().withObjectId(getResponseBody(array).getString("objectId"))); } else if (ValueType.FALSE.equals(arg.getValueType())) { argsBuilder.add(callArgument().withValue(false)); } else if (ValueType.TRUE.equals(arg.getValueType())) { argsBuilder.add(callArgument().withValue(true)); } else if (ValueType.NUMBER.equals(arg.getValueType())) { argsBuilder.add(callArgument().withValue(((JsonNumber) arg).longValue())); } else if (ValueType.STRING.equals(arg.getValueType())) { argsBuilder.add(callArgument().withValue(((JsonString) arg).getString())); } else { throw new WebDriverException("Unsupported argument type: " + arg.getValueType()); } } return; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T unbox(JsonValue value) { return (T) unbox(value, json -> json.getValueType() == ValueType.ARRAY ? ((JsonArray) json).stream() .map(JsonUtil::unbox) .collect(Collectors.toList()) : ((JsonObject) json).entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(entry.getKey(),unbox(entry.getValue()))) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue))); }
@POST @Path("{identifier}/metadatablocks") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response setMetadataBlocks( @PathParam("identifier")String dvIdtf, @QueryParam("key") String apiKey, String blockIds ) { List<MetadataBlock> blocks = new LinkedList<>(); try { for ( JsonValue blockId : Util.asJsonArray(blockIds).getValuesAs(JsonValue.class) ) { MetadataBlock blk = (blockId.getValueType()==ValueType.NUMBER) ? findMetadataBlock( ((JsonNumber)blockId).longValue() ) : findMetadataBlock( ((JsonString)blockId).getString() ); if ( blk == null ) { return errorResponse(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Can't find metadata block '"+ blockId + "'"); } blocks.add( blk ); } } catch( Exception e ) { return errorResponse(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } try { User u = findUserOrDie(apiKey); Dataverse dataverse = findDataverseOrDie(dvIdtf); execCommand( new UpdateDataverseMetadataBlocksCommand.SetBlocks(u, dataverse, blocks), "updating metadata blocks for dataverse " + dvIdtf ); return okResponse("Metadata blocks of dataverse " + dvIdtf + " updated."); } catch (WrappedResponse ex) { return ex.getResponse(); } }
private static Boolean getJsonValueAsBoolean(JsonValue value) { if (value != null) { if (value.getValueType() == ValueType.TRUE) { return true; } else if (value.getValueType() == ValueType.FALSE) { return false; } } return null; }
private static JsonObject getJsonObject(JsonObject object, String propName) { JsonObject obj = null; JsonValue val = object.get(propName); if (val != null && val.getValueType() == ValueType.OBJECT) { obj = val.asJsonObject(); } return obj; }
private static String getValue(JsonValue value) { if (value.getValueType().equals(ValueType.STRING)) { JsonString s = (JsonString) value; return s.getString(); } else { return value.toString(); } }
@Test public void testGetValue () { JsonProvider provider = new CookJsonProvider (); JsonObjectBuilder builder = provider.createObjectBuilder (); JsonObject obj = builder .add ("string", "test") .add ("int", 1234) .add ("true", true) .add ("false", false) .addNull ("null") .add ("array", provider.createArrayBuilder ().build ()) .add ("object", provider.createObjectBuilder ().build ()) .build (); JsonValue v; v = obj.getJsonString ("string"); Assert.assertEquals ("test", ((JsonString)v).getString ()); v = obj.getJsonNumber ("int"); Assert.assertEquals (1234, ((JsonNumber)v).intValue ()); v = obj.get ("true"); Assert.assertEquals (JsonValue.TRUE, v); v = obj.get ("false"); Assert.assertEquals (JsonValue.FALSE, v); v = obj.get ("null"); Assert.assertEquals (JsonValue.NULL, v); v = obj.getJsonArray ("array"); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.ARRAY, v.getValueType ()); v = obj.getJsonObject ("object"); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.OBJECT, v.getValueType ()); }
@Test public void testGetValue () { JsonProvider provider = new CookJsonProvider (); JsonArrayBuilder builder = provider.createArrayBuilder (); JsonArray array = builder .add ("test") .add (1234) .add (true) .add (false) .addNull () .add (provider.createArrayBuilder ().build ()) .add (provider.createObjectBuilder ().build ()) .build (); JsonValue v; v = array.getJsonString (0); Assert.assertEquals ("test", ((JsonString)v).getString ()); v = array.getJsonNumber (1); Assert.assertEquals (1234, ((JsonNumber)v).intValue ()); v = array.get (2); Assert.assertEquals (JsonValue.TRUE, v); v = array.get (3); Assert.assertEquals (JsonValue.FALSE, v); v = array.get (4); Assert.assertEquals (JsonValue.NULL, v); v = array.getJsonArray (5); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.ARRAY, v.getValueType ()); v = array.getJsonObject (6); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.OBJECT, v.getValueType ()); }
@Test public void test () { JsonString v = new CookJsonString ("test"); Assert.assertEquals ("test", v.getString ()); Assert.assertEquals ("test", v.getChars ()); Assert.assertEquals ("\"test\"", v.toString ()); Assert.assertEquals ("test".hashCode (), v.hashCode ()); Assert.assertEquals (ValueType.STRING, v.getValueType ()); }
public static List<HCatSerDeParameter> parseSerDeParameters(JsonObject obj) { List<HCatSerDeParameter> serDeParameters = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<String, JsonValue> serdeParam : obj.entrySet()) { assert(serdeParam.getValue().getValueType() == ValueType.STRING); serDeParameters.add(new HCatSerDeParameter(serdeParam.getKey(), ((JsonString)serdeParam.getValue()).getString())); } return serDeParameters; }