private synchronized void dumpError(String tag) { state = new State(TextFormatting.RED + I18n.format("enchantmentrevealer.error.mainmessage"), NO_STRINGS, NO_INTS, observations.get(observations.size() - 1)); GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); chat.printChatMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("enchantmentrevealer.error.part1", new TextComponentTranslation("enchantmentrevealer.error." + tag), "d0sboots", "gmai", "").setStyle(new Style().setColor(TextFormatting.RED) .setBold(true))); chat.printChatMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("enchantmentrevealer.error.part2") .setStyle(new Style().setColor(TextFormatting.YELLOW))); for (Observation observation : observations) { chat.printChatMessage(new TextComponentString(observation.toString()) .setStyle(new Style().setColor(TextFormatting.YELLOW))); } observations.clear(); candidatesLength = 0; thread = null; shrink(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Command({"clear", "cc"}) public void clearChat() { GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); List<ChatLine> tempList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ChatLine c : (ArrayList<ChatLine>) mc.ingameGUI.persistantChatGUI.field_146253_i) { if (c.getChatComponent().getFormattedText().contains(Client.NAME)) { tempList.add(c); } for (Method m : getMap().keySet()) { Command command = m.getAnnotation(Command.class); if (c.getChatComponent().getFormattedText().contains(command.value()[0]) && (c.getChatComponent().getFormattedText().contains("]") || c.getChatComponent().getFormattedText().contains("]") || c.getChatComponent().getFormattedText().contains(","))) { tempList.add(c); } } } mc.ingameGUI.persistantChatGUI.field_146253_i.removeAll(tempList); }
private static void sendNoSpamMessages(ITextComponent[] messages) { GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); for (int i = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1; i <= lastAdded; i++) { chat.deleteChatLine(i); } for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(messages[i], DELETION_ID + i); } lastAdded = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1; }
private static synchronized void addChat(final IChatComponent[] chat) { final GuiNewChat chatGUI = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); for (int i = 0; i < chat.length; ++i) { final IChatComponent iChatComponent = chat[i]; chatGUI.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(iChatComponent, 983423323 + i); } for (int i = chat.length; i < PacketTempChatMultiline.lastNum; ++i) { chatGUI.deleteChatLine(983423323 + i); } PacketTempChatMultiline.lastNum = Math.max(PacketTempChatMultiline.lastNum, chat.length); }
@CoreInvoke public static int hookDrawStringWithShadow(final @Nonnull FontRenderer font, final @Nonnull String str, final int x, final int y, final int color, final @Nonnull GuiNewChat chat, final @Nonnull ChatLine chatline, final int j2, final int opacity) { if (chatline instanceof PicChatLine) { final PicChatLine cline = (PicChatLine) chatline; OpenGL.glPushMatrix(); OpenGL.glTranslatef(0f, j2, 0f); OpenGL.glColor4i(255, 255, 255, opacity); cline.draw(chat, font.FONT_HEIGHT); OpenGL.glPopMatrix(); WRenderer.startTexture(); } else //, b0, j2-8, 16777215+(i2<<24)); font.drawStringWithShadow(str, x, y, color); return 0; }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private static void sendNoSpamMessages(ITextComponent[] messages) { GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); for (int i = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1;i <= lastAdded;i++) { chat.deleteChatLine(i); } for (int i = 0;i < messages.length;i++) { chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(messages[i], DELETION_ID + i); } lastAdded = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1; }
private static void sendNoSpamMessages(IChatComponent[] messages) { GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); for (int i = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1; i <= lastAdded; i++) { chat.deleteChatLine(i); } for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(messages[i], DELETION_ID + i); } lastAdded = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1; }
private static void displayChatMessages(ITextComponent[] messages) { GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); for (int i = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1; i <= lastAdded; i++) { chat.deleteChatLine(i); } for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(messages[i], DELETION_ID + i); } lastAdded = DELETION_ID + messages.length - 1; }
public static void print(String msg, TextFormatting format, Object... args) { if (MC.ingameGUI == null) { return; } GuiNewChat chat = MC.ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); TextComponentTranslation ret = new TextComponentTranslation(msg, args); ret.getStyle().setColor(format); chat.printChatMessage(ret); }
public String func_74297_c(EnumOptions p_74297_1_) { String var2 = I18n.func_135053_a(p_74297_1_.func_74378_d()) + ": "; if(p_74297_1_.func_74380_a()) { float var5 = this.func_74296_a(p_74297_1_); return p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.SENSITIVITY?(var5 == 0.0F?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a("options.sensitivity.min"):(var5 == 1.0F?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a("options.sensitivity.max"):var2 + (int)(var5 * 200.0F) + "%")):(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.FOV?(var5 == 0.0F?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a("options.fov.min"):(var5 == 1.0F?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a("options.fov.max"):var2 + (int)(70.0F + var5 * 40.0F))):(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.GAMMA?(var5 == 0.0F?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a("options.gamma.min"):(var5 == 1.0F?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a("options.gamma.max"):var2 + "+" + (int)(var5 * 100.0F) + "%")):(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.CHAT_OPACITY?var2 + (int)(var5 * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%":(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED?var2 + GuiNewChat.func_96130_b(var5) + "px":(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED?var2 + GuiNewChat.func_96130_b(var5) + "px":(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.CHAT_WIDTH?var2 + GuiNewChat.func_96128_a(var5) + "px":(var5 == 0.0F?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a(""):var2 + (int)(var5 * 100.0F) + "%"))))))); } else if(p_74297_1_.func_74382_b()) { boolean var4 = this.func_74308_b(p_74297_1_); return var4?var2 + I18n.func_135053_a("options.on"):var2 + I18n.func_135053_a(""); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.RENDER_DISTANCE) { return var2 + func_74299_a(field_74360_ac, this.field_74339_e); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.DIFFICULTY) { return var2 + func_74299_a(field_74361_ad, this.field_74318_M); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.GUI_SCALE) { return var2 + func_74299_a(field_74367_ae, this.field_74335_Z); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return var2 + func_74299_a(field_74369_af, this.field_74343_n); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.PARTICLES) { return var2 + func_74299_a(field_74364_ag, this.field_74362_aa); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.FRAMERATE_LIMIT) { return var2 + func_74299_a(field_74365_ah, this.field_74350_i); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return var2 + func_74299_a(field_98303_au, this.field_74348_k); } else if(p_74297_1_ == EnumOptions.GRAPHICS) { if(this.field_74347_j) { return var2 + I18n.func_135053_a(""); } else { String var3 = ""; return var2 + I18n.func_135053_a(""); } } else { return var2; } }
/** * Gets a key binding. */ public String getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options p_74297_1_) { String s = I18n.format(p_74297_1_.getEnumString(), new Object[0]) + ": "; if (p_74297_1_.getEnumFloat()) { float f1 = this.getOptionFloatValue(p_74297_1_); float f = p_74297_1_.normalizeValue(f1); return p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SENSITIVITY ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 200.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FOV ? (f1 == 70.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.min", new Object[0]) : (f1 == 110.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1)) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FRAMERATE_LIMIT ? (f1 == p_74297_1_.valueMax ? s + I18n.format("options.framerateLimit.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1 + " fps") : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS ? (f1 == p_74297_1_.valueMin ? s + I18n.format("options.cloudHeight.min", new Object[0]) : s + ((int)f1 + 128)) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GAMMA ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.max", new Object[0]) : s + "+" + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SATURATION ? s + (int)(f * 400.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_OPACITY ? s + (int)(f * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_WIDTH ? s + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxWidth(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_DISTANCE ? s + (int)f1 + " chunks" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.MIPMAP_LEVELS ? (f1 == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_FPS ? s + TwitchStream.formatStreamFps(f) + " fps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_KBPS ? s + TwitchStream.formatStreamKbps(f) + " Kbps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_BYTES_PER_PIXEL ? s + String.format("%.3f bpp", new Object[] {Float.valueOf(TwitchStream.formatStreamBps(f))}): (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%"))))))))))))))); } else if (p_74297_1_.getEnumBoolean()) { boolean flag = this.getOptionOrdinalValue(p_74297_1_); return flag ? s + I18n.format("options.on", new Object[0]) : s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GUI_SCALE) { return s + getTranslation(GUISCALES, this.guiScale); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return s + I18n.format(this.chatVisibility.getResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.PARTICLES) { return s + getTranslation(PARTICLES, this.particleSetting); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return s + getTranslation(AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS, this.ambientOcclusion); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_COMPRESSION) { return s + getTranslation(STREAM_COMPRESSIONS, this.streamCompression); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_ENABLED) { return s + getTranslation(STREAM_CHAT_MODES, this.streamChatEnabled); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_USER_FILTER) { return s + getTranslation(STREAM_CHAT_FILTER_MODES, this.streamChatUserFilter); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_MIC_TOGGLE_BEHAVIOR) { return s + getTranslation(STREAM_MIC_MODES, this.streamMicToggleBehavior); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS) { return s + getTranslation(field_181149_aW, this.clouds); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GRAPHICS) { if (this.fancyGraphics) { return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else { String s1 = ""; return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } } else { return s; } }
/** * Gets a key binding. */ public String getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options p_74297_1_) { String s = this.getKeyBindingOF(p_74297_1_); if (s != null) { return s; } else { String s1 = I18n.format(p_74297_1_.getEnumString(), new Object[0]) + ": "; if (p_74297_1_.getEnumFloat()) { float f1 = this.getOptionFloatValue(p_74297_1_); float f = p_74297_1_.normalizeValue(f1); return p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SENSITIVITY ? (f == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)(f * 200.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FOV ? (f1 == 70.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.fov.min", new Object[0]) : (f1 == 110.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.fov.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)f1)) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FRAMERATE_LIMIT ? (f1 == p_74297_1_.valueMax ? s1 + I18n.format("options.framerateLimit.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)f1 + " fps") : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS ? (f1 == p_74297_1_.valueMin ? s1 + I18n.format("options.cloudHeight.min", new Object[0]) : s1 + ((int)f1 + 128)) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GAMMA ? (f == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.gamma.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.gamma.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + "+" + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SATURATION ? s1 + (int)(f * 400.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_OPACITY ? s1 + (int)(f * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED ? s1 + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED ? s1 + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_WIDTH ? s1 + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxWidth(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_DISTANCE ? s1 + (int)f1 + " chunks" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.MIPMAP_LEVELS ? (f1 == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)f1) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_FPS ? s1 + TwitchStream.formatStreamFps(f) + " fps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_KBPS ? s1 + TwitchStream.formatStreamKbps(f) + " Kbps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_BYTES_PER_PIXEL ? s1 + String.format("%.3f bpp", new Object[] {Float.valueOf(TwitchStream.formatStreamBps(f))}): (f == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%"))))))))))))))); } else if (p_74297_1_.getEnumBoolean()) { boolean flag = this.getOptionOrdinalValue(p_74297_1_); return flag ? s1 + I18n.format("options.on", new Object[0]) : s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GUI_SCALE) { return s1 + getTranslation(GUISCALES, this.guiScale); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return s1 + I18n.format(this.chatVisibility.getResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.PARTICLES) { return s1 + getTranslation(PARTICLES, this.particleSetting); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return s1 + getTranslation(AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS, this.ambientOcclusion); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_COMPRESSION) { return s1 + getTranslation(STREAM_COMPRESSIONS, this.streamCompression); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_ENABLED) { return s1 + getTranslation(STREAM_CHAT_MODES, this.streamChatEnabled); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_USER_FILTER) { return s1 + getTranslation(STREAM_CHAT_FILTER_MODES, this.streamChatUserFilter); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_MIC_TOGGLE_BEHAVIOR) { return s1 + getTranslation(STREAM_MIC_MODES, this.streamMicToggleBehavior); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS) { return s1 + getTranslation(field_181149_aW, this.clouds); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GRAPHICS) { if (this.fancyGraphics) { return s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else { String s2 = ""; return s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } } else { return s1; } } }
/** * Gets a key binding. */ public String getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options settingOption) { String s = this.getKeyBindingOF(settingOption); if (s != null) { return s; } else { String s1 = I18n.format(settingOption.getEnumString(), new Object[0]) + ": "; if (settingOption.getEnumFloat()) { float f1 = this.getOptionFloatValue(settingOption); float f = settingOption.normalizeValue(f1); return settingOption == GameSettings.Options.SENSITIVITY ? (f == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)(f * 200.0F) + "%")) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.FOV ? (f1 == 70.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.fov.min", new Object[0]) : (f1 == 110.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.fov.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)f1)) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.FRAMERATE_LIMIT ? (f1 == settingOption.valueMax ? s1 + I18n.format("options.framerateLimit.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + I18n.format("options.framerate", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf((int)f1)})): (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS ? (f1 == settingOption.valueMin ? s1 + I18n.format("options.cloudHeight.min", new Object[0]) : s1 + ((int)f1 + 128)) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.GAMMA ? (f == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.gamma.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("options.gamma.max", new Object[0]) : s1 + "+" + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.SATURATION ? s1 + (int)(f * 400.0F) + "%" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_OPACITY ? s1 + (int)(f * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED ? s1 + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED ? s1 + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_WIDTH ? s1 + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxWidth(f) + "px" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_DISTANCE ? s1 + I18n.format("options.chunks", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf((int)f1)}): (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.MIPMAP_LEVELS ? (f1 == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)f1) : (f == 0.0F ? s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s1 + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")))))))))))); } else if (settingOption.getEnumBoolean()) { boolean flag = this.getOptionOrdinalValue(settingOption); return flag ? s1 + I18n.format("options.on", new Object[0]) : s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.MAIN_HAND) { return s1 + this.mainHand; } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.GUI_SCALE) { return this.guiScale >= GUISCALES.length ? s1 + this.guiScale + "x" : s1 + getTranslation(GUISCALES, this.guiScale); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return s1 + I18n.format(this.chatVisibility.getResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.PARTICLES) { return s1 + getTranslation(PARTICLES, this.particleSetting); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return s1 + getTranslation(AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS, this.ambientOcclusion); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS) { return s1 + getTranslation(CLOUDS_TYPES, this.clouds); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.GRAPHICS) { if (this.fancyGraphics) { return s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else { String s2 = ""; return s1 + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } } else { return settingOption == GameSettings.Options.ATTACK_INDICATOR ? s1 + getTranslation(ATTACK_INDICATORS, this.attackIndicator) : s1; } } }
/** * Gets a key binding. */ public String getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options settingOption) { String s = I18n.format(settingOption.getEnumString(), new Object[0]) + ": "; if (settingOption.getEnumFloat()) { float f1 = this.getOptionFloatValue(settingOption); float f = settingOption.normalizeValue(f1); return settingOption == GameSettings.Options.SENSITIVITY ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 200.0F) + "%")) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.FOV ? (f1 == 70.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.min", new Object[0]) : (f1 == 110.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1)) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.FRAMERATE_LIMIT ? (f1 == settingOption.valueMax ? s + I18n.format("options.framerateLimit.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1 + " fps") : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS ? (f1 == settingOption.valueMin ? s + I18n.format("options.cloudHeight.min", new Object[0]) : s + ((int)f1 + 128)) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.GAMMA ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.max", new Object[0]) : s + "+" + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")) : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.SATURATION ? s + (int)(f * 400.0F) + "%" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_OPACITY ? s + (int)(f * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxHeight(f) + "px" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_WIDTH ? s + GuiNewChat.calculateChatboxWidth(f) + "px" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_DISTANCE ? s + (int)f1 + " chunks" : (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.MIPMAP_LEVELS ? (f1 == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1) : (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")))))))))))); } else if (settingOption.getEnumBoolean()) { boolean flag = this.getOptionOrdinalValue(settingOption); return flag ? s + I18n.format("options.on", new Object[0]) : s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.MAIN_HAND) { return s + this.mainHand; } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.GUI_SCALE) { return s + getTranslation(GUISCALES, this.guiScale); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return s + I18n.format(this.chatVisibility.getResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.PARTICLES) { return s + getTranslation(PARTICLES, this.particleSetting); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return s + getTranslation(AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS, this.ambientOcclusion); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_CLOUDS) { return s + getTranslation(CLOUDS_TYPES, this.clouds); } else if (settingOption == GameSettings.Options.GRAPHICS) { if (this.fancyGraphics) { return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else { String s1 = ""; return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } } else { return settingOption == GameSettings.Options.ATTACK_INDICATOR ? s + getTranslation(ATTACK_INDICATORS, this.attackIndicator) : s; } }
private static int getChatWidth(final @Nonnull GuiNewChat chat) { return MathHelper.floor_float(chat.func_146228_f()/chat.func_146244_h()); }
/** * Gets a key binding. */ public String getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options p_74297_1_) { String s = I18n.format(p_74297_1_.getEnumString(), new Object[0]) + ": "; if (p_74297_1_.getEnumFloat()) { float f1 = this.getOptionFloatValue(p_74297_1_); float f = p_74297_1_.normalizeValue(f1); return p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SENSITIVITY ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 200.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FOV ? (f1 == 70.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.min", new Object[0]) : (f1 == 110.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1)) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FRAMERATE_LIMIT ? (f1 == p_74297_1_.valueMax ? s + I18n.format("options.framerateLimit.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1 + " fps") : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GAMMA ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.max", new Object[0]) : s + "+" + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SATURATION ? s + (int)(f * 400.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_OPACITY ? s + (int)(f * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.func_146243_b(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.func_146243_b(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_WIDTH ? s + GuiNewChat.func_146233_a(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_DISTANCE ? s + (int)f1 + " chunks" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING ? (f1 == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.MIPMAP_LEVELS ? (f1 == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_FPS ? s + TwitchStream.func_152948_a(f) + " fps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_KBPS ? s + TwitchStream.func_152946_b(f) + " Kbps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_BYTES_PER_PIXEL ? s + String.format("%.3f bpp", new Object[] {Float.valueOf(TwitchStream.func_152947_c(f))}): (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%"))))))))))))))); } else if (p_74297_1_.getEnumBoolean()) { boolean flag = this.getOptionOrdinalValue(p_74297_1_); return flag ? s + I18n.format("options.on", new Object[0]) : s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.DIFFICULTY) { return s + I18n.format(this.difficulty.getDifficultyResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GUI_SCALE) { return s + getTranslation(GUISCALES, this.guiScale); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return s + I18n.format(this.chatVisibility.getResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.PARTICLES) { return s + getTranslation(PARTICLES, this.particleSetting); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return s + getTranslation(AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS, this.ambientOcclusion); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_COMPRESSION) { return s + getTranslation(field_152391_aS, this.field_152405_O); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_ENABLED) { return s + getTranslation(field_152392_aT, this.field_152408_R); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_USER_FILTER) { return s + getTranslation(field_152393_aU, this.field_152409_S); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_MIC_TOGGLE_BEHAVIOR) { return s + getTranslation(field_152394_aV, this.field_152410_T); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GRAPHICS) { if (this.fancyGraphics) { return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else { String s1 = ""; return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } } else { return s; } }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private static void sendSpamlessMessage (int messageID, ITextComponent message) { final GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(message, messageID); }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private static void sendSpamlessMessage(int messageID, ITextComponent message) { final GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(message, messageID); }
public static void sendNoSpamMessages(int messageID, ITextComponent message) { int deleteID = DELETION_ID+messageID; GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(message, deleteID); }
public String getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options p_74297_1_) { String s = I18n.format(p_74297_1_.getEnumString(), new Object[0]) + ": "; if (p_74297_1_.getEnumFloat()) { float f1 = this.getOptionFloatValue(p_74297_1_); float f = p_74297_1_.normalizeValue(f1); return p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SENSITIVITY ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.sensitivity.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 200.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FOV ? (f1 == 70.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.min", new Object[0]) : (f1 == 110.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.fov.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1)) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.FRAMERATE_LIMIT ? (f1 == p_74297_1_.valueMax ? s + I18n.format("options.framerateLimit.max", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1 + " fps") : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GAMMA ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.min", new Object[0]) : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("options.gamma.max", new Object[0]) : s + "+" + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.SATURATION ? s + (int)(f * 400.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_OPACITY ? s + (int)(f * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.func_146243_b(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.func_146243_b(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_WIDTH ? s + GuiNewChat.func_146233_a(f) + "px" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.RENDER_DISTANCE ? s + (int)f1 + " chunks" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING ? (f1 == 1.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.MIPMAP_LEVELS ? (f1 == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)f1) : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_FPS ? s + TwitchStream.func_152948_a(f) + " fps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_KBPS ? s + TwitchStream.func_152946_b(f) + " Kbps" : (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_BYTES_PER_PIXEL ? s + String.format("%.3f bpp", new Object[] {Float.valueOf(TwitchStream.func_152947_c(f))}): (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]) : s + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%"))))))))))))))); } else if (p_74297_1_.getEnumBoolean()) { boolean flag = this.getOptionOrdinalValue(p_74297_1_); return flag ? s + I18n.format("options.on", new Object[0]) : s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.DIFFICULTY) { return s + I18n.format(this.difficulty.getDifficultyResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GUI_SCALE) { return s + getTranslation(GUISCALES, this.guiScale); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return s + I18n.format(this.chatVisibility.getResourceKey(), new Object[0]); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.PARTICLES) { return s + getTranslation(PARTICLES, this.particleSetting); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return s + getTranslation(AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS, this.ambientOcclusion); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_COMPRESSION) { return s + getTranslation(field_152391_aS, this.field_152405_O); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_ENABLED) { return s + getTranslation(field_152392_aT, this.field_152408_R); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_CHAT_USER_FILTER) { return s + getTranslation(field_152393_aU, this.field_152409_S); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.STREAM_MIC_TOGGLE_BEHAVIOR) { return s + getTranslation(field_152394_aV, this.field_152410_T); } else if (p_74297_1_ == GameSettings.Options.GRAPHICS) { if (this.fancyGraphics) { return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } else { String s1 = ""; return s + I18n.format("", new Object[0]); } } else { return s; } }
public GuiIngame(Minecraft p_i1036_1_) { this.field_73839_d = p_i1036_1_; this.field_73840_e = new GuiNewChat(p_i1036_1_); }
public GuiNewChat func_73827_b() { return this.field_73840_e; }
/** * Gets a key binding. */ public String getKeyBinding(EnumOptions par1EnumOptions) { String s = I18n.getString(par1EnumOptions.getEnumString()) + ": "; if (par1EnumOptions.getEnumFloat()) { float f = this.getOptionFloatValue(par1EnumOptions); return par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.SENSITIVITY ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.getString("options.sensitivity.min") : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.getString("options.sensitivity.max") : s + (int)(f * 200.0F) + "%")) : (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.FOV ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.getString("options.fov.min") : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.getString("options.fov.max") : s + (int)(70.0F + f * 40.0F))) : (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.GAMMA ? (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.getString("options.gamma.min") : (f == 1.0F ? s + I18n.getString("options.gamma.max") : s + "+" + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%")) : (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.CHAT_OPACITY ? s + (int)(f * 90.0F + 10.0F) + "%" : (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.func_96130_b(f) + "px" : (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED ? s + GuiNewChat.func_96130_b(f) + "px" : (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.CHAT_WIDTH ? s + GuiNewChat.func_96128_a(f) + "px" : (f == 0.0F ? s + I18n.getString("") : s + (int)(f * 100.0F) + "%"))))))); } else if (par1EnumOptions.getEnumBoolean()) { boolean flag = this.getOptionOrdinalValue(par1EnumOptions); return flag ? s + I18n.getString("options.on") : s + I18n.getString(""); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.RENDER_DISTANCE) { return s + getTranslation(RENDER_DISTANCES, this.renderDistance); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.DIFFICULTY) { return s + getTranslation(DIFFICULTIES, this.difficulty); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.GUI_SCALE) { return s + getTranslation(GUISCALES, this.guiScale); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.CHAT_VISIBILITY) { return s + getTranslation(CHAT_VISIBILITIES, this.chatVisibility); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.PARTICLES) { return s + getTranslation(PARTICLES, this.particleSetting); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.FRAMERATE_LIMIT) { return s + getTranslation(LIMIT_FRAMERATES, this.limitFramerate); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) { return s + getTranslation(AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS, this.ambientOcclusion); } else if (par1EnumOptions == EnumOptions.GRAPHICS) { if (this.fancyGraphics) { return s + I18n.getString(""); } else { String s1 = ""; return s + I18n.getString(""); } } else { return s; } }
@Accessor void setPersistantChatGUI(GuiNewChat chat);
public static GuiNewChat getInstance() { return instance; }
/** * Sends a spamless message to the chat. A spamless message is one that only shows up in * the chat once. If another version of the message were to be added to chat, the earlier * one would be removed. * * @param messageID A unique message ID used to separate your message from the others. It * is highly recommended to use a random number to prevent conflicts with other mods * doing similar things. Each message type should have it's own ID. * @param message The message to send to chat, this message will replace earlier messages * in the gui that use the same ID. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void sendSpamlessMessage (int messageID, ITextComponent message) { final GuiNewChat chat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI(); chat.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(message, messageID); }