Java 类javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument 实例源码

项目:Reer    文件   
 * This highlights the text within the specified range
 * @param startingIndex where to start the highlight
 * @param endingIndex where to end the highlight
 * @param ensureVisible true to scroll to the text
 * @param isEmphasized true to use an emphasized highlight (versus a regular highlight). Useful for showing the 'current' highlighted result.
public void highlightText(int startingIndex, int endingIndex, boolean ensureVisible, boolean isEmphasized) {
    int length = endingIndex - startingIndex;

    AttributeSet style;
    if (isEmphasized) {
        style = emphasizedHighlightStyle;
    } else {
        style = highlightStyle;

    ((DefaultStyledDocument) textComponentToSearch.getDocument()).setCharacterAttributes(startingIndex, length, style, true);

    if (ensureVisible) {
        Utility.scrollToText(textComponentToSearch, startingIndex, endingIndex);

项目:gate-core    文件   
 * Try and recover from a BadLocationException thrown when inserting a string
 * into the log area. This method must only be called on the AWT event
 * handling thread.
private void handleBadLocationException(BadLocationException e,
    String textToInsert, Style style) {
  originalErr.println("BadLocationException encountered when writing to "
      + "the log area: " + e);
  originalErr.println("trying to recover...");

  Document newDocument = new DefaultStyledDocument();
  try {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("An error occurred when trying to write a message to the log area.  The log\n");
    sb.append("has been cleared to try and recover from this problem.\n\n");

    newDocument.insertString(0, sb.toString(), style);
  } catch(BadLocationException e2) {
    // oh dear, all bets are off now...
  // replace the log area's document with the new one
项目:emuRox    文件   
private JTextPane getCodeArea(){
    final StyleContext sc = new StyleContext();
    final DefaultStyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument(sc);

    final JTextPane codeArea = new JTextPane(doc);
    codeArea.setBackground(new Color(0x25401C));
    codeArea.setCaretColor(new Color(0xD1E8CE));

    final Style bodyStyle = sc.addStyle("body", null);
    bodyStyle.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Foreground, new Color(0x789C6C));
    bodyStyle.addAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize, 13);
    bodyStyle.addAttribute(StyleConstants.FontFamily, "monospaced");
    bodyStyle.addAttribute(StyleConstants.Bold, true);

    doc.setLogicalStyle(0, bodyStyle);

    return codeArea;
项目:exterminator    文件   
private static void writeWhitespaceNode(DefaultStyledDocument doc,
        StyleContext styles, Node node, int indent,
        Collection<IdentifierLocation> idLocations, boolean flagged) throws BadLocationException {
    if(isWhitespaceNewlineNode(node)) {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", styles.getStyle(STYLE_WS));
        if(indent > 0) {
            doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), indent(indent), styles.getStyle(STYLE_WS));

    } else if(isWhitespaceIndentNode(node)) {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), indent(1), styles.getStyle(STYLE_WS));
        NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
        for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            write(doc, styles, children.item(i), indent + 1, idLocations, flagged);

    } else {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), " ", styles.getStyle(STYLE_WS));
项目:exterminator    文件   
public static DefaultStyledDocument makeDocument(CoqDocable term,
        StyleContext styles, Collection<IdentifierLocation> idLocations,
        String optionalSuffix) {
    DefaultStyledDocument document = new DefaultStyledDocument();

    try {
        write(document, styles,
                term.makeCoqDocTerm(CoqDoc.makeDocument()), 0,
                idLocations, false);
        if(optionalSuffix != null) {
            document.insertString(document.getLength(), " ",
            document.insertString(document.getLength(), optionalSuffix,
    } catch(BadLocationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    return document;
项目:exterminator    文件   
private static void write(DefaultStyledDocument doc, StyleContext styles,
        Node node, int indent, Collection<IdentifierLocation> idLocations,
        boolean flagged)
                throws BadLocationException {
    if(isWhitespaceNode(node)) {
        writeWhitespaceNode(doc, styles, node, indent, idLocations, flagged);
    } else if(isTextNode(node)) {
        writeTextNode(doc, styles, node, indent, idLocations, flagged);
    } else if(isKeywordNode(node)) {
        writeKeywordNode(doc, styles, node, indent, idLocations, flagged);
    } else if(isIdentifierNode(node)) {
        writeIdentifierNode(doc, styles, node, indent, idLocations, flagged);
    } else if(isTermNode(node)) {
        writeTermNode(doc, styles, node, indent, idLocations, flagged);
    } else if(isFlaggedNode(node)) {
        writeFlaggedNode(doc, styles, node, indent, idLocations, true);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown node type: " + XMLUtils.nodeToString(node));
项目:PhET    文件   
private Font extractFont(final StyleContext style, final int pos, final Element rootElement,
        final AttributeSet attributes) {
    Font font = null;
    if (attributes.isDefined(StyleConstants.FontSize) || attributes.isDefined(StyleConstants.FontFamily)) {
        font = style.getFont(attributes);

    if (font == null) {
        if (document instanceof DefaultStyledDocument) {
            font = extractFontFromDefaultStyledDocument((DefaultStyledDocument) document, style, pos, rootElement);
        else {
            font = style.getFont(rootElement.getAttributes());
    return font;
项目:document-management-system    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
public String extractText(InputStream stream, String type, String encoding) throws IOException {

    try {
        RTFEditorKit rek = new RTFEditorKit();
        DefaultStyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();, doc, 0);
        String text = doc.getText(0, doc.getLength());
        return text;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        logger.warn("Failed to extract RTF text content", e);
        throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
项目:javify    文件   
 * Write the styles used.
protected void writeStyles() throws IOException
  if(doc instanceof DefaultStyledDocument)
      Enumeration<?> styles = ((DefaultStyledDocument)doc).getStyleNames();
    { // What else to do here?
      Style s = doc.getStyle("default");
      if(s != null)
        writeStyle( s );
项目:javify    文件   
 * Instructs the parse buffer to create a block element with the given
 * attributes.
 * @param t the tag that requires opening a new block
 * @param attr the attribute set for the new block
protected void blockOpen(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
  if (inImpliedParagraph())

  // Push the new tag on top of the stack.

  DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec element;

  AbstractDocument.AttributeContext ctx = getAttributeContext();
  AttributeSet copy = attr.copyAttributes();
  copy = ctx.addAttribute(copy, StyleConstants.NameAttribute, t);
  element = new DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(copy,
项目:javify    文件   
 * Adds content that is specified in the attribute set.
 * @param t the HTML.Tag
 * @param a the attribute set specifying the special content
protected void addSpecialElement(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
  if (t != HTML.Tag.FRAME && ! inParagraph())
      blockOpen(HTML.Tag.IMPLIED, new SimpleAttributeSet());

  a.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, t);

  // The two spaces are required because some special elements like HR
  // must be broken. At least two characters are needed to break into the
  // two parts.
  DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec spec =
    new DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(a.copyAttributes(),
      new char[] {' '}, 0, 1 );
项目:triplea    文件   
public void testTrim() throws Exception {
  final StyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();
  final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  doc.insertString(0, buffer.toString(), null);
  ChatMessagePanel.trimLines(doc, 20);
  assertEquals(10, doc.getLength());
  ChatMessagePanel.trimLines(doc, 10);
  assertEquals(10, doc.getLength());
  ChatMessagePanel.trimLines(doc, 5);
  assertEquals(5, doc.getLength());
  ChatMessagePanel.trimLines(doc, 1);
  assertEquals(1, doc.getLength());
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
  * Write the styles used.
 protected void writeStyles() throws IOException
   if(doc instanceof DefaultStyledDocument)
Enumeration styles = ((DefaultStyledDocument)doc).getStyleNames();
     { // What else to do here?
Style s = doc.getStyle("default");
if(s != null)
  writeStyle( s );
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
 * Instructs the parse buffer to create a block element with the given 
 * attributes.
 * @param t the tag that requires opening a new block
 * @param attr the attribute set for the new block
protected void blockOpen(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
  if (inImpliedParagraph())

  // Push the new tag on top of the stack.

  DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec element;

  AbstractDocument.AttributeContext ctx = getAttributeContext();
  AttributeSet copy = attr.copyAttributes();
  copy = ctx.addAttribute(copy, StyleConstants.NameAttribute, t);
  element = new DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(copy,
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
  * Adds content that is specified in the attribute set.
  * @param t the HTML.Tag
  * @param a the attribute set specifying the special content
 protected void addSpecialElement(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
   if (t != HTML.Tag.FRAME && ! inParagraph())
       blockOpen(HTML.Tag.IMPLIED, new SimpleAttributeSet());

   a.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, t);

   // The two spaces are required because some special elements like HR
   // must be broken. At least two characters are needed to break into the
   // two parts.
   DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec spec =
     new DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(a.copyAttributes(),
       new char[] {' '}, 0, 1 );
项目:genomeartist    文件   
     * Functie proprie de initializare
    private void initialize() {

        StyledDocument styleDocument = new DefaultStyledDocument();
        SimpleAttributeSet center = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        StyleConstants.setAlignment(center, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
        styleDocument.setParagraphAttributes(0, styleDocument.getLength(), center, false);

        //No focus listener because te tab key will erase the values
//        textarea.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() {
//            @Override
//            public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
//                textarea.selectAll();
//            }
//        });

        //Inregistrez ascultatorii
        editorChangeListeners = new Vector<IEditorChangeListener>();
项目:genomeartist    文件   
* Se seteaza valoarea ce se editeaza
* @param objectClass
* @param renderedObject
public void setValue(Class objectClass, Object renderedObject) {
    String auxString;

    //Setez obiectul in textfield
    try {
        if (String.class == objectClass) {
            auxString = (String) renderedObject;
            StyledDocument styleDocument = new DefaultStyledDocument();
            AttributeSet attributeSet = textpane.getParagraphAttributes();

            styleDocument.insertString(0, auxString, null);
            styleDocument.setParagraphAttributes(0, styleDocument.getLength(),
                    attributeSet, false);
        } else
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(objectClass+" not supported in JTextArea");
    } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
                "bad location", ex);
项目:Pushjet-Android    文件   
 * This highlights the text within the specified range
 * @param startingIndex where to start the highlight
 * @param endingIndex where to end the highlight
 * @param ensureVisible true to scroll to the text
 * @param isEmphasized true to use an emphasized highlight (versus a regular highlight). Useful for showing the 'current' highlighted result.
public void highlightText(int startingIndex, int endingIndex, boolean ensureVisible, boolean isEmphasized) {
    int length = endingIndex - startingIndex;

    AttributeSet style;
    if (isEmphasized) {
        style = emphasizedHighlightStyle;
    } else {
        style = highlightStyle;

    ((DefaultStyledDocument) textComponentToSearch.getDocument()).setCharacterAttributes(startingIndex, length, style, true);

    if (ensureVisible) {
        Utility.scrollToText(textComponentToSearch, startingIndex, endingIndex);

项目:Pushjet-Android    文件   
 * This highlights the text within the specified range
 * @param startingIndex where to start the highlight
 * @param endingIndex where to end the highlight
 * @param ensureVisible true to scroll to the text
 * @param isEmphasized true to use an emphasized highlight (versus a regular highlight). Useful for showing the 'current' highlighted result.
public void highlightText(int startingIndex, int endingIndex, boolean ensureVisible, boolean isEmphasized) {
    int length = endingIndex - startingIndex;

    AttributeSet style;
    if (isEmphasized) {
        style = emphasizedHighlightStyle;
    } else {
        style = highlightStyle;

    ((DefaultStyledDocument) textComponentToSearch.getDocument()).setCharacterAttributes(startingIndex, length, style, true);

    if (ensureVisible) {
        Utility.scrollToText(textComponentToSearch, startingIndex, endingIndex);

项目:aceview    文件   
private void showWords() {
    ACEText<OWLEntity, OWLLogicalAxiom> acetext = ACETextManager.getActiveACEText();
    int contentWordCount = acetext.getReferencedEntities().size();
    int sentenceCount = acetext.getSentences().size();
    String pl1 = "";
    String pl2 = "";
    if (contentWordCount > 1) {
        pl1 = "s";
    if (sentenceCount > 1) {
        pl2 = "s";
    getView().setHeaderText(contentWordCount + " content word" + pl1 + " in " + sentenceCount + " sentence" + pl2);
    if (contentWordCount > 0) {
        textpaneWords.setDocument(getContentWordsAsStyledDocument(acetext, owlRendererPreferences.getFont()));
    else {
        textpaneWords.setDocument(new DefaultStyledDocument());
项目:aceview    文件   
 * <p>Shows the answer to the given snippet (i.e. a question) in the
 * given ACE text.</p>
 * <p>Every answer is an OWL entity. The entities are grouped into
 * three groups: individuals, sub classes, super classes. Clicking
 * on the entity selects the ACE snippet that represents the
 * full answer, and selects the clicked entity.</p>
 * @param acetext ACE text
 * @param question ACE question
public void showAnswer(ACEText acetext, ACESnippet question) {
    setDocument(new DefaultStyledDocument());
    doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();

    if (question.hasAxioms()) {
        ACEAnswer answer = acetext.getAnswer(question);
        if (answer == null) {
        else {
            final OWLDescription dlquery = question.getDLQuery();
            if (answer.isSatisfiable()) {
                showAnswers(dlquery, answer);
            else {
    else {
        addComponent(ComponentFactory.makeItalicLabel("This question could not be mapped to OWL (i.e. DL Query)."));
项目:new-Line    文件   
 * Set the content of the syntax highlighter. It is better to set other 
 * settings first and set this the last.
 * @param content the content to set
public void setContent(String content) {
  String newContent = content == null ? "" : content;
  DefaultStyledDocument document = (DefaultStyledDocument) getDocument();

  try {
    document.remove(0, document.getLength());
    if (theme != null) {
      document.insertString(0, newContent, theme.getPlain().getAttributeSet());
    } else {
      document.insertString(0, newContent, new SimpleAttributeSet());
  } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
    LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


  // clear the style list
  styleList = null;
项目:new-Line    文件   
 * Apply the list of style to the script text pane. See 
 * {@link syntaxhighlighter.parser.Parser#parse(syntaxhighlighter.brush.Brush, boolean, char[], int, int)}.
protected void applyStyle() {
  if (theme == null || styleList == null) {

  DefaultStyledDocument document = (DefaultStyledDocument) getDocument();
  // clear all the existing style
  document.setCharacterAttributes(0, document.getLength(), theme.getPlain().getAttributeSet(), true);

  // apply style according to the style list
  for (String key : styleList.keySet()) {
    List<ParseResult> posList = styleList.get(key);

    SimpleAttributeSet attributeSet = theme.getStyle(key).getAttributeSet();
    for (ParseResult pos : posList) {
      document.setCharacterAttributes(pos.getOffset(), pos.getLength(), attributeSet, true);

项目:bither-desktop-java    文件   
 * @return A new "Password" text field
public static JPasswordField newPassword() {

    JPasswordField passwordField = new JPasswordField(BitherUI.PASSWORD_LENGTH);

    // Ensure it is accessible
    AccessibilityDecorator.apply(passwordField, MessageKey.ENTER_PASSWORD);

    // Provide a consistent echo character across all components

    // Limit the length of the underlying document
    DefaultStyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();
    doc.setDocumentFilter(new DocumentMaxLengthFilter(BitherUI.PASSWORD_LENGTH));

    // Set the theme
    passwordField.setBorder(new TextBubbleBorder(Themes.currentTheme.dataEntryBorder()));


    return passwordField;
项目    文件   
private Font extractFont(final StyleContext style, final int pos, final Element rootElement,
        final AttributeSet attributes) {
    Font font = null;
    if (attributes.isDefined(StyleConstants.FontSize) || attributes.isDefined(StyleConstants.FontFamily)) {
        font = style.getFont(attributes);

    if (font == null) {
        if (document instanceof DefaultStyledDocument) {
            font = extractFontFromDefaultStyledDocument((DefaultStyledDocument) document, style, pos, rootElement);
        else {
            font = style.getFont(rootElement.getAttributes());
    return font;
项目:android-classyshark    文件   
public void displayClass(List<Translator.ELEMENT> elements, String key) {
    displayDataState = DisplayDataState.INSIDE_CLASS;
    StyleConstants.setFontSize(style, 18);
    StyleConstants.setBackground(style, theme.getBackgroundColor());

    Document doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();

    fillTokensToDoc(elements, doc, false);

    StyleConstants.setForeground(style, theme.getIdentifiersColor());


    int i = calcScrollingPosition(key);
项目:humo    文件   
public static StyledDocument createStyleDocument()
StyleContext styleContext= new StyleContext();

Color grey= new Color(0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f);

Color color= UIManager.getColor("EditorPane.background");

if (!color.equals(Color.WHITE))
    grey= new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);

Color orange= new Color(Integer.parseInt("008EFF", 16));
createStyle(styleContext, DEFAULT_STYLE,, "monospaced", color, 11, null);
createStyle(styleContext, CURSOR_STYLE, new Color(0.8f, 0, 0), "monospaced", grey, 11, null);
createStyle(styleContext, CURLY_STYLE, Color.BLACK, "monospaced", color, 11, true);
createStyle(styleContext, FETCH_STYLE, new Color(0, 0.5f, 0), "monospaced", grey, 11, null);
createStyle(styleContext, SPECIAL_STYLE, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), "monospaced", grey, 11, null);
createStyle(styleContext, PRODUCTION_FOUND_STYLE, Color.BLUE, "monospaced", grey, 11, true);
createStyle(styleContext, PRODUCTION_BEFORE_REPLACEMENT_STYLE, orange, "monospaced", grey, 11, true);
return new DefaultStyledDocument(styleContext);
项目:cn1    文件   
protected void writeStyles() throws IOException {
    if (!(getDocument() instanceof DefaultStyledDocument)) {
        // XXX: it's not clear what to do in this case
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Messages.getString("swing.9F")); //$NON-NLS-1$

    StyledDocument styledDocument = (StyledDocument)getDocument();
    Enumeration styles = ((DefaultStyledDocument)getDocument()).getStyleNames();
    while (styles.hasMoreElements()) {
        String styleName = (String)styles.nextElement();
        if (StyleSheet.DEFAULT_STYLE.equals(styleName)) {
        write("p." + styleName + " {");
项目:cn1    文件   
private void checkSpecType(final String specsDescr, int i, final DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec spec) {
    final char typeChar = specsDescr.charAt(i*2);
    short specType = 0;
    if (typeChar == 's') {
        specType = ElementSpec.StartTagType;
    } else if (typeChar == 'c') {
        specType = ElementSpec.ContentType;
    } else if (typeChar == 'e') {
        specType = ElementSpec.EndTagType;
    final char dirChar = specsDescr.charAt(i*2 + 1);
    short specDir = 0;
    if (dirChar == 'n') {
        specDir = ElementSpec.JoinNextDirection;
    } else if (dirChar == 'p') {
        specDir = ElementSpec.JoinPreviousDirection;
    } else if (dirChar == 'o') {
        specDir = ElementSpec.OriginateDirection;
    assertEquals("spec direction", specDir, spec.getDirection());
    assertEquals("spec type", specType, spec.getType());
项目:cn1    文件   
public void testWrite() throws Exception {
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    final String content = "Hello, World!";
    final int start = 1;
    final int end = 4;
    DefaultStyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();
    doc.insertString(0, content, null);

    editorKit.write(writer, doc, start, end);
    String output = writer.toString();
    assertTrue(output.indexOf("<html>") != -1);
    if (isHarmony()) {
        assertFalse(output.indexOf(content) != -1);
        assertTrue(output.indexOf(content.substring(start, end)) != -1);

    writer = new StringWriter();
    doc = (HTMLDocument)editorKit.createDefaultDocument();
    doc.insertString(0, content, null);
    editorKit.write(writer, doc, start, end);
    output = writer.toString();
    assertTrue(output.indexOf("<html>") != -1);
    assertFalse(output.indexOf(content) != -1);
    assertTrue(output.indexOf(content.substring(start, end)) != -1);
项目:cn1    文件   
public void testSetDocument() {
    StyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();
    assertSame(doc, textPane.getDocument());
    testExceptionalCase(new IllegalArgumentCase() {
        public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
            textPane.setDocument(new PlainDocument());
    testExceptionalCase(new IllegalArgumentCase() {
        public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
项目:JamVM-PH    文件   
  * Write the styles used.
 protected void writeStyles() throws IOException
   if(doc instanceof DefaultStyledDocument)
Enumeration styles = ((DefaultStyledDocument)doc).getStyleNames();
     { // What else to do here?
Style s = doc.getStyle("default");
if(s != null)
  writeStyle( s );
项目:JamVM-PH    文件   
 * Instructs the parse buffer to create a block element with the given 
 * attributes.
 * @param t the tag that requires opening a new block
 * @param attr the attribute set for the new block
protected void blockOpen(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
  if (inImpliedParagraph())

  // Push the new tag on top of the stack.

  DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec element;

  AbstractDocument.AttributeContext ctx = getAttributeContext();
  AttributeSet copy = attr.copyAttributes();
  copy = ctx.addAttribute(copy, StyleConstants.NameAttribute, t);
  element = new DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(copy,
项目:JamVM-PH    文件   
  * Adds content that is specified in the attribute set.
  * @param t the HTML.Tag
  * @param a the attribute set specifying the special content
 protected void addSpecialElement(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
   if (t != HTML.Tag.FRAME && ! inParagraph())
       blockOpen(HTML.Tag.IMPLIED, new SimpleAttributeSet());

   a.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, t);

   // The two spaces are required because some special elements like HR
   // must be broken. At least two characters are needed to break into the
   // two parts.
   DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec spec =
     new DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(a.copyAttributes(),
       new char[] {' '}, 0, 1 );
项目:bither-desktop-java    文件   
 * @return A new "Password" text field
public static JPasswordField newPassword() {

    JPasswordField passwordField = new JPasswordField(BitherUI.PASSWORD_LENGTH);

    // Ensure it is accessible
    AccessibilityDecorator.apply(passwordField, MessageKey.ENTER_PASSWORD);

    // Provide a consistent echo character across all components

    // Limit the length of the underlying document
    DefaultStyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();
    doc.setDocumentFilter(new DocumentMaxLengthFilter(BitherUI.PASSWORD_LENGTH));

    // Set the theme
    passwordField.setBorder(new TextBubbleBorder(Themes.currentTheme.dataEntryBorder()));


    return passwordField;
项目:asterope    文件   
private void initStyles() {
    // cr�ation des styles n�cessaires
    TEMPLATE = new DefaultStyledDocument();

    COMMENT_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("comment", null);
    StyleConstants.setItalic(COMMENT_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(COMMENT_STYLE , COMMENT_COLOR);

    DEFAULT_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("default", null);

    PARAM_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("param", null);
    StyleConstants.setBold(PARAM_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(PARAM_STYLE, PARAM_COLOR);

    KEYWORD_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("kw", null);
    StyleConstants.setBold(KEYWORD_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(KEYWORD_STYLE, KEYWORD_COLOR);

    LINK_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("link", null);
    StyleConstants.setBold(LINK_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(LINK_STYLE, KEYWORD_COLOR);
    StyleConstants.setUnderline(LINK_STYLE, true);

    HILIGHT_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("hl", null);
    StyleConstants.setBackground(HILIGHT_STYLE, HILIGHT_COLOR);
项目:javaplex    文件   
 * Create a new PlexMessageWindow with the given title.
 * <p>
 * @param      title Title string for the window.
public PlexMessageWindow(String title) {
    frame = new JFrame(title);
    context = new StyleContext();
    document = new DefaultStyledDocument(context);
    style = context.getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
    StyleConstants.setAlignment(style, StyleConstants.ALIGN_LEFT);
    StyleConstants.setFontSize(style, 14);
    //StyleConstants.setSpaceAbove(style, 1);
    //StyleConstants.setSpaceBelow(style, 1);
    textPane = new JTextPane(document);
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
    frame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.setSize(300, 150);
项目:SOFIAladin    文件   
private void initStyles() {
    // cr�ation des styles n�cessaires
    TEMPLATE = new DefaultStyledDocument();

    COMMENT_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("comment", null);
    StyleConstants.setItalic(COMMENT_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(COMMENT_STYLE , COMMENT_COLOR);

    DEFAULT_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("default", null);

    PARAM_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("param", null);
    StyleConstants.setBold(PARAM_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(PARAM_STYLE, PARAM_COLOR);

    KEYWORD_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("kw", null);
    StyleConstants.setBold(KEYWORD_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(KEYWORD_STYLE, KEYWORD_COLOR);

    LINK_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("link", null);
    StyleConstants.setBold(LINK_STYLE, true);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(LINK_STYLE, KEYWORD_COLOR);
    StyleConstants.setUnderline(LINK_STYLE, true);

    HILIGHT_STYLE = TEMPLATE.addStyle("hl", null);
    StyleConstants.setBackground(HILIGHT_STYLE, HILIGHT_COLOR);
项目:classpath    文件   
 * Write the styles used.
protected void writeStyles() throws IOException
  if(doc instanceof DefaultStyledDocument)
      Enumeration<?> styles = ((DefaultStyledDocument)doc).getStyleNames();
    { // What else to do here?
      Style s = doc.getStyle("default");
      if(s != null)
        writeStyle( s );
项目:classpath    文件   
 * Instructs the parse buffer to create a block element with the given
 * attributes.
 * @param t the tag that requires opening a new block
 * @param attr the attribute set for the new block
protected void blockOpen(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
  if (inImpliedParagraph())

  // Push the new tag on top of the stack.

  DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec element;

  AbstractDocument.AttributeContext ctx = getAttributeContext();
  AttributeSet copy = attr.copyAttributes();
  copy = ctx.addAttribute(copy, StyleConstants.NameAttribute, t);
  element = new DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(copy,