Java 类javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPainter 实例源码

项目:seaglass    文件   
void paintBackground(SeaGlassContext context, Graphics g, JComponent c) {
    if (((AbstractButton) c).isContentAreaFilled()) {
        int x = 0, y = 0, w = c.getWidth(), h = c.getHeight();
        SynthPainter painter = context.getPainter();
        painter.paintToggleButtonBackground(context, g, x, y, w, h);
项目:seaglass    文件   
 * Convenience method to get the Painter from the current SynthStyle. This
 * will NEVER return null.
 * @return the painter for the style and context, otherwise the empty
 *         painter.
public SynthPainter getPainter() {
    SynthPainter painter = getStyle().getPainter(this);

    if (painter != null) {
        return painter;

    return EMPTY_PAINTER;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
private static void paintTabBackground (Graphics g, int index, int state,
int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (dummyTab == null) {
        dummyTab = new JTabbedPane();
    Region region = Region.TABBED_PANE_TAB;
    if( !(UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof SynthLookAndFeel) ) {
        return; //#215311 - unsupported L&F installed
    SynthLookAndFeel laf = (SynthLookAndFeel) UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
    SynthStyleFactory sf = laf.getStyleFactory();
    SynthStyle style = sf.getStyle(dummyTab, region);
    SynthContext context =
        new SynthContext(dummyTab, region, style, 
            state == SynthConstants.FOCUSED ? SynthConstants.SELECTED : state);
    SynthPainter painter = style.getPainter(context);
    long t1, t2;
    if (state == SynthConstants.DEFAULT) {
        t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        painter.paintTabbedPaneTabBackground(context, g, x, y, w, h, index);
        t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if ((t2 - t1) > 200) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "painter.paintTabbedPaneTabBackground1 takes too long"
            + " x=" + x + " y=" + y + " w=" + w + " h=" + h + " index:" + index
            + " Time=" + (t2 - t1));
    } else {
        BufferedImage bufIm = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        Graphics2D g2d = bufIm.createGraphics();
        g2d.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
        t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        painter.paintTabbedPaneTabBackground(context, g2d, 0, 0, w, h, index);
        t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if ((t2 - t1) > 200) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "painter.paintTabbedPaneTabBackground1 takes too long"
            + " x=0" + " y=0" + " w=" + w + " h=" + h + " index:" + index
            + " Time=" + (t2 - t1));
        // differentiate active and selected tabs, active tab made brighter,
        // selected tab darker
        RescaleOp op = state == SynthConstants.FOCUSED 
            ? new RescaleOp(1.08f, 0, null)
            : new RescaleOp(0.96f, 0, null); 
        BufferedImage img = op.filter(bufIm, null);
        g.drawImage(img, x, y, null);

项目:seaglass    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:Java8CN    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:swingx    文件   
 * Returns a SynthPainter from the context's style. Fall-back to default if 
 * none available.
 * @param context SynthContext containing the style, must not be null.
 * @return a SynthPainter from the context's style, or a default if null.
public static SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext context) {
    SynthPainter painter = context.getStyle().getPainter(context);
    return painter != null ? painter : NULL_PAINTER;
项目:seaglass    文件   
 * Returns the <code>SynthPainter</code> that will be used for painting.
 * This ends up delegating to the Painters installed in this style. It may
 * return null;
 * @param  ctx context SynthContext identifying requester
 * @return SynthPainter to use
public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:jdk8u-dev-jdk    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:jdk7-jdk    文件   
 * @inheritDoc
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:openjdk-source-code-learn    文件   
 * @inheritDoc
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:OLD-OpenJDK8    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:openjdk-jdk7u-jdk    文件   
 * @inheritDoc
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:openjdk-icedtea7    文件   
 * @inheritDoc
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;
项目:JRLib    文件   
 * @InheritDoc
 * Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to
 * the Painters installed in this style.
@Override public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx) {
    return painter;