@Bean(destroyMethod="") public DataSource jndiDataSource() throws IllegalArgumentException, NamingException { JndiObjectFactoryBean bean = new JndiObjectFactoryBean(); String jndiName = "java:comp/env/" + env.getProperty("sta.datasource.name", "jdbc/sensorThings"); bean.setJndiName(jndiName); bean.setProxyInterface(DataSource.class); bean.setLookupOnStartup(false); bean.afterPropertiesSet(); return (DataSource)bean.getObject(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException { checkArgs(args); // Option is to use the WF context with no properties, this is not working because of JBEAP-xxxx at this moment InitialContext ic = new WildFlyInitialContext(); Simple proxy = (Simple) ic.lookup("ejb:EAP71-PLAYGROUND-server/ejb/SimpleBean!" + Simple.class.getName()); try { if(proxy.checkApplicationUser("admin")) { log.info("Expected 'admin'"); } else { log.severe("Unexpected user, see server.log"); } } catch (EJBException e) { throw e; } }
/** * Return a String representing the value of the specified attribute. * * @param attrId Attribute name * @param attrs Attributes containing the required value * * @exception NamingException if a directory server error occurs */ private String getAttributeValue(String attrId, Attributes attrs) throws NamingException { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(" retrieving attribute " + attrId); if (attrId == null || attrs == null) return null; Attribute attr = attrs.get(attrId); if (attr == null) return null; Object value = attr.get(); if (value == null) return null; String valueString = null; if (value instanceof byte[]) valueString = new String((byte[]) value); else valueString = value.toString(); return valueString; }
/** * Get name. * * @return Name value */ public String getName() { if (name != null) return name; if (attributes != null) { Attribute attribute = attributes.get(NAME); if (attribute != null) { try { name = attribute.get().toString(); } catch (NamingException e) { // No value for the attribute } } } return name; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException { checkArgs(args); Properties p = new Properties(); p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, WildFlyInitialContextFactory.class.getName()); p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "http-remoting://localhost:9080"); p.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "delegateUser"); p.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "delegateUser"); InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(p); DelegateROC proxy = (DelegateROC) ic.lookup("ejb:EAP71-PLAYGROUND-MainServer-rocApp/ejb/DelegateROCBean!" + DelegateROC.class.getName()); proxy.checkTransactionStickyness(); // ic.close(); // not longer necessary }
private RMIServer findRMIServer(JMXServiceURL directoryURL, Map<String, Object> environment) throws NamingException, IOException { final boolean isIiop = RMIConnectorServer.isIiopURL(directoryURL,true); if (isIiop) { // Make sure java.naming.corba.orb is in the Map. environment.put(EnvHelp.DEFAULT_ORB,resolveOrb(environment)); } String path = directoryURL.getURLPath(); int end = path.indexOf(';'); if (end < 0) end = path.length(); if (path.startsWith("/jndi/")) return findRMIServerJNDI(path.substring(6,end), environment, isIiop); else if (path.startsWith("/stub/")) return findRMIServerJRMP(path.substring(6,end), environment, isIiop); else if (path.startsWith("/ior/")) { if (!IIOPHelper.isAvailable()) throw new IOException("iiop protocol not available"); return findRMIServerIIOP(path.substring(5,end), environment, isIiop); } else { final String msg = "URL path must begin with /jndi/ or /stub/ " + "or /ior/: " + path; throw new MalformedURLException(msg); } }
/** * Get ETag. * * @param strong If true, the strong ETag will be returned * @return ETag */ public String getETag(boolean strong) { String result = null; if (attributes != null) { Attribute attribute = attributes.get(ETAG); if (attribute != null) { try { result = attribute.get().toString(); } catch (NamingException e) { ; // No value for the attribute } } } if (strong) { // The strong ETag must always be calculated by the resources result = strongETag; } else { // The weakETag is contentLenght + lastModified if (weakETag == null) { weakETag = "W/\"" + getContentLength() + "-" + getLastModified() + "\""; } result = weakETag; } return result; }
private String getUserIdentity(final DirContextOperations ctx) { final String identity; if (useDnForUserIdentity) { identity = ctx.getDn().toString(); } else { final Attribute attributeName = ctx.getAttributes().get(userIdentityAttribute); if (attributeName == null) { throw new AuthorizationAccessException("User identity attribute [" + userIdentityAttribute + "] does not exist."); } try { identity = (String) attributeName.get(); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new AuthorizationAccessException("Error while retrieving user name attribute [" + userIdentityAttribute + "]."); } } return IdentityMappingUtil.mapIdentity(identity, identityMappings); }
private void restoreEnvironmentParameter(DirContext context, String parameterName, Hashtable<?, ?> preservedEnvironment) { try { context.removeFromEnvironment(parameterName); if (preservedEnvironment != null && preservedEnvironment.containsKey(parameterName)) { context.addToEnvironment(parameterName, preservedEnvironment.get(parameterName)); } } catch (NamingException e) { // Ignore } }
/** * Retrieves the named object. * * @param name the name of the object to look up * @return the object bound to name * @exception NamingException if a naming exception is encountered */ public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException { // Strip the URL header // Find the appropriate NamingContext according to the current bindings // Execute the lookup on that context return getBoundContext().lookup(parseName(name)); }
protected <T> T getEJB(Class<T> klass){ try { return (T) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/"+klass.getSimpleName()+"!"+klass.getName()); } catch (NamingException e) { return null; } }
/** * Set the specified resources in the naming context. */ public void removeResource(String name) { try { envCtx.unbind(name); } catch (NamingException e) { logger.error(sm.getString("naming.unbindFailed", e)); } ObjectName on = objectNames.get(name); if (on != null) { Registry.getRegistry(null, null).unregisterComponent(on); } }
/** * Retrieves the Reference of this object. * * @return The non-null Reference of this object. * @exception NamingException If a naming exception was encountered * while retrieving the reference. */ public Reference getReference() throws NamingException { String cname = "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDataSourceFactory"; Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(), cname, null); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("database", source.getDatabase())); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("user", source.getUser())); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("password", source.password)); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("loginTimeout", Integer.toString(source.loginTimeout))); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("poolSize", Integer.toString(connections.length))); return ref; }
/** * Throws a naming exception is Context is not writable. */ protected boolean checkWritable() throws NamingException { if (isWritable()) { return true; } else { if (exceptionOnFailedWrite) { throw new javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException(sm.getString("namingContext.readOnly")); } } return false; }
/** * Execute an LDAP search and return the result. * * @return the search result. */ public <T> List<T> search(Properties properties, String baseDN, String filter, ILdapResultMapper<T> mapper, boolean checkAttribute) throws NamingException { if ("invalid".equals(properties.getProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL))) { throw new NamingException("Invalid URL."); } List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); T t; String[] attrIds = mapper.getAttributes(); if (filter.endsWith("*")) { t = mapper.map(getValues(attrIds, 0)); list.add(t); t = mapper.map(getValues(attrIds, 1)); list.add(t); t = mapper.map(getValues(attrIds, 2)); list.add(t); } else if (filter.endsWith(allValues[0][0])) { t = mapper.map(getValues(attrIds, 0)); list.add(t); } else if (filter.endsWith(allValues[1][0])) { t = mapper.map(getValues(attrIds, 1)); list.add(t); } else if (filter.endsWith(allValues[2][0])) { t = mapper.map(getValues(attrIds, 2)); list.add(t); } return list; }
protected String getUserKeyFromContext(SOAPMessageContext context) throws UserIdNotFoundException, NamingException, SQLException, NotExistentTenantException { String userId = getUserIdFromContext(context); String tenantId = getTenantIdFromContext(context); String orgId = getOrganizationIdFromContext(context); return getUserKey(userId, orgId, tenantId); }
/** * Creates subcontext with name, relative to this Context. * * @param name subcontext name. * @return new subcontext named name relative to this context. * @throws NoPermissionException if this context has been destroyed. * @throws InvalidNameException if name is empty or is CompositeName that spans more than one * naming system. * @throws NameAlreadyBoundException if name is already bound in this Context * @throws NotContextException if any intermediate name from name is not bound to instance of * javax.naming.Context. * */ public Context createSubcontext(Name name) throws NamingException { checkIsDestroyed(); Name parsedName = getParsedName(name); if (parsedName.size() == 0 || parsedName.get(0).length() == 0) { throw new InvalidNameException( LocalizedStrings.ContextImpl_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY.toLocalizedString()); } String subContextName = parsedName.get(0); Object boundObject = ctxMaps.get(parsedName.get(0)); if (parsedName.size() == 1) { // Check if name is already in use if (boundObject == null) { Context subContext = new ContextImpl(this, subContextName); ctxMaps.put(subContextName, subContext); return subContext; } else { throw new NameAlreadyBoundException( LocalizedStrings.ContextImpl_NAME_0_IS_ALREADY_BOUND.toLocalizedString(subContextName)); } } else { if (boundObject instanceof Context) { // Let the subcontext create new subcontext // lets consider a scenerio a/b/c // case a/b exists : c will be created // case a exists : b/c will not be created // an exception will be thrown in that case. return ((Context) boundObject).createSubcontext(parsedName.getSuffix(1)); } else { throw new NotContextException(LocalizedStrings.ContextImpl_EXPECTED_CONTEXT_BUT_FOUND_0 .toLocalizedString(boundObject)); } } }
@Override public Binding nextElement() { try { return nextElementInternal(); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Test public void testGetGroups() throws IOException, NamingException { // The search functionality of the mock context is reused, so we will // return the user NamingEnumeration first, and then the group when(mockContext.search(anyString(), anyString(), any(Object[].class), any(SearchControls.class))) .thenReturn(mockUserNamingEnum, mockGroupNamingEnum); doTestGetGroups(Arrays.asList(testGroups), 2); }
/** * Create a new DataSource instance. * * @param obj The reference object describing the DataSource */ public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable environment) throws NamingException { if (!(obj instanceof ResourceLinkRef)) return null; // Can we process this request? Reference ref = (Reference) obj; String type = ref.getClassName(); // Read the global ref addr String globalName = null; RefAddr refAddr = ref.get(ResourceLinkRef.GLOBALNAME); if (refAddr != null) { globalName = refAddr.getContent().toString(); Object result = null; result = globalContext.lookup(globalName); // FIXME: Check type return result; } return (null); }
public Reference getReference() throws NamingException { String cname = "org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcDataSourceFactory"; Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(), cname, null); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("database", getDatabase())); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("user", getUser())); ref.add(new StringRefAddr("password", password)); return ref; }
/** * Set the specified web services in the naming context. */ public void removeService(String name) { try { envCtx.unbind(name); } catch (NamingException e) { logger.error(sm.getString("naming.unbindFailed", e)); } }
/** * Crete a new Context's instance. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws NamingException { if ((ContextBindings.isThreadBound()) || (ContextBindings.isClassLoaderBound())) { return new SelectorContext((Hashtable<String, Object>) environment); } return null; }
/** Effettua il lookup di una risorsa JMS. */ public Object jndiLookup(String resourceName) { Object resource = null; try { logger.info("Lookup della risorsa JNDI: " + resourceName); /* effettua il lookup della risorsa cercata */ resource = getContext().lookup(resourceName); logger.fine("Lookup di " + resourceName + " riuscito"); } catch (NamingException e) { logger.info("Lookup di " + resourceName + " fallito"); e.printStackTrace(); // System.exit(1); } return resource; }
/** * Put attribute. */ @Override public Attribute put(Attribute attribute) { if (attributes == null) { try { return put(attribute.getID(), attribute.get()); } catch (NamingException e) { return null; } } else { return attributes.put(attribute); } }
/** * Return a new instance of the stateless session bean. * To be invoked by concrete remote SLSB invoker subclasses. * <p>Can be overridden to change the algorithm. * @throws NamingException if thrown by JNDI * @throws InvocationTargetException if thrown by the create method * @see #create */ protected Object newSessionBeanInstance() throws NamingException, InvocationTargetException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Trying to create reference to remote EJB"); } Object ejbInstance = create(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Obtained reference to remote EJB: " + ejbInstance); } return ejbInstance; }
public static Enumeration<?> makeBindingEnumeration ( String codebase, String clazz ) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, Exception, NamingException, RemoteException { Class<?> cl = Class.forName("com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.BindingEnumeration"); Object enu = Reflections.createWithoutConstructor(cl); Reflections.setFieldValue(enu, "ctx", makeRegistryContext(makeRegistryImpl(codebase, clazz))); Reflections.setFieldValue(enu, "names", new String[] { "exp" }); Reflections.setFieldValue(enu, "nextName", 0); return (Enumeration<?>) enu; }
protected DirContextStringPair getTargetContext(String name) throws NamingException { if (cpe.getResolvedObj() == null) throw (NamingException)cpe.fillInStackTrace(); Context ctx = NamingManager.getContext(cpe.getResolvedObj(), cpe.getAltName(), cpe.getAltNameCtx(), env); if (ctx instanceof DirContext) return new DirContextStringPair((DirContext)ctx, name); if (ctx instanceof Resolver) { Resolver res = (Resolver)ctx; ResolveResult rr = res.resolveToClass(name, DirContext.class); // Reached a DirContext; return result. DirContext dctx = (DirContext)rr.getResolvedObj(); Name tmp = rr.getRemainingName(); String remains = (tmp != null) ? tmp.toString() : ""; return (new DirContextStringPair(dctx, remains)); } // Resolve all the way using lookup(). This may allow the operation // to succeed if it doesn't require the penultimate context. Object ultimate = ctx.lookup(name); if (ultimate instanceof DirContext) { return (new DirContextStringPair((DirContext)ultimate, "")); } throw (NamingException)cpe.fillInStackTrace(); }
/** * List children of this collection. The names given are relative to this * URI's path. The full uri of the children is then : path + "/" + name. */ public Enumeration list() throws IOException { if (!connected) { connect(); } if ((resource == null) && (collection == null)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } Vector result = new Vector(); if (collection != null) { try { NamingEnumeration enumeration = context.list(getURL().getFile()); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { NameClassPair ncp = (NameClassPair) enumeration.nextElement(); result.addElement(ncp.getName()); } } catch (NamingException e) { // Unexpected exception throw new FileNotFoundException(); } } return result.elements(); }
public static void destroyTable(String tableName) throws NamingException, SQLException { Context ctx = cache.getJNDIContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:/SimpleDataSource"); Connection conn = ds.getConnection(); // System.out.println (" trying to drop table: " + tableName); String sql = "drop table " + tableName; Statement sm = conn.createStatement(); sm.execute(sql); conn.close(); }
/** * Looks up the object in this context. If the object is not found and the remote context was * provided, calls the remote context to lookup the object. * * @param name object to search * @return object reference bound to name name. * @throws NamingException if naming error occurs. * */ public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException { checkIsDestroyed(); try { return lookup(nameParser.parse(name)); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { LogWriterI18n writer = TransactionUtils.getLogWriterI18n(); if (writer.infoEnabled()) writer.info(LocalizedStrings.ContextImpl_CONTEXTIMPL_LOOKUP_ERROR_WHILE_LOOKING_UP_0, name, e); throw new NameNotFoundException( LocalizedStrings.ContextImpl_NAME_0_NOT_FOUND.toLocalizedString(new Object[] {name})); } }
@Test public void serializesWithSerializableNamingException() throws Exception { GemFireSecurityException instance = new GemFireSecurityException(this.message, this.serializableNamingException); GemFireSecurityException cloned = (GemFireSecurityException) SerializationUtils.clone(instance); assertThat(cloned).hasMessage(this.message).hasCause(this.serializableNamingException); NamingException cause = (NamingException) cloned.getCause(); assertThat(cause).hasMessage(this.causeMessage); assertThat(cause.getResolvedObj()).isNotNull().isEqualTo(this.serializableResolvedObj); }
/** * Release a JNDI context as obtained from {@link #getContext()}. * @param ctx the JNDI context to release (may be {@code null}) * @see #getContext */ public void releaseContext(Context ctx) { if (ctx != null) { try { ctx.close(); } catch (NamingException ex) { logger.debug("Could not close JNDI InitialContext", ex); } } }
public <T> boolean searchOverLimit(Properties properties, String baseDN, String filter, ILdapResultMapper<T> mapper, boolean checkAttribute) throws NamingException { if (throwNamingException) { throw new NamingException(); } return false; }
/** * Use the distinguished name to locate the directory entry for the user * with the specified username and return a User object; otherwise return * <code>null</code>. * * @param context * The directory context * @param username * The username * @param attrIds * String[]containing names of attributes to * @param dn * Distinguished name of the user retrieve. * * @exception NamingException * if a directory server error occurs */ protected User getUserByPattern(DirContext context, String username, String[] attrIds, String dn) throws NamingException { // If no attributes are requested, no need to look for them if (attrIds == null || attrIds.length == 0) { return new User(username, dn, null, null, null); } // Get required attributes from user entry Attributes attrs = null; try { attrs = context.getAttributes(dn, attrIds); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { return null; } if (attrs == null) return null; // Retrieve value of userPassword String password = null; if (userPassword != null) password = getAttributeValue(userPassword, attrs); String userRoleAttrValue = null; if (userRoleAttribute != null) { userRoleAttrValue = getAttributeValue(userRoleAttribute, attrs); } // Retrieve values of userRoleName attribute ArrayList<String> roles = null; if (userRoleName != null) roles = addAttributeValues(userRoleName, attrs, roles); return new User(username, dn, password, roles, userRoleAttrValue); }
@Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws NamingException { if (this.workManager == null) { if (this.workManagerName != null) { this.workManager = lookup(this.workManagerName, WorkManager.class); } else { this.workManager = getDefaultWorkManager(); } } }
/** * Retrieves the named object. * * @param name the name of the object to look up * @return the object bound to name * @exception NamingException if a naming exception is encountered */ @Override public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString("selectorContext.methodUsingString", "lookup", name)); } // Strip the URL header // Find the appropriate NamingContext according to the current bindings // Execute the lookup on that context return getBoundContext().lookup(parseName(name)); }
@Test public void testNovellDcObject() throws ParseException, NamingException { String value = "( NAME 'dcObject' AUXILIARY MUST dc X-NDS_NAMING 'dc' X-NDS_NOT_CONTAINER '1' X-NDS_NONREMOVABLE '1' )"; ObjectClass objectClass = parser.parseObjectClassDescription( value ); assertEquals( "", objectClass.getOid() ); assertEquals( 1, objectClass.getNames().size() ); assertEquals( "dcObject", objectClass.getNames().get( 0 ) ); assertNull( objectClass.getDescription() ); assertEquals( 0, objectClass.getSuperiorOids().size() ); assertEquals( ObjectClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY, objectClass.getType() ); assertEquals( 1, objectClass.getMustAttributeTypeOids().size() ); assertEquals( "dc", objectClass.getMustAttributeTypeOids().get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( 0, objectClass.getMayAttributeTypeOids().size() ); assertEquals( 3, objectClass.getExtensions().size() ); assertNotNull( objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NAMING" ) ); assertEquals( 1, objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NAMING" ).size() ); assertEquals( "dc", objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NAMING" ).get( 0 ) ); assertNotNull( objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NOT_CONTAINER" ) ); assertEquals( 1, objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NOT_CONTAINER" ).size() ); assertEquals( "1", objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NOT_CONTAINER" ).get( 0 ) ); assertNotNull( objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NONREMOVABLE" ) ); assertEquals( 1, objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NONREMOVABLE" ).size() ); assertEquals( "1", objectClass.getExtension( "X-NDS_NONREMOVABLE" ).get( 0 ) ); }