public void readFromNBT(final NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) { super.readFromNBT(par1NBTTagCompound); if (par1NBTTagCompound.hasKey("block_no") && par1NBTTagCompound.getTag("block_no") instanceof NBTTagInt) { this.b = par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("block_no"); } else {"Extra Utilities: Problem loading EnderPump TileEntity Tag (block_no)", new Object[0]); } if (par1NBTTagCompound.hasKey("chunk_no") && par1NBTTagCompound.getTag("chunk_no") instanceof NBTTagByte) { this.chunk_no = par1NBTTagCompound.getByte("chunk_no"); } else {"Extra Utilities: Problem loading EnderPump TileEntity Tag (chunk_no)", new Object[0]); } if (this.chunk_no == -128) { this.finished = true; } else { this.setChunk(this.chunk_no); } this.tank.readFromNBT(par1NBTTagCompound.getCompoundTag("tank")); this.init = true; }
private static void asJson(NBTBase tag, StringBuilder builder) { switch(tag.getId()) { case NBT.TAG_BYTE: builder.append(((NBTTagByte)tag).getByte()).append('b'); break; case NBT.TAG_SHORT: builder.append(((NBTTagShort)tag).getByte()).append('b'); break; case NBT.TAG_INT: builder.append(((NBTTagInt)tag).getInt()); break; case NBT.TAG_LONG: builder.append(((NBTTagLong)tag).getByte()).append('l'); break; case NBT.TAG_FLOAT: builder.append(((NBTTagFloat)tag).getFloat()).append('f'); break; case NBT.TAG_DOUBLE: builder.append(((NBTTagDouble)tag).getDouble()).append('d'); break; case NBT.TAG_STRING: builder.append('"').append(((NBTTagString)tag).getString()).append('"'); break; case NBT.TAG_BYTE_ARRAY: builder.append(Arrays.toString(((NBTTagByteArray)tag).getByteArray())); break; case NBT.TAG_INT_ARRAY: builder.append(Arrays.toString(((NBTTagIntArray)tag).getIntArray())); break; case NBT.TAG_COMPOUND: asJson((NBTTagCompound) tag, builder); break; case NBT.TAG_LIST: asJson((NBTTagList) tag, builder); break; } }
@Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getColorFromItemStack(ItemStack stack, int pass) { NBTTagCompound tag = stack.getTagCompound(); int biomeId = -1; if ( tag != null ) { NBTTagByte biome = ( NBTTagByte ) tag.getTag( SAMPLED_BIOME_TAG ); if ( biome != null ) { biomeId = biome.getByte() & 255; } } if ( pass == 1 ) { return biomeId >= 0 ? BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray()[ biomeId ].color : 0; } return 0xFFFFFFFF; }
/** Creates and returns a primitive NBT tag from a value. * If the value already is an NBT tag, it is returned instead. */ public static NBTBase createTag(Object value) { if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("value is null"); if (value instanceof NBTBase) return (NBTBase)value; if (value instanceof Byte) return new NBTTagByte((Byte)value); if (value instanceof Short) return new NBTTagShort((Short)value); if (value instanceof Integer) return new NBTTagInt((Integer)value); if (value instanceof Long) return new NBTTagLong((Long)value); if (value instanceof Float) return new NBTTagFloat((Float)value); if (value instanceof Double) return new NBTTagDouble((Double)value); if (value instanceof String) return new NBTTagString((String)value); if (value instanceof byte[]) return new NBTTagByteArray((byte[])value); if (value instanceof int[]) return new NBTTagIntArray((int[])value); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create an NBT tag of value: " + value); }
public static Object getObject(NBTBase base) { if(base instanceof NBTTagByte) return ((NBTTagByte)base).func_150290_f(); if(base instanceof NBTTagShort) return ((NBTTagShort)base).func_150289_e(); if(base instanceof NBTTagInt) return ((NBTTagInt)base).func_150287_d(); if(base instanceof NBTTagLong) return ((NBTTagLong)base).func_150291_c(); if(base instanceof NBTTagFloat) return ((NBTTagFloat)base).func_150288_h(); if(base instanceof NBTTagDouble) return ((NBTTagDouble)base).func_150286_g(); if(base instanceof NBTTagByteArray) return ((NBTTagByteArray)base).func_150292_c(); if(base instanceof NBTTagString) return ((NBTTagString)base).func_150285_a_(); if(base instanceof NBTTagList) return base; if(base instanceof NBTTagCompound) return ((NBTTagCompound)base); if(base instanceof NBTTagIntArray) return ((NBTTagIntArray)base).func_150302_c(); return null; }
private static void setValidValue(Node<NamedNBT> node, String value){ NamedNBT named = node.getObject(); NBTBase base = named.getNBT(); if (base instanceof NBTTagByte) named.setNBT(new NBTTagByte(ParseHelper.parseByte(value))); if (base instanceof NBTTagShort) named.setNBT(new NBTTagShort(ParseHelper.parseShort(value))); if (base instanceof NBTTagInt) named.setNBT(new NBTTagInt(ParseHelper.parseInt(value))); if (base instanceof NBTTagLong) named.setNBT(new NBTTagLong(ParseHelper.parseLong(value))); if(base instanceof NBTTagFloat) named.setNBT(new NBTTagFloat(ParseHelper.parseFloat(value))); if(base instanceof NBTTagDouble) named.setNBT(new NBTTagDouble(ParseHelper.parseDouble(value))); if(base instanceof NBTTagByteArray) named.setNBT(new NBTTagByteArray(ParseHelper.parseByteArray(value))); if(base instanceof NBTTagIntArray) named.setNBT(new NBTTagIntArray(ParseHelper.parseIntArray(value))); if (base instanceof NBTTagString) named.setNBT(new NBTTagString(value)); }
@Override @Nonnull public ItemStack getCraftingResult(InventoryCrafting inv) { int lanolinCount = 0; ItemStack craftStack = null; for(int i = 0; i < inv.getSizeInventory(); i++){ ItemStack tempStack = inv.getStackInSlot(i); if(tempStack.getItem().getRegistryName().equals(ModItems.itemLanolin.getRegistryName())) lanolinCount++; else if(ItemLanolin.canCraftWith(tempStack) && craftStack == null) { craftStack = tempStack.copy(); } else if(tempStack != ItemStack.EMPTY) return ItemStack.EMPTY; } if (craftStack == ItemStack.EMPTY || !ItemLanolin.canCraftWith(craftStack)) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } // Copy Existing NBT if(craftStack.hasTagCompound()) { if(craftStack.getTagCompound().hasKey("lanolin")){ // Increase existing lanolin count lanolinCount += craftStack.getTagCompound().getInteger("lanolin"); } } if(craftStack.getItem() instanceof ItemArmor) craftStack.setTagInfo("lanolin", new NBTTagByte((byte) clamp(lanolinCount,0, Config.MAX_LANOLIN_ARMOR))); else if(craftStack.getItem() instanceof ItemTool) craftStack.setTagInfo("lanolin", new NBTTagByte((byte) clamp(lanolinCount,0, Config.MAX_LANOLIN_TOOLS))); else // Unconfigured item, that passed craftStack.setTagInfo("lanolin", new NBTTagByte((byte) clamp(lanolinCount,0, 15))); return craftStack; }
public static NonNullList<Pair<Integer, ItemStack>> readItemsFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { NonNullList<Pair<Integer, ItemStack>> items = NonNullList.create(); NBTTagList nbtList = tagCompound.getTagList("Items", 10); for (int i = 0; i < nbtList.tagCount(); ++i) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = nbtList.getCompoundTagAt(i); NBTBase nbt = nbtTagCompound.getTag("Slot"); int j; if (nbt instanceof NBTTagByte) { j = nbtTagCompound.getByte("Slot") & 255; } else { j = nbtTagCompound.getShort("Slot"); } if (j >= 0) { ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(nbtTagCompound); items.add(Pair.of(j, itemstack)); } } return items; }
@Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagIn) { NBTTagCompound tagOut = super.writeToNBT(tagIn); tagOut.setTag("inputtank", CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.writeNBT(inputTank, null)); tagOut.setTag("outputtank", CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.writeNBT(outputTank, null)); tagOut.setTag("heatstorage", Thermionics.CAPABILITY_HEATSTORAGE.writeNBT(heat, null)); tagOut.setTag("inventory", CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.writeNBT(itemStorage, null)); tagOut.setTag("locked", new NBTTagByte((byte) (tanksLocked ? 1 : 0))); return tagOut; }
public static Object getNBTBaseData(final NBTBase nbt) { if (nbt == null) { return null; } switch (nbt.getId()) { case 1: { return ((NBTTagByte)nbt).func_150290_f(); } case 2: { return ((NBTTagShort)nbt).func_150289_e(); } case 3: { return ((NBTTagInt)nbt).func_150287_d(); } case 4: { return ((NBTTagLong)nbt).func_150291_c(); } case 5: { return ((NBTTagFloat)nbt).func_150288_h(); } case 6: { return ((NBTTagDouble)nbt).func_150286_g(); } case 8: { return ((NBTTagString)nbt).func_150285_a_(); } case 10: { return nbt; } default: { return null; } } }
public static NBTBase getNBTBase(final Object o) { if (o instanceof Integer) { return (NBTBase)new NBTTagInt((Integer)o); } if (o instanceof Short) { return (NBTBase)new NBTTagShort((Short)o); } if (o instanceof Long) { return (NBTBase)new NBTTagLong((Long)o); } if (o instanceof String) { return (NBTBase)new NBTTagString((String)o); } if (o instanceof Double) { return (NBTBase)new NBTTagDouble((Double)o); } if (o instanceof Float) { return (NBTBase)new NBTTagFloat((Float)o); } if (o instanceof NBTTagCompound) { return (NBTBase)o; } if (o instanceof Byte) { return (NBTBase)new NBTTagByte((Byte)o); } LogHelper.debug("Can't find type for " + o, new Object[0]); throw null; }
private boolean isStackLayout(NBTTagCompound nbt) { return nbt.hasKey("id") && nbt.hasKey("Count") && nbt.hasKey("Damage") && nbt.getTag("id") instanceof NBTTagShort && nbt.getTag("Count") instanceof NBTTagByte && nbt.getTag("Damage") instanceof NBTTagShort; }
private Map<Class<? extends NBTBase>, NbtMerger<? extends NBTBase>> getMergers() { if (mergers == null) { mergers = new HashMap<>(); registerMerger(NBTTagByte.class, new NbtByteMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagCompound.class, new NbtCompoundMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagDouble.class, new NbtDoubleMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagFloat.class, new NbtFloatMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagInt.class, new NbtIntMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagList.class, new NbtListMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagLong.class, new NbtLongMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagShort.class, new NbtShortMerger(this)); registerMerger(NBTTagString.class, new NbtStringMerger(this)); } return mergers; }
@Override public NBTTagByte merge(NBTTagByte nbt, Object data, String key, String path) { if (data instanceof Boolean) { return NbtConverter.toNbt((Boolean) data); } if (data instanceof Number) { return NbtConverter.toNbt(((Number) data).byteValue()); } throw converter.conversionException(path, data, "boolean/number"); }
/** * Converts a {@link JsonElement} into an {@link NBTBase} * * @param element the {@link JsonElement} to convert * @return the converted {@link NBTBase} */ public static NBTBase toNBTElement(JsonElement element) { if (element.isJsonArray()) { NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList(); for (JsonElement elem : element.getAsJsonArray()) list.appendTag(toNBTElement(elem)); return list; } else if (element.isJsonObject()) { NBTTagCompound compound = new NBTTagCompound(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : element.getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) compound.setTag(entry.getKey(), toNBTElement(entry.getValue())); return compound; } else if (element.isJsonPrimitive() && element.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) { Number num = element.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsNumber(); if (num instanceof Byte) return new NBTTagByte(num.byteValue()); else if (num instanceof Short) return new NBTTagShort(num.shortValue()); else if (num instanceof Integer) return new NBTTagInt(num.intValue()); else if (num instanceof Long) return new NBTTagLong(num.longValue()); else if (num instanceof Float) return new NBTTagFloat(num.floatValue()); else if (num instanceof Double) return new NBTTagDouble(num.doubleValue()); else return new NBTTagDouble(num.doubleValue()); } else if (element.isJsonPrimitive() && element.getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) return new NBTTagString(element.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString()); else return null; }
@EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { isTELoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("ThermalExpansion"); isEIOLoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("EnderIO"); isRArsLoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("RedstoneArsenal"); isRArmLoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("RArm"); isSJLoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("simplyjetpacks"); isXULoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("ExtraUtilities"); isWailaLoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("Waila"); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ConfigHandler(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile())); if((ConfigHandler.integrateTE && isTELoaded) || (ConfigHandler.integrateEIO && isEIOLoaded)) { RFDrillsTab = new CreativeTabs(Reference.MOD_ID) { @Override public ItemStack getIconItemStack() { ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(getTabIconItem()); itemStack.setTagInfo("isCreativeTabIcon", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1)); return itemStack; } @Override public Item getTabIconItem() { if (ConfigHandler.integrateTE) return ModItems.redstoneDrill; else return ModItems.basicDrill; } }; } ModItems.init(); proxy.preInit(); }
/** * Reads an unknown object withPriority a known name from NBT * @param tag - tag to read the value from * @param key - name of the value * @return object or suggestionValue if nothing is found */ public Object load(NBTTagCompound tag, String key) { if (tag != null && key != null) { NBTBase saveTag = tag.getTag(key); if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagFloat) { return tag.getFloat(key); } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagDouble) { return tag.getDouble(key); } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagInt) { return tag.getInteger(key); } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagString) { if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBigInteger")) { return new BigInteger(tag.getString(key)); } else if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBigDecimal")) { return new BigDecimal(tag.getString(key)); } else { return tag.getString(key); } } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagShort) { return tag.getShort(key); } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByte) { if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBoolean")) { return tag.getBoolean(key); } else { return tag.getByte(key); } } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagLong) { return tag.getLong(key); } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByteArray) { return tag.getByteArray(key); } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagIntArray) { return tag.getIntArray(key); } else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagCompound) { NBTTagCompound innerTag = tag.getCompoundTag(key); return toNova(innerTag); } } return null; }
protected void addUpgrade(NBTTagCompound compound) { NBTTagCompound upgrades = compound.getCompoundTag(UPGRADE_COMPOUND); if(!compound.hasKey(UPGRADE_COMPOUND)) { compound.setTag(UPGRADE_COMPOUND, upgrades); } NBTBase data = createUpgradeData(); upgrades.setTag(getTagName(), data == null ? new NBTTagByte((byte)1) : data); }
@Override public NBTBase write() { T value = get(); if (value instanceof Boolean) return new NBTTagByte((Boolean)value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); else return NbtUtils.createTag(get()); }
/** Returns the primitive value of a tag, casted to the return type. */ public static <T> T getTagValue(NBTBase tag) { if (tag == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("tag is null"); if (tag instanceof NBTTagByte) return (T)(Object)((NBTTagByte)tag).func_150290_f(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagShort) return (T)(Object)((NBTTagShort)tag).func_150289_e(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagInt) return (T)(Object)((NBTTagInt)tag).func_150287_d(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagLong) return (T)(Object)((NBTTagLong)tag).func_150291_c(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagFloat) return (T)(Object)((NBTTagFloat)tag).func_150288_h(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagDouble) return (T)(Object)((NBTTagDouble)tag).func_150286_g(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagString) return (T)((NBTTagString)tag).func_150285_a_(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagByteArray) return (T)((NBTTagByteArray)tag).func_150292_c(); if (tag instanceof NBTTagIntArray) return (T)((NBTTagIntArray)tag).func_150302_c(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(NBTBase.NBTTypes[tag.getId()] + " isn't a primitive NBT tag"); }
/** * Gets an itemstack representing a fully charged silverwood and thaumium * crafting scepter. * * @return */ public ItemStack getCraftingScepter() { if( this.craftingScepter == null ) { // Create the item this.craftingScepter = new ItemStack( ConfigItems.itemWandCasting, 1, 32767 ); // Set rod type to thaumium ( (ItemWandCasting)this.craftingScepter.getItem() ).setCap( this.craftingScepter, ConfigItems.WAND_CAP_THAUMIUM ); // Set cap type to silverwood ( (ItemWandCasting)this.craftingScepter.getItem() ).setRod( this.craftingScepter, ConfigItems.WAND_ROD_SILVERWOOD ); // Set that it is a scepter this.craftingScepter.setTagInfo( "sceptre", new NBTTagByte( (byte)1 ) ); // Max out vis storage for( Aspect aspect : Aspect.getPrimalAspects() ) { ( (ItemWandCasting)this.craftingScepter.getItem() ).addVis( this.craftingScepter, aspect, ( (ItemWandCasting)this.craftingScepter.getItem() ).getMaxVis( this.craftingScepter ), true ); } } return this.craftingScepter; }
private static NBTBase createChildTag(byte childtag, String... values) { switch (childtag) { /* Container Tags */ case 9: return new NBTTagList(); case 10: return new NBTTagCompound(); /* Value Tags: operations[2] should contain value */ case 1: return new NBTTagByte(Byte.parseByte(values[0].trim())); case 2: return new NBTTagShort(Short.parseShort(values[0].trim())); case 3: return new NBTTagInt(Integer.parseInt(values[0].trim())); case 4: return new NBTTagLong(Long.parseLong(values[0].trim())); case 5: return new NBTTagFloat(Float.parseFloat(values[0].trim())); case 6: return new NBTTagDouble(Double.parseDouble(values[0].trim())); case 7: byte[] byteArray = new byte[values.length]; for (int i = 2; i < values.length; i++) { byteArray[i - 2] = (byte) ParsingHelper.parseFilteredInteger(values[i], 0, "ByteArray"); } return new NBTTagByteArray(byteArray); case 8: return new NBTTagString(""); case 11: int[] intArray = new int[values.length - 2]; for (int i = 2; i < values.length; i++) { intArray[i - 2] = (int) ParsingHelper.parseFilteredInteger(values[i], 0, "ByteArray"); } return new NBTTagIntArray(intArray); default: ProjectZuluLog.severe("Unrecognised childtag tagId %s", childtag); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }
@Override public void updateEntity() { if(!hasChecked && !worldObj.isRemote) { if(worldObj.getWorldInfo().getAdditionalProperty("AdvancedUtilities:WorldLoaded")!= null && ((NBTTagByte) worldObj.getWorldInfo().getAdditionalProperty("AdvancedUtilities:WorldLoaded")).func_150290_f() == (byte) 1) { this.onBlocksUpdated(); worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord).onNeighborBlockChange(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, getBlockType()); hasChecked = true; } } }
public static NBTBase newTag(byte type){ switch (type) { case 0: return new NBTTagEnd(); case 1: return new NBTTagByte((byte) 0); case 2: return new NBTTagShort(); case 3: return new NBTTagInt(0); case 4: return new NBTTagLong(0); case 5: return new NBTTagFloat(0); case 6: return new NBTTagDouble(0); case 7: return new NBTTagByteArray(new byte[0]); case 8: return new NBTTagString(""); case 9: return new NBTTagList(); case 10: return new NBTTagCompound(); case 11: return new NBTTagIntArray(new int[0]); default: return null; } }
public static String toString(NBTBase base) { switch(base.getId()) { case 1: return "" + ((NBTTagByte)base).func_150290_f(); case 2: return "" + ((NBTTagShort)base).func_150289_e(); case 3: return "" + ((NBTTagInt)base).func_150287_d(); case 4: return "" + ((NBTTagLong)base).func_150291_c(); case 5: return "" + ((NBTTagFloat)base).func_150288_h(); case 6: return "" + ((NBTTagDouble)base).func_150286_g(); case 7: return base.toString(); case 8: return ((NBTTagString)base).func_150285_a_(); case 9: return "(TagList)"; case 10: return "(TagCompound)"; case 11: return base.toString(); default: return "?"; } }
public byte func_74771_c(String p_74771_1_) { try { return !this.field_74784_a.containsKey(p_74771_1_)?0:((NBTTagByte)this.field_74784_a.get(p_74771_1_)).field_74756_a; } catch (ClassCastException var3) { throw new ReportedException(this.func_82581_a(p_74771_1_, 1, var3)); } }
public static NBTBase func_74733_a(byte p_74733_0_, String p_74733_1_) { switch(p_74733_0_) { case 0: return new NBTTagEnd(); case 1: return new NBTTagByte(p_74733_1_); case 2: return new NBTTagShort(p_74733_1_); case 3: return new NBTTagInt(p_74733_1_); case 4: return new NBTTagLong(p_74733_1_); case 5: return new NBTTagFloat(p_74733_1_); case 6: return new NBTTagDouble(p_74733_1_); case 7: return new NBTTagByteArray(p_74733_1_); case 8: return new NBTTagString(p_74733_1_); case 9: return new NBTTagList(p_74733_1_); case 10: return new NBTTagCompound(p_74733_1_); case 11: return new NBTTagIntArray(p_74733_1_); default: return null; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T readFromTag(NBTBase tag) { if (tag instanceof NBTTagByte) { return (T) (Object) (((NBTTagByte) tag).data != 0); } return null; }
@Override public NBTBase writeToTag(String name, Object value) { if (value instanceof Boolean) { return new NBTTagByte(name, (byte) ((Boolean) value ? 1 : 0)); } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T readFromTag(NBTBase tag) { if (tag instanceof NBTTagByte) { NBTTagByte direction = (NBTTagByte) tag; return (T) ForgeDirection.getOrientation(; } return null; }
@Override public NBTBase writeToTag(String name, Object value) { if (value instanceof ForgeDirection) { ForgeDirection direction = (ForgeDirection) value; return new NBTTagByte(name, (byte) direction.ordinal()); } return null; }
/** * Called to create a script visible NBT Tag. */ public static TAG_Base createFromNative(NBTBase base) { if (base instanceof NBTTagByte) return new TAG_Byte((NBTTagByte)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagByteArray) return new TAG_Byte_Array((NBTTagByteArray)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagCompound) return new TAG_Compound((NBTTagCompound)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagDouble) return new TAG_Double((NBTTagDouble)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagFloat) return new TAG_Float((NBTTagFloat)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagInt) return new TAG_Int((NBTTagInt)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagIntArray) return new TAG_Int_Array((NBTTagIntArray)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagList) return new TAG_List((NBTTagList)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagLong) return new TAG_Long((NBTTagLong)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagShort) return new TAG_Short((NBTTagShort)base); if (base instanceof NBTTagString) return new TAG_String((NBTTagString)base); return null; }
private static String getValue(NBTBase p_getValue_0_) { if (p_getValue_0_ == null) { return null; } else if (p_getValue_0_ instanceof NBTTagString) { NBTTagString nbttagstring = (NBTTagString)p_getValue_0_; return nbttagstring.getString(); } else if (p_getValue_0_ instanceof NBTTagInt) { NBTTagInt nbttagint = (NBTTagInt)p_getValue_0_; return Integer.toString(nbttagint.getInt()); } else if (p_getValue_0_ instanceof NBTTagByte) { NBTTagByte nbttagbyte = (NBTTagByte)p_getValue_0_; return Byte.toString(nbttagbyte.getByte()); } else if (p_getValue_0_ instanceof NBTTagShort) { NBTTagShort nbttagshort = (NBTTagShort)p_getValue_0_; return Short.toString(nbttagshort.getShort()); } else if (p_getValue_0_ instanceof NBTTagLong) { NBTTagLong nbttaglong = (NBTTagLong)p_getValue_0_; return Long.toString(nbttaglong.getLong()); } else if (p_getValue_0_ instanceof NBTTagFloat) { NBTTagFloat nbttagfloat = (NBTTagFloat)p_getValue_0_; return Float.toString(nbttagfloat.getFloat()); } else if (p_getValue_0_ instanceof NBTTagDouble) { NBTTagDouble nbttagdouble = (NBTTagDouble)p_getValue_0_; return Double.toString(nbttagdouble.getDouble()); } else { return p_getValue_0_.toString(); } }
private static String getNbtString(NBTBase p_getNbtString_0_, int p_getNbtString_1_) { if (p_getNbtString_0_ == null) { return null; } else if (p_getNbtString_0_ instanceof NBTTagString) { NBTTagString nbttagstring = (NBTTagString)p_getNbtString_0_; return nbttagstring.getString(); } else if (p_getNbtString_0_ instanceof NBTTagInt) { NBTTagInt nbttagint = (NBTTagInt)p_getNbtString_0_; return p_getNbtString_1_ == 1 ? "#" + StrUtils.fillLeft(Integer.toHexString(nbttagint.getInt()), 6, '0') : Integer.toString(nbttagint.getInt()); } else if (p_getNbtString_0_ instanceof NBTTagByte) { NBTTagByte nbttagbyte = (NBTTagByte)p_getNbtString_0_; return Byte.toString(nbttagbyte.getByte()); } else if (p_getNbtString_0_ instanceof NBTTagShort) { NBTTagShort nbttagshort = (NBTTagShort)p_getNbtString_0_; return Short.toString(nbttagshort.getShort()); } else if (p_getNbtString_0_ instanceof NBTTagLong) { NBTTagLong nbttaglong = (NBTTagLong)p_getNbtString_0_; return Long.toString(nbttaglong.getLong()); } else if (p_getNbtString_0_ instanceof NBTTagFloat) { NBTTagFloat nbttagfloat = (NBTTagFloat)p_getNbtString_0_; return Float.toString(nbttagfloat.getFloat()); } else if (p_getNbtString_0_ instanceof NBTTagDouble) { NBTTagDouble nbttagdouble = (NBTTagDouble)p_getNbtString_0_; return Double.toString(nbttagdouble.getDouble()); } else { return p_getNbtString_0_.toString(); } }