public static void stopIntegratedServer() { if (theMinecraft != null) { IntegratedServer integratedserver = theMinecraft.getIntegratedServer(); if (integratedserver != null) { try { integratedserver.stopServer(); } catch (MinecraftException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public Minecraft(GameConfiguration gameConfig) { theMinecraft = this; this.mcDataDir = gameConfig.folderInfo.mcDataDir; this.fileAssets = gameConfig.folderInfo.assetsDir; this.fileResourcepacks = gameConfig.folderInfo.resourcePacksDir; this.launchedVersion = gameConfig.gameInfo.version; this.twitchDetails = gameConfig.userInfo.userProperties; this.field_181038_N = gameConfig.userInfo.field_181172_c; this.mcDefaultResourcePack = new DefaultResourcePack((new ResourceIndex(gameConfig.folderInfo.assetsDir, gameConfig.folderInfo.assetIndex)).getResourceMap()); this.proxy = gameConfig.userInfo.proxy == null ? Proxy.NO_PROXY : gameConfig.userInfo.proxy; this.sessionService = (new YggdrasilAuthenticationService(gameConfig.userInfo.proxy, UUID.randomUUID().toString())).createMinecraftSessionService(); this.session = gameConfig.userInfo.session;"Setting user: " + this.session.getUsername());"(Session ID is " + this.session.getSessionID() + ")"); this.isDemo = gameConfig.gameInfo.isDemo; this.displayWidth = gameConfig.displayInfo.width > 0 ? gameConfig.displayInfo.width : 1; this.displayHeight = gameConfig.displayInfo.height > 0 ? gameConfig.displayInfo.height : 1; this.tempDisplayWidth = gameConfig.displayInfo.width; this.tempDisplayHeight = gameConfig.displayInfo.height; this.fullscreen = gameConfig.displayInfo.fullscreen; this.jvm64bit = isJvm64bit(); this.theIntegratedServer = new IntegratedServer(this); if (gameConfig.serverInfo.serverName != null) { this.serverName = gameConfig.serverInfo.serverName; this.serverPort = gameConfig.serverInfo.serverPort; } ImageIO.setUseCache(false); Bootstrap.register(); }
public static void stopIntegratedServer() { if (theMinecraft != null) { IntegratedServer integratedserver = theMinecraft.getIntegratedServer(); if (integratedserver != null) { integratedserver.stopServer(); } } }
public Minecraft(GameConfiguration gameConfig) { theMinecraft = this; this.mcDataDir = gameConfig.folderInfo.mcDataDir; this.fileAssets = gameConfig.folderInfo.assetsDir; this.fileResourcepacks = gameConfig.folderInfo.resourcePacksDir; this.launchedVersion = gameConfig.gameInfo.version; this.twitchDetails = gameConfig.userInfo.userProperties; this.field_181038_N = gameConfig.userInfo.field_181172_c; this.mcDefaultResourcePack = new DefaultResourcePack( (new ResourceIndex(gameConfig.folderInfo.assetsDir, gameConfig.folderInfo.assetIndex)) .getResourceMap()); this.proxy = gameConfig.userInfo.proxy == null ? Proxy.NO_PROXY : gameConfig.userInfo.proxy; this.sessionService = (new YggdrasilAuthenticationService(gameConfig.userInfo.proxy, UUID.randomUUID().toString())).createMinecraftSessionService(); this.session = gameConfig.userInfo.session;"Setting user: " + this.session.getUsername());"(Session ID is " + this.session.getSessionID() + ")"); this.isDemo = gameConfig.gameInfo.isDemo; this.displayWidth = gameConfig.displayInfo.width > 0 ? gameConfig.displayInfo.width : 1; this.displayHeight = gameConfig.displayInfo.height > 0 ? gameConfig.displayInfo.height : 1; this.tempDisplayWidth = gameConfig.displayInfo.width; this.tempDisplayHeight = gameConfig.displayInfo.height; this.fullscreen = gameConfig.displayInfo.fullscreen; this.jvm64bit = isJvm64bit(); this.theIntegratedServer = new IntegratedServer(this); if (gameConfig.serverInfo.serverName != null) { this.serverName = gameConfig.serverInfo.serverName; this.serverPort = gameConfig.serverInfo.serverPort; } ImageIO.setUseCache(false); Bootstrap.register(); }
@Nullable /** * Returns the currently running integrated server */ public IntegratedServer getIntegratedServer() { return this.theIntegratedServer; }
public static String getWorldName() { String worldName; if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().isIntegratedServerRunning()) { // cannot use as it // is set statically to "MpServer". IntegratedServer server = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer(); worldName = (server != null) ? server.getFolderName() : "sp_world"; } else if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().isConnectedToRealms()) { if (RealmsWorldName != "") { worldName = RealmsWorldName; } else { worldName = "Realms"; } } else { worldName = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getCurrentServerData().serverIP; if (!Config.portNumberInWorldNameEnabled) { worldName = worldName.substring(0, worldName.indexOf(":")); } else { if (worldName.indexOf(":") == -1) {// standard port is missing. // Adding it worldName += "_25565"; } else { worldName = worldName.replace(":", "_"); } } } // strip invalid characters from the server name so that it // can't be something malicious like '..\..\..\windows\' worldName = mungeString(worldName); // if something went wrong make sure the name is not blank // (causes crash on start up due to empty configuration section) if (worldName == "") { worldName = "default"; } return worldName; }
@SubscribeEvent public void serverTick(TickEvent.ServerTickEvent event) { if (event.phase == Phase.END) return; if (!enabled) return; IntegratedServer is = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer(); if (is != null) { if (is.isServerStopped()) return; if (!is.isServerRunning()) return; } if (pokeValue % 5 != 0 && !isPlayerInDanger(mc.thePlayer)) return; if (pokeValue != serversLastSeenPoke) { serversLastSeenPoke = pokeValue; return; } synchronized (this) { long originalPoke = pokeValue; long maxWaitTime = 1000*1; do { try { this.wait(maxWaitTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } while (originalPoke == pokeValue); } serversLastSeenPoke = pokeValue; }
@Override public <T extends FMLStateEvent> boolean applyStateEventPatch(T e) { FMLServerAboutToStartEvent event = (FMLServerAboutToStartEvent) e; try { Constructor<PlayerList> ctor; if (event.getServer().isDedicatedServer()) ctor = (Constructor<PlayerList>) (Constructor<?>) DedicatedPlayerList.class.getDeclaredConstructor(DedicatedServer.class); else ctor = (Constructor<PlayerList>) (Constructor<?>) IntegratedPlayerList.class.getDeclaredConstructor(IntegratedServer.class); ctor.setAccessible(true); if (event.getServer().isDedicatedServer()) event.getServer().setPlayerList(ctor.newInstance((DedicatedServer) event.getServer())); else event.getServer().setPlayerList(ctor.newInstance((IntegratedServer) event.getServer())); PatchManager.instance().getGlobalAppliedPatches().setPatchSuccessfullyApplied(this.displayName, true); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { PatchManager.instance().getGlobalAppliedPatches().setPatchSuccessfullyApplied(this.displayName, false); return false; } }
public static void stopIntegratedServer() { if (theMinecraft != null) { IntegratedServer var0 = theMinecraft.getIntegratedServer(); if (var0 != null) { var0.stopServer(); } } }
public static WorldServer getWorldServer() { if (minecraft == null) { return null; } else { WorldClient world = minecraft.theWorld; if (world == null) { return null; } else { IntegratedServer is = minecraft.getIntegratedServer(); if (is == null) { return null; } else { WorldProvider wp = world.provider; if (wp == null) { return null; } else { int wd = wp.dimensionId; WorldServer ws = is.worldServerForDimension(wd); return ws; } } } } }
public static void func_71363_D() { if(field_71432_P != null) { IntegratedServer var0 = field_71432_P.func_71401_C(); if(var0 != null) { var0.func_71260_j(); } } }
public NetClientHandler(Minecraft par1Minecraft, IntegratedServer par2IntegratedServer) throws IOException { = par1Minecraft; this.netManager = new MemoryConnection(par1Minecraft.getLogAgent(), this); par2IntegratedServer.getServerListeningThread().func_71754_a((MemoryConnection)this.netManager, par1Minecraft.getSession().getUsername()); FMLNetworkHandler.onClientConnectionToIntegratedServer(this, par2IntegratedServer, this.netManager); }
/** * Arguments: World foldername, World ingame name, WorldSettings */ public void launchIntegratedServer(String par1Str, String par2Str, WorldSettings par3WorldSettings) { this.loadWorld((WorldClient)null); System.gc(); ISaveHandler isavehandler = this.saveLoader.getSaveLoader(par1Str, false); WorldInfo worldinfo = isavehandler.loadWorldInfo(); if (worldinfo == null && par3WorldSettings != null) { worldinfo = new WorldInfo(par3WorldSettings, par1Str); isavehandler.saveWorldInfo(worldinfo); } if (par3WorldSettings == null) { par3WorldSettings = new WorldSettings(worldinfo); } this.statFileWriter.readStat(StatList.startGameStat, 1); GameData.initializeServerGate(2); this.theIntegratedServer = new IntegratedServer(this, par1Str, par2Str, par3WorldSettings); this.theIntegratedServer.startServerThread(); MapDifference<Integer, ItemData> idDifferences = GameData.gateWorldLoadingForValidation(); if (idDifferences!=null) { FMLClientHandler.instance().warnIDMismatch(idDifferences, true); } else { GameData.releaseGate(true); continueWorldLoading(); } }
/** * Returns the currently running integrated server */ public IntegratedServer getIntegratedServer() { return this.theIntegratedServer; }
public static WorldServer getWorldServer() { if (minecraft == null) { return null; } else { World world = minecraft.theWorld; if (world == null) { return null; } else if (!minecraft.isIntegratedServerRunning()) { return null; } else { IntegratedServer integratedserver = minecraft.getIntegratedServer(); if (integratedserver == null) { return null; } else { WorldProvider worldprovider = world.provider; if (worldprovider == null) { return null; } else { int i = worldprovider.getDimensionId(); try { WorldServer worldserver = integratedserver.worldServerForDimension(i); return worldserver; } catch (NullPointerException var5) { return null; } } } } } }
private void waitForServerThread() { this.serverWaitTimeCurrent = 0; if (Config.isSmoothWorld() && Config.isSingleProcessor()) { if ( { IntegratedServer integratedserver =; if (integratedserver != null) { boolean flag =; if (!flag && !( instanceof GuiDownloadTerrain)) { if (this.serverWaitTime > 0) { Lagometer.timerServer.start(); Config.sleep((long) this.serverWaitTime); Lagometer.timerServer.end(); this.serverWaitTimeCurrent = this.serverWaitTime; } long i = System.nanoTime() / 1000000L; if (this.lastServerTime != 0L && this.lastServerTicks != 0) { long j = i - this.lastServerTime; if (j < 0L) { this.lastServerTime = i; j = 0L; } if (j >= 50L) { this.lastServerTime = i; int k = integratedserver.getTickCounter(); int l = k - this.lastServerTicks; if (l < 0) { this.lastServerTicks = k; l = 0; } if (l < 1 && this.serverWaitTime < 100) { this.serverWaitTime += 2; } if (l > 1 && this.serverWaitTime > 0) { --this.serverWaitTime; } this.lastServerTicks = k; } } else { this.lastServerTime = i; this.lastServerTicks = integratedserver.getTickCounter(); this.avgServerTickDiff = 1.0F; this.avgServerTimeDiff = 50.0F; } } else { if ( instanceof GuiDownloadTerrain) { Config.sleep(20L); } this.lastServerTime = 0L; this.lastServerTicks = 0; } } } } else { this.lastServerTime = 0L; this.lastServerTicks = 0; } }
@Override public boolean createWorld(MissionInit missionInit) { if (this.mapFilename == null || this.mapFilename.length() == 0) { this.errorDetails = "No basemap URI provided - check your Mission XML."; return false; } File mapSource = new File(this.mapFilename); if (!mapSource.exists()) { this.errorDetails = "Basemap file " + this.mapFilename + " was not found - check your Mission XML and ensure the file exists on the Minecraft client machine."; return false; } if (!mapSource.isDirectory()) { this.errorDetails = "Basemap location " + this.mapFilename + " needs to be a folder. Check the path in your Mission XML."; return false; } File mapCopy = MapFileHelper.copyMapFiles(mapSource, this.fwparams.isDestroyAfterUse()); if (mapCopy == null) { this.errorDetails = "Unable to copy " + this.mapFilename + " - is the hard drive full?"; return false; } if (!Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSaveLoader().canLoadWorld(mapCopy.getName())) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft is unable to load " + this.mapFilename + " - is it a valid saved world?"; return false; } net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.instance().tryLoadExistingWorld(null, mapCopy.getName(), mapSource.getName()); IntegratedServer server = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer(); String worldName = (server != null) ? server.getWorldName() : null; if (worldName == null || !worldName.equals(mapSource.getName())) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft could not load " + this.mapFilename + " - is it a valid saved world?"; return false; } MapFileHelper.cleanupTemporaryWorlds(mapCopy.getName()); // Now we are safely running a new file, we can attempt to clean up old ones. return true; }
public static WorldServer getWorldServer() { World world =; if (world == null) { return null; } else if (!minecraft.isIntegratedServerRunning()) { return null; } else { IntegratedServer integratedserver = minecraft.getIntegratedServer(); if (integratedserver == null) { return null; } else { WorldProvider worldprovider = world.provider; if (worldprovider == null) { return null; } else { DimensionType dimensiontype = worldprovider.getDimensionType(); try { WorldServer worldserver = integratedserver.worldServerForDimension(dimensiontype.getId()); return worldserver; } catch (NullPointerException var5) { return null; } } } } }
/** * Returns the currently running integrated server */ @Nullable public IntegratedServer getIntegratedServer() { return this.theIntegratedServer; }
@Override public boolean createWorld(MissionInit missionInit) { if (this.mapFilename == null || this.mapFilename.length() == 0) { this.errorDetails = "No basemap URI provided - check your Mission XML."; return false; } File mapSource = new File(this.mapFilename); if (!mapSource.exists()) { this.errorDetails = "Basemap file " + this.mapFilename + " was not found - check your Mission XML and ensure the file exists on the Minecraft client machine."; return false; } if (!mapSource.isDirectory()) { this.errorDetails = "Basemap location " + this.mapFilename + " needs to be a folder. Check the path in your Mission XML."; return false; } File mapCopy = MapFileHelper.copyMapFiles(mapSource, this.fwparams.isDestroyAfterUse()); if (mapCopy == null) { this.errorDetails = "Unable to copy " + this.mapFilename + " - is the hard drive full?"; return false; } if (!Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSaveLoader().canLoadWorld(mapCopy.getName())) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft is unable to load " + this.mapFilename + " - is it a valid saved world?"; return false; } ISaveFormat isaveformat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSaveLoader(); List<WorldSummary> worldlist; try { worldlist = isaveformat.getSaveList(); } catch (AnvilConverterException anvilconverterexception) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft couldn't rebuild saved world list."; return false; } WorldSummary newWorld = null; for (WorldSummary ws : worldlist) { if (ws.getFileName().equals(mapCopy.getName())) newWorld = ws; } if (newWorld == null) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft could not find the copied world."; return false; } net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.instance().tryLoadExistingWorld(null, newWorld); IntegratedServer server = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer(); String worldName = (server != null) ? server.getWorldName() : null; if (worldName == null || !worldName.equals(newWorld.getDisplayName())) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft could not load " + this.mapFilename + " - is it a valid saved world?"; return false; } MapFileHelper.cleanupTemporaryWorlds(mapCopy.getName()); // Now we are safely running a new file, we can attempt to clean up old ones. return true; }
IntegratedPlayerList(IntegratedServer server) { super(server); }
@Override public String execute(CommandSender sender, String[] params) throws CommandException { if (params.length > 1 && sender.getServer() instanceof IntegratedServer && ((IntegratedServer) sender.getServer()).getPublic()) { EntityPlayer player = null; Object playerEntity; Iterator players = sender.getServer().getPlayerList().getPlayers().iterator(); while (players.hasNext()) { playerEntity =; if (playerEntity instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (((EntityPlayer) playerEntity).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(params[0])) { player = (EntityPlayer) playerEntity; break; } } } if (player == null) throw new CommandException("command.sudo.playerNotFound", sender); ICommandManager manager = sender.getServer().getCommandManager(); String command = params[1]; String parameters = ""; if (params.length > 2) { int index = 0; for (String param : params) { if (index > 1) {parameters += " " + param;} index++; } } manager.executeCommand((new CommandSender(player)).getMinecraftISender(), command + parameters); sender.sendLangfileMessage("command.sudo.executed", command + parameters, player.getName()); } else if (!(sender.getServer() instanceof IntegratedServer)) throw new CommandException("command.sudo.notInLAN", sender); else if (!((IntegratedServer) sender.getServer()).getPublic()) throw new CommandException("command.sudo.notInLAN", sender); else throw new CommandException("command.sudo.invalidArgs", sender); return null; }
private void waitForServerThread() { this.serverWaitTimeCurrent = 0; if (!Config.isSmoothWorld()) { this.lastServerTime = 0L; this.lastServerTicks = 0; } else if ( != null) { IntegratedServer srv =; boolean paused =; if (!paused && !( instanceof GuiDownloadTerrain)) { if (this.serverWaitTime > 0) { Config.sleep((long)this.serverWaitTime); this.serverWaitTimeCurrent = this.serverWaitTime; } long timeNow = System.nanoTime() / 1000000L; if (this.lastServerTime != 0L && this.lastServerTicks != 0) { long timeDiff = timeNow - this.lastServerTime; if (timeDiff < 0L) { this.lastServerTime = timeNow; timeDiff = 0L; } if (timeDiff >= 50L) { this.lastServerTime = timeNow; int ticks = srv.getTickCounter(); int tickDiff = ticks - this.lastServerTicks; if (tickDiff < 0) { this.lastServerTicks = ticks; tickDiff = 0; } if (tickDiff < 1 && this.serverWaitTime < 100) { this.serverWaitTime += 2; } if (tickDiff > 1 && this.serverWaitTime > 0) { --this.serverWaitTime; } this.lastServerTicks = ticks; } } else { this.lastServerTime = timeNow; this.lastServerTicks = srv.getTickCounter(); this.avgServerTickDiff = 1.0F; this.avgServerTimeDiff = 50.0F; } } else { if ( instanceof GuiDownloadTerrain) { Config.sleep(20L); } this.lastServerTime = 0L; this.lastServerTicks = 0; } } }