/** * Sets entity to burn for x amount of seconds, cannot lower amount of existing fire. */ public void setFire(int seconds) { int i = seconds * 20; i = EnchantmentProtection.getFireTimeForEntity(this, i); if (this.fire < i) { this.fire = i; } }
/** * Sets entity to burn for x amount of seconds, cannot lower amount of existing fire. */ public void setFire(int seconds) { int i = seconds * 20; if (this instanceof EntityLivingBase) { i = EnchantmentProtection.getFireTimeForEntity((EntityLivingBase)this, i); } if (this.field_190534_ay < i) { this.field_190534_ay = i; } }
/** * Sets entity to burn for x amount of seconds, cannot lower amount of existing fire. */ public void setFire(int seconds) { int i = seconds * 20; if (this instanceof EntityLivingBase) { i = EnchantmentProtection.getFireTimeForEntity((EntityLivingBase)this, i); } if (this.fire < i) { this.fire = i; } }
/** * Sets entity to burn for x amount of seconds, cannot lower amount of existing fire. */ public void setFire(int p_70015_1_) { int j = p_70015_1_ * 20; j = EnchantmentProtection.getFireTimeForEntity(this, j); if (this.fire < j) { this.fire = j; } }
/** * Sets entity to burn for x amount of seconds, cannot lower amount of existing fire. */ public void setFire(int par1) { int var2 = par1 * 20; var2 = EnchantmentProtection.getFireTimeForEntity(this, var2); if (this.fire < var2) { this.fire = var2; } }
public void setFire(int p_70015_1_) { int j = p_70015_1_ * 20; j = EnchantmentProtection.getFireTimeForEntity(this, j); if (this.fire < j) { this.fire = j; } }
/** * Affects all entities within the radius with the effects of Din's Fire */ private void affectDinEntities(World world, EntityPlayer player, float radius) { List<Entity> list = world.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(player, player.getEntityBoundingBox().expand(radius, radius / 2F, radius)); Vec3 vec3 = new Vec3(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ); for (int k2 = 0; k2 < list.size(); ++k2) { Entity entity = list.get(k2); double d0 = entity.posX - player.posX; double d1 = entity.posY + (double) entity.getEyeHeight() - player.posY; double d2 = entity.posZ - player.posZ; double d8 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt_double(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2); if (d8 != 0.0D) { d0 /= d8; d1 /= d8; d2 /= d8; double d10 = (double) world.getBlockDensity(vec3, entity.getEntityBoundingBox()); float amount = 32.0F * (float) d10; if (entity.isImmuneToFire()) { amount *= 0.25F; } if (entity.attackEntityFrom(new DamageSourceFireIndirect("magic.din", player, player, true).setMagicDamage(), amount) && !entity.isImmuneToFire()) { if (world.rand.nextFloat() < d10) { entity.setFire(10); } } double d11 = EnchantmentProtection.func_92092_a(entity, d10); entity.motionX += d0 * d11; entity.motionY += d1 * d11; entity.motionZ += d2 * d11; } } }
public void func_70015_d(int p_70015_1_) { int var2 = p_70015_1_ * 20; var2 = EnchantmentProtection.func_92093_a(this, var2); if(this.field_70151_c < var2) { this.field_70151_c = var2; } }
/** * Sets entity to burn for x amount of seconds, cannot lower amount of existing fire. */ public void setFire(int par1) { int j = par1 * 20; j = EnchantmentProtection.getFireTimeForEntity(this, j); if (this.fire < j) { this.fire = j; } }
/** * Does the first part of the explosion (only make damage to entities) */ @Override public void doExplosionA() { float f3 = this.explosionSize * 2.0F; int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.explosionX - f3 - 1.0D); int l1 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.explosionX + f3 + 1.0D); int i2 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.explosionY - f3 - 1.0D); int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.explosionY + f3 + 1.0D); int j2 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.explosionZ - f3 - 1.0D); int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.explosionZ + f3 + 1.0D); List<Entity> list = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(this.exploder, new AxisAlignedBB(k1, i2, j2, l1, i1, j1)); net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.onExplosionDetonate(this.worldObj, this, list, f3); Vec3d vec3d = new Vec3d(this.explosionX, this.explosionY, this.explosionZ); for (Entity entity : list) { if (!entity.isImmuneToExplosions()) { double d12 = entity.getDistance(this.explosionX, this.explosionY, this.explosionZ) / f3; if (d12 <= 1.0D) { double d5 = entity.posX - this.explosionX; double d7 = entity.posY + entity.getEyeHeight() - this.explosionY; double d9 = entity.posZ - this.explosionZ; double d13 = MathHelper.sqrt_double(d5 * d5 + d7 * d7 + d9 * d9); if (d13 != 0.0D) { d5 = d5 / d13; d7 = d7 / d13; d9 = d9 / d13; double d14 = this.worldObj.getBlockDensity(vec3d, entity.getEntityBoundingBox()); double d10 = (1.0D - d12) * d14; entity.attackEntityFrom( new EntityDamageSource("explosion", exploder).setDifficultyScaled().setExplosion(), ((int) ((d10 * d10 + d10) / 2.0D * 7.0D * f3 + 1.0D))); double d11 = 1.0D; if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { d11 = EnchantmentProtection.getBlastDamageReduction((EntityLivingBase) entity, d10); } entity.motionX += d5 * d11; entity.motionY += d7 * d11; entity.motionZ += d9 * d11; if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) entity; if (!entityplayer.isSpectator() && (!entityplayer.isCreative() || !entityplayer.capabilities.isFlying)) { this.playerKnockbackMap.put(entityplayer, new Vec3d(d5 * d10, d7 * d10, d9 * d10)); } } } } } } }
public static double clipExplosionResistance(Entity ent, double dmg) { double ret = EnchantmentProtection.func_92092_a(ent, dmg); if (ret < 0) return 0; return ret; }
/** * Affects all entities within the explosion, causing damage if flagged to do so */ protected void affectEntitiesWithin() { float diameter = explosionSize * 2.0F; int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(explosionX - (double) explosionSize - 1.0D); int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(explosionY - (double) explosionSize - 1.0D); int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(explosionZ - (double) explosionSize - 1.0D); int i2 = MathHelper.floor_double(explosionX + (double) explosionSize + 1.0D); int j2 = MathHelper.floor_double(explosionY + (double) explosionSize + 1.0D); int k2 = MathHelper.floor_double(explosionZ + (double) explosionSize + 1.0D); List<Entity> list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(exploder, new AxisAlignedBB((double)i1, (double)j1, (double)k1, (double)i2, (double)j2, (double)k2)); net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.onExplosionDetonate(worldObj, this, list, diameter); Vec3 vec3 = new Vec3(explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ); for (int n = 0; n < list.size(); ++n) { Entity entity = list.get(n); if (entity.isImmuneToExplosions()) { continue; } double d7 = (scalesWithDistance ? entity.getDistance(explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ) / (double) diameter : 0.0D); if (d7 <= 1.0D) { double d0 = entity.posX - explosionX; double d1 = entity.posY + (double) entity.getEyeHeight() - explosionY; double d2 = entity.posZ - explosionZ; double d8 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt_double(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2); if (d8 != 0.0D) { d0 /= d8; d1 /= d8; d2 /= d8; double d9 = (double) worldObj.getBlockDensity(vec3, entity.getEntityBoundingBox()); double d10 = (1.0D - d7) * d9; float amount = (damage == 0.0F ? (float)((int)((d10 * d10 + d10) / 2.0D * 8.0D * diameter + 1.0D)) : damage * (float) d10); if (entity.attackEntityFrom(getDamageSource(), amount) && isFlaming && !entity.isImmuneToFire()) { if (!scalesWithDistance || rand.nextFloat() < d10) { entity.setFire(burnTime); } } double d11 = EnchantmentProtection.func_92092_a(entity, d10); entity.motionX += d0 * d11 * motionFactor; entity.motionY += d1 * d11 * motionFactor; entity.motionZ += d2 * d11 * motionFactor; if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { playerKnockbackMap.put((EntityPlayer) entity, new Vec3(d0 * d10, d1 * d10, d2 * d10)); } } } } }