public EntityLiving(World worldIn) { super(worldIn); this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this); this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn); this.senses = new EntitySenses(this); for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i) { this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F; } }
public EntityLiving(World worldIn) { super(worldIn); this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this); this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn); this.senses = new EntitySenses(this); for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i) { this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F; } UUID uuid = this.getUniqueID(); long j = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(); this.randomMobsId = (int)(j & 2147483647L); }
public EntityLiving(World worldIn) { super(worldIn); this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.bodyHelper = this.createBodyHelper(); this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn); this.senses = new EntitySenses(this); Arrays.fill(this.inventoryArmorDropChances, 0.085F); Arrays.fill(this.inventoryHandsDropChances, 0.085F); if (worldIn != null && !worldIn.isRemote) { this.initEntityAI(); } UUID uuid = this.getUniqueID(); long i = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(); this.randomMobsId = (int)(i & 2147483647L); }
public EntityLiving(World worldIn) { super(worldIn); this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null); this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.bodyHelper = this.createBodyHelper(); this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn); this.senses = new EntitySenses(this); Arrays.fill(this.inventoryArmorDropChances, 0.085F); Arrays.fill(this.inventoryHandsDropChances, 0.085F); if (worldIn != null && !worldIn.isRemote) { this.initEntityAI(); } }
public EntityLiving(World par1World) { super(par1World); this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null); this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null); this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this); this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, par1World); this.senses = new EntitySenses(this); for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++var2) { this.equipmentDropChances[var2] = 0.085F; } }
public EntityLiving(World p_i1595_1_) { super(p_i1595_1_); this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.theProfiler != null ? p_i1595_1_.theProfiler : null); this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.theProfiler != null ? p_i1595_1_.theProfiler : null); this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this); this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, p_i1595_1_); this.senses = new EntitySenses(this); for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i) { this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F; } }
public EntityLiving(World p_i1595_1_) { super(p_i1595_1_); this.field_70714_bg = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F != null?p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F:null); this.field_70715_bh = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F != null?p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F:null); this.field_70749_g = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.field_70765_h = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.field_70767_i = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.field_70762_j = new EntityBodyHelper(this); this.field_70699_by = new PathNavigate(this, p_i1595_1_); this.field_70723_bA = new EntitySenses(this); for(int var2 = 0; var2 < this.field_82174_bp.length; ++var2) { this.field_82174_bp[var2] = 0.085F; } }
public EntityLiving(World par1World) { super(par1World); this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null); this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null); this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this); this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this); this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this); this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this); this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, par1World); this.senses = new EntitySenses(this); for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i) { this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F; } }
public EventEntityLivingInit(EntityLiving entity, World world, EntityAITasks tasks, EntityAITasks targetTasks, EntityLookHelper lookHelper, EntityMoveHelper moveHelper, EntityJumpHelper jumpHelper, EntityBodyHelper bodyHelper, PathNavigate navigator, EntitySenses senses) { this.entity = entity; = world; this.tasks = tasks; this.targetTasks = targetTasks; this.lookHelper = lookHelper; this.jumpHelper = jumpHelper; this.moveHelper = moveHelper; this.bodyHelper = bodyHelper; this.navigator = navigator; this.senses = senses; }
/** * returns the EntitySenses Object for the EntityLiving */ public EntitySenses getEntitySenses() { return this.senses; }
@Override public EntitySenses getEntitySenses() { return golem.getEntitySenses(); }
public EntitySenses getEntitySenses() { return this.senses; }
public EntitySenses func_70635_at() { return this.field_70723_bA; }