/** Set the font name. */ public void setFontName(String fontName) { if (log==null) return; this.fontName = fontName; log.setFont(new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize)); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(styleRegular, fontName); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(styleBold, fontName); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(styleRed, fontName); StyleConstants.setFontSize(styleRegular, fontSize); StyleConstants.setFontSize(styleBold, fontSize); StyleConstants.setFontSize(styleRed, fontSize); // Changes all existing text StyledDocument doc=log.getStyledDocument(); Style temp=doc.addStyle("temp", null); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(temp, fontName); StyleConstants.setFontSize(temp, fontSize); doc.setCharacterAttributes(0, doc.getLength(), temp, false); // Changes all existing hyperlinks Font newFont = new Font(fontName, Font.BOLD, fontSize); for(JLabel link: links) { link.setFont(newFont); } }
@Override public void publish(final LogRecord record) { StyledDocument doc = textPane.getStyledDocument(); SimpleAttributeSet keyWord = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(keyWord, getColor(record.getLevel())); StyleConstants.setBold(keyWord, true); StyleConstants.setFontSize(keyWord, 12); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(keyWord, CONSOLE_FONT); SimpleAttributeSet text = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(text, getColor(record.getLevel())); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(text, CONSOLE_FONT); try { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), String.format("%1$-10s", record.getLevel()), keyWord); if (record.getParameters() != null) { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), MessageFormat.format(record.getMessage(), record.getParameters()), text); } else { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), record.getMessage(), text); } doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", text); } catch (BadLocationException e) { } textPane.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength()); }
/** Changes the font and tabsize for the document. */ public final void do_setFont(String fontName, int fontSize, int tabSize) { if (tabSize < 1) tabSize = 1; else if (tabSize > 100) tabSize = 100; if (fontName.equals(this.font) && fontSize == this.fontSize && tabSize == this.tabSize) return; this.font = fontName; this.fontSize = fontSize; this.tabSize = tabSize; for(MutableAttributeSet s: all) { StyleConstants.setFontFamily(s, fontName); StyleConstants.setFontSize(s, fontSize); } do_reapplyAll(); BufferedImage im = new BufferedImage(10, 10, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); // this is used to derive the tab width int gap = tabSize * im.createGraphics().getFontMetrics(new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize)).charWidth('X'); TabStop[] pos = new TabStop[100]; for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { pos[i] = new TabStop(i*gap + gap); } StyleConstants.setTabSet(tabset, new TabSet(pos)); setParagraphAttributes(0, getLength(), tabset, false); }
public View create(Element elem) { String kind = elem.getName(); if (kind != null) { if (kind.equals(AbstractDocument.ContentElementName)) { return new LabelView(elem); } else if (kind.equals(AbstractDocument.ParagraphElementName)) { return null; } else if (kind.equals(AbstractDocument.SectionElementName)) { return new DocumentView(elem); } else if (kind.equals(StyleConstants.ComponentElementName)) { return new ComponentView(elem); } else if (kind.equals(StyleConstants.IconElementName)) { return new IconView(elem); } } return null; }
public ReadOnlyFilesHighlighting(Document doc) { this.document = doc; FontColorSettings fcs = MimeLookup.getLookup(MimePath.EMPTY).lookup(FontColorSettings.class); if (fcs != null) { AttributeSet readOnlyFilesColoring = fcs.getFontColors("readonly-files"); //NOI18N if (readOnlyFilesColoring != null) { this.attribs = AttributesUtilities.createImmutable( readOnlyFilesColoring, EXTENDS_EOL_OR_EMPTY_ATTR_SET); } else { this.attribs = null; } } else { this.attribs = null; } if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("~~~ this=" + s2s(this) + ", doc=" + s2s(doc) + ", file=" + fileFromDoc(doc) //NOI18N + ", attribs=" + attribs + (attribs != null ? ", bg=" + attribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Background) : "")); //NOI18N } }
/** * Description of the Method */ public void editLyrics() { if (lyricsArea.isEditable()) { return; } if (initialBlinkRate < 0) { initialBlinkRate = lyricsArea.getCaret().getBlinkRate(); } lyricsArea.requestFocus(); lyricsArea.setEditable(true); StyleConstants.setBackground( notSelectStyle, nofontBG); lyricsArea.getCaret().setVisible(true); lyricsArea.getCaret().setBlinkRate(initialBlinkRate); lyricsArea.getStyledDocument().setCharacterAttributes(0, lyricsArea.getStyledDocument().getLength(), notSelectStyle, false); tableSelectionListener.valueChanged(null); }
private static AttributeSet getUnusedFieldAttributes () { if (unusedFieldAttributeSet == null) { SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet (); StyleConstants.setForeground (sas, new Color (115, 115, 115)); StyleConstants.setBold (sas, true); unusedFieldAttributeSet = sas; } return unusedFieldAttributeSet; }
private static AttributedString getComposedTextAttribute(DocumentEvent e) { if (e instanceof BaseDocumentEvent) { AttributeSet attribs = ((BaseDocumentEvent) e).getChangeAttributes(); if (attribs != null) { Object value = attribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.ComposedTextAttribute); if (value instanceof AttributedString) { return (AttributedString) value; } } } return null; }
private static Map getCurrentColors(Language l) { // current colors FontColorSettingsFactory fcsf = EditorSettings.getDefault(). getFontColorSettings(new String[] {l.getMimeType()}); Collection<AttributeSet> colors = fcsf.getAllFontColors("NetBeans"); Map<String,AttributeSet> colorsMap = new HashMap<String,AttributeSet> (); Iterator<AttributeSet> it = colors.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AttributeSet as = it.next(); colorsMap.put( (String) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute), as ); } return colorsMap; }
private static String color(String string, AttributeSet set) { if (set == null) { return string; } if (string.trim().length() == 0) { return string.replace(" ", " ").replace("\n", "<br>"); //NOI18N } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(string); if (StyleConstants.isBold(set)) { buf.insert(0, "<b>"); //NOI18N buf.append("</b>"); //NOI18N } if (StyleConstants.isItalic(set)) { buf.insert(0, "<i>"); //NOI18N buf.append("</i>"); //NOI18N } if (StyleConstants.isStrikeThrough(set)) { buf.insert(0, "<s>"); // NOI18N buf.append("</s>"); // NOI18N } buf.insert(0, "<font color=" + getHTMLColor(LFCustoms.getForeground(set)) + ">"); //NOI18N buf.append("</font>"); //NOI18N return buf.toString(); }
public void testAllLanguagesTheCrapWay() { Collection<AttributeSet> colorings = EditorSettings.getDefault().getFontColorSettings(new String[0]).getAllFontColors(EditorSettingsImpl.DEFAULT_PROFILE); assertNotNull("Can't get colorings for all languages", colorings); AttributeSet attribs = null; for(AttributeSet coloring : colorings) { String name = (String) coloring.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); if (name != null && name.equals("test-all-languages-set-all")) { attribs = coloring; break; } } assertNotNull("Can't find test-all-languages-set-all coloring", attribs); assertEquals("Wrong color", new Color(0x0A0B0C), attribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Background)); assertEquals("Wrong color", new Color(0x0D0E0F), attribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Foreground)); assertEquals("Wrong color", new Color(0x010203), attribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Underline)); assertEquals("Wrong color", new Color(0x040506), attribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.StrikeThrough)); assertEquals("Wrong color", new Color(0x070809), attribs.getAttribute(EditorStyleConstants.WaveUnderlineColor)); }
@Override public void insertString(StyledDocument sd, Style style) throws BadLocationException { if(style == null) { style = authorStyle; } sd.insertString(sd.getLength(), author, style); String iconStyleName = AUTHOR_ICON_STYLE + author; Style iconStyle = sd.getStyle(iconStyleName); if(iconStyle == null) { iconStyle = sd.addStyle(iconStyleName, null); StyleConstants.setIcon(iconStyle, kenaiUser.getIcon()); } sd.insertString(sd.getLength(), " ", style); sd.insertString(sd.getLength(), " ", iconStyle); }
public VersioningSystemColors(OptionsPanelColorProvider provider) { this.colors = provider.getColors(); if (colors == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null colors for " + provider); // NOI18N } this.provider = provider; // initialize saved colors list savedColorAttributes = new ArrayList<AttributeSet>(colors.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Color[]> e : colors.entrySet()) { SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setBackground(sas, e.getValue()[0]); sas.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, e.getKey()); sas.addAttribute(EditorStyleConstants.DisplayName, e.getKey()); savedColorAttributes.add(sas); } }
public QueryBuilderSqlTextArea(QueryBuilder queryBuilder) { super(); _queryBuilder = queryBuilder; createSqlTextPopup(); // Get Netbeans-registered EditorKit for SQL content setEditorKit(CloneableEditorSupport.getEditorKit("text/x-sql")); if ( SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT ) { addKeyListener(this); } // set the bold attribute // colors chosen from : // http://ui.netbeans.org/docs/hi/annotations/index2.html StyleConstants.setForeground(keyword,new Color(0,0,153)); StyleConstants.setForeground(schema, new Color(0,111,0)); StyleConstants.setForeground(column,new Color(120,0,0)); // Add support for code completion (comment out, breaks syntax highlighting) // QueryBuilderSqlCompletion doc = new QueryBuilderSqlCompletion( this, sqlReservedWords); // this.setDocument(doc); }
public void testInheritanceForAntPlusXml() { MimePath mimePath = MimePath.parse("text/ant+xml"); FontColorSettings fcs = MimeLookup.getLookup(mimePath).lookup(FontColorSettings.class); AttributeSet antXmlAttribs = fcs.getTokenFontColors("test-inheritance-ant-xml"); assertNotNull("Can't find coloring defined for text/ant+xml", antXmlAttribs); assertEquals("Wrong bgColor in coloring defined for text/ant+xml", new Color(0xAA0000), antXmlAttribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Background)); AttributeSet xmlAttribs = fcs.getTokenFontColors("test-inheritance-xml"); assertNotNull("Can't find coloring defined for text/xml", xmlAttribs); assertEquals("Wrong bgColor in coloring defined for text/xml", new Color(0x00BB00), xmlAttribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Background)); AttributeSet attribs = fcs.getTokenFontColors("test-all-languages-super-default"); assertNotNull("Can't find coloring defined for root", attribs); assertEquals("Wrong bgColor in coloring defined for root", new Color(0xABCDEF), attribs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Background)); }
private void refreshUI () { int index = lCategories.getSelectedIndex(); if (index < 0) { cbBackground.setEnabled(false); return; } cbBackground.setEnabled(true); List<AttributeSet> categories = getCategories(); AttributeSet category = categories.get(index); listen = false; // set values cbBackground.setSelectedColor((Color) category.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Background)); listen = true; }
/** * Returns true if the StyleConstants.NameAttribute is * equal to the tag that is passed in as a parameter. */ protected boolean matchNameAttribute(AttributeSet attr, HTML.Tag tag) { Object o = attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); if (o instanceof HTML.Tag) { HTML.Tag name = (HTML.Tag) o; if (name == tag) { return true; } } return false; }
public void cAlignActionB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { HTMLEditorKit.AlignmentAction aa = new HTMLEditorKit.AlignmentAction( "centerAlign", StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER); aa.actionPerformed(e); }
public @Override HighlightsLayer[] createLayers(final Context context) { AttributeSet _attrs = MimeLookup.getLookup("text/x-jsp").lookup(FontColorSettings.class).getTokenFontColors("expression-language"); // NOI18N final AttributeSet attrs; if (_attrs == null) { // Fallback from web.core.syntax/src/org/netbeans/modules/web/core/syntax/resources/fontsColors.xml: SimpleAttributeSet _sattrs = new SimpleAttributeSet(); _sattrs.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Background, new Color(0xe3f2e1)); attrs = _sattrs; } else { attrs = _attrs; } return new HighlightsLayer[] {HighlightsLayer.create("ant", ZOrder.SYNTAX_RACK.forPosition(10), true, new AntHighlightsContainer((AbstractDocument) context.getDocument(), attrs))}; // NOI18N }
public ColoredJTextPane() { super(); setDocument(new DefaultStyledDocument() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException { super.insertString(offs, str, a); // now color all texts again // do coloring of words but ignore keys unless it is word termination String text = getText(0, getLength()); char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); StyleContext context = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext(); int lastStart = 0; boolean charactersSinceLastStart = false; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isLetter(chars[i])) { if (charactersSinceLastStart) { AttributeSet attributeSet = context.addAttribute(SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY, StyleConstants.Foreground, getColor(new String(chars, lastStart, i - lastStart))); setCharacterAttributes(lastStart, i - lastStart, attributeSet, true); } lastStart = i + 1; charactersSinceLastStart = false; } else { charactersSinceLastStart = true; } } } }); }
public ConsoleOutputStream(Color textColor, PrintStream printStream) { if (textColor != null) { attributes = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attributes, textColor); } attr_PASS = new SimpleAttributeSet(); attr_FAIL = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attr_PASS, DARK_GREEN); StyleConstants.setForeground(attr_FAIL, Color.RED); this.printStream = printStream; if (isAppend) { isFirstLine = true; } }
/** * Determines if the HTML.Tag associated with the * element is a block tag. * * @param attr an AttributeSet * @return true if tag is block tag, false otherwise. */ protected boolean isBlockTag(AttributeSet attr) { Object o = attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); if (o instanceof HTML.Tag) { HTML.Tag name = (HTML.Tag) o; return name.isBlock(); } return false; }
private AttributeSet getDefaultColoring() { Collection/*<AttributeSet>*/ defaults = colorModel.getCategories(currentProfile, ColorModel.ALL_LANGUAGES); for(Iterator i = defaults.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AttributeSet as = (AttributeSet) i.next(); String name = (String) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); if (name != null && "default".equals(name)) { //NOI18N return as; } } return null; }
/** * Writes out the attribute set. Ignores all * attributes with a key of type HTML.Tag, * attributes with a key of type StyleConstants, * and attributes with a key of type * HTML.Attribute.ENDTAG. * * @param attr an AttributeSet * @exception IOException on any I/O error * */ protected void writeAttributes(AttributeSet attr) throws IOException { // translate css attributes to html convAttr.removeAttributes(convAttr); convertToHTML32(attr, convAttr); Enumeration names = convAttr.getAttributeNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { Object name = names.nextElement(); if (name instanceof HTML.Tag || name instanceof StyleConstants || name == HTML.Attribute.ENDTAG) { continue; } write(" " + name + "=\"" + convAttr.getAttribute(name) + "\""); } }
private boolean isFontChanged(String language, AttributeSet currentAS, AttributeSet savedAS) { String name = (String) getValue(language, currentAS, StyleConstants.FontFamily); assert (name != null); Integer size = (Integer) getValue(language, currentAS, StyleConstants.FontSize); assert (size != null); Boolean bold = (Boolean) getValue(language, currentAS, StyleConstants.Bold); if (bold == null) { bold = Boolean.FALSE; } Boolean italic = (Boolean) getValue(language, currentAS, StyleConstants.Italic); if (italic == null) { italic = Boolean.FALSE; } int style = bold.booleanValue() ? Font.BOLD : Font.PLAIN; if (italic.booleanValue()) { style += Font.ITALIC; } Font currentFont = new Font(name, style, size.intValue()); name = (String) getValue(language, savedAS, StyleConstants.FontFamily); assert (name != null); size = (Integer) getValue(language, savedAS, StyleConstants.FontSize); assert (size != null); bold = (Boolean) getValue(language, savedAS, StyleConstants.Bold); if (bold == null) { bold = Boolean.FALSE; } italic = (Boolean) getValue(language, savedAS, StyleConstants.Italic); if (italic == null) { italic = Boolean.FALSE; } style = bold.booleanValue() ? Font.BOLD : Font.PLAIN; if (italic.booleanValue()) { style += Font.ITALIC; } Font savedFont = new Font(name, style, size.intValue()); return !currentFont.equals(savedFont); }
private static void underlineStacktraces(StyledDocument doc, JTextPane textPane, List<StackTracePosition> stacktraces, String comment) { Style defStyle = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE); Style hlStyle = doc.addStyle("regularBlue-stacktrace", defStyle); // NOI18N hlStyle.addAttribute(HyperlinkSupport.STACKTRACE_ATTRIBUTE, new StackTraceAction()); StyleConstants.setForeground(hlStyle, UIUtils.getLinkColor()); StyleConstants.setUnderline(hlStyle, true); int last = 0; textPane.setText(""); // NOI18N for (StackTraceSupport.StackTracePosition stp : stacktraces) { int start = stp.getStartOffset(); int end = stp.getEndOffset(); if (last < start) { insertString(doc, comment, last, start, defStyle); } last = start; // for each line skip leading whitespaces (look bad underlined) boolean inStackTrace = (comment.charAt(start) > ' '); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { char ch = comment.charAt(i); if ((inStackTrace && ch == '\n') || (!inStackTrace && ch > ' ')) { insertString(doc, comment, last, i, inStackTrace ? hlStyle : defStyle); inStackTrace = !inStackTrace; last = i; } } if (last < end) { insertString(doc, comment, last, end, inStackTrace ? hlStyle : defStyle); } last = end; } try { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), comment.substring(last), defStyle); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Support.LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
@Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { JTextPane pane = (JTextPane)e.getSource(); StyledDocument doc = pane.getStyledDocument(); Element elem = doc.getCharacterElement(pane.viewToModel(e.getPoint())); AttributeSet as = elem.getAttributes(); if (StyleConstants.isUnderline(as)) { pane.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else { pane.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } }
public void appendRequiredAbility(StyledDocument doc, String key, boolean value) { final Specification spec = getSpecification(); try { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), Messages.getName(key), doc.getStyle("regular")); List<JButton> requiredTypes = transform(spec.getTypesProviding(key, value), alwaysTrue(), t -> { JButton typeButton = getButton(t); typeButton.addActionListener(this); return typeButton; }); JButton rt = first(requiredTypes); if (rt != null) { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), " (", doc.getStyle("regular")); StyleConstants.setComponent(doc.getStyle("button"), rt); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), " ", doc.getStyle("button")); for (int index = 1; index < requiredTypes.size(); index++) { JButton button = requiredTypes.get(index); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), " / ", doc.getStyle("regular")); StyleConstants.setComponent(doc.getStyle("button"), button); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), " ", doc.getStyle("button")); } doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), ")", doc.getStyle("regular")); } doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", doc.getStyle("regular")); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Insert fail", ble); } }
private void showDescription() { StyledDocument doc = descValue.getStyledDocument(); final Boolean matchCase = matchCaseValue.isSelected(); try { doc.remove(0, doc.getLength()); ModuleDependency[] deps = getSelectedDependencies(); if (deps.length != 1) { return; } String longDesc = deps[0].getModuleEntry().getLongDescription(); if (longDesc != null) { doc.insertString(0, longDesc, null); } String filterText = filterValue.getText().trim(); if (filterText.length() != 0 && !FILTER_DESCRIPTION.equals(filterText)) { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n\n", null); // NOI18N Style bold = doc.addStyle(null, null); bold.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Bold, Boolean.TRUE); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), getMessage("TEXT_matching_filter_contents"), bold); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", null); // NOI18N if (filterText.length() > 0) { String filterTextLC = matchCase?filterText:filterText.toLowerCase(Locale.US); Style match = doc.addStyle(null, null); match.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Background, UIManager.get("selection.highlight")!=null? UIManager.get("selection.highlight"):new Color(246, 248, 139)); boolean isEven = false; Style even = doc.addStyle(null, null); even.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Background, UIManager.get("Panel.background")); if (filterer == null) { return; // #101776 } for (String hit : filterer.getMatchesFor(filterText, deps[0])) { int loc = doc.getLength(); doc.insertString(loc, hit, (isEven ? even : null)); int start = (matchCase?hit:hit.toLowerCase(Locale.US)).indexOf(filterTextLC); while (start != -1) { doc.setCharacterAttributes(loc + start, filterTextLC.length(), match, true); start = hit.toLowerCase(Locale.US).indexOf(filterTextLC, start + 1); } doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", (isEven ? even : null)); // NOI18N isEven ^= true; } } else { Style italics = doc.addStyle(null, null); italics.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Italic, Boolean.TRUE); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), getMessage("TEXT_no_filter_specified"), italics); } } descValue.setCaretPosition(0); } catch (BadLocationException e) { Util.err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } }
/** * Border color for the placeholder view or the tooltip. * If not defined, falls back to the {@link #getForegroundColor()}. * @return Color for the border */ private Color getBorderColor() { if (foldingBorderColors == null) { return getForegroundColor(); } Object fgColorObj = foldingBorderColors.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Foreground); if (fgColorObj instanceof Color) { return (Color)fgColorObj; } return getForegroundColor(); }
private Color getForegroundColor() { if (foldingColors == null) { return textComponent.getForeground(); } Object bgColorObj = foldingColors.getAttribute(StyleConstants.Foreground); if (bgColorObj instanceof Color) { return (Color)bgColorObj; } else { return textComponent.getForeground(); } }
public void setColor(Color c, String s) { try { StyledDocument doc = jTextPane1.getStyledDocument(); javax.swing.text.Style style = jTextPane1.addStyle("", null); StyleConstants.setForeground(style, c); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), s, style); jTextPane1.select(0, 10); jTextPane1.setSelectedTextColor(Color.YELLOW); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } }
/** * Resolves background color. Must be called after getColoring(), satisfied in updateColors. * @return */ private Color resolveBackColor(boolean fallback) { AttributeSet attr = specificAttrs; Color x = (Color)attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.ColorConstants.Background); if (x == null) { Container c = getParent(); if (c != null) { x = c.getBackground(); } else if (fallback) { // fallback in case of inherited color and uninitialized parent return getColoring().getBackColor(); } } return x; }
public void rAlignActionB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { HTMLEditorKit.AlignmentAction aa = new HTMLEditorKit.AlignmentAction( "rightAlign", StyleConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT); aa.actionPerformed(e); }
public synchronized Console print(String msg, Color color) { SimpleAttributeSet attrib = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attrib, color); this.print(msg, attrib); return this; }