public void testExcludeTwoLayers() { OffsetsBag bag = new OffsetsBag(new PlainDocument()); MemoryMimeDataProvider.reset(null); MemoryMimeDataProvider.addInstances( "text/plain", new SingletonLayerFactory("layer", ZOrder.DEFAULT_RACK, true, bag)); JEditorPane pane = new JEditorPane(); String [] removed = new String[] {"^org\\.netbeans\\.modules\\.editor\\.lib2\\.highlighting\\..*$", "^org\\.netbeans\\.modules\\.editor\\.lib2\\.highlighting\\.TextSelectionHighlighting$"}; pane.putClientProperty("HighlightsLayerExcludes", removed); pane.setContentType("text/plain"); assertEquals("The pane has got wrong mime type", "text/plain", pane.getContentType()); HighlightingManager hm = HighlightingManager.getInstance(pane); HighlightsContainer hc = hm.getHighlights(HighlightsLayerFilter.IDENTITY); assertNotNull("Can't get fixed HighlightsContainer", hc); assertFalse("There should be no fixed highlights", hc.getHighlights(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE).moveNext()); }
public void testSimple() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); HighlightsContainer layer = createRandomBag(doc, "layer"); HighlightsSequence highlights = layer.getHighlights(0, 100); ProxyHighlightsContainer proxyLayer = new ProxyHighlightsContainer(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { layer }); HighlightsSequence proxyHighlights = proxyLayer.getHighlights(0, 100); for ( ; highlights.moveNext(); ) { // Ignore empty highlights if (highlights.getStartOffset() == highlights.getEndOffset()) { continue; } assertTrue("Wrong number of proxy highlights", proxyHighlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("Start offset does not match", highlights.getStartOffset(), proxyHighlights.getStartOffset()); assertEquals("End offset does not match", highlights.getEndOffset(), proxyHighlights.getEndOffset()); assertTrue("Attributes do not match", highlights.getAttributes().isEqual(proxyHighlights.getAttributes())); } }
public void testOrdering() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); PositionsBag hsA = new PositionsBag(doc); PositionsBag hsB = new PositionsBag(doc); SimpleAttributeSet attribsA = new SimpleAttributeSet(); SimpleAttributeSet attribsB = new SimpleAttributeSet(); attribsA.addAttribute("attribute", "value-A"); attribsB.addAttribute("attribute", "value-B"); hsA.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(5), new SimplePosition(15), attribsA); hsB.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(10), new SimplePosition(20), attribsB); ProxyHighlightsContainer chc = new ProxyHighlightsContainer(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { hsA, hsB }); HighlightsSequence highlights = chc.getHighlights(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertTrue("Wrong number of highlights", highlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong attribs", "value-A", highlights.getAttributes().getAttribute("attribute")); assertTrue("Wrong number of highlights", highlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("2. highlight - wrong attribs", "value-B", highlights.getAttributes().getAttribute("attribute")); assertTrue("Wrong number of highlights", highlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("3. highlight - wrong attribs", "value-B", highlights.getAttributes().getAttribute("attribute")); }
public void testEvents() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); PositionsBag hsA = new PositionsBag(doc); PositionsBag hsB = new PositionsBag(doc); ProxyHighlightsContainer chc = new ProxyHighlightsContainer(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { hsA, hsB }); Listener listener = new Listener(); chc.addHighlightsChangeListener(listener); hsA.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(10), new SimplePosition(20), new SimpleAttributeSet()); assertEquals("Wrong number of events", 1, listener.eventsCnt); assertEquals("Wrong change start offset", 10, listener.lastEventStartOffset); assertEquals("Wrong change end offset", 20, listener.lastEventEndOffset); listener.reset(); hsB.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(11), new SimplePosition(12), new SimpleAttributeSet()); assertEquals("Wrong number of events", 1, listener.eventsCnt); assertEquals("Wrong change start offset", 11, listener.lastEventStartOffset); assertEquals("Wrong change end offset", 12, listener.lastEventEndOffset); }
public void testEvents2() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); PositionsBag hsA = new PositionsBag(doc); PositionsBag hsB = new PositionsBag(doc); hsA.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(10), new SimplePosition(20), new SimpleAttributeSet()); hsB.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(11), new SimplePosition(12), new SimpleAttributeSet()); ProxyHighlightsContainer chc = new ProxyHighlightsContainer(); Listener listener = new Listener(); chc.addHighlightsChangeListener(listener); // changing delegate layers fires event covering 'all' offsets chc.setLayers(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { hsA, hsB }); assertEquals("Wrong number of events", 1, listener.eventsCnt); assertEquals("Wrong change start offset", 0, listener.lastEventStartOffset); assertEquals("Wrong change end offset", Integer.MAX_VALUE, listener.lastEventEndOffset); }
public static RandomTestContainer createContainer() { RandomTestContainer container = new RandomTestContainer(); Document doc = new PlainDocument(); container.putProperty(Document.class, doc); // Fill document try { doc.insertString(0, "abcdef\n", null); int docLen; while ((docLen = doc.getLength()) < DOCUMENT_LENGTH) { int insertLen = Math.min(docLen, DOCUMENT_LENGTH - docLen); doc.insertString(docLen, doc.getText(0, insertLen), null); } } catch (BadLocationException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } container.putProperty(DirectMergeContainer.class, new DirectMergeContainer(new HighlightsContainer[0], false)); container.putProperty(CompoundHighlightsContainer.class, new CompoundHighlightsContainer(doc, new HighlightsContainer[0])); container.addOp(new AddLayerOp(ADD_LAYER)); container.addOp(new AddLayerOp(ADD_EMPTY_LAYER)); container.addOp(new RemoveLayerOp(REMOVE_LAYER)); container.addCheck(new MergeCheck()); return container; }
public void testSimple() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); HighlightsContainer layer = createRandomBag(doc, "layer"); HighlightsSequence highlights = layer.getHighlights(0, 100); CompoundHighlightsContainer proxyLayer = new CompoundHighlightsContainer(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { layer }); HighlightsSequence proxyHighlights = proxyLayer.getHighlights(0, 100); for ( ; highlights.moveNext(); ) { // Ignore empty highlights if (highlights.getStartOffset() == highlights.getEndOffset()) { continue; } assertTrue("Wrong number of proxy highlights", proxyHighlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("Start offset does not match", highlights.getStartOffset(), proxyHighlights.getStartOffset()); assertEquals("End offset does not match", highlights.getEndOffset(), proxyHighlights.getEndOffset()); assertTrue("Attributes do not match", highlights.getAttributes().isEqual(proxyHighlights.getAttributes())); } }
public void testOrdering() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); PositionsBag hsA = new PositionsBag(doc); PositionsBag hsB = new PositionsBag(doc); SimpleAttributeSet attribsA = new SimpleAttributeSet(); SimpleAttributeSet attribsB = new SimpleAttributeSet(); attribsA.addAttribute("attribute", "value-A"); attribsB.addAttribute("attribute", "value-B"); hsA.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(5), new SimplePosition(15), attribsA); hsB.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(10), new SimplePosition(20), attribsB); CompoundHighlightsContainer chc = new CompoundHighlightsContainer(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { hsA, hsB }); HighlightsSequence highlights = chc.getHighlights(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertTrue("Wrong number of highlights", highlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong attribs", "value-A", highlights.getAttributes().getAttribute("attribute")); assertTrue("Wrong number of highlights", highlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("2. highlight - wrong attribs", "value-B", highlights.getAttributes().getAttribute("attribute")); assertTrue("Wrong number of highlights", highlights.moveNext()); assertEquals("3. highlight - wrong attribs", "value-B", highlights.getAttributes().getAttribute("attribute")); }
public void testConcurrentModification() throws Exception { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); PositionsBag bag = createRandomBag(doc, "layer"); HighlightsContainer [] layers = new HighlightsContainer [] { bag }; CompoundHighlightsContainer hb = new CompoundHighlightsContainer(doc, layers); HighlightsSequence hs = hb.getHighlights(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertTrue("No highlights", hs.moveNext()); int s = hs.getStartOffset(); int e = hs.getEndOffset(); AttributeSet a = hs.getAttributes(); // Change the layers hb.setLayers(doc, layers); assertEquals("Different startOffset", s, hs.getStartOffset()); assertEquals("Different endOffset", e, hs.getEndOffset()); assertEquals("Different attributes", a, hs.getAttributes()); assertFalse("There should be no further highlighs after co-modification", hs.moveNext()); }
public void testEvents() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); PositionsBag hsA = new PositionsBag(doc); PositionsBag hsB = new PositionsBag(doc); CompoundHighlightsContainer chc = new CompoundHighlightsContainer(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { hsA, hsB }); Listener listener = new Listener(); chc.addHighlightsChangeListener(listener); hsA.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(10), new SimplePosition(20), new SimpleAttributeSet()); assertEquals("Wrong number of events", 1, listener.eventsCnt); assertEquals("Wrong change start offset", 10, listener.lastEventStartOffset); assertEquals("Wrong change end offset", 20, listener.lastEventEndOffset); listener.reset(); hsB.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(11), new SimplePosition(12), new SimpleAttributeSet()); assertEquals("Wrong number of events", 1, listener.eventsCnt); assertEquals("Wrong change start offset", 11, listener.lastEventStartOffset); assertEquals("Wrong change end offset", 12, listener.lastEventEndOffset); }
public void testEvents2() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); PositionsBag hsA = new PositionsBag(doc); PositionsBag hsB = new PositionsBag(doc); hsA.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(10), new SimplePosition(20), new SimpleAttributeSet()); hsB.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(11), new SimplePosition(12), new SimpleAttributeSet()); CompoundHighlightsContainer chc = new CompoundHighlightsContainer(); Listener listener = new Listener(); chc.addHighlightsChangeListener(listener); // changing delegate layers fires event covering 'all' offsets chc.setLayers(doc, new HighlightsContainer [] { hsA, hsB }); assertEquals("Wrong number of events", 1, listener.eventsCnt); assertEquals("Wrong change start offset", 0, listener.lastEventStartOffset); assertEquals("Wrong change end offset", Integer.MAX_VALUE, listener.lastEventEndOffset); }
public void testZeroPosition() throws BadLocationException { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); TestHighlighsContainer thc = new TestHighlighsContainer(); CompoundHighlightsContainer chc = new CompoundHighlightsContainer(); chc.setLayers(doc, new HighlightsContainer[] { thc }); doc.insertString(0, "0123456789", null); chc.getHighlights(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("Should have been queried", 2, thc.queries.size()); assertEquals("Wrong query startOffset", 0, (int) thc.queries.get(0)); thc.queries.clear(); doc.insertString(0, "abcd", null); assertEquals("Should not have been queried", 0, thc.queries.size()); chc.getHighlights(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("Should have been queried again", 2, thc.queries.size()); assertEquals("Wrong query startOffset", 0, (int) thc.queries.get(0)); thc.queries.clear(); chc.getHighlights(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("Should not have been queried again", 0, thc.queries.size()); }
public void testOffset0Forward() throws Exception { Document doc = new PlainDocument(); WordMatch wordMatch = WordMatch.get(doc); // 012345678901234567890123456789 doc.insertString(0, "abc abc dab ab a abab+c", null); int docLen = doc.getLength(); wordMatch.matchWord(0, true); compareText(doc, 0, "abca", docLen + 3); wordMatch.matchWord(0, true); compareText(doc, 0, "daba", docLen + 3); wordMatch.matchWord(0, true); compareText(doc, 0, "aba", docLen + 2); wordMatch.matchWord(0, true); compareText(doc, 0, "aa", docLen + 1); wordMatch.matchWord(0, true); compareText(doc, 0, "ababa", docLen + 4); wordMatch.matchWord(0, true); compareText(doc, 0, "ca", docLen + 1); wordMatch.matchWord(0, true); compareText(doc, 0, "ca", docLen + 1); wordMatch.matchWord(0, false); compareText(doc, 0, "ababa", docLen + 4); }
public void testOffsetDocLenBackward() throws Exception { Document doc = new PlainDocument(); WordMatch wordMatch = WordMatch.get(doc); // 012345678901234567890123456789 doc.insertString(0, "abc abc dab ab a", null); int docLen = doc.getLength(); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, false); compareText(doc, docLen - 1, "ab", docLen + 1); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, false); compareText(doc, docLen - 1, "abc", docLen + 2); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, false); compareText(doc, docLen - 1, "abc", docLen + 2); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, true); compareText(doc, docLen - 1, "ab", docLen + 1); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, true); compareText(doc, docLen - 1, "a", docLen); }
public void testOffsetInsideBackward() throws Exception { Document doc = new PlainDocument(); WordMatch wordMatch = WordMatch.get(doc); // 012345678901234567890123456789 doc.insertString(0, "abc abc dab ab a xyz ab abd", null); int docLen = doc.getLength(); int offset = 15; wordMatch.matchWord(offset, false); compareText(doc, offset, "aba", docLen + 2); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, true); compareText(doc, offset, "a ", docLen); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, true); compareText(doc, offset, "aa ", docLen + 1); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, true); compareText(doc, offset, "xyza", docLen + 3); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, true); compareText(doc, offset, "abda", docLen + 3); wordMatch.matchWord(docLen, true); compareText(doc, offset, "abca", docLen + 3); }
public void testBehaviour() throws Exception { Document doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "test hello world", null); UndoManager undo = new UndoManager(); doc.addUndoableEditListener(undo); Position pos = doc.createPosition(2); doc.remove(0, 3); assert (pos.getOffset() == 0); undo.undo(); assert (pos.getOffset() == 2); Position pos2 = doc.createPosition(5); doc.remove(4, 2); Position pos3 = doc.createPosition(4); assertSame(pos2, pos3); undo.undo(); assert (pos3.getOffset() == 5); }
public void testCuriosities() throws Exception { // Test position at offset 0 does not move after insert Document doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "test", null); Position pos = doc.createPosition(0); assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset()); doc.insertString(0, "a", null); assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset()); // Test there is an extra newline above doc.getLength() assertEquals("\n", doc.getText(doc.getLength(), 1)); assertEquals("atest\n", doc.getText(0, doc.getLength() + 1)); // Test the last line element contains the extra newline Element lineElem = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElement(0); assertEquals(0, lineElem.getStartOffset()); assertEquals(doc.getLength() + 1, lineElem.getEndOffset()); // Test that once position gets to zero it won't go anywhere else (unless undo performed) pos = doc.createPosition(1); doc.remove(0, 1); assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset()); doc.insertString(0, "b", null); assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset()); }
private void checkMemoryConsumption(boolean merging, boolean bestCase) { PositionsBag bag = new PositionsBag(new PlainDocument(), merging); for(int i = 0; i < CNT; i++) { if (bestCase) { bag.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(i * 10), new SimplePosition((i + 1) * 10), SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY); } else { bag.addHighlight(new SimplePosition(i * 10), new SimplePosition(i* 10 + 5), SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY); } } compact(bag); assertSize("PositionsBag of " + CNT + " highlights " + (bestCase ? "(best case)" : "(worst case)"), Collections.singleton(bag), bestCase ? 8500 : 16500, new MF()); }
private PositionsBag mergeContainers(boolean merge, String [] layerNames, HighlightsContainer[] containers) { PositionsBag bag = new PositionsBag(new PlainDocument(), merge); for (int i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) { HighlightsSequence layerHighlights = containers[i].getHighlights(START, END); for ( ; layerHighlights.moveNext(); ) { bag.addHighlight( new SimplePosition(layerHighlights.getStartOffset()), new SimplePosition(layerHighlights.getEndOffset()), layerHighlights.getAttributes()); } } return bag; }
public void testFindIndentTaskFactory() throws BadLocationException { TestIndentTask.TestFactory factory = new TestIndentTask.TestFactory(); MockServices.setServices(MockMimeLookup.class); MockMimeLookup.setInstances(MimePath.parse(MIME_TYPE), factory); Document doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.putProperty("mimeType", MIME_TYPE); Indent indent = Indent.get(doc); indent.lock(); try { //doc.atomicLock(); try { indent.reindent(0); } finally { //doc.atomicUnlock(); } } finally { indent.unlock(); } // Check that the factory was used assertTrue(TestIndentTask.TestFactory.lastCreatedTask.indentPerformed); }
@Override public javax.swing.text.Document loadSwingDocument(InputStream in) throws IOException, BadLocationException { javax.swing.text.Document sd = new PlainDocument(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); try { String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sd.insertString(sd.getLength(), line+System.getProperty("line.separator"), null); // NOI18N } } finally { br.close(); } return sd; }
@Test public void testPos() throws Exception { Document doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "\t\t\n\n", null); Position pos1 = doc.createPosition(1); Position pos2 = doc.createPosition(2); Position pos10 = ComplexPositions.create(pos1, 0); Position pos11 = ComplexPositions.create(pos1, 1); Position pos20 = ComplexPositions.create(pos2, 0); Position pos21 = ComplexPositions.create(pos2, 1); assertEquals(0, ComplexPositions.getSplitOffset(pos1)); assertEquals(0, ComplexPositions.getSplitOffset(pos10)); assertEquals(1, ComplexPositions.getSplitOffset(pos11)); comparePos(pos1, pos10, 0); comparePos(pos10, pos11, -1); comparePos(pos1, pos2, -1); comparePos(pos10, pos20, -1); comparePos(pos20, pos21, -1); }
private static int visualColumn(Document doc, int lineStartOffset, int offset) { Integer tabSizeInteger = (Integer) doc.getProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute); int tabSize = (tabSizeInteger != null) ? tabSizeInteger : 8; CharSequence docText = getText(doc); // Expected that offset <= docText.length() int column = 0; for (int i = lineStartOffset; i < offset; i++) { char c = docText.charAt(i); if (c == '\t') { column = (column + tabSize) / tabSize * tabSize; } else { column++; } } return column; }
private Document createCBTextFieldDocument() { Document doc = new PlainDocument(); String valueType = evaluator.getProperty(JNLP_CBASE_TYPE); String docString = ""; if (CB_TYPE_LOCAL.equals(valueType)) { docString = getProjectDistDir(); } else if (CB_TYPE_WEB.equals(valueType)) { docString = CB_URL_WEB; } else if (CB_TYPE_USER.equals(valueType)) { docString = getCodebaseLocation(); } try { doc.insertString(0, docString, null); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { // do nothing, just return PlainDocument // XXX log the exc } return doc; }
public void testKnownMimeType() { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.putProperty("mimeType", MIME_TYPE_KNOWN); TokenHierarchy th = TokenHierarchy.get(doc); ((AbstractDocument)doc).readLock(); try { Language lang = th.tokenSequence().language(); assertNotNull("There should be language for " + MIME_TYPE_KNOWN, lang); assertNotNull("Invalid mime type", lang.mimeType()); assertEquals("Wrong language's mime type", MIME_TYPE_KNOWN, lang.mimeType()); } finally { ((AbstractDocument)doc).readUnlock(); } }
public JValidatingTextField(final Validation... vs) { setDocument(new PlainDocument() { @Override public void insertString(int offset, String s, AttributeSet attributeSet) throws BadLocationException { for( Validation v : vs ) { s = v.validate(this, offset, s, attributeSet); if( s == null ) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); return; } } super.insertString(offset, s, attributeSet); } }); }
public FieldValueController( final PlainDocument document, final IObjectModel<T> model, final IBooleanProvider isEditableProvider, final IConverter<String, T, RuntimeException> toObjectConverter, final IConverter<T, String, RuntimeException> toStringConverter, final IObjectModel<IValidationResult> validStateModel, final IValidator<String> validator) { this.document = document; this.model = model; this.isEditableProvider = isEditableProvider; this.toObjectConverter = toObjectConverter; this.toStringConverter = toStringConverter; this.validStateModel = validStateModel; this.validator = validator; }
@Test public void testMark() throws Exception { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "0123456789", null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); Assert.assertEquals('0',; r.mark(5); Assert.assertEquals('1',; Assert.assertEquals('2',; r.reset(); Assert.assertEquals('1',; Assert.assertEquals('2',; r.close(); }
@Test public void testRead_intArg() throws Exception { PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "0123456789", null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); Assert.assertEquals('0',; Assert.assertEquals('1',; Assert.assertEquals('2',; Assert.assertEquals('3',; Assert.assertEquals('4',; Assert.assertEquals('5',; Assert.assertEquals('6',; Assert.assertEquals('7',; Assert.assertEquals('8',; Assert.assertEquals('9',; Assert.assertEquals(-1,; Assert.assertEquals(-1,; r.close(); }
@Test public void testRead_charArrayArg_allAtOnce() throws Exception { String content = "0123456789"; PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, content, null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); char[] array = new char[10]; Assert.assertEquals(10,; Assert.assertEquals(content, new String(array)); Assert.assertEquals(-1,; Assert.assertEquals(-1,; r.close(); }
@Test public void testRead_3Arg_allAtOnce() throws Exception { String content = "0123456789"; PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, content, null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); char[] array = new char[10]; Assert.assertEquals(10,, 0, array.length)); Assert.assertEquals(content, new String(array)); Assert.assertEquals(-1,, 0, array.length)); Assert.assertEquals(-1,; r.close(); }
@Test public void testReset_NoMarkedOffset() throws Exception { String content = "0123456789"; PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, content, null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); Assert.assertEquals('0',; Assert.assertEquals('1',; Assert.assertEquals('2',; r.reset(); Assert.assertEquals('0',; Assert.assertEquals('1',; Assert.assertEquals('2',; r.close(); }
@Test public void testReset_MarkedOffset() throws Exception { String content = "0123456789"; PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, content, null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); Assert.assertEquals('0',; r.mark(5); Assert.assertEquals('1',; Assert.assertEquals('2',; r.reset(); Assert.assertEquals('1',; Assert.assertEquals('2',; r.close(); }
@Test public void testSeek_WithinDocument() throws Exception { String content = "0123456789"; PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, content, null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); Assert.assertEquals('0',;; Assert.assertEquals('6',; Assert.assertEquals('7',; Assert.assertEquals('8',; Assert.assertEquals('9',; Assert.assertEquals(-1,; r.close(); }
@Test public void testSkip_WithinDocument() throws Exception { String content = "0123456789"; PlainDocument doc = new PlainDocument(); doc.insertString(0, content, null); DocumentReader r = new DocumentReader(doc); Assert.assertEquals('0',; r.skip(6); Assert.assertEquals('7',; Assert.assertEquals('8',; Assert.assertEquals('9',; Assert.assertEquals(-1,; r.close(); }
/** * Creates a <CODE>CitationModel</CODE> representing * given <CODE>publication</CODE> * * @param publication <CODE>Publication</CODE> to be represented */ public CitationModel(Publication publication) { super(); authors = new PlainDocument(); affiliations = new PlainDocument(); doi = new PlainDocument(); isxn = new PlainDocument(); citationTitle = new PlainDocument(); contentsTitle = new PlainDocument(); year = new PlainDocument(); volume = new PlainDocument(); issue = new PlainDocument(); firstPage = new PlainDocument(); lastPage = new PlainDocument(); publisher = new PlainDocument(); place = new PlainDocument(); received = new PlainDocument(); revised = new PlainDocument(); accepted = new PlainDocument(); published = new PlainDocument(); setPublication(publication); }
private void setDocumentText(final Object document, final String value) { if (document instanceof PlainDocument) { try { ((PlainDocument)document).remove(0, ((PlainDocument)document).getLength()); ((PlainDocument)document).insertString(0, value, null); } catch (BadLocationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(project, new Runnable() { public void run() { ((com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document)document) .replaceString(0, ((com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document)document).getTextLength(), value); } }); } }
private void setDocumentText(final int index, final String text, final Object[] documents) { final Object document = documents[index]; if (document instanceof PlainDocument) { try { ((PlainDocument)document).remove(0, ((PlainDocument)document).getLength()); ((PlainDocument)document).insertString(0, text, null); } catch (BadLocationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(myProject, new Runnable() { public void run() { ((Document)document).replaceString(0, ((Document)document).getTextLength(), text); } }); } }
/** * Creates a PlainDocument that only take numbers if it will create a valid port number. * @return PlainDocument which will ensure numeric values only and is a valid port number. */ public static PlainDocument getPortNumberDocument(){ return new PlainDocument(){ @Override public void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException { if (str != null) { try { Integer.valueOf(str); int val = Integer.valueOf(this.getText(0, this.getLength()) + str); if (val < 1 || val > 65535) { // Invalid port number if true throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid port number"); } super.insertString(offs, str, a); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Translator.R("CPInvalidPort"), Translator.R("CPInvalidPortTitle") , JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } } }; }
protected void setEditorDocument() { JTextField editor = (JTextField) owner.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); editor.setDocument(new PlainDocument() { @Override public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException { if (str == null) { return; } if (str.length() < 2) { return; } super.insertString(offset, str, attr); } @Override public void remove(int offs, int len) throws BadLocationException { if (len < 2) { return; } super.remove(offs, len); } }); }