public void run() { if ( == null) { = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL, 50, 10, 0, 100); Dimension(400, 20)); JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.add(; frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } else if (40 != { System.out.println("name = " + UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName()); System.out.println("value = " +; } else { SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(; = null; } }
void doZoom( Point p, double factor ) { if( scPane == null || ( tracksWidth && tracksHeight ))return; Insets ins = axes.getInsets(); Rectangle rect = getVisibleRect(); double x = (double)(p.x-ins.left) / zoom; double y = (double)( / zoom; double w = (double) (rect.width - ins.left - ins.right); double h = (double) (rect.height - - ins.bottom); zoom *= factor; int newX = (int) (x*zoom - w*.5d); int newY = (int) (y*zoom - h*.5d); invalidate(); scPane.validate(); JScrollBar sb; if(!tracksWidth) { sb = scPane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); sb.setValue(newX); } if(!tracksHeight) { sb = scPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); sb.setValue(newY); } revalidate(); }
private void updateHorizontalScrollBars(ProfilerTable table, int column, boolean layout) { if (column != -1) { JScrollBar scroll = getScroller(column); int offset = table.getColumnOffset(column); int columnPref = table.getColumnPreferredWidth(column); int _column = table.convertColumnIndexToView(column); int columnAct = table.getTableHeader().getHeaderRect(_column).width; if (columnPref > columnAct) { int value = Math.min(offset, columnPref - columnAct); scroll.setValues(value, columnAct, 0, columnPref); } else { scroll.setValues(0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (layout) { doLayout(); scrollersPanel.doLayout(); repaint(); } }
public void doZoom( Point p, double factor ) { Rectangle rect = getVisibleRect(); double x = p.getX() / zoom; double y = p.getY() / zoom; double w = rect.getWidth(); double h = rect.getHeight(); zoom *= factor; zoomX = zoomY = zoom; int newX = (int) (x*zoom - w*.5d); int newY = (int) (y*zoom - h*.5d); invalidate(); scrollPane.validate(); JScrollBar sb = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); sb.setValue(newX); sb = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); sb.setValue(newY); repaint(); }
public static void reset() { entries.clear(); add(Component.class, RUnknownComponent.class); add(Window.class, RWindow.class); add(JTable.class, RTable.class); add(JTableHeader.class, RTableHeader.class); add(AbstractButton.class, RAbstractButton.class); add(JToggleButton.class, RToggleButton.class); add(JComboBox.class, RComboBox.class); add(JTextComponent.class, RTextComponent.class); add(JTree.class, RTree.class); add(JList.class, RList.class); add(JTabbedPane.class, RTabbedPane.class); add(JMenuItem.class, RMenuItem.class); add(JSlider.class, RSlider.class); add(JProgressBar.class, RProgressBar.class); add(JSpinner.class, RSpinner.class); add(DefaultEditor.class, RDefaultEditor.class); add(JColorChooser.class, RColorChooser.class); add(JSplitPane.class, RSplitPane.class); add(BasicSplitPaneDivider.class, RSplitPane.class); add(JFileChooser.class, RFileChooser.class); add(JEditorPane.class, REditorPane.class); add(JLabel.class, RLabel.class); add(JScrollBar.class, RIgnoreComponent.class); }
public void print(String string) { System.out.print(string); Document document = this.textArea.getDocument(); final JScrollBar scrollBar = this.scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); boolean shouldScroll = (scrollBar.getValue() + scrollBar.getSize().getHeight() + MONOSPACED.getSize() * 2 > scrollBar.getMaximum()); try { document.insertString(document.getLength(), string, null); } catch (BadLocationException ignored) { } if (shouldScroll) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { scrollBar.setValue(2147483647); } }); } }
@Override void initializeImpl() { super.initializeImpl(); final Scrollbar target = getTarget(); setLineIncrement(target.getUnitIncrement()); setPageIncrement(target.getBlockIncrement()); setValues(target.getValue(), target.getVisibleAmount(), target.getMinimum(), target.getMaximum()); final int orientation = target.getOrientation(); final JScrollBar delegate = getDelegate(); synchronized (getDelegateLock()) { delegate.setOrientation(orientation == Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL ? Adjustable.HORIZONTAL : Adjustable.VERTICAL); delegate.addAdjustmentListener(this); } }
@Override public Dimension getMinimumSize(final int rows, final int columns) { final Dimension size = super.getMinimumSize(rows, columns); synchronized (getDelegateLock()) { // JScrollPane insets final Insets pi = getDelegate().getInsets(); size.width += pi.left + pi.right; size.height += + pi.bottom; // Take scrollbars into account. final int vsbPolicy = getDelegate().getVerticalScrollBarPolicy(); if (vsbPolicy == ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) { final JScrollBar vbar = getDelegate().getVerticalScrollBar(); size.width += vbar != null ? vbar.getMinimumSize().width : 0; } final int hsbPolicy = getDelegate().getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(); if (hsbPolicy == ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) { final JScrollBar hbar = getDelegate().getHorizontalScrollBar(); size.height += hbar != null ? hbar.getMinimumSize().height : 0; } } return size; }
@Override public void insert(final String text, final int pos) { final ScrollableJTextArea pane = getDelegate(); synchronized (getDelegateLock()) { final JTextArea area = pane.getView(); final boolean doScroll = pos >= area.getDocument().getLength() && area.getDocument().getLength() != 0; area.insert(text, pos); revalidate(); if (doScroll) { final JScrollBar vbar = pane.getVerticalScrollBar(); if (vbar != null) { vbar.setValue(vbar.getMaximum() - vbar.getVisibleAmount()); } } } repaintPeer(); }
@Override protected void uninstallDefaults(JScrollPane c) { super.uninstallDefaults(c); JScrollBar vsb = scrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar(); if (vsb != null) { if (vsb.getBorder() == vsbBorder) { vsb.setBorder(null); } vsbBorder = null; } JScrollBar hsb = scrollpane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); if (hsb != null) { if (hsb.getBorder() == hsbBorder) { hsb.setBorder(null); } hsbBorder = null; } }
private boolean setPointerIfPointOverScrollbar( JScrollBar bar, Point point ) { if ( ! bar.getBounds().contains( point ) ) { return false; } current.setBar( bar ); Point local = toLocalSpace( bar, point ); XTextAreaPeer.XAWTScrollBarUI ui = (XTextAreaPeer.XAWTScrollBarUI) bar.getUI(); if ( ! setPointerIfPointOverButton( ui.getIncreaseButton(), local ) ) { setPointerIfPointOverButton( ui.getDecreaseButton(), local ); } return true; }
/** * */ protected void maintainScrollBar(boolean horizontal, double factor, boolean center) { JScrollBar scrollBar = (horizontal) ? getHorizontalScrollBar() : getVerticalScrollBar(); if (scrollBar != null) { BoundedRangeModel model = scrollBar.getModel(); int newValue = (int) Math.round(model.getValue() * factor) + (int) Math.round((center) ? (model.getExtent() * (factor - 1) / 2) : 0); model.setValue(newValue); } }
public void scrollTo (int t) { if(cruise==null) return; int i=0; int x=0; while( i<cruise.start.length && cruise.start[i]<t ) i++; if( i==cruise.start.length ) { x = width; } else if( t<cruise.start[i] ) { x = cruise.xPosition[i]; } else if( t>cruise.start[i]+30*cruise.panelSize[i][0] ) { x = cruise.xPosition[i] + cruise.panelSize[i][0]; } else { x = cruise.xPosition[i] + (t-cruise.start[i])/30; } Rectangle r = getVisibleRect(); x = (int) (x*zoomX) - r.width/2; JScrollBar sb = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); sb.setValue(x); repaint(); }
private static void init(Container container) { container.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbc.gridx = 0; gbc.gridy = 1; JLabel label = new JLabel(); Dimension size = new Dimension(111, 0); label.setPreferredSize(size); label.setMinimumSize(size); container.add(label, gbc); gbc.gridx = 1; gbc.weightx = 1; container.add(new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL, 1, 111, 1, 1111), gbc); gbc.gridx = 2; gbc.gridy = 0; gbc.weightx = 0; gbc.weighty = 1; container.add(new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL, 1, 111, 1, 1111), gbc); }
@Override public int getScrollDirection(JScrollBarOperator oper) { Point toPoint = SwingUtilities. convertPoint(comp, x, y, getViewport().getView()); int to = (orientation == JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL) ? toPoint.x : toPoint.y; int ln = (orientation == JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL) ? width : height; int lv = (orientation == JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL) ? getViewport().getWidth() : getViewport().getHeight(); int vl = oper.getValue(); if (to < vl) { return ScrollAdjuster.DECREASE_SCROLL_DIRECTION; } else if ((to + ln - 1) > (vl + lv) && to > vl) { return ScrollAdjuster.INCREASE_SCROLL_DIRECTION; } else { return ScrollAdjuster.DO_NOT_TOUCH_SCROLL_DIRECTION; } }
/** * Scrolls pane to rectangle of a component. * * @param comp a subcomponent defining coordinate system. * @param x coordinate * @param y coordinate * @param width rectangle width * @param height rectangle height * @throws TimeoutExpiredException */ public void scrollToComponentRectangle(Component comp, int x, int y, int width, int height) { initOperators(); makeComponentVisible(); if (hScrollBarOper != null && hScrollBarOper.getSource().isVisible()) { hScrollBarOper.scrollTo(new ComponentRectChecker(comp, x, y, width, height, JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL)); } if (vScrollBarOper != null && vScrollBarOper.getSource().isVisible()) { vScrollBarOper.scrollTo(new ComponentRectChecker(comp, x, y, width, height, JScrollBar.VERTICAL)); } }
@Override public void addLayoutComponent(String s, Component c) { if (s.equals(TREE_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR)) { thsb = (JScrollBar)addSingletonComponent(thsb, c); } else { super.addLayoutComponent(s, c); } }
private JScrollBar createFakeHSB(final JScrollBar hsb) { return new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL) { @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension dim = hsb.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(dim.width, 2*dim.height); } }; }
/** * Maps {@code JScrollBar.getMinimum()} through queue */ public int getMinimum() { return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("getMinimum") { @Override public int map() { return ((JScrollBar) getSource()).getMinimum(); } })); }
private void hideShowButtons (Container cont, boolean val) { if (cont instanceof JComboBox || cont instanceof JScrollBar) { return; } Component[] c = cont.getComponents(); for (int i=0; i < c.length; i++) { if (c[i] instanceof Container) { hideShowButtons ((Container) c[i], val); } if (c[i] instanceof AbstractButton) { c[i].setVisible(val); } } }
private void setWheelScrollHandler(final JScrollBar scrollBar) { chart.addMouseWheelListener(new MouseWheelListener() { public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { scroll(scrollBar, e); } }); }
private static void scroll(JScrollBar scrollBar, MouseWheelEvent e) { if (e.getScrollType() == MouseWheelEvent.WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL) { int unitsToScroll = e.getUnitsToScroll(); int direction = unitsToScroll < 0 ? -1 : 1; if (unitsToScroll != 0) { int increment = scrollBar.getUnitIncrement(direction); int oldValue = scrollBar.getValue(); int newValue = oldValue + increment * unitsToScroll; newValue = Math.max(Math.min(newValue, scrollBar.getMaximum() - scrollBar.getVisibleAmount()), scrollBar.getMinimum()); if (oldValue != newValue) scrollBar.setValue(newValue); } } }
/** * Maps {@code JScrollBar.setOrientation(int)} through queue */ public void setOrientation(final int i) { runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setOrientation") { @Override public void map() { ((JScrollBar) getSource()).setOrientation(i); } }); }
static ComponentBuilder getBuilder(Instance instance, Heap heap) { if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JLabel.class.getName())) { return new JLabelBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JPanel.class.getName())) { return new JPanelBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JToolBar.class.getName())) { return new JToolBarBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, Box.Filler.class.getName())) { return new BoxFillerBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, Box.class.getName())) { return new BoxBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JScrollBar.class.getName())) { return new JScrollBarBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JToolBar.Separator.class.getName())) { return new JToolBarSeparatorBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JPopupMenu.Separator.class.getName())) { return new JPopupMenuSeparatorBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JSeparator.class.getName())) { return new JSeparatorBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JProgressBar.class.getName())) { return new JProgressBarBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JSlider.class.getName())) { return new JSliderBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JSpinner.class.getName())) { return new JSpinnerBuilder(instance, heap); } else if (DetailsUtils.isSubclassOf(instance, JPopupMenu.class.getName())) { return new JPopupMenuBuilder(instance, heap); } return null; }
/** * Maps {@code JScrollBar.setValues(int, int, int, int)} through queue */ public void setValues(final int i, final int i1, final int i2, final int i3) { runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setValues") { @Override public void map() { ((JScrollBar) getSource()).setValues(i, i1, i2, i3); } }); }
/** * Maps {@code JScrollBar.getUnitIncrement()} through queue */ public int getUnitIncrement() { return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("getUnitIncrement") { @Override public int map() { return ((JScrollBar) getSource()).getUnitIncrement(); } })); }
private JScrollBar getScroller(int column) { for (Component component : scrollersPanel.getComponents()) { JScrollBar scroller = (JScrollBar)component; if (getColumn(scroller) == column) return scroller; } return null; }
private void configureVerticalScrollBar(final JScrollBar scrollBar) { scrollBar.getModel().addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { scrollBar.setEnabled(ProfilerTableContainer.this.isEnabled() && scrollBar.getVisibleAmount() < scrollBar.getMaximum()); } }); }
private void checkScrollBar(AdjustmentEvent e) { // The scroll bar listModel contains information needed to determine // whether the viewport should be repositioned or not. JScrollBar scrollBar = (JScrollBar) e.getSource(); BoundedRangeModel scrollBarModel = scrollBar.getModel(); int value = scrollBarModel.getValue(); int extent = scrollBarModel.getExtent(); int maximum = scrollBarModel.getMaximum(); boolean valueChanged = previousScrollBarValue != value; boolean maximumChanged = previousScrollBarMaximum != maximum; // Check if the user has manually repositioned the scrollbar if (valueChanged && !maximumChanged) { adjustScrollBar = value + extent >= maximum; } // Reset the "value" so we can reposition the viewport and // distinguish between a user scroll and a program scroll. // (ie. valueChanged will be false on a program scroll) if (adjustScrollBar) { // Scroll the viewport to the end. scrollBar.removeAdjustmentListener(scrollBarAdjustmentListener); value = maximum - extent; scrollBar.setValue(value); scrollBar.addAdjustmentListener(scrollBarAdjustmentListener); } previousScrollBarValue = value; previousScrollBarMaximum = maximum; }
/** * Maps {@code JScrollBar.getVisibleAmount()} through queue */ public int getVisibleAmount() { return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("getVisibleAmount") { @Override public int map() { return ((JScrollBar) getSource()).getVisibleAmount(); } })); }
@Override public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { JScrollBar scrollBar = mainScrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); if (e.getScrollType() == MouseWheelEvent.WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL) { int totalScrollAmount = e.getUnitsToScroll() * scrollBar.getUnitIncrement(); scrollBar.setValue(scrollBar.getValue() + totalScrollAmount); } }