/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.isOverworld = buf.readBoolean(); int i = buf.readVarIntFromBuffer(); this.xPositions = new int[i]; this.zPositions = new int[i]; this.chunksData = new S21PacketChunkData.Extracted[i]; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { this.xPositions[j] = buf.readInt(); this.zPositions[j] = buf.readInt(); this.chunksData[j] = new S21PacketChunkData.Extracted(); this.chunksData[j].dataSize = buf.readShort() & 65535; this.chunksData[j].data = new byte[S21PacketChunkData.func_180737_a(Integer.bitCount(this.chunksData[j].dataSize), this.isOverworld, true)]; } for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) { buf.readBytes(this.chunksData[k].data); } }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.entityId = buf.readVarIntFromBuffer(); this.action = (CPacketUseEntity.Action)buf.readEnumValue(CPacketUseEntity.Action.class); if (this.action == CPacketUseEntity.Action.INTERACT_AT) { this.hitVec = new Vec3d((double)buf.readFloat(), (double)buf.readFloat(), (double)buf.readFloat()); } if (this.action == CPacketUseEntity.Action.INTERACT || this.action == CPacketUseEntity.Action.INTERACT_AT) { this.hand = (EnumHand)buf.readEnumValue(EnumHand.class); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.entityId); buf.writeEnumValue(this.action); if (this.action == CPacketUseEntity.Action.INTERACT_AT) { buf.writeFloat((float)this.hitVec.xCoord); buf.writeFloat((float)this.hitVec.yCoord); buf.writeFloat((float)this.hitVec.zCoord); } if (this.action == CPacketUseEntity.Action.INTERACT || this.action == CPacketUseEntity.Action.INTERACT_AT) { buf.writeEnumValue(this.hand); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeFloat((float)this.posX); buf.writeFloat((float)this.posY); buf.writeFloat((float)this.posZ); buf.writeFloat(this.strength); buf.writeInt(this.affectedBlockPositions.size()); int i = (int)this.posX; int j = (int)this.posY; int k = (int)this.posZ; for (BlockPos blockpos : this.affectedBlockPositions) { int l = blockpos.getX() - i; int i1 = blockpos.getY() - j; int j1 = blockpos.getZ() - k; buf.writeByte(l); buf.writeByte(i1); buf.writeByte(j1); } buf.writeFloat(this.motionX); buf.writeFloat(this.motionY); buf.writeFloat(this.motionZ); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeInt(this.chunkX); buf.writeInt(this.chunkZ); buf.writeBoolean(this.loadChunk); buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.availableSections); buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.buffer.length); buf.writeBytes(this.buffer); buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.tileEntityTags.size()); for (NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound : this.tileEntityTags) { buf.writeNBTTagCompoundToBuffer(nbttagcompound); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeFloat(this.strafeSpeed); buf.writeFloat(this.forwardSpeed); byte b0 = 0; if (this.jumping) { b0 = (byte)(b0 | 1); } if (this.sneaking) { b0 = (byte)(b0 | 2); } buf.writeByte(b0); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeFloat((float)this.posX); buf.writeFloat((float)this.posY); buf.writeFloat((float)this.posZ); buf.writeFloat(this.strength); buf.writeInt(this.affectedBlockPositions.size()); int i = (int)this.posX; int j = (int)this.posY; int k = (int)this.posZ; for (BlockPos blockpos : this.affectedBlockPositions) { int l = blockpos.getX() - i; int i1 = blockpos.getY() - j; int j1 = blockpos.getZ() - k; buf.writeByte(l); buf.writeByte(i1); buf.writeByte(j1); } buf.writeFloat(this.field_149152_f); buf.writeFloat(this.field_149153_g); buf.writeFloat(this.field_149159_h); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeString(this.field_149320_a); buf.writeByte(this.field_149314_f); if (this.field_149314_f == 0 || this.field_149314_f == 2) { buf.writeString(this.field_149318_b); buf.writeString(this.field_149319_c); buf.writeString(this.field_149316_d); buf.writeByte(this.field_149315_g); buf.writeString(this.field_179816_e); buf.writeByte(this.field_179815_f); } if (this.field_149314_f == 0 || this.field_149314_f == 3 || this.field_149314_f == 4) { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.field_149317_e.size()); for (String s : this.field_149317_e) { buf.writeString(s); } } }
public void openBook(ItemStack stack, EnumHand hand) { Item item = stack.getItem(); if (item == Items.WRITTEN_BOOK) { PacketBuffer packetbuffer = new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer()); packetbuffer.writeEnumValue(hand); this.connection.sendPacket(new SPacketCustomPayload("MC|BOpen", packetbuffer)); } }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.posX = (double)buf.readFloat(); this.posY = (double)buf.readFloat(); this.posZ = (double)buf.readFloat(); this.strength = buf.readFloat(); int i = buf.readInt(); this.affectedBlockPositions = Lists.<BlockPos>newArrayListWithCapacity(i); int j = (int)this.posX; int k = (int)this.posY; int l = (int)this.posZ; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < i; ++i1) { int j1 = buf.readByte() + j; int k1 = buf.readByte() + k; int l1 = buf.readByte() + l; this.affectedBlockPositions.add(new BlockPos(j1, k1, l1)); } this.field_149152_f = buf.readFloat(); this.field_149153_g = buf.readFloat(); this.field_149159_h = buf.readFloat(); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeBoolean(this.isOverworld); buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.chunksData.length); for (int i = 0; i < this.xPositions.length; ++i) { buf.writeInt(this.xPositions[i]); buf.writeInt(this.zPositions[i]); buf.writeShort((short)(this.chunksData[i].dataSize & 65535)); } for (int j = 0; j < this.xPositions.length; ++j) { buf.writeBytes(this.chunksData[j].data); } }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.field_149320_a = buf.readStringFromBuffer(16); this.field_149314_f = buf.readByte(); if (this.field_149314_f == 0 || this.field_149314_f == 2) { this.field_149318_b = buf.readStringFromBuffer(32); this.field_149319_c = buf.readStringFromBuffer(16); this.field_149316_d = buf.readStringFromBuffer(16); this.field_149315_g = buf.readByte(); this.field_179816_e = buf.readStringFromBuffer(32); this.field_179815_f = buf.readByte(); } if (this.field_149314_f == 0 || this.field_149314_f == 3 || this.field_149314_f == 4) { int i = buf.readVarIntFromBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { this.field_149317_e.add(buf.readStringFromBuffer(40)); } } }
public void writeToBuf(PacketBuffer buffer) { buffer.writeByte((byte)(this.size() & 255)); for (int i = 0; i < this.size(); ++i) { MerchantRecipe merchantrecipe = (MerchantRecipe)this.get(i); buffer.writeItemStackToBuffer(merchantrecipe.getItemToBuy()); buffer.writeItemStackToBuffer(merchantrecipe.getItemToSell()); ItemStack itemstack = merchantrecipe.getSecondItemToBuy(); buffer.writeBoolean(itemstack != null); if (itemstack != null) { buffer.writeItemStackToBuffer(itemstack); } buffer.writeBoolean(merchantrecipe.isRecipeDisabled()); buffer.writeInt(merchantrecipe.getToolUses()); buffer.writeInt(merchantrecipe.getMaxTradeUses()); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeString(this.name); buf.writeEnumValue(this.action); buf.writeString(this.objective); if (this.action != SPacketUpdateScore.Action.REMOVE) { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.value); } }
public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { super.readPacketData(buf); this.yaw = buf.readByte(); this.pitch = buf.readByte(); this.onGround = buf.readBoolean(); }
public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { super.writePacketData(buf); buf.writeByte(this.posX); buf.writeByte(this.posY); buf.writeByte(this.posZ); buf.writeBoolean(this.onGround); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { UUID uuid = this.profile.getId(); buf.writeString(uuid == null ? "" : uuid.toString()); buf.writeString(this.profile.getName()); }
@Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { PacketBuffer buffer = new PacketBuffer(buf); buffer.writeVarInt(pos.getX()); buffer.writeVarInt(pos.getY()); buffer.writeVarInt(pos.getZ()); buffer.writeVarInt(content.length()); buffer.writeString(content); buffer.writeByte(language.ordinal()); buffer.writeBoolean(parsing); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeBlockPos(this.pos); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { buf.writeString(this.lines[i]); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.entityID); buf.writeShort(this.motionX); buf.writeShort(this.motionY); buf.writeShort(this.motionZ); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeByte(this.windowId); buf.writeShort(this.itemStacks.length); for (ItemStack itemstack : this.itemStacks) { buf.writeItemStackToBuffer(itemstack); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeByte(this.windowId); buf.writeShort(this.varIndex); buf.writeShort(this.varValue); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.entityId); buf.writeDouble(this.posX); buf.writeDouble(this.posY); buf.writeDouble(this.posZ); buf.writeByte(this.yaw); buf.writeByte(this.pitch); buf.writeBoolean(this.onGround); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeString(this.name); buf.writeByte(this.action); if (this.action == 0 || this.action == 2) { buf.writeString(this.displayName); buf.writeString(this.prefix); buf.writeString(this.suffix); buf.writeByte(this.friendlyFlags); buf.writeString(this.nameTagVisibility); buf.writeString(this.collisionRule); buf.writeByte(this.color); } if (this.action == 0 || this.action == 3 || this.action == 4) { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.players.size()); for (String s : this.players) { buf.writeString(s); } } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { byte b0 = 0; if (this.isInvulnerable()) { b0 = (byte)(b0 | 1); } if (this.isFlying()) { b0 = (byte)(b0 | 2); } if (this.isAllowFlying()) { b0 = (byte)(b0 | 4); } if (this.isCreativeMode()) { b0 = (byte)(b0 | 8); } buf.writeByte(b0); buf.writeFloat(this.flySpeed); buf.writeFloat(this.walkSpeed); }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { super.readPacketData(buf); this.posX = buf.readShort(); this.posY = buf.readShort(); this.posZ = buf.readShort(); this.onGround = buf.readBoolean(); }
public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { super.readPacketData(buf); this.posX = buf.readByte(); this.posY = buf.readByte(); this.posZ = buf.readByte(); this.onGround = buf.readBoolean(); }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.entityId = buf.readVarIntFromBuffer(); this.posX = buf.readDouble(); this.posY = buf.readDouble(); this.posZ = buf.readDouble(); this.yaw = buf.readByte(); this.pitch = buf.readByte(); this.onGround = buf.readBoolean(); }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.objectiveName = buf.readStringFromBuffer(16); this.action = buf.readByte(); if (this.action == 0 || this.action == 2) { this.objectiveValue = buf.readStringFromBuffer(32); this.type = IScoreCriteria.EnumRenderType.getByName(buf.readStringFromBuffer(16)); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeString(this.soundName); buf.writeInt(this.posX); buf.writeInt(this.posY); buf.writeInt(this.posZ); buf.writeFloat(this.soundVolume); buf.writeByte(this.soundPitch); }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.blockPos = buf.readBlockPos(); this.metadata = buf.readUnsignedByte(); this.nbt = buf.readNBTTagCompoundFromBuffer(); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeByte(this.windowId); buf.writeShort(this.itemStacks.size()); for (ItemStack itemstack : this.itemStacks) { buf.writeItemStackToBuffer(itemstack); } }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeString(this.lang); buf.writeByte(this.view); buf.writeEnumValue(this.chatVisibility); buf.writeBoolean(this.enableColors); buf.writeByte(this.modelPartFlags); buf.writeEnumValue(this.mainHand); }
/** * Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(this.breakerId); buf.writeBlockPos(this.position); buf.writeByte(this.progress); }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.sound = (SoundEvent)SoundEvent.REGISTRY.getObjectById(buf.readVarIntFromBuffer()); this.category = (SoundCategory)buf.readEnumValue(SoundCategory.class); this.posX = buf.readInt(); this.posY = buf.readInt(); this.posZ = buf.readInt(); this.soundVolume = buf.readFloat(); this.soundPitch = buf.readFloat(); }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.entityId = buf.readVarIntFromBuffer(); this.posX = buf.readInt(); this.posY = buf.readInt(); this.posZ = buf.readInt(); this.yaw = buf.readByte(); this.pitch = buf.readByte(); this.onGround = buf.readBoolean(); }
public void writePacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { buf.writeDouble(this.x); buf.writeDouble(this.y); buf.writeDouble(this.z); super.writePacketData(buf); }
public void write(PacketBuffer buf) { int i = this.statePaletteMap.size(); buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(i); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { buf.writeVarIntToBuffer(Block.BLOCK_STATE_IDS.get(this.statePaletteMap.get(j))); } }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer buf) throws IOException { this.strafeSpeed = buf.readFloat(); this.forwardSpeed = buf.readFloat(); byte b0 = buf.readByte(); this.jumping = (b0 & 1) > 0; this.sneaking = (b0 & 2) > 0; }
private void renameItem() { String s = this.nameField.getText(); Slot slot = this.anvil.getSlot(0); if (slot != null && slot.getHasStack() && !slot.getStack().hasDisplayName() && s.equals(slot.getStack().getDisplayName())) { s = ""; } this.anvil.updateItemName(s); this.mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketCustomPayload("MC|ItemName", (new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer())).writeString(s))); }