public static ItemStack parseStack(String name) { if (name.contains("/")) { String[] split = StringUtils.split(name, "/"); ItemStack stack = parseStackNoNBT(split[0]); if (ItemStackTools.isEmpty(stack)) { return stack; } NBTTagCompound nbt; try { nbt = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(split[1]); } catch (NBTException e) { InControl.logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Error parsing NBT in '" + name + "'!"); return ItemStackTools.getEmptyStack(); } stack.setTagCompound(nbt); return stack; } else { return parseStackNoNBT(name); } }
private void buildReward(Reward reward) { Item rewardItem = Item.getItemById(reward.type); ItemStack rewardStack = new ItemStack(rewardItem, reward.quantity); if (reward.subType > 0) { rewardStack.setItemDamage(reward.subType); } if (reward.nbt != null) { try { rewardStack.setTagCompound(JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(reward.nbt)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } setInventorySlotContents(REWARD_OUTPUT_INDEX, rewardStack); }
/** * Add an entity morph to the morph list */ private void addBlockMorph(MorphList morphs, World world, String json) { try { BlockMorph morph = new BlockMorph(); NBTTagCompound tag = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(json); tag.setString("Name",; morph.fromNBT(tag); morphs.addMorphVariant("block", "blocks", morph.block.getBlock().getLocalizedName(), morph); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to create a block morph with the data! " + json); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public NBTTagCompound getEntityDataTag() { NBTTagCompound tag = null; if (!this.entityNBTData.equals("")) { try { tag = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(this.entityNBTData); } catch (NBTException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return tag; }
public NBTTagCompound getBlockStateDataTag() { NBTTagCompound tag = null; if (!this.blockStateData.equals("")) { try { tag = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(this.blockStateData); } catch (NBTException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return tag; }
SpecialItem(String n, byte c, short m, @Nullable String t) { name = n; amount = c; meta = m; if (t != null) { NBTTagCompound nbt; try { nbt = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(t); } catch (NBTException e) { MCFluxReport.sendException(e, "NBT Decoding"); nbt = null; } tag = nbt; } else tag = null; item = Item.getByNameOrId(name); }
@Override public Object Deserialize(Object input) { String json = "{}"; if(input instanceof String) { json = input.toString(); } else if(input instanceof ScriptObjectMirror) { json = NashornConfigProcessor.getInstance().nashorn.stringifyJsonObject((JSObject) input); } try { return JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(json); } catch (NBTException e) { LogHelper.error("Unable to convert '" + json + "' to NBT tag.", e); return new NBTTagCompound(); } }
/** Creates a new ItemStack from the string acquired from makeStringFromItemStack or an oredict name, with an oredict index option */ public static ItemStack makeItemStackFromString(String stackString, int oreIndex) { if(stackString == LightningInfusionRecipe.nullIdentifier) return null; try { // try to load it as a regular NBT stack if(!isStringOreDict(stackString)) { return ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(stackString)); } else { throw new NBTException("OreDict exists"); } } catch(NBTException e) { // now try to get it as an oredict entry List<ItemStack> list; if(isStringOreDict(stackString) && oreIndex < (list = OreDictionary.getOres(stackString)).size()) { return list.get(oreIndex); // yep } else { return null; // guess not } } }
public void handleClickServer(EntityNPC npc){ if(action.startsWith("action.nbt=")){ String[] equalsplit = action.split("="); String nbt_json = ""; for(int i = 1; i < equalsplit.length; i++){ nbt_json += equalsplit[i]; } NBTTagCompound newNBT; try { newNBT = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(nbt_json); } catch (NBTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } npc.getScriptData().merge(newNBT); } }
public ItemStack getResourceStack() { if(stackOverride != null) { NBTTagCompound tag; try { tag = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(stackOverride); } catch (NBTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new ItemStack(getBlock(), 1, stackMeta); } if(tag != null) { ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(tag); if(stack != null) { return stack; } } } return new ItemStack(getBlock(), 1, stackMeta); }
/** * Get an ItemStack instance with given amount of items and NBT Tag pTag is * optional, and this function will return an ItemStack without NBT if pTag * is empty * * @param pAmount * @param pTag * @return An itemstack with attached NBTTag, or null if the tag was invalid, or the itemdescriptor * couldn't be turned into a valid itemstack */ public ItemStack getItemStackwNBT( int pAmount, String pTag ) { NBTTagCompound tNBT = null; boolean tDamagedNBT = false; try { if( !pTag.isEmpty() ) tNBT = (NBTTagCompound) JsonToNBT.func_150315_a( pTag ); } catch( Exception e ) { _mLog.error( String.format( "Found invalid NBT Tag: %s", pTag ) ); tDamagedNBT = true; } if( !tDamagedNBT ) return getItemStackwNBT( pAmount, tNBT ); else return null; }
@Override public void decodeInto(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) { try { byte[] readBytes = new byte[buffer.readableBytes()]; buffer.readBytes(readBytes); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(readBytes); DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(bais); x = inputStream.readInt(); y = inputStream.readInt(); z = inputStream.readInt(); String str = inputStream.readUTF(); if(!str.equals("null")) stack = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT((NBTTagCompound) JsonToNBT.func_150315_a(str)); inputStream.close(); bais.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected boolean validateChildren() throws ParserException { super.validateChildren(); this.blocks = this.validateRequiredAttribute(String.class, "Block", true); this.weight = this.validateNamedAttribute(Float.class, "Weight", this.weight, true); String nbtJson = this.validateNamedAttribute(String.class, "NBT", null, true); if (nbtJson != null) { try { NBTBase base = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(nbtJson); if (base instanceof NBTTagCompound) { this.nbt = (NBTTagCompound)base; } else { throw new ParserException("NBT is not a compound tag"); } } catch (NBTException e) { throw new ParserException("Failed to parse JSON", e); } } return true; }
public WeightedRandomLoot(JsonObject json, int weight) throws Exception{ = json.get("name").getAsString(); ResourceLocation location = new ResourceLocation(name); this.item = (Item) Item.REGISTRY.getObject(location); try{ this.item.getUnlocalizedName(); } catch (NullPointerException e){ throw new Exception("Invalid item: " +; } this.damage = json.has("meta") ? json.get("meta").getAsInt() : 0; this.weight = weight; this.enchLevel = json.has("ench") ? json.get("ench").getAsInt() : 0; if(json.has("min") && json.has("max")){ min = json.get("min").getAsInt(); max = json.get("max").getAsInt(); } else { min = 1; max = 1; } if(json.has("nbt")) this.nbt = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(json.get("nbt").getAsString()); }
@Override public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata) { setItemStackToSlot(this.isLeftHanded() ? EntityEquipmentSlot.OFFHAND : EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, new ItemStack(HarshenItems.PROPS, 1, 0)); try { setItemStackToSlot(this.isLeftHanded() ? EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND : EntityEquipmentSlot.OFFHAND, new ItemStack(JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson("{id:\"minecraft:shield\",Count:1b,tag:{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Pattern:\"ss\",Color:6},{Pattern:\"flo\",Color:1}],Base:8}},Damage:0s}"))); } catch (NBTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.FOLLOW_RANGE).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Random spawn bonus", this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.05D, 1)); this.setLeftHanded(false); return livingdata; }
/** * Callback when the command is invoked */ public void processCommand(ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (args.length < 1) { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.testfor.usage", new Object[0]); } else { Entity entity = func_175768_b(sender, args[0]); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = null; if (args.length >= 2) { try { nbttagcompound = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(buildString(args, 1)); } catch (NBTException nbtexception) { throw new CommandException("commands.testfor.tagError", new Object[] {nbtexception.getMessage()}); } } if (nbttagcompound != null) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = new NBTTagCompound(); entity.writeToNBT(nbttagcompound1); if (!NBTUtil.func_181123_a(nbttagcompound, nbttagcompound1, true)) { throw new CommandException("commands.testfor.failure", new Object[] {entity.getName()}); } } notifyOperators(sender, this, "commands.testfor.success", new Object[] {entity.getName()}); } }
@Override public NBTTagCompound deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { try { return JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(json.getAsString()); } catch (NBTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new JsonParseException("Failed to parse nbt"); }
public SetNBT deserialize(JsonObject object, JsonDeserializationContext deserializationContext, LootCondition[] conditionsIn) { try { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(JsonUtils.getString(object, "tag")); return new SetNBT(conditionsIn, nbttagcompound); } catch (NBTException nbtexception) { throw new JsonSyntaxException(nbtexception); } }
/** * Callback for when the command is executed */ public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (args.length < 1) { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.testfor.usage", new Object[0]); } else { Entity entity = getEntity(server, sender, args[0]); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = null; if (args.length >= 2) { try { nbttagcompound = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(buildString(args, 1)); } catch (NBTException nbtexception) { throw new CommandException("commands.testfor.tagError", new Object[] {nbtexception.getMessage()}); } } if (nbttagcompound != null) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = entityToNBT(entity); if (!NBTUtil.areNBTEquals(nbttagcompound, nbttagcompound1, true)) { throw new CommandException("commands.testfor.failure", new Object[] {entity.getName()}); } } notifyCommandListener(sender, this, "commands.testfor.success", new Object[] {entity.getName()}); } }
/** * Makes an {@link ItemStack} based on the itemName reference, with supplied meta, stackSize and nbt, if possible * <p/> * Will return null if the item doesn't exist (because it's not from a loaded mod for example) * Will throw a {@link RuntimeException} if the nbtString is invalid for use in an {@link ItemStack} * * @param itemName a registry name reference * @param meta the meta * @param stackSize the stack size * @param nbtString an nbt stack as a string, will be processed by {@link JsonToNBT} * @return a new itemstack */ public static ItemStack makeItemStack(String itemName, int meta, int stackSize, String nbtString) { if (itemName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The itemName cannot be null"); } Item item = GameData.getItemRegistry().getObject(new ResourceLocation(itemName)); if (item == null) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.TRACE, "Unable to find item with name {}", itemName); return null; } ItemStack is = new ItemStack(item, stackSize, meta); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nbtString)) { NBTBase nbttag = null; try { nbttag = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(nbtString); } catch (NBTException e) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.WARN, "Encountered an exception parsing ItemStack NBT string {}", nbtString, e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } if (!(nbttag instanceof NBTTagCompound)) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.WARN, "Unexpected NBT string - multiple values {}", nbtString); throw new RuntimeException("Invalid NBT JSON"); } else { is.setTagCompound((NBTTagCompound)nbttag); } } return is; }
private void addNBTToStack(final String nbtString, final ItemStack stack, final EntityPlayer player) { NBTBase base; try { base = JsonToNBT.func_150315_a(nbtString); if (base instanceof NBTTagCompound) { stack.setTagCompound((NBTTagCompound) base); } else { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Error: Invalid NBT type provided in JSON.")); } } catch (final NBTException e) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Error: Invalid NBT JSON data: " + e.getMessage())); } }
/** * Makes an {@link ItemStack} based on the itemName reference, with supplied meta, stackSize and nbt, if possible * * Will return null if the item doesn't exist (because it's not from a loaded mod for example) * Will throw a {@link RuntimeException} if the nbtString is invalid for use in an {@link ItemStack} * * @param itemName a registry name reference * @param meta the meta * @param stackSize the stack size * @param nbtString an nbt stack as a string, will be processed by {@link JsonToNBT} * @return a new itemstack */ public static ItemStack makeItemStack(String itemName, int meta, int stackSize, String nbtString) { if (itemName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The itemName cannot be null"); Item item = GameData.getItemRegistry().func_82594_a(itemName); if (item == null) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.TRACE, "Unable to find item with name {}", itemName); return null; } ItemStack is = new ItemStack(item,1,meta); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nbtString)) { NBTBase nbttag = null; try { nbttag = JsonToNBT.func_150315_a(nbtString); } catch (NBTException e) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.WARN, "Encountered an exception parsing ItemStack NBT string {}", nbtString, e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } if (!(nbttag instanceof NBTTagCompound)) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.WARN, "Unexpected NBT string - multiple values {}", nbtString); throw new RuntimeException("Invalid NBT JSON"); } else { is.func_77982_d((NBTTagCompound) nbttag); } } return is; }
/** * Construct the morph */ private void updateMorph() { try { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); String nbt = this.nbt.getText(); if (!nbt.isEmpty()) { if (!(nbt.startsWith("{") && nbt.endsWith("}"))) { nbt = "{" + nbt + "}"; } tag.merge(JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(nbt)); } tag.setString("Name",; this.cached = MorphManager.INSTANCE.morphFromNBT(tag); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean getDeathList(EntityPlayer player, String playerName, String timestamp) { boolean didWork = true; String filename = TombManyGraves.file + DeathInventoryHandler.FILE_PREFIX + "/" + playerName + "#" + timestamp + ".json"; BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String fileData = reader.readLine(); allNBT = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(fileData); if (allNBT.getKeySet().size() > 0) { ItemStack theList = new ItemStack(ModItems.itemDeathList, 1); theList.setTagCompound(allNBT); EntityItem entityItem = new EntityItem(player.worldObj, player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ, theList); player.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entityItem); } else { ChatHelper.sayMessage(player.worldObj, player, playerName + " had no items upon death!"); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); didWork = false; } return didWork; }
public boolean dropAll(EntityPlayer player, String timestamp) { boolean didWork = true; String filename = TombManyGraves.file + DeathInventoryHandler.FILE_PREFIX + "/" + player.getName() + "#" + timestamp + ".json"; BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String fileData = reader.readLine(); allNBT = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(fileData); InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer = new InventoryPlayer(player); inventoryPlayer.readFromNBT(allNBT.getTagList("Main",10)); InventoryHelper.dropInventoryItems(player.worldObj, player.getPosition(), inventoryPlayer); if (TombManyGraves.isBaublesInstalled) { InventoryBaubles inventoryBaubles = new InventoryBaubles(player); inventoryBaubles.readNBT(allNBT.getCompoundTag("Baubles")); InventoryHelper.dropInventoryItems(player.worldObj, player.getPosition(), inventoryBaubles); } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); didWork = false; } return didWork; }
public boolean restoreAll(EntityPlayer player, String timestamp) { boolean didWork = true; String filename = TombManyGraves.file + DeathInventoryHandler.FILE_PREFIX + "/" + player.getName() + "#" + timestamp + ".json"; BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String fileData = reader.readLine(); allNBT = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(fileData); player.inventory.readFromNBT(allNBT.getTagList("Main",10)); if (TombManyGraves.isBaublesInstalled) { InventoryBaubles inventoryBaubles = new InventoryBaubles(player); inventoryBaubles.readNBT(allNBT.getCompoundTag("Baubles")); PlayerHandler.setPlayerBaubles(player,inventoryBaubles); } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); didWork = false; } return didWork; }
@Override public void executeCommand(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { String filename = args[0]; int tick = CommandBase.parseInt(args[1], 0); Record record = CommandRecord.getRecord(filename); if (tick < 0 || tick >= record.actions.size()) { throw new CommandException("record.tick_out_range", tick); } if (!Action.TYPES.containsKey(args[2])) { throw new CommandException("record.wrong_action", args[2]); } try { Action action = Action.fromType(Action.TYPES.get(args[2]).byteValue()); if (args.length > 3) { action.fromNBT(JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(CommandMorph.mergeArgs(args, 3))); } record.addAction(tick, action); record.dirty = true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CommandException("record.add", args[2], e.getMessage()); } }
private static UUID readUUID(String uuid) throws NBTException, NoSuchFieldException { NBTTagCompound readTag = JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(uuid); if (readTag.hasUniqueId("uuid")) { return readTag.getUniqueId("uuid"); } else { throw new NoSuchFieldException("Missing field in the Json: uuid"); } }
@Override public void update(String s) { try { deserializeNBT(JsonToNBT.getTagFromJson(s)); } catch (NBTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }